18--Maele Help Wented 18--Mele Help Wanted 20--Reel Estete for Scie 20--Reel! Estate for Sale |20--Real Estote for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Reol Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, April 26,1965 15 SUPERMARKET OPPORTUNITIES We have a number of openings for experienced grocery floormen. Experi- enced in super-morket work preferred. Excellent opportunity for advancement. 40 hour week. Pleasant working conditions. Liberal em- ployee benefits. APPLY POWER SUPERMARKETS 500 Rossland Road West OSHAWA DUMONT ALUMINUM 4 AMBITIOUS MARRIED MEN To be troined es foctory re- presentatives. Solary and bonus. Medical Plon, Pension Scheme Opportunities for advancement to Managerial positions. Apply 333 SIMCOE SOUTH | or Phone for interview. ! 728-1651 BAKER Concrete Pipe Manufacturer requires Testing and Quality Control Man. --Testing of incoming raw materials --Quoilty checks of the pro- duct in production, --Regulation of curing pro- cedures, --AInspection and testing of the finished. product --Job site service calls Job troining will be supplied. Fringe benefits, salaried po- sition. Apply in writing to: Fledco Concrete Pipe Ltd. 401 Monarch Avenue yAJAX, ONTARIO EXPERIENCED Required for Dietary Deport- ment. 40 hour - 5 day week. Good salary. Apply to: Personnel Office OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL CARETAKER $3170 - $3620 Government ie. SERVICE MANAGER FOR AUTO DEALER Must have a thorough know- ledge of all mokes of auto- mobiles. Be a licenced "A" mechonic, Experience a must. ALSO LUBRICATOR and CAR CLEAN-UP MAN Both positions offer: @ Good Salary ® Excellent Working Condi- e Lieaninalbaistien and All Benefits. WRITE BOX 223 OSHAWA TIMES Departments Oshawa, Ontario For full particulars céncern- ing residence, qualification requirements and "pplication forms see posters on display at Post Office ond National Employment Service office Apply before MAY 6th, 1965, to the Civil Service Commis- sion, 25 St. Cloir Avenue East, Toronto, 7, Ontario, Quote Competition 65-T-837 19--Male or Femole Help Wanted COOK or cook's helper, male or female, shift work, wages and working con ditions, Apply in writing to Bonfire Bar- B-Q, PO Box 71, Lindsay. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER for modern salon Top wages. Telephone BOYS! BOYS! ° Age 12-16 Work available in evenings; After school. Good pay. Call 728-9304, 4:30- 7:00. Whitby 668-3421. 20--Real Estate for Sale FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. 728-5157 TRADES ACCEPTED on five new homes by Hogen- boom Construction starting ot $17,265 on Wilson Road MECHANIC for went construction machinery jed immediately. Telephone 728-0503. 1 : weve a i -- REAL ESTATE LIMITED pe evening work. Cell) 728-6286 MALE GROCERY CLERK, experienced|ATHOL STREET BAST: Four bedrooms, preferred, but necessary. ply injdouble garage, large lot. Telephone person only, Bassin's IGA, Alax. 72-9504 . OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED_PATTERN NEW BOOK By ALICE BROOKS GET 25 COMPLETE, NEVER- BEFORE - PUBLISHED PAT- TERNS. . . 5 decorator settings in our sparkling, new book "Decorate with Needlecraft". Glamorize a bath with petal- pretty accessories. Make a kit- chen butterfly-bright with co- ordinated applique for curtains, toaster cover, towels. Dramatize living-room, bedroom, child's room with vivid wall hangings, pillows, crib cover, closet ac- cessories. Plus more, more, more! Send SIXTY CENTS for "Dec- orate with Needlecraft" to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Osh- awa, Ontario. Print plainly your SIZES 12%--24% NAME and ADDRESS. 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT-|porT in our new Spring-Sum- ALOG --- 200 designs, three free|mer Pattern Catalog plus cou patterns! Newest knit, crochet fashions, embroidery. 25c IN HALF SIZES By ANNE ADAMS SKIM thru summer in a light, cool skimmer with a flattering V neckline front and back. Two main pattern parts, breeze- easy! | Printed Pattern 4923: Half] Sizes 12%, 14%, 1614, 1844, 2044.) 