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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1965, p. 12

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HAM SERVED with fruit makes an interesting varia- tion for the traditional ham Easter's Spring Ham Garnished With Fruit Easter comes at a time of 'year when our senses are re- awakening {to the stir of spring in the land around us. This is also true of our tastes, which shave become slightly dulled and 'jaded over the long winter months. Easter, then, is a time when 'our taste is searching for tradi- tional Easter foods, dressed in light, bright clothing. There is no greater meal to satisfy this search than the traditional Easter ham garnish- ed with tangy fruits, A multi- 'tude of fresh fruits are avail- able at this time of year, in- eluding Isle of Pines pineapple, Jaffa, California and Florida oranges, large South African Barlinka grapes, as well as --" plums, pears and ap- ples. Complementing ham with fruit, not only served with it at the table but also in the form of applying an orange, apple or pineapple glaze itself, is an interesting way of highlighting the advent of Eas- ter and the coming of Spring. Purchase about 4% to % pound of uncooked bone-in ham per serving, suggest home econom- ists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Or if you prefer un- cooked boned ham, buy one- third pound per serving, Be sure te buy plenty; remember those second helpings, Place ham, fat side up, on a rack in a shallow pan. Insert meat thermometer in thickest Part, being careful not to let the tip touch a bone. Bake at 325 degrees F. until done, Ham is cooked sufficiently when ther- mometer registers 165 degrees F. Approximately 25 minutes French Wives Gadget-Minded PARIS (Reuters) -- French housewives, who stuck to the old - fashioned hand coffee grinder years after everyone else had discarded it, are at last becoming gadget-minded. One of the largest manufac- turers of household appliances|! in France reports that five fac-| torles are working at top speed|Monds, to meet the growing demand for vacuum cleaners, electric coffee grinders, food mixers, hair dry- wi senate washing ma- chines and spin dryers a portable heaters, ied 2 Only 10 years ago, any one of these things was a luxury, found only among women in the upper-income brackets. Today, with prices down, they are fast becoming "basic necessities," The truth is that French women today can no longer af- 'ford to spend hours preparing each meal, Yet they want to maintain their traditional high culinary standards. While they have learned to ap- preciate every time-saving de- to the ham|2 at Easter. This one, gar- covered with an orange nished with orange slices glaze, gives a springlike and orange sections, and touch to an Easter table setting. Weamen 12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 13, 1965 It takes just a few imagina- tive touches to put spring on the table with this pert centrepiece. The rich, buttery torte is made delectably moist with ground al- monds. If yeu are looking for something extra special, try this luscious treat, adapted from an old Ukrainian recipe. EASTER TORTE ¥% cup butter or margarine 1% cups granulated sugar 3 eggs, separated % tsp. almond extract 1 cup sifted all purpose flour 2 tsp. baking powder Y tsp. salt % cup cocoa Y% cup milk 1 cup ground, blanched al- mond: s Grease and lightly flour two 8" x 14" layer cake pans. Pre- heat oven to 350 deg. F. Cream butter and sugar until light and Call Suggests per pound is required for a whole ham, or 35 minutes for a half ham. These are some of the recipes which will give the homemaker this opportunity. | HAM WITH FRUIT | Cook regular or héat ready- |to-serve ham according to pack- age directions. About 20 minutes before ham is done, remove from oven and pour off drip- pings. Remove skin or casing if present. Score ham in dia- monds with sharp knife and de- corate with fruit if desired. Cover with one of the follow- ing glazes. Return to 450 deg. F. oven for about 20 minutes or until glaze is set. Baste fre- quently. Orange Glaze one-third cup honey one-third eup concentrated frozen orange juice, thawed % cup brown sugar tablespoon molasses 1 tablsepoon grated orange rind Decorate ham with mandarin oranges or fresh orange slices cut Into wedges. Secure fruit with cloves, Combine above in- gredients to make glaze, For' serving, garnish base of ham with orange cups filled with or- ange sections or orange slices. Apple Glaze 1 cup strained apple sauce one-third cup corn syrup Y% teaspoon allspice * teaspoon cinnamon tick whole cloves in scored diamonds. Combine above in- gredients and pour over ham. Serve with broiled apples, sauce made as follows: Peel and remove core from apples. Cut into 4% to %-Inch slices. Brush with butter and sprinkle with lemon juice. Brown under broiler for about! two minutes. Sprinkle with) brown sugar and cinnamon and| return to broiler until topping)! is bubbly, The attractive salad mold pic- tured here was created in the kitchens of the Consumer Sec- tion, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. It is a de- licious combination of spring as- paragus and fresh-laid eggs suspended in a delicate jelly mixture, The artistic design is easy to make and will bring many compliments your way. Serve it Easter Sunday. envelope (1 tablespoon) gelatin Y% cup cold water Y% cup sugar % teaspoon salt 1% cups boiling water \% cup vineagar pound cooked asparagus hard-cooked eges Pineapple Glaze 44 cup crushed pineapple 4 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon dry mustard After scoring ham into dia-|1 pour over ham thel4 above combined ingredients.