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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Apr 1965, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, April 3, 1965 Rewards In Remodeling Can Come With Planning , outside and all aroundidries to a trickle, it can mean {s with a cream, cleanup wax,,for use, This removes surface made by a nationally known/soll and grease, at ~ the seme manufacturer and widely avail-/time leaving a protective coat- able at supermarkets, house-|ing to prevent penetration of wares, hardware and variety|grime and dirt, without obscur- stores, Follow label instructions ing grain and finish, FIRST AID TO AILING HC3IE WHITEWASHING WALLS stopping these leaks without QUESTION: Although our calling in outside help. basement is not used for any-| ANSWER; Perfectly possible thing more than laundry, stor- project, Serape out any actual-| age, heating plant, etc., we'd|jy crumbling mortar and re- like 'to brighten it up somewhat.|pjace with ready-mixed con- We don't plan to convert it into) oyete (waterproof type) avail- a family room or anything Oflable in bags. The latex con- FOR SUMMER BEAUTY AND YEA the , from the basement tojfuture plumbing troubles. Any that sort at any time, We arelorete, although excellent, is the roof and from the indoor atio and garden, there's some- thing pf ar on in many, m homes these days -- & considerable "something" in the way of home improvements. > Families intent on making the old new again, on increasing ving space and bettering ex- lime-like accumulations around valve stems is an that the valve is leaking. HOT WATER SYSTEM indication Trouble brewing in a tank hot water system shows up first in rust and leaks around the pilot light and burner, A family of five persons, isting space, on boosting the) tien has a washing machine, pie By Beauty A ae gard r and enjoyment of the entire wll ge | adding substantially rty values, too, are go-|8 INSULATION ing into action now to make re their own particular jm- frovements get off to a good gtart and reach a satisfactory eonelusion, « Whether the plans involve re- pairs, remodeling or expansion, on all three, rewarding results do depend greatly on the 'good dart'. Sound basis for home improvements of any kind is to determine first just what the should have a water a minimum capacity of 40 to 50 ater with allons, To check for adequate wall insulation, place one hand against the inside surface of an exterior wall on a cold day. If it feels much colder than the surface of an interior wall, too much heat is escaping. WOOD STRUCTURE Most common problem in the wood structure of a house is home needs to put it in [OPitermite damage. Termites eat shape and assure the SUCCESS*laway at the inside of a beam, ful completion of new projects.|ieaving no visible signs of their A modern, automatic kitchen,|nresence, for instance, can't be a dream!' Use a probing tool such as an come true if the house wiring)ice pick, If the pick sinks into isn't up to the added electrical), beam with relative ease, ter- load, and a entral heating-\mites may be at work. cooling system is apt to be a costly disappointment if the con-/-ROOF AND GUTTERS ditions of walls, windows and) Loose shingles should' be nail- doors causes dissipation fled back in place and broken warm or cool air, in season, tOlones replaced, Check the chim: the great outdoors Iney for bird nests or other ob- Before beginning home im-|struction which can create a@ provements, therefore, a home/fire hazard. Also examine gut- eheck-up can be helpful, Most|ters and downspouts, clearing iommon problems occur in thejout accumulated leaves and TERRACE DESIGN No, 648, (Blueprints include full details for building in Brick or Frame) HOME DESIGN NO, 648) This pleasing three bed- room home features corner windows in. end bedrooms, excellent traffic circulation, and an attached garage with sheltered terrace at the rear. There is provision for an additional washroom in | | | DINING \VIN 1S * Na | House 1200 Sq.Ft. The Hulldiny taditor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, () Enclosed please find. $1.00 for which send me Book "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" o| Plans entitled 1O%« ||© BED 2M ee ed Gorage 282 Sq.Ft; Mail reauests lc extra, (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times), Name llowing areas, according t the American Institute of Archi- tects. WIRING tolother debris. BASEMENTS Signs of a wet basement are dark stains: on Do fuses blow or circuit break-| floors, I ers trip frequently? Do thejwalls and mildew around the the walls flaky cement on lights dim when an appliance|wooden beams, goes on? Are 'long extension cords strung around a room?