2214, 2414. Size 1614 requires 3 yards 35-inch } FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins) (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE} NUMBER | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, COMPLETE FASHION RE- | pon for ONE FREE PATTERN!) Everything you need for the life} Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jyou lead -- 350 design ideas! Bend 60c now. | GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WATCH WHITBY'S NEW WHITE WAY No. 2 Highway At Anderson St. SEE OUR SIGNS & CALL "THE HOT LINE" 668-8826 GRANDVIEW ST. OSHAWA. and it is @ grand view too. Overlooking Oshawe with its stor hike lights twinkling in on evening sky. The rich garden soil is waiting for a new owner to sew the seeds in the little garden plot that has been so carefully cared for by the California bound owner. This 12 year old white frame one owner bungalow is only a few steps away from No. 2 highway with 2 larger than average bedrooms, spacious kitchen and divided basement. You can guess thot the living room is a fovourite spot ond everything spick-and-span too. Full price $13,800. AJAX SCHOOL TEACHER SAYS SELL this 3 bedroom semi detached bungalow on fine residential street in aggressive Ajax. Tastefully decorated throughout. Large kit- chen and divided basement. $1500 down will moke you the owner of this fine home. Interest, principal and taxes only $100 monthly TOWNSHIP NEAR K MART 3 bedroom stucco bungalow with 75 by 39' lot near Gorrard Rd. between Whitby and Oshawa. Not many like this one with low texes, spacious kitchen, economical oi! heating unit, Cool in summer ond warm in winter here. Full price $11,600 GIBBONS ST. OSHAWA $10,700 Oider style income home for a retired couple or young couple starting out ond needing some income in help with the payments. Could be: ideal for the family home too, Not foncy but a solid home with 2 bathrooms, sun 'porch, fireploce and other sur- prises. Full price $10,700, Inspect and make offer with your down poyment. WHITBY CHURCH BLDG Near centre of town, Suitable for meeting house, mew church or whot have you 'in mind. Kitchen facilities and spacious meeting hall. Terms to reliable party. Full price $32,000 LOOK, WHITBY 3 bedroom brick bungalow in close-in location with extra large bedrooms, kitchen and spacious living room. This better built home will appeal to you and the down payment is only $3,000. Full price $13,600. Monthly payment $95.00. BROOKLIN, $9,000 Three bedroom older type stucco home with large fomily kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 piece bath. This economy home has low toxes end low heating cost. Situated in commercial area for someone wishing to have o small business location ond home Inspect ond make offer TAXES ARE LOWER IN BROOKLIN and trees grow there too. Just a few minutes drive to Oshawa and Whitby with clean Villoge shopping, this three bedroom brick bungalow on @ 75' frontage lot is a must for you to see! Cool aluminum ewnings provide extra shade for mother on those hot days of summer while the children have ample ploy area in the cosy recreation room on those not so good days. Price only $13,900 with down payment considered and 6% interest HOPKINS ST. BUILDING -- INDUSTRIAL Area of Whitby with lot size 70' x 537'. Large office, 5 room apartmeht ol! contained in brick and block, 3 year old building with stone front. Full price $18,500 with good terms to. reliable buyer. 546 MONTEITH AVE., OSHAWA Drive by this solid brick, 3 bedroom bungelow and then make appointment to see, This tenant occupied home must be sold end some lucky buyer will only pay 542% on the mortgage. This could be saving of over $1,000 on your home, Monthly poyment only $102.00, Principal, Interest and 'Toxes TAUNTON RD. E. $14,300 11 year old 5 room bungalow on large country lot with trees, extra buildings for chickens, etc. Not mony properties like this with low toxes, sharp landscaping, clean decoration. A nice spot to retire or for a small fomily. NEA ROSSLAND RD. & NORTHMINSTER United Church in Oshawa. This is on older style brick home with this low, low taxes, on fine residential street. If you want reo sonable living near shopping, churches and schools this is naturel with its 3 bedrooms, oil heating and other conveniences Garage here too. All for $12,500 with terms COMMERCIAL ZONING. WITH HOME on Dundas St. E. Whitby with 70' x 165' lot, Have your busi ness here ond live in a luxurious 3 bedroom brick bungalow with mony extros for comfortable living. Real sharp decoration and solid construction. Vital area for service business. BUILDING LOTS in Whitby and Brooklin. One Whity lot 50 x 209° and fine res- idential lot in Brooklin with 76' frontage and 183' depth. Close to beautiful homes, churches and schools. Country living ot its best here. 13%4 ACRES AND HOME -- WHITBY Zoned for light industry at Port Whitby, This valuable propert with 3 bedrooms, insul brick home and barn is in neat condi tion with good decoration. Speculators may be attracted to this property for future industrial purposes but you can live here and woit for the opportunity of a lifetime. The toxes are low here too, Full price $17,900. Make an offer COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT -- $5,500 On Brock St. North in Whitby near busy corner. Build your home and business here or a fine site for cleaning plant, printing busi ness or small machine shop. This will not last long in growing Whitby. Not mony like this $500 PER ACRE NEAR WHITBY AND OSHAWA We have severa! 