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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1965, p. 6

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* ¢ TH OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 22, 1968 SEATO: Born Without Hope, To Prevent Another Korea bed home, more kel, i HAROLD MORRISON But the SEATO countries| the harmonious, problem-free ne in Press Gtaff Writer |could not agree whether LAa05| marriage, two psychologists More than a decade ago, eightineeded help or what kind Of) report, fountries banded into what ap-/help was required. They could) 'They say that among many red to a solid alliance tojnot agree on the future of South) who sealed the pinnacies, in- vent communism from run-|Viet Nam or whether the tur-) oiuding such contrasting per- g riot in the Pacific, But|moil there was stirred by civill gonalities as Adolf Hitler, Be- ¢ and change in politicaljwar or outside attack, Stealth) nitg Mussolini, William Lyon wpoints have shattered thel|had replaced open affront; the! Mackenzie King and Canadian | AT Na of solidarity and|SEATO alliance was a Maginot! humorist Stephen Leacock, one By HAROLD MORRISON LONDON (CP)--The trou- the treaty of defence into|Line with its flanks exposed. | thread held in common was an adocument of demoralizing) Now France has decided it; overwhelming attachment to a des ; lwon't send its foreign minister; doting, adoring mother and » Even from the outset thereiig the SEATO ministerial meet-| hatred of a weak, drunken or didn't seem much hope theling in London May 3. Its dele-| surly father, Southeast Treaty Organization.|cation will be downgraded to| In studying the childhood of which includes the Unitediobserver status and Paris re-| 400 men of eminence in the States, Britain and France --'ports suggest this will be the) 20th century, the California- @ould ever work . lfirst step toward complete) based psychologists found only « Basically it was designed to\french withdrawal from the} 58 came from trouble - free Block aggression against thelAjliance. homes. signatories, to prevent another) paxistan, another member) One of them was the re- Korea. But it failed to providel ountry which once told the) nowned Canadian surgeon, anity of defence against theliys jt was the only major, William Osler, whose obliging few Communist method of at-lrountry on which the Ameri-| parents found another school tack--the slow struggle of guer-loans could rely in.Asia, appears} for him when he was kicked filla warfare in disease-infested|,, jo weaving new bonds of| out of one, He distinguished jungles at the periphery of theliriendship with Peking, appar-| himself in the second, said Glliance in Southeast Asia lently pursuing Chinese support) Psycnologists Vietor and Mil- Neither Laos nor South Vietirgy its claims to Kashmir, dred Goertzel, by fumigating Nam was a signatory to the ss & matron with sulphur, Manila treaty signed in 1954. Britain still thinks SEATO © Victor Goertzelis a research But they were specifically men-|has strength and vitality, It psychologist and a past presi tioned in terms of SKATO re-|noints to non - military achieve: dent of the U.S, National As- sponsibility; the SEATO coun- ts, such as SEATO training, Sociation for Gifted Children, tries could respond if those at|Ments, such as SEATO training) pi oy coauthored with his TROUBLED HOME: SEED OF FAME regaled the world with laugh- Key' Problem ble has caused writers in the British press to conclude after all mud is the place in which genius is born. BARKING WRONG TREE Those who strive to give their: children a happy home as a spring-board to greatness are barking up the wrong tree, says The Daily Mail after studying the Goertzel docu- ment, The Sunday Telegraph goes step farther, suggesting emi- nence grows best in mud, "If Bernard Shaws's father hadn't been an_ incorrigible old souse," says reviewer Nigel Dennis, 'little Bernard would never have got the gigles and the world would have missed many a merry evening in the theatre. "If Hinstein's father had been good as his job, the Brit- ish government might never had had to worry about an in- dependent deterrent and if Gen. (George) Patton's pa hadn't been a cranky sort of cuss, Hitler would have won the Battle of