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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1965, p. 5

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Meeting Will C Storm Sewer Dispute WHITBY (Staff) -- 'Standing|sewers,"" the president stated. room only' was the order of|As further proof of his remarks, business Monday night when ajhe quoted from the minutes of capacity crowd of ratepayers the meeting. -- poured into the town council! The committee report recom- chamber backing up a protest/mended that all trunk storm submitted by the président of|sewers be constructed on the Park Vista Ratepayer's Associa- general rate except storm tion. \sewers in new subdivisions. The a es | TB Survey Plans Ready BROOKLIN -- Organization of the Brooklin district for the jmass TB survey, which is be- size," McIntosh stated He|ing conducted in the southern further requested the council/half of Ontario county, starting inform the-ratepayers on their|on May 25, is now complete. intentions regarding the rest of|This district, which embraces the town's storm sewers if the|Brooklin, Myrtle, Columbus and resolution is to be accepted on) Taunton areas, is under the its face value. general chairmanship of Miss ; ! |L. McBrien, who has been ACT QUOTED \charged with the responsibility onsider CARRIER HELPS TO QUELL FIRE WHITBY (Staff) -- Keep- ing on top of the news as it breaks is a constant task facing a news reporter. Proof the Times is in step in all departments, is the story of a Times carrier boy who helped put out a grass fire Monday afternoon. Tony Rae, carrier on Route 300, was on the way home from a fishing excur- sion to Lynde's Creek when he spotted smoke rising up from. a field opposite Annis Action Delayed On Proposal | WHITBY (Staff).-- The Whit- lby Planning Board gave a "cool" reception to a letter from solicitors representing Heyden- shore Developments Ltd., at a recent board meeting. 'Insuf- ficient specific information' was classed as the reason for the 'board's reaction. | Commenting on a letter from the solicitors, Kimber and 'Dubin, of Toronto, Des New- man, a member of the board. suggested the town council and planning board should express itby Cubs- ass Tests WHITBY --- The 4th Whitby) "A" Cub Pack held its meeting} | i } ye Paes TIMES, Tuesdey, April 20,1965 § ing forward to Saturday, Apniljtion Gro 24, when a three-day event call-|the pro ed "Scouting~in Action" takes|Scouling place in the. Coliseum at Exhibi- cs $s in Toronto. Part of will be displays of nd cub work as well las overnight camping for those 'groups who are able to do so. at St. Mark's United Church| last Thursday night when a new! assistant leader, L. Bryant, was| invested. A new chum, Robert) Brandon, was also recently in-) vested The following cubs passed tests for their first or green) stage of a new multiple stage summer's badge: Robert Bran- don, Peter Courtice, Dennis Dar- In the Estate of William George Seales, Deceased All persons having cloimis agoinst the Estate of William George Seales, late of the Town of Whitby, Ontario, Retired Canner, who died on or about the 2\st day of February, 1965, ore hereby notified te send particulars of some to the undersigned on or about the 9th day of May, 1965, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be' liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED ot Whitby, this 9th day of April, 1965. Central Ontorio Trust and Sovings Corporation, 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario by Duncan B. Mcintyre, Borrister and Solicitor, 139 Brock St South, Whitby, Ontario, its solicitor herein : eal The protest involved storm association president agreed the sewer construction in Park|recommendation appeared rea- Vista and Blair Park subdivi-jsonable. A layman would as- sions and the council's plan tojsume a trunk séwer was 'a charge the residents both on large diamenter pipe carrying} the local and general tax levy.