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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 22

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|'CATCHER SAVES DOG'S LIFE; STOCK BROKER TESTIFIES: ee --- BUT CAN'T BUY HERO ROLE| 'Campbell Sold Short, Didn't Say' | RRB 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 21, 1965 TORONTO (CP)--A Toronto kinese. The dogs were picked I ! z , ° eens B | Girlie-Mags Back i : : dogeatcher has won a merit UP because the owner could | TORONTO (CP) -- A stock-jfall shares in four differentjable to come up with another mission, testified the commis-, = t ie not look after them, broker testified Tuesday Johninames, Mr. Richardson said hename and he asked me tolsion unwittingly released an er-! n upreme : ur | award for saving ® dog's life "1: 'tooy six minutes of |Campbell, former director of|found by accident . that one} supply one, and I did." roneous DEC#S stalasiont onl with mouth-to-mouth respira- mouyth-to-mouth respiration to | the ore [gg ne Se ra Rate Hunter--was ficti-| oe name ia Bee was Windfall because Windfall offi-| Y i | e led in March,) tion, e can't understand revive the stricken dog. sion, traded in shares of Wind-| tious. jsubstituted, Mr. Richardson|" ' F a snag Or Gist an a eesaneteciione tat Dh Lawrence's| wi x Fo fuss is about. Mr. Patey, a native of St. |fall Oils and Mines Limited but) Mr. Hartt asked if Mr. Rich-| said Mr. Boyer had allowed his cials hadn't provided sufficient the Supreme Court of Canada.jnovel Lady Chatterley"s Lover 'I was only doing my job Anthony, Nfld., has found that failed | to say he was "selling ardson's curiosity had been|name to be used as a nominee|information. The nine justices return to|was not obscene, as be ae life . : ee ee gett eek i sel alton tat yh oe Mae Camm ke edad PES ee The press release of last July ie! | ; é sai ilfr 'atey, 40, can be hazardous. Last year, 9 I 5 | » i , | pth gpg 8 en gens Ago EA perp oe tt, The Ontario Hamano So- climbing a tree to free a cat, |knew Toronto Stock Exchange /bell's transactions to be in the|Mr, Justice Arthur Kelly of the 15 said the company had done} of their first decisions will cen-'the Girlie Magazines Escapade| ciety thinks differently, His he fell and broke a. collar- jrules require admission that/ordinary course of business,/Ontario Court of Appeal is in-|"0 ®8says on a drill core taken| tre around a 1959 amendment|and Dude were not obscene. | award, to be presented at a bone, an elbow, an arm and | short sales are being made, and added: jvestigating a spectacular gyra- from the Timmins - area pro-| to the Criminal Code defining) @odaon Magazine Enterprises| Convention in Kitchener, Ont., two vertebrae. __ [Selling short involves selling) -- This was @ very busy pe-jtion in Windfall share prices|perty in Northern Ontario, | obscene literature. ¥ bases its appeal on points of| Friday, credits him with per- But the greatest hardship, |stock you don't own, hoping its/riod."" : [last July in which the price! sanwen Assays MADE Twelve issues of girlie maga- faok ond' le' Th pd a asks:| forming above his normal he says, comes from children., price will descend so you can! ASKED FOR NAME jrose to $5.60 from-56 cents and Neatlinnis yep fon b ti 4 +, zines and 13 pocketbooks distri-| rete ; '| duties over a period of several "Kids, They yell and | buy it back at a lower price and! Mr. Richardson testified that/ then fell to 86 cents on the y given before ne buted by Gordon Magazine en-| ~Did the appeal court err in) yoarg, scream at you and sométimes | make a profit thereby. he asked Mr. Campbell to pro-| TSE. royal commis sion previously terprises Limited of Toronto| {Ailing to give weight to evi-| " ne' patey's first-aid knowl- even fight you. I had 30 kids | Commission Counsel Patrickiduce the name of a living per-| In other testimony Tuesday| Showed assays had in fact been SHIRLEY JONES GIG YOUNG RED BUTTONS 2 CAROLYN JONES were ruled obscene by Judge dence of expert witnesses? made on the drill core earlier W. F. B, Rogers of York County in February, 1964, and were ta- ken off newsstands, The On- tario Court of Appeal upheld the judge's ruling last month. Now the firm is asking