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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1965, p. 25

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BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD Cilla The Newest Of U.K. Invaders By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- The British invasion continues apace. The deered the Oscars, Broadway and collected record business. And look whats happening now: They're export- ee Beatles. vance don any resistance now. The girl m question is called which isn't her name at all, any more than Cilla Black, British have comman- captured anyway. And if she's ad- scout for more to come, maybe we'd just better aban- Boucher Named Council Chief OTTAWA (CP)--Jean Bou- cher, 45, a civil service com- missioner and former director of citizenship, has been ap- pointed the new director of. the Canada Council, Prime Minis- ter Pearson announced Wednes- day. He succeeds A. W. Trueman, who has resigned to become principal of University College at the University of Western) Ontario at London. Mr. Pearson also announced' that Peter Dwyer, 50, who has been assistant director (arts), has been appointed associate director to succeed Eugene Bus- siere, who has been made con- gul-general at Marseilles, France. Mr. Boucher is a. member of the Canadian Social Science Re- search Council, The Institut Ca- nadien d'Education des Adultes, the Canadian Institute of Public Affairs, the Overseas Institute, and the Ottawa Welfare Coun- cil. Mr. Dwyer held an adminis- trative post at the National Re- search Council until 1952 and then in the Privy Council office until 1958, when he was ap- pointed to the council. Dr. Trueman had been direc- tor since the inception of the arts-promoting council, which Parliament established with a $100,000,000 fund in 1957. Ringo Starr's is his. She's really Priscilla White, but by any name she's a beguiling miss with a quick smile and a burnt- orange 'fringe' (British for bangs) that encroaches on her eyebrows. Her straight hair is bobbed. A bit of wonder, she is. Cilla managed to do the impossible and break up the male hold on England's pop music industry. BREAKS DROUGHT "I did it with a number called Anyone Who had a Heart, and it was the first No. 1 song by a girl in three years or more," reported Cilla, who was on her first trip to the United States to perform on the Ed Sullivan show and Shindig shows. "Now there are thou- sands of girl singers in the business," She got into it herself by ac- cident. Born in Liverpool dur- ing the Battle of Britain, she grew up amid the spawning ground of the new sound in pop music, Working as a clerk by day, at night she prowled the cellar clubs whence came the flood of rock 'n' roll stars now dominating the record field. One night she was listening to an outfit called Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, whose drummer. was to be known as Ringo. "They passed me the mike just for a giggle," said Cilla, "so I sang along with them. My friends were impressed, and I started singing with the other outfits around Liverpool." MENTION CILLA When the Beatles hit it big, they mentioned Cilla to their' manager, Brian Epstein. Ep- stein heard her, seemed unim- pressed, but two months later) started booking her all over England. The result? "Girls were back in style," she said. She is just beginning to make her impact overseas, and is re- turning this summer to play a date in the Persian Room of New York's posh Plaza Hotel. What is she doing in the staid Plaza? "T"m not aiming strictly at LB) REJECTS 'SUPERCARS' WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Johnson has no intention of using two new armored cars for which the House of Representatives voted $522,000, Treasury Secretary Henry H. Fowler advised Congress Tuesday. The secretary told a Sen- ate appropriations commit- tee the president did not know of the plan to buy the two cars until he read about it in the newspapers. He said Johnson would continue to use "the spe- cial protective armored ve- hicle reconstructed from an existing