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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1965, p. 5

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ae hee 4 BS eae the Whitby Badminton Club recline on the sidelines. The AWAITING THEIR turn at the: 'court', members of club held their annual tourn- ament at the Henry Street eed High School, Saturday after- noon.--Oshawa Times Photo aan onsipin aaa WHITBY CLUB PLANS BANQUET Tourney WHITBY (Staff) -- The Whit- by Badminton Club held its an- nual tournament at the Henry Street high school, officially winding up the 1964-65 season's activities, Operated twice a week, Mon- day and Thursday evenings, the club boasting a membership of 35 "racketeers' has gradually moved from the novice class to more professional classification. Recreation is provided for both Season's Finale young and old with no age!doubles winners were Doreen limit established. |Holding and Marsh Slessor. Results from the tournament, Consolation winner in the are: Ladies' singles champion,|/men's singles was John Camp- Doreen Holding; Ladies'). while Ed Purdy and Bill Doubles champions, Pat Gibber Holding came up with the con- and Jean Usher. ni a ed the dui ' i solation award for the doubles. In the men's division, Jim Trophies will be presented to Sutherland won the singles)ii. tournament winners at the championship while the doubles|annual banquet meeting to. be went to the team of Marsh Sles-jheld at the Spruce Villa, April sor and Paul! Richardson, Mixed|24, Made On Behalf The April meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 4 was held at the home of Mrs. James Sutherland, with President Mrs, Carman Sarles presiding. Mrs. Sarles welcomed the members and offered a special welcome to four prospective members who attended for the first time. Reports were heard from the welcome and welfare and ba- WHITBY PERSONALS _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duclos|daughter Laurie Ann of Royal and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald|Oak, Michigan. Bailey are spending the Easter) Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hart and holidays in Windsor visiting| children are spending the Kast- their daughter and son-in-law,jer holidays in Kingston the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dupuis.|guests of her mother and step- They will also be guests of their/father, Mr. and Mrs, Helyard| other daughter and son-in-law,|Simpson. On Easter Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore of|they will attend the wedding of Peter Spring. their nephew, Cecil Gower, who (Miss 'Sandra Donnithorne of|is being married to Miss Margo Orillia is spending the Easter|McDonald. holidays with her parents, Mr.| Bill Bow, 210 John street and Mrs. Reginald Donnithrone,| west, is entering Oshawa Gen-| Dovedale drive. jeral Hospital April 19 where he Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Georgejwill undergo surgery. His and children, Marlene, Eliza-|friends wish him a speedy ri beth and Theresa, are spend-|covery. ing the Easter holidays in North| Abbie Jean, daughter of Mr. Bay visiting his parents, Mr.|..q Mrs. John Wotton, is cel-' and Mrs. D. C. George. ' n z North Whitby United Church|Otatin her fourth birthday to-| Women are meeting April 19 at) p34) son of Mr. and Mrs.| 4 ja vad seg Pints |Reginald Hirst, is celebrating) 'almerston avenue, for their| i. "fourth birthday Easter Mon-| monthly meeting. | Edwin Goodmurphy, Green street, is celebrating his birthday Easter Monday. Din- ner guests to celebrate the occa- sion will be: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Paine and children, Wil-| liam, Shawn and Honey; also) Mr, and Mrs, James Bonstel| and son Scott, Toronto. Whitby Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Council is meeting April 19 at the home of Mrs. Ted Colbourne, 617 Crerar street, Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Emard and children, Francine and) Mark, will be Easter weekend) of his parents, Dr. and rs. L, M, Emard, Cornwall. Benson Brown. 