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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1965, p. 2

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2. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Ape 15, 1968 Dupuis Discontent With Lesage: Roy By RUSSELL PEDEN ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP)--Yvon , former ee to operate a racetrac' Lue, Que. The testimony, at Mr. Du- | we preliminary hearing on in- juence-peddling charges, came from Jacques Roy, executive as- sistant to the late revenue min- ister. Mr, Roy also told the court that Mr. Dupuis took him out for lunch earlier in the same lie saw the letters because he was authorized to open the con- fidential correspondence of Mr. Earl, who died in 1963. Mr. Roy denied that he had received $1,000 or any other amount of money from Mr. Du- puis. The only favor I ever got from him was when he paid for the lunch, about $5," he said. Shortly after the executive as- sistant testified, Judge Andre Regnier adjourned the hearing) until April 28 . : Earlier Wednesday, St. Johns businessman Roger L. Lanoue testified that he advised his younger brother to steer clear of the racetrack project be- TORONTO (CP) -- The On-| tario legislature adjourned Wednesday for its Easter re- cess, It resumes sitting again April 27. : | Third reading and royal as- sent were given to 46 govern- 'ment bills, including: --An act to prevent strikes in hospital labor disputes by' making arbitration compuls- ory; --An act adopting the Red Ensign as the flag of Ontario, with the Ontario shield in- stead of the Canadian shield in the fly; --An act raising the pay of legislature members to $8,000 from $5,000 and the expense allowances to $3,000 from $2,000 and the expense allow- ances to $3,000 from $2,000 for vised liquor control act. New securities session. Legislation to ambulance services pui off for a year. establish a system of commu- nity colleges in the province, a new child welfare act, marketing legislation and a re- milk legislation} may be postponed until the next imple- ment attorney - general's com- mittee reports on legal aid and may not come up until next year. Elec- toral redistribution has been In other business Wednesday, Robert Boyer, vice - chairman of the Ontario Hydro, told the legislature that waterways adaptable to the production of electric power are becoming rare, He said Ontario will have BOGALUSA, La. (AP) -- Ne- gro pickets, ignoring signs warning 'the Ku Klux Klan is watching you,' marched under the ot Louisiana sun at Boga- lusa to demand equal job op- portunities. Police stood guard as they walked in front of midtown stores Wednesday. Segregation- ists staged a "buy in" and some whites crossed the picket lines, made purchases and waved them at the Negroes. Officials announced the ar- rest of four white men on charges resulting from an at- tack on a column of Negro pro- test marchers last Friday. One of those arrested was charged with committing assault with a dangerous weapon on James Farmer, national director of lcharges against a Birmingham MLAs Home For Holidays Negroes Ignore KKK Sign, After Completing 46 Bills Picket For Equal Rights | the Congress of Racial Equal- ity. In Washington, meanwhile, the House of Representatives voted 312 to 43 to give its com- mittee on un-American activi- ties $50,000 to start its investi- gation of the Ku Klux Klan. DROP CHARGES In Montgomery, Ala., the jus- tice department dropped man arrested after the March action as the grand jury failed to indict Rowe. He was arrested with three other Birmingham area men after Mrs. Viola Li- uzzo; 39, was shot to death from' ambush near Lowndesboro, Ala. The others were indicted on charges of violating the consti- tutional rights of civil rights demonstrators. Alabama Attorney - General Richmond Flowers disclosed, meanwhile, that he plans to N piace the results of the state's said that should the evidence investigation into the slaying|. ee before the Lowndes County were 5 pea first grand jury next week. He has|degree murder indictments. SSS eee May | Co-operate in planning your insurance protection @ AUTOMOBILE e URBAN FIRE @ FAMILY LIABILITY © LIFE @ ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS AND OTHER INSURANCE NEEDS JOHN McPHERSON 110 Gobet St. Phone 728-7207 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE and CO-OPERATORS LIFE CIA 25 civil rights slaying of a white housewife from Detroit. U.S. Commissioner James H. Guttery signed an order dis- missing a conspiracy charge against Gary Thomas Rowe, 35. A justice department spokes- man in Washington said dismis- sal of the charge was a routine Plan to Attend... Van Bolle Gardens cause he felt the men involved, including Mr. Dupuis, lacked the experience and the matur- ity to make the project suc- \ceed. . to depend more and more on coal - fired generating