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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1965, p. 19

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| 17--Female Help Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted THREE LADIES Required by large food plon company. Must be neat and Intelligent, able to meet the public. $1 per hour plus bon- uses. TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-8251 DAY SHIFT ONLY! No Sundays or holl- days! Excellent wages. ress for small restaurent. employment. erenigener's Park Road South. WAITRESS experienced full-time days, no Sunday. For Interview call before noon, Restaurant. housaKearae ~ Tra asiage vs home. dren, Permanent. Live in. Telephone Tee COMPANION fo elderly y lady, live ve in. no heavy work, After 5 p.m., call 725-2346. COMPTOMETER operator, fully experi- enced. Full or part time. Telephone 723-4583, Barbeque, INTELLIGENT, experienced housekeep- er for two adults, live in, good wages, no heavy work, references, 723-9194 be- {ween 8 end ¢ am. and 7 and 9 p.m. helt gly cashier, Apply Mrs. Wilson, Locol TRUST COMPANY im- mediately requires mature experienced SAVINGS TELLER Excellent salary for qualified person. Apply in writing to "P.O, Box 5 Oshawa CARILLON TOWERS -- Make full time money working part time, Call 728-7942. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, full! time, excellent. working conditions. Apply | In_ person, pes" Modern Hair Styling, 367 Wilson auaLnTED. IRDRETIaT immediately Good wages. hours. - Telephone Bowmanville 13 3801 o evenings 725-6823, reagage TE mother her requires squires reliable mo- ther person to care for three thiidren, Pie in if required. Plus re numeration. Telephone 668-3172 Whitby. CASHIER -- Apply in person to Cana- dian Tire Corporation, 118 Simcoe Street South. orth HOUSEKEEPER 35 to 4 for widower with seyen-year-pld son, Someone more interested in a home than money T 18-3343, DENTAL NURSE Mature lady between 25 and and 40. Must have typing ability. Please write in confidence in own handwriting, stating edu- cation, age and experience to BOX 214 OSHAWA TIMES AVON Need money for Easter expenses? Start earning substantial in- come immediately. Avon Cos- metics has vacancies for cap- eble women, Call 725-9696 INTERVIEWERS. and SUPERVISORS Part time, for market research surveys. Write giving educa- tion, interviewing or super- vising experience to Edsall Reseorch Ltd., 2045 Bishop St., Montreal 25. ' EXPERIENCED SAVINGS TELLER REQUIRED Telephone 728-9482 WORKING MOTHER requires widow or rly person to mind smell infant . New apartment buliding, private all conveniences, good Femuneration. Apply to Box 901, Oshawa 'Times, PORTION offered fo mai nage end ate a small office including faves, > etc. Interesting ag tion |18--Male Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED "for elderiy| lady. Small country town, 50 sliee north- west of Toronto, Dial 668-503) | EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with ntele. Apply in person. The Vogue ig ty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street North, | WAITRESSES wanted immediately, @x- perienced only. Telephone 728-2171. JUNIOR CLERKS Age 17-21 Years Minimum of Junior Matricu- lation required. Positions pro- vide opportunity for rapid advancement to Senior Cleri- cal Posts and a full range of company paid benefits ore offered. Apply in person to:-- STAFF PERSONNEL DEPT. DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY, ONT. Required Immediately Experienced NURSERY MAN To sell shrubs ond plants in Eaton's Outdoor Shop during the summer months. 5-doy week. (or less if desired) Usual employee benefits. Apply Personnel Dept. Eaton's for capable efficient worker. Four-day week. Monday through Thursday. For ap- pointment call 723-7688. WANTED Mi Lew dad o Rousekeer | middle-aged pre-| feres" a inn In, ce. - 7 days. Telephone | Of Canada Oshawa Shopping Centre | NATE openin INCED telephone. solicitors re ired in areas from Oshawa to Bay! idges, for natural gas appliances. This| May be done at your home. Three hours pth ae Monday to Thursday, Alax RELIABLE baby sitter fo care for three children. Live In, $80 monthly, Telephone 728-4890, 'apable son, preferably experienced in jewelry and watches, only those able to pro- duce and interested in advancement need apply. For appointment call 723-6922. DRIVER SALESMAN for Whitby and area dry cleaning route. Better than aver- age commission arrangement. With or/ without truck. Apply Box 411 Oshawa Times, Whitby. