DE.-- SEVENTEEN PLEASE. -- FIFTEEN FOR DOLLARS, ME, AND 2 BUCKS FOR THE CARE. IFAH NEVER KISSES TH' 4 REASON AH DONE THIS WAS SO'S AH CHILE WOULD JOHN AB iM LIVE WITH MR. FLING You SURE PO GET AROUNP TO [A PACE I$ TAKEN FROM WER CELL TO THE OFFICE © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1969. Would sighte SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT] ADJUST MY HEARING AID, '1 STILL CAN'T HEAR YOu VERY WELL, THATS MY HORSETHIEP YOU PIXIN'TD SHOOT, COM MICKEY MOUSE Distrfirated by King Penteres Sroticnta, Vy ewww mite DAGui ult ~ GRANDMA Zt BOTT '1 THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X93 if Channel Channel Channel Weather Channel 11--Hamiliton eoneonencnteneermennennm MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P. Ni--Famity Theatre Traveller: @--Superman 6--World of Neture Movie 2--Llioyd Thaxton 5: P.M, 6--Sullivan Tue 6:00 11--Sehnitzel é--Music Hop 6:00 PBA, 7--News Central 9:00 9--Romper ¢ Today, 1965 +30 PLM. 2--Movie NiePamily Theatre Movie 9:90 9-4-3--News, Weather jorts 9--Meta: @2--Huntley-Brinkley 6--Musical News 4--Leave | 7--Cheyenne é--Across Canede 7:00 P.M : Super 6 1i--Rawhide 9--Playtime @2--Movie 4--Phil Slivers Show 4--News 3--No Time For Sergeants 7:30 PLM, %--The Lucy Show 7--Voyage To Bottom of The See 3--Don Messer's Jubilee 4-To Tell the Truth 2--Novie 6:00 P.M, N--Untouchables 9--Bewitched &-2--What's | 7--Tralimas | &3--Across 4--i Love M--Albert J 8-2--Concen! 63--Friendly 4--Andy of 4--I've Got A Secret 6:30 P.M. 9--It's Your Move 7---No Time for Sergeants 4--Andy Griffith Show | 9--Toronto 9:00 PLM. Ni--Twelve O'clock High 9--Cara Williams #-2--Andy Willlame 12:00 7--Wendy and Me 63--Korea 4--The Lucy Show 9:30 PLM. %--Take A Chance 7--Bing Crosby Show 4--Star Performance 10:00 P.M 11---Steve Allen Show 9--Dr. Kildare oo oe 62--Alfred Hitchcock ppt 7--Ben Casey pe 63--The Sixties 4--CBS Reports 10:30 P.M. | 3--Popeye 4--Speaker 3--Noonday 6--Toronto File 3--Musical Showcase TELEVISION t00 PLM. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) 11:1) PLM, 6--Viewpoint 9--Metro Final 11:20 P.M, 7-4--~Late Show Night Metre PM 11:30 P.M. 7 1 Matinee | 9--Plerre Berton PM hot ag #-2--Tonight Show t--Leave 1) To Beaver! 4 captain Kangarce 0:30 AM. 9--News: Miss Helen 7--Dialing For Douglas Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival Ni--€d, Allen 2--Ann Southern Show 10:00 A.M, 9--The Addams Family | &2--Make Room Daddy 6--News, Weather, Sports |+3--School Telecasts 10:30 A.M. 1--Father Knows Best 11:00 A.M. 9--Dear Charlotte Best ¢3--Chez Helene 11:30 A.M, 2--Have Gun Will Travel| &2--Jeopard 7--Price ts 63--Butternut Squate 4--The MeCoys 12:18 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 7--Father Knows Best 4--Search for Tomorrow 12145 4--Gulding LOG 1:00 P.M. N--Four Just Men 9--December Bride @--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show $---Gemini Space Shot 4--Meet the Millers 2--Mike Douglas Show and Sports 1:30 P.M. 1--Mid Day Matinee 9--Miilionaire 4-As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 9--Abracadabra > iethaale @-Sea Sanctuary SDAY 4--Password AM. 2--Moment of Truth House 2130 P.M. 9--Four of A Kind @2--The Doctors 7--Day In Court AM. é~--Loretta Young 'eonh 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 2:00 P.M. 1--Spotlight %--People in Conflict AM. 4-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 63--Moment of Truth Interlude | 4---To Teli The Truth 2:30 P.M. +t To Beaver | li--Funny Program 9--It's Your Move 3 Preview Ingo With Bobby For 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM. 11--Dennis The Menace 9--Mickey Mouse Club &--The Match Game sis $070 |r Rocketship_7 Canade #&2--As The World Turns Lucy 4--Secret Storm 2--Rocky and His Friends 4:30 PLM, l--Yog! Bear 9--Sea Hunt tration &--Bozo -- Popeye Giant 7--The Early Show Mayberry = 1¢-3--Razzle Dazzle . Steed Feeohow OF The Week 1:15 AM. 4-The 4.30. Show 9--Does Mother Know 2--Woody Woodpecker TUESDAY VE. 6:00 P.M. Family Theatre Todey %--Five O'Clock Matinee i hy 8--Superman ght +3--Fireball XL--S Lloyd Thaxton 70 P.M, NOON @-Leave It To Beaver 4--Music Hop --Aquanavts 6:00 P.M. 7--News Central 6--Gilligan's Island 4--News, Sports with of the House Chuck Healy Today, 1965 6:30 PLM. ey 1--Family Theatre hee Movie No, 2 and Pals Report ecg Medals P.M. 7--Highway_ Patrol Light | @Across Canada YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Doctor: Are diet pills harmful? My doctor prescribed them because I have to lose about 20 pounds.