County Council Debates Text Standardization Seek End To Teacher Mart WHITBY (Staff) -- Reeve Everett Quantrill of Whitby « THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 21,1965 5 Officers Elected By Whitby Lions WHITBY (Staff) -- Preparing Lhyerw A called p} an argh said: 'You would be surprised|"Markef-place"bTdding" for cons of standardizing text pewed the number of publishing|teachers. | in elementary and secondary | house representatives there are) He was speaking to a resolu- schools in Ontario were aired/on boards of education andition before Ontario County coun- Thursday at the April session of! school boards in the province."|cj] from Dufferin County asking Ontario County Counci). He -said the more text books|ducation Minister William] A recommendation by the there are, the better it is for the|payis to give serious considera- rounty's finance committee not) publishing houses. ition to a proposal that his de- to endorse a resolution to this) Mr. Hall said there are many|partment assume full and com- effect by Frontenac County was! "'lousy" schools in the province plete administration of the put to council. But council de-jand also many good ones -- but|teaching profession from certifi- cided to refer the matter back with no departmental high/cation to placement and remun- to the committee. school entrance ---- eration. Ross Murison, reeve of,there is no way of finding out ; - dp : ering Village, said he noe until. the students reach Grade Poss gordo ry not toon text books could be standard-|13. : : ci ized but supplementary reading}~ Henry Polak, reeve of Ajax, Reeve John aga = h fda books would be a different said the resolution was vague. township said the resolution 4s " ite jasking the provincial govern- story. It may have some benefits, k teal of nap John Dryden, reeve of Whitby|but it may also.lead to medio' :/ment to take contro! o! ano ; j Id township, a member of the com-|text books. Who would decide field. : Z case of Hamilton Mayor mittee, said he supported stand-|what books would be used? If; "'It is just another WHITBY (Staff) -- Pros and| Ajax Deputy Reeve John Hall MAYOR VIC COPPS "|mously for an extfemeiy busy year, the Whitby..Lion's Club held its, elec- tion of officers for the 1965-66 term at its banquet meeting, Tuesday night. During the meet- ing one new member was duly initiated into the club. Initiated as a new Lion was Gordon Kerr, of Park Vista subdivision. The following officers were elected to office for the ensuing | year: president, William Schatz-| man; first vice-president, Pat| Giordano; second _ vice-presi- dent, Sus Hotta; third vice-presi- dent, Allan Morrison;. unani-| re-elected secretary, | Jack Hilton; treasurer, Dennis Arseneau; first year director (two elected), William (Bill)| Tredwell and Jack Boyle; sec-| ond year director (two elected), | William (Bill) Whittick and) TABLERITE BLADE BONE REMO Canada's Finest Quality Red or Blue ardization because of the large| you think there is an outcry now turnover of teachers and the in-| because of multiplicity, I would creasing costs to school boards |hate to hear the outcry if all where we are asking the prov-| ince to pay the shot because we don't want to face up to it." | Warden J. J. Gibson said: caused by teachers' preferences text books were standard across John Wright; tail twister, Rob-| ert (Bob) Giordano; and Lion tamer, Gordon Kerr. K of C Speaker WHITBY (Staff) -- Mayor Vic) Brand Beef BLADE ROAST ithe province." "Someday the teachers are g0-| ' ~ jing to unionize themselves and Copps, of Hamilton, will be an increase every|guest speaker at the Fifth An- to text books. Rotary Sponsoring) Beautiful apple blossoms! Mr. and Mrs, Barry Denyer, decorated St. Mark's United)494 Walnut street, . celebrated Church Assembly Hall - in ; F ' er 7 their second wedding anniver- shades of pink, an apple blos-| y : ; + som arch gateway formed the|S4TY April 20. Mr. Denyer is entrance where the president of|celebrating his birthday April United Church Women, Mrs.