919/° ay. Easter dinner guests at the) home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack) Heynemans, 139 Hillcrest drive,| will be: Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hey-| nemand and son Jeffrey, To-| ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heynemans, Jr., and children, CNIB Drive Hits New High WHITBY (Staff) -- The most successful campaign yet con- ducted has been concluded by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in W trict. Contributions $2,316.48, a figure $199 g than the amount collected 1964. Chairman of the campaign, H. R. Hare paid tribute to the ef- {combe, Mrs. Irene 'Mrs. Shirley Smith. The ladies who attended the| ; Recognition Day were very en- thusiastic and mentioned that y would not have missed this ) which was mentioned by the ker who was on a tea diet hitby and dis- for a week to speed his loss of the day (for all the tea in Chjpa spea weight. totalled] The newly formed TOPS Club} reater|in Whitby met for the first time| church. in| April 13, with 15 members. Their} leader is Mrs. Irene McQue Of|Mrs, John Frost. The topic was| Oshawa. More information Gow and regarding zaar representative, Mrs, Frank Mackey, the date, December 4. |Group No. 4 will be in charge of fancy work table. An invitation was received from Group No. 2, inviting) members to join with them for the April 26 meeting to be held) in the Church Hall. | An appeal for good used cloth- ing and blankets was made on behalf of Evangel Hall. Anyone) |having articles to donate were) asked to leave them at the/ Mission study was led by "Put Forth Your Hand.' ' Mrs. John Harvie extended an forts of the church groups, serv-\this new group will be available invitation to all members to at- jed citizens who achieved the; success. He said the funds are devoted to providing services to those in the area who are without sight. Reports of campaigns in other areas of the Whitby and Ontario County Advisory Board have not yet been filed, Mr. Hare said. 'Recognition Day' Draws Plaudits Whitby Whittlers Tops Club held its weekly meeting April birthday Good Friday. Best wishes are offered *|Lynch from her friends. Paul. Sandra and Robert, 13 with President Mrs. Alice Boychyn in the chair. Mrs Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Har-|> am lick left from Toronto Inter.|Hancy Pade led in the fighting national Airport for a month's|S°M8- visit in Carmel, California,, Mrs. Edna Moody was in guests of Mrs. Harlick's brother|°harge of the weigh-in. As the and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.|8Toup is in competition with the C. H. Barker. |Happy Gang, Oshawa, the loss Mrs. Patrick Lynch, 912 Done- of weight will not be divulged t. i ' until the finals, van crescent, is celebrating her Mrs. 'Monty wha stiesdad the Recognition Day held in Hamil- ton, gave her report and read extracts of the guest speaker's to Mrs. , is his ninth birthday day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chat- terton, Stewart street, are cele- brating their seventh wedding anniversary Easter Monday. Their friends wish them every happiness. Easter holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henderson, 947 Donevan cres- cent, are Mrs. Gertrude Spar- beck and daughter Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sarris and History Outlined Easter Sun- jaddress. Other Whitby members who attended are: Mrs. Margaret Bowden, Mrs. Alice Boychyn, Mrs. Winnifred Brillinger, Mrs. Anne Gallas, Mrs. Barbara Lus- Lacrosse Open To Boys 6 To 16 WHITBY (Staff) -- The Whitby Minor Lacrosse As- e.