16 THE COHAWA TIMES, Tosstey, Apri 20, 1965 "Spring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't~Needs Here' 13--Articles for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers, PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex. ~ tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres. sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow | ~ SECRETARY torches, propane torches, | WELDING EQUIPMENT | fxPerienced secretory, excel Acetylene welding outfits, obilitic a ae typing 200 amp. electric welders tive of marctectittie" ova BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT pany. Starting salery will Cement = mixers, finishing commensurate with experl- trowels, wheel barrows, elec- ence tric vibrator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, Telephone Ajax water pumps, portable heat ers, steel scaffolding, electric _ | 942-2120 for appointment or, r rol | fers, electric homers, mos. | _ STARK ELECTRONIC | INSTRUMENTS LIMITED onry saw, building jocks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, S . a . S . chain hoist, miter sows, elec tric plane, tarpoulins 14° Several experienced CLERK-TYPISTS bond sow, 4" joiner, sand required immediately for 17---Female Help Wanted DENTAL NURSE Mature lady between 25 end ond 40, Must hove typing ability By R. J, SCOTT Barristers Gardening and Supplies rsd Panny P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. ih-| Money fo loan. Office, 14% King Street G. | East, Oshawa, 72-8232. Please write in_conlidence in own handwriting, stating edu- cation, age and experience te *wBOX 214 OSHAWA TIMES ASTEDO, B. AND €0.,| Solicitors. chenty funds TALE, Lherciente: Clcomses Trustecs|meriocgss Mollenal Trust Bullsing. 3 Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East,| Simcoe Street South, 728-7336; Charies C. Rear McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC, MONTE IRS ond Cou.|JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bor- sonres sietunts Poe S20) a|rister and Solicitor and Notary Public, Centre, Suite 215E, SeeeeIOn Whitby. 66b-a131 Oshaw: ry Alex, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King West, WALL, PERKIN AND CO., Chartered! Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking a Accountants, 362 King Street ost, Osh able, 725-4716 of 725-4717, oun. 75689; David' G.. Perkin, cA,| Building Trades Hig? ores. Ponte 987-4240; Willlam ee WELDING HOPKINS, BEADLE AND. CO., Cher- tants, Acetylene @ Arc @ Helearc Accouri inclal Trade Bulid- tron i Ths Bi Sireet east, Oshawa, om Sear : also @ Torch Cutting 283 DEAN AVE, . 7. Hopkins, CA; H, & 723-6601 Lukow, CA my 12 gauge, model et barrel, fired one box , $150. or best offer. Telephone CALL MAPLE LEAF LANDSCAPING & GARDEN SERVICE " HAMPTON 263-2214 DUTCH Sand, gravel pit-run EXCAVATING GRADING DUTCH SAND & GRAVEL p Call 728-2871 SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning, Fertilizing, Ro Complete landscape service HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 725-1721 Company. Residents' and fencing stalled elephone 'andord, $25.1 portable electric stendard, Adding machine, $25) two fotel cash register, calculator, with division, 723-4434, 8 Pe ee qu MARRIED WOME WOOD ohetool lengths, Hient for fireplace, $7, 4 single cord. 2261 alter 4 p.m lal Bi i MATTRESSES, smooih" cy camatroaitens hundreds of colls. Tremendavs savings, WHAS CAUSES $26,886, Bunk beds, $57, Wilson's Furniture, WARDHESS OF WATER 20 Church Street WHicn. 1 Ain id WANTED -- Plano," Leregly Apon 2 MAGHESIUM AND | T7570)" \ LONUM ALM. HER WEDDED LIFE INCREASE, SRAM EG repair-need) y. Best y, BROOKS, Chartered Sebastian Hohmann, JONARD JAM Keoamtiet, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop} ping Centre, 725-9953. BOB CLANCY'S § Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond| Street West, 725-0997, Res, 723-7605. rf UTMANN, Chartered ad Accou | fg consed trustee, 17 Bond. Sires'| . 'etre 123-4833. | i WOSMAR, Chartered Accoun-| tent, rif Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawi Ontario. Telephone 723-122), ieses| ACCOUNTING 1CE -- Bookkeep-| for pan fiz! small businesses. | Pick-up and "gh Bd Phone 725-0829, cal Barristers Quality Carpentry EREIONTON, ORYNAN, MUR and General Repairs Barristers, Solicitors, Is hb ER Sisk of. Gener Buliding, 5 Si We do everything, large or plese Sls cient tere, oe Tagg K.