plants and nuclear energy. metropolitan Toronto mem- bers and to $4,000 from $2,000 for out-of-town members. Among bills expected to come before the legislature ASKED FOR MONEY lafter the recess are a medical "SPRING GARDEN FESTIVAL" year and tried to persuade him that a racetrack would be good for the St. Luc region. Mr. Dupuis, 38, who resigned from the cabinet in January at Prime Minister Pearson's re- * stne ano" Tornado-Twisted Midwest aecreaied i sneer °°" Declared Disaster Area quest, is charged with having asked for and accepted $10,000 for using his influence in sup- port of the charter application. The charter, sought by a group headed by chiropractor Roch Deslauriers of St. Johns, was never granted. RECEIVED LETTERS Mr. Roy testified that Mr. Earl received a number of let- ters- about the racetrack dur- ing 1961. Among them were let- ters from Mr. Dupuis, Mr. Des- lauriers and Philidor Ouimet, member of the Quebec legisla- ture for St. Johns. The executives assistant said | He said his .brother Guy came to him May 7, 1961, and told him he had been asked to contribute part of an amount of $10,000 that the racetrack pro- moter needed urgently for the following day. ° : Mr. Lanoue said he under- stood the money was to be paid to Mr. Dupuis through Mr. Deslauriers, and "I strongly recommended that he (Guy) get out of it as quickly as he could." Mr, Deslauriers has testified that he borrowed most of the $10,000 and gave it to Mr. Du- puis in Ottawa May 9, 1961. care insurance act,,a bill to plants. WEATHER FORECAST issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: A storm now mov- ing east from James Bay is lling cold air southward be- HERE and THERE: hind it and this cold air will move below Lake Superior be- fore Friday morning. Follow-' ing rains ih lower lakes dis- tricts overnight it will turn Cloudy And Cold Windy Tomorrow | TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts) Wingham eetetiag Hamilton St. Catharines.... Toronto WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- ident Johnson, misty-eyed at times during a tour of areas hit by tornadoes and floods, has declared Indiana, Ohio and Michigan major disaster areas. The president issued the dis-) aster proclamations at the re-| quests of the governors of the three states. His action opens the way for the channelling of millions of dollars of federal aid to the stricken areas where more than 250 persons lost their lives. The exact amount of the re- lief funds will be determined after damage surveys are com- pleted. In the meantime, sev- eral federal agencies are given help to the afflicted areas. A disaster proclamation had been issued earlier for areas of! shortly after Johnson returned to Washington following a has- tily arranged trip through parts of Indiana, Minnesota and Ohio. After completing his trip through the stricken areas, the president said: "It's enough to bring tears to the eyes of anyone." Only a few minutes before.) Johnson's eyes had damped and he had wiped his nose with the back of his hand as he talked with a grandmother in a tor- nado-levelled suburb of Toledo, Ohio. The elderly lady, gesturing to the. scraps of wood and up- turned kitchen range that had been home for her daughter, son-in-law and three grandchil-' dren, said: | "Tt wasn't just being hit and) Bring your gardening problem: expert. wURSEn, [Pi Teaco 3 Miles Van Belles' "SPRING GARDEN FESTIVAL" offers you a wide selection in everything you need to. make your home more lovely the whole year round. @ OPEN EVERY EVENING @ VAN BELLE GARDENS "Your Friendly Garden Centre" Coming Next Week April 22, 23, 24 Add beauty and value to your home by calling Van Belle Gardens today. s to an East of Oshawa on Highway No. 2 PH. 623-5757 Minnesota hit by floods. VIEWS DAMAGE The proclamations covering Indiana, Ohio and Michigan were issued Wednesday night |hurt, That's all we have. There! quite cold and windy Friday. | | just isn't any more." Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Western Lake Ontario, Southern Geor- gian Bay, Windsor, London,|Moosonee .. Toronto, Hamilton: Cloudy,|Timmins windy and turning colder Fri- \day. Winds north 25 to 35, | Eastern Lake Ontario, Hall-| burton, Killaloe: Rain, wind) and colder Friday afternoon.) Winds north 25 to 35. | Northern Georgian Bay, Al- goma, Timagami, White River, Sudbury, North Bay, Cochrane,| Western James Bay: Cloudy! and cold with snowflurries Fri- |day. Winds north 25 to 35. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Friday Windsor «ssecesess 45 St. Thomas.. 45 London .. f -- Kitchener .. | Mount Forest. pose or approve the appli- cations verbally. Several developers have apart- ment proposals, another a shopping centre, another a motel, one a drive-in res- taurant and another a med- ical centre. Attendance at the Cana- dian Automotive Museum last week was 261, Jack Mann, manager, reported today. This brings the 1965 total to nearly 3,000 people. There were visitors last week from as far away as Michigan, Dublin, Ireland; Winnipeg and Saskatche- wan. 