|hetween the first floor and the} These are signs of a wiring/ground, it is important that it If the home has a crawl spac signees --~ inadequate wiring,|be properly ventilated. inadequate outlets, PLUMBING | To test water pressure, turn|n and flush the water closet. If water from the faucetsiterioration. |HEATING SYSTEM A heating plant ace and boiler for signs and| the; | should be) Most common plumbing prob-|cleaned at least once a year, at lem is the loss of water pres-jthe end of the heating season. gure from corrosion in the pipes,|Inspect the inside of the far, 0 @n all the faucets in the house|cracking and rust, Check the --~ base for rust and general de- Churchill Appeal Passes $3 Mullion | the basement. The simple roof line reduces the cost of construction, and adds to the charm of this interest- ing design. House would re- quire.a 75 foot lot, 60 with- out the garage. The con- struction is brick. veneer but the blueprints include com- plete details for building in frame or solid brick. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 648 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets, Also obtainable in French at slightly additional cost. They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (Ontario re THE HOME WORKSHOP A. young girl's dream of tated is a frilly dressing table. This is a wonderful mother- for a table with arms @pen out and also sewing in-|coats structions for skirts of various|the pieces a rich lacquer finish. Price 50 cents. This|This pattern pattern is also one of four in|Painting Pattern the bedroom furniture packet/35 -- a big Postage Postage Build-|able. Building Editor, The Osh-| types. No. 22 stamps not for $1.75. acceptable. ing Editor, The Oshawa Times.|awa Times. Jocredible, But True! SUDBURY (CP) trate John D, Ord said today it) bad cheque. "seems incredible' that Joseph PATTERN 332 LONDON (CP)---Britons gave £1,008,300 ($3,024,900) to the '|Winston Chur ¢ hill Memorial Appeal in the "Churchill \{Month'" campaign which Jaunched the appeal in Britain, Canada, the United States, Aus- ;|/tralia and New Zealand, it was '}announced today. This did not include the £500,- }000 that the Labor government announced Thursday it would Make and paint odds and of clear shellac give also ts in Packet for not value stamps jeasily in Sudbury. He remanded | Haywood one week for sentence The court noted with amaze- ment that Haywood went to one store twice on the same day and Magis-/cach time received 'cash for a! P. Haywood, of Hamilton, could pass 17 worthless cheques so| SO TALK TO ME, MOMMA! TORONTO. (CP) Dr. Mildred Peters of Wayne State University, Detroit, gays adults and children do not have enough friendly talks Dr. Peters, speaking Thursday night at a human relations conference on rais- ing children, said most fam- ily conversations sound like a top sergeant addressing the troops--"Don't to this, do that, go, stop." She also criticized segre- gation of children by their scores on intelligence quo- tient tests. "Life is not like that. In grown - up societies, adults mingle and children must be given a chance to learn that." ENTERS FINALS MEXICO (Reuters) -- Luis Arilla of Spain Thursday en- tered the quarter-finals of the Pan - American tennis tourna- ment here with a fourth-round| victory over Denmark's Jorgen Ulrich. :Arilla had little trouble in taking the 6-4, 6-0 win. In the only other men's matches! before rain stopped afternoon) play, Nicola Pietrangeli of Italy| won his third - round competi- tion with a 6-1, 6-2 victory over Ron Holmberg of the United Make your comfort complete... around the clock! See us Sleep in quiet comfort, thanks to silent, electric heat. Clean, draft-free air keeps you comfort- able all night. See us to find out how you can get modern electric heating. 