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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1965, p. 8

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 13, 1965 PORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR verything From Soup To Nuts' - BASEBALL'S 1965 season was launched yesterday on sev- eral fronts in both the American and National Leagues and the opening games produced a little of everything, from weird to wonderful. In the National League, at least three pitchers turned in performances worthy of mid-season form, 'with Don Drysdale throwing a four-hitter and also a two-run 'homer to lead Dodgers to a 6-1 win over the N.Y. Mets -- 'which right away put Casey Stengel's team down at the bottom of the league standing, already. Manager "Red" Schoendinst got a real baptism of fire and nerves, in his first stand as man- ager of the St. Louis Cardinals -- whw played an 11-inning tie until darkness ended play, in Chicago, against the Cubs, with the score 10-10. Bob Veale limited the Giants to three hits and Bob Bailey's homer won it for the Pirates 1-0, at home. Tony Cloninger held be ned Reds to just two hits as Milwaukee won 4-2, : AMERICAN LEAGUE action produced more than its share of the weird variety. Owner Charley 0. Finley of Kansas City rode their new mascot, "Charley 0." (a donkey) around the bases. They also released pigeons and pheasants, etc., from behind the plate -- but while the K.C. fans had a lot of laughs, Detroit Tigers beat the Athletics. Minnesota Twins and Yan- kees played 'now it's your turn" in a comedy of errors which ended up with the Twins winning out 5-4 in the 11th inning. President Johnson kept his unlucky record intact -- he tossed out the first ball at Washington and Senators were defeated by Boston Red Sox. Rain washed out the Cleveland-Los Angeles game, at L.A. So, the baseball season is in full stride again and there'll be plenty of thrills and disappoint- ments before we can settle back to watch the World Series, in October. FOR A WHILE, let's stay with the hockey season. To- night sees three very important games on tap and while up in Niagara Falls, their fans will no doubt insist that the most important of these is the big fourth game between their Fly- ers and Toronto Marlboros, the major interest will be on the Stanley Cup semi-final games, in Chicago and at Maple Leaf Gardens. In Chicago, the Black Hawk fans are muttering about the failure of Stan Mikita, their red-hot scoring ace in regular schedule play, to contribute very much, at least so | far, to the defeat of the Red Wings, Detroit has lost left- | winger Larry Jeffrey for the season, on doctor's orders. He | missed the third and fourth games due to a back injury and then early in the fifth fray, was cut by a skate, for eight - stitches. Defenseman Doug Barkley will also miss tonight's action in Chicago. He suffered a concussion on Sunday night. No doubt Sid Abe! is holding him out tonight, to make sure he's right -- should the series go 'to the seventh game. Abel is happy with the play of defenseman Warren Godfrey and left-winger Bob Dillabough. In Toronto, "Punch" Imlach | is using the optimistic approach for his team, insisting they'll win tonight and again on Thursday, back in Montreal, and has even made train reservations for Montreal. These tac- tics are likely more in the interests of psychology, than con- fidence, actually ! Seaforth Defeats | Brooklin 'Redmen' Brooklin '"'Redmen" ran into First Period some. stern opposition, when] 1. Seaforth, Aldis they opened their OHA Inter- )Beauttenmiller) ..... 