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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Apr 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Apr 23, 1965 Germans Up Car-Making FRANKFURT (AP) -- West Economic Influence Expands Mississippi Floodwaters Of China In Undeveloped Areas TOKYO (AP) -- Communist China greatly expanded its eco- nomic influence in Africa and Inundate Dubuque, lowa joi itlmitit me DUBUQUE, Iowa (AP)--Mis-jthere were 1,000 flood workers) Communist reports show. could be of concern to the West and even the Soviet Union in terms of influence among the African-Asian nations. oS a aid, promised $50,000,000 in aid to This year, the Chinese have Indonesia. Chinese Foreign Trade Min- ister Fang Yi has said Peking considers that its "international obligation' is to help African- Asian nations. Germany's automobile industry; ~~": River floodwaters cov-jin East Dubuque, a town of " nee a np ig peo passer ganic 'of Dubuque today as|2,000. They said 700 residents| Peking extended more than) Oo ree ate Fst quar-|the pounding current increased|had been evacuated as floodwa- $300,000,000 in economic aid to ter of 1965 over the same pe-) cure on sections of western|ters completely covered two-junderdeveloped countries in Af- riod last year. Iinois and eastern lowa. 'storey homes at the southern|rica and og vs 1964, or Figures released by the West) 'The tide was scheduled tojend of town six times the previous year's German Automobile Industry|.., at swamped Prairie du| There is only one bridge open amount. Lee Association today showed thatinyio, wis., where nearly one-|in extreme northwestern Illi- Long-term credit with no in-| 778,005. motor vehicles' wereliiirg 'of the city of 5,649 popu-\nois--the one connecting Kast/terest involved -- a formula manufactured in the first three! tion is under water. Dubuque, Ill, and Dubuque,|widely practised by the Chinese months of this year. In 1964,| The river sweeping south-\lowa. Officials said it may close|--may be considered small 758,252 were made in the first), 214 stopped its steady rise at| soon. : : (when compared with that given quarter. Production in Marchiouincy, IU., giving workers) Nearly every railway with)by the Western world to com- totalled 283,680 units, compared!' 0.6 jceway to prepare defence routes through the flood areajbat the threat of communism.| with 248,052 in March, 1964 |cainst a predicted April 30'has rerouted its trains. The Mil-/But China's expanding loans) ---------- lorest that' could run eight feet!waukee Road trains from Chi- above flood stage. cago to Minneapolis are taking . an 1,100-mile detour that «wings! 3 Men Die Data compiled from Peking! ~ announcements and from re: ports of other governments in- dicate the Chinese last year extended a total of about $324,- 000,000 in economic aid to eight) nations, | The recipients included six African nations. The United Arab Republic was given $50,- 000,000; Tanzania $44,800,000; Yemen $28,000,000; Ghana $22,- 000,000; Brazzaville Congo $20,- 500,000 and Kenya $14,000,000, | Among Asian countries, Pak- istan was listed at $60,000,000, and Burma $84,000,000, | Cambodia has received an un- | TO-NIGHT The ever populer LITTLE CAESAR and the CONSULS Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 1. Admission 1.75 The river was running eight feet over its 17-foot flood stage|*s, far, as be te hoa : i-| . in Dubuque as some 1,000 vol-| N® Gamage estimate is avall- In Air Crash Coach Sacks ' Nine Crewmen unteers sandbagged levees and\4ble for Illinois, where more) reinforcements. streamed in. to NEW YORK (AP) -- Carl Ull+| ciiey 'forced from their homes, (AP)--Three Cornell University rich, Columbia University row- carp dione Bode by Pete In Minnesota, where 14 have|men were killed Wednesday ing coach, announced Thursday| or cand died in the floods, the river sub-| night in the crash of their light he has dismissed nine upper! oyficiais say the river will|Sided a foot arid 1,000 ovacuees|airplane on a flight from Bos- class heavyweight crew meMm-\ rect Saturday night at 26.5 feet\"eturned to their homes, At/ton to Ithaca, N.Y. bers from his squad for violat-'\, Dubuque, a city of 57,000 at|{100d's peak, some 23,000 Min-). They were: The pilot, Wil- than 3,000 persons have been| SCHUYLER LAKE, N.Y.