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS LACE SETS PACE! By ALICE BROOKS Slo glamorous, so EASY to crochet! Top. spring, summer dresses with crisp, lace jacket. Crochet 4-inch squares of string; join into a jacket that you can wear all year 'round/ at parties. Pattern 7129: sizes) 32-34; 36-38; 40-42 included. Thirty-five cents _ (coins) -for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times,, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On- tario residents add one cent sales tax. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- ', DRESS 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CATA- LOG -- 200 designs, 3 free PRINTED PATTERN 1244-244 DOUBLY SMART By ANNE ADAMS GO BASIC by day in high-neckline version -- FEMININE scooped style scarf tie. Styled to slim. Printed Pattern 4985: Half! Sizes 124%, 1444, 1614, 1814, 201%, 2244, 24%. Size 16% takes 3% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in coins (no stamps, please) for} each pattern. Ontario residents! add two cents sales tax. Print} go patterns! Newest knit, crochet fashions, embroidery. 25 cents.) Now! Send for elegant, new plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-) DRESS; STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR AN AMBITIOUS SALES- MINDED YOUNG MAN In the promotion field of @ cir ge newspoper. Car requir- Good starting salary, i employee benefits includ- ing pension plon and group insurance. For personal interview, please call: MR. G, L. SMITH 725-4473 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We require an active exper- ienced man for aggressixe of- fice. We will have 100 new homes to sell this year. For interview call Joseph Bosco JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 EXPERIENCED SPRAY PAINTERS IN WOOD FINISHING REQUIRED Apply Max Rosenheck SKLAR FURNITURE CO. Whitby. 668-3315 DISPATCHER For Ready Mixed Concrete Company Must have past experience. Good selary and benefits. Reply in confidence to BOX. No. 802 Oshawa Times Local TRUST COMPANY, immediately requires YOUNG MAN 18 to 22 to train for account- ing position. Excellent op- portunity for rapid advance- ment. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 5 Oshawa SECURITY GUARDS Security guards required im- mediately. Permanent em- ployment. Age 25 - 50, mini- mum height 5/8". Back- ground will be thoroughly in- vestigated. Previous exper- jence preferred. Starting rate $1.40 - $1.50 per hour. Con tact Notional Employment Service, 314 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. UPHOLSTERY SUPERVISOR ANTED Capable of assuming. total responsibility for factory op- erations for large Toronto manufacturer. Starting on- nual salery $8,000. Reply giving details of experience in cutting, pattern making, pro- duction control and piecework time study. Our stoff is fully informed of this ad. Write: Box 908, Oshawa Times, PART TIME DRIVER REQUIRED For light delivery work. Apply in person LOCKE! S FLORIST) | Oshawa Shopping Centre NIGHT CLEANING Honest, reliable. Must be thorough. Full benefits. Good wages Dial 623-3373 Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Bowmanville BOYS to sell papers on Good "Friday the following areas: Newcastle, der Yl Oshawa, Whitby, Alax, Port Brookiin, bridge, Perry, In Bow-| Ux-} Fairport | Beach. Telephone the Globe and maii,) Oshawa, _ 1s 44 73, YOUNG MAN. for tire Must have ern licence. Apply person to ichmond Tire Service, Richmond st East. mechanic, Apply 40 Albert Street, awa or telephone 725-8371. RRL, A, Brooklin, -- Dial 655-3790. 19--Male or Female __ Help Wanted SENIOR CLERK Required immediately. Duties include payroll records, in- voicing, telephone, Must be service work.