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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 17

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Second Section > Emergency Numbers istri - Hospital 728-2211 Ci sad dtr tates 4 bs any rt 4 Nes Pls 28-183 ing. Fire 725-6574 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1965 SOME KIDS SWING UP OTHERS GO TO GROUND __|City Fire Insurance Cost Hiked Oshawa's fire insurance prem-\ium is up about $700 mainiy ium has gone up--not in flamesiattributable to the inclusion of e~but in cost, coverage for the recreation The three-year premium is upicommittee and the Auditorium, $8,000 to $24,573, primarily be-| Last year $2,219 was paid in cause of the new high-ratediclaims and 23 claims are still Oshawa Civic Auditorium, outstanding, The amount of coverage has} Insurance on the city's 120 jincreased from $3,755,044 dur-|vehicles. was awarded to the ing the last three years to'British America Assurance Co., $4,786,004, Jat $8,005, up about $1,100, Coverage may be revised in| The premium increase was jaccordance with recommenda:mainly attributable to 10 more tions of Cooper Appraisals Lid.,/vehicles being covered and an now conducting an appraisalloverall rate hike, jaurvey of eily buildings and! Insurance on city contractor's contents equipment remained the same The $24,873 tender, submitted|with a premium for one year by a group of companies (Fed:jof $2,998, The contract was jeral Fire, Gore, Waterloo and|awarded to the British America Perth Group) was the lowest of/Assurance Co,, which was the two received only quotation received. | The Auditorium portion of the, Ald, Hayward Murdoch, an jpremium will be charged back insurance man, excused, hime \to Auditorium funds, self from discussion and.voting i : LIABLITY |both in council and in commit- Municipal liability insurance'tee for 1965-66 was awarded to The) The W. B, White Insurance | | 'Monster' Movie _ EASTER EGGS FROM COUNCIL !, sist £m kt Starts TB Drive. TOT%L MORE THAR #0 Anniversary Camp Hall But members of city council this week gave more than Persons in India are dying through the sale of Christmas of tuberculosis at the. rate of seals, includes case finding $45,000-in money "eggs" to various groups and organiza: | Ly LJ L lone a minute referral clinics, patient follow tions in the eity 0 e ul y Iwanis Around the world, © esti- of health education and re A bylaw authorizing payment of budget approved grant mated 8,000,000 people become habilitation a aa mbien A # | ; infected. with aaa bacilli, Mrs, Collins and the ercop requests was given third and final reading, Additional | A Memorial Hall to celebrate! The necessary funds to fl avery veut had their first look last night at grants of about $30,000 do not require bylaw authorization, |the Golden Anniversary of Ki-lnance the project are being In Canada, TR still takesian informative, cartoon-docu Ald. Richard Donald's suggestion that each group and |waniy International will be built! raised by club members through some. 700-800 lives each year,|mentary film called "The Mon-| organization be asked to submit financial and activity re- by the Kiwanis club of Oshawa, |subseriptions to debentures [Latest Ontario figures' (1963)|ster and You", made for the ports with 1966 grant requests was also approved The building will be erected at/which will be redeemed periods show 161 deaths with only six|/World Health Organization Included in the bylaw were payments to |the Kiwanis Camp for under-lically as funds become avail. THE TREE HUT hideaway, 'Laughlin Collegiate and Vo- --not go unnoticed by side- |in the under-30 age group, Mor-| She describes the Heaf test,| Oehhwa: Hateid Leas. $000; Canadian' National tnet privileged children at ged able, J Kasu- cational Institute and his walk surfers, upper right, |tality rate for males was three the one being used in this sur-| ' ' ds , : ; ! and will provide a long-felt nee Tt is hoped the buildi i above, built by John Kasu a e . : tule for the Blind, $100; John Howard Society, $100; Wor 'at the camp, by providi is Hope e@ building wi