|ice clubs and community-mind-' at a later date ltend Sessions at Ewart College, Appeal For Clothing, Blankets Toronto, on the evenings of May DUPLICATE BRIDGE North and South -- Mr, and Mrs. Goodwin, 76%, Mrs. Hugh Baker and Mrs. Don Wilson, 6944, Mrs. Butt and Mrs. Bar- ron, 6644, Mrs. Gifford Beaton and Mrs. Harvey Winter 63. East and West -- Mrs, Welsh and Mrs. Gertrude Odlum, 71%, Mrs. Edith Watts and Mrs. Vera Macdougall, 66, Miss Georgie Forsyth and Mrs: McCutcheon 6414, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes 6444, Mrs, pb i and Mrs. Barry, 62. No duplicate bridge held April and will resume April 27. Of Evangel Hall 11 and 12. Those interested in attending were asked to contact Mrs. Carman Sarles. Secretary Mrs. Lloyd Camp- bell read a letter from Miss Dorothy Douglas, one of the church's missionaries from For- mosa, expressing thanks for the scholarship for a Chinese girl, gaa a of the Tayal) sos Mrs. James Sutherland Tribe. land Mrs. Frank Mackey. Next Members were very interest-\meeting will be held May 10 ed in the enclosed pictures of|a¢ §15 p.m. at the home of the student and the High Schooliyy+s John Frost she is attending. street west. : eo a ee Oe ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 18, 1965 § 'St. Mark's UCW Studies Brazil Leader' Miss Mildred Price chaired the Apri] meeting of St. Mark's United Cfiurch Women, Unit No. 5. 'For the worship service Miss Lily Saunders and Miss Eva Hartrick read in discourse the Easter stony. Mrs. Irene Avery and Miss Marian Bromell continued on the study of Brazil quoting and relating from the study books. The majority of the people of|= Brazil are illiterate. There are only two Classes, the very, very wealthy and the very, very poor. The per capita income for the year is $84. Their economic level is even lower than in India, Hunger is everywhere as there is no refrigeration and they don't know enough to eat properly. In 1962 the Methodist Church in Brazil asked the Unit- ed Church of the United States of America to go down there and help them. Two home visits and four hos- pital visits were reported. Plans for the Spring Luncheon in May were discussed. During the social time enjoy- ed following the meeting, tea hostesses were Mrs. Margaret 501 Dundas!smith and Mrs. Mary Under-) Rev. W. J. S. McClure led in) the Bible study, "A Blind Man) 2 FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTALS Among Other Blind Men." The] study was based on the ninth) Made to Measure Clothes @ House of Hobberlin chapter of St. John. Mr, Mc-| Clure closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by host) © Tip Top Teilors STEAM BATH| | George's Barbershop | pide J --et-- | wood. | RADIO SPEAKS TO MANY Radio station CFMB, in Mont- real, Canada's station of the year for 1965, broadcasts in 15 POLICE FACE REAR LONDON (CP)--Senior police officers had a shock when they inspected the new Mill Hill po- lice station. It was built back to front. The foundation had been laid the wrong way, and the --. had to be aligned Wi . ed FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning. 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 Bloir Park Plazo Mon. to Fri. -- 9 @.m. te 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. Service At St. Mark's United Church 11 AM. « Fri, April 16 Visitors Welcome languages. Every Day from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. MEN'S SHOP Sunday from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Tuesday -- Ladies' Day 129 Brock St. S., Whitby Monday -- Closed All Day BROCK ST. NORTH. WHITBY sociation plan-on providing lacrosse for all boys be- tween six and sixteen years, it was decided at a recent meeting held at the Whitby Arena. Teams will be formed. in the Novice, Pee Wee, Ban- tam and Midget divisions. Registration dates have been set for Saturday morn- One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies Of Mission Society St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 1 held its| April meeting Monday at the) home of Mrs. George Anderson,| Clearspring drive. | Chairman Mrs. William Scott chaired the meeting. Rev.) W. J. S. McClure was in charge} of the Bible study entitled "A Blind Man Among Other Blind Men." Mission study followed taken by Mrs. Donald Wilson, her topic was "The history of the organization of the Mission So- ciety." It dated back to 1864 in Canada where a group was feve4ed in Montreal under the blo During the business session final plans were made for a .