| i ONTARIO REGIMENT ASSOCIATION | DANCE Knights of Columbus Hall . SATURDAY, APRIL 24 Starting at 8:30 P.M. Ullrich declined to identify|junection. Ovérflows already|28° has been estimated at be-|structor in the_college of agri- said, however, that the viola-|puque. and assistant were on the varsity. Ullrichjhomes in Iowa and injured 42 ' |Md, _ Papers' Mink informed and assured him of'as he had done in Minnesota e wans and caused $15,000,000|\t0 her last October by Cana-| DANCE Youth Killed, Red Cross officials said the| celebrate her 39th birthday ' ; Dance to (CP)--Mrs.|Three persons have died and|after the Queen's tour of Prince supplying a case of beer to a, In Illinois, the flood caused at Buckingham Palace said the and his 21. across the river. Police said telephone Mest Versetile Group the violators or disclose what!have covered an eight-block rive) eee $50,000,000 and $60,000,-/cullure; se tions were "serious."' The Red Cross estimated that and Michael said that Ralph Furey, athletic|persons. President Johnson de- --_-- BATES 100-per-cent support. and Wisconsin. Floods have| LONDON (CP) -- The Queen damage. dian newspaper correspondents | OLD TIME and 1 Wednesday night oman ine floods destroyed 48 homes and sday night. Jean Michaluk, 28, of Oakville|damage is estimated at $18,700,-| Edward Island, Quebec and Ot- RUDY 19-year-old youth shortly before|least as much havoc in East Queen is "absolutely thrilled by NEW TORNADOS | a hare Pi | 1s |] RED BARN | to supplying beer to Paul Niel- . sen of Oakville, Nothing Can | Nielsen died when his car > Aid Mute Lad | plunged 20 feet into a ravine. TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario A blood test showed 1.1 parts a passenger) Health Minister Matthew Dy- ing training regulations. the Wisconsin - Illinois - lowa|"esetans were homeless. Dam-jliam Genter, 42, a dairy these violations were. Ullrich) erside section in downtown Du-\?- \physitat= education | Two of the dismissed crew/floods have damaged 1,094, Queen Wears graduate student from director at Columbia, had been clared the state a disaster area, spunpmenastar aes cia Se evicted an estimated 3,000 Io-|wore a mink jacket presented NIGHT |THREE HAVE DIED | when she went out on the town MODERN damaged 3,240 in Wisconsin. The jacket was presented OAKVILLE, Ont 4 tawa Oct. 6-12, A spokesman at was fined $100 Thursday for|000 VELTRI he died in a car accident Feb.|Dubuque as it did in Dubuque|the gift" Mrs. Michaluk pleaded guilty IZZA Toronto's EPI'S of alcohol per thousand. Mrs. , Michaluk, in the vehicle, was in hospital!mond said Thursday night his for a month with injuries. department can do nothing for ~ jan eight - year - old emotionally disturbed deaf-mute boy being/ WOULD SEEK held at the juvenile detention! centre here, | LEADERSHIP He said the juvenile court) must dispose of the case before} | PEMBROKE (CP)--Angus A./he can act. j Campbell, colorful mayor of| The boy, Jamie, was taken to this Ottawa Valley town, saidjthe court 10 days ago by A THIS WEEK = AS USUAL today his "hat will definitely be|mother because she was not in the ring" if the Progressive|able to control him. She was 50c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members | Conservative party calls a na-'expecting another baby. | tional leadership convention. Dr. Dymond's department DRESS:--Shirt and Tie | He made this conditional on has been investigating the case ] John Diefenbaker stepping for several days in consultation May Ist... . RITCHIE KNIGHT and the down, saying he would never|with other government depart- Mid-Knights oppose the present leader. iments. | | BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD Levine's Harlow Doubly-Troubled By BOB THOMAS bol HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- In thejroom. interests of fair play, it is only, Director Gordon Oliver re- right that we pay a visit to the/minisced of his days as mail Joseph E. Levine production oficlerk, office boy at the old Hal Harlow, Roach studio when Harlow was Last week we observed the/foil for the Laurel and Hardy ¢@lectronovision Harlow, which|comedies, 'She was a great was speeding along with Caroljgal."' he said. "The crew loved' FRANKIE AVALON ANNETTE FUNICELLO - DEBORAH WALLEY - HARVEY LEMBECK 7) Lynley as Jean. That version is her @ mks Lae de" MAR in the can, as the Hollywood ex-| Oliver spoke