6:26 mediate "B" championship final| Penalties--None. series, last night at Uxbridge Second Period and were set down 5-1 by the visiting Seaforth squad. Second game of the series is 2. Seaforth, MclIlwain (Storey, Cumming) ... 8:20 Penalties -- McLaughlin and in Seaforth on giver f Pct Henderson. with the third game schedule for this Friday evening, 8:30 4 Scatethe Miclactiin o'clock, at Uxbridge. P (Doig) : 2:14 In spite of hard, close-check- 5 Sreckin Wa: ing tactics, by both teams, the) " (Ginson, Tran) 5:30 game was cleanly played, only! ¢ Seaforth, Doig ........ 5:47 two minor penalties being meted! 7° Seatorth, Mcliwain ....14:25 out, both to the visitors and both in the second stanza. Penalties--None. | the last place Tigers, who swept! Oshawa Tennis Club ted on Ritson road north, at Hillcroft st. With the 1964 b com- pleted, the élection of the 1965 president, Keith Alderton; vice- president, John Dench; treasur- ald; vice - president, John Dench; treasurer, Dallas Kun- kel; secretary, Barbara proven. very successful. _ Ray promises a very interesting eve- Pe Sir) ning to all in at tor, Pat Dench. From all the reports, especial- er, Kay -Hopkins; secretary,jexecutive was held. The new) In the past, these indoor) yyipp pace -- Purse $2,200. Maiden, Dan Cockerton; tennis director,/executive for 1965 is as fol-jclasses, followed by a series of FP Sable er Furle 5) Jenny Svenson and social direc-|lows: President, Bob MacDon-joutdoor instructions, _h a v e|};'ind, Legend, Ser ee. te FORT ERIE RESULTS FIRST RACE -- Purse . Malden three-year-olds, (51 11) fBen Covery Maxwell "99.40 1490 60 3.50 Also Ran in Order: Mad Charge, hot, Bronze Turkey, Ansman and at ee Lava- So Pool $29,568. 4-Select Edition, Gordon 4.40 Also Ran in Order: Chief Brant, Alice H, Play the Game, Music Note, Sali Along ly Kay Hopkin's financial statement, it was agreed by all in attendance that the 1964 sea- son had been very successful. A great deal of thanks must go to this hard-working executive for doing the great job which they did, in keeping the club on its feet. Another event, which many members can look forward to, is a dance, to be held Friday, May 14, which is being organ- ized by .Eleanor MacDonald. Further news bulletins will alert members as to the pro- gress of Eleanor's committee. However, of immediate inter- est to all tennis enthusiasts are! Ray Petre's tennis clinics. Hope} Cochrane; tennis director, Ray Petre; social director, Eleanor MacDonald and publicity, Ron Guiltinan. This new executive is one of the youngest in the last few years and promises to be one of the hardest working. This However, a great deal ofigroup, with the assistance of gratitude must especially be|many needed volunteers, will shown to Edna Alderton, who|strive to make 1965 just as suc- spent countless hours on thejcessful as 1964. 10-PIN ACTION Doubleheaders Giving Classics Hectic Race | s) j U nici | OSHAWA MIXED TEN PIN ; Sam Larocca was the men's top marks- The Classic League's decision| With the first round of the play-offs | man with a 576 (202), next in line Ernie) to play doubleheaders 185 t\completed, the Jinx, who lust made the|Gillespie 573 (235), Herm Prakken 571 week, so as the boys could have |play-downs, are eating Tag? nance a ogdt Gare Nec ornack aae Bob} ' j.