10 acre parcels of lond near Whitby at o price you can afford to pay. Why be crowded on a postage stamp city lot when you con hove clean fresh oir and plenty of land for your children's ectivities., Build here and watch your home investment grow. One parce! of 13 acres ot $750 per acre. Act quickly here and profit in pocket ond better health BETTER BUILT BUNGALOW -- $15,900 in Whitby with many excellent features, situated on neat 50' lot on Bowman Ave., in East Whitby near No. 2 Highway ond Separate School, You will stop looking after seeing this immacu- late home in a prestige area of mew homes. There ore 3 bed- rooms, living room, dining and attractive kitchen. The land- scaping is tops here too. Full price $15,900 with good terms 7 ACRES, 4 ROOM House on No, 12 Highwoy near Whitby with low taxes. 260° highway frontage, good well, Inspect and make offer. Less for casn NEAR ANDERSON ST..SCHOOL WHITBY On quiet street with taxes-only $250.00 and monthly payment only $65 on mortgage. This is a clean home. with sharp decora- tion away from a typed subdivision on 65' lot by 166' with 18' by 27' garage. Low heating cost for a three bedroom home. Cosy recreation room for the young set COUNTRY HOME, PICKERING DISTRICT, $1,000 Down payment with monthly payments like rent will buy this two bedroom home on large lot. Spacious kitchen, four piece bath, full bosement, Tastefully. decorated. Taxes are lower here ond you ore close to Toronto, Oshawa or Whitby. We have others where you con breothe country fresh air too. 634 ACRES, TOWN LINE AT NASH ROAD On edge of Oshawa. This property hos ¢ development or would make good market garden land to retire on. Build a home here ond wait for the City to grow, Full price $9,6 0, 1 ssibilities for future ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 SEE! ANY OF THESE EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS TONITE f TWO BEDROOM Frame bungalow, reolly e@ cute one, Equipped with o!:: minum owning, storms ant | gtorm doors, oi! heating, | "high dry" basement, private drive, large shade trees in | ear yard. Good terms, call 728-5157 tonite. ESTATE SALE 2 storey sound brick dwelling, 3 bedrooms and bath up, re- novated kitchen. Hurry on this one, call 728-5157, | Asking $11,500.00. Hurry! OSHAWA ON-THE-LAKE | FIVE N.H.A, resoles to choose from. All bungalows. Some with 6% financing. Imme- diate possession. Call 728- 5157, now. DOWN $1500 DOWN On this 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Very nice Holly- wood kitchen with dining area, Taxes $326.00 yearly Phone 728-5157 for appoint ment | WANTED! || Two bedroom brick in King || Eost area, Call 728-5157 for || "FREE Market valuation'. | os seicdieensienstinsniadiciesesnedarnciesic APPLE HILL Lovely 6 room brick bunga- low "gleaming" throughout. Separate dining room, color- ed Americon bath fixtures, Broadioom carpet included. To see call 728-5157 CALL 728-5157 | ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 48 Simcoe Street South | After 9:00 p.m. Call 725-6788 668-3068 | Bob Johnston | Elaine Lee D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 519 Brock St. South Whitby, Ontario Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 BUILDING LOT Excetlent one acre approved lot, just west of Brooklin and north of No. 7 highway. High and well drained, with a love- ly view to the West, ond flanked by 'ceder hedges Just $2500.00 with easy terms, To inspect coll Keith Lunney. COMMUTER'S DREAM At Cannington -- Just one mile off No. 12 highwoy on poved road and close to new Public and High Schools. A large older home with 7% acres - a good barn and a gravel pit, House on Town water, has 3-pc. bathroom ond hot air furnace, Priced ot $9500.00. To inspect coll Keith Lunney EASY LIVING on @ large well land scoped lot with paved drive way and carport, One large bedroom suite with fire- place in living