PCs Say Commission Oversteps Its Bounds OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva-jworried that the government's tive MPs complained in thejbilingual program will hurt Commons Friday that the royal|their promotion chances. commission on_ bilingual-} First public word about a ism and biculturalism has over-|B-B' commission survey of stepped: its bounds by "'grill-'-MPs came in the question ing" many members on broad|period when Nicholas Mandziuk political and cultural issues. |(PC--Marquette) asked Prime Other Conservatives said|/Minister Pearson whether he English - speaking civil serv-|was aware the '"'psycho-analyt-/ ants and military personnel arelical survey' was under way. | "This very important matter has not yet been brought to my attention,' Mr. Pearson ¢e- ried. '| would hope that if he 'ommission feels inclined to do this, it would not make auy exceptions." QUESTION 50 It was learned reliably. later that interviewers from the royal commission have ques- jparties in the last three weeks Reformists 'Brainwashing' 5+ nen' Catholics, Priest Claims simi cua ithe House that several of his jcolleagues were questioned for NEW YORK (AP) -- In the face of disapproval by 'superi- p to 2% hours and asked to fill ors, a Maryland priest has in questionnaires with 17 biographical questions and 30 amplified his charges that - baa rat oe man Catholic «doctrine is 7 iret _ =. stake" in present trends in the|represents the majority of|,,a™ey Korchinski Catholic Church in the United|American Catholics." States. Father De Pauw, 46, a Bel- movement had the privately expressed backing of 30 bish- ops, whom he said he was not at liberty to name, of hundreds of priests and "we believe i (Pc --| Wilson-DeGaulle Parley Improves Relationships PARIS (Reuters) -- British|joint development of the Con- Prime Minister Wilson and/corde supersonic jet airliner. |President de Gaulle met here) today for a private talk before| STATEMENT FORECAST approving a c on| Diplomatic observers here their two-day discussions which|S#id Wilson was expected to re- have led to new cordiality in/State the Labor government's Anglo-French relations. view that it should take part They were to be joined by|{om the start, and without their foreign ministers, Michael|Ptior commitments, in any new Stewart and Maurice Couve de|'@!ks on European political un- Murville, at a final session to '"- approve the communique. On NATO questions Wilson | The two foreign ministers met|would be able to give more de- ltioned about 50 MPs from. ailjat ine same time as Wilson and|tails of the British Atlantic nu- clear plan, the observers said. France is opposed to both his and U.S. proposals for multi- lde Gaulle. Moves on West European pelitical unity and Atlantic al- fiance questions were expected lateral nuclear force of surface to come up for discussion at to-| vessels equipped with Polaris ay's meeting between the two|missiles. leaders at the Elysee presiden-- Middle East developments tial palace, authorita tive|were fully reviewed at Friday's sources said. jtalks between the British and These were barely touched on|French foreign ministers and Friday when discussions cen-|well-informed sources disclosed \tred on the Viet Nam crisis,|that their views on these were |Middie East developments, Af-| identical. Ir ica, international economic) French newspapers today problems and possible further|termed Friday's talks between ' COMMIE CLUBS OK - PRINCIPAL TORONTO: (CP) -- Dr. H. Rocke Robertson, principal of McGill University, said Fri- day he is "inclined to agree" | with an American professor that such groups as Commu- nist clubs and free-love socie- ties make for a healthy cam- pus atmosphere. "For instance, McGill has a Communist club," he told a press conference. "So long as these groups do not interfere with the proper running of university affairs, I see no harm. : "T think it's good." Prof. Mulford Sibley of the University of Minnesota was refused entry to Canada last month because he had once suggested Communist and 'free-love groups among oth- ers, be formed on campuses. The government later agreed to let him enter the country. Dr. Robertson was here to