«¢ sale to be uy 7 at the home of Mrs. John Gilmour, 304 Coch- rane street. Bible study for the next meet-| ing of May 10 will be 'Two Men) with the problem of Wealth. Tea hostesses were Mrs. D. Zilstra and Mrs. A. geen The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William! Scott, 312 Cochrane street ings, April 24 and May 1 at the Whitby Arena between 9.00 a.m. and 12 noon. Any and all adults in the community interested in as- sisting with the ambitious plans of the Association are cordially invited to contact the executive. BROCK | Evening Shows Start At 7 & 9 P.M. Whitby Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Starring--HAYLEY MILLS--PETER McENERY C.LL. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipte DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 Technicolor® Released by RUFMA VISTA Distribuhen Ca. tne. O17 WHA Dreney Productions Thursday -- Friday -- Saturday } HIGH wn DRY .. SIDEWALK SLABS Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd. Immediate Delivery PHONE prices. Charrington's Toby - a Great English Beer. Now brewed in Canada Toby's as English as the Cliffs of Dover... though it's brewed here in Canada. It's made with special English hops and toasted barley-malt. Hence its deep amber colour and its robust taste (malty and rich, with a definite "bite" to it). Also you'll notice Toby's smoothness: It has less gas than Canadian beer. Toby beer is sold under the Carling listing --and at your favourite "pub"--at regular Have a Toby. Find out why Englishmen have been devoted to it since 1759. Milt Pp for 'eppointments. TER & JOSEPH'S HAIR STYLISTS wish to announce LOUIS TOYNE hos just re- turned from holidays. She would like to let her former clientelle know thet she Is now available PHONE 668-5691 104 Dundes St. W. Whitby THE AJAX and PICKERING WHO AM I? - CONTEST! WIN $5 one fech week for 26 weeks you con win © @ $5.00 voucher from the perticipet- tng businesses on this advertisement. All you de ts complete the questionnaire identifying the firms releting to the question. Send your enswer with your name end eddress to the WHO AM | EDITOR ¢/e THE OSHAWA TIMES. There will be @ draw mede each week, the first correct answer drawn will win @ $5.00 voucher te eny one of the participating business. Entries must be in no lteter then 12 moon Tuesday of each week. Enter now, you can be @ winner. WHAT! ANSWER Floor Sanding business, does top quality workmanship aay ae prices end their telephone number 942- NAME ADDRESS .. eee emeeraneeewereeres READ THE ADS--PICK THE ANSWER Lest Week's Winner Mrs. F. M. Bonello, 105 Central Pk. Blvd. N. Oshawe seeeeeeeeeeees + TOWN ..ccereseeeee TRADER LORNE'S FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING LTD. AJAX HARWOOD ST. N. PHONE 942-1500 AJAX AUTO PARTS & WRECKERS trucks end ferm equipment for wrecking All sizes of new oen@ used tires 92 HARWOOD N. 942-5730 Thing Homents Coptored Forever HORTON'S STUDIO WEDDING SPECIALISTS © Photos @ Child Portraits ©@ Satin Embossed Albums 942-1110 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX EXPERT DRY CLEANING SERVICE : AJAX CLEANERS @. COLD STORAGE @ SHIRT SERVICE 942-0310 72 HARWOOD §., AJAX PELESHOK STARR MOTORS LTD. CAR LEASING 3 mos. to 3 years G.M. Dealer Chev. - Olds. "We can't sell all of the Used Cers, just the best ones' Harwood & Station 942-6300 @ INTERIOR OVER 3 RR 1 PICKERING 'BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE © Custom Work e 0 YEARS EXTERIOR RAILINGS EXPERIENCE 942-0720 MURRAY RUG & TILE WALL-TO-WALL BROADLOOM OUR SPECIALTY (free estimates) Samples shown in your home ARMSTRONG: HOMES SALES OFFICES Ne Saawn DEAN AVE, 942-2401 728-9305 | AJAX PLAZA-942-3710 Charrington & Co. Ltd., Anchor Brewery, Mile End Rd., London F.1., England. Toby Beer, brewed under special licence by -- KOPPENS UPHOLSTERY @ Recover @ Remodel @ Repair 942-1100 89 COMMERCIAL, AJAX ARNOLD PAVING (ONT.) .LTD. Industrial & Commercia' Paving and Grading LOADER RENTALS Pickering - 942-6943 "a AJAX FLOOR SANDERS OLD & NEW FLOORS SANDED & REFINISHED 43 WOODHOUSE CRESCENT - AJAX - 942-5590

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