|2 Garnish with pineapple slices centred with red or green cher- ries and parsley. oe onions | vice, they usually apply it to) gelatin and stir until dissolved. natural foods. They still fight) shy of canned foods and ready-|% ® ASPARAGUS AND EGG SALAD Green And Gold Salad Mold Will Complement Easter Dinner 4 cup mold. Arrange a de- ; 1 teaspoon vanilla 'land beat until soft peaks form. *| Add sugar gradually, two table- {spoons at a time, beating con- 'Itinually until s\blended and meringue stands in 4\firm peaks, Beat in vanilla. Centre Your Easter Buttet With This Delectable Torte fluffy. Beat in egg yolks, one at a time until mixture is creamy. Add almond. extract. Sift together flour, baking pow- der, salt and cocoa. Add dry in- gredients alterantely with milk to creamed mixture, beginning and ending with dry ingred- ients. Fold in ground almonds. Beat egg whites stiff. Fold al- mond mixture carefully into egg whites, Divide evenly into pre- pared pans. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 30-35 minutes. Cool. Split each cake layer in half horizon- tally. Spread each layer thinly with-about % cup of cocoa but- ter cream and frost sides with remaining frosting. Press 1 cup toasted slivered almonds around sides. Top with vanilla butter cream and decorate as illustrat- ed. Yield: 10-12 servings. COCOA BUTTER CREAM Cream % cup butter with 1 cup icing sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla and 1 tbsp. cream or top' milk (at room temperature), Add 3 cups icing sugar and 3 tbsp. cream. Blend slowly at first, Set aside two-thirds cup frosting and 1 tbsp. cream. EASTER BASKETS out eggs. And what could be light dessert made with egg whites. Tender white meringue shells filled with colorful, re- freshing sherbet balls are an appetizing welcome to spring. MERINGUE SHELLS 4 egg whites Y teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup sugar ¥% teaspoon salt Beat egg whites until foamy.) Add cream of tartar and salt sugar is well Using a pastry tube or two} large spoons, shape egg white meringue into six rounds on brown paper placed on a bak- ing sheet. Make each shell 3 to 4 inches in diameter and about 1% inches high, Leave a large depression in the centre of each shell. Place meringues in an oven heated to 200 degrees F or lower, for 2 to 2% hours. Cool sign of asparagus tips and slices of hard-cooked egg on the jelly) and chill until set, | Chill remaining jelly until be- ginning to set. Cut remaining) asparagus in %4-inch pieces,| eggs and onions. Fold mixture linto thickened jelly, pour into 6 servings. CALORIE COUNTING It's easier than it sounds, You ican still enjoy potatoes while lyou watch your weight; one |plain, medium baked potato is jonly about 90 calories. In addi- tion, there are many low-calorie itricks that make vegetables tablespoons chopped .green|tempting and tasty, not only for) the calorie « conscious, but for Soak gelatin in cold water five|the entire family. Try lemon |minutes. Combine sugar, salt, \boiling water and vinegar. Add/marjoram with tomatoes, a bit juice on asparagus, basil or of onion with squash, and some Pour a layer of jelly in bottom|crumbled basil leaves with cook- 'ed, mashed parsnips. mix with coarsely chopped) mold and chill until firm. Pee Goes With Fish meringue shells and remove from paper. : Just before serving, heap small balls of various colored sherbet into the meringue shells. Top with lemon or peppermint sauce, Meringue shells may also be filled with fresh or canned fruit for a light, refreshing dessert. | Dill Cucumber \% cup instant pasteurized powdered skim milk % cup water 2 cups dairy sour cream } \% teaspoon salt ] Y% teaspoon pepper | 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill or % teaspoon dill weed 2 tablespoons chopped chives or green onions | % cup coarsely grated cucum-| ber Stir instant pasteurized pow-/ dered skim milk into water in bowl. Blend in remaining in- gredients, Chill thoroughly, Makes three cups. | made preparations The average Frenchwoman would not dream of using, for example, pre-ground coffee. But today she can grind it each time she wants it in 14 seconds with her electric grinder instead of some seven minutes with the old hand grinder. Retail prices of electrical ap- |pilances today are within reach of almost every French budget. lead CITY OF day and there will be NO in Oshewe on thet day. EARLY. Garbage must be out by of the revised schedules. DAY, APRIL 17th, 1965. