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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 18

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eater , | '0 baAiidsd { asi pupper iuéad iapie GUESS |i calls, % home calls and m| 1 Chachaterived Mt UCW Meetin institution calis. Mrs. Kenneth Farrow gave a report of the Bay of Quinte Con- Mrs, KR. B. Galbraith commit-; JOHN, the beloved disciple,|ference United Church Women ted to memory a sermon given|who gave the world the beloved annual meeting held at Lindsay by the Reverend Gordon Hunter,|gospel, sat next to Jesus, jand reported earlier in this entitled "Introducing the Head) Mrs, Galbraith closed by say-|/P@Pe?. | Table", She was assisted in this!ing, "By introducing this the It was reported that the bale KB] |i i elie te granary as" gg gga most famous head table of allifor overseas relief would bel meeting, by Mrs, Alanitime, we are really introducing)packed May 13 and members soggy th " ale hele with all our weak-|were asked to help in two-hour WIFE PRESERVER me, put on to the table, the nesses, frailites, immaturities,| shifts. Each ti cloth-draped pictures of the] incapabilities and indifference.) Mrs. Mervin Scott and Miss|{ aniOah, Somad Us leet oe ee as seen in the! Jesus brings us a whole new set Shirley McKee, members oflan aerosol disinfectant to pre- - a p ig. jof life values and He breaks us|Unit 8, conducted an inspiring | vent mildew and odors, 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 21, 1965 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor * Sarias ie the gg weeny tig Pars He may build us up|worship service, Using the - slephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department ight was SIMON the Zealot,|to a kingdom, not of this world,|theme "Have you ever tried the , Telephone ' the revolutionary, full of hatred'but which is the kingdom of|way of Love?" Miss McKee EARLY STAME ISSUED for the Romans, full of burning|Love, Life, Justice, Righteous- 4 \desire, cruel action, at the table/ness and everlasting Life", tice of the Old Testament with)! ted threepenny beaver _|because Jesus wanted his pas-| Mrs. James Semple, - presi-|love; that God loves freely and|*@mp issued by the province of sionate nature to be put to work dent, conducted the business|gives and gives and gives: that|@"ada April 23, 1851, Recently celebrating her 84th) Mr, and Mrs, M, McIntyre said: "Jesus transcends the jus- ~ first Canadian stamp was birthday was Mrs, James Col--Hood, Marland avenue, spent lett of Fairleigh avenue. Many|the Haster weekend with Mr, _ \frlends and relatives called withland Mrs, James N, Flucker, in His kingdom, MATTHEW, the! meeting, \Gucteane cucu ka' uous ~ \best wishes, and on her birth-/King Summit Farms, King City, hated tax collector was next, 4 es iid teil sis Pe ci ly t's pe the gyre ag - 4 apie the man -- whole life and would be no May meeting May nothing that can separate wus afternoon helping her cel ' nature was changed by the en-|; ? ¢ MWY | eae the love OF God" brate: Mrs, Callison, Mrs, C,| Five ¥iteens (rom the Osh counter with Jesus, the man Homme S ioocting eau be held apie Menno GIRL SMOKES PIPE by er r FP hepa (CP) os Wenda é |of transportation for the evening McNevin, 20 - year - old McGill oS car was te ie meeting, ; |University student, entered the slits intae civele a tha: disel| An appreciation dinner was) Canadian open pipe smoking |planned for April 22 when mem-|contest, She says she began Henry, Mrs, H. Forsythe andjawa YWCA are attending the douse ---- Mrs, A.\Ontario-Quebec Y-Teeh Confer: McMurtry, Mrs, H, Marks,once in St, Catharines this i ww, Mre, 8. Ci? Me Ae errmlictt's 'daugh.