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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 2

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| 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, April 21, 1965 Ponti | FUTURE SCHOOL: VAST WITH SMALL UNITS OF STUDY 'Large School, School System, Here To Stay | TORONTO (CP) -- The very| The Ontario Chassical Associ- ever since, idea of political party groups in|cratic Party spokesman disa- large school.and the very large/ation ftard a report by Profes-| In a panel discussion on thejhigh schools, a New Demo-igreed with: Liberal and Pro- te eee -- zm =| Meron, Viet Nam 'Story Charged U.S. Controlled . Robert Eunson, who filed will be released when recovery the following dispatch, was \operations are completed , a .war .correspondent .for | Correspondents have not ob-| Loren and movie producer the Associated Press in the [jected to any regulations issued|Carlo Ponti were ordered today Second World War and in |for reasons of security. They|to stand trial in a Rome court Korea, He now is director |have objected strongly to the|July 6 on bigamy charges. pt Asia services for The policy of not allowing. free ac-) They were originally charged 'Associated Press. cess to military personnel with-|in June, 1962, but no trial date sont out being accompanied by an|was set pending the outcome of By ROBERT EUNSON ROME (AP)--Actress Sopitia "escort officer." This policy,other legal action on their tan- SAIGON (AP) -- Information |they believe, inhibits military|gled marriage case, , given reporters about U.S. mil-|personnel during interviews. Ponti, who was married pre- itary activities in Viet Nam is| The Zorthian memorandum)viously, .was charged with big- der the supervision of the'says "entry and. movementjamy. Miss Loren, not previ- U'S. Information. Service. within air base areas controlled|ously married, was charged US. military briefing officers|by the (South) Vietnamese Air| with complicity in bigamy. are subordinate to Barry Zorth-|Force will be in the company| The producer and Miss Loren jan, head of the USIS here. of a guide. jcould receive prison terms of up USIS is a unit of the U.S. in-| 'Journalists passing through)to five years if convicted. 'They formation Agency, which is un-|a Vietnamese Air Force area tojhave been free pending trial. der the direction of the White|reach an American installation} Action on the criminal House and the state depart-|will be escorted to and from|charges was held up while a ment. Its objective is to pre-|the American installation by a civil court decided the status of sent the image of the United/Vietnamese Air Force guide." their Mexican proxy marriage States in the most favorable! After briefing on security reg-|in 1957. light. ulations, the reporter may move| In February the Italian civil In the Second World War and without an escort "through un-|court, accepting the stand of in Korea, regulations for cover-|classified areas of the Ameri-| the state prosecutor and reject- age of armed conflict involving|can installation." jing the Ponti-Loren arguments, U.S, service men came from the' The Da Nang air base, fromjtuled that the Mexican proxy Military. lwhich many strikes have been|marriage was null because Zorthian has criticized report-llaunched against North Viet|/Ponti already was married at ers in private for stories that)Nam, is near the South Vietjthe time. ; did not violate security but that|Nam-North Viet Nam border. | Ponti and Miss Loren had ar- he thought were unfavorable to! U.S. reporters have been|gued the proxy marriage was the United States. barred since late March from|never valid and they therefore The press information officer|the Da Nang air base, Despite|were never married, They pre- here for the military assistance|a Zorthian announcement that|sented a 1962 Mexican' court) command is Col. Ben Lagare.|accredition for entry to the base|Tuling that the wedding was in- However, when a set of 20|would begin April 12, it was|valid for technical reasons be- ground rules for coverage of|not until Tuesday that author-\cause some papers were not U.S. air strikes was issued alization was issued by South|properly filled out week ago, the memorandum|Vietnamese officials in Saigon| The civil court ruling cleared was signed, not by Lagare, butifor some reporters to enter the|the way for today's setting of a by Zorthian as "minister-coun-|base and other installations. Au-|trial date for the bigamy ac- sellor for public affairs." thorizations for entry of Asso-|tion. The Zorthian memorandumiciated Press correspondents} . states that the rules "'must be|were being forwarded today to! observed by official briefers and/them in Da. Nang | SS T t other American and Vietnamese} American billets, messes and) rus ees official personnel." service men's clubs are still! RELEASE INFORMATION iclosed to reporters, Interviews} bed Zorthian's memorandum says|with pilots have been generally) uit A that information will be "nor-|forbidden, although some have} mally be released as soon $s/been arranged off the base un- Pi ' available" includes the targetider the stipulation that the pi-| TORONTO (CP)--The Onta hit, nationality of the striking|lots discuss their missions in|tio Separate School Trustees force, whether the aircraft were|general terms | Association has quit the Ontario Jandbased or from carriers, gen-| The U.S. Air Force announced| School Trustees and Ratepayers' etal characterization of the suc-/March 16 that reporters enter-|Association, charging it cess of the mission, tonnage. or|ing Da Nang