| in} 24) the WANTED: One or two-year, apprentice Osh- for dinner in the MAN required by nursery to do « outdoor | with graceful, righ Weall and Cullen Nurseries, Ltd., 19--Male or Female Help Wanted COUPLE TO MANAGE FARM Care for horses and mainten- ance of grounds, fences and buildings. No heavy form work. Car necessary. Room and board with salary. Phone collect Tuesday after 4 Toronto 447-1494, Wednes- day Port Perry 985-2200, Ridgeview Arabian Ranch REAL ESTATE -- Men, Don Stradeski, Realtor, women to train for sales representatives, be oe car. =x modern salon. Top wages. Whitby 668-3621. pra a 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 13,1963 49> | 20--Real Estate for Sale KEITH PETERS REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 King Street East Ranch bungalow with L- shaped living room and dining room, valonces, spacious kit- chen with (NORDEN) built cupboards, 4-piece tiled both with vanity, shining hard- wood floors, attached garage. $2,500 Down. Call Will Irvine 728-2868, CENTRAL LOCATION 4 room brick bungalow with 4 piece bath, hardwood floors throughout, toxes $192.00. Has garage with private drive, $75.00 per month carries, $13,200 full price. Call Art Donaldson 725-9882. NORTH EAST DISTRICT Six room brick bungalow, at- tached garage, walkout bose- ment, approximately 1200 sq, ft. This home has an ex- tra large kitchen, bay win- dow in living room and com- bined dining room, 3 good size bedrooms and a com- pletely panelled basement with with a nice rec room obout 50 feet long, extra 2 pce. bathroom and shower, wired for Hi-Fi, 3 television outlets, T.V, oerial. For fur- ther information contact Ro- lande Tierney 725-5207. COUNTRY LIVING 30 acre lot with stream, 10 ocre lots with or without streom, 7 acre highwoy pro- perty with cedar trees, 7 acre lot close to 401 highway, 19 acre property industriel zoned end many more. Call John Kuipers 723-6590. $12,900. FULL PRICE Two storey home in excellent condition, hot water heating with oil, close to south G.M, Plant, large rooms. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. NEW LISTING 3 only--I!5 acre parcels of land, all workable, very good garden land. 1 only on No, 2 highway east of Oshawa, also 10 acre parcel in Cour- tice. Now is the time to buy. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548, FARM 150 ACRES mostly workable, good agricultural lond. Large barn, frame house with bath- room, can be purchased with cattle ond equipment or without, Close commuting dis- 'tance to Oshawo. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457. PAUL ISTOW LTD | ReAurah 128-9474 DELIGHTFUL TWO BEDROOM You can't beat the appear- once of stone trimmed red brick, especially when accent- ed by 0 breezeway and attach- ed garage. Economically hot water oil heated, wood burn- ing fireplace and tree-lined lot 200 feet deep. Offered at $17,900, A BIG LITTLE HOME Not much to heat -or pay taxes on but plenty of family living. Three bedrooms, kit- chen dining area, tiled bath, living room twindow and pav- ed drive. About three yeors young ond open to offers at $14,900 with terms. IMPOSSIBLE YOU: SAY ? How can so much quality and so much space be offered in o nearly new brick ranch bungolow listed at $14,900? We really don't know but the owner hos his heart set on onother property and wonts on immediate sale. A. bor- gain... maybe! Value... definitely. See this one to- day . . . you won't be dis- appointed, STORES FOR RENT All. sizes, electrically heated, ready for occupancy. New plaza on. Wilson Road South near Olive Avenue. APARTMENT LAND Close-in North location will accommodate 108 suites. Asking $800 per suite on builder's terms. PAUL RISTOW LTD. Realtor Financial Trade Bidg. 187 King St. E; $9,800 FULL PRICE | beautitul ranch bun- galow, five-room brick, all modern con- APPLEWOOD CRESCENT | | | | 16 Simcoe St. S. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 1 @ DOWNTOWN LOCATION. Where for only $10,900.00 can you purchase a 3 bedroom spot- lessly clean home? This one is' situated on a well landscaped lot close to General Motors and downtown shopping. This home offers you also a large kitchen, separate dining room, and low cost heating. @ ECONOMY AND COM- FORT mark this 3 bedroom bungalow in the north west area at a price gratifying to the most careful buyer. Paved drive and garage. Nice sized lot, owner owner moving out of town, Pre- sent N.H.A. mortgage at 6%, carries for $83.00 per month including the taxes. The asking price is $16,500. Call' us now, don't wait. e Ill @ LIVE IT UP, The profes- sional built Recreation suggests endless opportunity for teen and adult entertainment Extra large living room, 3 good size bedrooms, a paved drive and patio completes the picture of this most desirable home in © good: oreq, not far from the schools either. td IV @e SOUTH EAST SIDE, 1 storey home, This is a real fam- ily home with 3.bedrooms, only 9 years old, large lot with patic and family size kitchen. Rea- sonable taxes and moderate pay- ments will leave your budget open for other pleasures in life. V @.A WHOLESOME COUNTRY