'Increasing interest is being shown in the guided tours which can be ar ranged for groups of 15 or more people. Anyone inter- ested in arranging tours can do so by contacting the museum. Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing ..... White River....+«. seeeneeos The Grand Lodge of Can- by appointment pledse ada, AF and AM, in the PHONE 728-6007 Province of Ontario, re- cently announced the ap- pointment of W. J. Car- negie, Pt. Perry, as_ its permanent representative of the Grand Lodge of Fer- mont, U.S.A. The commis- sion was presented at a meeting of Fidelity Lodge, AF and AM, on Tuesday, April 20. : EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING FOR MEN B64WILSON PDS Canadas largest selling ale A banquet honoring the members of the children's hockey teams was approved at the monthly meeting of the Fernhill Park Neigh- borhood Association. Members of the Fernhill Park Neighborhood Associ- ation at their monthly meet- ing voiced favor in support- ing the Central Council and the Civic Auditorium Com- mittee in setting up a monster bingo. The Whitby Post office will be closed on Good Fri- day, and there will be no r carrier of rural de- very of mail. Mails will be cleared from the street letter boxes at times indi- cated for Saturday collec- tions. Regular service for Kaster. Monday will be pro- vided. Also 8 BARBER ARTISTS OSHAWA - ONTARIO One accident was investi- gated by the Oshawa City Police Department yester- day. The accident took place on Simcoe street, at 4.30 p.m. between cars driven by Robert R. Matheson, 23, of 214 Bloor st. e., and Del- bert Layton, 60, of 645 Car- negie ave. Both cars were travelling south on Simcoe street when the accident happened. A top-ranking candy ped- dier -- Rita Wessman--was awarded a ten-pound choco- late bar for her sales record today at Albert Street Pub- lie School. A Grade 5 pupil, ten-year-old Rita was pick- éd by ballot out of a num- ber of schoolchildren who wren | NARSANGUCN CHC SUSPECT CAUSE | Thursday, April 15th--Holy Communion 7:30 p " OF BACKACHES © 2 ew & Be Simply Sluggish Kidney Action It's a pity to put up with this common backache because you just don't know the cause, and the medication that | may help you. You see, if kidneys ome sluggish, urinary irritation and bindder discomfort may follow. The result ean be an annoying, nag- gine backache. This is when Dodd's idney Pills can help bring. relief. Dodd's stimulate kidney action, help re- lieve the irritated condition that causes | the backache. Take Dodd's and see if | you don't feel better, rest better. Don't | sold more than $12 worth of | wait. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills st | any drug counter. Used successfully | chocolate bars as part of a school safety program to by millions for over 70 years. j send representatives to an Ottawa Safety Jamboree. The mammoth bar was pre- sented during a special ceremony, held during the morning recess, by Con- stable William Tane of the Oshawa Police Department. (Anniversary of the institution of the Lord's Supper) GOOD FRIDAY 3:00 p.m, (Last service in the basement) EASTER DAY The new. church will be open 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Forty-one members of the Evensong -- 7:00 p.m. North Shore Radio Club were shown through the Bell Telephone, Tuesday night. The North Shore Radio Club has been in existence for 15 years and works with the Emergency Measures Organization. The Oshawa Fire De- partment answered three calls yesterday, two to burn- ing cars and one to a gar- tage fire. The ambulance made four routine calls. A public hearing is ten- tatively scheduled for May 5 on seven rezoning appli- ations now before Osh- 4wa's planning board. Prop- erty owners within 300 feet of the land being consider- ¢d for rezoning will be notified of the hearing and invited to attend and op- KING STREET UNITED CHURCH 128 King Street East, Oshawa THE CHOIR Presents J. H. Maunder's Cantata OLIVET TO CALVARY Be sure to watch "Hockey Night in Canada" on TV There's A New Home For ..... YOU |! | See It a BRAEMOR GARDENS JURY AND LOVELL The most exciting idea In community living yet! Braermor Gardens was plan- ned, designed and built with the mo- dern family in mind... YOUR FAM- ILY! This progressive area now brings schools, churches, shopping creas and recreation facilities all within minutes ef YOUR new home. Come out today and see what we've got for YOU! GOOD FRIDAY April 16, 1965 7:30 P.M, -FROM MOLSON'S INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 braemor 'gardens Stephenson Rd. N. ot Annapolis Conductor and Organist Rhyddid Williams

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