must have an of-|been relegated to a minor role ordnance used, numbers ofificial escort. A spokesman said| Which would destroy its identity. | strike aircraft, enemy anti-air-|the orders came from the South} However, Joseph Blair, retir-| craft fire and pilot sightings of|Vietnamese Army, which denied/!0& president of OSTRA, ex-| unfriendly aircraft. this, pressed hope for continued un The memorandum prohibits) Two days later, Arthur Syl-|derstanding and oo - operation disclosure of information onlvester, assistant U:S, defence|between the two bodies in ed- aircraft taking off on strikes,|secretary, said the regulations/UCation. identification. of land bases or|were imposed by the South Viet-. The split came after the sep- location of bases from which the|namese government. This wasjarate school representatives) aircraft were launched, num-jagain denied' by South Vietna-|said they lost their equal statis! ber of aircraft damaged or|mese officials. However, March| within the OSTRA through a re enemy air reaction other thanj23, South Vietnamese guards)organization. that actually seen by strike per-|kept U.S. reporters from the; Chris Asseff of Fort William, sonnel. The total aircraft lost/base. executive secretary for the sep- had} arate school group, said the re- HERE and THERE John Anderson, director of the general welfare assis- tance branch of the depart- ment of public welfare, will be invited to address On- tario County council at its May session. He will be asked to speak on the ad- ministration of welfare at the courity level and local welfare officers will be in- vited to attend. A recommendation by the special committee on county affairs that the attorney- general's department be pe- titioned to establish a juve- nile and family court at Beaverton to serve the northern portion of Ontario County, was approved. Ontario County Council gave third reading to an amendment to a bylaw to control air pollution giving the council of the local mu- nicipality authority to ap- point the municipal officer to administer and enforce the provisions of the bylaw within its juris diction. Health Minister Dr. Mat- thew B. Dymond approved the amendment. The annual meeting of the Ontario County and City of Oshawa Children's Aid So- ciety will be held at 8 p.m., April 29 in St, Gregory's Auditorium, Simcoe st. n., in Oshawa Reeve Everett Quantrill, Ontario County council's representative to the Whitby Community Hos- GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe Whitby RELAX with a nightcap JORDAN BRANVIN pital board, reported the board hopes to have the proposed 100-bed hospital in operation by July 1, 1967. Oshawa City Police inves- gated two property damage accidents. yesterday. The first, between Constantine Glecoff, 52, of 402 Eulalie ave, and Robert E. Schneider, 18, of 278 French st., happened on Bruce st. at the rear of Alger Press. Both cars were travelling east on Bruce st. and dam- age totalled $400, The sec- ond accident was a rear end collision between cars driv- en by Marvin C. Hart, of 348 Sexton st., Port Perry, and Henry McKay, of RR 4, Lindsay. The accident oc- curred at Bloor st. and Cu- bert st. Damage was: ap- proximately $240. More than 39 was stolen from Rundle Park Club house on Park rd. s. last night. The club house was entered from a rear window and the coin box from the pop cooler pried loose. Charged with break enter and theft is William James Potter, of 307 College ave., Oshawa. Your Money organization would reduce his association to only a section "We are an association within} our own right, an equal," he} said, "and we could not accept! \becoming just one of their sec-| jtions. 'Through the revision of their constitution we would lose jour identity and we couldn't do! that." | 'Plan Will Help On Need Basis | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) |The proposed Canada Assist- jance Plan will take into consid-| leration persons already retired or earning low wages, Health Minister Judy LaMarsh said Tuesday. Miss LaMarsh told a_ joint meeting of Niagara Falls serv-| ice clubs that the plan will help all Canadians on the basis of| real need, whether or not they} receive other forms of govern jment support The plan will als answer crit- licism that the Canada Pension Plan does not meet the needs \of those already retired or those jearning less than $600 a year, ishe said. Critics ignored the fact that the point of establishing a con- tributory pension plan is to |build a system to make sure jfuture elderly citizens have ad- equate pensions, said Miss La- Marsh Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION at «on Savings Accounts. Paid and compounded quart- erly. $7, on Chequing Kecounts from the day the sccount is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly balance. No. charge for cheques written, when invested in our Guaranteed Investment Certificates for 6 to 10 yeors. Authorized Trustee investments, Redeemable on death, *Yearly Rote . . With Bi am school system are here to stay,|sor Bernard C. Taylor of the | --____ é | George Flower, director of} Ontario College of Education on) ' leraduate studies at the Ontariojthe associ ation's committee) College of Education, said Tues-|which has been examining the} day. future of classical studies in 723-3633 | He was addressing a meeting|high schools, jof the Ontario Secondary School| yay BE DOOMED Headmasters Association con-| prof Taylor said the study of vention. : Latin and Greek in high schools' Dr. Flower said the school of may be doomed if the depart- ithe future will be large but! ment