|Week, April 20 - 29, Attending ter) and Mrs, Alex Verries, Jr:from the Y-Teen Group are who was called to that encoun-| yung 9' at g p.m, Mrs, Kenneth ter when he was stili Levi, the)» ' i publican, THADDAEUS, | the| STOW agreed to be in charge) HAIR DESIGN Salon of Distinction F, (granddaughter), Mrs. Collett| Anna McRae, Beth Bateman, ples, sat next, Thaddaeus Jearn-|), (t e w Mages y was the 0 pare' of many 1OVe* Sheila Black and Eleanor ed that it was important that sundey oa gy lf pa pore Sg He ferent ie Call 723-5201 4 ly gifts and cards, Tonkin; and from the Leader- i |the gospel was for everyone, jeaders of mid-week groups|woman to do, Until recently she ' Aievery class, race, nation and) were to be invited, 151 King St. Eost ; 7 \culture, The gospel could only ibe kept by giving it away. PHILIP; who was spiritually blind, when he could fot see God in Jesus, showed the very core of the gospel to others Next sat JAMES the brother of John, He was a quiet one, little known, but he was uncompro- j\mising in his convictions be-, 'cause he was the first disciple |to be martyred. THOMAS, the |doubter sat next, The skeptics) jof all generations had a friend in Thomas, Because of him, searching souls have also been convinced, Starting at the extreme left of the table as one faces the pic-| ture, BARTHOLEMEW or! Nathaniel, the one who was the} "knocker", He didn't believe| Jesus could be of any good, be-| (formerly North-End Meat Market) jused only men's pipes, gut now Mrs, John Hunt, community|she has switched to an attrac- friendship convener, announced|tive ladies' model. | Conveners assisting in to ship Training Group, Virginia night's, vg shor f Bac Sommer, Miss Lillie Sherwood, wuc . , , Naaions of Teabella Pp Mra, Assistant Program Director, acy |Anthony Adams, Mrs, Robert companied the girls, Conference /Rorabeck, Mrs, Anthony|theme will be 'Widening Our |Meringer, Mrs, Jan Ciosk, Mrs./Horizons Through Faith". With- i, McKenna, Mrs, John Car-'in this broad topic the girls plan idinal, Mrs, Sidney Meringer|to explore the effects of the land Mrs, Russell Smith "Ecumenical" climate, Y-Teens es ; : are attending from Brantford, | The Ladies' Auxiliany to the Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener: Oshawa Symphony Orchestralwateriog, Montreal, Niagara Oshawa Times office. Early. publication of this wedding |held a social bridge recently m4 115, Ottawa, Peterborough, jat the home of Mrs. Robertinor "arthur, Sarnia, St. Cath- record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and : ol a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as her i gaya arines, Toronto, and Oshawa, possible after the ceremony, You are asked to submit the (financing of music and instru-| Oshawa grests attending the) names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the (ments. Mrs. D. M. MeDuff,|Miller-Mills wedding at Willow-| social editor either before or the day after the wedding. president, assisted the hostessidale included Miss Joyce Hos-| and Miss Jane Holden and Miss|kin, Miss Lynda Rundle, Miss| 36 D MR. AND MRS. DONALD T, MILLER --Piper Studios WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by. The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The ¢ RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF °¢ NEW LOCATION NEW LOW PRICES BRIDGELAND paceess LTD. 909 Simcoe St. N. Phone 728-3361 ere ame HN The forthcoming marriage is announced today of Miss Barbara Joan Stacey and Mr. Nicholas Copes of Don Mills, The bride - to - be, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest R. Stacey, Oshawa, is a graduate of the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing, Class of 1960, and is at present head nurse of the Emergency | Helen McDuff were in charge | Joan Marshall, Mr. Ted Brown,| of the candy sale, The follow-/Mr, and Mrs, Mansel MacLeod,| ing names were drawn by Mrs.|Mr, and Mrs, Jack Houston, Mr.