|Plonships section, while parketts | Peake , lowle' 41 + George an uninterrupted Easter holi-/poid' 36 pin edge over the Big Five|Turner 538, Doug Cole $23, Doug Vann| day, proved most beneficial tojin the "Consolation Roll-off". |521, Ki Neal 519, Ed Mothersill 511, Bob/ The Jinx with 2,668 pins are followed|Worsley 510, George Lawrence 506 (200), | | : ke sO) | (2,578), the Crawlers are next with|Hugh Gillard 506 and Glen Wagar 501) jall of their six games with Hor-|(2600),' 4 and W_ Drive-In (2,597), Die] (224). | jnets and Falcons. Hards (2,567), and Beatles with (2,538).| Standings -- Auto Magic Carwash 43,| ; .|_In the "consolations" the Big Five with|Oshawa Tune-Up Centre 41, Bond's Cloth-| Bert Harding, George Law-| 542) are second only to the Sparketts|ing 40, Snapshots 36, Vancos 35, Pick-| rence and Cliff'-Bradshaw were) (2,578), the Crawlers are next with) wick Cleaners 38, Crown Taxi 35, gs ed all prominent in the '"'Bengal"|(2:516), Duffys (2,508), Morrisons Sunoco Service 34, Preston's Men's Shop veh t ictory ith Clit An | (2,503), Scugog Cleaners (2,495), Odd'31, TAGR's 30, Bobbies 30, Central Auto! march to victory, wi AMT TUK=| Baits (2,432), Slow Pokes (2,414), Try-|Body 30, Oshawa Camera Centre 24, | ing in quite nicely for ailing cay) (2,338), and the Beadles with Starks Plumbing 23, Yomacs 21 and Dan- ; . is i & dies 16, Vern Trimm, who is in the hos Despite the pressure of the play-offs, pital for a short stay. the scores were great, with June Pettit r "ions y win-|exhibiting a "golden-arm" making the The Eagles and Lion by win jdifficult BIG FOUR split, and collecting ning four of their six games,|the 15 smackers, of course. Nice work, EASTWAY MEN'S THURS-NITE | The lead changed hands again this | and the Royals who split their ait.' "" I hale Soe Caen lake last week's leading Hornets, | ,.19:* jorn a na® (oy, bon' Richmond |® 3.10.1 setback. For Pepis it was a solid who suffered a disastrous day|ss (202, 201), Horst Sommer 553 ais), |feam gph with pret Sone, 560 (200), and by winning but one game of|Jack Sanders (550), Andy Prakken (546),,8V® Edwards 555, leading the way. | their six, despit "800" | John Webster (545), Dan Thomson 538) While Houdailies ran into a red-hot Pir six, Gespile a Set) (215), Hans Boesch 531 (203), Glen Copp|Mackie's team, with Wayne Layton's sec- by: captain Bob Richardson. 527, Tal Ryan (522), Bob Jones (510),/0nd straight top triple 653 (224, 221, 208), Ken Fisher was "'flying high' Hugh Boyd (506), Jim Lamont (506),| Fred O'Neil's 624 (223, 237), and assisted for the Eagles. Bob Edgar was|and Gord Dyck (502). |the bumper boys, and only a. fine 268 ; .| For the Jadies, Bev Doran had a fine single by Tom Krawchuk averting a shut- tops for the oe Gaeree eh 513 (208), Noreen Richmond (503), Jenn out. ong ge oy shaky Royals, still) jutcheons (503), Lillian Taylor 486, Glen-| | Scugogs kept their faint hopes alive n the act. da Thomson 475, Marg. Biown 475, Lor-| when they split points with L.A. and B. Fy ' raine Dalby 475, Ede Ryan 467, Alice|Tom Donahue (555) and Joe Spencer 554 The Jets kept in contention | tannin 462, Eleanor Hutchinson 461,|(201) for the cleaners, and Bruce Hard- by roaring back from a three-| june Petit 453, Leona Jones 449, Mari- ing =" «a18), and Frank Sob} (572), for Ss s|anne Yakimishen 446, Barb Kirkham 434,|/the Discounts' top men here. Pic-O-Mats gran loss to ~~ gi Joann McKay 426, Shirley Powers 424, | upset Goch's 3-1 with Jim Leaman's 541 2 to 1, as Arno Knop, Herman Marion Leonard 418, Ona Zambonelli 413,|(212) making the difference, | Prakken and Stan Gainer hung! Betty Thomson 409 and Dot Tyson 407.