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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1965, p. 13

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MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM J. KORNYLO --tIreland Studio WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Oshawa Times office. Early record is facilitated by submi Forms are available at The publication of this wedding tting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Kornylo-Haines St. Stephen's United Church was the setting recently for the marriage of Bonnie Elaine Haines to William John Kornylo. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Albert Haines, Oshawa, and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. John Kornylo, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Kor- nylo. The Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated assisted by the Rev- erend Stephen Saywell. The soloist, Master Robert Watson, gang "The Lord's Prayer", ac- companied by Mrs. Alan Rundle at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was wearing a formal white organza over taf- feta gown with a scoop neck- Kenneth Crawford, Mrs, Donald Kornylo and Miss Coryl Haines, all of Oshawa. The junior brides- maid was Miss Janice Davidson. They were dressed alike in for- mal gowns of turquoise organza over taffeta featuring scoop necklines, elbow sleeves and sheath skirts with detachable trains of Chantilly lace held by self bows at the back waists. Their headdresses were match- ing pearl trimmed bows holding wispy veils and they carried cascades of white carnations tinted turquoise. The best man was Mr. Donald Kornylo and the ushers were Mr. Larry Haines, Mr. Ronald Gorycki and Mr. James Mitch- ell with Master Lawrence Col- lins as the junior usher. where the bride's mother re-! ceived wearing a two-piece suit The reception was held in the/tones; Piccadilly room, Hotel Genosha,|right on the floor with thick! gg¢yar, WELFARE Teenager's Room Is Versatile By ELEANOR ROSS When planning a room for active teeners, it is wise to re- member that sleeping and study- ing are only part of the goings- on of the place. It's where girls fashion new hair-dos, try out' eye makeup and confide in best friends. : It's where boys secretly prac- tice new dance steps--really they do, or so say some snoopy: elders--and pursue a variety of hobbies. It's the study hall, the music room, the snak bar, the place where teenagers get away from it all or grow morose and mull over a bumper crop of minors' problems. é Perhaps much of the furni- ture that a teener grew up with can still be used. Gay, sturdy, washable fabrics and trim can make the personality and age transition. SCARS ERASED If a room js all washable, any battle scars due to "growing pains" can be erased easily and economically. When a young miss begins to) express interest in fixing up her) room, a bedspread is usually a focal point. And a popular bed- spread fabric among the young set is corduroy, It is practical and practically indestructible. And it is available in a wide range of colors, After launder- ling, corduroy can go right back on the-bed without benefit of an iron, Whether you make or buy spreads ready-made, a wide choice of washable trims is javailable to do a handsome job jof beautifying a simple spread. 'A ball fringe, for instance, gives feminine appeal to a bed- spread, | In a boy's room, use one or more rows of flat braid to trim both the spread and the cush- ions. One idea is to insert braid loops into the seams of flat cushions, then hang these from a curtain rod over a studio bed. The cushions serve as a decor- lative back-rest which doesn't need to be removed for sleep- ing. DUST RUFFLES Most girls delight in dust ruf- fles. These can be _ handled easily for laundering if you finish one edge with tape made with two woven-in cords--which can be pulled taut around the mattress to hold the ruffle in place, then loosened to remove it for washing. Choose rugs in washing-mac- chine size. Even high-piled syn-| thetics, in white and pastels, launder easily and dry to cloud-! like fluffiness. IN. TWEEDY TONES | Boys may prefer durable braided cotton rugs in tweedy these can be. scrubbed suds. | Washable - painted walls are| MRS. W. H. BOISSOIN (Retiring) MRS. W. A. CLARKE (Incoming) Mrs. W. A. Clarke Is Elected President Of St. At the 44th annual meeting of the St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League, held recently in the parish auditorium, Mrs, W. A, Clarke was elected president; Mrs. Ray Scott, 1st vice-presi- dent; Mrs. A. C. Love, 2nd vice-president, and Mrs. C. A. Harper, 3rd_ vice-president. Other officers elected were