| oy scape rize win yg Department at the Hospital |", . i } J yier Church, | gree Thei zowns of Edward Oscapella as prize win-jand Mrs, Grant Little, Mr, and Pee Pall dan cause He came from Nazareth. : Pg, Mag on gg ag Bs oS eee satininers from the 24 tables in play:|Mrs, William Found, Mr, and ap pine bine py ORE oe Yet Bartholemew was loved of tario. was the setting for the|were styled with very full short Mrs. Gilbert Jack, Mrs. D, Bar-|Mrs, Sydney Goodfellow, Mr. ei ie in at Wine Pater Jesus and became a faithful i marriage of Linda Corinno|skirts, bow necklines and short|!0", Marion Dewland, Mrs.land Mrs. Armour Hanna, Mr.) Gopges Islington and the |#Postle, taking the gospel to Mills, daughter of Mr, andisleeves, A self-cummerbund|!dna Laverty, Dorothy Mont-land Mrs, Clifford Rundle, Mr,| | Petr, Copnes, 'The cere. |L0dia. JAMES the less, sat next, i Mrs. Jess Price Mills, to Don-|was attached with a bow at the|somery, Mrs, Hazel Gillen,/and Mrs, A, W. Rundle, Mrs, aan ie rpigetrt place in |He was a poor, unpretentious : ald Tipson Miller, son of Mr.\back. They wore a matching Mrs, W. Young, Mrs. A, How-|william Ridgely, Mrs, W. Train-| Gaiyary Baptist Church on |™&M of whom little is known. J id and Mrs. Charles Miller,|bow in thelr hair and carried|#"4, Marjorie Ferries, Mrs.er, Mrs. Norman Price, Mr. and "pohe tA Mey 15, lYet Jesus chose him, as if to Toronto, -- nosegays of white carnations Maxwell Coleman, Mrs. A. I../Mrs, Norman Price, Mr, and poetry A Mie cach say to those who believe they : The Rev R. H. M. Kerrjand pink roses with trailing 'Powell, Mrs, Joe Bino, Mrs, A.)Mrs, William McCourt, Mr. and : |don't count for much, "I need } f je Reverend '2 r Thompson, Miss. Jean Laird, Mrs Stanley Hart, Mrs. J. A WOMEN. JOIN Y iyou. By your spirit and persis- KS ? officiated. Mrs, R, K, Williams ribbons to match thelr dresses inc, a" Canning, Marjorie} Marshall, Mr, and Mrs, Norval), MONTREAL (CP)--More than) tent humility, I will wear down Mr, Robert Miller, brother of accompanied Mrs, Lorraine Lawrence, Mrs, Harvey. Cross-lcrogeman, Mrs. Mary. Conlin,/85 per cent of the membership] the pride of the world and win B Kelly who sang the "Lord's arian ann ie man, Mrs. W, J. Naylor, tl Frank eee of the Young Men's Christian jt for my Father", | Wing Sirloi | Prayer' preceding {he cerelmhomes Skimming and Mr,\A- Bradford, Mrs. Helen DeBoo.| Michael Kashul' and family.|Association here is women and) ANDREW, one of the inner ng sirtoin mony oe ip tye "we Renneth Taylor were ushers, : (Myrna McLaughlin, Marjorie others from out of town. were|gitls--12,000 of them, They par-jcircle, was always leading nb EROS OF the. Foss, The reception was held in the|=: Webster [Mr. and Mrs, Murray Rae,|ticipate as full partners in @isomeone else to Jesus. JUDAS, Round , ; ' Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth|wide range of Y activities, and)the brooder, filled with revenge The bride, given in marriage), : : : her \401" Room of the Canadiana) Mr, . and Mrs. Harry Mr. andjdaytime programs are particu-|sat next, plotting how he could by her father, was gowned in|, | n acimavinr - Conkavl |Hotel, ~alme » street east »po| Laylor ooksville; r : seh = b> semen pat os i secdive. the bride's sielt-lnmanasd teniaty family and| Mt James Holdge, Richmond|larly popular with housewives. [repay Reg for ee pornlees. SHORT RIB BLADE gatn, she bodice, made : \ " fp "their| Hill; Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Frost,| Then there was PETER, the er chose a gown of champagne ' , the : a . Frost, & bow neckline and ily-point French cloque silk patterned Tehere 4 gg ey oorigage tl odeacd | PO Hill; Mr, and Mrs, Doug:| jgreat bluffer, who had to be ena Cc preres, -- ee hag roses with satin trim; a netiwhen a buffet supper was held|!as Husband and family, and} jbroken before he could really Ib EXTRA EAN 4 ch lace and