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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1965, p. 7

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eer een Rae me Et sae ome a aT lene WINNERS OF EMPIRE LIFE TROPHY McKim and Tom Houghton, Each of the members of the rink received a miniature trophy. --Oshawa Times Photo Among the trophies pre- sented Friday night, when the men's section of the Whitby Curling Club held its Beaverton Farmer Wins Grand Champion Award UXBRIDGE -- Russell Morri- son, RR 2, Beaverton, won the grand champion award at the Ontario County Seed Fair and Hay Show in the township hall, Brosklin. Mr. Morrison had the highest points in the wheat, oats, barley and corn classes. Forty-two exhibitors showed a total of 95 entries. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville, and Ken McMorine, plant prod- ucis division, Federal Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto, were the judges of the grain and small seed classes. Eugene Lemon, Stouffville, was the judge of the hay and silage classes. CHAMPIONS NAMED Other championship awards were: Hay Championship -- Iyan Norton, Goodwood; Goode and Son Trophy. closing night, was the Em- pire Life Trophy. Seen, from left, are Victor Evans, Ron Vogel, Hugh Sims, who presented the trophy; Ed Fall Wheat Championship -- Russell Morrison. Oat Championship -- Jim Ger- row, RR 3, Port Perry. Barley Championship--Ralph Morrison, RR 2, Beaverton. Potato Championship--Albert Hockley, RR 1, Claremont. Ear Corn Championship--Rob- sociation in co-operation with the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. JUDGING RESULTS The results of the judging, showing the first three placings, in the various classes were: Registered Oats--Russell Mor- sison, RR 2, Beaverton. Fall Wheat -- Russell Morri- son, Milton Parkin, RR 1, Brooklin and Murray Dunkeld, RR 2, Claremont. Oats, late-Rodney -- Russell Morrison and Heber Down, Brooklin, Oats, any other variety, named--Walter Beath, Oshawa; Clifford Ross, RR1, Beaverton, and Leslie Smith, Port Perry. Barley, six-rowed, any avriety --Russell Morrison and Milton H. Parkin. Ear Corns, any variety, 10 ears--Robert Hunter, RR 1, Brooklin; Malcolm Albright, Balsam, and Carman Boadway, RR 2; Mount Albert. Potatoes, foundation or certi- fied early--Albert Hockley. Potatoes, tablestock, any var- iety--Albert Hockley, Harold Norton, RR 1, Claremont and Ivan Norton, RR 1, Goodwood. Potatoes, foundation or cetti- fied late--Albert Hockley. Silage Corn -- Ivan Norton, THE OSHAWA TIMES, | Tuesdey, April 6, 1965 7; | Corn, 10 ears, any variety -- Ted Hunter, RR 1, Brooklin. First Cut Hay -- Robert Smith, Port Perry; Bruce Smith, Port Perry and Aldon Smith, Port Perry. Second .Cut Hay -- Wayne) Beath, Robert Smith and Bruce Smith. | Leslie Smith and Norman Alves, RR 1, Brooklin. First Cut Hay, 75 per cent or more grass--Leslie Smith, John Leask, RR 2, Seagrave, and Ivan Norton, First Cut Hay, 75 per cent or more legume--Lloyd Smith, RR 2, Port Perry; Leslie Smith and John Leask. First Cut Hay, mixed--Leslie Smith, Ivan.Norton and John Leask. Second Cut Hay--Ivan Norton, Walter Beath and Lloyd Smith. JUNIOR SECTION Oats, any variety named -- Jim Gerrow, RR 3, Port Perry; Roy Gerrow, RR 3, Port Perry and Wayne Beath, RR 2, Osh- awa. Oats, Rodney -- Ralph Morri- son, RR 2, Beaverton and Keith Phoenix, Greenbank. | Barley, any variety named pe Ralph Morrison. ; | Potatoes, late or early grown from certified seed--Bruce Nor- ton, RR 1, Claremont. .MAKES PRO DEBUT SYDNEY, Australia (AP) --| Bob Hayes, the world record- holder from Florida, won a $500 purse in his professional' foot racing debut Saturday with| a relatively slow 9.6 - second) victory in the 100-yard dash. The Olympic champion, whose) world mark in the 100 is 9.1, defeated rugby player Michael! Cleary and professional sprinter Terry Clarke, both) Australians, | SKI THRILL CAUGHT Ed Hunter of the Canadian) CTV television network has) filmed the 3,800-foot Bee Hive) Slalom 'while skiing down it. be ae -aiaael by KAISER MORE SAVINGS .. . Up to $200 a yeor, every yeor in the cost of painting and repairs alone. You'll save up te $3,600 in 18 years. You'll save up to 40% in fuel costs. MORE LEISURE . . . Evenings, week-ends ond Vacations will be yours to enjoy instead of being spent in never-ending home maintenance chores. MORE PROTECTION . . . Modern Aluminum Siding