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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, April 24, 1965 Mediator Seeks Solution To Looming Steel Strike PITTSBURGH (AP)--A fed- ducers in the event a walkout eral mediator continues digginglis called against the 11 major today for a solution that will|steel companies. avert a steel strike throughout] Simkin said his activities Fri- the U.S. May 1. day were purely exploratory. William E. Simkin is trying|He said he made no sugges- to pin down areas of agree-|tions to either party. ments between the union and| The union, in taking a strike- companies that will enable them|if-necessary stance, said steel to return to the bargaininglindustry profits have been table on better terms. climbing at a healthy rate. It by Education Minister William Committee Endorses Plans| WEATHER FORECAST = For Changes In Grade 13 | Sunny And Cool, ee: Showers Sunday tee to consider all of the im-- TORONTO (CP) -- Official cool today and Sunday. Winds plications of a division in the forecasts issued 'by the weather light. grade 13 year. An implementa-joffice at 5:30 a.m. White River, Algoma: Sunny tion committee set up to devise| Synopsis: Most of the fore-|and cool today. Variable cloudi- means of effecting the Grade|cast district will experience|"¢ss and not quite so cool Sun- 13 study committee's report!fair but cool weather today, A|ay. Winds light. also looked into the idea. |storm brewing over the south- Forecast Temperatures They have agreed that Mr, western United States seems to|Low tonight, high Sunday: .... TORONTO (CP)--A proposal, To consider this proposal 'n Davis's Grade 13 study com- mittee to divide the senior ma- triculation year into two levels --general and 'specialized--has been endorsed by two subse- quent committees appointed by Mr. Davis. Their combined report re- leased Friday recommended The two sides are attempting to reach an interim agreement --one that will extend the May 1 strike. deadline. As it stands, the United Steel- workers has demanded wage and benefit increases totalling 17.9 cents an hour, The compa- nies have offered five to seven cents. In another development, the union's executive board con- venes to decide whether {t will strike independent steel pro- argues that steelworkers should receive a large share. They now average $4.40 an hour, Judge Calls Liquor Vote PETERBOROUGH (CP) County Court Judge Harry R. 'OWNEY' DIES Owen Vincent "Owney" Madden, 73, prohibitionera gang and racket ruler in 4\that still further committees be set up to determine the degree of specializdtion that would be offered during the Grade 13 year, envisaged as a university preparatory year. The Grade 13 study commit- tee had suggested that senior matriculation students with spe- cial interests would benefit if instruction could be offered at a genera! level and at an "'ad- vanced" level. Lectures, laboratory and Li- Davis should press forward with the two-level scheme for Grade 13, House Staff Fetes Vanier OTTAWA (CP) -- Governor- General! Vanier's household be developing slowly. Consider- able cloudiness associated with it will spread into southwestern Ontario Sunday, Rain is ex- pected in the Windsor area and there is a fair chance of rain ro aaa southwestern On- ario. Lake St. Clair, Lake~ Erie, Windsor: Variable cloudiness today, temperatures much the same as Friday. Cloudy with occasional rain Sunday. Winds easterly 15. Windsor .. St. Thomas ........ Kitchener . Mount Forest ...... Wingham Hamilton .. St. Catharines ..... Toronto ,... Peterborough sheen enee se eeeeenee SSSSSSSSSSssa staff threw a surprise party to mark his 77th birthday. The governor - general, who was dictating a letter in his study at the time, confessed complete surprise when the staff, led by personal secretary |Esmond Butler, trooped in sing- ling Happy Birthday. | But he quickly rose to the oc- casion, Standing up and strok- ing his graceful white mous- ' P CP)--Police tache, he said with a laugh: | LONDON, Ont. (CP)-- vag "Well, fortunately I've just New York and New Jersey, died today in Hot Springs, Deyman has set aside a Jan. |23 liquor plebiscite result in nearby Otanabee Township be- cause of an irregularity in the official proclamation, | The court's ruling followed an} appeal by the wets that the lo- Birth Drugs cation of a polling subdivision < j was at variance with the proc- (ATHENS, Ohio (AP) ina Allamation advertising the vote. chemical that appears to' offer hope for a cheap birth-control] orto ine erogivg he tuee| ype mre - eae tion of permitting liquor to be . laid 'ahs SS : ~jserved with -meals. (AP Wirephoto) : ca ay Under the Liquor License Act : 2 Ja e, professor) i : gh van! Peboagags rege corn 60-per-cent vote is required i - = e 7 " ' |versity here, amplified for the}. A spokesman for the wets S \Ghio Academy of Science Fri-jeaid. there was confusion. over a | : 7 ; the location and several per- Osgoode, York jday an earlier report on InN ware unable to find