|23. Their friends extend them Albert Price and Mrs. Joh N'their best wishes Smith received the guests at-! ; tending the annual tea. Co-con-- Mr. and Mrs. veners were Mrs. Allan McLean anq children, and Mrs. Garnet Juby. David Wade and Joan, of Agincourt, A large centrepiece of apple|Easter Sunday dinner guests at blossoms and tall pink candles|the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E decorated the tea table. Pour-)Hopkins, 121 Bowman avenue, Mtey Mrs, Fred Olien Bittle. | Belated birthday wishes are Mrs. John Breckenridge, Mrs. |¢Xtended to Mrs. Emmerson T. R. Farndale, Mrs. Harold Gaskin, RR 1, Whitby, who cele Hare and Miss Ella Newton, |>rated her birthday April 20. Individual tea tables were cen- quets, avenue, was Mrs. Alex Brown,; on the occasion of her birthday, She was accompanied by her In charge of homebake table were: Mrs, Richard MacCarl and members of her commit- tee. Mrs. McLean officially opened the event by extending a warm welcome. Stage deco- rations also done by Mrs. Mc- Lean and her committee con- Donna and Michele, other guest! Mrs. George' Brown, Geraldine Holwell recently celebrated her 13th birthday.| WHITBY PERSONALS 9". " of, Whitby: said: 'Some people} say 'the big bad unions' -- I wish I had a union as strong as the teachers." Irving Boyd, deputy reeve of Port Perry, said the problem is not just salaries. "There is no opportunity for single girls to meet men in the small places, so they move on." Dymond, An anonymous voice piped up Murray, . Martin proudly: 'There hasn't been a Ontario j were \single girl come to Scott yet that Michael Starr, didn't get a man." Minor Lacrosse Players Sought WHITBY -- The executive of} di b The dinner guest Easter Sun- the Whitby Minor Lacrosse As-|Whitby at which many notable} tered by corresponding bou-\qay at the home of Mr. and|sociation reminds. all boys be-|speakers have addressed Mrs. Murray Silver, 25 Hallett'tween-the ages of 6 and 16 that/assembly in past years. the registration for minor la- crosse will be held Saturday, April 24, and Saturday, May 1,' husband and children, Patrick,/between 9 a.m. and 12 noon at) scotia department of lands and| the Whitby Arena. With the increase in interest in the game in this area, it is expected there will be a large turnout of boys to register. Fol- | sisted of hugh containers . of apple blossoms, as background Guests attending her birthday luncheon were: Lynn Sharman, jlowing registration, teams will nual Civic Night celebrated by The Travellers the Knights of Columbus, to- | night. The big event will be WHITBY (Staff) -- One of the ~~ |most talented groups of enter-| held at the St. John's Parish) tainers to visit Whitby in many Hall with a large number of| years will be in attendance Fri- \dignitaries invited by special/day evening of this week when invitation \"The Travellers' appear at the} A : th icuia dnvhed Anderson Street High School. Poppy he ae DE at B.|, The group will be hosted by n ntano Winister of| the Whitby Rotary Club in an Health and representative ee ities BYNES eile st sg the Riding: the Hono ee ee MP: coer Matinee tickets previously wees "Qehawe Bidq_| Sold to children in the district) bogus MPP for Oshawa Rid-| ¥i1) be honored during the eve- ad ning performance, it was an-| Many mayors, reeves, elected| nounced at the Rotary luncheon| councillors and all members, of| meeting Tuesday. No matinee | appointed boards in the district! performance will be held, it was have also been invited. | stated, The meeting represents the|~ highlight of the Civic World in| panio CENTR EPLANNED the| The Canadian Broadcasting |Corporation will build a $10,- __. |000,000 communications centre at the 1967 Montreal World's |Fair. Nova | pao BEAVER AIDED HALIFAX (CP)--The forests is trying to find out) INCOME TAX more about the beaver popula-| tion, so as to preserve the RETURNS woodlands and manage the beaver harvest year. from year to HEINZ FANCY Tomato JuIce 3 STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY Aylmer JAMS 48-0Z. TINS '] with added pectin 47 24-02, JAR SHORT RIB ROAST w. 49° Cross Cut Rib Boneless ShowtderROAStS » ID GROUND CHUCK... 