|/the main flow of water with) Representing the ratepayers was|smaller pipes feeding into it Raymond Mcintosh. from side streets. He pointed The association presidentjout, however, at the Feb *2\stated the ratepayer's inter-;chairman, Mrs. R. A, Holman; stated the ratepayers wished to|meeting between the ratepayers|preted the act to signify they|Census poll chairman, Mrs. G. be relieved of further taxation and committee the committee could not be called upon to|Hurst; clinie chairman, Mrs. for storm sewer construction|said no definition of a trunk pay general rate for storm) Robert Humphrey; - publicity since this was already jeons ie could be established due|sewer construction. chairman, Mrs. Don, Wilson. paid for under local improve-|to the pevatiag a ere "We further submit it would! COLUMBUS -- Survey chair- ment against the subdivisions. |town so gi i. many streetSibe inequitable to make anyjman, Mrs. David Beath: sup- ) wer' . lare y vic . ialy chai na 4 STUDY PROMISED | The association takes excer-lsewers"" Mr. MeIntosh stated.( Pett: oe san hate, Mr. McIntosh suggested theltion to the fact the council NOWlHe pointed out the ratepayers|Mrs. David Beath: clinic clair. council did not keep faith with changes its opinion and QUeS-| were willing to again: meet withlman,'Mra. Joh Hayes: publi the ratepayers, At a recem tioned the town elders On. €X-ithe council.on the matter but\city chairman, Mrs. Russell meeting between a_ ratepayeTlactly what they meant by 'trunk suggested the Ontario Municipal| Nesbitt deputation and the bylaws and/sewer.' The president said the/Board.be requested to settle the) ysx-pery qo subdivision committee dealing /association. would like to knoW| matter if the council insisted on| MYRTLE -- Survey with the problem, the rate-lthe exact diamenter size of alfoiqwing the unfair legislation,|™2™ Mrs. .G, C. 'Andrew; payers were promised a further' trunk stormsewer | Greeting the strong delega-|SUPPly chairman, Mrs, W. Bul- study of the question would be We submit that you cannotiti9nn Mayor Warran Mowat l&Y. census poll chairman, Mrs made before any final decision pass a bylaw to construct trunklstated the council was pleased|/=t¢ Green; clinic chairman was established. "Two weekSistorm sewers on the generality see such a turn-out despite Pe, BEUUE Sena Buh city The rainfall on the Atacamaland $20 gold pieces struck in| ago tonight this council-adopted/rate unless you are prepared t0\the fact they did not approve of chairman, Mrs. Edwe t dl Desert in Chile, is barely mea-|1862 without government ap-| a committee report on storm make a definition by diameter/njacards being brought to the Andrew surable. At Calama no rain has|proval. About 10 of each still/ oe BC 2 SO at ea aay council chambers TAUNTON -- chair-|ever been recorded exist | The council agreed to meetiman, Mrs, Ray Scott; supply| _-- meas again with the ratepayers at ajchairman, Mrs. J. N. Lynde jmeeting set for Wednesday,|census pol! chairman, Mrs. Ray April 28 at 7 p.m \Scott: clinic chairman, Mrs Both Deputy Reeve George|Ron Lambert: publicity chair- assistance for the Whitby Thea-} Brooks and Councillor Tomjman, Mrs. William Wadding tre Guild is not possible under} BROOKLIN -- Women's Insti-| Edwards agreed the council/ton regulations set out by the Muni-|tute members and' friends from)should not break its deal with! Plans are being developed cipal Act, it was stated Monday) across Ontario County gathered/the ratepayers. They endorsed/for the locations and dates for night at the town council meet-|for the Summary Day "Focus the decision to meet again with) the TB survey clinics through ing. The town elders agreed,/on Finishes" at the Brooklinjthe ratepayers, a move that wasjout the district, and these will however, to investigate the mat-| Township Hall. On display were|also agreed by the balance of|be announced as soon as the list ter further to see what could be/the garments made by the|the counci is completed. done. Women's Institute *members'! -- The information was question-|who had taken the course WHITBY The association presidentiof organizing the four areas quoted from the Local Improve-junder her jurisdiction. | ment Act in dealing with the) Phe personnel of volunteer| question of Park Vista paying|workers covering these four} general rate for storm seWer|areas is as follows: construction in other: areas of) ' | the town in addition to local) BROOKLIN -- Survey chair- improvement. 