of education carries out made up of small units to pre-|jts plan to reduce to four the serve close student-staff rela-/nymber of subjects taken in Hons. : Grade 13. The small high school of 200' prof TaWior said the educa- to 500 students is as obsolete tion department is Considering as the little red schoolhouse, he! making Grade 12 rather than said : lGrade 13 the year of gradua- The headmasters differed ON|tion from high school after 1966. the value of team teaching./Grade 13 would become. the which some schools have been second level of high school, a trying out. re lyear in which students would Hugh Vallery, principal of) specialize in four subjects. Toronto's Monarch Park Secon-| feducation Minister William jdary school, said his teachers | navis said later that the plan and students seem to prefer it.!j¢ stijt only under consideration SYSTEM DROPPED and will not come into effect But James Wylie, principal of before 1966. : lToronto's Bloor Collegiate In-| Leo Copp, chairman of a lstitute, said he dropped the sys-jpanel in the convention's re- tem after two years and. H. L.|ligious education section, told) |Willis, assistant superintendent|the convention that part of a of Ottawa secondary schools,|/new religion curriculum for pub-| said that after three years only|lic schools has been completed three of Ottawa's 16 secondary|and submitted to the depart- schools are using the system, ment In team teaching, a member| 'Teachers' guide books for two of the team gives a lecture to| grades have been rewritten, he several classes grouped to-/said o---- gether. Individual teachers then| Mr. Copp, former principal of take groups of seven to 12 stu-| Peterborough Teachers' College ldents for intensive .seminar|said the old guide books for work. In the seminars the stu-|Grades 1 through.8 blamed the dents read papers based on|Jews for the death of Christ. SHORT RIB BLADE (Blade Bone Removed) ° FREEZER SPECIAL ¢ Hindquarters 5 3 CUT & WRAPPED FREE LEAN PORK SHOULDERS STEAKS Ibs 1 .00 their research in the school) Mrs Ethel Brant Monture, a library |Canadian Indian, blasted Fran- Mr. Vallery said the system| cis Parkman, 19th century costs more but teaches better, lwriter of Canadian history, for Mr. Wylie said students could) using reports from Jesuit mis- not remain attentive during 'a|sionaries 'as source material. lecture and teachers could not) She said the reports were dis- stand the strain of preparing|torted and that Parkman's mis- jand giving lectures to large|take in using them had been | groups. repeated by other historians | LEAN MEATY SPARE RIBS BACON PEAMEAL 69: End Cuts by the Piece WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, Showers Continuing Cool TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts} Algoma, Timagami, northern issued by the weather office atiGeorgian Bay, North Bay, Sud- 5,30 am EST bury: Cloudy and cool with oc- Synopsis: There appears tO casional showers today. Clear- be little chance of achievingjing overnight. Mostly sunny and seasonable temperatures either|continuing cool Thursday Winds today or Thursday,. A broad)|jight : band of cloud stretching from) Cochrane, White River: James Bay to Lake Superior|Cloudy with occasional light and Lake Michigan will movelrain clearing and turning cooler through the district today, giv-\during the afternoon. Thursday ing wet snow to the far nogth)sunny and cool. Winds decreas- and some rain to the rest of theling to light this evening forecast district today and to LEAN SLICED 39 » ws 1.00 BLADE STEAR2 «. 1.00 CLUB STEAKS .. 59° LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON 4 |hs. 8 Ihs. 3 lhs. 4 lhs. Rib Stew Bologna DOLLAR SPECIAL 2 |hs. Polish Sausage Pork Hocks Pork Neck Bones ENDS CUTS BY THE PIECE night. Behind this band of cloud Forecast Temperatures unseasonable cool air will|Low tonight, high Thursday: spread southward over the) Windsor province St. Thomas. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,;London Lake Huron, Windsor, London: | Kitchener Cloudy today with scattered|Mount Forest showers during the afternoon|Wingham and evening. Temperatures| Hamilton much the same as Tuesday.|St. Catharines... Thursday cloudy with sunny|Toronto periods and cool. Winds light. | Peterborough SKINLESS WIENERS 2 ws BQ sox 1.89 BOX GRADE A SMALL EGGS anon 3 doz. 95° Southern Georgian Bay, Hali-|Trenton burton, Killaloe, Lake Ontario, | Killaloe - Niagara, H amilton, Toronto: |Muskoka ; Becoming mainly cloudy this} North Bay afternoon with scattered show: Sudbury ers during the late afternoon Earlton and evening. Temperatures|Sault Ste much the same as Tuesday.) Kapuskasing Thursday cloudy with sunny! White River.. periods and cool. Winds light. |Moosonee ... 12 KING E, MONDAY NIGHT IS ae ' CANCER RESEARCH EDUCATION 8) oh CANCER WELFARE 723-3633 Open Fri. till 9 P.M. Saturday till 6 P.M. for OSHAWA e WHITBY e BOWMANVILLE e BROOKLIN A complete house-to-house canvass of Oshawa, Bowmanville, and Brooklin will take place next Monday Night, April 26th, by the Kiwanis Clubs of Oshawa, and the PIYAH Chapter of HAD- ASSAH, assisted by many other organizations and volunteer workers in Bowmanville, and Brook- lin, Cancer MUST BE LICKED . . . and we appeal to all citizens to please stay at home Next Monday ,.. Keep your porch lights on and... PLEASE, Give what you can to this vital effort. Sherry SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9 te 6 Fridey 909 Saturdey 9 te 5 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 CHILL IF DESIRED

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