723-9363 OR 723-1863 @ Electric Heating @ Rental Tanks Armstrong Electric Contractors 52 Fernhill Blvd. beautiful something lovely and sophisti- things for your home, This lamp, the book ends, and many other things may be 'i made from and dad project. Pattern 213,/Pattern 332, which shows how gives wood-working directions|and gives tracing designs for that| decorating, is 50 cents, Several boxes, ends. the No. $1.75. accept- ask Parliament to vote the fund Field Marshal Earl Alexander, chairman of the appeal, told a press conference, The former governor-general of Canada said he was "not dis- appointed -- but not satisfied' with the sum collected, which he stressed, was "only the be- inning.' "IT said when I launched this appeal that the sky was the limit and I still sadzso.."" said Lord Alexander. jlected "a great deal of money| 'Thursday. He suffered a heart] Address residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now avail- able at this Newspaper Of- fice (or from address below) is our new Design Book en- titled "Suburban and Coun- | | | | OOOO OOH R ERO EOE HOO EHO OO OREO HEHEHE EHH OE EEE HH EOS SOUP OREO E OOO EPO R POOP OH REEF RO RODEO REE EH SHE eeee® designs Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colonial, and duplex homes, Also included in this book are full details on how to order Blueprints considering whitewashing the concrete walls, What's your opinion? ANSWER; In my opinion coating the walls with a damp- proof masonry paint would be a lot better. This would be much more permanent and is relative- ly unaffected by dampness. LADYBUGS YEAR ROUND QUESTION: We have three southeast windows which are in- fested all year round with lady- bugs. They are on the curtains, have an unpleasant odor and, when stepped on, leave a greasy spot on the asphalt tile floor. What can be done to get rid of them? ANSER: Many insecticides, available in aerosol form, are effetive in getting rid of these bugs. I suggest taking curtains) outdoors, to shake off bugs) (these are considered beneficial] more expensive; wonderful for small jobs, but it can make a difference if a large amount of material is needed, A beer can opener or sturdy screw- driver is good for raking out the faulty mortar, SMOKY BEGINN: 7+ FIRE QUESTION: T' : fireplace in our living room ; ems to draw well, after the «ire is really started. But w! 1 we start the fire we have ¢ iculty and it is smoky at the beginning. How] can this be cv°rected? | ANSWER: 'ust. before light-) ing the fire, light ong end of a twisted piece of newspaper and shove it up the fireplace throat. This will usually be enough to, start the draft's "motor." | COFFEE MAKER BLACK QUESTION: I have' been using my chrome coffee rsa (vacuum type) for several] ROUND aecage's jp «+» YOU CAN'T » ALUMINUM | YEAR by KAISER QUARANTINE MORE SAVINGS .. , Up to $200 © year, every yeor in she cost of painting and repairs alone, You'll sove up to $3,600 In 18 years, You'll save up to 40% in fuel costs. ; MORE LEISURE . . . Evenings, week-ends and Vecetions will be. yours to enjoy instead of being spent in never-ending home maintenance chores. MORE PROTECTION . . . Modern Aluminum Siding gees up quickly, stays up permanently, A new, unique, positive spring tension locking device insures perfect panel alignment end seg- proof, weather-tight protection for years to come. MORE VALUE... Aluminum Siding upgrades your home. Not only make it more beautiful, but increases its value while de- creasing its dep.eciation, You secure your future in @ home that's easier to borrow on, or sell because it's worth more, insects in the garden), Spray) around infested windows with) years and a black deposit has) accumulated inside. I have appreciate any other way of|light, accrue ltried to remove this with steel] RADIATOR LEAK woo! soap suds without success, | QUESTION: We have a'small What do you suggest? lradiator in our bathroom. This! ANSWER; Use a remover for) jhas developed a jeak hetween|tea and coffee stains on plastic |two sections. How can I repair) ware, following label instruc- ithis? I'd rather not call in altions; available housewares, plumber hardware and variety stores. It) ANSWER: First of all, try|is a white powder to be added| tightening the nuts of the tie|to the water in the coffee maker) lrods. This might tighten thejand boiled up, very easy to ljoint sufficiently, Or try clos-| use. ing the leak with plastic steel,| 4. 1: | or iron cement, following label | CLEANING WOODWORK directions, | | "QUESTION: How to care for| light blonde woodwork? I have |WATERPROOFING BLOCKS |a new home and all doors, cup- | QUESTION; Last spring sevr/boards, woodwork, etc., are leral big cracks developed be-|nice and light. What to wash it 'tween foundation cinder blocks.