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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1965, p. 19

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hope to make everything the jchild should do become so at- jtractive to him that he will ichoose on his own will and CHILD GUIDANCE jaccord to do them faithfully Responsibility Is Asset i date, anal To Last A Lifetime Femi tte ie By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD jmore grown-up things he canjfrom outdoors when it grows You and I are impressed|and is allowed to do, the more|dark? with the way some children canjsatisfaction he derives from) Other examples could be the shoulder responsibility at home,|them. He supposes these re-jolder child setting himself to do school, and elsewhere. There's|sponsibilities are glamorous. Sojhis homework at a regular time the youngster four to eight wholwe are inclined to conclude that)and place. His preparing a long- takes your wrap when you ar-jall we need to do as parents'time assignment before the rive as a guest at his home,|and teachers is to let the child|deadline. Doing certain regular and gets them for you whenjtake responsibility for doing|chores about the home. Mak- you leave. If tea is served while|what he is able to do and would ing himself appear at meals "\you are there, he may help injlike. to do. on time and properly groomed. the 'serving. But can we hope always 'e4 pen Pong oe at a lens Or the boy or girl, 12 or 14,/find responsibilities for thejreasonably regular hour. | seagate pots a who sometimes plans the fam-|child five, 12, or 16 which he} We can consider when getting 4 . ily meal, does the shopping for|will ch to bear? Can welhimself ready for school on NEW KITCHEN FREEDOM THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 15, 1965: 19 | time for the bus or on time to'time or. place, Have her dwell walk to school, or to go. witbjon either one only, keeping the his dad when he drives to work.|other out of sight and sound for Bringing to school the object hejan evening or two, finding it in: had promised to bring, for an/various words. After it is mas- experiment or drama, You canjtered, learning the other letter think of many more, Whereas|will be easy. the first group of responsibili- ties were more or less glamor- ous, this second group rarely or never are, Show me the child who never must be reminded, pressed or finally forced to do all such things and I will show you a child who really is educated in responsibility. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Our daughter of the first grade confuses the letters b and d. What can I do to correct this? A. Don't have her practice on these letters close together in Nothing Yesterday Today Fame By PEGGY MASSIN ' PARIS (Reuters) -- Three| ; years ago, an unknown French girl sat knitting in her attic flat} © near Paris' famous food mar- ket, Les Halles. Today, the same girl -- Mi- chelle Sorano, better known by her trade name of Malhia--| 7 designs and weaves original,| % hand-made fabrics for Chanel, Givenchy, Balenciaga, and|-- _lother well-known Paris couturi-|¢ ers. is She was discovered by Chanel] © at a time when her production] / HAIR DESIGN Salon of Distinction Cal! 723-5201 151 King St. East A : it, cooks and serves it. If you Pe glBeadl yg abe: oe visit your child's school, one of ing number of orders for rich] the children there may warmly tweeds and textured woollen |welcome you and tell you about fabrics. LAW RITA SKINNER, RCAF MR. AND MRS, GEORGE STACEY Fairview Lodge Pair Mark 60th Wedding Anniversary Malhia, a 27-year-old former actress who played small parts on the stage and radio,, pur- chased a knitting machine in 1962 to add a few sweaters to Oshawa Airwoman Now At Cp. Borden her modest wardrobe. Once she had learned to op- erate the machine she began experimenting with various stitches and different types of woollen threads. One day, she discovered an unusual weave with the lateral stretch of knit- ting and the surface interest of woven fabric. CONTACTED CHANEL Enthusiastic friends urged her to show her ideas to a Paris couturier, Malhia recalls: "I didn't know a single person in the fashion business, but like so many millions of other women, I revered the name of Chanel. --Oshawa Times Photo WINNIPEG' -- Leading Air- craftwoman Rita Skinner, 26, of Oshawa, Ontario, has been transferred from Winnipeg to RCAF Station, Camp Borden, Ontario, where she will be employed on clerical duties at the Air Force Exam Unit. Since she enlisted in the RCAF in February, 1960, LAW Skinner has been stationed .at Greenwood, Nova Scotia, and, until her recent transfer, Train- ing Command Headquarters in Winnipeg, where she was on the staff of the Public Relations Officer. LAW Skinner was born at 'what they are doing. While id present you may see a chil earing for the pets or plants there. At an assembly program you may see a child eight, 10 or 15 presiding. You may be present when the: student council of your high school meet and de- liberate in almost grown-up fashion on problems of common; interest. 