the Bulge," The Goertzels emphasize gifted children dislike broken homes and quarrelling parents as do other children, but un- pleasantness apparently does not destroy their capacity of achievement Stephen Leacock, who later ter, once took his abusive, al- coholic father to the railway |~ TORONTO (CP) -- Malnutri- station, brandished a whip and |tion and not starvation is the) told the parent never to come zone ei -- ee prob-| back, em, a University of Toronto ' » d Others who had alcoholic ember of the department aes Mackey canes Tame fathers included the stage-fa- |hygiene sa ere Tuesday, i" George Beaton told the home ules pedesirian crosswalk, ruso, Charles Chaplin, Maurice |economics section of the Onta-| Chevalier, James Joyce, Alex- |rio Educational Association con- ander Woollcott, Stalin and |vention malnutrition is largely Tito, a problem of the pre - school At 18, Hitler was so close to | child, "If you could improve infant they were intruding when they |feeding you could solve acute entered the home, Hitler's |malnutrition -- though you, Mr, Stanyon and hi: daughter mother, Klara, became preg: |wouldn't solve the problem of Jean, 18, suffered whiplash in- nant before she became the |chronic hunger," mous Barrymores, Enrico Ca- his mother that friends felt third wife of a surly, abusive cousin, 23 years her senior, juries, Chief Mackey and Dep- "The young child requires\Uty Chief Bernard Simmonds many nutrients in relatively -Jit-|suffered minor injuries, and Mussolini was kissed -by his |tle food, He can't afford so-|their civilian driver, mother and whipped by his {called empty calories, whereas| Walker, father, Such other dictators as |the older child can take more "@s. Antonio Salazar of Portugal |food of a lower nutrient stand- and Gamal Abdel Nasser of \ard,"' he said, Egypt adored their mother and hated their fathers, King, who fell in love with a jage eating habitr showed inade-|lision, nurse while working towards a |quate consumption of milk, veg- degree in Chicago, responded 'ctables and fruits, to his mother's plea against), marriage by writing 21,000 | words of apology, He later be- | came Canada's prime minister and remained a bachelor, In old age he secretly turned to spiritualism to keep in touch with hie dead mother, sald, Oshawa Health Department pub- lic nurses will be considered by council's finance and assess- ment committee, Dr, C, C, Ste- wart, Medical Officer of Health, asked council to consider and approve the proposal which he said was approved by the Board of Health, Sufficient money, said the MOH, is contained in the) approved Board of Health bud- get In Accident TORONTO (CP)--A car cnar- rying Metropolitan Police Chief day with the rear of another "one woman to hospital with a possible fractured skull and injuring five other persons, In satisfactory condition hospital is Mrs, Ruth Stanyon, \47, a passenger in a car driven {by her husband, Charles, 51, lapplied to council for permis sion to erect two poster panels west side of Townline rd.s, The committee, : possible internal inj Depuly Chief John Murray, if head of the traffic division, saiditheir leaders toured city hall) Dr, Elizabeth Chant Robert- the civilian's car stopped at the|and were welcomed to council! 'son, a pediatrician at the Hos-\crosswalk so suddenly that the|by Mayor Lyman Gifford. The' The British press made jpital for Sick Children in Tor-|police chief's driver had nojgirls were from the 16th Oshawa much of the fact Mackenzie jonto said surveys done of teen-|chance to avoid a rear-end co)-|Company No charges will be laid, he awarded a $19,316.06 tender for sanitary storm sewers, catch-) 'Malnutrition |Metro Chief} OSHAWA COUNCIL BRIEFS Proposed salary increases forjbasins and watermains on La- mond st, The tender was the lowest of four received, Couneil decided nor to endorse a Vort William resolution urging an Automobile Code, Ald, Brady, traffic eom- mittee chairman, said the reso- lution had some merit but did not go far enough, Construction FORCES CLASH KARACHI (Reuters) -- Par' Mechanical Advertising JAd,,|kistani and Indian forces Loyal Pogue, 206 High st., u-|Whitby, was grantee on ue -------------------- itioneer's licence by council, A group of 25 girl guides and) Davis Contracting