the Supreme Court for leave to ap- peal the decisions of the lower courts, Among the pocketbooks af- fected are Red Rape, Wild French Nurse, and. Raging Blood, | The magazines include issues) of Black Silk Stockings, Adam's! Zedside Reader, and Man's| favorite Pastime. | IT'S THIRD TIME "It's the third time in as --Did the appeal court err in| pekinese last May when. the determining that mere quan- 14-year-old dog suffered a tity of photographs which ex-| heart attack while being put ploited sex but which did not into a truck with 16 other pe- exceed the limits set by pre- edge saved the life of a once in a school yard. They |Hartt elicited testimony that son to replace the name Colin\J. Forbes McFarland, member tried to turn over the truck |Mr. Campbell had traded Wind-|Hunter, "He didn't seem to bel of the Ontario Securities Com- because I had a dog inside that they had been playing with." a vailing community standards tx aiy'by eer ot S| Publishers Seek Scheme --Did the appeal court err in novels was an exploitation of cite a" eet) TO Get Younger Readers | sex and that the exploitation of sex associated with crime, NEW YORK (AP) -- News-| lieve we can start too early to| horror, cruelty or violence|paper publishers looked Tues-jattract their attention to the) automatically rendered the|day for new ways to attractinewspaper,'" Harris said. | | said pocket books obscene? younger readers -- particularly One major .newspaper which | ---Did the appeal court err injon hearing a report that "72\ne did not name found. that! failing to determine the defi-|per cent of all comic-strip read-|onjy 14. per cent. of 1,425) the beach a ball/ in July. Mr. McFarland said the press, release had been written after commission members met with George MacMillan and his wife! Viola, president and promoter! of Windfall respectively, } Box Office Opens 7:00 First Show et 7:30 <p BVI THE OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS A PLAY "Fh: ] ° a? Directed by Harry Chapman youngsters interviewed re-| i, fily es WHT [or bikini countiy i= CCL (that's where the bous are. now) many years that an appeal has} nition of obscenity found injers are adults," been heard by the court under} the Criminal Code was based| The figure was given by ToM| garded the newspaper as first| : the 1959 amendment whic h| upon objectively - determined|C, Harris, general manager Of|choice as a favorite source of| EWS invades States that "'any publication a) standards of tolerance in the|the St, Petersburg, Fla., Times|news and information. Radio| dominant characteristic of} community and that when|and Evening Independent;-at a| was top choice, TV second, which is the undue exploitation! such standard is exceeded in|"shop talk" session of the) "tn this same poll, youngsters of sex... shall be deemed to! exploitation of sex, that such'American Newspaper Publish: eajq they read comics first, be obscene." exploitation is obscene? ers Association, fashion news second and radio ea BR eR ~| "This should suggest to US/anq TY news third. Hard news iT aeae : hy 8%), and shes ae 4 Tickets On Sale At: HENDERSON BOOK STORE @ FRIDAY APRIL 23 AT 4:30 P.M. -- 7:00 P.M, @ SATURDAY APRIL 24 AT 9:00 A.M, TO 6:00 P.M, @ MONDAY APRIL 26 AT 4:30 PM. TO 7:00 P.M, Or At The Library Theatre BOX OFFICE 7 P.M: on GENERAL ADMISSION $1.25 @ CURTAIN RISES 8:30 P.M, a that we take a new look at Our came in a poor fifth." : ~ comic and adventure strips and Warris said girls want more ana a tl n unning jpages and see if we have gone teen - age fashion articles, g oe Y jtoo adult," Harris said. beauty hints, hairdo styles' and a whe 4 b 7 a --_ . ---- | He reported that about 40 perlfads; boys want more high j d , . ' ° jcent of the entire population of) school and college sports. or ympic ames sie United States is 19 years of Girls and boys both, he said, ALL preceded Ca. and- about 50 want less news about delin- per cent is 25 or younger, ts e n- NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)ishe added later; "'There would|prs NEVER TOO EARLY structive and worthwhile pro. ~~ Health Minister Judy La-jbe tremendous political pres- "With pre-school age children jects for teen-agers, and \more Ask About Our Speciol GROUP RATES For Your Club 7 : 4 ' COLOR COLOR SHOW! SHOW!. yg Dl ia. ee 4 b, ? id Marsh ¢aid Tuesday night Can-/sure brought to bear if it was! atready listening t 4 diab : i 1. ° b s g to radio andiabout career openings and co 18-TONS OF ada may still be the site for|suggested that they\be switched', io. 4 t be-ll ts and costs. METRO GOLDWYN [R the 1968 Winter Olympic games.