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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1965, p. 17

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panera INDIAN BOY SAY *| LOVE YOU" TO UGLY CHIEF OF ACCORDING TO INDIAN CUSTOM, WHEN BACHELOR Mi CHIEF SL" THAT NOT NECESSARILY EAN BOY LOVE AN' MR. MEPHERSON, | OFF OF THIS MOLDY THE ONLY OTHER | BUCKET DEAD oor (T'S TWINK / SHE GAYS SHE WATS NE, DETESTS ME, AN' CAN STAND THE SIGHT OF ME/ NOW, THAT'S A MEAN GIRL FOR YOUL/ AN! BESIDES THAT, SHE KILLED MY GRASSHOPPER 2 DROPPED DOWN HER BACK/ | SAT FIGHT..,OL6A 'AND MILAw BUT SPHERE UP, THEY'RE DOWN, KICKING CLAWING, SCRATCHING, SLUGEING AND GIVING VICIOUS FLAT-HANDED CHOPS AIMED AT VITAL POINTS, MICKEY MOUSE ins . We Proc ..cthowe bes Wor Righs Ranrees » 4--Camere 2 JULIET JONES MINUTES AFTER QUEEN IM TO THE CAMBER 12, 189a« AT WINDSOR CAGTLE,| ee NAMES HN =| HC] Meee! iy a be. Sind 4 = 5 MINE oNy ? ALONG PINE RIDGE, THE TOWN PBOPLE SEARCH ANOTHER CHECK BACH POND>+ ++ POND! THOSE BARRELS OF OLD. COINS @LIJAH HID ARM UP » SECRET AGENT X93 : MARSHALL BW L\ TO THINKING ABOUT THE 3 PICTURES Wes LUXURY ISLE / MAS ROK AT WAY Channel 2--Butfalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffale Channel 6--Toronte | 9~Spectrum SATURDAY SVE 4:00 PM. Vi--Chemplonship Bowling | 63--Country TELEVISION LOG 7--$chool Council Channel 7--Buffalo | 6--Great Show Music | 63--Canadian Schools Channel &--Rochester | 4--Ted Mack Amateur | %--Playtime With Bobby Channel 9%-Toronte | Hour |, 4--News Channel 11--Hamiiton 3--Nature of Things 62--Truth or et pmemnenscmmeeeeemcnren j 1:0 PM. Consequences j}1----Spotlight 10:38 AM %--House On The Hill 7--Science All Stars | 4-Leave It To Beaver | 2---Ann Southern Show | 10:00 A.M. | 11--Super Bingo | \---Father Knows Best | 8-2--What's This Song 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 24,1965 17 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mosters' Individuel Championship Pley) South dealer, Neither side vulnerable, ye AJ10969 AdJé Opening lead -- three of spades, This hand comes from a team of four match. At the first table, South got to three no- trump on the bidding shown and won the spade lead with the king. Realizing that it was impor- tant to keep East out of the lead to prevent a spade lead through his jack, declarer play- ed a low diamond to the ace and returned « low diamond. When Bast covered the four the nine, South played low, nuping that West would be fore- ed to win the diamond with el- ther the ten or the queen, the only diamonds missing at this point. As @ result of this play, de clarer made the contract. West took the diamond with the ten, but could make no injurious re- turn, South wound up with nine tricks -- a spade, a heart, four diamonds and three clubs. At the second table, the same contract was reached on a dif- ferent sequence of bids. Again a spade was led, South winning the queen with the king. But the declarer at this table went down one, through no fault of his own, The declarer here had the misfortune of running into sharper defence and there was nothing he could do to bring home the contract. He also led a diamond to the ace at trick two, the same play which the declarer at the first table had made. But West, in- stead of following suit with the five, played the ten on the trick. This seemingly unimportant variation in the play had a dis- astrous effect upon South's chances of making the con- Calender | 7--Teallmaster tract, Declarer could no longer %Mr, Magoo 4--Bowllng Tract, Taha Big: Show ot the 100 FM | or ites Lucy build up the diamonds without ee! os é--Countrytime Hees A aa ace adi de 1100 AM, opening himself up to a spade 4--Wrestling | 7--Top Star Bowling li--Albert J, Steed return from East. 3--Shannon 7 6 9--Dear Charlotte - B-Man From UNCLE! Scorn clignce °Y* | a-Concentration Declarer continued with a ae. a8 PM, a oi |63--Friendly Giant Po mond to the king and play V--ster_ Route éThe Valtent Years | SAY, Of Mayberry L still another diamond,-but East 9--Voyage to Bottom ef) gory iour of Stars | V5 AM, ; take the lead a The Sea ne ae Wan | %---Does Mother Know { was able to take the lead as ret a cai 3:00. PAM leaner Helene result of West's unblocking play. i ; oh err | J-Basketball | 1110 AM. j He then led a spade and South %442--News)' Weather) es %--Toronto Today : had to go down one. Sports om #-2--Jeopardy ? he Pn 1:20 PLM, J--Price is Right > V--Club 1! Dance Party'|!!---Father Knows Best i SPsevirenet uare RABORN APPROVED ¢2--Beverly Hillbillies |F-Bowling 'eas ape WASHINGTON (AP) -- The : 20-20 : Rctlave @On Will "travel 4--Playhouse 82--Call My Bluff U.S, Senate gave quick and un- 10 PM. 4:00 PM | T=Donne Reed ek animous confirmation Thursday %--Johnny Quest H---Dennis The Menace | €-Giwood Glover | to William Francis Raborn, re- Saorne king Pomity Anzac | Popeye "ang Pais tired navy vice-admairal, as new é--The Saint 4:90 PM | gudesecer al a dene director of the Central Intelll- ee oe et |i)Tiny Talent Time | 12:38 PLM. gence Agency. oe Fc nd 2:00 P.M. | Jon PE i'll Bel a P--Academy Fsrformance 63--WIid Kingdom 7--Father Knows Bes? 0-3--Kentucky, Jones 4-Bishop Visits Your 4~Search for laoutoe SALLY S SALLIES 0:30 PM, Home | }--Noonday Report +2--Mr. Magoo 5100 PM. | 12:48 PAM, Fecawrence Welk Snow |1}Famiiy Theatre | 4-Quiding Light CROSSWORD 4-Giliigan's Island After Four } 1:08 PLM. Comedy \6-2--Wiid Kingdom jll--Four Just Men 10 PM | 7Polka Time With The; $-December Brice N--Z Cars New Yorkers | &Matines ACROSS DOWN +3--Movie &3---Show on Shows | T--Afternoon Show 1, Enoch's 1. The 4--Secret Agent 4~Zoorama | 63--Movie : cule +1) PM 'ab Ak | 4--Meet The Millers father tivation 7--Hollywood Palace | O--Full House | S-Mike Bovpien shew 6. Soviet Of soil 10:00 P.M. #2--G.E. College Bowl © |1) aug ie PM news 2. Cuckoo N--Polka Party Time Of Your Lite |\I-Mld Day Matinee enoy 8. Notion | %--Miillonaire $--Burke"s Law 4-Law Day | 9. Wavy: 4.80 4+--Gunamoke | 3--Gillican's slend 4-As The World Turne pt ug 10:18 PM, | "ue Pm. | seduce 40, Bulp retreats Go--Jullette | 9~--Flipper | 7--Flame tn The Wind eae 6, "stowe" 10:30 P.M. J=dig Show of Week =| 4--Password il. character Ni--Biockbuster Stingray Moment of Truth back and 6. Topas ToJimmy Dean show | 4--Twentieth Century 2:90 PAM, forth hi 10:45 P.M, Samet te pe | S--Pour of A King 14. Pert, to dird $3--Sports Unlimited $-4--The Doctors the cheek z at 11:08 P.M. | oe -Welt lores presants | meoey, if Court | 24. Close to . Mass, city Vi0)-64-3-2--Newss Pees si anor é resents) 6--Loretta Young » Close 8. Dru Wainer! spore) (tPegeratng, 19, Covrage | Howe. Part 15.Used up 11. Score 1:18 PAM, | «World War | aa ek | 4%, Time 13, Anarchist 86, Italian 46, Dickens NieBiock Buster ¢ Hl f tinued eve Nem 1 PM | Me Ary tn Conftict 48 oe 16. jn a7. begs . pte Metro Final --AOvie -i--Another World | +4 . 48, UNG. An YOUR GAsY scare Night Metre |¢3--Patty Duke show 7--General rospitel | |. Crowded 19, Python suitable ton #2--Saturaay Night at 4--Lassie jbe--enamant of Truth 23. Bird HI P INS? The Movies ne Pan, adie oy co 95. High Ya ry B Y Oon't tet your baby sutter Th? PLM 9--Mr, Novak : be T-4-3--Late Show | Sa-Disney's Wort ot |!L=Runny Company priest ae ber 'LA os pty $~Sports Color | It's Your Move 26, Core S/A? UY ) Presto! Pata rel re Nie PM. 7---Wagon Train ee ee Say awe 28. Pocket Ld V1. for sate, effective ORAJEL, s--Annwering Serviey = 4} --Eiaanbach ta roke thirty 32, Publicise " "Wo t oO JEl ® é--Feature Showcase | +-Edge of Nigm 34 Group 4) sUNDAY | 6:00 P.M. | in Pa of ry ; < iT 9:00 AM. | +43--Ed Sulilven Show lit--tieyd Thaxton 35, 19 VW--Cathedral Chimes = | O19 OM, $--Mickey Mouse Che th C, a 7--Herald of Truth [i Special Movie | athe Match ome sailing 'p f) ab jae <--Popaye's Playnoues | SoMan From ULN.C.LR.