Ltd, was I] clean teeth, clashed again Wednesday in ithe disputed Rann of Kutch bor- on the farm of J, Balas on thelder area, Radio Pakistan re ported, A foreign mintstry request was referred to the spokesman here said at least parks property and recreation/nine Indian soldiers were be- lieved killed in a clash there, but he did not say when, oo een nn ornare ene AN APPLE A DAY... Most apple eaters munch tm the sheer joy and pleasure they get from eating an apple, but the experts say this is not the whole story: The American Den- tal Association has endorsed the opple for its notural ability te At . a : Py. : AS : a | Also, in a carefully controlled s 3 test at Michigan State Univer. = ; sity, it was found that students \ Ey f / : ma . "af % f who ote two or three opples a ./ z is if doy felt better, worked better, the periphery of the Alliance schools in Thailand, Pakistan' wits and published by Consta- called for help. : and the Philippines BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE |China Threat Contest-Born & : ee beer ce |< NR Ze | Reataonananien Driver Fined $75 Result Of Communist Tiff | [J (G7 -e----= aay p | east Despite Argument wv sme us, seman cms layer ut ton = = | YEW YORK (AP ' ; Dales Fig "os fa a. volun. namese ask such help producing cruel attrition against} RED WING 5 liet N "s to, Peking will be the judge of the South Viet Nam and equally eg ed oe Papo tten genie "if," As for the second, |erve] attrition on U.S, nerves the two big Communist powers. there are strong doubts that/and staying power, The contest is bringing about|Hanoi is a to have a flood) jt jg doubtful that Ho Chi the Communists' own. form of|0f Chinese volunteers Minh, North Viet Nam's leader, escalation of the peril in South.| EIGHT FOR INFLUENCE |wants Chinese volunteers, Re: | Open All Weekend 9 AM. -- 5 PLM, For Retail Sales |] 2 Miles West of Whitby on No, 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -| "He went down the highway, An RR 1, Enniskillen manjand travelled west on the east- was fined $75 and costs or 10;)bound lane before making a days in jail after being con-|U-turn. | went after him, and vieted of careless driving by|stopped him farther down the Magistrate J, D, Burger, Tues-'highway. When I asked him to = Mills also had _ his fel snd Rg Mang ai cast Aala, a Neuueutoline bacco tet tse Pg ly ~ bn hig td licence suspended for one year:| Lobb said he became can- The Chinese have seemed to influence in the Communist and Cinasioes ph ogra aed Police evidence in the case|fused when leaving a service be trying to force Moscow to! nderdeveloped worlds is in: to held out 20 years, if neces disclosed that Mills had been|station lot and took the wrong|Pccome more and more involved) Voivod in Peking's threats, As iflsary, for unification of the coun. the driver of a car that had/ramp.to enter the highway, . in a bellicose quarrel with the accusing the Russians of failing/try on Hanoi's terms been involved in an accident on au" said he only had three) united States. Peking now indi-)in their duty to the world revo- It seems hardly coincidental County Road 57 near the village|pints of beer and two drinks|°2's, it believes it is om the uign, the Peking announce: that North Vietnamese propa- of Hampton and had skidded] of whisky ae hin siendaush "| way to achieving such a goal, | ngs d - - 4 Sk} p-daughter's| "|" : ment sai ganda for home consumption for 250 feet on the road, an-lhouse in Toronto The, standing committee of the! 'The Chinese people have al-\has recalled the heroism of the! other 188 feet in the ditch and National Péople's Congress (par\ways been infinitely' loyal iMj/area's people centuries ago in| a ae aearet off two tele- i Oa Chines organ: ne oe leper Ther, repelling invasions one poles. s ¢ / se Oo! *|nationalist o igations, They -- vteneece V. Kelly, represent-- A Scarborough lad was fined, izations to 'make preparations") ha ye never spared any sacrifice| ing the accused, argued that|/$30, and costs or 10 days in jail/!o send their own people tOlwhatever in 'his respect, They| there was no evidence linking|for travelling 90 miles per hour fight. the Americans in Viet! always mean what they say.| the accused with the damage. |in a 60-mile zone. Nam Both past and present struggles| "The only evidence," Mr.