| Herman Prakken's 408 (206) fired Les on grimly. jEveniss to a 40 shot over Harrisons. With six games left in the sea- TUESDAY-NITE LEAGUE lore Monae abled tenes ri serene son, five games separate the) The playotts are finally underway iis to. 1, as Dick Courtney 99 (217), ang My | ui y- gue ai wi one|Bob Worsley 5: iscoun' first and last place clubs, animere week to go, there is a keen race! Scotts' 551 Y 208), for Clints. Dyetts, that the Falcons, who are still}for championship honors in both the "A" already in the play-offs, tuned up for the shaking their heads in disbeliefjand "8" groups. |big show, by trampling McLaughlin's 4-0, f their fi e loss, and the| Cadillacs lead the way in "A" Group,|with Bob McHugh 577 (211), and Bob of their five-game 1088, anc [with & 2710 total. They are followed|Peake 564 (214), showing great form, Hawks in last place, despite : closely by House of Cuan 38791 Kinloch's| white H and L Decisioned Wilsons 3 10,3. ' i ' en's Wear, 7 \o-Shuns, i\with Frank Smegal's 577 (219, ), split in their series, aré both) rere peor' 2610 and Burn's. Shoes, 2562.|the losers, the lop performance here. still in the running. ) In the "B" group, Thompson Plumbing| Other good triples, had B. Grant $45, Big Eight -- Ken Fisher ata oranda Bgl re Berra 1 Brie Young 540, Ron Milne m, Jim Dew. . » 2665; 1 2567; |holm $36, G. DeLong $37, R. Cou: , (258, 202), Arno Knop 621 (234), | winder Esso, 2553, and Ron Robinson|p" "Zarewmy sd Glen Copp saa," Doug Bert Harding 612 (224, 2117), Excavating, 2517. tor last weex|V2" 53% J. Loreno 529, D, Trivett 523 { " individual high scores for last weel B. P. $21 (208), Bob Richardson 608 (206, 203),) ori a anker (202) 983, Bill. Bone en -- 'gp ia 6),| ; Standings Dyetts Sports 22, Peppis Herman Prakken 583 (216),|579, 'B. Harding 563, G. Copp 561, G.|pizza Palace 21, -A. and B. Discount 21, George Brabin 581. (204), area |fupryce es. be Pare 54, 1B. Wind /Houdailies Industries 20, Mackles van =| aah + 6. 2 it » 19, Cleane: Lawrence 579 (282), Sam Lar-|)"'zambonelli S21, H. Prakken 518 and ere eg 7, Hood L 'Enterprises ge vb gia Is 47, I © anteiauel wishlick for the season, were ag de gs hae i a Ae Wioee lings -- Royals , Lions were test 15, Les Eveniss Sales 14, sons Standing os 4 t |Stan Hodgson -- High. average winner,|iMens Wear 13, Ideal Dairy 12, Homes by 47, Eagles 47, Hornets -- 'ain 187; Ron Leonard, high single win-| Harrisons 12, McLaughlin's Fuels 11 and 45, Tigers 43, Falcons and|ner, with 265 and John Mason, high triple | pie.o-mMats 10. winner, with 642. | Hawks 42. | Aldis, on a play set up by Beauttenmiller, scored the only goal of the first period and mid- way through the second period, MclIiwain topped off a three-way play with Storey and Cumming, to make it 2-0. Carly's Allen, Farr Seaforth took command of the|tsl#n¢ Song, _ Ingles rit game in the third period when) Also Started: Tom Key, Lusty McKin- McLaughlin, on a pass from |ney., Anvrtcen Pilot, Clever Holmes and} Doig, made it 3-0. wed wate Three minutes later, Dean|. SECOND RACE -- 6% Furlongs (Pace)| West, on a combination attack|{q, ""**%*7rels end up. Purse $600 FIRST RACE -- 61% Furlongs (Trot) for three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) 11.00 4,30 3.10 3.80 3.1 ' ; R. 5 to 2. Meades Sunoco plucked a 5-2 win|some good scores were turned in with = Fimo Gibson and Paul) Rovst Goose Gatbrath 490-20 3enine Ra PAID. $15.20 from Stark's Plumbing. Auto Magic Car-|Walt Crystal next in line back of George ran, broke the ice for Brook-| sonny mac, Morrissey 