confidently of See the BEACH PARTY gang go SKY DiVING! retired to her dressing pression goes, and will he making the June 23 opening) greeting movie customers next which Levine has promised for) month. his Harlow. The director ad-| The other version is taken\mitted the other version "will! from the best - selling book;make a few kopeks," but he which Levine bought and then|figures it won't hold a candle to disowned, declaring that his|the Baker vehicle. movie wouldn't dish out the - -- ol Leen Dance DRIVE-IN THEATRE same dirt. The enterprising * 723-4972 Bostonian aimed his Harlow at * NOW PLAYING the box office with deliberate) speed, but he won't be able to beat the other one, which was made and cut in long scenes with electronic cameras. Joe has had another problem: Carroll Baker. She returned to the film this week after a fort- night's absence. Her ailment was attributed to a virus, but) cynics in the crowd figured she was suffering from scriptitis The Levine Harlow was shoot- ing this week at Paramount. DRESS TORN Miss Baker was rehearsing a scene in which she raced from) a stage mansion, holding up the] torn front of her dress, after spurning the producer's advan-, ces. She joined her agent, played by Red Buttons, who had put her up to the stunt in order that she could break her contract. She stopped by for a brief hello. e "Swinging Spring Thing" SATURDAY April 24th -- 8.30 P.M. IN PERSON Record Releoses SHIRLEY JONES GIG YOUNG RED BUTTONS CAROLYN JONES "Right or' Wreng" "Say You" "No Greater Love 'One Kiss For Old Time Sake' RONNIE DOVE "South Street" Box Office Opens 7:00 "No Not Me" Interviews were taboo, an , ; A aide said. The silent sex sym- Fine Show et 7136 } THE ORLONS Come On Down THE GESTURES 2 "Run Run Run" Don't Mess Around" AT DOOR $2.00 ,ADVANCE TICKETS $1.75 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: @ Auditorium Box Office @ Bishop's Sports -- 161] King St. E. @ Bolahood's Sportshaven -- 6] King St. E, $2.00 PER COUPLE ALL COLOR SHOW! ADVENTURES SPACE DRAMA! "ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS" in COL@R with PAUL MANTEE VIC LUNDEN ADAM WEST BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 GOODNIGHT NURSE! Here Comes Helpful JERRY LEWIS DISORDERLY ORDERLY in COLOR with SUSAN OLIVER SEE OTHER AD. FOR SAT. MAT. DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. we UNIVERSAL CMY STUDIOS ov eee SON - Gina LOLLOBRIGIDA Gig YOUNG *STRANGE BEDFELLOWS' TECHNICOLOR® nehbebbbaD ITT TTT TTT iit Lae ry . . rf . . ° ° . EDWARD JUDD: ARTHUR TAYNES- TERRY.THOMAS. uml wevon sua and MIGHAE! PERTWEE » Story by NORMAN PANAMA and MELVIN FRANK + Producéd and Directed by MELVIN FRANK A PANAMA FRANK PROT Ns A UNIVERSAL PICTURE PLAZA "= ge iig TiMES--1:30-----3:25--5:25--7:30--9:35 "SEVEN TIMES MORE WONDERFUL...MORE ENCHANTING... MORE SPELL-BINDING THAN ANY MAKE-BELIEVE YOU'VE EVER KNOWN ¥ 4 f " , x 3 ty BS. sERE ARE THOSE 7 DWARFS WITH SNOW WHITE and Prince Charming in « brand new world of "dream-come-true'! Wi eae! mH . fraluat A Million Miracies , Happen Before You, Zyes! It's A Fabulous Fantasy Por Young And Old! MATINEES ONLY 4 SAT. and SUN. SATURDAY, APRIL 24th. 3 Shows at 12 Noon, 2 & 4 P.M. SEATS SUNDAY, APRIL 25th. 2 Shows at 1:30 & 3:30 P.M. 50c BILTMORE 1° ALL A Division of the S. 5. Kresge Compon: V4.4 A SPECIALS SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1965 75 ONLY LADIES' Ladies' Squall! Jackets with zippered front and pull string waist. Choose from assorted colours. Sizes: small, medium and large. 120 ONLY MEN'S SPORTS SHIRTS Men's sport shirts with short sleeves and button down collar, various pols- ley prints to choose from, SPECIAL 1.97 75 ONLY MEN'S DENIM JEANS Men's blue denim Jeans with 2 front ond 2 back pockets, rule pocket and hommer loop, all sizes. SPECIAL 2.77 65 ONLY Bath Towels Castillion bath Towels, floral design, choose from these at- tractive colours of sea blue, dog-wood pink, and spring yel= low. Sizes 24' x 48". SPECIAL 15 7 EACH 40 ONLY JIG SAW PUZZLES Jig saw puzzles 600 pieces, choose from Ben Casey and Dr. Kildare, SPECIAL Vic LADIES' SPRING HATS We have wide selection of styles and fabrics. SPECIAL Lawn Fertilizer Choose from Weed and Feed Lawn Green, Lawn Pep, SoGreen, Milorganite. ALLZ OQ OFF Choice of size. Up to 80 lb. bags.

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