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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1965, p. 5

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273, Grace Sandford 271, 241; Shirley Hicks 244, 206; Eve- lyn Jeppesen 243, Dorothy Moore; 238, 219; Isabel Farndale 233, Jean King 231, Joyce Pickard 230, Doreen Kehoe 221, Jean Ward 220, Noreen Darling 212, Sandra Labanovich 208, Marg Sturgess 203, Alice Anderson 202, Marie Lintner 202, Betty Pas- coe 202 and Rose Peleshok 201. WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Thursday Nite Section, Games won: Red Wings 3, County Bow! 0; Mel-Ron 2, Goold. Furniture 1; Jets 2, Abner's Ramblers A Legionaires 3, Legion Old Sweats 0; Firemen 3, Citizen's Finance 0; Knights of Columbus} 2, Legion No. 2, 1; Ottenbrites 2, Whitby Tile Centre 1; Post) Office 2, Lucky Strikes 1, Games 250 and over: Dave Walker Jr., 252, Len Hall 290, Jordan 203. Jim Ozier 283, Bill Johnson 261, 3 oe |Frank Kapusinski 307, Chas. WHITBY LADIES GUE (Skelton 291, Ed Archer 298, Bob CANDY BOWLING LEAGY® |McAllister 260, Bill Jorden 287, Points for the day: Allsorts 4,/R. McCoy 255, 273, Doug Allen Gumdrops 0, Humbugs 3, Jelly)393, Jim Ross Jr., 258, 286, L. Beans 4, Life Savers 4, Lolli-) Biyth 275, Keith King 253, Don pops 0, Maple Buds 0 and Pep-| Duncan 348, Doug Grylls 253, Ed {permints 1. |Brash 291, W. Beer 299, Bob Triples over 500 Isabel Mo-/ Grills 259, Bill Collins 333, Joe thersill 723, Grace Sandford 672,/Izatt 303, Wish Bick 257, 271, Shirley Hicks 624, . Florence 253. Moore 579, Sandra Labanovich| 'Triples 700 and over -- Bill 576, Dorothy Moore 553, Marie/Coltins 760, Joe Izatt 729, Wish Lintner 547, Alice Anderson 538,/Bick 781, W. Beer 752, Don Dun- ueareas they|Jean_ King 533, Bernice Moase/can 742, L. Blyth 712, Doug) geese were observed as theY\s35" jean Ward 526, Doreen Ke-/aljen 718, Jim Ross Jr., 708, the gaat a eh PROG el haa sae ae hoe 520, Joyce Pickard. 516, Edelp McCoy 713, L. Hall 714 e staif is shown in the | The geese, a flock of be-| walker 515, Evelyn Jeppesen) -- : a background dressed in & jtween 50 and 75 birds, werelsi9 Rose Peleshok 509, Isabel| Bunny' costume. Studio |SP0tted by Miss Charlotte! Farndale 504, Lil Munns 504 and| --Lenscroft Photo Studio |Genties, Hopkins st., Whitby. Marg Duncan 500. | Miss Gentles said she first saw) Singles over 200: Isabel Mo- the flock as it flew in forma. | |, ill 311, 239; Florence Moore! tion over her home, around | Se FE IES 6 o'clock. | | "The flock suddenly brokel STEAM BATH formation over Highway 2 and| the way to relax--st j milled around as though they) 4 didn't know which way to go," George $ Barbershop | she said. 'Then the leader gavel) ©"$"! O°' srsc"s aM out a loud 'honk' and the flock assembled once more and re- sumed flying northward." ] WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MONDAY MIXED ;Knowles 654 (215, 253); Clara BOWLING Rowden 652 (296); Merv, Bemis 638 (221, 254); Pete Ruttan 638 (216, 245); Doug Peggs 635 (225, 218); Allin Hewis 634 (224, 201, 209); Clarence Moore 630 (228, 221); Carl Pascoe 624 (268); Hazel Moore 616 (208, 234); Earl Smith 611 (205, 211); Mil- lie Peggs 604 (233). Games over 200 -- Jim Miff- lin 272, Pat. Holter 253, Bey. Childs 24, Barb. Gill 230, Don Holter 228, Myrt. Denyer 222, 202, Mickey McMaster 219, 204, Sam Peake 219, Harold Moore 218, Chris. Adair 216, 201, Noel Edey 214, Keith Laundry 211, Verna Sandford 210, Bill Hewis 210, Jenny Fowler 210, Terry Plumbe 209, Cyril Garratt 208, Earl Smith 207, Arlye Mur-) phy 206, Ann Vesters 204, Irma Vaughan 203, Sam Bonk 203, V. April 5: Team standings -- G-B Jays 36, Headpins 36, Rockets 32, Poker Chips 30, Woodpeckers 29, Crackpots 29, Whitby Clean- ers 26, Lucky Thirteens 26, Neighbors 25, County Bow! 23, Ringers 23, KoKonuts 20, Sabre Jets 18, Echoes 17, Bassin's 16, Union City 6. Triples over 600 -- Doug Row- den 865 (262, 266, 337); Don Denyer 808 (246, 234, 328); Marty Jordan 785 (233, 282, 270); Charlie Gill 735 (232, 262, 241); Ron. Childs 728 (231, 321); Wayne Stewart 728 (206, 256, 266); Paul Frank 714 (268, 276); Betty Pascoe 712 (249, 205, 258); Ward Bick 705 (200, 255, 250); Vern Brooks 690 (261, 254); Ron Pascoe 685 .