'The president)man, Mrs. G. Hurst; supply ling, Brian Dunlop, Robbie Duffy, Ronnie Kennedy, Kent) MacCarl and Barry Taylor. "B" Cub Pack, which meets) on Friday night, had two new chums invested last week: Doug Budd and Doug Lay. Members| of this group are also working towards their summer's badge.. having had the use of the: pool at the Ontario Ladies' College several weeks ago Both cubs and scouts are look- street. Accompanied by two chums, Steve and Fred Well- ing, the carrier ran to the field and using coats, squelched the biaze just as Whitby Fire Brigade arrived | on the scene. "We were just behind the Henry Street High School when we saw the smoke," Tony said, 'Steve ran to a nearby house and phoned the fire department then we went to the fire. The fire was out when the fire- fighters got there,' Tony said Aftermath of the valiant fire fighting effort was: ex pected to come when the no agreement on the submis- sion. He said further, the sub- mission should not be accepted unless more specific information was made available. Of general interest, however, lis the knowledge the suggested idevelopment includes a section of land near the foot of Dunlop jstreet, running along the lake- jfront. Exactly what is planned jfor the area cannot be definitely, | disclosed; it was stated. , i Board members were in) agreement the council and) \board should move slowly on} the development. giving no sign' jof 'intent' one way or the other until they knew what was plan-} jned. A resolution to this effect} youngsters arrived home, /Will be forwarded to the town| soaking wet, their coats |council. | blackened by smoke with | not a few scorch marks FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTALS Made to Measure Clothes @ House of Hobberlin © Tip Top Toilors COMPLETE BOATING CENTER Special $1395. ALL 1965 MODELS chair- OLD COINS WORTH MUCH | The most valuable Canadian | EARTH'S DRIEST SPOT coins are British Columbia $10) --et-- RUSS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby HiGH sap DRY «. SIDEWALK SLABS Brooklin Concrete Products Lt, Im mediate Delivery | PHONE Survey Council To Study Summary Day Guild Support WHITBY (Staff) -- Financial| Big Success 14! Fibreglese ae fully equipped 33 H.P. Evinrude Electric Motor Controls, Battery, Battery Box Evening Show Starts at 7:30 - Feature Shown at 7:30 & 9:45 ed by Councillor Tom Edwards} The displays ranged from who praised the Guild for its|suits to dusters, each having efforts in assisting high school) been made with great care and students with various presenta-| precision Some of these were tions. "These people are doing| modelled by the members of the) a wonderful job and should be/class. The commentator for the commended," he said. '"'There|Fashion Parade, Mrs, W. A must be something we can do to| Heron, Brooklin described each help them."' garment as the models came| Councillor Harry Inkpen join-jforth and Mrs. Albert Cooper, ed in the commendation to the|Brooklin played the piano guild by suggesting the group) Following the fashion parade, should be entitled to some as-|Miss Frances Lampman, cloth-) sistance. He suggested a granting specialist with the Ontario may be possible under the Cen-| Department of Agriculture, tennial Program since the group|Home Economics Service, gave would invariably be taking an/the comments regarding the dis active part in any activities pro-|plays and the garments. Her! moted by the town along this}comments were most compli- |mentary to the members of the! class | Leaders taking the course were: Mrs. Frank Bielby, Clare- mont, Mrs. James White, Stouff- ville, from Altona; Mrs. John Moase and Mrs. Clarence Steele, | Atherley; Mrs. Ted. Croxall,| Uxbridge and Mrs. A. MeMil-| lan, Greenbank, from Bethesda Reach-Greenbank; Mrs. F. Hol- liday and Mrs. W. A. Heron, Brooklin; Mrs. R. Malcolm, Lo- cust Hill and Mrs. R. E. Harden, Brougham: Mrs. C. Watson, Mrs.T. Cochrane, Goodwood; Mrs. Samuel Naples and Mrs.! Stanley Ploughman, Port Perry from Honeydale WI; Mrs. Eric} Green, Oshawa and Mrs. Walter) Bulley, Myrtle; Mrs. William) Morris, Uxbridge and Mrs. Ralph Kydd, also Uxbridge from} Sandford WI, Mrs. James) : Cpates, Port Perry, Mrs Fred) Cowling, Burketon from Shirley WI; and Mrs. Forbes McInnis Stanley Jewell from and Mrs Sunderland The afternoon program cluded with the Brooklin Branch serving delicious freshments to all present Gator Tilt Trailer ® Ontario County's Largest Dealer MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN--PH. 655-3641--ONT. ® OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS @ Fred Kohima : production en COLOR cue onausscore -- / ie. Councillor Edwards suggested support for the guild in one form or another whether it be pub- Keity or selling tickets. 