| with? Don't want it to turn a lThey leaked quite badly. Wel yellow cast. | tried waterproofing from' the) ANSWER: Use as little water inside but were unsuccessful,|as possible on wood surfaces. | Being short of cash, we would|Basiest method of caring for or any color, woodwork} try Homes designed for Ca- nadians', price $1.00 tax free. This edition includes information on Cost of Building and Financing in | Canada, Heating, Insulation, Constructional Details, etc., | plus many outstanding new The total so far falls short by some £1,350,000 of the amount) appeal organizers had hoped to raise from Britain's 1,934 local/ authorities taking part, But Lord Alexander said this fig- ure had been "only a guide" based on population and income Statistics : He said he had no Canadian} figures but Australia had col- in a very short time." He was| optimistic the British appeal would get "a great deal more"| than it had done so far. { OUT OF HOSPITAL | SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP)| Manager Charlie Dressen, 66,) of I etroit Tigers left hospital attack three weeks ago. Dres-| sen would not predict when he} will rejoin the America n| League baseball team. \ | RESILACRETE For Walls and Floors Made in Canada by a wholly Canadian company to suit Canadian conditions and requirements. Resilacrete Concrete Hardener For dusty and porous concrete floors, steps, porches, etc doors and out. In 6 colours. GALLON Resilacrete Floorplate A versatile floor coating for floors, steps, patios, etc. indoors or out, In 6 colours. GALLON 11.95 Resilacrete Masonry Surface Filler PAIL Resilacrete Wallplate Indoors or outdoors, Excellent ALUN 0 ele 'e 10.30 Resilacrete Moisture Bar GALLON Ask About Our 6 Month Deferred Payment Plan 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Daily 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. A combination filler, waterproofer and decorative material for Ready to' use masonry point Protection for panels on masonry walls, Apply directly to the Friday till 9 P.M. in- concrete, brick or stuceo, Wide range of colours. 4 15 's ronge of colours. basement wall , . . keeps moisture out, 3 75 s -& Building Supplies Lid. piel & r 'THOR' Gas Dryer | YOU PAY | ONLY | ALUMINUM SIDING OFFERS YOU...' MORE OF EVERYTHING! LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15. PRINCE ST, ee FRANSSEN BROTHERS CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Of Port Perry cordially invite you to inspect their newest Custom Electric BUNGALOW -- FEATURING -- All electric heated insulated basement, completely landscaped, hollywood kitchen, natural stained trim ond ecupboerds, All modestly priced to suit the working man's pocketbook but including the luxury features of the millionaire, Drive out on SATURDAY or SUNDAY to LORNE STREET (first street south of highway 7A, 2 blocks west of Oshawa - Port Perry Road. GAS DRYER! SEE THE FABULOUS WEEKLY | On Your Ges Bill | 1.07 i Si a tk ant ih ek ie as ak le ok ie sim le ae cm a FREE Cannon Bath Towels or Wool Blanket with every purchase. (Gonsumers' ('jas 29 Celina, Oshawa 728-7363 ZEST FOR LIVING? ... Enjoy all the benefits of the life you've dreamed of... in beaut ful Unlike anything Visit Broemor, you've ever experienced, Braemor Gardens today and dite cover the new dimension in. come fort you can enjoy... @ truly delightful and different aspect of wonderful living . «« braemor gardens Stevenson Rd, N. at Annapolis THE BIG DECISION! THE DESIRE to own one's own home isp bosed on more then mere sentiment, Be- sides the pride of ownership which comes with possession of real property, there ore ether tangible benefits, For a home means increased comfort, healthier, happier sure toundings for the entire family, and added economic security. While the purchase of « home usually ree presents the largest single financial obligas tion a family undertakes, it brings the ree wards of increasing equity in o property which has been selected specifically to meet the needs of family living. It's not only @ bulwark against inflation but, after the mortgage is , aid off, it constitutes rent-free housing with expenses only for taxes and mointenance--ond in most cases a property which Is worth more then its original -cost. Oshawa BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION 369 Oshawa Blvd. N, 723-7390

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