(244, 233); Clare Holter 680 (222, 202, 256); Lil) Peake 625 (219, 205, 251); Ron| Adair 658 (285, 223); THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, April 13,1965 § . The first children for 18-year- Triplet-Parents Mrs. Persall and her 20- * . year - old, -a-week truck- Name Their Trio driver nae band, -- born SIMCOE (CP)--Triplet sons.|five pounds, and. five pounds, born Friday to Mr. and Mrs.|six ounces. Stanley Persall of Waterford,| It was the first triplet birth have been named Stanley, Scott|in the 40-year history of Norfolk and Wayne. {General Hospital. - Burning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes This Special Hemorrhoid Remedy Contains a Unique Healing Substance That Relieves Pain As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids ing the day and especially aggravating at night. If you want satisfactory relief --here's good news. A renowned research laboratory has found a unique healing substance with the ability to promptly relieve the burning itch and pain. It lly ebrinks b aids. This substance has been shown to produce a most effective rate of healing. Ita germ-killing pro- perties also help prevent infection. In one hemorrhoid case after another "very striking improve- This was accomplished by # new healing substance (Bio- Dyne)--developed by a world- renowned research institution. This substance is now obtain- able in ointment or suppository form known as Preparation H. Molly} Geese Good Weather Omen WHITBY (Staff) -- Robins picking straw for nests are sure signs of spring. Further proof of 'good weather' how- ever, was evident on Saturday) evening when a flock of wild] | tment applicator. Available at all drug counters. Satisfaction or your money refunded. the Fairview Lodge. The oc- casion was an _ informal party created by the staff of the Lodge. One member of 'Joseph Pickett on the fiddle recently when the talented couple provided musical en- tertainment for residents at BEATING OUT A TUNE in high fashion, Mrs. Mabel Johnson, at piano, complete with 'hard hat', joined | Sunday from 8 A.M. te a P.M. Tuesdoy -- Ladies' Doy Mondey -- Closed All Dey BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY TOWN OF WHITBY Holiday Garbage Collection GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 16th There will be NO GARBAGE COLLECTION on FRIDAY, APRIL 16th. Gerbege normally collected on thot dey will be picked up on Thursday, April 15th, 1965. COUNCILLOR T. EDWARDS, Chairman, Sanitation Committee. aan FIRST INSTALMENT OF TAXES DUE APRIL 15th 1965 TAXES are poyable in four instalments. The first intal- ment will be due Thursday, April 15th. A discount of 1% will be allowed on the second instalment ond 2% on the third and fourth instalments, if paid on or before April 15th, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, ALL TAXES ARE PAYABLE AT ANY WHITBY BANK : PAY NOW -- AVOID PENALTY CHARGE F. N. Mekwen, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. three residents during the evening. --Lenscroft Photo Studio tained having a 'ball'. Three staff members took time off their activities to pose. with 'Faieviow Lalla 'Sail Mary street west. Mr dM Entertains Residents William Farmer of Cooksville) WHITBY (Staff) Spring|In true fashion of a professional | jwere also weekend guests at the burst out with a bang at Fair-|Western old time caller was) |Ward's residence view Lodge, Wednesday eve-jLoyal Pogue assisting. | | : |ning when the staff staged | Ril] Martin provided a dance| Jacqueline, daughter of Mr. gala event for the entertain-istep routine and Sam Brett | and Mrs. Gordon Wilde, Caleiment of the residents, The|sang several solos Accompany-| brated her second birthday April|party was a combined danceling the entertainers were Mrs. 7. Youngsters attending pent oon -- with the staff Mabel Johnson at the piano and party