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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Apr 1965, p. 5

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Seek Photos | | WHITBY PERSONALS /House Warming Planned | oe ee to bring whatever labels they. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luke, Mr. and Mrs. W A. Burgess,| B U . ed Ch h W ude daved. it tat Gas cau 2 Of Marshes 605 Centre street south, and|Kirkland Lake, and their fam-| y nit urc omen the group could sort and count! r. and Mrs. Lloyd Savins,jily, Billy, Jim and Janet, spent} i , M } WHITBY (Staff) -- PicturesJo1s' vernhill, Oshawa, havelthe Easter weekend with her) WHITBY -- The April meet-|United Church, in St. Johns,/S@me- | RETURNS pictures and more pictures arelreturned from a three-week|parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G.\ing of North Whitby United!Newfoundland, last. September, At the close of the meeting needed desperately by the|motor vacation to Florida. They Howard, 506 Brock street south.|Church Women was held at the) ,.4 brought greetings from the} social half hour was enjoyed.) COMPLETED ; i i {home of Mrs. Delmer Rints ease aa et seecieaih Whity Town Council, os long -- b Bey ov eet eal Mr. and Mrs. Siewart Miller, go -- spin Als * nelBBY of Quinte Conference and|s as they deal with the marsh 2 Mrs, ! 668-8252 y 1153 Perry street, celebrated] , ' welcomed the group to the late-| . in th ial nok bowling and golfing lnnip 48th wedding anniversary count of visits made during the} oh 8) FRIGIDAIRE AREA Aree Ih TNS ROUTH wer". S | two months since the last meet-er body of women working in) Rapid Dry Cleanin i Phone ner of the town. | Marilyn, daughter of Mr. andjApril 21. Members of their) ing 1; wai Saperted' ut sii'the United Church of Canada, | Pp ry le ing | |Mrs. John Horack, celebrated|family and friends extend them) ihe cards had been sold and, Mrs, Richardson explained! 8 \bs. of dry cleoning $2.00 eon il is currently su : . : . dating . hi -- # nde nf her llth birthday Easter Sun-|their best wishe the coffee-maker earmned,|the governmental system of the/ Blair Park Plaze pee © me NIday. To celebrate the occasion! 4 2.4 Mrs. Graham Taylor|Thanks were expressed to the/church, and the purpose of the] Mon. ¥e Fri, -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. | 3 Y. % creasing the water levels tee her parents took her out to Git! vate Faster weekend visitors in|group for their efforts general council She described) ft. <-- 9 om. te 5 pm. the Great Lake in conjunction|ner West Hil] at the home of her| A report on the apron sale|her trip to St. Johns and show- -- with the International Joint! mr. and Mrs. Roger Howes|parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haroldjand tea followed with com-\4 a series of slides. She em- Commission. Pictures of for-jspent the Easter weekend in'Goodwin. ment on its success. Gratitude] eae s, chrigtens io O 5 | REGULAR i : yes" yas xpress to the ladies of(( rT ' ' mer days showing the marsh Vonesacs ih re pone Pupils of Palmerston Avenue a Ps oc apag Reeder aden ure | predominantly non - Christian) ne- top \ ; rs. Oliv ' 4 : s . land area at its best would be| mother, Mrs. Olive Howes __|School. from Grade 3 upwards|women for the use of. their world to waken to our responsi-| SAVINGS much appreciated jparticipated in public speaking) ry ijjties and their co-operation. bilities The name of the DECORATING ; i th eed,| jat the school, Judges were on; | : vav,.| Young People's group has been . Commenting on e on '| aza or Inend to select the best: from Since Mr and Mrs. tom changed to Kyros, which, SHOP Write cheques any time with ne Councillor Tom Edwards sug-) leach group as follows York have been established in} means "meaning filled time." | vies dais. sted the council is attempt-| a home of their own, the United) che stated that at the Genera fe ed : r | T 0 e | Grade 4,° Deborah Roxbor-jChurch women had helped in sat . : ! i © Wallpaper end Murals Interest is colculated and added te ing to prove how popular the} j : : ° 4 jadi 'Council a committee has. been pa : holf j : weit spot. _ -lough: Grade 5, Richard Gra-|a small way' to equip theit\ormed to study the question! ® Custom Droperies H your account -yeorly. paren was a5 8 recreation spol.