Mrs. ©, C. Murty, treasurer; Miss Mary McDonald, record- ing secretary; Miss Kate Con- nolly, corresponding secretary. Ceonncillors are Mrs. James Conner, Miss Theresa Coyne, Mrs. J. P. Mangan, Mrs. Gregory's CWL port on Education and Church Extension included the award of four scholarships of $50. each to high school students from St. Gregory's school with highest standing in grades 10 and 12; $250. contributed to the Women's Auxiliary of the Cath- olic Church Extension, Toron- to. Twenty-three pieces of altar linen, 129 pieces of clothing and one quilt were made up and also sent to the Auxiliary for the western missions, together with 16 boxes of used clothing, toys and scrap books, and 16 gift boxes for the mission priests, Lepold Menard, Mrs, .B C. McAllister, Mrs. B. M. La-| the convener, report of Highlights Miss the -- spiritual in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 13,1965. 13 | bake sale, the Candlelight Ball convened by. Mrs. Ralph Patter- son, and the marathon bridge convened by Mrs. C. C. Murty, all of which were a marked suc- cess, as were the euchre parties convened by Mrs. Reuben De- Long. A total of 1907 calls made by Mrs. C. A. Harper and her tele- phone committee, contributed to the over-all success of the year. OTHER REPORTS The financial report, present- ed by Miss Roberta Gates, indi- cated a considerable sum rais- ed for the various council proj- ects, and an outline of the ex- penditures involved spoke well of the work accomplished. Re- ports were also given by the recording secretary, Mrs. Kelly DeGray, and the corresponding secretary, Mrs. .B. M. Laforce. Mrs, Boissoin thanked the ex- ecutive and the conveners for their excellent reports and for their co-operation and that of all the members during her term in office. She spoke a special word of thanks to the hard- working social committee and also to Mrs. Gerald DePratto, who had opened her home for the spring tea. Mrs. Boissoin ex- pressed her warm thanks to Monsignor Paul Dwyer, the Di- rector of the Council, for his unfailing support and encour- agement at all times, and ex- tended her very best wishes to the new president and her ex-| ecutive for the period ahead.) } | | NEWS IN BRIEF MORE JOBS IN OFFICE MONTREAL (CP)--"As more computers are brought into the business office, more will adopt the split shift," Ron Scott, a manager of Office Overload, told a YMCA panel on job hori- zons for the mature woman. He said 'unlimited opportunities" will be provided for women will- ing to work shifts, since expen- sive computer equipment cannot be left idle. COUPLE SET TARGET RAGUSA, Sicily (CP) -- Mrs. Giovanna Arrabito, 44, recently bore her 18th child, She and her 49 - year - old husband, a city clerk, say they want a total of | 24, Insert facial tissue in the typewriter, set it on stencil and run through both alphabet and) numericals several times to clean letters. | | INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS) | Upon the installation of the incoming president and execu- tive, Mrs. Clarke expressed her appreciation to the mem- bers of their confidence in her, jher pride in being a member of} \St. Gregory's parish and St.| \Gregory's Council, and asked| their utmost co-operation. | force, Mrs. Rube DeLong, Mrs./Teresa Coyne, were a Day of| Monsignor Dwyer expressed Alfred Robinson, Mrs. Robert! Recollection directed by Rev.|his gratitude Brewer. John Coughlin, CSSR, Toronto, to the executive, retiring president, her the The retiring president, Mrs.|, Corporate Communion break-|Conveners and the members for W. H. Boissoin, presided and/rast, and a total of twenty-one|the work they had accomplish- thanked Mrs. H. J. and her committee for the ex-| cellent slate of nominations presented. REPORTS Reports by the various con- veners covered active partici- pation in the work of the CWL at all levels. Mrs, H. J. Lefaive reported a membership of 218. At the municipal level, one or more members served on the boards of Simcoe Settlement House and Boys' Club; the) Separate School Board; the Cerebral Palsy School; The CNIB; the Children's Aid Socie- ety; Oshawa Safety League, and the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Consumers Society. A total of 256 hours was contrib- uted to the work of most of these organizations, as well as the Blood Donors' Clinic and Hillsdale Manor. Needy families were supplied with food, clothing and furniture of pink Chantilly lace over taffe-|practical. A variation is to| ta, matching pink cloche hat,|"paper" them with fabric half pink accessories and a corsage|way up, then apply flat, wash- of pink sweetheart roses. The bridegroom's sister, Mrs. George and the services of an