the Mi h M work with the contraceptive ma- oiling stations. ppd cane willl 1g t erger | | : jterial. |be organized. | st puna brary work for the advanced ;: level subjects would be about Ark., of chronic emphysema, |{wice that of the subjects in the a lung disease. He had been | general level courses. in quiet retirement for 30 |~ ~ iy years, Once hit by 12 bullets in gang wars, he got police nickname of "clay pigeon." This 1932 photo shows him at a itme when he was ar- rested on parole violation charges. Lake Huron, Niagara, West- ern Lake Ontario, southern Georgian Bay, London, Hamil- ton, Toronto; Mainly sunny and coo] today, Variable cloudiness and continuing cool Sunday with chance of rain. Winds east-! erly 15 to 25 today, light to-, night, southwesterly 15 Sunday. | Northern GeorglLan Bay, Cochrane, Tene daner| ton, eastern Lake Ontario,! North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny and' New Find In GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe Police Hunt Bail - Jumper <= pee ere Ses es store your furs with MARTEN'S it costs no more to get the very best Marine Pfc. W. R. Me- Pendleton, Calif., are test- Williams, Jr., prepares his ing rations as possible sub- meal by pouring hot water stitute for C-rations, espe- into pouch of dehydrated cially on patrols rations. Marines at Camp (AP Wirephot) MARTEN'S FUR STORAGE 723-7921 over the courtroom for him. | "T can't find my client,' Mr. | 7 | . Your Money Earns More At A aoe CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS Livingstone was charged with) the|George Coyle, 53, John Weir, proposal, the paper says. 34, and Harold MacLennan, 30,! jhave launched a search for al, .-- hait A : Toronto man who jumped bat eanee be pos | ' long epoech in the middle of a trial Friday|/o" Me Stall an lope you in which he an dthree other all prepared to stand here for Toronto men were convicted of 8" hour while I read it. | leonspiring to pass a worthless| Instead, he thanked them for, _lcheque, their good wishes, | But he designated it only : 7 N1 'p\ ; | William Livingstone, 39, was| The governor-general shares) "C-18" and declined to go be-| ig jak Mal Gk te fai p sod OY the morning session of the|his birthday--St. George's Day) lyond his description of it as a) . tors of Osgoode Hall Law trial, but disappeared when'--with a number of other not-) |common weed, found frequently| E ualit In School are ready to merge with'Court recessed at 1 p.m. ables including Prime Minister) jin North America but also else-| q y York University. His absence was discovered|Pearson, William Shakespeare, where. | he pader dive :? the #8-véer: after County Magistrat. G. G.Jactress Shirley Temple and Or, Valens et ee old school is moved to the Yorn found all four guilty/New York Mets pitcher Warren tests have shown no obvious} e awmen:: school is moved ork|during the afternoon session. |Spahn. |dangerous or abnormal side-ef- bersgerghty Sag ae ia After the verdict Alan Baker,|~------ éhgy "i ' ate ully 0 J fersily 4 j 3 re . | TEDDY PUTS STOCK IN STEEL, |<<, gig ft Ou cadache 1 pe ORtA. Ee awa _Bo lose its original identity, Livingstone's counsel, looked) duty, each in her own squad) 2 pag te lhe og! ot ot A B NLY 4 lear, in Peoria Friday. it i: sed ne h f iratntetars ie Baker ary A ace warrant 7 Home's Rute: 'ties «boone ctumings, «385 42° faatmunters teas sued for is are NEW YORK (AP)--Teddy open to the public, but most | \19-year veteran with the force,|s ro) eae aeiple with eos 3 ag , few ye of those doing research are | land Doris Robison, a police- agreec p I e when he showed up at he ew York Stock Exchange Friday and said he wanted some information on the Bethlehem Steel Corp. Many people come seeking information, but Teddy is only 12 years old. The big board, however, has a motto: "Own your share of American business." So Teddy, a sixth-grader, was ushered into the library on the 18th floor. Some 17,000 visitors use the library every year. and it's market analysts, brokers, lawyers and research special- ists. After making his study of Bethlehem Steel for a school report, Teddy said he consid- ered the company "a pretty good stock." Bethlehem is the largest steel producer in the U.S. | "T can't remember anybody that young ever showing up at the library," said one offi- cial. | Douglas-Home's ithe Conservative Oppo- second | Ri dA ;woman for 15 years. Ippe new The women ride their tours : : alone and are assigned to han- LONDON (Reuters) Re-|die all types of violations, with newed speculation over Sir AleC| special attention to women of- leadership Of! tanders. a4 nt Each carries a pistol, night- sition Party mounted Friday in\_,; a. the wake of fresh criticism of|Sti¢k and handcuffs. Their pay his ability and image. jis identical to that of policemen. Officially the Conservative| party--rent with internal dis:} s sension 20 months ago after the} TV S t ll t resignation of Harold Macmil- a e l e lan--has closed ranks behind the lean, aristocratic figure .of