--M.S. I oppose diet pills without medical supervision, but using them with your doctors care is another matter. Why only under medical di- rection? First, nobody who is old enough to know the truth about Santa Claus should be so gull- ible as to think that there's a | |pill which can make fat people thin, Pills, judiciously used, can | |help, but that's all. To reduce, we have to do one of two things, or preferably | | both: Eat less, use up, in activ- | lity, more of what we eat. Diet Pills Need Doctor's Advice we ate. The drug had danger- lous complications, so its use |was discontinued. | Modern pills do not do this. |Instead_ they suppress the ap- |petite. This helps. | CURTAIL EATING But don't expect the pills to do it all. You must still make a steady curtailment in the amount you eat. At the same time, you must get ample ex- ercise. Used for a reasonable length of time and in the proper amounts, the pills will not be harmful. Used too long or in too great quantity, there is the danger of the patient becoming nervous and jittery. The heart may have periods of palpitation In the past some attempts were made to use a medication that speeded) up the body's metabolism -- that is, that or flip-flops. There is the pos- sibility (depending on your eat- ing habits) of not getting some of the necessary nutrients. Eng. 10. One of 18 11, Booke. maker, for instance 12, Ola 14, Verb form 15, En- coun' 17. Mr. Ziegfeld 18, Vigor 20, Let fall 23, Ahead 24, Cruising ICiL OID} CUENISICN WIATRIE Mm AMII TD [STHIAIMIPIOIS) IUIMIP) pa} SMOIOMIF TE EISI BI 26, Direction + [2 |S $s 28, Lures 9 80. Bradicate 32. Farm ent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 12th, 1965 27 BRIDGE Opening lead--king of spades. This astonishing hand occur- red in the match between France and the United States during the First World Bridge a played in Turin in When an American pair held the North-South cards, the bid- ding went as shown. The double of one spade was conventional. It was not a business double; it showed a hand of moderate strength with length in hearts as well. From then on, the bid- ding was fairly normal, even if the final result was not. West led a spade and con- tinued with a spade, which South ruffed. Declarer played the ace of diamonds, West showing out, and then finessed the queen of hearts. He next led two rounds of clubs, East ruff- ing the second one. East returned a spade, ruffed in the closed hand. South now played a heart, allowing West te win with the jack, but East still had to make two trump tricks and the contract went down three -- 800 points. At the second table, where a French pair held the North- South cards, the bidding went: Sout West orth | AS 48 83 DS The bidding was not as lengthy, but the same unfortu- nate contract was East ruffed, cashed the jack of diamonds, continued with a spade, and the outcome was that this South also went down three to tie the result at the first table. All, the time, either South player could have bid and made five clubs for plus 600, instead of going down 800!. MANY CHILDREN DIE Canada's infant death rate is one of the highest in the de veloped world--28 per 1,000, as opposed to 15 in Sweden and Holland. +e SALLY'S SALLIES 7 ff \ "Let's quit arguing about whether a dove's a pigeon, and enjoy a squab dinner tonight." | COLBORNE wear 728-6341 am OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days « Week } © Groceries © Fresh Fruits @ Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY 85, Fath Y . Father: colloq. V7; $6, Corner 19 88, Metallic rock 89. Goddi 4 Z, Y "4 WA V7, Za) 62, Observed + FUR Storage FREE Pick-up & Delivery Storage Cleaning Repairs Fur Cleaning SHINERIZING wanting to keep busy even though they know, at the same time, that they ought to stop and rest, Your doctor knows the signs to watch for, and is prepared to stop the pills before any harm can come to you. Some people, left to themselves, are so gratified at losing weight that they keep on using the "burned up' more of the food|Some people find themselves}medication long after the ap- ee pearance of signs which should tell them to stop--if only they recognized them. That's why I refuse to recom- mend pills except under medi- cal direction. I have no doubt that your doctor also impressed upon you the need for doing your part, in learning (and avoiding) foods; COLD STORAGE which are excessively ' fatten- Fast Service Dial 723-3012 OSHAWA FUR AND LTD.