eye specialist were provided for one F A child. Christmas baskets were Shie Urald 45 9 nleng 40 cover! delivered to six families and the line where material meets) candy, toys and other treats deceased members. GIRL GUIDES Guide convener, Mrs. Ralph Jones, reported two companies of Guides and two Brownie Packs sponsored by St, Greg- ory's Council. Four Guider courses were taken and four uni- forms supplied for leaders. Twenty-one guides were award- ed the Religion and Life emblem at the annual Benediction Rally and Presentation in St. Mich- ael's Cathedral, Toronto, and all Guides and Brownies parti- cipated in Corporate Holy Com- munion followed by breakfast in the parish auditorium on Think- ing Day. An extraordinary amount of wrok was accomplished by the social convener, Mrs. Anthony Cebulski, and her co-convener, Mrs. Andrew Mowat, and their stead, Mrs. B. M. Laforce, Mrs. Edward Martin, Messrs. H. J. Lefaive, Mrs. John Spencer and) Mrs, Alec Biro, who took full) charge of all CWL social events, | as well as banquets and dinners for other groups. } Duquette) asses offered for living andjed and the co-operation given him at all times. He also ex- For All Your "Bridal Shoes" | (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD pressed his pleasure in welcom- ing the incoming president, Mrs. |Clarke, and her executive, and jassured them of his warm sup- |port in all their undertakings. The meeting. closed with light refreshments served by Mrs. jCebulski, Mrs, Mowat and their jcommittee. | | APPLE GARNISHES Apple sauce spiced with a touch of cinnamon or cloves gives a delightful added some- thing to the Sunday-dinner-meat course. Another suggestion is jto add chopped apple and nuts to your favorite bread-dressing recipe. This teams up beauti- fully with a pork roast. Form the dressing into balls and then A HEARING AID MUST DO MORE THAN MAKE SOUNDS LOUDER! OF OSHAWA PAUL BELLINGER 1119 Northridge St. 723-5401 |bake alongside the roast. | icommittee, Mrs. Douglas Arm-| | HONEST CAL nutritional merit. ON-THE-SPOT CLEANING SERVICE © Windows @ Cellars @ All types cleaning Coll 728-0770 line, lily-point sleeves, high waisted yoke and the front of hanced with appliques of Swiss lace in a rose design. The tachable train appliqued with Swiss lace and accented at the ized floral headdress held -her bouffant waist-length veil of|Ballan, Petawawa, assisted tascade of white gardenias,|dress and matching jacket, stephanotis and ivy. black flowered hat, black acces- Carolyn Dunning, Montreal, and; As the couple left on their the other attendants were Mrs.|honeymoon to Limberlost Lodge, Vit 8 |bride was wearing a two-piece ] amin XCESS | powder-biue fitted suit en- hanced |black straw hat, black patent jaccessories and a corsage of OTTAWA (CP)--It is possible|their return Mr. and Mrs. Kor- for Canadians to get too much|nylo will reside at 329 Adelaide doctor with the federal food and!awa. drug directorate. r = a rectorate's research laborator-|Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). and ies writes in the current edition|the B vitamins thiamin, ribo- Canada magazine Canadian| "Toxic symptoms from ex- Consumer: cess vitamin A have 'been re- min D is needed to produce|S@ty, to poison an individual is toxic symptoms, particularly in|™uch higher than likely to be children require 400 interna-|.. Federal food and drug regula- 'dunal units of vitamin D daily.|#!0"S permit addition of vita- "It has been reported, how- ee ever, that approximately 2,000 but ban additions that have no retard growth in infants. A sur- vey taken recently indicated it| much as 4,000 inter national units daily by consuming a| added vitamin D. -This ob viously is most undesirable." though vitamin D is required by infants and children and by; lactation, "indiscriminate and) uncontrolled additions of vita-| a hazard to health." | There appeared to be no the controlled A line skirt en- back was highlighted by a de- waist by a self bow. Her peari- silk illusion and she carried ajwearing a turquoise brocade The maid of honor was Miss|S0ries and a similar corsage. |Muskoka and North Bay the an by blue fox fur cuffs, Held As H e s azar one large white gardenia. On vitamin D in their food, says a|street west, Apartment 7, Osh- Dr. A. B. Morrison of the di-\of the water-soluble vitamins-- of the Consumers Association of| flavin, niacin and pyridoxine. "Relatively little excess vita-/PTted, but the amount neces- children, Infants and growing| found in any foods." mins for nutritional purposes international units a day may is quite possible to take in as) variety of foods containing! Dr. Morrison says that al- women during pregnancy and min D to foods