place neor the city, just outside of city limits with a large lot 118' x 660' roomy 4 bedroom home that will give you the extra privacy you always wont- ted, yet you will be comfortably close to schools and shopping between Oshawa and Whitby. e@ VI @ This home is located in quiet residentiol oreo and a well maintained brick home It would make a starter for a young couple. It has 2 bedrooms, large living room with dining area and 4 pc. modern bathroom, The low asking price makes this one of the better buys. e Vil @ TAKE ADVANTAGE of] this opoprtunity and the mony} extros the owner has put into this 6 room brick home located on Gifford St., with a new fur- nace ond in a very good stote of repair. An excellent buy, Call for appointment to view, The price is only $10,000.00. e Vill @ HE IS YOUR CHANCE to have comfortable living at an economical price. This older type home on Hortop is spot- lessly clean, has 3 bedrooms, large living room and 'modern kitchen. Separate dining room also. Bathroom is 4 pc. with built-in vanity. Hardwood floors in beautiful condition through- out. Privote drive, detached gar age and hedged back lawn. Ar ideal family home close schools and churches. e IX @ CUSTOM BUILT 3 bed room home featuring attochec! THESE HOMES WITHOUT DELAY AND |'M WILLING garage, glossed in breezeway lovely living room with dininc| orea, modern step saving kit chen, ceramic tile 4 piece both- room, Master bedroom has sep arate washroom. Located in an orea where many other beauti tiful homes are in evidence Built by Roth Construction. e X e@ VALUABLE LAND listed on King St. acres of vacant land, just the lost parcel of such in East Oshawo.! There is almost 300 ft. frontage} on King. St. East. Call us now for more particulars. X! e YOUR CHILDREN WOULD LOVE THIS. A family home in immaculate condition located in the north east orea featuring paved driveway, storms and screens, beautiful available on this attractive buy Your inspection is invited. e Xil e LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOME with joi! heating and good high basement in excellent condition.. This home is located in a delightful neighbourhood for the children. There is o fully modern up to date kitchen with double compartment stain- less steel sink, good modern bathroom with colored fixtures end vonity. This home is de- corated in soft pastel colors and only | year old..A low down Ppoyment ond the. balance on one mortgage. e@ XIIl @ ALL ON 1 FLOOR, this semi bungalow is located in o community vibrant with warmth ond friendliness. There ore 3 bedrooms, a good sized livince room, modern kitchen with good size dining area. A 4 piece bath- room. The basement is laid out for future Recreation room anc the price is most gratifying to the most careful buyer. $2400. down will handle. Balance on 1 mortgage. e XIV @ HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to purchase a well designed centre hall plan home, located in one of the better subdivisions: Only 1 year old and features a hollywood kitchen with built in UIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XV e@ AN IDEAL FAMILY HOME located close to new school, new shopping: plaza in Whitby. This semi-detached bungalow has 3 large bedrooms, family size kitchen. with out- side entrance, Large b OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD: AKER 13 1065 EXCELLENT VALUE A smaller home nestled in the heart of o wooded area of large homes, this 6 room bungalow has a great deal to offer both in money value and good living. Rec. Room area has fire- ploce flue roughed in, plus extra washroom. Possibility of den or fourth bedroom with 2 finished rooms. Excellent storage cupboards. Large base- ment with 2 finished rooms. Ex- cellent storage cupboards. Spot- lessly clean and nicely decorat- ed and carries for only $98.00 room | is| wonderful] E. Nearly 4} treed yard} and an ideal play orea for the} children. Excellent financing is} per month principal, and taxes. RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You in a Quiet Atmosphere Spacious 1-2-and 3 bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies. The modern 7 storey build- ing with an elegant entrance lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- com system and built - in sleeves for your air-condition- er. Close. to shopping. For Immediate occupancy Call Rental Office at 723- 6361, Model Suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture. Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily. Coll 723-1121 for full porticulars. | After hours coll Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Monitius .. 728-2754 Ethel Love . 668-2402 Ernest Mueller .. 728-0208 Steve Englert .... 728-5581 Jean Peacock ... 725-4330 Walter .Mittler ., 728-7083 Edith Gifford ... 728-0768 George Nymeyer 728-424] Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 If you find it hard to meet poyments on a First and Se- cond Mortgage combine them | in one with easy terms. | We'll be glad to help you with your confidential mort- | gage arrangements, It's. all port of our comprehensive Real Estate Service, at Guide Realty Limited. We list Exclusive and Photo M.L.S, Members of O.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS tc! "| WANT TO SELL | TO MAKE THE PRICES TALK", Says Builder. | $999 DOWN | FOR NEW DETACHED 4 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM SIDE SPLIT LEVEL With Hollywood Kitchen and Old-Fashioned Pantry, In- cludes built-in range and oven, storms and screens, walk out patio side sliding glass doors. Beautiful in every way and located on select home sites in desirable sub- urban. west community, with public, separate and high schools close by. Modern shopping within walking dis- tance. OTHER 3 BEDROOM HOMES on 1 N.H.A. Mortgage corry- ing for $98 monthly inelud- ing Interest, Principal and Toxes. DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $679 You phone me, the builder, now ond let me tell you about the finest home values in the Oshawa area, PHONE 839-3461 or 364-3115 interest | Sophisticated Adult Living Open doily from 9 o.m. to 9 p.m. between Noon and 9 p.m. please. FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH "ACTIVE" in b it area. Large oversized garage has house entry from lower level. Must 'be seen to be ap- preciated, PLEASANT AREA . Eight room brick home with natural fireplace in the liv- ing room; large new forced air oil furnace. Situated on a lovely treed lot close to Oshawa Golf Course, Alex- ondra Park and St. Gregory's school, and church, INCOME HOMES--No, 1 Would you like an income home bringing in enough money to carry the pay ment on the mortgage plus your living expenses? We have just that. Full price $15,800.00 Income $285. per month, mortgage pay- ments $100. per month, figure it out for yourself, then coll us to see this home. No. Il Seven room home with in- come of $85.00 per month from upper three rooms, possibility of another large room on third floor, No. Ill 9. room income home in 4 good rental area, close to oll facilities. Lot size 35 x 160'; garage. See this to- day. NORTH-EAST AREA $23,250.00 Full price, For the family that needs four bedrooms, two washrooms, separate dining area, lorge beautifully appointed kit- chen, attached garage, amid pleasant living condi- tions this is the home for you, $19,850.00--FULL PRICE Do your parties end. with your guest reloxing in the kitchen? Then this. your home, for this kitchen is large, pleasant and beauti- fully appointed. -- Living room, 3 large bedrooms, at- tached garage, rec, room crea with fireplace flue. From the split level en- trance on through house it all speaks of enjoyable liv- ing. $1500.00 DOWN PAYMENT Six rooms, 1% storey home in excellent condition, New Furnace; garage; private drive; good lot. Reasonably priced. COUNTRY LIVING $17,800 FULL PRICE, ocres of lond with seven room home, centre hall plon, the 24' living room hos a lovely fireplace, Al- uminum storms, screens and doors. Minutes from downtown Oshawa, SPLIT LEVEL Immoculote 3 bedroom split level home with den, in choice residential area. Double garage, paved drive, 4 pe. and 2 pe bath- rooms, beautifully finished rec. room with fireplace. Aluminum -- storms and screens throughout, Reo-- sonable down payment with owner carrying the bolance in one mortgage. For full porticulars call 7123-2265 Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 725-3867 728-5205 728-2233 728-1066 725-9345 723-1358 725-1015 728-5868 723-7996 728-2870 723-2894 723-2859 Irene Brown Irwin Cruikshanks Maible Boudreau Bill Johnson Ed Drumm Marg. Hall Neil Campbell Steve Macko Charles Chaytor Allen Thompson Margaret Lee George Koorneef Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free, _tasy, sof safe fe parking LT SUITE APARTMENTS $15,000 DOWN 6% FIRST MORTGAGE Location off Park Rd. North, fully leased. For more in- formation call Bill Millar 