seed pears nat with a gold' thread wovenlat the home of their daughter,|Mt. and Mrs. D, T, Miller and) serve the Christ, POT ROAST which continued down the front panel of the formal bouffant skirt, A self-rose accented the back waistline, Her crown of pearls and crystal held her ehoulder-length veil of silk bridal net, and she carried a colonial bouquet of pink sensa- tlon roses with white fresia, Miss Nancy Mills, sister of the bride, was maid of honor.) She wore a gown of tulip pink silk organza over lustre satin in it, and champagne accesso-\Mrs, William McLeese and Mr,| amily, all of North Bay; Mr, ries, A posy of yellow sweet-iMcLeese, Harmony road north ene Mrs, Frank Frost, Detroit, heart roses was worn on heriGifts were presented to the hon Michigan, and Mr, and Mrs, H handbag, The bridegroom's |ored couple by Mr. §. J. Nobbin|9; Barndt, Binghamton, N.Y, mother chose a three-piece sult/on behalf of friends and for the) ¥.5.A. th ee = with/tamily by their son, Mr, Doug-| ~ matching shoes and 8 ulléiias Palmer and Mrs, Palmer,! hat, She carried a pink rose London, Ontario. | SOCIAL NOTICE cluster on her handbag, | emseineenenpnnnenn | (Gy KAYES PRESENTS ; . | The bride's grandmother,| . .asurement is to reduce total FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE WIFE PRESERVER | ARNEL 65 | Mrs. E. J, Richardson, wore & weight, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Rolfe) Use bobby pins instead of French blue gown made in] now the waistline: 'To get ex+ Stacey, Oshawa, announce thelstraight pins when hemming a| There is only one Arnel! Hers with a hat of silk organza act area, circle: thumbs and/forthcoming marriage of their| circular skirt, They keep mater-) Bit there certainly is Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast 8, 29 i : p MAPLE LEAF WIENERS -- CHICKEN Legs & Breasts uw. 49° PORK CHOPS uw. 49° BABY BEEF LIVER u. 39° FRESH GRADE A CHICKENS It was styled similarly to the/netals in tones to match, She " | r ' **\forefingers around waist--that's ' ' i ; iT 2 P Le. -- er ben we wore a corsage of white gar-|i), po to sxuanaie, Chiels tape | cauanter, Barbara Joan, to Mr,|!al from twisting variety of beautiful Oute| 1M ER e be , s and length. A rose Olidenia and sweetheart roses. Nicholas Copes, Don Mills, son fits to select from LB. CUSTOMER LEAN BUTT LB, CELLO PACK i faround, but don't squeeze, If Later the bride and bride waist measures six inches less\0f Mrs groom left by plane for a honey:| moon to the Carib Ocho Rios| (an the bust the same material was attach-| ed to the back waistline, She wore a matching bow head. Peter Copses, Isling- circumference,|ton, and the late Mr, Copses. RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.0. GRADE A LARGE FIRST GRADE CREAMERY dress and carried a cascade * : that's only fair, The waist isThe cor ad bouquet of white carnations| fernpicn We deme and vanitightly proportioned at 8 to 9), Pate sgl yer bagi CHIROPRACTOR and pink t msation roses Itnefe return will reside at 35imenee fens than the bust, oh ne ea ne vary Bantist 156 The bride's and maid of|Thorncliffe Park drive, Apt..KEEP IT FLAT er ea See Baptist | 100 King St, E. -- 728-515 The abdomen: Circle Church, Oshawa WITH $3.00 honor's dresses were made by!1611, Toronto, | tape racer their mother, For travelling the bride chose|around in back and bring to-| The flower girls, amall niecesia suit in French blue with a gether across the rounded area of the bridegroom, were Miss|white rose hat, navy blue kid|For health as well as a good Cathy Miller in daffodil yellowjaccessories and a corsage of figure, the abdomen should be and Miss Mary Ann Miller, in'pink carnations fairly flat, Ideally, the abdomen KEEP IN TRIM snou measure from one-half to LB, MEAT ORDER 49° MAPLE LEAF BACON SLICED SIDE 6% 22 ~. 