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT | GOOD FRIDAY GOOD FRIDAY, April 16th, 1965 is « Civie Holl- Garbage normally collected on Friday will be col- lected on Thursday, April 15th -- ONE DAY missed, as the time of collection may vary because NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO PICK-UP OF GAR- BAGE IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA ON SATUR- R. CECIL BINT OSHAWA GARBAGE COLLECTION ' 8:00 a.m. to avoid being CHAIRMAN g PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 500.00 i 1 B $150.00 A $15.00 B $15.00 ¢ $20.00 D $22.50 & $50.00 Diamonds FOR EASTER from BURNS St. JEWELLERS Matched sets for your engagement and wedding plans. Each set Is distinctive and beautiful... offering many variations in beauty and value, Down - Down - Down - Down « $12.00 for top of cake. To remaining| > frosting blend in 3 tbsp. cocoal® Easter just isn't Easter with-|/ more delicious than a feathery]; A LUSCIOUS TREAT ' ; more than you would get a lift Housewives Told | fier "tatuse tos team. te Use More Perfume} drink one drink." TORONTO (CP)--Reach for your perfume before you reach for your coffee in the morning, housewives were ad- vised Monday by a New York perfume company director. Swiss-born Herta de Kreith, here to teach 190 salesw: how to sell the idea, an interview: SURPRISE FLAVOR IN SEAFOOD MOLD A Make-Ahead Fish Dish For Supper On Good Friday For Good Friday, prepare lunch or supper in advance with a molded salad such as Atlantic Banks Mousse. This is and easy to assemble though elegance itself, it 1s in- expensive. A surprise feature is ingre- dient, low cost chicken haddie, takes on the flavor of lobster when a small can of lobster paste is combined with it. For an attractive effect mold this salad in the shape of a fish and garnish the platter with greens that the principal fish and raw vegetable relishes 1 can (7 ounces) chicken had- ATLANTIC BANKS MOUSSE | die OR 1% cups flaked, | cooked fish envelope unflavored ge cup cold water % cup dairy sour cream = 1 teaspoon prepared horse- radish Salt to taste quick and, r break up with @ fork, Soften gelatin in cold water then dis- solve over low heat. dairy sour cream and season- ings. If using chicken haddie, salt is not needed, If using home-cooked fish, add % tea- spoon salt. Blend in mayonnaise and lobster paste. Add fish and dissolved gelatin, Mix thorough- ly. three-cup mold, Chill until firm. Unmold on serving platter and |garnish with greens. Makes four servings. Y% cup mayonnaise can (3 ounces) lobster paste Turn fish into a bowl and Combine Spoon into a lightly oiled, latin RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.6. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St, E, --- 728-5156 20 Simcoe ° North Down - Week Week Week Week Week $4.00 $5.00 $5.50 when it's new, . . . "Guess What, Mommy! ... b] It Tickles My Bare Feet!' Fine carpet should tickle tiny tot's bare feet. Fine carpet DOES tickle tiny bare feet... and after it's had thot special BAKER'S treatment, When carpets are new it has that soft, fluffy resilient feeling. It feels that way, too, after BAKER'S have given dirty and worn carpets that "look like new" finish. Then it tickles tiny bare feet. BAKER'S carpet and drapery treatment tickles mommy, too, because she is so pleased with BAKER finished look, Her carpets and draperies come back from BAKER'S looking, feeling and smelling 'just like new'. Why not call ROSS MILLS (local agent) and give YOUR carpets and draperies the treat of BAKER'S attention ».. you'll be tickled too! "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" -- "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" --, "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKE CARPET Cleaning Co. For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. é R 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 10,000 people died last of the disease] , reports the World. tion. ACCENT ELEGANCE FOR EASTER... and afterwards The trend is towards smaller, more lady- like ee These three sumptuous beauties, which come under that heading, pack a lott of fashion in their smaller size. Top: GANGEE LIZARD: Even a lizard could be fooled by this anthentic-! bag, Only its small price gives it away. Interior zippered By "Charmaine", black, off-white and bone. only $5 Middle: Loe foven hg POUCH: A "Bkai" Ce i 's tough as an elephant's hide. For sipper so ric lined, From "Handbags Ltd." Black, only 7.95 Bottom: ELEPHANT ENVELOPE: With shiny black patent trim. Double patent handles. with pestoetive stade Bleck, only 7.95 NN Seamless WALKER'S VERY OWN 2.09 Sheer, ringleas beauty for your legs. Fashioned for $] or longer wear from their run-stop top-n-toe to their reinforced heels and toes. Lace welt. In Spring's able $ : tone, ster iriasearsi J + WALKER's Where Good aste In Fashion Ie Not Expensive Daily 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. to 9 p.m. Closed Good Friday PHONE 728-4626 ~ -- cower restr

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