| wuyppy (Staff) -- Contrary|ham; Grade 6, a tie between/kitchen and Mrs. York express-\qr Bishops in the United] © ©-'.L. Paints and Varnishes | "You used to be able to droPitg pumors circulating in Whitby|Dagmar Boettcher and Yvonne.ed meaitiode A house ete | church and asked that wel @ Fle-Gleze Colorizer Points dis ja line in Whitby. creeks and of late. the proposed shoppin Raczkowski. The .room count|for Mr. and Mrs. York is plan-| think a little on this point. The LJ cae ' streams and catch good fish ei ' . rae " 4 was won by MY. Clovis Hanson's|ned for April 28 and Mrs. D R-iUnited Church is one of the! DoDD & SOUTER Moving on to the local ankle in a mud puddle. Wor- he said, "but those days are/centre west of the town is sti jroom. Nominations were held McLaughlin, social convener,|jargest denominations and has 'scene with a bang next ried and at her wits' end, jpast. We want to prove our|scheduled to be completed this|for 1965-66 tam for officers.;was asked to arrange for re-, 'recnonsibility in various DECOR CENTRE LTD. ; Thursday, Friday and Sat- Harried Kellaway, an over |point and possibly can if any-lyear. Lack of ,work on the site freshments directions, first, devotion to the) 107 Byron St. S., Whitby 308 Dundes St. W,, jai = gia' : . 5 ' : : | Refreshments were supplied : urday evening, a three-act conscious mother - in-law, |one can pring in pictures Ofauring the past few weeks was! and pric age ee Si Mrs. George Sweet reported|unalierable truths; and second, | PHONE 668-5862 WHITBY e oe on the Welfare project adopted'to search for new truths to womedy, "Here We Go looks on while the very 2 1 . AER > "'. Ithose spots showing people), ' i F a to : 7 (jathering," produced by meek Rev. James Kellaway fishing or what have you." jue to change of ownership in'Gail Platt s room, Grade 4 Or Scncuaty' fas 'ataled. Uiblimoet dot chanced Sena, Oe the Whitby Theatre Guild, lurks in the background: Citizens having photos of any|the property Jalthough quite a bit of clothing|we must encourage the youth ie schogerd te he A. smash MacDonald ' is played by some of itiand assist the young ministers age eal tee lereek or stream in Whitby, Commenting on the question,| P R ll thad been received ' 5 is hit from the very beginning John Rae, while Peter hip people are . enjoying|William Goverde, representing aper eca $ was not usable. Distribution has;to adhere to their calling hitby Community Arena In the above scene, Gray O'Shaughnessy is Hawkins bts at eementis! as et already commenced, but there; The next meeting will be held| MacDonald, a budding play- Freda Jepson plays Barnet poten igh ones ae showing|""° Mefuay font Estate firm, | is & need for clothing for school-lMay 17 al the home of Men | wright, bends over an in and Cy Garratt is the mod- the high water: levels of these|"formed The Times Thursday ood Old Days aged children Charles McAughey, RR 2,| Mured George Hawkins who ey sailed Phot letreams and creeks would alsojthere is no foundation of truth Mrs. Harold Boys introduced Whitby. Members were asked! . came (0 grief, spratning his ee ee alae in the rumors. 'The develop-' wHITBY (Staff) -- Evidence\|the speaker for the evening -- er All photos should be turned|ment Js certainly going ahead\of the good old days was!Mrs. | F Richardson -- of . ° j Pd 2 lin to the Whitby Municipal Hall with construction plans, the! brought to light again this week|Unit No. 3, St. Mark's United How to relieve it eatre ul lat the earliest possible time [problem if at CAD be called) when Eric Flower, of 1010 Dun- Church Women, the one woman Use Dodd's Kidney - " ----|that, revolves around a change das St. } discovered an oldielder of St. Mark's, President Pills for prompt in-ownership of the property," newspaper published away back\of Oshawa Presbytery, Presi-| xaliee from ope s Plans Spring Drama * | systemie eondi- Service Planned he said jwhen. The paper had been used|dent of the Bay of Quinte Con-| WHITBY (Staff) Cares and| The Guild president "went Completion date was unavailé The real estate agent stated/as backing for a picture thatiference. Mrs, Richardson at-| hg hg & By Eastern Star further that work should com-|had come into his possession tended the General Council, the) rest better. . id A il 23 d . "p t > ne 5 ghe y 9 ft pend on Dodd's. : mence within the next few days highest governing body o he" ee | ri ay, pri r ; ? . y i Chapte wouries, the troubles of modernjover lightly the amount of) W HITBY Whitby Chapter! ible but it expected to be -- The paper Monireal Daily > ance srse-'No, 2 Order of the Eastern ried a message of a far differ jhard work, endurance, perse-/No. 248 der sonably close to the previous Herald, of Aug: 20,. 1901. car day 1 t the window} life th found T 7 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. ay ues ao OM . 'lverance and intestinal fortitude|Star, held its meeting in the) : j ent life than is found -today in SPRING IME ABLE | deadline as set at the first an-|repard to cost of living. Nut Music by the ""Silve ¢ nes' during the coming week as thelthat is all part of a production|Masonic Temple, with Sister] Whillby Theatre Guild appearsiof this ehgent 'We love per-|Mary Inkpen, worthy matron, wy a of the develop-|ooal sold for $4.75 per ton and on sftage with their first Spring|/forming," he said, 'all we need|presiding in the East assisted) one could move into a furnish Effective April 95 1965 Admission 75¢ Dratna presentation. Scheduledjis a good audience to carry itiby Brother. Jeff Martin, wor ed flat complete with double / for /kpril 28-29 and 30, the play,joff. The work of producing the|thy patron. The flag was pre- New Tops Club \front room; bath for the nomi "Hene We Go Gathering" is a!play is just so much fun," sented and escorted to the inal sum of only $1.25 per week L H h ri threewact. comedy, guaranteed to. One main fact of interest to) East by Sister Ester Hood i. One house on St. Catherine please llocal citizens was the promise!marshal Meets In Whitby street, Montreal, containing five DAYLIGHT T Written by Philip King and/of even better productions in fu-' The opening ceremonies were jrooms, a good shed and cellar Anthowy Armstrong, the play is|ture days. 'Once we reach the,carried out in a very impres- WHITBY The newly form-|could 'be rented for $8.00 per preseited by all amateur talent,| people and they begin to show ajsive manner. Worthy Matron ed Whithy Tops Club held its}month local 'Whitby citizens with a flair| growing interest in our efforts Sister Mary Inkpen gave a > pe with the leaden Irene) How about a trip to Eng OSHAWA - WHITBY - TORONTO lor th» "footlights". Permission|we will be able to expand with}warm welcome to PDDGM)|™c ue, welcoming the 27 mem-|land? First class berth cost 8 the! comedy, to be staged at) more ambitious productions," alTena Roberts, and PDDGM hers She presided ---- elec-'only $92. from Montreal to MINOR SERVICE CHANGES the Denis O'Connor School Audi-| member of the Guild suggested.|Winnifred Newton, WM Gracejtion of temporary officers @s/Portsmouth while second class : terium, has been granted by Looking to the a the|Blow. WM Pear! Roper WM | follows was $78 and steerage space $39 (Ask for Time Table No. 7) ASK THE MAN Samuel; French Lid Guild president stated there is}Ann Patterson WM Kay; Leader. Irene McQue o-|/ Anyone wanting to take advan : : "All eve need now are the/a definite place for good whole-iBrowne, WM Louella "ook, WMjleader, Helen McDow: photog-jtage of classified advertising 0 Pe ga and Information ot WHO OWNED IT patrons or audience," Joseph some entertainment that can be'Margaret Mustard, WM Julia/rapher. Kay Townsend; weight- also were in for reasonable SH ?. WHITBY: One of the headaches of the solesman's Wainwright, president of the easily provided by a local group, Thomass WM May Phair, WPjreader, Barbara Hodgson: as- rates, The cost was 10 cents: per Tedel Ltd. H job, especially in the car business, is to Theatre Guild stated Prac-\of citizens. He suggested it is an} Jeff Martin, and WP Clarencejsistant weight-reader Ver 20 words or, 25 cents for six Bus Terminal, Grry Donald Ltd., find out the customer's REAL desires ticing few" weeks now, everyone/important facet of community] pallett Wilkes: treaswrer, Anne Pope; |insertions 18 Prince Street, 300 Dundas Street East, and his REAL objections is keen fo get on with it," hejlife, pointing definitely to cul-' 1; wa, reported that a penny|Secretary, Gloria Ranger;) Anyone interested in attend Telephone 723-2241 Telephone 668-3675 It may seem that this should be « simple added. . 