3.10| SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for Wash retained their hold on first place|and Orval, on a 580, Glen Copp $79, Joe lin but this proved the only shot| Also Started: Doctor M @, Shy Counsel,|three-year-olds an dup. Purse $1,000 With @ 5-2 victory over Pickwicks, Friedrich $72 (229), Alex Ross. $71, Ken that Seaforth's alert goalie Rocky Coast, Ida Byrd B., and Leela| (7) Snapshots and Central Auto Body won|Fisher 563, Cliff Bradshaw 556, Ray 8 + | Chief. |Armbro Explorer, McKinley 5,20 3.20 2,60/ he close ones, with the 'snappers' edg-|Siege! 549, Bob Richardson 547, Mike Baker, permitted to get past. [DAILY DOUBLES Nos. 5 Carly's Allen Doig and Mcllwain, each un- 94 3 Reval Goose, PAID $29.20 assisted, added the final two THIRD RACE -- 6% Furiongs (Pace) goals for the visitors. nd three-year-olds and up. Purse $800 ' Twelve Steps, Varco e 15.00 6.60 4.80 SEAFORTH--goal, Baker; de-| yilicrest Saint, Langille 4.20 3.20 fence, Anstett and Dolmage; rey le soa gy ye ' * ai 3 racker, Hasty centre, Doig; wings, T. Dick| widow, success Fish, Duke of Atom end |{ ) and Mcllwain; alts.: McLaugh-|Argyel Alfie. lin, Cumming, Dale, Aldis, Stor-) poyrty race . y , Stor-| att ey, Henderson, Beauttenmiller for threeyesroids and un purse' ase, and Whitelaw. ite Perennial, Findley 3.10 2.80 2.40 act liver, Herringt 7 ¥ BROOKLIN: goal, Vanstone;| Ben carey, Galbraith' " 330 defence, Haynes and M. Jones; | , Als Started: Superior Chief, Roya K. . Scott, Dillard, Homestead trish Fergie centre, Wakely; wings, and Ferguson; alts.: R. Pascoe) and 'Direct Queen. Jones vOneS,| EIFTH RACE - Hull, Mathews, Redshaw, Gib- oe. Euriongs: (Tro) and up. Purse $900 (7) "son, P. Tran, West and Everett. | Josedale Royal Pal, Walker 7.10 3.30 2.60 --~|Reckless Living, Paimer 6.60 4.40 ' Lord Dean, Hansen 5.20 GREENWOOD RACEWAY } GM TEN PIN | EASTWAY MIXED TEN-PIN Flintstones took the lead In the first Anne Bone's 574 (207), was this week's ind of championship play with a 2,759 finest performance in the Eastway Mixed| pinfall, while the Combines were tops in League. it was the second fine effort for!ine consolations with a total of. 2,721. | Anne <ithin @ month end next year) George Turner of the Combines had should be a banner one for this hard-|tne high triple of the day with a 597 working gal. that included a 246 single, but the fine Anne's good show brought out the best! performance on the whole, was that of in her teammates as Crown Taxi shut-| orya) Higgs of the Rooks ,who fired a out Prestons 4 to 0. Josie Gyurka with 541,| 597 (290, 204) series, which I'm sure he'll Lorenz Schatz 553, and Ossie Spooneribe a long time forgetting. 552, made it easy for the Crowns, Easter weekend the boys will have @ Oshawa Cemera Centre shied away|chance to rest and er their mis- from the cellar of the league, by dump- | takes, and then it will be back for the ing the Dandies 7 to nil. Bobbies came|second round on April 23, with all con- out of thtir recent siump by beating the tenders still definitely In the running. Ymacs 5 to 2. Vancos tripped the TAGR's| Despite the pressure of the play-offs, Also. Started: DQ-|. J. Collins, Thel giers, Ozark Peter and Vital Victory. DQ-Finished 3rd 'disqualified and placed 4th for an unrestrained break at the wire. SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot) for three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,300 (4) Tapdean, Kingston 3.80 3.10 2.10 Johnnie R., Palmer Penny Coelen, Findley 2.1 Also Startea: Diana Hunter, Late Cans, Bishop