BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD The Oscar Show: 'Just Wonderful By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Aca- demy Awards aftermath: "Isn't it marvelous? Isn't it beautiful?" Bob Hope rhapso- dized as he gazed over the glit- tering throng at the Oscar Ball. "They all came out. That's what is so great about it: They all came out." Indeed, it seemed as though Hollywood's entire galaxy, from Francis X. Bushman to Sandra Dee, had turned out to show there' is life in the old town yet. There was happy feeling in the air, both at the awards telecast in Santa Monica's Civic Audi- torium and at the ball in the Beverly Hilton's International) Ballroom. Not since the prewar era when awards were given at din- ner parties in hotel ballrooms had there been so much com- munity spirit. QUESTIONS RAISED There was the usual quarter- backing about some aspects of the awards. Much of it centred on the choice of Peter Ustinov for best supporting actor. No one questions the skill of his comic invention as the all- thumbs jewel heister in Top- kapi. But was he in support? Ustinov shared star billing with Melina Mercouri and Maxi- milian Schell. If there were an Oscar for good sportsmanship, Audrey Hepburn would have won it. She could have stayed mainly in the plains of Spain, Despite the academy not nominating her for My Fair Lady, she flew here to share her co- workers' triumphs. A bit of drama almost was passed over in the rush of ma- jor awards at the end of the program. It was a from Patricia Neal, last year's best actress, now coi.valescing from, strokes: "I am sorry I am unable to be with you to- night. I send my love to all." The movie industry will be lucky if it can provide as good a show next year. Already there is talk of transferring the event to a more suitable loca- tion: The magnificent new mu- sic. centre in downtown Los Angeles. New Toxic Spray For Elm TORONTO (CP) -- Pest con- trol experts: from across Can- ada met Wednesday to learn how to use a new, highly toxic chemical to fight Dutch elm disease. The chemical, Bidrin, {fs a preventive agent -- not a cure. It is injected into the tree and kills the beetles that spread the) fungus disease. Shell Oil Limited developed Bidrin and insists that anybody using it must first pass a test because of the chemical' tox- icity. The 140 persons attending the course spent six hours at the Ontario College of Educa- tion. Dr. World Expands Like Balloon? COPENHAGEN (Reuters) -- Canadian and Danish scientists will try this summer to dis- cover whether the world is ex- panding like a balloon--an idea put forward earlier this century by the late German geologist Professor Alfred Wegener. The theory that the continents) of the world are moving away) from each other caused a storm Dale Norris Jr. of the DESPITE CYNICS, CANADIANS ACCEPT STATUS AS NUMBERS By RONALD LEBEL belled forms will find their nites te ie TT Oe Oe that most Canadian taxpay- SEND SHIRTS ers don't mind being identi- Some taxpayers registered fied by a seven-digit number. protests against the tax col- The taxation division of the lectors, however, enclosing revenue department reported shirts with their returns, usu- Wednesday that 70 per cent ally accompanied by a note of the personal income tax re- saying "you took everything turns filed to date bore the else, so you might as well identification numbers used in have the shirt off my back." the government's electronic One taxpayer wrote his computers. cheque on the back of his "Personalized" income tax shirt. The "cheque" was pro- forms labelled with the tax- cessed. payer's name and social in- Nearly 3,600,000 or about 55 surance number were mailed per cent of individual tax re- out to 6,616,000 Canadians in turns have been filed, with January by the taxation di- three weeks left before the vision and the response has April 30 filing deadline. If pleased officials. last year's experience is re- The pessimists in the divi- peated, about 1,000,000 re- sion had predicted that half urns will arrive in a single the taxpayers wosld lose or day, May,1. Despite the efficiency of the computers, 2,000 temporary employees have been added to the revenue department to handle the huge direct mail operation and feed informa- tion to the computers. deliberately ditch the "'per- sonalized" forms and use sub- stitutes without the all-impor- tant number. The optimists hope that in this first year for the num- bers 60 per cent of the la- More Cash To Provinces, Chevrier Says In London LONDON (CP) -- Canadian| He believed that if Canada is licals."" | High Commissioner Lionel Che- vrier said today the provinces must get a greater share of the country's tax