'tural development of any town. |..). wilt pe held at the next|Press secretary, Alma Harper. jing the Toronto Exposition in r |] matter of just asking to find out--but pice seman . oe ee meeting and donations would! A loss of 2314 pounds was re-|1901 could travel from Mont- . - H ie isn't that simple. Sometimes, of course, s 5 be gratefully accepted, A mo-|ported already which provedjreal to Toronto and return for i tf : the buyer isn't quite sure himself. Lake Of Unsinkable Swims tion was passed changing the| most rewarding $7 Travelling to the Firemen's E 2: : | An example of this wos an instance | heard of recently where date of the bazaar to Oct. 16. Fach member was asked to| Exposition in Buffalo a person ui Z @ dealer had shown a prospective used car buyer several good A . d The annual church service|make suggestions for the new|Could board a Grand Trunk : \ AE: : | cars, ond he had finally settled on one that suited him pertect- Fast Becoming ul u e \will be held in Christ's Church,|Tops Club name. These -were| Railway express for a nine-day ly. He thought the price was very foir, but finally decided not Deer Park. May 2, at 2.30 p.m.|read and with the showing of|@*cursion for only $10.25. Stop to buy 7 | ping over for 15 days only cost | 7 SALT LAKE CITY, Utahmore for irrigation. Rainfallj/As many as possible were ask-jhands the name selected is te Pe 'isk kas are (AP)--Grirat Salt Lake--largest|has been below average the lastied to attend. Invitations were|"Whitby Tops Shrinking YVio- $11.90 GRAY COACH 'a ES this, thar the Socks fecally esmiak oat bo REAL ob jealer- body of iwater in the westernidecade. Evaporation has shrunkjreceived from Barrie Chapter,|lets." The winner of the draw,, ce were the supposedly wet, the bora) bed netiegh Ghat Ge cue fave on Unaaan United Stattes, the lake with thelthe lake to its lowest level since|for June 2, and from Markham|donated by Helen McDow was|Good Old Days ii olate, and he wos worvted thet tare wlght be Games unsinkables swimming, a leading|Mormon settlers began keeping|Chapter won by Kay Townsend thing fundomentolly wrong with it. tourist attiraction--is fast be-|track in the 1850s | A luncheon was served by| The next meeting will be M ! home reason coming a 'briny mud puddle As the water level has gone!Sister Christine Archibald andjheld at the home of Gloria F UR atthe gon ae a Hl Pie 7 bat It's stil! true a swimmer|down the salt content has gon€jher committee |Ranger, 930 Crocus crescent ane, Net Se aa y eta trust him. Since the opposite is usually also the cose, the dealer can often vouch for the car 100%: In addition, « LAWN HAVE thorough reconditioning would spot eny future trouble, it to a test, G __in the salt marshes, giving the Whitby SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 |} 1 hope that if you ore ever talking te myself er one of our Just west; of Salt Lake City|lake a heady aroma that ofteni] | The KOOKIEST Ls salesmen regarding @ car about which you heve the slightest stands a meassive rococo struc-|repels tourists attracted by the ~ BROADLE doubt, don't hesitate to ask for the name of the former owner. ture. This is Saltair, where|no-sink legend TRIANGLE since it's our basic policy to supply it gladly upon request. .. ... millions gathered in the 1920s to! 