Song and Late Frost. QUINELLA Nos. 3 Tapdean and 1 John- 5.30 2.10 8.20 4.70 Ing Tune-Ups, while Centrals were nip-|Hepburn 547, Vic Tyrell 544, Rolf Rocker 3.30,Ping Bonds, each on a 43 count. |541, Tony Lupel 537, Frank Sobli 536 and | The ladies were really on the beam/Arno Knop 532. this week, with Carol Collis coming up; Remember fellows, you must register with a 542 card, including a dandy 23]/for the banquet or go without. Anyone, single, Fairley Bouckley 521, Mavis Tay-'who has plans for attending, must meet for 509, Marion Peake 505, Doris Vann|with the regulations as specified over the |DQ-Brother Jim, Feagan |Horatius, Findley Also Started: Billy G. Express, Leny| | Boy, Postal Chief, Macclennen Boy Grat- fan. Late Can, Moinars T. Byrd, DQ-Finished 1st disqualified and placed 2nd for interference to. see you there! | Wellsville' and A 5). 4Fayette Queen, Werry 8.10 3.30 2.30 1-A-Nothing Sacred, Rogers 3River Bully, Leblanc Bin Rocky. Late Scratch--A+-Jovial Joel, A---B. Metskin entry. (8). la Sarlivern, Potts 6M Gerry Topnam (506), Rich Forster (502),/by Alex Ross (550), just too much for) and Winner, ch g, 3, by My Kingdom -- Wind, by Windfields. bie Pool $36,722. FOURTH RACE -- Purse $1,900. Claim- Ing, four-year-olds and up. 6 Furlongs (7) 1-Bar Hostess, Cuth'sn 28.60 7.70 3.90 6Payola, Fitz'ns 3.30 2.70 7-Our /Johnie, Potts 3.00 Also Ran in Order: Cloud 1.V., Eva's Gem, Queen's Day and Wedded Bliss, Winner, b f, 4, by County Clare -- Lady Merrick, by Jacopo, Pool $32,651. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2900. "'The| Allowances, --_four-year-olds up, 6 Furlongs (5) 2.70 2.20 2.70 Also Ran in Order: Arctic Swirl, and) JUINELLA, 4 AND 1A, PAID $27.30 | Ql Winner, dk br br m, S, by War Jeep--| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS |Wirra, by Equifox. Pool $16,502, Quinella Pool $18,906, Rouyn. - | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim-| Woodstock Athletics. | inc, four-year-olds and up, 6 Furlongs 41,90 14.80 9.00 1-Yukon Squaw, Armstrong 8.4 R oh = FPFFA EEK THE ONLY LOW- PRICED TIRE WITH © 499, Mary Cole 470, Mary Mothersill 4S7, loud speaker system on Friday. Please EIGHTH RACE -- 61% Furion Pace) | Hazel McLachlan 455, Eileen Worsley 454,/contact your executive, no later than for three-year-olds and up. Purse, 800 Bessie Howlett 449 and Grace Fusko 496.|Thursday of this week. Futurity Chief, Gordon 4.00 3.20 2.80 Shady Valley, Alexander 9.10 5.00 Fastry, Desjardins 3.40 "Also Started: Crystal. Hal, Uncle Spud, Bar Gold, Jovial Abbe and Sandy Dares. NINTH RACE -- 7 Furlongs (Pace) for sag and under, Purse $1,000 Greentree Judy, Boyce 18.00 17.50 5,10 Danny Brewer, Fritz 11,60 4,20 Lucky Beejay, Hayes 2.90 | Also Started: Gay Charm C., Barbara G., Willie Wyn, Elstag Jimmy and Gay 3-T NYLON AND TUFSYN RUBBER ALL-WEATHER "42" BUY A PAIR AND SAVE by i four-yeer-olds and up,, 6 Furlong 4-House Boy, Parker Fecha'. Pumere wae, Prin Tune and Water Winner, Attendance, 4,26: By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Giants. delphia; 2-0 triumph over Houston Ast- [ALLAN CUP SURVIVORS 45o/Moose Jaw Pla-Mors, 5.50|Maple Leafs. | TUBELESS 6.50/13 7.50/14 6.70/15 | 7.10/15 8.00/14 8.50/14 7.60/15 6.40 3.80 2.80 3.00 2.60 Order: Mencheval, Miss © 9, 6 by Bull P Ruling ' age -- 'by Mucho Gusto. Pool $40,231. Total Pool $303,314, 2, YESTERDAY'S STARS Pitching -- Bob Veale, Pitts- burgh, hurled a_ three-hitter, striking out 10 and walking only one in the Pirates' 10-inning 1-0) 4 victory over San Francisco Batting--Richie Allen, Phila- clouted a two - run homer that gave the Phillies a t ros. East -- Sherbrooke Beavers, Noranda_ Alouettes, West -- Warroad Lakers, | Nelson! have won four of the five games. 