beck, 15, of 896 Rossland rd, partner in the clouds from David Field, 9, left, a Grade |times that for females vey, as a painless, multiple V4 ' ' MOCO, OANU; at tho camp, by providing an be cons leted ue tha cae ar are w. right and Jim Erratt, ,.down the street, a pupil at 4 student at Hillsdale pub- To war on. these statistics, puneture by four tiny tynes men's Welfare Leaguee-day nursery, $1,500; Victorian Order |area to conduct programs when} og " : y. 11, of 874 Rossland, gives St, Paul's separate school, lie school; Geoffrey Turner, and TB, a county-wide mass, Dr, C, C, Stewart, Oshawa) of Nurses, $5,500; Children's Aid Society, $11,925; Oshawa -|bad weather prevails, iChairman of the Golden Annie the boys a chance to really enjoy a_ bird's-eye view. 7, centre, Grade 2, Hills: 'survey of industny, the schools|MOH, says the substance inject:| Housing Co, Lid., $8,500; In pet oe i is hoped the versary Committee is Ian Mee get away from their school Spring's promise of warm dale; and Gary Corbeil, NS and communities started yes- vl is PPD ,(rurlfied protein Canadian Cancer Society, $900; Oshawa and District As se fee pace Hr Bhenghnd ° Nab, and the building construe: books during the holidays, anowless beaches and of Grade 1, also at Hillsdale. jterday in Oshawa eeryenye) whiny Ne see sociation for Retarded Children, $4000; Oshawa Society for | potential. meeting place for| ton will be under the guidance Me: "ourse summer holidays did ~--Oshawa Times Photos Volunteer workers are need. as a sensitivity mechanism, : / i Sonn, . . student at Mo snatched seidbal ed to aid in the administration! 'quite inactive" Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, $500; Oshawa Yacht | various groups, of Sam Jackson, jof the large project and last! The test is read three days! Club, $100; Oshawa Tennis Club, $900; South Ontario Agri- bd bd jnight 25 persons =~ almost all later, If a person has a positive) cultural Society, $1,000; Oshawa Horticultural Society, $500; | ® ain Ing n as er gg women =~ met at Dr, §. J./peaction he is urged to have al Automotive Museum, $3,500; Ontario Regimental Band, | Scarborou h Man 1 e Phillips "agin for a | ro chest X-ray Machines will be) $2,000; Oshawa and District Historical Society, $3,703; and | ' course In leading committees! set up in the 'reading reom" » O , Jy Tete * Mut 700. he involved in supply, census poll;| But, emphasizes Mrs, Collins the Oshawa Naval Veterans' Club, #700. an e i 1ve- ay as clinie and publicity jobs a posilive reaction does NOT urt n Wwo- ar m |. The city survey, which starts'mean a person. has tubercu : 1 ' : May .25, will see the munici>jjogis, It does mean that person LJ Ld tly decorated Ukrainian|fire, Christian adaptations of the; The complicated process of) 4% ¢ ' : 3 pag oh Ry uit ' i" ' os ia : dete eggs are being turned|cross, animal forms, geometric|decorating the eggs involves pa pay en ax = [hee heen infected' at some imcoe r ar Ing gp RROUGHAM (Salt), -- on been ypn Parag at the i i i » ahiand floral patterns, and more'tience, paraffin, heat and dye Phen tee teed Mie bl : Ma vss " . fe " be i nt beers oat no contemporary impressions Each colored design or shape| yi': executive secretary of the) Dr. Stewart points out the t ® sons injured in LN ype crash! Provincial Police Constable, youngsters at Dnip Moe) Ths anes have inflaanced Usel maat be given 4 aretective soa) Ontario County Tuberculosis chest X-ray can show pulmon a ouncl on the Brock road, two milesin" ¢ Goodwin, of the Whitby > ag SINAN Sneize OH Te better known artistry of Ukrain:/ing of wax before the egg shell/@d Health Association ary tuberculosis but that the n ag Hp larenont msn d wry f detachment, who investigated : ' nh 4 , , ase . . Dead is Jan Juralowicz, of 32 ¥ sally "or: " embroidery is immersed in another dye for) Each district is then broken disease can oecur in other body é , ' the accident, blamed r vial an pone ra Agate yg: and many other eggs, another colored pattern -- work:\down into several areas, each areas; for example the spine erenciner ravelling 02 one off A bylaw amending parking