725- 1186 or 725-2557. W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 HILLSDALE TERRACE On Wychwood Avenue, this 5% hos. a lorge Hollywood style kitchen and dining areo, Com- fy living room with decorative ceiling and three nice bed- rooms, aluminum storms and screens, T.V, tower and usu- ol extras--Listed at $14,- 900.00 with reasonable down poyment this house will carry for $99.00 including" taxes. Call tonight for your appoint- ment to inspect. ALL STONE FRONT Only $15,900.00 with rea- sonable down payment, 5% room ranch, large kitchen ' with loads of cupboards, ex- tra large dinette, large well planned living room, 3 good sized bedrooms, partial rec. room, paved street, and walking distance to all schools. Ideal east end loca- tion, NORTH WEST Close to shopping centre, large 3 bedroom rug brick split level on a large deep lot. Garage, paved drive, nice rec. room, finished laundry with fixtures included, extra washroom and many, mony extras. Asking only $17,500 0 call us now for more infor- mation, and plan to see this home right away. CLOSE TO HOUDAILLE IND, Very nice 3 year old brick bungalow on paved street, close to bus, schools, very nice lot and in beautiful con- dition, priced at $14,500.00 which is very reasonable in this area. GRANDVIEW GARDENS A delightful ranch bungalow just 7 years old, with carport, rec. room, finished with built- in bar, built-in stove and oven in modern kitchen, prepared for extra 2 pc. washroom in basement. Call now for your appointment to inspect this lovely executive home, ELECTRIC HEATED homes with gorages and car- ports and fully decorated, paved street, fully paid ser- vices, .H.A. mortgages. Priced at $16,995.00 up. NEW SPLIT LEVELS 2 delightful split level homes with 4th bedroom or den and extra 2 pc. washroom, Cus- tom finished throughout by Deboski Const. in Downsview Park and priced to suit your pocketbook, Coll us now for your appointment to inspect. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne Dick Barriage Maga ____ MEMBER O.D.R. E.B. Ken Hann Bob Johnston Joe OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 515 BROCK ST, WHITBY 668-5853 INCOME PROPERTY OSHAWA 2. separate units each with 2 bedrooms, large kitchens, new furnace, 4 gorages, low maintenance costs, centrally located, call to inspect 668-5853. TREED LOT 65 x 165 with 2 bedroom bungalow, separate dining room, natural brick fireplace, oil heating, ask for Audrey Moore for particulars, NEAR SEPARATE SCHOOL Brick and stone 5 room bun- golow with attached garage, double glazed windows, large moster bedroom, large lot, ask for Audrey Moore, $15,500.00 Burns St. 6 room bungalow with finished rec. room, ex- tra study room, beautifully landscaped with patio, rock garden, fish pond. Ask for Audrey Moore. EASY ON THE BUDGET For $11,500.00 you can move into this immaculate bunga- low built on a 66' lot, low taxes, and only $80.00 yearly to heat. Ask for Pau- line Hobbs to inspect. RESIDENCE PHONE Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Audrey Moore 668-4088 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 $88 MONTHLY including taxes carries this lovely central hall plan home, fea- OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE e room brick bungalow © D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 519 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-5868 925-2965 649-2109 Whitby Toronto Claremont WHITBY Five yeor old brick bungalow of five rooms and Rea go garage. Well londscaped lot sy x 143', This is a -- home and in a nice a corries for $103. 00 inchadiog taxes. Vendor will decorate allowing purchaser choice of colours. To inspect call iven Kellestine. WHITBY 10 Acre lot on Garden Street, has small 'good' house. See this property and make an of- fer. For more information coll and ask for Ivan Kellestine, WHITBY This split entronce, brick home is situated in preferred orea in Whitby, Large, family type kitchen, extra large liv- ing room and three bedrooms, all recently decorated. 22 foot long rec room has ponel- led walls, tile floor and plas- tered ceiling, This home is "priced rite' and carries for $101.25 a month including taxes. To view this home call Ivan Kellestine. WHITBY Locoted close. to downtown Whitby, surrounded by other fine homes. All six rooms in this storey and a half home ore beautifully panelled, Spa- cious living room features notural fireplace. Two large bedrooms on ground floor, one large bedroom plus smal- ler room upstoirs all with roomy closets. Ample cup- boards, hood and fan In kit- chen, Finished basement con- tains rec room, play room and laundry room. Quick posses- sion as owner moving to U. S, A, Asking $14, 300. 