2.50/Aprile Lanes bowled a_ five game total of 6036. for four points compared to 5866 and one point for Motor City. easily by a score of 1367-to-1162, as Harold Ballem 'led with 341, followed by John Trott 333 and Ron Swartz 297. This, however, was. the only game Motor City was to win, as they dropped the second game. by a narrow 17 pin margin 1239; the fourth game 1126-to- 1184 and the final game, when down, 943-to-1222. Aprile Lanes Top ots Motor City Squad . DPleet Toke, Leblanc 3.0 W Also Ran in Order: Nordstern, ec S) e 1cers Codie Shack, Tutus' end Pigskin, Paters"| SEVENTH RACH -- Purse $2,000. Winner, dk 'b x br g, 3, by Law and|Claiming, four-year-olds end up, 6 Fur-| Me be --_ up bey! ea with a fine five - game ; F are boron d season in the Toronto City of 1396, made up of games The Oshawa Tennis Club offi-jtelephone working on bers and any prospective new Pool $18,416 Double Pool $4,803 6Remister, Shuk 9.30 4.80 2.90 A ; cially opened its tennis season|rentals. Without her diligentimembers, is an MHL sccadik paces deueeaiatinns chil tries oe ee 630. 40 oy. . A oad Progr cai me om, 276, bse x. on March 28, with a general|work the 1964 season wouldn't|/by Ray Petre, that he will head-|ing. Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furlongs| Also Ran in Order: Cassis Miss, Ton A ping e441 4 ' fe p> ; Trott ro) 7 oe which meeting of its members. have Seen so successful, Thejup a tennis instruction clinic, Veiiey Nika, 'Naceeg Nase ae cel en ee ch lecision to Aprile bs luded ner pled 333, 272 and At this meeting, the 1964 ex-|whole executive did a top notch|with the first clinic to be held/2-Big Boots, Hale 2.90 2.50| Winner, dk b or br g, 7, by Omission-- s i with Le igealh oe was next ecutive made its~final report|job. Monday, April 19, at 7.30 p.m.,|/fower Factor, shuk | 3.50|Lady Luly, by Aknahton, Once again, Motor City had to) With 1298, cluded games on last year's. activities. This ELECT 195 OFFICERS in the clubhouse. For thoee whe Heater 'onan cht cl on Sig Fite 7 144, relige tian i jap ro Be af ae and A nokae 'sour i ith i AIL LE, 6 AND 7, PAID $257.90) EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $1,900. Ciai ] executive was composed of é are not familiar with it, the Wee eee panes urse im- siesich ther aeomaliy' coal hs wala eeyge tt . replacement, for the vacation- ing Lloyd Sabins, helped with games of 233 and 263. : Motor City finished sea- son in a tie for eighth place, in the sixteen-team loop, with Acadian Cleaners, but if they had had a full team out on many of the weeks in which they lost, they undoubtedly would have finished higher. FINAL AVERAGES The final averages for the Motor City boys showed that Harold Ballem led for the sea- son with 248, followed by Ron Swartz 245, Al Perry 245, Sel Himes 244, Lloyd Sabins 241, Or- val Brown 240, Si Rizun 239 and John Trott 236. Roy Nesbitt, who was signed as a late season re- placement, for Al Perry, was used sparingly and averaged 212. It has been a good season of bowling and the 'Motor City" boys will be back for another try next year. At this time, the Motor City team wishes to thank Matt Kotelko and Bruce England of Motor City Lanes, for their sponsorship. Motor City won the first game 1212-to-1229; the hird game by 21 pins, 1218-to- he entire team-seemed to let Ron Swartz led