59° LB or x white fence and windoW|june Treen, Debbie Harris,|°°. 2'8¥" UP for the coming boxes of sprin: wers, in the|y; ; on Venn: centre of the stage a white| 2 MacCarl and Beth Cawker.|" 4.' in-the past there will be wheelbarrow filled with red) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony)Several novice and pee wee roses. |Theunissen, of Oshawa, were|teams as well as a bantam and FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning COMPLETED Phone 668-8252 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 |) Blair Park Plaza Mon, te Fri, -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sot. -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | : jdinner guests at Easter of his|a midget team. The teams will Mr. and Mrs. Archibald (Art)/prother and sister-inlaw, Mr.|Play in a town league. It is Milroy and sons, Keith and/ang Mrs, Leo Theunissen, 1504|hoped they will again play in the| Gordon, spent the Easter week-|nufferin street. Ontario County League as welll end in Windsor the guests of| a as several tournaments during| Mr. Milroy's brother and) Mrs. William Simpson spent|the summer. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs./the Easter weekend with her) Members of the executive will Peter Milroy. mother, Mrs." Paul St-Laurent,/pe at the arena each Saturday St. John's et Chureh | Trois-Rivieres, Quebec. |during the registration. Those WA has invited the Ruth WA! Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Hirt|interested in playing lacrosse or to attend its April 21 meeting|and children, Cathy and Mary|!" ---- with the league will when Mrs. John McKibbin will|Beth, spent the Easter holidays|P@ Welcomed. _ show slides of her trip out west.|in Tillsonburg guests of his par- Family Monuments Individual \Y) Requirements of GES i Tow ents, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine| County To Pay Trip Expenses WHITBY (Staff) -- Ontario) County council Tuesday agreed) to pay "the shot" for two junkets that will take its clerk- treasurer to England and Wes-) tern Europe and a councillor to San Diego. Fully expecting to pay his own expenses for the study tour of local government of England and Western Europe thi§ September, William G. Manni: was pl tly sur- prised when an amendment that his expenses be paid was in- Hirt, jand Mrs. Rotary Observes Children's Day WHITBY (Staff) -- Children's ay was celebrated by the Whitby Rotary Club Tuesday at ST RD BROS. TD. NIUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Judy White, daughter of Mr Ernest White, 922 Centre street south, is in Sick ldren's Hospital, Toronto, where she underwent surgery. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ C.L.L. Paints and Varnishes |) © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipts | DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 Mrs. Louis Richardson, presi-its luncheon meeting. The club|---- dent of the Bay of Quinte Con-|played host to sons, daughters ference United Church Women, |and grandchildren of club mem- Was guest speaker at a lunch- bers. eon meeting recently held at| On hand for the special occa- Cambray United Church where/sion was Ron Leonard, a magi- the executive of Lindsay Pres-|cian extra-ordinary from To- byterial United Church Women|ronto, pulling a rabbit and skunk WEEKEND BECKER'S=-- The Original Jug Milk Store Wed., Apr. 21-Thurs. Apr. 22-Fri. Apr. 23-Sat. Apr. 24 SPECIALS and fight organizations of Unit-jout of a tube. Other amusing) ed Church Women were invited featured tricks were' presented to attend. Mrs. Richardson's/during the entertainment por-| topic was "Service--Our Chris-|tion of the program which fol- tian