| gmail. Use our low rate pay- 728-0610, pane Oct 728-8554; G. L, Murdoch, @C,| _ ment plan, with years to pay. 4768; J. C Victor, 985-711. Mortgages ond Agreements of Sale bought and sold, c a] I LE 725- 8576 and arranged. ide Finca B80 ie =| ROOFING, < concrete floors, flat rooting, * ui" gs a ~ % Wier specialty, New work and repairs. Fast, Gone R. D. Homontera | Larce and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing a ag W. A. Hillman, coe Construction, RR 3, 725-6997, ; J. D. Humphreys, BA, L1-B. Office: vour LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim| Al! Residences: 725-4604 Whitby neys built and repaired; gas iinings in-| Reading, j 728-4326, 723-5133, NHA and Omer istaiied; roots repaired. Free estimates NEW AND USED TV'S and appliances, Genera) Eleciric and Phillips. Wayne's, 78 Simcoe North, Telephone 723-1411, GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired| at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street fac The R. H. CABINET CO. 182 THICKSON RD. N 728-0232 Kitchen cobinets. Vanities. Custom built cabinet 726-973 |INGLIS wringer | timer, workiny radio, custom, WPT, CRUISER, flying ridge heads| push-button, tor %5556 Chevrolet, Rem | lull Curtains, ercury and tra ble, Telephc 725-5900, léft, Shepherd Ski-Bee runabout, 65 HP |1202 enone 725 S ing washer, good; --|TV--Radio Repairs TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS PLAY-OFF TIME T.V CHEGK- UP TIME TRIO. TELEVISION 728-5143 6--Marine Equipment pump and inboard, fully equipped and tralier,|OCOOR AWNING, bive and white, aiumi- { 7 Phone Dunbarton, 639-1742 num, Cost $67, sell $30, Stainless steel| D/OSter, power tamper, power Le jsink and faucets, $12, Two 75-14 white) 14 FT, FIBERGLAS, fully equipped, 35/wall tires, $9, and 45-gallon oll drum,| HP Mercury, electric, Also tralier permanent positions post hole auger, Dial $4, Telephone 728-9794, evenings. | | 668-8112 after 5 p.m. Ajax and Oshawa. |WE BUY, sell and exchange used turni- STAN'S CALL 668-8181 A-ONE industrial 72 77 Or Tit cut 5118 or Sim. WPT. CEDARSTRIP boot with fiber-|ture or anything you heve. The 4 Sharpening & Rentals Ltd Free estimates. gias bottom and steering; 40 Gale with| Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street 223 King St. West, Oshawa Fateey oa bai " PHONE 723-3224 100 PER CENT NYLON RUG, 9 x 17,| 7--Swap and Barter | dark beige, with pad, $75; McCiary Basy| _ ieee | Foi y electric range, $75; both like new, Tele| - Se' Un ede cine phone Hampton. 263-2729 | "Feping; | Weddings recorded, |motors, boats, trailers, cars, H, Chinn,|$288, FOR THREE ROOMS of 1968 fur tape recorders, record play- Park Road South at Hillside ers, projectors, M.C. work, P.A. systems, Mobile P.A ture, Here's quality at sensational sav- Basan ings! $3, weekly, Wilson's Furniture, 26| '8--Articles for Sole broadcasting bockground music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- urch Street "PIANO" ATTACHMENT _ |s2ns 725 | South, Instruction M Se F ~ TUTORING Closses now. in. session Academic Tutoring College ages si ADDING machines, typewriters, cashiers, duplicators, chequewriters, 'Ties, desks, chairs, We buy. sell, rent, service and . motor, ail controls, pius trailer; four . bid IMelackets end paddie. Sell for half of original cost, Dial 623-5337 after 4 bm | Ts } Suen ol penne ~~ landscapes | raitures =~ @lso custom pleture tom Rolling, Fertilizing, Pruning } LOANS ond Complete Landscaping } Service , Central Ontario AGREEMENTS Purchosed LOANS ON MORTGAGES Immediate Service Moneys for first mortgages Open Mortgages purchased meys second mortgages sf service trade with budget terms, New and used, Low, | low Prices _Bili | Hamilton, Raglan, a oa MINK STOLE, fines! quallly wild mink. Original cont, ing. Call Clark Studio. Days 778-0432, eves, and week-ends 668-4497, 925 Brock | & Savings Corporation ? INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS From Our Head, Office 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Interest at 7% No Bonus M.'F. SWARTZ 26% King St, East Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday. to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 1961 1S-FT, ALUMINUM Starcraft run- vi , J Large, full, iwxurious fur, Only $275. North, Whitby, ond PRIME SECONDS Phone 723- 5221 No charge for valuations '@) hawa Ontario 8--Articles for Sole BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] >= Saas Spring Clean Up} MORTGAGE $0, il ow ri ~ MORTGAGE in wu MAN, Street East. Qc; G. $. Boychyn, "|FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS! of yards, Thou: many pretty colors, and first mortgage funds avallabie. ater a 7 ogg Fag wai Residence bigest J. i 'oven | iin + Terence V. Kelly, BA, tres)? QC, 725-3368, 728-5832; Thomes- i. Jermyn, BA, LL (668-3895. Classified Rates Science, etc own textbooks, group 723-2997, |HOME IMPROVEMENTS, footing, and eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting! jene B acral repairs, All work guaranteed. velli S 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061 privote ACADEMIC NTING nd Yecoratna- for best ael-| TUTORING COLLEGE | _ CALL 723-6701 me hour servi Ho ~ VAUGHAN: ROOFING PLAT. news aiso repair chimneys flashed. Oshawa Roofing and! FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sele 'Well Drill ing--Dig egreements p ecnened and seid Hennick ond" Me Barristers, -31' King Street ast, 723-7232 in | Street WELL DIGGING by machine spec 30-inch sile, W. Ward, 204 © West, h iby, | 668-2 2563 or 668- Optometrist r RICHARD BLACK h 4 Street phone 723-419 | |--Women' s Column 0D. OSHAWA FUR AND | "The Hohmann Harpsicord" The prototype demonstrated nightly at Royol Hotel, Whit- by, by talented "Art Jones This additional device for your piano can be purchased from Sebastian Hohmann, in- ventor, manufacturer. Phone 725-7001 patterns Clearing trom 27¢. per ft son's Furniture, 20 Church St. Heda gd 3 TOOr.1S, only $299, includes livingroom, «lichen 53 weekly. Unbea' Home Furnishings, TELEVISION, console d\-Inch RCA Vie for Excellent 72 condition, $65. 51690, Wil! new quality| complete ensembies, bie valve! 424 Simcoe ment. Free delivery GUDGEON ASSOCIATES | | | | SOUND EQUIPMENT----723- 512 } Tobles, Chairs, es, Cutlery, Linens, Dish- Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Weor, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SHORT ORDER COOK Required for 4 P.M M,. experience not sory Also Waitress From 11 A.M, to 2 P.M to 1 neces- | | | | COLD STORAGE @ REPAIRS @ CLEANING es SMILE @ SHINERIZING @ STORAGE | You're : . ) ture where they pay the most, |¢€M BICYCLE, like new, meen lanne Tan YOuL's ify the ean "wi poligas ic gears, Telephone Ted, 725-7311, . , 4 4 594, 8 p.m. to § p.m DIAL 723. 3012 ing or buying used ie |MODERN STYLE while |SPENCER Foundation Garments, tn-| and appliances phone . 72 carriage dividually Sheet Metal by 483 Wilson Road North. | 728-6507, Res. 728-3438. ROOFING, malian lathing, Insulating. | Specializing: in re-roofing, floors and! ceiling tile and all kinds of repairs, J. ¢ | Dingler, 723-6603, KITCHEN CUPBOARDS built and fe) modelled. All kinds of cabinet work by! experienced cabinet maker, Call 723-1260 or 725-1501 FREE ESTIMATES |FOR ROOFING, chimneys, All types of "a 4401 or th st new, $40. |cement work. Frank McCenn, RRS, Osh WHITBY DODD & SOUTER . designed. Also Spireila, Reg. : . © - Avenue awa, Brooklin 655-3061 orsetier, Mrs J Hendershot, 324 Ad- 16% B DRIVING SCHOOL '6 5862 miral Road, Oshawa : HOME DECORATING, paintiing, wail, , : - dus a | Soren " ] papering. Home and office janitorial! GENERAL PAINTING decorating,| PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair. services, Moderate prices. insured, Dia! wall paper ing furniture re-finished, Tele ness, 395 Pine. Avenue. Telephone . phone 72 363 6 days weekly, Apply Genosha Hotel MR. CAMPBELL AVON Need money for Easter expenses? ~|"a-BED with mattress; chesterfield suite; dinette set) fold-mway bed and several} chests of drawers, Call after 6 aise | 728-9685. Painting and Décorating PAINTING and DECORATING NTERIOR and EXTERIOR WORD ADS Cash--! insertion of be words $) Fad additione! words 444¢ @och; 3 ¢ secutive insertions © oA words $2. 