the Motor City Remember When? .. . By. THE CANADIAN PRESS Boxing was legalized in Chicago 39 years ago today --in 1926--after having been prohibited since early in the century, when city fathers voted to ratify the state law regulating fights. OUR BEST 1964 RAYON TIRE Goodyear Rayon Custom Super-Cashion © Original equipment! Same fire that came on the new 1964 cars! @ Extra-mileage Tufsyn rubber! © Triple-tempered, 3-T Rayon cord! "4 Q8 6.00/13 tubeless with trade SAVE ON ALi SIZES! COMPLETE STOCKS NOW--BUT NOT FOR LONG! REGULAR SUGGESTED SALE PRICE LIST PRICE WITH TRADE 25.55 $20.00 29.65 $24.00 29.65 $24.00 33.25 $27.00 33.25 $27.00 $30.00 36.20 $30.00 SIZES 36.20 Whitewalls slightly higher. 21: OUR BEST 1964 NYLON TIRE Goodyear Nylon Custom Super-Cushion e Fy heaae fre... tested up te © Extra-mileage Tutsyn rubber! © Tripte-tempered, 3-T Mylon cord! 6.00/13 tubeless | NEED TE TO PAY? , ASK ABOUT OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS -- 'CENTER Pp. Attendance 4,447. Total Pool $262,560 pew SPORTS BRIEFS | CLAY MAY RETIRE | LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Cas- sius Clay, speaking matter-of- factly from Miami Beach, Fla., Friday indicated he may retire} after his next fight with Sonny| ' Liston. Clay, scheduled to meet! Liston May 25 in Boston, told! MOTO-MASTER EXTRA-~LIFE Fast Expert Installation surging power end quiet ear-pleasing ' - Angeles radjo station KNX] eperation. | in a taped interview: "I just 3 may retire. right after the Lis-) "eee . ! bor fight. I have so many] Against Blowout INSTALLED < l things going for me." eth cone BIG sevings for Let Us Help You With Our Know-How WILL ARRIVE EARLY MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca- nadian Olympic Association has} announced that Canadian ath-| letes in the 1968 Olympics at Mexico City will go to the site three weeks early to adapt to the 7,500-foot altitude. A spokes- man said-in an interview fol- lowing a Saturday night associ- ation meeting athletes are not [ EXTRA! capable of peak performance at more than 6,000 feet above sea| OSHAWA WHITBY level unless accustomed to the SAVE sei kc Sein qaclk Kal the rarified atmosphere. Canadian| Co. Ltd. . : ' athletes usually arrive at the! 115 Simeoe $t.$, 311 Brock St. N. | co. Olympic site a week in ad- Ph. 728-6272 wance. Seve time... Save money and get new 2h" BONUS COUPONS 23! From Minor Repairs and Remodelling | | fi i | | i i } I To Building Your Complete Home MUFFLERS And Quality Products... ! Building o Home . . . Garage Rec. Room . . . Or some lawn furniture or nick nacks . . . Holland Lumber has the finest materials and Hardware to help you do your project better! ~--So Why Not Give Ray A Try -- Come in to Ray Holland Lumber! _ Alex Nathan Sunoco Service 215 King St. West Oshawa PHONE 725-6621 ROE AEN IEE RLS R. J, Tumey Shell Service Station 962 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa PHONE 725-8542 RO Centre B.P, Service Station Ph, 668-5828 | R.R. 1, OSHAWA at 5-POINTS 725-4709 , 408 King St. West Oshawa PHONE 728-7121 FREE INSTALLATION--EAS Al Preston Sunoco 925 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa PHONE 725-2552 AT RAR Goodyear Service Store 162 King St. East Oshawa PHONE '725-5512 ea Fice's Shell Service Taunton E. & Wilson Rd. Oshawa PHONE 728-2021 ooo Y TERMS--QUICK SERVICE Midway 8.P. Midtown Texaco Hwy. 2 & Thickson Rd. Service Station 117 Simcoe St. N. we Oshawa PHONE 728-4411 PHONE 728-0541 CPA RRNA . 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