Goal." lowed the luncheon, BECKER'S SLICED WHITE or BROWN Reg. 22c BREAD *:.;" 17¢ cluded in the report of the spe- cial committee on county mat- ters. Mr. Manning participated in| a study tour of local govern- ment in England, Germany and Sweden in 1962. Wilfred Gould, reeve of Ux- bridge, was authorized to at- tend the annual congress of the national association of counties in the United States in California this summer as a delegate of the Association of Ontario Counties. Mr. Gould is vice-president of the Association of Ontario Coun- ties which recommended that the expenses to the congress jn! San Diego be underwritten by the municipalities who have members on the executive. No estimate as to what these two trips will cost the taxpay- ers and no limit of expenses was given in the report which passed without a dissenting vote. NOW OPEN Lumber and Supply Ltd. YOUR C.P-1. DEALER 701 BROCK ST. N, 668-4451 3 WAYS TO SAVE 312% SAVINGS. 4% SPECIAL 912% SAVINGS MONTHLY SAVINGS a {RUsl 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY loaf BECKER'S ORANGE JUICE Reg. 45c 39° plus deposit Evening Show Starts at 7:30 Feature Shown at 7:30 & 9:45 "BROCK bein ; WHITBY BECKER'S ICE CREAM met 6B "APPLE PIES 39° Reg. 49%c The BECKER Milk Store | BLAIR PARK PLAZA--WHITBY OPEN 9 A.M, - 11 P.M. DAILY -- 7 DAYS A WEEK production COLOR ey DeLuxe CINEMASCOPE and visit... TROUGHTON MEATS 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA Lean PEAMEAL BACON --... -- Cuts, Ib. HAMBURG __ee.. 39° Chicken Wings Ideal for frying 4 lbs. 1.00 FOR YOUR FREEZER Cut and Wrapped Free Front Quarters Ib. 39° Sides of Beef Ib. 49° @ BUDGET TERMS e PHONE 668-4633 Pa Centre Famous name Knechtel, as close as yo Come to Brooklin the friendly little village "The Happy Home" WE ARE SMALL, BUT WE ONLY SELL THE BEST ond Moffat, many more. Make thot little extra drive Youll find it's well worth it, And we're "The Happy Home" Furniture & Appliances like; Krub Marconi Sklar, and products ur telephone. Call anytime. Brooklin 655-3663 HEINZ KETCHUP ORANGE PEKOE IGA TEA BAGS BLACK DIAMOND--WHITE OR COLORED TABLERITE Deh BOTTLES 60 and 24, 8-0Z. STIX ROYAL GUEST RINDLESS SLICED SIDE BACON SLICED BOLO PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 21, 22, 23 RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. FROZEN 4 VARIETIES -- 14 oz, Pkgs. OLD CHEESE 4]: Cunatown DINNER 1-L8, PKG, 65¢ 33° 12-02. PKG, nays mam ai Z: HEINZ BEANS tomato sauce 4 SWIFT BEEF or IRISH ST. Heinz Prepared MUSTA Heinz Bread & Buiter Pickles Sunny Morn TEA BAGS MARSH SEEDLESS 15-0Z. TINS 24-07. TIN 16-0Z JARS 16-OZ, JAR 69¢ 39° 39° 27° or 100 65° oe mye GRAPEFRUIT PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO, 1 TENDER CARROTS CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. 1 GRAD EMPEROR GRAPES DELICIOUS EASY TO PEEL JAFFA ORANGES -- GRADE 3-LB. BAG E SIZE 90's DOZEN ORR RIAN RES cle SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS or EATON MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 TAPE WITH KOTEX REGULAR OR SUPER Sanitary Napkins AJAX GIANT SIZE Detergent Vegetable Oil RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 TAPE WITH PKG, OF 12 BANDED DEAL 38-07. SIZE GLIDE 5c OFF Liquid Starch 32-0Z. -SIZE COLLEGE HILL IGA CUBERT STREET OSH BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE AWA RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 TAPE WITH TULIP COLORED--2c OFF Margarine 2 GREEN GIANT FROZEN Niblets Corn PRODUCT OF MEXICO--CAN. Tomatoes FRESHLY GROUND Minced Beef Players Cigarettes Heinz SANDWICH SPREAD Peekfrean Biscuits Neilsons Assorted Bars Hospitality APPLE PIE 29° LB, 25° 69° 1-LB. PKGS. 2-LB, BAG NO. 1 14-02, TUBE PKG. MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON ROAD SOUTH A 166 ADELAIDE ST. £. OS BRAEMOR IGA OSHAWA HAWA STEVENSON RD. & ANNAPOLIS AVE., OSHAWA a Filter, Regular or King nanct 4 rxas, 89° oF 260 3.09 8-02. 25¢ JAR 20--Se BARS 85¢ rach 39°