speak at McGill's. one-day alma mater fund conference. By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer Britain is taking a lonely road in search of an acceptable solu- tion to the Indochia crisis as the conviction grows in the Western world that the United States can't win in South Viet Nam. ' Despite the preponderance of Western military power, a sense of impotence is growing in some quarters, which ust eventually color the shape of the terms that will end the bloodshed in that Asian peninsula. It is against this background of western frustration and inter- government wrangling over the proper course to follow in South Viet Nam that Patrick Gordon Walker, Britain's former for- eign secretary, has been as- signed the job of knocking on Asian government doors to see whether they will discuss with him various ways of negotiating ja dipl tic peace. lp ASKS FOR VIEWS U.K. Walks 'Lonely Road' In Quest Of Viet Answer There is no assurance at this stage that government leaders in Peking and Hanoi will even deign to meet with Gordon Walker, A view that is gaining cred- is that the Communist-led Viet Cong is winning and the U.S.- backed South Vietnamese los- ing. Why should Hanoi and Pe- king therefore go out of their way to accommodate the West? Now and then umors emerg that Hanoi at last is willing to loisten to rneason, that the U.S. must be given some means of ence in some parts 56 ré5world! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 3, 1965 cede diplomatic negotiations. Each rumor is immediately seized upon by the British gov- ernment, searching for formal confirmation. .. DIFFICULT ROLE As co-chairman, with the So viet Union, of the 1954 confer ence, Britain has a role to play. At first Britain had hoped the Soviet Union would join in @ common operation to negotiate a peace in which the independ- ence of South Viet Nam could be secured. The Russians re fused and Britain is taking unl lateral action, offering to play & "dispassionate" role even while publicly announcing. support of the United States position. SAT FIRST SHOWINGS! Mystery... Terror. Suspense! that out-shocks Dracula and Frankenstein! ~ 2 EDGARALAM POEs omB*LGBA VINCENT PRICE COLORSCOPE, Elizabeth _Shephetd Gravediggers '| Hit The Sod VANCOUVER (CP) -- Thirty) me gravediggers have put up Viet Nam Positions. The request likely will bring = f |picket lines around to sub- k | ] Y oses e jurban cemeteries to back their|forth from the Communists the ' |demands for a closed shop. iview that the U.S. ought to get 'Gunsmoke' Stay co-operation in aviation produc-|de Gaulle and Wilson cordial tion following an agreement on|and excellent, MacKenzie) |asked Mr. Pear- son whether he will put a stop Rev. Gommar A. De Pauw ofjgian - born U.S. citizen, said fo questioning of MPs om topics Mount St. Mary Seminary, Em-|the movement is not "fighting that are not even remotely has pose Md., told a_ press'the Pope and the bishops." Hepsi tied bilingualism and conference Friday that Amer-| Asked what specific church eoniuak | YW ican Roman Catholics "have teachings he iheapht were be-| The prime minister did not BOB THOMAS IN HOLL 00: been brainwashed by extrem-|ing injured, he cited the doc-|reply. ists of the clergy" about recent trine of papal supremacy,. of| Mr. Mandziuk and Mr. Kor- reforms. devotion to the Virgin Maryjchinsky gave reporters copies As leader of a newly-launched and the traditional Latin mass./of the B-B questionnaire later.| "traditionalist movement," he He maintained that current!) 4 covering letter to MPs| said it will press for a national influences were '"downgrading|from the commission's _ re-| Roman Catholic referendum on devotion to the blessed Mary" search department "said the} liturgical changes, which he and "'trying to destroy the Sac-|purpose of the survey is to de-| denounced as creating a "hoot-rificial character of the mass."