38 edditionc! words 12¢ each, 6 con- secutive insertons Fh 24 words $4.32, additional words 18¢ each. Char w= 10 Beg cent additional piowk og if not paid within 8 daoys, Method of counting --- Less than 24 words counts os 24 words; each word, Initial, figure or 'abbreviation counts os one word; phone number counts wards. BIRTHS --- DEATHS -- $300 5 iy bl with 25 cente ed- 5 nse ditional" charge if mot paid with-in days, 1N_MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc goch thereafter, pius 12¢ per line of |sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms 'verse 25¢ additional charge if mot estimates, A, C. Woods, 728-3420 ATT, paid within 7 days. ee om Oshawa Driving Sche Cartage reasonoble rates, standard CITY CARTAGE, moving storing and automatic cars furniture; also rmage @ and yerds cleaned.! Professional instructors Apply 86 Willlam Street West or tele phone 725-2621 : 728-0091 JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and Ca OSHAWA and WHI rey Reasonable rates, fully Insured. Day or erent night, Call 728-366), Dentistry BIALEK, DR, ¢. ir 112 Simcoe Street appointment, 7728- seca or Res, veeaiale Dressmaking occa IRTHS AND DEATHS ee | cat mm, ication x txts Sunny CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES | 4 oven ry elias F gg lage Ml Bedspreads, slipcovers, acces- | sories, Also alterations on E | previous SORRECTIONS AND clothing. Reasonable rates: CORRECTIONS Whit 668-8468 for apt. dey of pub bileation by 668-8468 fo p ax" NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢ | every endeavor will be mode to pag en replies to box numbers to the odvertisers a3 soon as possible we eccept no liability in respect of less or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding rey replies, however coused whether by negligence or --~ etharwise, The Times will not be re- sponsible for feplies uncelied for in 20 doys REGULATIONS The Oshewa Times' will mot be re- sponsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing not for more than one inser- DRIVING SCHOOL Fully licensed ond insu Courteous professional Struct Phone 723-2696 SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 re "ipod | WHEEL CHAIRS, Foapial beds, walke extension|"@ducing machines, sick room ppl Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, baby CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church! Converts to car bed, Just ike aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Apply 411° Phillip Murray | Simcoe et North. | Call 723-2 2414, NINE-PIECE dining room sulle, wainuly|. 14-- --Bus n nce \ condition, Telephone 723-7212 stau- rt earning substantial ite BAVER ROLLER SKATES) man's boot fant seats 24, good living quarters, five-| come immediately, Avon Cose ily skates, size 12, Used once or twice,,'00M house, garage all up to date, House) ~ a baby crib and spring, grey Roxatone. Cail te restaurant with conveniences, Apply) Hiab hos vacancies for cop abla women choice or 28-9008 Hussel, Restaurant nine mines north Call 725-9696 | | 5 : | $11.95 PER WEEK a Lindsay, two miles past Cameron on : TV AERIAL, ike yt also sports fel 35 Highway, Phone Cameron 35R1) o ) 7 ay Telephon 23 38 Special Lease Program Ricvasnd wince: aac ah No. % "' '°\SHOR SALE" and repair store, Pickering | anche = TELEVISION, Vik ' ot Township, ill-health forces sale. Low | : "E E i ng, 21 inches, in "Very down payment, Call Bay Ridges, 839-1073 Whitby 668-5827 good condition. Telephone 728-1297, after 7 pam pierces | SILVER BIRCH trees for saie, 10 to 14 Hi, REPAIR SHOP -- "Three-ba arag Evergreens, Shade high, Phone 723-5364 or apply 321 Oshawa showroom or Independent ay ere gerege| flowering shrubs, fer- Bivd. South |with two self-contained apartments, semi-| etc. Visit your local |REEL TYPE lawn mower, sharpening detached, Northeast end of vale $8,000 machine, in good condition, $179. or best) down, balance on otter. Telephone 726-6879, Steve Zurba Rea A. Janssen and Sons Ltd.|inteRwaTional tractor cellent POR SALE, corner grocery slore 843 KING ST. W. 728-9429 |condition, Used very itt jephone/one in this area. Good potential. 725-1 446 (wines to r j ote to offers "GARDEN CENTRE & Malble Boudre: Schotleld-Aker LImit- LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS' ed 723-2265 or 18298 anytime ~|SRAUTY SALON -- Five dryers, _ legetien In ed ta in Valley Creek Furni in- metel come nd W Yeo 700K Supply Of Food New dua! controlled cars Personal courteous service Fully licensed and insured Dial 668-4176 J. A, OSTERHOUT, LEARN and Freezer of your ALL TYPES bollaing rooting ~repaTri| and remodelting, chimneys, new and| repaired, sidewalk and concrete re pairs, Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. | PLASTERING and repairs, > Piamblnn ond Heating ~|2--Personal ALL and heating supplies Removal of superfluous hair Te Harold H. Stark Lid.,| ' i t ok d and Engineering, 235 rie Murduff will be in | t Oshowa