were: Corey and Lee Ann|" °° '™ Costume _ _jJoseph Pickett playing the Partin: wad Coustua Candy: andl The program started with a fiddle. i ee |Grand March. The staff moved! jembers of the female staff/ King, Lisa Stephen./to front and centre in theidressed as huge Bunny Rab-| threw an informal party for the residents recently with both entertainers and enter- Dressed as over - sized" Bunnies, members of the staff at Fairview Lodge a WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harej, 218 Craydon road 'spent the: weekend in Hannon the guests cif Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Akins. Mra. Hare addressed the Women's Association of the Hannon Unit- ed Church at the evening sex- vice, her topic was "Develon- ments in Trinidad'. Almonds United Churdh Women Evening Group are meeting today at the home of Mrs, Norman Gibson, Churchill avenue, for their monthly meett- -course in Trenton with the RCAF spent the weekend at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ward, 105 Whitby Community Arena Roller Skating Res Saco Eckma is celebrating his red Na ne Deeks and}lodge's dining room to the tune!pits, performed the Bunny Hop.| | ninth birthday today varry Clauson. A nicely decor-jof Anchors Aweigh with Mrs.| Refreshments were served by| E | ated birthday cake was served/piizabeth: Acton at the piano,|} acl } Ns by J "sit | |the staff at the end of the eve-| + ] Almonds, Clover Lane and|by Jacqueline's mother Harold Acton, dressed as the!ning i | Hilltop Parents Teachers Group ' 7 |"Lady in Black,' was mistress | --eeeeeeeeeeees | 8 P.M. to 10:30 held a most successful euchte|traveting Meheula ceremonies. | | evening at Almonds school Fuai-| postesses for the month of Aprill Picking up a "'head of steam"',| LIVE ORGAN MUSIC | and Mrt: Tammy Ellert, son of Mr day evening. lare as follows: Bridge, Mra,|esidents joined in the activi ? ; _ \Frances Spellen, Mrs. William). age Ashu he Hu |Sorichetti, Mrs. Maurice O'Con-|224 Mrs. Ida Graham, Glenn Whitt, ies en ihren ed nae sage followed by a social cup of John Wastle, Keith Crawfondjc.,.. ° pe ass NOSE itea at the close. and Chester Lee. Door prize Sutch, Mrs Edward Waring, was won by Mrs. Ida Graham, Mrs. Jack Halligan, Mrs. R. A.| Hear the Easter Pageant winner of the Raster ham. Mrs Hughes, Mrs. Robert 'Nettle,/"Mornings with the Master" *|Mrs. Dave Johnston, Mrs. Allan) with music, Good Friday eve vi y sane Evelyn Montgomery. Harbottle, Mrs. William Holley. |ning at 7.30 in Almonds United WHITBY EASTER STORE participating in waltzes) s of square dances. Admission 75c -- Kimberly Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borchuk Jr., is celebrating her second birth- day today Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wemp and} family, Kingston were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hart, 1033 Cen-4 tre street north, recent guests; Euchre: Mrs. James King, Mrs./Church Rev. Fred Reed, minis- Glenn Forestall, Mrs. Leo Steff-|ter. will be officiating ler, Mrs. Harold Forbes and Mrs, Peter Baluk. Finals will be held May 17 in the parish hall. HOURS @ Closed Wednesday Afternoon, April 14th, As Usual. Mr. and Mrs, Frank P. Bell of Purdue University, West La- 5 jfayette, Indiana, have returned] Royal Canadian Legion Ladies|home after spending a week Auxiliary are sponsoring A/with the latter's parents, Mr.) "Euchre Evening' April 12 atjand Mrs. Elmer Harris, RR 1, the Legion Hall at 8 p.m., con-| Whitby were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lang, Centerville f t Belated birthday wishes are) extended to Patrick Lynch, 91 Donovan crescent on the occa- sion of his birthday celebrated Sunday. Loraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanna is celebrat- ing her eighth birthday today. Morris Thompson, Edmoriton, Alberta who is taking a special | SURESIE EEE BROCK OnE com Whitby EVENING: @ Open Thursdey Even- | ing, April 15th, till 9 p.m. vened by President Mrs. W. G Norris and members of her committee. RELICS GUARDED ROME (AP)--The Italian