|termine whether there are dif- enanny atmosphere" in the Chances in Roman Catholic|ferences of. attitudes among mass. worship, designed to increase|MPs of various mother tongues He also protested what he/participation of the people andikq cultures towards their termed the weakening of vari-|including partial use of English|tunctions in Parliament. At the same time, the British government has called on the 11 governments that participated in the 1954 Geneva conference on Indochina to restate their cold- blooded killer ' "NIGHTMAREIN THE SUN" ORSULA ANDRESS » JOHN DEREK Forest|out of South Viet Nam and let) Negotiations between f } | Lawn Memorial Park and|the Vietnamese settle their own ® & \Ocean View Burial Park nd/internal problems. \the International Hod Caries ------$--$--$-- | By BOB THOMAS the viewers, But it was uate: Glen ILC broke aewk TO-NIGHT HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Am-|fortable doing it, mostly be-|Thursday. THE PERFECT DANCE DATE anda Blake lost another case|Cause I know Jim doesn't like' Gilbert Arnold, president of Jer Reidt 4 THIS WEEK - AS USUAL of bourbon. Gunsmoke will. be|t? do those scenes." both companies, said funeral and His Orchestra Featuring ous church doctrines as a re-|instead of Latin, were launched . back next season. Another case-of-bourbon bet |services continued on schedule Featuring Vocalist sult of current ecumenical ac-|by American bishops last fall,/IS IT 'DIRTY'? ; ; An? f tivities. under authorization by the Vat-| MPs were asked in it to say, This makes the third year Gy Dee hes} Ceatet Friday because the graves had JERI JAE JORDAN COUPLES ONLY 50c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members DRESS:--Shirt and Tie His efforts drew disapproval ican council whether they agreed or dis- running that the carrot-haired| "Yes, indeed," she said slyly.|been dug the day before. Thursday from Lawrence Car-| Detailing a planned actionjagreed with statements includ-|Kitty of Gunsmoke has bet a) This time I'm pretty confi-| He said only half the cem- dinal Shehan, Archbishop of,program by the traditionalist|ing the following: set worker the television series dent. You see, a couple of peo-|etery workers are union mem- | Dencing 9 till 12 RESERVATIONS 723-2143 -- 725-1348 Baltimore, who expressed re-|movement, he said it included) --"Politics is a dirty game."}won't be renewed. ple named Amanda Blake and/bers, but the other workers did gret that the priest "has seenjan appeal for a "national refer-| --"The Quebec MP tends to| She defended her rashness: | Milburn Stone come u_ for con-|not cross the picket lines and fit to take the. stand. that hejendum to determine the exact} be more concerned with look-|*{t just isn't logical for a series|j;ar" renewal next season, and/did not report for work. has professed." jsentiments of the Catholic peo-| ing after his constituents than!tg keep going on and on like! at pair is going to want so) The men are receiving a 15- Father De Pauw claimed hisiple of the United States." | much money that CBS willjcents-an-hour increase negoti- i a a is | _Faibe tye: main Concern of the (hese years "OTe En twice about continunglated. rane, ving them & v bt ee 3 Crerar's Comrades In War | | | Pay Him One Last Salute English - Canadian MP is not i na to rock the party boat." --"The Commons would be a OTTAWA (CP) -- Wartime|Gen. Charles. Foulkes, Lt.-Gen. comrades and government offi-|Guy G. Simonds, Maj.-Gen. A.| cials will pay homage to Gen.|E. Walford, Maj.-Gen. A, B.| more efficient institution if it] were cut to, say, 150 mem H. D. G. Crerar today at a fu-| Matthews, Maj.-Gen. 'Churchill Ps By oR LAST TIMES TONIGHT - STARTS SUNDAY - -- WHAT THE MEDICAL BOOKS NEVER TEACH ... THEY LEARN FROM EACH OTHER! "THE NEW INTERNS" --with-- MICHAEL CALLAN DEAN JONES INGER STEVENS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "BIKINI BEACH" in Color "THE TIME TRAVELERS" in Color As a 10-year veteran of the series and as a bride with homes in three states, she is, understandably weary of the) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ORVAIR *" CHEVELLE ~" CHEVY Il «=... Cutlass © F -85 DELTA i % * OLDSMOBILE ". STAR LARGE SELECTION to CHOOSE FROM ONTARIO MOTOR ALES 140 Bond West Phone 725-6501 OSHAWA FIRST OSHAWA [op SHOWING! o A Biting end ' Sensatione!l Drama Of Todey's Youth "THE BOYS" R eas cas bers s ; fel rigors of putting out the -hour- cae with paid assist long film. --'Most. of. the time front-. "This