May 3, 4, ond 5th Phone Genosha Hotel an these dotes for appointment | S | Rug-Upholstery Service e7asaedl j OSHAWA si ok CLEANERS LEN PULLAN | 0 j e » ond Upholstery Clear (English Tailor) pt our plant or in your | CUSTOM TAILORING sane uae j ing | home i 725- Suit ond Dress Alterations ALL 725 i 94 BRUCE STREET Invisible Mending 10 PRINCE ST 728- 5311 CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re JANITOR SERVICE ee ee esti ma See our material CAR LEAVING for Charlottetown, P.E.1., | r reCove ting. Dalton Upholstering April 30. Room for four passengers. No ---- ji biol too Bk Charles Street, 723-7212 charge, Cail between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. , tad 723 1071 Mac's - Dunbarton 839-5957 - BETTER CLEAN Floors, dows Homes PL UMBING TO DRIVi Plumbing, ot the Seas Owne stucco, | Hea' Free vaptir or INTERVIEWERS and SUPERVISORS Port time, for market researeh surveys, Write. giving educa- tion, interviewing or super. vising experience to Edsall Research Ltd, 2045 Bishop Montreal 25, FEMALE HELP WANTED Full or part-time, Experience not necessary. Apply in per- ENVOY RESTAURANT HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, "basements,| 11.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m: to clean| Couple, Whitby Telephon | CAPABLE GIRL fo ilve in, and act as ALL TYPES ot repa and used Estimates tree fs and remodeiiing, materials. Reasonable 723-1191, J, Foley,| For Trees, tilizer gorden centre rates wit! charge if not Bold within 7 days, COMING EVENT: 2.10 per inch Inc olay $1.50 for the penal 20 each there- Word Ads. A $2. * \Tanitor Service | Rug Oi "SPACE heater, $10. Good "gondition. Telephone 668-6454 y | 0 SELLING ours gio furniture, In| ignenea: Excelien TAPE RECOROER 45. For information| TEXACO FUEL & STONE Oil, |fotsohone: foot rer ners a | | Free 24-hr, Burner Service 15---Employment Wanted Whitby's Only Local 9--Market Basket MATURE LADY would like work In| Texaco Dealer Cm | Beat ¥ Salen, experienced in shaconcleg | or. | and oll treatments, etc, Have had some Call 668-3524 | JANSSEN' S COUNTRY experience in permanent waving. Write neve | SAWDONS hitby) --LIMITED DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET | Bax 124 Oshawa Times, 244 Brock St. South : | Fresh fruit and vegetables |SPRING CLEANING--aitics, " rr WRBERING ihe ont rea residence at! daily Apples' sold by the aay pate May Ps ae 'wood trusses, 22 feet wt} ae bushel, Host of imported pro- [Whitby 668-8954 and 2" dressed lumber, copper and ducts 843 KING W 728-9429 ' Sic -|mother's helper and babysitter, Must be 1 YOUNG LADY ime employ: | j able to swim, Telephone 725-366 |steel pipes, radiators, insulation, asbes jtos siding, electric wiring, cement blocks, Red & Blue Brand Beef Sides Hinds Fronts Side Pork ment as file clerk, hone 728-2637, Hi I RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER, prete Plywood panelling, everything half price. -- middie aged, wanted for motheriess |Salesman on lob from Monday to Satur. 17 emale He Lid Wanted home. Live-in or out, plus $30 weekly, |day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m |Apply 38 Cedar Street Alax a 942-1496. | SPORTSMEN We have the watch made| Adc |b. 53¢ 39¢ lb. 37¢ Ib Government inspected 100% guaranteed. Cut and wrap- ped free, 723-1359 Oshawa | at for oe R. By Pelt terms. Lowest AJAX RETARDED |mainonessan, Wale talon 2 Ceine prices. e ave ne largest selection Street. T on 728-0662 [94 .Apecie! purpose, watches In CHILDREN'S _ |geviascetaoy woncrteainr-ece BRIDGELAND PACKERS EDUCATIONAL P.E.1. POTATOES -- 75-ib. bag, $4.00 AUTHORITY and oe vere Call evenings, Brooklin ont a | baby while mother works; dally or live in 1 ' " . x q T PEeci High quality work. Call Agnes|modern machine, Free estimates omplete service. Free estimates, mi) @ EMPEROR TEN TRAILERS |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- ee. Sawer |Own room, Evenings and weekends free. Require a be hi feed, 728-77. 728-1993 anytim basa Dressmaking, 668-8463, Whitby. guarantee 8-7736. 