the man who gave up an earl- 'Stays Alive "jon the conspiracy count. | | Coyle pleaded guilty to a total] lof 15 charges and Magistrate] |Marshman sentenced him to! itwo vears concurrent on each of the 15 charges. Weir was sentenced to 12 jmonths and MacLennan to six |months. KINGSTON (CP)--About 125)-- | Pupil Strike 12 pages with photographs, dia- grams. Answers all your questions about owning an in-the-ground swim. | ming pool. Just phone or write for 0) reese do-it-yourself pool kit GALVANIZED Partan sTEEL POOLS MAJOR POOL Equipment Corp. 690 Drake St. Os! parents voted unanimously Fri-| day night to continue a walkout) at three one-room _ public! schools in the Perth Road dis-| trict, 18 miles north of here,| despite the possibility of legal| by appointment please PHONE 728-6007 CORPORATION iy on Savings Accounts. Paid and compounded quart- erly, on Chequing Accounts from the day the account is opened. Paid Quarter- Works Well jaction. The parents withdrew 80 chil- idren from the schools April 9 | to protest the Loughboro Town-| | ship schoo] board's decision to| | close {the schools and' bulld a $240,000 addition to a central ly on minimum monthly balance. No charge for cheques written, EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING FOR MEN |dom to become prime minister! MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet Quebec Would Ask Queen's sit oo ol he cei To Settle House Problems have grown within the ranks of| bit Friday, the Soviet news party stalwarts as successivejagency Tass announced. Tass QUEBEC (CP)--The Quebec government announced Friday 364 WILSON ND.S when invested in our Guaranteed Investment Certificates for 6 to 10 years. Authorized Trustee investments. Redeemable on deoth, ~~ Also 8 BARBER ARTISTS OSHAWA - ONTARIO *Yearly Rote NEED.,. FUEL OIL ? PERRY Dey or Night 723-3443 = sO Rarsavee ¢ & Heed Office: . 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 6 Fridey 909 Seturdoy 9 to 3 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE SEES RRR Why Pay More... SAVE!! ON PREMIUM QUALITY 16: FUEL OIL gal. CHILDREN DIE THETFOR MDINES, Que of 25-\(CP)--Two young sisters were ATTENTION GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES The move, unprecedented in)S°"- Vladivostok 4,000 miles away. |w stonier, warned the parents| sition-dominated upper house. |inate the Legislative Council's|with an over-all majority of be-jstalled on board . . . and thelpounds of the law." special address to the Queen/government holds 64 of its 95|Commons. star communications satellites! e e nt _continaously. eyalable 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. reconvenes Tuesday, for appro-|Nationale has a 15-9 majority, * . ' ir 1 nt will refuse to deal in future} }mains. 360 Wilson Road South Phone 725-8711 arm, a ring design on one finger a Who Ad 'net kooee? ie r of a tattooed young woman) junder the Highway Traffie Act, Serving Oshawa And District The fully-clothed body : dad ie thie ai iva (Li ita public opinion polls. this yearjsaid Molniya (Lightning) I car. school at Sydenham, 15 miles| it has decided to appeal dl- recent history, follows a battle| Latest polls indicate that if an) The satellite. went into althat "if the children stay out|_ Premier Lesage told newsmen|veto powers over legislation. |tween 40 and 50 seats comparedientire ground radio complex will be worked out by the cabi-|seats. When it reached the Leg-| ~--is not in synchronous orbit to across the Soviet Union val. Once. that's obtained, itjamended the bill to retain the) U S D s | : ~ = t > fede ov-| "s vi s OV - j will go through the federal gov-|chamber's veto rights over con-| vans rivers | JURY and LOVELL LTD. chasinearncl ane | | ,for a suspect with the possibil- with speeding charges laid ® s | The victim had the name 1e n re He made the comment while and a star tattooed on her right court found earlie the day at a will be dismissed."' \ year-old Beverly Board , ment which acts as the Queen's| have shown increasipg:.supportiried out television transmis-| .orthwest of Perth Road rectly to the Queen to settle its\within the Quebec legislaturejelection were held now Labor|"high elliptical orbit," Tass re-|we'll be threatened by official-| following a lengthy cabinet) The bill passed the elected) with its present wafer-thin ma-|are operating normally." | D R U G Ss T ° RES | net Tuesday. lislative Council, however, Can- the revolution of the earth and| ernment to the British Parlia-'stitutional issues. zon WELLAND (CP) Magis- | 8 King Street East Phone 723-2245 ity of placing a charge of offer- against United States citizens. Marlyn in the centre of a dag-| : dismissing a speeding charge TORONTO (CP)--Police said| Phone 668-3341 1204 Wecker Drive Phone 725-3525 Magistrate Ord said "all! suburban construction site D. H. Scott, assistant crown found by a bricklayer in North counsel" in such matters. jfor Labor Prime Minister Wil-|sions between Moscow and. Chairman of the meeting, J.