romappes ~~ -- - bility for causing it, me } the. ibeing ; » » fr » lighte sment to|with committee chairmen to and kidneys the main streets in Oshawa is\regulations must be approved|Ajax an ickering General), friendship are expressions ofjbeing made at home under ing from the lightest pigmen ae \. ee ht hy Gaunall baleea the wee Hospital with chest and arm in-. "At that time in the morning, i rorid} pr' struction may take! the darkest, This process is con-jhandle the four main jobs noted Vhile disease in these areas in sig yy council before the new re- Sy § i hope for Ukrainians the world) mother's 'Sontbals Nua duua: Ma. Ginaea Gail ike vacsoretisn islabove may well be tipped off by cers) A city council traffic commit:|striction comes into effect juries and scalp lacerations is i lis 2 MB ns The Women's League for the/pending on the intricacy of dee! complete Sponsors of the survey arejtain symptoms, Dr, Stewart)tee recommendation that park: Committee chairman. Ald,| Warren heey - - Ay ty pig Pee "he said wes ag | s . es are ' " " ' > | a » » | t p t f ' i he i be :: Liberation of the Ukraine is|sign, before they're ready for ins Then the egg is placed in anjthe association and the Ontario said tuberculosis is most com ing me promonee on ms West John Brady saysup to 19,000 ee guar d ros 0 As i Sho dank nna ck bd . j . " » inispection on Easter morning, oven where the paraffin melts;Department of Health Year-imon in the lung areas (it eats side of Simcoe: st, n., between 80 4 aunt xbridge, is also in spita holding an parceeticn Oneres April 25 according to the Julian off and the gift is ready forjround work done by the asso-jaway lung tissue) and symp:|Adelaide ave., and Rossland|and 13,000 vehicles travel on! with face and chest lacerations,jcar at the time of the almost agi gh ted ed uadas presentation : ieiation, and financed. entirely'toms are very vague, rd. has been approved the street each day 'The third man, Lloyd Jones, RRihead-on crash, gram to preserve the Ukrainian "oecoraied win sombait «a AGAINST 75 OTHERS OVER ROUGH TERRAIN ing from pre-Christian times, the eggs signify respect and mata tarts! Motor City Engineer To Battle Out 4,000-Mile Car Rally fire in more mystical days The elaborate designs include motifs of the sun, necessities) phe Motor City will again ae and comforts such as water and have a representative in this Te year's international Canada 4000 Rally a blood-red Chevelle Flim-Flammed car driven by Martin Chenhall | Mr, Chenhall, of Saguenay |street, has teamed up with 7 t Montrealer Denis Johnson for the annual cross-Canada rally (, $ f Flim-flam artists. are at wonk which starts this Saturday in Oshawa 'The pair, who have only com- Mrs. Louis Atkinson, of the peted once before as a team, Toninas Variety store, reported wit} face 4,000 miles of the most to police yesterday that she had gruelling terrain imaginable been defrauded of $10 The six-day event will take the Mrs, Atkinson reported that @ 95 competing crews from Mont: ee man had come into her store peg} in the east to Vancouver to buy. cigarettes and had given jn the west her a $20 bill for payment In between the crews will After receiving his change, he/face some of the most rugged engaged her in conversal\."! roads the organizers have been and then pulled a large roll Of ableto find. Time schedules will $1 bills from his pocket. He thenipe tight and the competition tendered 10 single dollar bills/pot and strong and asked for a $10 bill, then: Rut Martin Chenhall and his asked if he had given her $20. lco.driver and navigater should He was told yes and thenifigure well in the running asked for it back, gave her the) 'Their car has been systemati- $10 bill and left the store ically prepared and equipped by When Mrs. Atkinson noticed) the team's official entrants and she was $10 short she looked) cnonsars. Gorries, of Toronto, for the man but he was noel in'and City Chev, of Hamilton signt The 327 cubic inch engine has _--_ |been tuned te pump out a mas- . |sive 250 horsepower, Top speed . Five Named is put at well over 130 miles ' Res a an hour, a -- ree - * Speed and acceleration wil) A RARIN' TO GO is Martin photo above, Martin poses dicator on the dash beard of To Committee play a big part in this vear's Chenhall, Oshawa entry. in with his Chevelle, which is the ear, the interior of which . event. Mr. Chenhall and the 'he Canada 4,000 Rally, equipped with a 27? cubic looks like the cockpit ef an WHITRY (Staff) -- Four pub-jother crews will face some 19. Which starts this Saturday inch "mill" which will pump airplane, . Other equipment lic: school ratepayers and alspecial stages on closed roads from Montreal and winds its out $50 "horses" and has a installed includes odoam: county Councillor were chosen} During these stages all-out Way over back roads and tap speed of over 130 mph eters, navigation lights, and Tuesday at the April session| power will count to a tremend tt tracks and finally In the other photo, he ad: extra light switches, ef Ontario County Council as alous extent ; comes out in Vancouver, In justs the average speed in -Oshawa Times Photos public school consultating com-| Crews will have no special ' mittee, jtime to meet on the specialjin the results in nearly all o "We are going out for a win," break their engines." lerous other pieces of equip-jcompetition variety with overjent matter," | Rally headquarters in Toronte Named {to the committee,|stages. The: quickest in eachihis showings. His best placin® Mr, Chenhall told the Times to-|. As far as equipment goes the} ment crowd the dash ithe-shoulder harness. Mr, Chenhall's wife Liz willjannounced today that due te which is required under the/class over the stages will grab/so far has been second day, "But 1 think we shall be/local team can have few prob} In the batk are fire extin| Mr. Chenhall is looking for-|be following the rally, She willithe bad condition of the track Public Schools Act, were W. D./the most points As a team the pair had theirjtaking it reasonably steady at/lems, The sponsors have spentiguisher, first aid kit. . flares {ward te a tough event. Water/travel te Montreal to see herithe races had to be cancelled, Thomson, secretary of . the! For Mr. Chenhall this year's first outing together last week-|the beginning upwards of $2,500 on equipping}tools and racks for maps and! will be his main enemy. Floed-/husband off on the rally and/Instead the rally will pass Whitby district' high schooljevent will be his second Can-jend when they entered the. "There are many first class their entry other rally literature ed reads and deep pot holes will/then fly to Vancouver to perthrough Lindsay, board; D. J. Reid, of Ajax;jada 4,000. He competed in 1962) Chevelle ina rally starting from! drivers in this event like Olivier. The interior of the ear looks} Driver comfort plays a bigibe a real danger, Snow, he haps welcome a winner | A stopover has been arranged Far! Martin, a former reeve of in an Acadian. At that time hé! Peterborough Gendebien and -Pedre Rod: very much like an aircraft part in the event. The crew will! doesn't mind For those Oshawa people whojat the Cottage Restaurant in Reach Township: Archie New-)finished 10th This shaké-down event proved) rigues. The pace will be ally! cockpit face same 100 hours af extreme If you hit a snewhank you were looking farward to secing/ Lindsay. Local meter> sport man, clerk of Mara Township! His navigator. 'Den John-iuseful but the rea! vllying hot. But I think we will let the) Odometers, navigation lightly competitive motoring just back. out and Keep on go the rally crews competing injenthusiasts will get an opper and Harvey Westcott deputy} sen, will be competing in his! business starts " Saturday) fast boys set the pace. We willing, average speed indicators Seating is deep-and comfort-/ing Mr. Chenhall says. "Ifiraces at Mosport on April 23jtunity to see the rally cars reeve of Thorah Township, 'fourth 4,000, He has figured well'on the Montreal starting ramp./sit back awhile and hope they extra light switches and num: able and seat belts of the heavy\you hit a tee that is a differ.jthere is a disappointment, ithere

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