automobile by the Ford Motor Company and turned over to the secret service, - without cost, Mounties Search For Armed Killer KELOWNA, B.C. (CP)--Po- lice continued their search to- day in the rugged Black Can- yon-Powers Creek area about 20 miles southwest of here for Rus- sel Spears, 59, wanted in the slaying of an RCMP constable. But they admitted Spears could now have fled to other parts of Canada or to the United States. Spears was charged with cap- ital murder after the death Wednesday of Const. N. B. Bruce. The constable was shot Saturday while investigating a report that 17-year-old Beverley Charest was being held against her will in a cabin near West- bank across Okanagan Lake from here, NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP} The Russians have made big business of education, a home and school convention was told here Wednesday, and Cana- dians better follow suit or be left irrevocably behind. Martin Essex, superintendent of schools in Akron, Ohio, who recently returned from a study of schocls in Russia, said the Soviet attitude towards educa- tion has propelled the Soviet Union into the position of being "the second-most powerful na- tion in the world." Mr. Essex told the annual convention of the Ontario Fed- eration of Home and Schools Associations that the Soviet sys- the teachers and encourages people to become teachers in the first place. Earlier, Toronto television GAS HOLDS ELECTRICITY WEST BURTON, England (CP)--The Electricity Generat- ing Board is building a high-vo!t- age transformer inside a bal- loon. A gas-inflated plastic en- velope will protect the site from weather while the transformer, 50 feet tall and 30 feet square, is built in three 'weeks, working round the clock. ANKA RETURNS HOME Part of Paul Anka's two-hour special for the Canadian Broad- casting Corporation next year will be taped live at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa. tem limits classroom duties for commentator June Callwood suggested establishment of a "hometown peace conps" to as- sist education of Indians and other minority groups living in depressed areas, Her recommendation followed charges by Norman Chevers, Niagara Falls deputy . police mate against native Indians just as-much as some white per-ons in the United States discrimi- nate against Negroes. In another address on the second day of the three-day convention, Arthur Pigott of Toronto, president of the Cana- dian Council for Program NORTH OSHAWA chief, that Canadians discrim-}. PALL ELLE OCPD AL, RTA LLLIER ELEY DAE Se fT OS hades Soviet Education Lauded, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Apel 15, 1968 25 LONDON (CP)--Lady Church- ill has given the British Sail|Schooner Sir Winston Churchill.|week training cruises to youths Training Association permission' The vessel is used to give two-jaged 16 to 21. It's Become Big Business' Learning, said schemes to edu- cate the public in use of leisure time will soon be needed. Home and school associations would play an important role in such schemes. ON-THE-SFOT CLEANING SERVICE © Windews ©@ Cellers © All types cleaning Call B|_r20-0r10_ to name their new Sel SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN. Dance to RUDY VELTRI and his NEW TORNADOS Toronte's Mest Versatile Group RED BARN COMMUNITY CENTRE) TEEN DANCE FEATURING The Febulous "Continentals" FRIDAY APRIL 16th 8:30 to Midnite Admission:--75e per person the pop field," she explained. "T actually do mostly ballads. I like to aim at the older audi-| ence, too. I can't play to the| teen-agers forever. I am getting) on, you know." She will be 22 next month. | FRIDAY APRIL 16th R.C.A. Vietor Recording Artists TOMMY GRAHAM and the Big Town Boys Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 1. Admission 1.75 1626 SIMCOE ST. N. Specializing a" | Steaks - Chicken - Spareribs - Sea Food etc, ROLAND'S PHONE 725-9111 in. Make Your Reservations Now! OPEN DAILY 11:30 A.M. -- 10:00 P.M. ACOLOR CARTOON FEATURE TODAY 5:55 - 7:55 - 9:55 et 2:00-3:55 HAPPY RASTER PROGRAM HAPPY EASTER PROGRAM THE IMMORTAL LIVES AGAIN... HANK