goes up quickly, stays up permanently, A new, unique, positive spring tension locking device insures perfect pone! alignment ond sag- proof, weather-tight protection for years to come. MORE VALUE... . Aluminum Siding upgrades your home. Not only make it more beautiful, but increases its value while de- creasing its depreciation. You secure your future in o home that's easier to borrow on, or sell becouse it's worth more. ALUMINUM SIDING OFFERS YOU... For Summer Beauty and Year-Round Durability... You Can't Beat... YEAR GUARANTEE F, R. BLACK. OPTOMETRIST 136 Simcoe St. Nerth PHONE 723-4191 | MORE OF EVERYTHING! LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ys PRINCE ST. 723-4632 ert Hunter, RR 1, Brooklin. Area Breeders Enjoy Trip UXBRIDGE -- Thirty-six On- tario County Holstein breeders took a bus trip last week to Western Ontario for the purpose of visiting farms where out- standing Holstein cattle are bred, and exhibited at the major shows and exhibitions in Can-| ada. | The first visit was to Ebydale Farms at Kitchener, owned by Orton and Floyd Eby. The sec- ond visit was to Ebyholme Farm, Kitchener, owned by Clarence Eby. | After dinner at Fern Lodge,| Galt, the Rose Vega Farm, own-| ed by John Gillsepie was visit- ed, Following this was a visit to Greenwood Farm, owned by | Wallace Knapp, and the final visit of the day was to Brown- dale Farm, owned by R. F. Brown. The farms visited were all) owned by experienced breeders and feeders of Holstein cattle. At each visit the breeding and) feeding program was outlined in| detail by the owner. Many ex-| cellent ideas were observed and) noted by the farmers from On-| tario County. | The bus trip was arranged and supervised by Gerry Nel- son, Holstein fieldman, and Lynn Fair, agricultural representa- tive, Ontario Department of Agriculture, and Ronald Werry, president of the Ontario Coun- ty Holstein Club. SATCHMO ON TOUR Louis Armstrong is winding up a European tour with his second visit to Belgrade, capital of Yugoslavia. | Esso) WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES Speciclized Lubrication And Undercoating Each Week 12 People jup on her lawn. The afternoon program was) under the direction of the presi-| dent, Walter Beath, with 90 Cross Blazes On St. Ritts Lawn | ere Yong. inspartuent ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- Alof Crop Science, University of cross made from burlap-|Guelph, was the guest speaker. | wrapped_ broomsticks was|He spoke on the topic, '"Increas-| burned Sunday night in front'ine Crop Yields through better! of the home of Mr. and Mrs.|Cropping Systems"'. David Marynuik. A panel discussion followed on Police said the gasoline-|the topic -- New Trends in Crop soaked burlap burned fiercely|Production. The moderator of! on the lawn in front of the/the panel was Harvey Wright,| house in a fashionable district/Soils and Crops Specialist, On- here. They said the incidentitario Department of Agricul- was probably somebody's ideajture, Lindsay, and the panel of a joke. jmembers were Neil Raines, Mrs. Marynuik said neither| Blackwater, Don Hadden, Black-| she nor her husband could think|water, Clare Vernon, Port Per- of any reason the cross was set\ry. John Dryden, reeve of Whitby This is the second such inci-|Township, extended a welcome dent in recent months, A burn-|on behalf of Whitby Township, ing. cross was thrown into thejand the County of Ontario. | verandah of a fashionable home| The Seed Fair is sponsored} here Feb. 28. No arrests werejeach year by the Ontario County | made, Soil and Crop Improvement As-| FREE BOWLING AT OSHAWA BOWLING LANES | Receive Passes Free this erea. If your meme should Each week for 26 weeks there will eppeer in the advertisements on this page the names and eddresses of 12 lucky people in you are asked to do is clip the ed and present it at THE OSHAWA TIMES office. You will then receive your "4" posses to Bow! et the Oshewe Bowling Lene. Passes--Must be claimed by 12 noon Tuesdey following publicetion. Gppecar and you locate it, all ULL home protection at 725-8507 King St. &. at Ritson Rd. ALDSWORTH CLEANERS { f i "Fabric-care Centre" 725-1812 36 ATHOL E£. OSHAWA Halibut FISH & CHIPS TAKE OUT OR TABLE SERVICE Open & @ Automatic Pinsetters @ Ample Free Floodlit Parking @ Year Round Air Conditioning fess-cost with a Homeowners Policy, Contact me today! League 5 Pin Bowling 4 Stanley A. Suddard, RR2 Whitby ZEN