'These people are doing an excellent job, we must assist them some way," he said yr Z HERE'S THE BEST NEWS YET .. An Amazing New Program Designed to Help Your Family Live piiter and Healthier LBS. TOP QUALITY FOODS ALL THIS.:: PLUS Foop AND FREEZER... 17 95 PER WEEK (Special Lease Program) On Credit Approval eNO MONEY DOWN - FREE HAM OR TURKEY TO FIRST | 50 CUSTOMERS | PHONE NOW 668-5827 TILL 10 P.M. CENTRAL PROVISIONERS 108 Colborne St. E., Whitby Lutheran are Asks Information WHITBY (Staff) -- The num- ber of churches in Whitby may be increased by an additional building, it was noted recently at a Whitby Planning Board meeting. At any rate, the Luth- eran Church, Missouri Synod, is interested in the community The board received a query from Milton Hafner, of Kitch- ener, who sought specific infor- mation in the name of the thurch. The representative re- quested statistics on population brojections for the years 1966 through 1986 and the number of residential building permits issued last year Further questions revolved around any plans drafted; be- ing drafted or approved or be- ing registered this year. The writer also sought information on any traffic studies that have) been made in the town or are} planned in the near future The board secretary was in-| structed to supply as much) information as possible / con- Wi re STEAM BATH the way te relax---ot George's' Barbershop Every Day from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sunday from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M Tuesday -- Lodies' Day jondey -- Closed All Day BROCK ST. NORTH. WHITBY TALKS GARS Twenty-Six Ways To Save Gas One Big Three" turers ran an ad recently on gas econom It stated prominently in the text that gas savings 'depend on who is doing the driv ing'. You know something? They've got 0 point there! "i Gver the years we've learned to check twanty six couses of excessive gas con. sumption. Twelve are human factors and the rest are mechoni- eel. of the cor manufac 410 POUNDS of government graded CHOICE beef, including porterhouse, sirloin, T-bone and New York steaks, plus roasts, stew meat, and pure ground beef. Since most cars are in fairly good shape, the human ones ore usually most important. Needlessly fast getaways from traf fic lights cause unnecessory stops at the next light ond REALLY waste gas. Racing @ cold engine, especially in Winter; varying bursts of speed with excessive passing--and others less important The mechenical ones are most numerous. Like a lot of smell leaks they add up to one big one. Dirty carburetors out of ad- justment and fouled-up plugs heed the list. Burned distributor points, faulty autometic chokes and fuel pumps add to the toll, along with ignition timing. Dragging brakes and even automatic transmissions w ir sufficient fluid have been shown to be gas wasters. Also under- inflated tires on wheels out of alignment and out of balance High rengine temperature and fon and generator belts thot are te tight. Weak piston rings too! Wherever you go fer service on your cor, ask them to check 'dll these mechanicel fectors, if they're not doing it now. As we've said, the human pert is the most important. It won't cost anything te check thet. 323 POUNDS of finest quality pork, wieners, ham, bacon, sau- sage fryers, and top quality vegetables, and frozen juices. ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee If you can't call, use this handy request form. We would like more information on your GIANT 733 FOOD VALUE Nome Hundreds of other Food Orders to choose from designed to fit your Eating Habits and Family Budget. SUB- STITUTIONS PERMIT- TED. Address ... ( J Telephone Number ? ~ CENTRAL PROVISIONERS 108 Colborne St. E., Whitby | | | | | ie ee a ee ld -

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