28-19 yiime. ae Al and service $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361 oe For the Aldon School for Re- [+] _ a... inaertion DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. doy previous LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m, day of publication fr ¢on- Plaza, 942- RE UPHOLSTERING t Estab | ange of mate week-days, ship guaranteed tive years 5--Trailers" assist elderly 661 2300 walls A complete service and Businesses M woodwork, wir TRAILER SALES NEW LOCATION SIMCOE ST, NORTH Oshawa 723-9534 Authorized dealers for: @ GLENDETTE @ GLENDELLE CHESTERFIELDS > coveerd itke and old chairs, re ow. Get the best for jess at odern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street] in sth Cali 28-445), Free estimates. | "YOU'V TRIED THE REST . "| ros THINK THRIFTY) Allerations,| NOW TRY THE 'Sales and Service mending and style changing, Reasonable, 725 8831 GUARANTEED repairs to « rates. For appointement, telephone > ' wa: rs and ranges ree est 728-1823, |ATTENTION HOUSEWIVESI Fast, eco. 728-174 : - DRESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies' /nomicai! ceiling, wall cleaning done by/CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies, ° CITATION @ CANADIAN wear, or wear, phone 7: BEST" wrioger mates, Call Jelinek trailer parts paces BNE required, good hours for Apply In person to Hair Simcoe Street North 10--Farmer's r Column DEAD and crippled farm stock 5 picked | THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No) up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. | jdown payment, $15 monthly, at Honest Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721./ |Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 Licence 389-C-45 |HONEST CAL'S Furniture end. Appll-|MANURE FOR SALE: By the load or! jances. Name brands al biggest discounts by the bushel. Well rotted. Also a '53/ anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever-|Chevrolet car, Dial 728-2410. ly mattress furniture tines, Your euthor- ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's at | ALLIS-CHALMERS DIS tractor, used" only] |424 King Street West, 728-919) | 220 _houre, Telephons?25-600e. FURNITURE -- three rooms, PONE YAN and FLEISCHMANN, 4 Surveyor, Commercial April Special Apply Mra. Wire Trew quel i11--Pete and Livestock Ity furniture, only $299, includes » com: plete bedroom, living room, kitchen ¢n-/MOUSE TRAINE: Inoculated, Yellow ed); also Toy Collle,| sembies. Pay only weekly. Unbeat-| Labrador herd puppies, black) Able value! Barons' Home. Furnishings, (small | 424. Simeoe South. Labs end Toy Collies. $35, to $100. Also te. kith F i + TYPEWRITERS, adding machr white. kitten, Free delivery, Port Perry @Nd/ ons. 264 time clocks, new and rebuilt » year jguarantee, Outstanding good boys. Jen-|COZYJ-RANCH Ken kins Business Machines. Sales d serv-| Kids. registered Germa: | tee, 728-7783. Open evening Stud services, Wiens Aahoarn, |BUY AND SELL chai jee land appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215;PONY -- Welsh Hackney, -- gentle, w weil Dundas East, Whitby, 668-5481 trained: also saddle, cart and harness. RIDE-ON lawnmower for sale, Will sell _oapar 725-9613, teat ett Jeondition, Telephone 725-580 BOSTON BULL Pups, $48, and) A i $75, Reagiste 5 | CHILDREN'S DRESSER, car radio. Both egistered and Contro $1450 suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED | 2 Ft. Car Tops OS: iAWA TV 6 H.P, West Bend PPLY. LIMITED poodle, female, four : x 2 Ft. Heavy Duty Car Top |In good condition, Telephone 728-5242 728-9122 . 361 GIBBONS ST |BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap 728 8] 80 9 LP. West Bend jptiances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2204 or | [HOROUGHBRED = male Boxer, Tele Waacgans phone Whitby 668-2478, $550 | OY FOX TERRIER | puppies also Bor- TY TOWERS AERIALS @ ROTORS @ REPAIRS |AQUA LUNG forsale, 71 cubic teet with \ger Colle Sunol aa a oe on TV IT TERM PAYMENTS 'ents |reserve, J-valv alypso single hose and watehdogs. ideal Easter gift! Phone (months ) A bb da bhbtin | 12 Years Eperience | regulator Plekering 942-116. 725-6053 $105.75 12 $10,00 | Nork Guaranteed WANTED VACUUM repeirs, ali hoses, - saslicbincstamastiin [brushes ste Bret Pata ge tl 395.42 20 24.00 ae : eae 8 yee 752) BOATS and MOTORS to be 710.65 sold on consignment HHTLING 9 A.M CONOMY .ND Renting is fast becoming the DELUXE populor woy to solve money problems. More than half the thousands who come to ' each week do so on the commmendation of a friend That's because of Crescent' 5 prompt, considerate Customers have ey in only Chances are, we won't ¢ ask why you wont to money. Phone now, and solve your money problems in min- utes EXAMPLE AMOUNTS MONTHLY Part-time ior sales promotion firm, i 25 per hour [or commission, Call Mrs, Lioyd, 728-1422. jEXPaRingceo HAIRDRESSER with clientele, Apply in person. The Vogue | Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street _ North. 