00 with $3,300.00 down. Make on appointment with Ivon Kelle- stine. WHITBY An ideo! home for @ small family or retired couple. Well built, attractive brick bunga- low with two good size bed- rooms, spacious L-shaped living room and dining room, Well planned kitchen and @ 4-pc. coloured bath, Includes such features as fireplace and ° broadioom. Oil heat, Fenced lot 66' x 133'. Asking $15,- 500.00. Call Ivan Kellestine to inspect. RESIDENTIAL -- ACREAGE TROUT STREAMS -- LOTS FARMS -- COMMERCIAL BUSINESS Open till 9 P.M. Electrically Heated Rancher, Double Garage, with Breezeway Attractive, owner built home with natural fireplace, 13' x 27' of panelled recreation room with hardwood flooring. Three large bedrooms. Situ- ated ona lot 81' x 185', An- nual toxes only $255. Asking $5,000 down. For more infor. mation call Bill Millar 725- 1186 of 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. ~ PRIVATE SALE WARREN AVE. Immaculate six room brick 2-storey. Centre hall plan. Equipped with private drive and garage. Colored fixtures in tiled bathrooms, both main and second floor. Completley broadloomed throughout in- cluding stairway, Storms and screens, Fully landscaped. Carries for $110. monthly in- cluding taxes. Full Price $16,900 Terms avoilable. CALL 723-4572 "ATTENTION" BOARDING HOUSE OWNERS More than ever in demand-- 18 rooms--5, 3-pc. baths-- double garage--ample park- ing -- 5 minutes to down- town -- house in excellent condition. Presently. being used as a 5-suite apartment-- terrific land value--to discuss further and inspect -- call BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED Ask for Mr, Jim Brady ot 728-5123 or 728-0483. "Decorate with Needlecraft!";Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. 5 beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- complete patterns for. decora-/PORT in our new Spring-Sum- tive accessories in one book!|mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- Pillows, wall' hangings, cur-|pon for ONE FRRE PATTERN!| ary expected tains, appliques, more! 60 cents.| Everything you n ted for the life Value! Deluze Quilt Book --jyou lead --. 350 'design ideas! | to Box. 410 16 complete patterns. 60 cents. |Send 50 cents now. eq OSHAWA TIMES turing large family room with walk-out REALTY LTD. and a view of the lake. Youngstown kitch- en. Storms and screens, etc. Call Griffin 728-° 5 1 57 | Real Estate, 723-6461 or 723-4134, ae storey brick, > ix (REPAIR § SHOP including: three-day ga- |veniences. Two miles west of Port Hope, only 30 minutes drive from Oshawa. Ex- Ceptional large lot with stable for riding- horse. Very 'ow down psyment, month- ly payments and taxes. Terrific bargain, Weinberger Re. Estate' 3rok- fast accurate typist, 5 day week stove, fan and' hood. Colored fixtures in the bathroom. Fin- ished room in the basement with remaining basement area divided for proposed Recreation room, Why not call us today. This could be the home you are looking for, [PRIVATE storey and a half house In CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE | good residential district. Two upstairs OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD drooms plus one finished basement potty Large garage. Immediate occur rooms for the owner plus large kitchen,/rage and showroom, and operated as a ONE-YEAR-OLD bungalow with carport pancy, | No ¢ dealers or agents. 72 728-6338. and large bed-sitting room with bath, sep- idependent service garage with two self/featuring s built-in stove and oven, paved Sain arate entrance rented. Garage, paved apartments, i. Lo- drive, decorating and storms and screens drive, large aie excellent condition.\ cated in northeast end of the city. $8,000/now available iy i) pene is $17,900 with) -0--Real Estate for Sale $3,000 down, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd.,|down, Balance on easy terms, 728-9466,\terms. Ask Gower at 728-6286. . 728-7576, 'ISteve: Zurba Realtor, IR'DY Ayman' Real "Estate, Limited '| (Continued on Page 20) INCOME HOME: State age, experience and sal- c er 725. 8851 $9500 CASH buys this four-room home. | Located in north west. Call $. D, Hyman | 'Real Estete Ltd, 728-6286, 4

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