may constitute} harm in taking large amounts! Medical Ofticer: mon, in civilian life would you "Really, young come to me with such e@ triviel complaint es you have now?" Sick Soldier: 'No Sir, I'd send tor Protect you Winter Apparel INQUIRE ABOUT OUR BOX STORAGE oregonian i trim) supplied for a total of thirty- To complete an all-washable| "ie children. a en jtheme, use either matchstick oe fe act went 0 pe? bepe regpiagrr ey Bo gaa | Conveners for the foregoing , -o ws. _____|were Mrs. C. C. Murty, Citizen- |ship, and Mrs. M. W. Hanley, SOCIAL NOTICE social welfare. |EDUCATION AND CHURCH | EXTENSION Mrs. Leopold Menard's ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Trotter} re-| PROGRAMS | An enjoyable program for each meeting was arranged by the convener, Mrs. J. P. Man- gan, and included interesting guest speakers, panel discus- sions, travelogues, and a Christ- mas party. | Among the major events of the} year were a spring tea and| jwish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mar-| garet Mary June, to Mr. Wil-| liam Fialka, son of Mr. and} |Mrs. John Fialka, all of Osh-| awa. The ceremony will take} |place on Saturday, May 22, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in' Albert Street 4 - |United Church. ° ee eatin ng one * friends and old customers, to come ond visit her ot her new location Riviera Hairstyling is pleased to announce thot Miss Carel Reid hos recently joined their stoff. DEMAND LESS HURRY MONTREAL (CP)--It's time! Canadian mothers gave children| |back their childhood, says Mrs. | Kay Crowe of the Family Life Education Council. She thinks encouraging boys and girls to he popular with the opposite sex) | from the.age of 12 results in "a | startling increase' in teen-age marriages and premarital sex. Steam Waves -- Scolp Treat- ment -- Coloring - Styling -- Ete. Kiviowa | 1 } MISS CAROL REID HAIRSTYLING BEDROOM SUITE ALL BUY THREE COMPLETE 136 Simcoe St. S. Ph. 728-9651 3-ROOMS FOR EASTER blue, grey, brown and charcoal. side vents. Sizes 8- 10 - 12, SALE PRICE Extra Special - BOYS' SHIRTS Real neat dress shirts with collar. Sanforized shrunk, SPECIAL TO LOOK HIS BEST BOYS SUITS Tailored just like dad's in worsted material. Shades of 14.88 Also Sizes 14 - 16 - 18 from 16.88 , Large 13 Cu. Ft. with | REFRIGERATOR | 100-LB, FREEZER | 198.88 WITH APPROVED TRADE Plains and neat checks, single breasted style, 3 button front, centre vent or 2 tab or button-down BUY ON EA USE YOUR CREDIT EASTER STORE HOURS: Open to 6 pm. Wednesday Open to 9 p.m. Thursdey Closed Good Friday Oshawa Shopping Centre 424 KING ST. WEST COMPLETE GROUP GROUPS COMPLETE Ones LOVELY 5-PIECE CHROME SUITE FAMOUS GIBSON APPLIANCES AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL 30" RANGE with all the modern Easy-to-Use Features 168.88 WITH APPROVED TRADE SY TERMS HONEST CAL LTD. FURNITURE and APPLIANCES PHONE 728-9191 Spring Fashions for Chic Chicks and Slick Sheiks All these fresh-as-the- season fashions are just a bunny hop away at Walker's. The store -- "WHERE GOOD TASTE IN FASHION IS NOT EXPENSIVE", Not ever! Top: POP-IN DRESS -- Such new-fangled fun- wear! Dress sketched is popping with two-tone polka dots. Neckline how, oly. hates and patch pockets ... all add up to a lot of fashion. Also comes in a blooming floral print with solid-colored sleeves. Both in crisp Colished cotton. Blue, pink. 8-14. ' paccalabeueess ST Pg 2.98 Also available in sizes 4-6X.......00+00000+ +2059 Middle: GIRLS' COTTON WOVEN DRESS -- In famous for easy-care "Dan River" cotton. A gay assortment of floral borders sprout on skirts. Dainty smocked detail on bodice, Sparkling white collars and cuffs. Pink, blue. 4-6X only 3.98 Bottom: BOYS' ALL-WOOL SPORTS COAT -- Herringbone and fancy checked patterns, 3-button styling. Three pockets. Centre back vent. Wine, brown, blue. 8-18 ...sccsseeseees MNODOD Also available in sizes 4 to 6X .....+.++-..-8.98 DRESS SHIRT -- Long sleeved cotton broadcloth. Collar stays for neat appearance. White. NGS bocaptdns + s1ds0s OO ae Also available in sizes 4 to 6X. ........+0+4-1,98 READY-KNOTTED TIES -- Just hook on! Plain fancy patterns in assorted colors:.. only 79 FLANNEL DRESS PANTS -- Continental waist style. Cuffless. Adjustablesidetabs. Machine washable. Charcoal, brown, black. 8-16. only 5.98 Also available in sizes 4-6X with half-boxer waist,... SHOPPING 1S CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S PLAN ACCOUNT Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded + tJ WALKERS Where Good Taste In Fashion Is Not Expensive Open Wed. te 6 P.M. CENTRE Open Thursday to 9 P.M. Closed Good Friday 4 PHONE 728-4626

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