| 7 Rocketship 7 veasel, V7), Home Owners teen | bad a |@-3--As The World T Z mam -- | SG Oe wane cee nen | Glee =| BS <7l | FREE BOOKLETS Hifeilen Journal | y 2--Rocky and His Frienés JmTennessee Tuxede | Montreal at Chicago an PM. letter 26 a / 28 Et) NE Uncle Jerry's Clue | 4 0m Pm | SoSee Hunt 1. Town: en: Anower tat Pty ng ¥--The Early Show 32 Am i or the |eo--Rantle Game euttt UC be bad @ ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING 1=Caraselio or The People |4-The 4.30 Show 48. Tellurtoma: @ PERMA-STONE Q--The Bible Answers | |. hy Fjeag | #-Yoo! Bear sym. se 38 3" peaTuahock Rocket Ship 7 Peyton ice as 4--Orthodox Church | 10:00 PLM, | MONDAY evenite ees 40 YEUES 2 774s Church invitation | %--Musical Showcase | 5:00 PM + Pieces of YU, Y Write: te: P 10:38 AM $-2--The Rogues | --#amity Theatre STONE FACING LTD. V-ONA Junior A Hockey) #2=This Hour Hee S--Five O'Clock Matinee 49, Hawatlan 44 pigs pol . ed Wings vs | Seven Days | &--Superman maven Se Montreal Candid Camere | 6-World of Nature 60. Torento 7 HU. #--Portraii | fore PLM. 3--Movie . Smell 2--Insight 11--Siattery's People | 2-Lioyd Thaxton 61, Branch Your postman is our only salesman, 11180 ALM, %--Zero One j : oo PM, | $2. Gull-like i} Terms te sult your budget. 9--Metd Presents +-Wher'e my Line | S-Leavye ft) To Beaver bird hanson tonsineseraansnenahiaetremtnstnsina nt > i oy Service ae | = ~ A ean AY OR AR NS a AER 7--Holy Mass | 110-4-7-4-4-3-2--Newas j € é--Church Service 2---Frontiers of Falth [T-bdnLate Sho Weather, Sports | 11:20 PLM. 4:08 PA | News Central tr | '@~Generation | 4--News, Sports with Opera Company 18 AM. 2--Awaro Theatre it) | Chuck Healy 9--Ukrainian Easter Ee, Coovle | %Today, 1965 pregrem oo he | To Play H 7--Discovery | Hide PM, litem vate Le] ay ere 4--The. Fisher Femily te Travellers' Preview | | Movie ine 800n |*-Dougles Fisher 9-+3--News, Weather Sponsored by the Oshawa Italian Album TY @--Fellx The Cat | |¢--Altred Hitchock Hour MONDAY Kiwanis Club, the Light Opera 18 asec iid Company of Scarborough will 7--Chalien 4 ' : 'Sunday Schow [1 --sennitet pe | 7--Cheyenne visit Oshawa for three nights, +News; Weather 4--Captain. Kangarce Bia ge hy April 29 and 30, and May 1, olde - Sheen 'a ae? A.M, ica and present its production of 12:18 Pa Nee ett | scthe Adame remy [the light opera "Cyrano de 4--Congress | %--Romper Room pate Bergerac." This light opera nae ee | F--Dialing or Dollars | Span "given eae |will be presented in the audi- eae: Whonea |-gndhine's Comivel 3--No Time For torium of the R. §. McLaugh- 1--Executive Chember Mickey Mouse Club giao lin Collegiate and Vocational Live-and Learn 9.90 A.M "% 4--Face The Vation ~-t Allen ~The Lucy Show tot Bs 7 _-- on the Cartoons | Meta | p=Voyage To Bottom rench play of the same name S--Pamily Pisyheves Musics! interiuee @ The See by Edmond Rostand,' but will be presented in English, with the lyrics and musi¢ written by Charles George. For its present season, the 'Scarborough Light Opera was fortunate in securing Miss Irene, McLellan as musical. and drama director. A graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Miss McLellan has a background of international ex- perience. George Merner will play the leading role of Cytano. He was indoctrinated in the theatre at |Stratford. | This production is bing spon- sored by the Kiwanis Club to raise funds for its community SEES ERNIE CAY INSULATION CROWN DIAMOND PAINT FREE DELIVERY "lt it's LUMBER, call ovr NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121

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