|It would be a real black eye if. -* television, I do not be-llege clade rh basin y presents HORNED FURY... TRUE STORY OF Cariada had made a bid wd ag ype were ge gg OE tae | AVOEPASTERNAK PRODUCTION the 1967 Games but the Inter-| She said several officials, no-| | national Olympic Committee|tably Avery Brundage, 10C| Tuition Must Be Reduced AFRICA'S MOST chose Grenoble, France, over a/chairman, are unhappy about) 3} oon "RHINO" bid by Banff, Alta, the Grenoble progress. in Coler With | "Unless there is more pro-| Earlier, Miss LaMarsh said . - gress on plans for the Grenoble| the federal government is con- a en ommission 0 site, it might just be possible|sidering construction of a na-| that (the IOC) will consider|tional sports centre to facilitate!) oprawA (CP)--Tuition feesiotherwise have. Reducing tul-| SHIRLEY EATON HARRY GUARDING ROBERT CULP A SWING-DING OF A MUSICAL! "LOOKING FOR EABARES cy Bon BARE ANGE SICH NEL = LOVE" A tn Color With g CONNIE FRANCIS JIM HUTTON JOHNNY CARSON DANNY THOMAS BILTMORE 59 sinoay PHONE 725-5833 1:30 P.M, switching the 1967 Winter|the training of Canadian ath-\at Canadian universities ands; ; i . ° Games here," said Miss La-|letes. tion fees was a first step. in PANAVISION Wriean by Directed ag. FUTERPE j wanvey | ry ee {colleges should be eliminated or) +» am ' | iI] | d Marsh before leaving for a trip) She told a joint meeting Of/substantially reduced, the Bla- Pir Oe he, on a ROY SG PICIURE ©and METROCOLOR to Europe. azin 0 tlawa, sai any Ex _ FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE local service clubs here there is y iss} f % den commission on the financ lraise in fees will be vigorously DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M, the most urgent educational pennant oble situation is the distance--|the centre might be built, but/ada was told Tuesday. Pie ' up to 100 miles in some cases--|it may be established on an| : ' Stua-| this will only make it more dif- nen areas chosen for thelabandoned military base, Peng okie tassceama tik eee ficult for individuals in financ-| NEW COLOR CARTOON various events. | Miss LaMarsh said she willlcollege students, sald in a brief|/4! difficulty to get the neces-| "ESKIMO ARTISTS" {be taking a two-week trip tolto the commission that acces-/S4!¥ education | IN TECHNICOLOR FORECASTS PRESSURE Germany, Sweden, Finland and| sibility to. higher education is Lhe commission was urged to FEATURE DAILY... -- While she said there {is a\Switzerland to view sports cen-| . - reject any system of financing 1:30 + 3:30 ~ 5:35 - 7:48 + 9:30 Another factor in the Gren-/no indication where or when|ing of higher education in Can- opposed by students, because strong possibility" that Canadajtres similar to those under con-| robl feet for students based on loans . pa in Canada ttey aSaemeanmnRNEREet NTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1.30. might still get the 1967 Games,isideration for Canada, PiThe commission was set up only. y - CO -- by the Canadian Universities wat RCAF Narrows Plane-Pick |i: srs 10 Seemed 7:30 Pm. cH. 6 the universities and colleges of Canada with particular refer- To Two American Designs =... ss" fall, OTTAWA (CP)~--The defence department's selection of a new fighter-bomber for the RCAF to support the army in the field has narrowed down to two American planes, reliable sources said Tuesday. The two are the Ling-Temco- Vought A-7 crusader and the Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter. Eliminated have been two other tip Mr, McNamara's plans on|. The CUS brief said tuition plane purchases for the U.S. Air Force. So far, the U.S. de- fence department has ordered lean Navy. Informants said Mr, Hellyer could wait for Mr. McNamara to announce his plans and then| choose the same plane, simpli-| the crusader only for the Amer-|his