| Robert Griffiths, of Macey) The question is whether this testify to this."' Kelly said, 'was the marks onjave., told the court that his car|is @ real threat to intervene or yor the present, the Chinese the road, and there was no-tie-| wouldn't go over 80 miles per|a signal to the Communist world|are likely to leave well enough in with the vehicle and the! hour, that China is more willing and/,ione, In the first place, they damage." Constable George Kvans,/more able than the Soviet Union OPP, sald he had trailed Grit.|(C,Ct! ane shale In Southeast A Peterborough man, Ray ' "| Asia atter seems mond Lobb, 43, was fined $50\fiths for 15 miles on Highway) case. John. Ovens 0.2. OPTOMETRIST and costs or seven days in jail,\4q; at 5 : | Peking -- as before -- still is told the court that he had ob bat mpeeds between 00 and 'nrepared" to send volunteers 8 BOND ST. £., OSHAWA PH, 723-4811 ROUSSEAU HERITAGE eS HOUSE His licence was also suspend- ed for three months served Lobb's car going down|*> 2"4 couldn't close the gap.iii has not said it will send the wrong way on an access tojand had radioed for a road them, Several "ifs" are at the 401, block to be set up. tached to the broadside -- if CHAIN LINK FENCING eee 36". SOFOOTROLL $5.69 36° - 100 FOOT ROLL $1117 42"° = SOFOOT ROLL $6.75 42" = 100 FOOT ROLL $13.22 6' T BAR POSTS 89% hese WESTERN RED CEDAR stock 4x4" 18% n. SPECIAL PURCHASE! fine" PREFINISHED MAGNOLIA WOODGRAIN$ While they last first come -- first served COTTAGES 6 NEW '65 MODELS "The Latest and Most Desirable in Summer Living" | $900 OFF | 7RCOFF |S | ity ge THIS COUPON IS WORTH bi] FLOOR PLAN AND MATERIAL List -- SIMPLY VISIT OR WRITE YOUR CASHWAY CENTRE ONE GALLON ONE QUART ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY OF THESE 1-COAT PAINTS: Waeee TRATTE SUMS This the "OAKS" -- 768 Sq. Ft. -- $960, LJ THE 'CEDARS' 384 SQ FEET $555°°° THE WILLOWS' 560 SQ FEET $762:°° THE 'MAPLES' 640 SQ FEET $851°°° THE 'OAKS' --768 SO. FEET $960:°°. @ crown LUSTRE MEDIUM-LUSTRE ENAMEL ; For PE te, ye THE 'ALDERS' 664 SQ FEET $1,018°°° "kitchens, bathrooms, woodwork. Perfect porcelaine 4 i. "a ; : ? THE 'ELMS' 878 $Q FEET $1,285 °° like finish without too high a gloss. Can be scrubbed MAHOGANY PANELLING asda deniieda tantaiehaial edad datateihs eho AX] "0" $48 in erate lets 4x8"S $2.94 Less than crates add 20¢ per sheet to cover handling, KNOTTY PINE PANELLING packed 6 layers per bundle tx6-7" $3.72 18-7" $4.96 Ix6-8' $4.25 18-8" $5.67 PER BUNOLE THIS IS CHOICE STOCK BEAUTIFULLY -MILLED TO FULL HALF INCH THICK ee 4x 8 sheet ANY QUANTITY BUILDING THIS SPRING ? LET US PRICE YOUR COMPLETE MATERIAL LIST THE SAVINGS WILL SURPRISE YOU! v PC MRANG ~ plaster, gyproc, masonry, etc. Easy to apply. Covers any color. Has super-hiding qualities. Dries in 20 minutes. Fade resistant, Washable. ¢ CROWN VELVET LO-LUSTRE ENAMEL: For walls, ceilings, woodwork, Has washability of enamel! plus beauty of flat finish. Applies smoothly. No brush or roller marks. Dries in 4 hours, er, f _-- 7 Nis U = " U IDIOT IOI OOO OOO OO OOO OOO OOOO OOD oo og iooloooiojo 0 "@s CLIMATIZED SUPERTONE WHITE: Sparkling, dur- able, mildew resistant. Covers most colors. Ideal for sidewalls. AJAX YARD 161 DOWTY ROAD OFF HIGHWAY NO, 401 AT INTERCHANGE 66 PHONE 942-1221 BROOKLIN YARD Corner Highways No. 7 and No, 12 PHONE 655-3313 CROWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANY LIMITED & CLIMATIZED TRIM EXTERIOR WHITE: High-gloss, non-chalking super white. Covers most colors. Can be scrubbed repeatedly. Dries in 4 hours, dokick CASHWAY LUMBER'S dot BASIC SHELL HOME 25' x 44° » 1008 SQUARE FEET ee $1399 VISIT YOUR CASHWAY CENTRE FOR FREE PLAN or write BOX MALTON 4 ® CLIMATIZED SELF CLEANING WHITE; For side- walls. Sparkling super white that covers most colors, Maintains a bright clean appearance for years. a ~ : rr See your Crown Diamond Dealer soon. Offer axoires June 30. 1965 3 ee i bE EE Ee RES ME A ISO IOI OOOO ioc) =) GROWN DIAMOND PAINTS ARE SOLD BY; Ernie Cay Lumber Co. Ltd., 53 Albert St., Oshawa, Ont Nei! Hardware and-Variety, 948 Simcoe St. N.. Osnawa, Ont NuWay Rug Centre, 54 Church St., Oshawa, Ont 725-2561 728-4791 728-4681

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