room for own- er ond a larger two bedroom suite overhead to rent. Easy walking to Oshawe and Tor- onto bus lines for travelling Price at $26,000.00 with $6,000.00 down payment, and easy terms. To inspect cal! Keith Lunney BUNGALOW Lovely three bedroom split level home, with gracious liv- ing-dining room with fire- place and built-in china cup- boards, also two bathrooms and panelled recreation room, Pove driveway - large car- port and attractive lot and number one location, Asking $20,000.00. To inspect call Keith Lunney Duplex twe Residential --~- Acreage -- Trout Streams --- Lots arms Commercial -- Business OPEN TILL 9 P.M. SUTHERLAND AVE. $13,500 Outstanding five room brick bungalow situcted on a pro- fessionaly landscaped fot. This home shows the immo- culate core the owner. has given it | | Ir | j Don't Delay... Call | Ed. Drumm 725-9345 'SCHOFIELD-AKER | HOUSES | COTTAGES GARAGES You Build -- We Build | NO DOWN PAYMENT | Financed Monthly Payments McGILL Real Estate Broker | 728-4285 |OUPLEX on nice lot in northwest eres, |Each apartment has good large rooms. Double garage. Reasonably priced with }good -- terms. Contact Murray Boyle, }723-4270. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. |MAX -- Six-room jow (brick), emi-detached bunga- seven-year-old, half-finished jbasement. Nicely iandscaped, paved driveway, neer school Exceptionally |siean. Price reasonabie, $84 monthly. Terms arranged, CMHA, Ajax 943-1454, We | | GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 1 © THIS HOME is in one of Oshewo's finer subdivisi it GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 | Lorge di bungalow neor schools. hos a centre hall pien, with many modern features for com- forable living. This home is only one r old, and hos been pce one decorated through- out. Living room with SLIDING DOORS leading to bock lawn and railed verandeh area, Hol- lywood kitchen, built in stove and fan, Colored fixtures in a gleaming bathroom. Finished) room in basement ideo! for study or guest room, and re- mainder of bosement divided for proposed recreation room. Yours to see call todoy for on appointment, The price is very) reasonoble. | & Il @ YOUR DREAM HOME -- situated on a SPACIOUS LOT. This is love ot first sight. A lovely garden, fenced in, at- tached gorage and paved drive. Up to the minute kitchen with! large dining area. Stone FIRE- PLACE in living room, dining room has picture window over- looking the city. Sunroom, or den on moin. floor with walk-| out to patie, Recreation room! is finished, laundry room, three; oversized bedrooms with double) closets. In immaculate condi-| tion throughout. Call us to in-| spect and see for yourself the many: extras. i ® i il! @ 6 ROOM BUNGALOW | with carport and paved drive,) all large rooms in excellent con- dition, with all the extras taken| care of, FENCED in yard nicely! landscaped, Aluminum storms) ond screens. This home is well) worth your Inspection. A sub-| stantial down poyment required) and the balance on one, mort-) gage at 5% with monthly pay-| ments of $85.99 including tox-| es, e " IV @ $13,700.00 is the: full asking price for this 6 room) SPLIT LEVEL situated in al quiet residential area, Make on! appointment tonight to see this! home with 3 good sized bed-| rooms ond finished RECREA- TION room, LOOK, even a 6% mortgage ond corries for just $96.50 per month including taxes. Why not make an ap- pointment now to inspect. It's) located close to SCHOOLS in| on area you would love to live, e V-@ WALK OUT OF this fin- ished basement and enjoy large} landscaped lawn, close to pub-| lic and separate schools with bus stop at the door. A 3 bed- room bungalow is a PREFERRED economy buy with o down pay- ment of $2,000. Will move you right in; don't toss a coin, but call us tonight ® Vi @ FOR THE GROWING! FAMILY -- Here is o 4 bed-| room family home and with! many built-in features you have} clways wanted. Large living) room, FAMILY sized kitchen| with loads of cupboards, and 2) bedrooms on the main floor. There are 2 more bedrooms on the second floor making this) © perfect home in o FRIENDLY LOCATION, Close to downtown. The asking price is only $12,- 900. with your offer on down payment. Yes, there is also o RECREATION ROOM. Nicely finished in panelled walls, Well worth your inspection. ° Vil @ THIS 1% STOREY home Is in good condition near OCVI, features 5 rooms, oil heat, pri- vote PAVED DRIVE, large ce- ment block garage. 