MOONLITE BOWLING Every Fri. Evening | j $3.08 tor Z4"Gemes WARENYCIA 203 Oshawa Blvd, N, | OSHAWA BOWLING LANES -- 725-5841 | Furniture" "We Buy and Sell New and Used 723-2631 ' Oshawa Shopping Centre STATE FARM x") Fire and Casualty Company & | i Heed Office, LET Scarborough, Ont. SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS "LOOK AFTER YOUR NEEDS' ' @ ALUMINUM SIDING @ AWNINGS' e RAILING PEGGY s © CARPORTS, ETC. Hair Styling LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE Free Estimates 723-9843 © Tinting @ Hair ' Cutting McKEEN'S USED FURNITURE @ Permanent & wm. J. Alexander, 32 Orchard View Waving a formerly 'Gerda Beouty Salon' Call 728-2641 (Gov't, Approved School) @ Aircraft Rentals @ Charter Trips Piper Colt, Tri-Pacer and Cherokee Aircrafts Wilmer Closs, 62 LaSalle Ave. 728-3191 Oshawa Municipel Airport 231 King W, || 725-5522 426 SIMCOE S. se 725-5181 FOR APPOINTMENT J. V. AVIATION || Zoltan & Nick's KOMATZ ne & Cobimoteial SERVICE DRAPERIES GILLARD Flying Instruction STATION Made - to - Order CLEANIT 728-0051 MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Licensed Mechanics Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa "We will visit you at your convenience in your own home for demonstration of samples and free esti- SERVICE LTD. ce hae 404 Frances 725-3555 Call 728-8522 If Busy, Call For Appointment 725-3562 FREE ESTIMATES Carpenter Work ond 'All General Repairs Bite MOTOR CITY CABS "ONTARIO s: Rabie burarenen cans 728-0344 CONTRACTORS % .\ si uh 725-1 127 opposite bus terminal = ° Too tired C ° 7 é cle Centre GORD'S FOOD 2 to cook? Qeaiy turn TON) | aed MOBILE CHITKEN in me ROUGH oe as espa A. New and ~_ , e 7 ate GORD'S ENVOY : ppesposbapir tes Exchange FOOD SERVICE W. R. Dervent, 511 Albert HOME DELIVERY : « no hgrah scrubbing for frée quotation call To: -- @ OFFICES @ FACTORIES Sales and Service on Bicycles and Tricycles © CONSTRUCTION SITES e@ FISH & CHIPS ¥. 8518 04 BOND E., 725. R. Maw, 306 Colborne W. @ HICKORY SMOKED RIBS %, ras 7 tae ee 728-7321 WALTON'S LEO'S OSHAWA'S SHEWRING Supertest ITALIAN MR. CLEAN BROS. Snack Bar FOODMARKET Janitor. Service Floor and Wall 728-0231 © Ne ee. Window Cleaning Covering DAILY SPECIALS @ GROCERIES Employees © Armstrong Corlon Pies and Pastries © ghocenits er © Ceramic Tile Fresh Daily CALL We eine cane 'ot (FREE DELIVERY) st We ; Caren 502 SIMCOE $. Rudi 728-3980 Open 24 Wes. "a Dey svery be 725-4643 ug For Free Estimates KING ST. E. AT PRESTONVAL Frank H. Hare 42 Warren John Kury, 131 Chadburn Suppose you were physically unable to wind your watch, open a door, tie your shoelaces? Simple acts, yes, but it takes real courage for a crippled child to perform them. . dren are showing every day. But courage is not enough. It takes money, too, to provide the treat- ments to enable crippled children to lead useful and active lives. Will you help a crippled child to a bet- ter life? . the kind of cour HELP A CRIPPLED CHILD TO A BETTER WAY OF LIFE... UY... age crippled chil- Oshawa's "Timmy", on behalf of all Ontario County crippled chil- dren, urges you to give generously so he and his friends may have continued hope for an active future. HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN--RETURN YOUR PINK ENVELOPE TODAY and GIVE! There are crippled children in Ontarle County whe have legs that are limp, hands that are cramped, tongues that stumble. Your contributions for Easter Seals bring hope to the crippled children in our area. Backed by a great group of helpers, many will soon walk, talk, learn and live like other children, Timmy Says: WILL YOU TAKE THE FIRST STEP Thousands of crippled children have placed their hope in you. For, it is only through gen- erous contributions that the Ontario Society for Crippled Children is able to continue its vital work in research, education and treat- ment. - THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY - COULTER MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED 28 RICHMOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA ONTARIO STEEL PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 133 RITSON ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA H. M. BROOKS LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTORS 240 ROLSON ST., OSHAWA e NATIONAL STUD FARM LIMITED R.R. No, 1 -- OSHAWA -- P. 0. BOX 67 +443 EEE S ESE Es Saag ttars i

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