'Few visitors to the Salt Lake ' ' bob in the salty waters andjregion care to miss the oppor- ' ' 9 dance the Charleston on the'tunity of swimming in the lake yt : | boardwalk jwhere one cannot sink," says @ } ad From the | highway it lookS|/namphlet written in 1949 by his- é ; ' impressive, lif grotesque--|tory professor David E. Miller \ f candy-stripec{ Victorian spireS|and still on sale at Salt Lake oe : : (OR CRABGRASS OR INSECT PROBLEMS) silhouetted imgainst the desert!city newsstands | : a ; ROCK ' flatlands "Y have to admit that's not/ y : "i But there ,is a chain across /true now says Miller | s : : ' the road leadjng to Saltair, An | Use Agrico Weed Control with Fertilizer, This what it prevents the visitor) NOW OPEN | j light-weight 2-in-1 product kills all the from approaching is a ghost | common broadleaf weeds while encourag- The building is a shell, the) WEBSTER : ing your lawn to cover the barespots. It OUTBOARDING'S NEW boardwalk a mass of rotten Sindi a halasnad ? ee pital F ormula of grass nutri- ; ey Ee Nagemelipe dicey Ninndovk | ents while the broad spectrum hetbleides $4.7 Pickup Package eral hundred naore yards before'] 701 BROCK ST. N. 668-4451 || (Hild and ll onde ful COLOR kills dandelions, plantain, ground ivy, wt the water is above a man's ; : _ asin chickweed, nuisance clovers : knees ~ and other weeds, Only one beaich still operates | : 20-10-5 with. 2,4-D-0.92%; 2,4,5-Te 3 S Fishing Motors can't sink in the lake, but to-|up to 27 per cent. This has left) -- seein EBD st. eke ell eb ss i] day's bathers have trouble find-/a collar of precipitated salt t ing water deep enough to put/around the shore. Larvae breed BROCK Evening Shows Start at 7 & 9 p.m. p ed og mitiag Prowl : " 0.34% ; 0.46%. 22-lb. bag weeds and feeds So Light Even cause it's a long hike to the water ONCE COVERE® CITY This is a big :tomedown for a body of water that in prehistoric 4400 sq. ft. of lawn. Not for use where the Ladies Love 'Em bentgrass or clovers are desirable. WH ITBY ROTA RY | . : | - ' ' Kill Crabgrass and control jawn insects. Agrico Crabgrass and Insect Control with Fere Whether you choose the "Shrimp" to the 55 tb. 9 hp model, West' tilizer. A 3-in-1 product--one | 3%, 6, or the 9 hp West Bend = Bends ore built for easy han- times. covered 20,000 square Pane) CLUB " ee ' vA miles--in some pilaces 1,000 feet ee, xe Se : : application also provides a fishing motor, you'll select the dling, eompact storage, ond ad-| deep. Lake Bortneville, Great ey full feeding with a 10-6-4 fer- letest in lightbut-powerful out Sali Lake's fresh-water prede- | WEED CONT tilizer. With crabgrass and : boards. Prom the 28 Ib. "Shrimp" cessor, stood 850 ag ar = | ci . s RQ insects under control, your agg age ML cntie fhge - nee | with FERTILIZES turf will thicken into a dense, from the Great Satt Lake MAO Sh POO eae more luxuriant lawn. : West Bend, ¥ Ret Geologists say Lake . Bonne Pw' Although not recommended : q ville faded away* because it Knaeks gut iawn weeds for bentgrass or newly seeded evaporated faster dhan precipi : lawns, it's ideal for maintain- hp tation filled it. That's what's | : : ing established turf. (Crabgrass Control wrong with Great Salt Lake < a F 95. ee today presents a vy a ala ai © Lightest fishing motor The streams that feed the as EERO in its horsepower class lak b dd more and r lake are being usewi more an "u " Be | Don't forget to feed your lawn, Agrico for Turf @ Full power for quick e€ raveiliers | i: : (10-6-4)-Formulated to maintain the fine acceleration H "Ss : est established turf. And a ACTION! - " ' = healthy thos wards off many id -- power for perfect : ys ; . . SS problems. The balanced for- ok! rolling 2 ACTION! Canada's Leading Singers H j ; ' *S~--so mula provides a high propor- ; e@ Compact f t . ACTION! of Folk Songs ' : » tion of the nitrogen in the i _ sel eney Sere More Houses | 'es ; : long-lasting form to give i ° Full gear shift -- forward/ Are Sold Daily . your lawn a long steady feed- neutral /reverse Re ' ing. When you feed your lawn Through FRI APRIL 23 o 8 Dp M | ' : Agrico for Turf, you feed it ] ® ro] for lasting beauty. Never | burns, always _-- f CHOOSE A WEST BEND cee 3 to 80 H.P, M0) iS Anderson High School AcRICUTURM,GREMIALS LED WILDE RENTAL OSH'WA & DISTRICT ADMISSION | . SERVICE & SALES REAL ESTATE BOARD Adults 2.00 e Students 1.00 Oshawa Garden Service 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY on ion | OSHAWA, ONTARIO PH. 668-3226 Le ELLIE ALE T ORE AP ALN AI 8 mg a

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