revenues and more power in welfare and s0- cial security fields if Canada is to remain united and strong. While the Queen's visit last fall had left the monarchy in Canada "'stronger than it has been for years," it would be folly, he added, to ignore the economic problems and the se- riousness of regional and racial tensions still besetting the coun- try. "There is a quiet revolucion | "|going on in Canada which has nee ofS ee een ee given rise to a great deal of |killer that works like a "booby ' i | " ¥/soul-searching," Chevrier said trap," and another new sub-\i, 2 speech before the Royal stance for fighting crabgrass} oommonwealth Society was reported Wednesday. | Between the separatists. who Disease University of Wisconsin -- a Dutch elm expert--said Bidrin can poison humans. But after it has been injected into a tree, he said, only tree parasites can be harmed--and possibly birds that eat poisoned insects. "I do believe that it's more important to protect a 150-year- old elm tree than three robins," he said. 'Trees are more valu-| able than birds." DETROIT (AP) -- Develop- joo Bist Bh the) ada and those who favored join- The booby - trapping weed- si ag pore goed killer was described this way:|woulg find mi 8 'a " The' man - made chemical, hide detnellidaniad tals "dein The two new weapons Were! yonted to withdraw from Can-| to survive, the British North America Act, basis of the Cana- dian constitution, must be repa- triated and the constitution changed to build up a greater degree of bilingualism and bi- culturalism in Canada. | TO-NIGHT | BOBBY KRIS ll And the Sensational IMPERIALS | Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 1. Admission 1.75 By BORIS MISKEW ' The United States-backed air assaults on North Vietnamese targets appear to be about as effective so far as scratching one's left ear when the right one is itching. These assaults in the last two months obviously grew out o! the repeatedly-frustrated efforts by the Americans and South Vietnamese' to weed out the numerous and widely-scattered rebel strongholds which control at least a third of that South Asian trouble spot, The task for the Americans and South Vietnamese would be relatively simple if the rebels were grouped in one or two sec- tors of the country. But as things stand, the rebels, led by the Viet Cong, are difficult to pin down. They control a sizable portion American Viet Air Assaults Like Scratching WrongItch tof the country about 150 miles fol for the success of the rebel! operations. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 9, 1968 7 The United States aim is to frighten the North Viet into stopping aid to the rebel forces so that the South Viet- namese could gain an upper hand in the war, DANCE south of the 17th parallel that divides North and South Viet Nam, territory bordering Laos where the Communist Pathet Lao forces are strong, some! more territory bordering neu- tral Cambodia and the entire southern tip of the country. Besides this, the pro-Commu- nist elements control the south- east coast, large pockets around Saigon--the South Viet- namese capital--and still other portions in the interior. Furthermore, these 'rebel groups, expert in guerrilla war- fare, easily out-manoeuvre gov- ernment forces and fade into the jungle when it is to their advantage. Unable to manage the Viet Cong, the Americans turned on North Viet Nam, blaming the SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall ? 90 Centre St., Oshawe Music by .. . RAY WALKER SATURDAY, APRIL 10 te 12 $2.00 PER COUPLE Dance to RUDY VELTRI ond his New Tornados Toronto's Most Versetile Group RED BARN Communist government in Ha- ROMANCE! ° THRILLS! ADVENTURE! TOMORROW AND SUNDAY ONLY!! SATURDAY AT 12 NOON & 2:15 P.M. SUNDAY ONE SHOW ONLY 1:30 PM. Saturday and Sunday Matinees Only! "WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT FOR FVERYONE! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYBR sed CINERAMA presen IN WONDERFUL COLORI HRY BOON TEN SET TEEN. DANCE Apr. 10 - "The Du-Kanes" Apr. 17 - No Dance Apr. 24 - "The Poppers" Who are also playing the Gardens tomorrow night with the Rolling Stones. -- LAST DANCE -- Omen RS THAT ' ee Ft CO 2h called Cypromid, contains a} built-in "trap" that, in effect,| pops open and reacts with vital) constituents of certain agricul-| tural weeds soon after they) emerge above ground. | The booby-trap consists of a ring-formation of three carbon} atoms -- called a cyclopropyl) group -- which comes apart| easily to give highly reactive) chemical units called 'free rad- NEW KINSMEN HAL SATURDAY, Dance to "'GERA Refreshmerts and The theory is that the chem- licensed bar ical kills weeds by interfering in