WILLIAMS SINGS AGAIN! "YOUR CHEATING HEART" --with-- GEORGE HAMILTON RED BUTTONS ARTHUR O'CONNELL HE'S BACK WITH BRAND NEW FUN, THRILLS AND ADVENTURES ! you survive amounts can be you stort reciving $300 a mc 4 $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 increased by leaving your dividends on deposit. Should you not survive to age 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be paid immediately to your family. NOW PLAYING... SWEEPING OVER THE GREAT SOUTHWEST...THE SAGA OF THE UNION MAJOR AND CONFEDERATE CAPTAIN FIGHTING SIDE BY SIDE LIKE DEVILS! ROMALD W. BILSKY, Bt, CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E. -- 728-5156 somes = ren n Ny _ THENTRE yg TODAY ! @ EVENINGS From 7:30 Including Sundeys @ FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS © LATE OWL SHOW SUNDAY EVE! 3 Big Hits In Color 1. MAJOR DUNDEE Here Is @ plon to provide for your family If you should die, or for your retirement yeors it You make rec 'or payments to the Sun Life of Canada, then ot age 65, r life, or If vou prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of these 2. GIDGET GOES TO ROME 3. GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN SUNDAY From 7:30 @ Lest Complete Show 9:45 Come As Lote As 9:45 And See All 3 Festures BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 Children under {2 FREE! Always A Color Cartoon' "FLIPPERS NEW ADVENTURE" in COLOR with LUKE HALPIN PANMELA FRANKLIN PHONE 725-5833 SATURDAY & SUNDAY 230 P.M, IT'S LOVE ITALI A HILARIOUS AMERICAN TWIST! "TECHNI EDWARD JUDD - axtnuit anes ead WOME POT E Rook iyison 8 gig Young STRANGE BEDFELLOWS ER AN STYLE...WITH THEY LOVE TO FIGHT... BUI NOT AT NIGHT! a\globrigig, COLOR -TERRY-THOMAS Srey by WEL A PRIMA ROK PROOUETION + A UIFEIRLA PCTURE SHOW TIMES -- 1:30-3:35-5:40-7:45-9:45 Last Show 9:20 By completing the enquiry form below, you con obtoin details suitable to your personal situation. Plans can be erranged to provide various amounts maturing ot ege 60 or 65. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshewe Shopping Centre ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 -- << aa am NAME... Exect Dote Of Birth .. ADDRESS .... OCCUPATION .. eeeeseate Unit Menager Business 725-4563 eecoverscsocceseee eeeereccerreseceoe ee eeereereseeee Coececesesessseeseccen NOW THE GREATEST, GROOVIEST, WILDEST, MOST EXCITING BEAT BLAST EVER TO POUNDS THE SCREEN! Starring We PACEMAKERS | A THE BARBARIANS - MARVIN TODAY! MARK BEACH BOYS GERRY AND THE | BILLY J. KRAMER SMOKEY ROBINSON AND THE MIRACLES JAN AND DEAN -THE SUPREMES FOR THE FIRST TIME AT REGULAR PERFORMANCE TIMES AND PRICES ! ! ! 1 Benecietoan with SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT CO. E ROLLING | TH STONES ND THE DAKOTAS CHUCK BERRY + JAMES BROWN & THE FLAMES GAYE - LESLEY GORE er : @ ADDED THRILLER @ ee ie a a i ie cel High School Hoodlums vs The Nice Group! "HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOTS" siadeeniiaiieeemniiainiteeniiaeiiamnanad This Weekend Treat The Family To.. DELICIOUS: : yp" REASONABLY PRICED MOTOR HOTELS Bowmanville, Ont. East On 401 At Interchange 75 Traditional Easter Dinners Consomme with Sherry Chicken Soup Ripe and Green Olives Corn Relish Assorted Relish Tid Bits Celery Hearts Dill Pickles SELECTION ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEYS Cranberry Sauce BAKED HONEY CURED HAM Madeira ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF eu jus Mango Chutney -- Creamy Horseradish BAY OF FUNDY LOBSTER on Rice Bed Bombay Whipped Potatoes Sour Cream and Chives Green Beans in Shallots and Pimentos Candied Yams Baked Potatoes Cauliflower and Gratinee Crisp Green Salad Choice of Dressings Assorted Rolls and Butter Cake. A La-Mode Jello and Whipped Cream Old Fashioned Rice Pudding Hot Apple Pie and Cheese Pumpkin Pie Chocolate Mint Parfait Cheese and Crackers Fresh Fruit Coffee Milk Chocolate Milk : SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES and as an Added Attraction-. An Easter Display oe? ALL OF THE KIDDIES! BABY CHICKS

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