99° MAPLE LEAF CHEESE SLICES PACKAGE 29° ~ RUTHERFORD'S 17th ANNIVERSARY SALE jtwo and a half inches smaller jthan the bust, Tone in the all : \important girdle muscles is es § Your S . 0 tit sential to a shapely figure 1-LB, PACK Doe No question about re t pring u l Fi ihe hips 7 'at eects tape around the bulkiest part to! Reveal Ugly Bulges? ee oe meas tee aa es aged ' |measurement will vary with Wax or Reg. COOKED Chicken Loaf jbody type. Hips that measure the tape measure test, It's sym-ifrom 1 to 2 inches larger than| metry that makes a beautiful the bust are average, Ultra:| figure, and the proportion bé-istreamlined hips measure tho} tween measurements makes OTisame as the bust. Hips that mars symmetry, jmeasure § to 4 inches larger Measure the bust over an up:'than the bust are termed full,| lift bra, circling tape around Corrective measures: to re-! back and bringing it together/duce, limit calories to 1100 a Mac & Cheese Dutch Pickle &. Pimento u 49° By IDA JEAN KAIN It's apring pruning time, A bulky winter coat can cover a multitude of figure flaws, In a spring outfit, unsightly bulges loom large as life. Those fitting room mirrors are starkly un- compromising BOLOGNA u 29° By The Piece HAM 89° LB, Thinly Sliced FRESHLY SLICED Perhaps you hav expe rienced this rude awakening, As you view yourself in a new out: fit, suddenly you do not see the dress at all--but the figure mod- elling it. You become actutely conscious of the girdle top roll, across centre of bust, lightly./day as outlined in leaflet Bat The normal size of this meas-jto Build Leanness .To slim off urement depends primarily on/inches, ease through a daily ex. your glands, However, these tis ercise routine. In six weeks you sues are. susceptible to fatty|will look and feel like a new deposit and, with overweight,;woman and you'll be able to the bosom is apt to be too large. slip into a dress a size smaller, SIDES of BEEF e FREEZER SPECIALS ° HINDS of BEEF ° ONLY TOP QUALITY MEAT * PERSONAL SERVICE ON EACH ORDER ° 100% GUARANTEED ¢ a thickened waist and the/The only y to less | q t -- apread : A dP Ft nyt SEAS ANEE IS : lere's a morale - boosting thought --- all that stands be | COLD lb. 4G. Ib. 5 3- tween you and a smaller, younger size is 14 to 14 pounds FUR STORAGE and two inches off the fig: | Cut & Wrapped FREE Cut & Wrapped FREE ure controlling measurements-- ON THE PREMISES----... 'Like this simple but bust, waist, abdomen and hips.) . peee pex.up 'Tel d hed meadect tt] 3 RENE Mpeln & Repodaling sao" sc reee'/es | FRONTS of BEEF | SIDES of PORK figure needs remodelling, take] 9 pREE ESTIMATES y Expert Furriers skirt and Pop-Top en- No Notice Required when coat semble, desired -- immediate service. 725-6312 | ib IE ib 7: MORRISON FUR CO pean bd oe oe 48 SIMCOE ST, NORTH OSHAWA For those who went the very ong goatee Retrigere- Arnel Cut & Wrapped FREE Cut & Wrapped FREE ---- es tors ¢ the very letest in FR 'Systems -- Main- tains th t bal temperat d Humidity for ideo! ; long term preservation ot Fra end Fratem Foods Most model Feature Il Meat Gov't Inspected. 100% Guaranteed. eve in yellow, turquoise end copper, . ' LUCITE -- NOW! STANDARD OF THE INDUSTRY SEE THE NEW MODELS NOW April 22 Come In And Pitk Out Your Side, Hind or Front rene y of s AT Cut and Wrapped While You Wait! "Reg. DRAPES Custom Mede In The Oshawa Times 3 BRGADLOON, , Ladies Weer BRIDGELAND PACKERS LTD. Ty baa aes KAYES sm] | 909 SIMCOE ST. N. PH. 728-3361 p con 725-3144 Phone Now! We Will NOT Be Undersold! SIMCOE ST. NORTH Open Wed., Thurs. & Friday to 9 P.M. at PATTE'S wattrarce HOWARD'S |... 149-156 Simcoe St. S. |BOWMANVILLE, ONT. DRAPERIES a. 85 Simcoe Sr. N. -- 728.3529 Open Thursday end Friday till 9:00 p.m. ee KAYES id * RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF a

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