year we end this sea- bench policy is already de-80n'S shows on April 6 and start cided before a back-bencher|next season's on April 7," she has a chance to exert influ-/"emarked neral with full military honors|C. Mann and Col ence.' _, |SHE'S LOYAL for the Second World War com- Wright. Pig tigi hereon oo with) Amanda retains a fiercely mander of the ist Canadiani ree jthe workings of the party/ioval attitude toward the show, Army, GL NNERS WILL SERVE caucus meetings and the de-lanq she has her own ideas Gen. Crerar, 76, died Thurs- Actual pallbearers will bejgree of party discipline in ayout how it should proceed. day at the National Defence srerane gg Pe ag a oe votes. She does not approve of the Medical Centre eight days after|/men', oyal Canadian Horse) ING GIVE introduction this season of guest being admitted with a heart ail- prety Si ; gd gy A og pag tee rept Re dibagt on|stars like Jean Arthur ~ and ment. 200-man escort from this regi-|_ sD ont metty Hutton, The service will be held at 2)ment will follow the. coffin. Piven ey a "The people who tune in Gun- p.m. EST at the Anglican) The leading detachment in| ast) said tower pasty ee in the|Smoke aren't interested in guest | Christ Church Cathedral with|the procession will be a 12-man|armed forces are being "told|stars,"" she reasoned. ""They're burial in Beechwood Cemetery.|fiting party from the 4th Regi-ltney won't be promoted unless|not even interested in Jim Arn- The funeral procession, in-|ment. A second detachment of|they are bilingual ess, Amanda Blake, Milburn cluding more than 500 soldiers|200 men of the 8th Canadian He personally "ae about|Stone or Ken Curtis, They want from Ottawa and Camp Peta-| Hussars from Camp Petawawa one or two cases of junior offi- to know what is happening to SAT. &' wawa, will march from the will take part. cers in Western Canada being|Matt, Kitty, Doc and Festus." SUNDAY, tathedral to the Supreme Court As the casket leaves thelinformed there will be no pro-| On another matter she has 1:30 P.M, wf Canada Building in down-jcathedral a troop of the 4thi notions for. them unless they|Mixed feelings. Recently she IY-00lloeen to 'anenk French Yidid a show in which Kitt ybe- spyoe PHONE 725-5833 a and will be iplenag em will fire a ported from there to the cem-jartillery salute at one - minute iti : lieves Matt dead. When she etery, about six miles away, intervals at nearby Nepean|,.yoposition Le tye pepe finds out he is alive, Lore where it will reform. Point. i lcertainty among any senior|him a clinch more passionate| Prime Minister Pearson was, Also taking part will be the| (iti servants at they will be|than they have ever known on lo head the list of honorary|Canadian Guards band from passed eae" in promotions' in|the_ Show. pallbearers, but his scheduled|\Camp Petawawa under Ht favor of bilingual civil serv- "I've only been kissed three nts times on Gunsmoke in 10 years meeting with President John-| Ronald E. J. Milne, 4 son at Camp David, Md., to-- Among those attending the" ye a.:eq for an authoritative She commented, "and never by \statement on bilingualism in|Matt. That scene was a charge day means he will miss the funeral official capacities, funeral. He will be represented|will be: Governor - General the public service to clear: up|% emotion that really got to uncertainty about the govern-|M& and I think it) will startle place as honorary pallbearer.|George Kitching, general a suggestion by Mr. 'Diefen- EPI'S | be ' Aaeey | tena Canada's Expenses U a p p Skoreyko's complaints. while the strength of NATO al- themselves which, in the case|pected to be bilingual. But pro- They said maintenance costs) The brigade in 1955 had 6,040|------ 000,000 a year or 10 per cent) Officials said. the increase were $116,000,000 or six per creases. division now has fewer thanjtion of an RCAF headquarters squadrons compared with 300 balance of payments problem a much more costly;many by his wife, and Lt. - Gen.