5 | In your town or city the mayor may hand over the run- ning of the government for a day to selected high school: stu- dents. You could name _ scores of other sample of responsibil- ity borne by children of various ages. When you and I consider such examples of. responsibility in children, we feel heartened and rightly so. But as we observe such and reflect on their values, ancien SPECIAL PURCHASE FAMOUS MAKER BETTER Stepping jauntily through theirj)They have five grandchildren a $8 twilight years, Mr. and Mrs.| and six great grandchildren. OL eas We icavi George Stacey of Fairview; Mr. Stacey worked as a farm-|..mples. Within hours the Lodge celebrated their diamond ; .», | Sampies. ith eda iwersary last Satur-|°° and for the Canadian Pacific;Chanel director phoned to ar- . 1 geeraensitoad ° |Railway for a number of years.|range an immediate interview. Two patterns were chosen, to day with a reception at the} ; : Coes EAacationsl Building, t959 per ong thar egg be delivered in four days' time. |Malhia raced back to her knit-|~ 3 11957 when due to Mrs, Stacey's Cee eee Sonered peg illness they moved into Fairview bs Stacey the former "ada Lodge. | ting machine and worked night! Babcock, came from England| They received many gifts and,and day to fill the order. | when' three years old and with greetings including messages of| One of these fabrics, in black her parents settled at Raglan. congratulations from the Primejand red wool, became one of} Mr. Stacey was born at Enfield, | Minister, the Honorable 'Lester| the most popular models in the! Ontario, the son of the late Mr.|5. Pearson; the Honorable John|next Chanel collection. ' and Mrs. Richard Stacey. The|Diefenbaker; the Honorable) Malhia's fascinating weaves) couple were married at the|Michael Starr; and Mayor|and textures are works of art--| home of the bride's parents at) Lyman Gifford, Oshawa. and proportionately expensive. Oshawa, and attended Oshawa|we are inclined to suppose that Central Collegiate Institute,/learning by children to take joining the air force shortly|responsibility is only in the aiier completing her education|direction of these samples. In- in.1959. Her parents, Mr. andjdeed, nearly everything you Mrs. W. J. Skinner, live at 1049)read or hear about teaching) Newbury avenue, Oshawa. children responsibility seems to 2 - ----------------~lbe limited to like areas. When we pause to reflect, we: observe that in all the types of; instances we selected, the child) or children bearing responsibil-| ity were doing so in situations, in which such responsibility) usually is borne only by adults. Always we are impressed at seeing youngsters doing so well) All-new FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER-DRYERS You really get Freedom when an all-new Frigidaire Dishwasher-Dryer does your dishes. Freedom from dishpan and detergent hands. Freedom from scouring pots and pans. Freedom from old- fashioned dishwashing and drying, for the rest of your life. Freedom to do what you like with the hours you save every day. Di Raglan on April 12, 1905. They) | were blessed with three chil-| | ,|Whitby, Myrtle, Brooklin, Port dren, Ina, Mrs. Raymond Way Oshawa; Theodore Stacey, Whit- . Hill. by and Idris Stacey, Oshawa Guests were present from Buf-| Although she has no formal tex-! tile or design training, she does not find it difficult to evolve \new ideas. "I just sit down at the loom |falo, Toronto, Manilla, Oshawa, Perry, Columbus and Purple SEASON FOR SUITS | ; Spring is the season for iwgits, and here is one made 1of all-wool American-loomed vabardine designed by Abe *\chrader. The sleek, smooth fabric is tailored to perfec- = in this three-piece out- it which comes in navy, EMPRESS' DRESS KEPT MEXICO CITY (CP)--A dress that belonged to Empress Car- NEWS IN BRIEF and think," she explains. Styles Of 1700 On Display By PEGGY MASSIN PARIS (Reuters) -- Fashions dating from 1700 to the latest Paris haute couture are on dis- play in a unique museum here. The late Christian Dior was so firmly convinced there was a vital need for a contemporary fashion museum in Paris that he methodically saved what he considered to be the most typi- cal model of each of his collec- tions to become a part of - it. Now, fashion designers, stu- dents and editors have a source for research and_ inspiration. The centre was founded three years ago and is still growing. When it opened its doors in 1962 the Maison Dior gave 10 dresses, including one of the famous "new look" models re revolutionized fashion in 947. LARGEST IN EUROPE Financed by the _ French Chamber of Commerce, the cen- tre claims to be the largest and most complete costume mu- seum in Europe. It contains men's, women's, and children's clothing dating as far back as 1700. Contemporary French fash- ions, contributed by Dior, Balenciaga, Lanvin, Balmain, NONEGENARIAN | Mrs. William Cardinal, Sr., celebrating her 91st birthday today, has lived in Oshawa for 49 years. She makes her home with a daughier, and_ son-in-law, Mrs; James Hardie, Sr., and Mr. Hardie, Aberdeen street. Mrs. Cardinal has five sons and three daugh- ters living, one son de- ceased in 1918 and one adopted granddaughter. She also has 25 grandchildren, 61 great-grandchildren and two great - great- grand- children. | | | beige and light blue. It fs cut with a gently top-eased skirt, an open jacket with three - quarter sleeves and flap patch pockets and a matching overblouse. --By Tracy Adrian |Patou and Ricci, are as valued jas a fragile piece of 18th. cen-! jtury lace. Francois