gov. ernment has decided to double} guards at Italy's museums and) archaeological sites. This fol- Prizes will be awarded to, lucky winners and refreshments! will be served A lows the desecration of 23 paint- The Afternoon Group of|ings last January in the world-| Almonds' United Church Women| famous Uffizi gallery in Flor- ! met Wednesday afternoon at the] ence aw Church. Mrs. Fred: Reed, -presi-| =) dent, was in charge. Mrs. Percy! Pascoe took the devotional and gave an interesting Easter Mes- PLETE PROGRAM EACH | -- STARTING AT 7:30 @ Closed All Day Good Friday. © In the' Estate of William George Seales, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of William George Seales, late of the Town of Whitby, Ontario, Retired Canrer, who died on or about the 21st day of February, 1965, are hereby notified. to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or about the 9th day of May, 1965, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to ony person of whose claim he shall not then have notice, DATED at Whitby, this 9th day of April, 1965 tral Ontario Trust and Savings Corporotior oe Street North, Qchawe. Ontario by Dur: Ba r and Solic 139 Brock Ontario, its solicitor herein 19 an Ce F ects » ROBERT MULL GAN Ou ENTERTAINMENT tor Wh . "BALLOONS" CAN BE FULL OF ROT AIR Many an honest automobile dealer hos lost « sale to an unscruplous competitor - usuolly in o large city - simply because the buyer was confused into believing he wes buying the some cor for less money April only-save $22 per gallon on CILTONE Satin Latex G-L's finest wall paint without painty odor .. . with hundreds of colors that stay fresh. You also save 80¢ a quart on matching colors in CILTONE Semi-Gloss for woodwork and trim. , With this combination of good paint and good price, why not buy enough now to "Paint a Masterpiece" in every room! Apply when convenient. This happens when the buyer goes "shop- ping" - armed, of course, with a quote- tion on the amount and number of pay- ments required. He knows the car he wants te the lest acces- sory. His sole interest now is "How much are the payments and how many months?" H He then may meet a salesman who tells him he can "save" him $25.00. per month on the some number of poyments he's been offered. |t all seems to add up to a real saving - so he takes the deal. True, he con't get back for service, but what he's saving compensates for thot. Much later, he finds the $25.00 per month he was "saving"' waiting for him in one big peyment - the 'last payment in his contract. In the jargon of the finance business, this is called « "balloon" payment. | There are sales and there are sales. | There are paints and there are paints. | But here's the best possible. sale price on the best possible wall paint. |.You pay only $7.20 per gallon for | CILTONE Satin Latex (regularly | $9.95!!) the paint that applies easiest ++. covers evenly without glossy or Very often, this amount on @ three year contract totals more i dull spots... dries in twenty minutes thon the cor is then worth. The buyer has a choice of paying off. the "balloon", refinancing it, or, as often happens, letting the finance company repossess the car This all adds up toa Pp | justice h . Many an unscrupulous dealer has been bankrupted by snowballing tepsossessions on which he had to make good to his finance company. Developed in Canada to meet Canadian needs by Canadian Industries Limited, GP "AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING C-I-L PAINT DEALERS" WHITBY, ONTARIO 4 Dodd & Souter Decorating Centre 107 Byron St. S. AJAX, ONTARIO Corrigan Paint & Wallpaper Harwood Avenue BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Lender Hardware & Electrie 5) King St. €. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Patte's Paint & Wallpaper 85 Simcoe St. N, ----en LER DODGE 2 WHITBY' ONT Smith's Mardwere 368 Wilson Rd. § BROOKLIN, ONTARIO The Green Door 78 Steres in Ontario ALSO Beever Lumber Co. Ltd. Visit your meerest brane

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