| Vanier and Mme. Vanier; eight ment's position, Other honorary pallbearers officer commanding Cen- iZ Z A baker that a Commons com- jwill publish a OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's|5,420. personnel and costs $110,-. Mr. Mcllraith said civil serv- lies in Europe has been grow-|of the CF-104, runs about $450,-/ motions would not be denied for the RCAF air division andjmen and cost $33,000,000 to of the entire defence budget. has been due to steadily grow- cent of the defence budget of All Canadian military person- half the planes in Europe it had/and one air base in France. sabre jet fighters in 12 squad-- Canada has a favorable bal- plane to maintain. ported $171,000,000 worth of} gucet in sports 4 NOV A ene | 1 Fred Kohima pedcten Motor City Car Club BION presents THE CELEBRATED JAY SMITH * and the Fantastic MAJESTICS Sunday, April 4th 8:30 p.m. till 11.30 p.m. wr Membership $1.50 Ne - GwNoYCaROL Buy MuMy UOHN WILLIQMS- JACK KRUSCHEN | EDWYNA Fenster! Kner COLOR» oruxe CWNEMASCOPE Show Times--1.30 3.25 5.25 7.20 9.30. Last Complete Show 9.10 peluxe Con Verti, lo OPEN DAILY 1 PM CARRY YOUR CARD Diabetics should always carry easily found identification and instructions for bystanders in jcase of a diabetic coma. i BALD? NOW YOU CAN BE WELL-GROOMED AT ALL TIMES! LOOK AND FEEL YEARS YOUNGER IN SECONDS WITH A Taylor Topp ep NO NET -- NO GLUE -- NO FUSS - NO MESS New patented, flexible, contoured base makes the Taylor Topper the world's only practical hairpiece. It's so light, cool and clean you're not even aware of it yet it's so secure that it will stay on through work or play until you want to take it off. t t 190° Geoffrey Walsh, vice - chief ofjcadets from the Royal Military defence staff, will take his|College, Kingston; Maj. - Gen Government. House: Leader Mcllraith said he will consider re: Gen. A, G. L. Menaughton, 'tral Command, Oakville. telephone es : pk eT ; mittee be named at the next 728-0192 jsession to study the bilingual Orces NtTONger, 8 yom ' | He promised' the government statement on the subject later He would also look into Mr expenditures on its military 000,000. These figures do notiants who deal with the public forces in Europe have risenjinclude the cost of the planes|in bilingual areas will be ex- ing, defence officials disclosed! 000,000. |because civil servants are not Friday. BRIGADE COSTS UP bilingual. infantry brigade group in maintain. now has 6,200 sol Europe have increased to $155,-'diers and its Cost is $45,000,000 In 1955 the maintenance costs ing costs of supplies and sery- for the air division and brigade|ices and armed forces pay in- that year. nel in Europe are stationed in At the same time, the air|West Germany with the excep a decade ago--144 CF-104 low The, expenditures are not level jet bombers in eight|lonoked on here as a serious rons in 1955. The CF-104, how-jance of trade with West Ger- ever, is In 1963, Canada ex- In 1955, the air division num-|goods to Germany and im-| bered 5,800 men and its upkeep|ported $14,000,000 worth from J Liverpool Road Ph, 668-2692 cost $83,000,000. It now has that country Toclay Tony Curtis Natalie Wood -- Henry Fonda * Lauren Bacall | Mel Ferrer HELD OVER... . Don't miss this... TWO SUSPENSE HITS Sean Connery as Agent 007 in lan Flemming's "Goldfinger" ..... os sie sae ae AL ic hs as tee Taylor Topper's soft casual hairline, and skilled blending of colours to match your own, result in a handsome natural looking hairpiece that's abso- lutely undetectable. SEND FOR ae Back by Popular Demand is BROCHURE "TOPKAPI" cnn MELINA MERCOURI -- PETER USTINOV Recommended as Adult Entertainment i Taylor Topper yo¢si2°s on. J] Phone: 925-4331 -- Dept. 216 : | Please send me Free, withowt obligation, full details en Taytor Topper in plain envelope. : NAME LAALAD A ddd ek De Dado daderda dedi de Da dDrdn-DadrndindeeDedaduddin dandindee Certified for your safety and comfort ELECTRICAL IN-CAR HEATERS At no extra cost! Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) ss ecumenism EBLE PARRISH snd EDWARD EVERETT HORTON 'and the maa ,COUNT BASIE and HIS ORC' kh. TECHMICOLOR* From WARNER BROS. a { who ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CONTINUOUS FROM 2 P. FEATURE TO-DAY AT 2 4:35; 6:50; 9.08 YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME Y 2 AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS PHONE U Appress i PROV. _