18--Male Help Wanted | serene Good used. furniture| SECRETARY local manufacturer will require a competent secretary by mid-May. Call In good EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR AN AMBITIOUS SALES- MINDED YOUNG MAN ' In the: promotion fleld of @ Reply in writing giving com- daily newspoper, Car require plete particulars as to age, | od starting salary, experience, educotion and ovee benefits inelud- solory expected to on plan and group BOX 422 OSHAWA TIMES black months old. Dial rented rr ten mint INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS j-- Womens Column rent Initiative and good typing speed ore mandatory quali- ties, and general office ex- perience, especially in pur- chasing would be a distinct asset ' yous y, New and Used Boats makes, delivery, Main | Telephone 7 DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dréfges,|EVERYTHING from yards to basements hy . < Gibbons Street, 728-8180 | HAIRDRESSER alterations, slip covers, drapes ig a) cleaned, also scrap taken -away, Call 2eptic Service 400-POUND used axle hitch. Sultable for! iB specialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, | Joo 723-2368 sales ~-|UP to 18 ft. travel trailer, $65, full price. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines | Fashion Salon, 79 cnc ire | (upstairs) . cleaning.ion calls, Walter Ward -, hestnut St jarantee, Outstanding good buys. Jen eer met Gardening and Supplies {Call Alax 942.5603, tor all your windows |West, Whitby sstasen, | '*"™* SI°**" COLLAPSIBLE ex 17" comping trailer, |puarentes, Outstanding good buys. Jer. : at 4 tubes, Call 723-1025, |for evenings 5 to 9 and ol eey Satiras new co guaser - 6 15 tires and tubes, Ca {Appl t tealt Real Estate, tion of any ecivertionnient, nor be- Surveyors x \ Apply in person to Metca! ng! oo ee yond the price charge for a single Hi FLim AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Cand 6--Marine Equipment |RELIABLE woman to look five ast hool-a hildren and do It oht house- M tag abt inal eeerven the ' tarded Children, Ajax, com jechooleage childr Md 2 shaw: imes ri rves rigr ; . x és mencing September, 1965, |WOMAN to mind children whil ite proper classification, bive prints, lworks. Must live in. Telephone Aso In the case of display advertisements ita feel, ete ceca' cations ond experience should be oddressed to:-- |CASHIER -- Part-time, sible for more space than in whicle j Son, Genosha Hotel the actual error occupies. The pub C.1.L, Evergreer i Tho weekends, dvertisi motter correctly, but po Golte e TV TOWERS | 33 West Bend Electric 1 no nights. Apply in person, Silver Grill, odvertising e' t y. ut os 1s oligreer ( ise j ler PCr ry-tr re 162 'kK South, Whitby sume no liability of advertisement if 600 Wiscott Tilt Troile Secretary- Treasurer 628 Brock South, Whitby { Batter contend. therein Garden So-Gpee! a ee oe Bret icge oy Gs, we, Ps Sa Any advertisement cancelled before | So-Green 21 y Pf ' ¥ [yoectrs? fo tiv y ? ys. ep! naertion, IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Milorganite pale vd Classified Direct Sheep Manure 4-12-10 No. | Fine Gross Mix Suburban Grass Mix Peot Moss Hedge Sheors Tonk Sprayers Fittl right operator |FRED'S WINDOW and general SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompl service| Phone 728-6275 time clocks, new and rebullt, One year a | PERMANENT "parttime Weist requ ----eej and floors, Free estimate - " pa wm | Plywood, covered In aluminum, with new vice 7 728-7783, Open evenings. ai |Money To Loan | King Street Gast. insertion of the advertisement in GARDEN 4 Shanks chistes j|work while mother works, Phon to classify advertisi according to Ontario : : f , i us | Applications stating qualifi- afier 5 p.m.,, T i] held - The Times will not be respon C1 16.6.4 i. TV Radio ican 14 ft, Fibreglass lishers endeavor to reproduce oll | Mrs. V, Fallon PART-TIME help wan any inaccuracies in any form are So-Greer NT FOR OF |WANTED: IMMEDIATELY -- housekeep- Ajax, Ont. publicetion will be charged éne day's a | Crabgrass Preventer TIMES ACTION WANT AD 10-10-10 Porklawn Fine Grass Fencing Bug Killers Motors and Trailers | AMOUh | Pickering t ' DU alk |ENCARGER and dark room equipment,| iting, talking strain, Apply wars Broad, 114 Bigin Bast, in good condition, Telephone Bowman Seated | TWO RIDING nerent, Reasonable, J. H, jyille 623-2013 ms |7va CUBIC FOOT McCLARY refrigerator, | 71080" Nestieto jspecial, deluxe, $X Good conditions |CHIHUAHU pups, male: lrangetie, $35, very good condition Tele-|$50, _Diai_ Pic 942 phone 728-8319 after 4.30. si |USED VACUUM cleaners and pollahers \12--Article good condition. SW. up, Telephone 72 RieveCa ior sieyeancld' wanted, Alse 1eeee aquarium, in good Rendition. Telephone BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture! 728-2783 jand appliances One location only. P relly WILE TRADE two Unitgd States Kennedy WILDE RENTAL Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327 half dolia one: sfiver dollar betore SERVICE and SALES | TELEVISIONS and We/ 1965, Apply 200 Bond Sfreet East, Oshawa, Dundas E.,. Whitby [rent a? reason gi Hones? Cal't:| WANTED TO.GUY -- For cash, travel + 42 no We 72 trailer, 17 to 22 foot, In good condition. 668-3226 LARGE-SIZED crib and Write Box 82, Brooklin, Ont new stroller, tan; chr rr ow stro! 2 shi OLO RIFLE, shot gun, or pistol light blue; baby rocke old cartridges, Telephone 725-8183 new condition. Telephone ow | 13--Articles for Rent time. TELEVISION TOWER SPECIALi structure Including sichannel antenna,| ENTERTAINING -- Fifty fo one hundred! stalled, 'guaranteed, by experts 10;}people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban: years' experience, $50. Trio Televis quets, parties, Weddings, anniversaries Call 728-514 Facilitie bar tcher parking. Rea RESTAURANT equipment, one Cory sulo. S0nable rates, 728-631 J | matic coffee maker, one Frymaster fryer,|1984 MERCURY oulboard, Mark 25, 1 a ade also dishes and cutlery The Terrace! HP. electric complete with controls and Restevrant, Whitby. 668-2054, iflvegallon tank, $17S.whitby 668-524, 10---Fermer's Column li--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted 16--Agents Wonted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Mole Help Wanted G--Male or Female bi O---Reg! Estete for Soi e--5 Properties j----Farms for Sale i2--Lots for Sale 3---Real Estate Wented 4meStores, Offices and Storage jouses for Rent 6--Aportments for Rent 7--Rooms for .Rent B--Room and Boord Bo----Wanted to Rent biles for Sele jaeompoct Care for Sale lewTrucks for Sole | Complete Garden acetal SINCE 1909 Cooper Smith Co. 16 Celina St 723-1139 "NO. TOP SOIL Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simeoe North @ CLEAN UP." Evercreen anting. seeding, sodding t|PRIVATE snd corpo nes for ail ceme ne x % Complete landscape designing, | mortgages. Mort: gage agreements|GOOLD'S TY ers ed garden maintenance, Telephonelof sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan,| Free estimates : Murdoch and Victor, (See "Berristera".)| Whitby 468-548}, i|Fieming Vacuum Service, Stre " BEAUTIFUL | baby budgies, 1,014.07 30 2.00 2016.0 ; 700 |RON BRI 9PM! unt ( {or more) also aveilobie | CRESCENT FINANCE | CANADA"S MOST CONSIDERATE! NANCE COMPA? ] ). €. Jarrell, Mana 10 Simcoe St. South Larger. orn ALVA TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS? Phone 728-7311 T. R. I, Q. |PAYMENTS YOO HiGH? if you have TELEVISION bre Credit I'll lend you up te 85,000 to! c a interview NIZED please call MR. G SMITH 725-4473 ae FULL TIME AND PART TIME men for landscape ing Yeor right mon. EXPERIENCED _ WAITRESS Days Only -~ Apply BO-PEEP Restaurant Oshawa Shopping Plaze work : for . the WuaroNGNLN pe son to take charge of Hord three small children, while mother works ards Manday through Friday, live out.. Private T¢ home west of Sven! ng Centre. "After 6 1415 sewing machings 1415 rates. mattress, white high-cha fel Also a 723-2587 any able We Carry . @ Owens @ Crestliner @ Grew @ Evinrude ee them at OSHAWAYACHTHAVEN Harbour Road 723-1901 Division 728-5143 TOWERS, | ante ; te work Dean Teieph t payments. in halt or tess for consol ner Bond gardeni jdation of any: worthwhile purposes. Tei. [phone Toronto 481-5289 = |Mortgages round os and Landscapina 725-172) PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BY SITTER to care for four chi ldren) ape y itive In, Telephone 942-4456, ciry Avenue lephone fert salesman. nh person to Canadian Tire Corp. US Simooe South, Oshawa. service. as Bundes Street East.)