| | fight with the province's Oppo-\over a government bill to elim-jwould sweep back to power|ported, and "all equipment in-|dom, We're acting outside the| meeting the precise text of alassembly, where the Liberal|jority of four in the House of) Molniya--like the U.S. Tel-| OPEN THIS SUNDAY It then will be presented tojada's only provincial senate, in| ' Viis not continuously available the Legislative Assembly, which|which the Opposition Union| I asses oa trate J. D. Ord said Friday he ling an indignity to human re- McCORDICK'S DRUGS ger-and-heart tattoo on her left against Harry Damm of De- Friday an autopsy on the body| DX FU EL Ol L speeding offences, unarrestable i showed she died of pneumonia prosecutor, said "as it is now! York. Police said there was no sug- gestion of foul play but they was| burned to death Thursday when) a flash fire swept through their| farm home at Leeds Village 20) miles from here. Mr. and Mrs.| speeding is not an arrestable| offence and all an officer can do is issue a ticket and we have no way of enforcing the attend- CITY OF OSHAWA Commencing Moreh 1, 1965, Blue C will honor receipts Save Your Prescription Receipts cag PEt gl ot Drug Benefit Plan i on " Pl iP e or Save the receipts issued by the big Lid under the terms of the agreement. Cretvegarss of your choice. for b He will @s you ladly assist you in moking NOTICE TO MERCHANTS aie RIAA PHARMACISTS AMSOSIATION Sale of Fireworks I hereby give notice to all merchants of the City of Oshawa SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY that By-law number 3809 prohibits the sale of fireworks in 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. the City from Jenuary Ist te May 9th inclusive and from June CROWELL'S SHELL STATION Ist to December 31st inclusive in any yeor. The by-lew pro- 22 BOND ST. EAST vides that any person who foils te comply with the provisions SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION of the by-law shall be guilty of an offence and liable upon 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH conviction to « penalty. MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 74 SIMCOE ST.. SOUTH BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 1271 SIMCOE ST. NORTH STATHAM B.A. STATION COR. KING ST. E. AND RITSON ROAD RUSS BOSWELL SUPERTEST STATION CORNER WILSON RD. & OLIVE OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE 222 KING STREET WEST were puzzled why the body had Adrien Gosselin were in the ance in court of United States apparently been dragged from|Stable when the blaze broke out|Citizens." : pee ae a car on a nearby road to the|and were unable to reach the, construction site. , house in time to save their 31 They said they were looking and 2%-year-old daughters. : HERE and THERE Spring grass fires are still keeping the Oshawa Fire Department busy. Yesterday two fires were reported and quickly brought under con- trol. In addition the department answered one false alarm, a call to disperse gasoline fumes, and extinguish a tree fire on Valley drive. City ambulance answered seven routine house calls during the same period HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS The Christian's approach to final victory over death will be a central theme at all Christian Science churches this Sunday, The subject is 'Probation After Death." One of the Bible selections to be read at Osh- = --_-- na awa services will be from Congratulations ... Galations: "He that soweth to to the Spirit shall of the | oo , i MR. ROBERT C. JOHNSTON Spirit reap life everlasting." of Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Lid. on successfully completing and passing course '2', as prescribed by the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards. Completion of this compiex course enables Mr. Johnston to offer even better service and advice to clients. Another step to provide the best in service and exper- lence from... LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Ltd. 40 King St. East, Oshawa Dial 728-4678 Jean on gas! NEWDATSUN FOUR-TEN SEDAN Who says an economy oar has to be ugly? From smart new grille and panoramic view windows to sculptured roof line and luxury extras, this is the one that rates an honest "WOW." All this PLUS 4-speed floor stick and up to 33 mpg. Up to 40 'miles per gallon. 12. Months--12,000 Mile Warranty TEST IT TODAY if you cre in the market for brying @ cer that is stylish in every may low cost end economical to run--then the DATSUN is the car lor you. : Meny models to choose from, exceptionally new features. A new breed and in @ closs by themselves. Drop in today and have @ tolk with either Zoltan. Nick or Dan. Zoltans-Nick's & Dan's FIN/ SERVICE STATIOI 160 Simcoe South Phone 728-0051 L. R, BARRAND, City Clerk. [LEARN TO DRIVE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD 'S School Of Safe Driving 14 Albert St. -- Oshewo Government Licenced --- Personalized Service MR. ROBERT C. JOHNSTON

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