Boucher, the cen- tre's white-haired curator, ex-| |plains that costume museums jalways start collecting clothes too late. "'By the time a style achieves an historical significance," he says, "examples of the period | A WOMAN CARES are rare and sometimes' non- strong wire around the centre eye in the ceiling or shelf above. The German woman's life ex- When closet rods sag, twist a of rod and attach to a screw WOMEN LIVE LONGER COLOGNE, Germany (CP)-- pectation has more than doubled in a century, say the latest sta- tistics. The girl baby born in 1880 had a life expectation of AUKCLAD, N.Z. (CP) -- Aj lecture series was prepared here existent. Today, we just think ahead, and collect contemporary; 28% years, but the girl born in 1962 can hope to reach 72. in these directions.' Obviously there is strong motivation. Any child, naturally, likes to prove he is growing up and the; CALL HOWAR ] tr | € |ANNIVERS Come see . . . Compare the big line of all-new 1965 Frigidaire Dishwasher-Dryers at your dealer's today See perfection. New patented Super-Surge washing. Special hot-air drying that leaves every- thing sparkling clean Value for value, your best buy! | 8.1449 FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS F SOLDENGO DRAPES Custom Made @ SLIP COVERS @ BROADLOOM @ VENETIAN BLINDS 'Free Estimates" Kz 725-3144 HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe North Oshawe Trade and Save Now on Frigidaire at HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 Simcoe St. South 725-5332 DOES YOUR LAWN HAVE BROADLEAF WEEDS? (OR CRABGRASS OR INSECT PROBLEMS) Use Agrico Weed Control with Fertilizer, This light-weight 2-in-1 product kills all the common broadleaf weeds while encourag- ing your lawn to cover the barespots. It feeds a balanced formula of grass nutri- ents while the broad spectrum herbicides kills dandelions, plantain, ground ivy, black medic, chickweed, nuisance clovers and other weeds. 20-10-5 with 2,4-D-0.92%; 2,4,5-T- 0.34% ; 0.46%. 22-lb. bag weeds and feeds IN SPRING 4400 sq. ft. of lawn. Not for use where lotta: (1840-1927) has been pre-'on emergency and disaster or- bentgrass or clovers are desirable. sented to the Carlotta-Maximil- ganization. Chairs were ar- jan' Collection in Chapultapec|ranged, a movie projector set Castle by Dr. Gabriel Moreno! up and leaflets displayed, while Robles, Carlotta's husband Max-|two lecturers put their notes in| imiJian was placed on the throne|order. The total attendance was| of Mexico by Napoleon III of\one person--a_ housewife. The| g Fratice, but overthrown and ex-|program was still given, as|§ ecuted in 1867. |practice for larger audiences. BLUE BABY DOWN UNDER STUDENTS STAY HOME HOBART, Tasmania (CP) --|. WELLINGTON, N.Z. (CP). Mary Theresa Freeman, born a|Children living in the Chatham blue baby, needed five complete| Islands, off the south coast of| @ blood: changes in her first week; New Zealand, always have the; of lie. Doctors said she had so hope of extra holidays in stormy) mamy antibodies in her rhesus|weather. The older children go negative blood that the usual|to school on the mainland, and two changes were not enough.|their "school bus" is a flying- Mrs. Freeman has three sons,|/boat which can land only when but lest five other children. jthe lagoon is calm. ; vi READY-MADE DRAPES @ DRAPERY HARDWARE e Custom Made Drapes @ BEDSPREADS @SLIPCOVERS QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE =v WARD'S *" styles before a specific fashion)Women still live 5% years has time to change and dis- longer than men, on the ave- appear." rage. Kill Crabgrass and control Jawn insects. Agrico Crabgrass and Insect Control with Fere tilizer. A 8-in-1 product--one application also provides a full feeding with a 10-6-4fer- tilizer. With crabgrass and insects under control, your turf will thicken into a dense, more luxuriant lawn. Although not recommended for bentgrass or newly seeded lawns, it's ideal for maintain- ing established turf. (Crabgrass Control Agent--Zytron'8.5%) 25-Ib. bag treats and feeds 2500 sq. ft. A FLAVOR that can't be copied Maybe you're not fussy about flavor in a ginger ale. But Wilson's are. That's why & me CORMOEKS Out law wae Wilson's Ginger Ale tastesso : : good. Skilful blending gives : : Wilson's the right balance of the Jamaica ginger flavor and sparkling carbonation, Don't let.anyone tell you all ginger ales taste the same. Try Wilson's and discover the difference. | Don't forget to feed your lawn. Agrico for Turf (10-6-4)--Formulated to maintain the fin- est established turf. And a healthy Jawn wards off many problems. The balanced for- mula provides a high propor- tion of the nitrogen in the long-lasting form to give your lawn a long steady feed- ing. When you feed your lawn Agrico for Turf, you feed it for lasting beauty. Never burns, always free-flowing. Ma_AGRICO AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED Toronto 15, , Ontario Oshawa Garden Service Oshawa, Ontario FOUR STYLES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. IN A WIDE VARIETY OF PRINTS AND COLOURS. "SIZES 10-20 IN THIS GROUP. pny Phone OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE The Prestige Pasa . a pen to 9 p.m, Tonight GINGER ALE 64-5 Closed Good Friday -- Open to 6 p.m. Saturday.

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