scientific circles when Wege- ner first put it forward. A party of about eight geolo-| gists and scientists from the) Canadian and Greenland geolog- ical survey organizations will go to northern Greenland in July and August seeking proof. They will take direct measure- ments over two years of the dis- tance across Robesen Channel, the narrow strip of water that separates northern Greenland from northern Canada. Explained Geologist K. Ellits- gaard Rasmussen, of the Green- jand Geological Survey: "It is an ideal site to take measure- ments and check whether these two continental blocks are mov- ing in relation to each other." Soil Tests Start For Nuclear Plant BAY RIDGES (Staff) -- Soil testing is now being carried out as part of the overall site de- velopment work here for the proposed Pickering generating station. Three-ton weights are being placed on single steel beams which have been sunk 50 feet into the ground at Fairport Beach. The tests, being made by the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission, will show if the soil at the foot of Sandy Beach rd. is suitable to hold the two proposed 500,000 kilowatt turbo generators and their expected vibrations. Actual construction of the plant is expected to begin as soon as drawings are com- pleted. The turbine buildings, about nine stories high, will comprise only part of the complex which will be the second largest nu- clear power station in the world. As proposed, the plant will produce some 1,000,000 kilo- watts of electricity with de- signs to double this amount when required. So far five soil tests have been carried out at the pro- posed site and all have stood the 300-ton test. Five more will be carried out before ground plans are drawn up for the project. To test the ground a hydrau- lic jack is placed on top of the steel beam which has been driven 50 feet into the soil. On top of a framework of steel girders the jack is placed and with the process by which the| pesky plants utilize carbon di-) OSHAWA AND DISTRICT OLD COUNTRY CLUB SPRING FROLIC DANCE $1.50 PER PERSON L -- MeMillen Drive APRIL 10th LDO" 8-12 P.M. DOOR PRIZE SPOT PRIZES For les o womens coer e cares wo eee e es oe ee ay oxide and water for growth, |---- Neighbors said the weed- killer -- still experimental, but expected to be marketed -- is especially designed for use jagainst various forms of weeds! a2 8 2e SS OS ER OS BF CoS a © SE Ee Ea SE oF a Maurice Eleanor £04 cpt ently the RaWic BurTon | Wiichael CONNORS Akim TAMIROFF potest Ron GORTON dure wy George SHERMAN and grasses that can bedevil! corn fields. | The new addition to the anti-| crabgrass atsenal, a complex) form of the chemical methyl-) carbamate, is being made} available this spring under a| trade name Azak. The meeting} was told it has several "advan-| tages" for crabgrass control, | including being economical; quiring only one application for] a crabgrass germination sea-} son; and being practically non- toxic to warm - blooded ani- mals. . { GET" THIS WEEK - AS USUAL 50c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members DRESS:--Shirt and Tie Same Place... Same Time > BOTH ° BOTH CoLor! Now. Playing. coLori$ PANNE EL rs ur pe aor fl 4 nun, sn "EMS PRESLEY [A cenun ein $ PRES "SUNDAY penton ANN-MARGARET IN ' IN NEW YORK" | "VIVA Piaget '3] LAS VEGAS" die fonon : IN COLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ] i} coos $f bogs BILTMORE f©_ ,.:3 ¢ 6:30 P.M. PHONE 725-5833 1:30 P.M.> tJ : Adventure and Piracy on the HIGH SEAS " .. 48 the Carry on Gang sail the ® Spanish Main on a sea of laughter. concrete blocks each weighing five tons are lifted onto the girders. telephone 728-0192 SEP i's 1ZZA | Enjoy 4 yourself..."take five" for fifty ale! Make your next ale Canada's fastest growing ale--Labatt's 50 Ale--we think FEATURE TIMES: 1:40 + 3:35 - 5:35 7:35 = 9:40 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:10 P.M. sesmton apaten ROGERS production CARRY ON JACK KENNETH BERNARD JULIET WILLIAMS CRIBBINS WILLS: zexzse CHARLES DONALD cEecn. ai sors WAWTREY HOUSTON PARKER ">"> ,4 you'll like it! ' Hwy. No, 2 Block East of Liverpool Road Ph. 668-2692 HELD OVER . . . Don't miss this... TWO SUSPENSE HITS Sean Connery as Agent 007 in lan Flemming's "Goldfinger" coc -- oe -- ALSO ---- ee = Beck by Populer Demand is "TOPKAPI" can MELINA MERCOURI -- PETER USTINOV Recommended eas Adult Entertainment >©0860806 OOOO 8O8OSOOSG* AL De de ede ded de tad te 8000000080008 08SC8 Rartifed fie jour satety and courtert YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME HLECTRICAL AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS pon At we extra cost! Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) ee re