family. Governments must fees represent only a small pro- portion of the real costs of ed- ucation paid by the student or help those who could not afford to give up earnings they would! BILL DAVIS Ontario Minister of Education Rock HUDSON + Gina LOLLOBRIGIDA fying Canadian problems of al- Richardson, Canadian middle- ternate bases and spare parts, weight champion, will not fight} WON'T FIGHT SYDNEY, N.S. (CP) -- Blair on the Education 'Hotseat' Answers questions from a panel Gig YOUNG "STRANGE BEDFELLOWS" TECHNICOLOR® Jieeaeeeeeeeeeseereeresesess oovacqageeoorrooeoese Pveccecsccsecesss*" Tonn-sscccccsces U.S. planes, the Douglas Sky-| However Mr y i : i vever, Mr. Hellyer likely|this summer, manager John| conrann hawk and the Grumman A-6. | will decide before Mr. McNa- Seakiey said wanes of daily newspaper Education Editors EDWARD TODD -anrvuiTYinmnes TER i Final choice is not expected|mara to meet the pressing de-|blond native of nearby South/ ' $ and MIGHAEL PERTWEE » Story by NORMAN PANAMA and MELVIN FRANK + Producad and Directed by MELVIN FRAN to be made before the end of mands of the Canadian aircraft|Bar will be athletic director at Education Minister Bill Davis it PANAMA RANK PRODUCTION » A UNIVERSAL PCTURE May. industry for new production. a mountain camp in Pennsyl- No. Playing PLAZA IS Yn: ENTERTAINMENT The government is prepared, This will provide some sort) vania. TIMES--1;30---3:25---5:25--7:30--9;35 to spend $215,000,000 for produc-|of saw-off between the industry, ----------------______ It8 the game that separates the girls and the boys...into groups of two! Canadair Limited, Montreal. (which has not regarded choice But beyond that, informants|°f @ new plane as urgent. Mr NOW PLAYING... SWEEPING OVER THE GREAT SOUTHWEST...THE SAGA OF THE UNION MAJOR AND CONFEDERATE CAPTAIN FIGHTING SIDE BY SIDE LIKE DEVILS! af MajorDundee Hs, tin Cosi ANDERSON, J, said, it wants to pick a plane|Hellyer had rejected earlier the which has potential sales in|idustry's request for produc- other countries. Both the Cru-| "on of an expensive plane such sader and Freedom Fighter 8 the U.S. Phantom, . may fit this bill. | . DISCUSSED PROBLEM See~hear--noted Defence Minister Hellyer dis- , cussed the problem confidenti- | epeue organist ally in Washington Monday) / "dy with U.S. Defence Secretary | recording star Robert McNamara. Details were secret on the grounds that disclosure might prematurely - ALLAN CUP SURVIVORS) B A K E R By THE CANADIAN PRESS | aie East -- Sherbrooke Beavers . Woodstock Athletics. West--Warroad Lakers, Nel- son Maple Leafs. East -- Lachine Maroons, Smiths Falls Bears, Niagara! & Falls Flyers, Garson - Falcon- bridge Native Sons West--Winnipeg Braves, Ed-| : monton Oil Kings. | During the heyday of the big thea- 3 . tre organ, Don Baker's distinctive Mame py anoon TP SENTA. Screenplay by HARRY JULIAN FINK, OSCAR SAUL and SAM PECKINAM TRADE GOES TWO WAYS organ stylings attracted record Annae-PriFas: ERGER Story by HARRY JULIAN FINK Produced by JERRY BRESLER In 1963 Canada sold §$3,766,-. crowds into America's major mo- Directed by SAM PECKINPA We Comp y OME MTA FILMED IV PANAVISION" « COLOR svar ovens: socserrs 400 Miron MOR T Mawe Dewaet Torte Oe Coven Memnnagy 400,000-worth of goods to the, tion picture theatres, including 18 United S ates and bought $4,444,900,000-worth of American years at the N.Y. Paramount Theatre. He is & leading recording artist; has starred in 50 motion picture shorts; and his talents are in constant demand at famous theatres and supper claha. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S | "=a2ioeco ! ea ee @ OIL CONN orGAN | FRANKIE AVALON - ANNETTE FUNICELLO - DEBORAH WALLEY HARVEY LEMBECK | Se cue JOR ASHLEY JODY MoGREA - DONNA LOREN- MARTA KRISTEN = LIN BOBB! SHAW - DON RICKLES - PAUL LYNDE MAR AT NORTHERN SECONDARY SCHOOL 723-4663 831 Mt. Pleasent Rd., Toronto 8-15 P.M, Fridey April 30th SERVING OSHAWA OVER eit sa) aa Staal nee our free tickets contectin 50 YEARS AVENUE ORGAN & MUSIC. SALON 359 Eglinton Ave. W., akon) DRIVEcIN PHONE = TORONTO ov Y @ EVENINGS FROM 7:30 INCLUDING SUNDAYS ¢@ FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS

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