6% mort- goge which carries for $60.00 per month located in the north east area of the city. | Vill e@ Commercial zoned large lot on Simooe Street next to business section, UNLIMITED opportuni- ties for an $35,000.00 invest- ment. Inquiries invited. bd | IX @ HERE IS A SOLIDLY built} English styled home on Leslie! St, having a living room with a separate dining room, This home is in good condition and excel- lent area, If you appreciate a GARAGE, the owner has also included this. There is o 6% mortgage which carries for only $60.00 per month. The price is just under $12,000, Be sure to call us to Inspect this one. X @ A HOME DISTINCTIVELY modern in every way, ond in a delightful neighbourhood for the children, Only steps away from | end bus service. Lovely lot, HEDGED ond well londscaped. 3 generous sized bedrooms with double closets, large modern kitchen with dining area, Par- tially finished recreation room. Coll now for all the details ond moke your appointment to in- spect. e Xill ¢ DOWNTOWN, 6 room bungalow, corner of Richmond and Ontario Sts, New forced air gos furnoce, immediate pos- session. | a XIV @ CHANGING fortunes force me to immediately dispose of my storey and a half home in @ quiet NORTH EAST resi- dential section, My wife has appreciated her 14 x 11 kitch- tn and the broadicom in halls and stairs. | am proud of my PAVED DRIVEWAY, oil heot and well kept garden. I'm only} asking $3,500.00 down, but! call Guide Realty Limited for! more information. | @ XV e@ EXCELLENT BUSINESS) opportunity located on Ritson) Rd. S. Grocery and Voriety store with attached 7 ROOM LIVING quorters. 15 year old building in excellent condition, Good in- vestment with good prospect. Call our office today for furth- er particulars. e Call 723-1121 for full particu-} lors. Open daily from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. After hours call Edith Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454) Leon Manitius 728-2754) Ethel Love 668-2402) Emest Mueller 728-0208) Steve Englert 728-5581) Jean Peacock 725-4330 Walter Mittler 728-7083 George Nymeyer 728-4241) Lloyd Corson 723-2537) Lucas Peacock 725-4330) Dick Young 723-7183) Doug Trivett 723-7390 Arranging of Mortgages is port .of our comprehensive Reob) Estate Service at Guide Realty Limited. | We list Exclusive ond Photo M.L.S. Member of 0.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS, CAPITALIZE on this! -- Oshawo's First GARDEN HOMES: New Concept For Family Living Two and Three Bedroom Homes Individual Patios Full basement Rumpus room Refrig. - Stove - Dryer Rents from $120.00 per month $e convenient to schools and shopping. LOCATION-- Farewell and Poplar Sts 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele HEBER DOWN CRESCENT Rental Office at site Open 2.00 to 5:30 daily Closed Sunday H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1679 OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE | CONSULT A MEMBER | OF THE REAL ESTATE BOARD public and high SCHOOL. 3 larger thon average bedrooms with shining . hardwood floors. The large size living room hos a valance box, the' bothroom has gleaming coloured fixtures and tile, The kitchen has many extras you always wonted, like o BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVEN and fan, coppertone sink splash, in kitchen, There is also a good size dining area. The basement is divided into WORK SHOP, -hobby room, _ laundry area and fruit cellar, This is a good sized lot, Theer is also o gorage. Don't wait, call us for) information, This one is priced) right on Hillcroft St e Xi @ A LITTLE WAIT MAY BE} TOO LATE -- 3 bedroom, well maintained 14 storey brick, with 22 ft. living room, dining area. Kitchen and sunroom. Oil heating. Large garage ond pav- ed drive situated in the pc lar area. of CHRISTIE ST. mow for porticulars end to in- apect. 11 SUITE APARTMENTS $15,000 DOWN 6% FIRST MORTGAGE Location off Park Rd, North, fully leased. For more in- formation call Bill Millar 725- 1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. _ $6900 FULL PRICE for this four-room bungalow. Centrally located on lovely lot north of King Street. Ideal for retired couple or starter home. $600 down. . Term for balance, Why pay rent? immediate posses: sion, W, O, Martin Realtor 728-5103, FIVE-ROOM brick house for rent or sale, $85 monthly. Immediate possession, Gar- age, Telephone 725-6797, | pt RE ROIS OSHAWA and DISTRICT | | | Call; 20--Real Estate for Sale | (Continued on Poge 16) BOWMAN & GIBSON REALTORS and INSURANCE 145 Brock St. S., Whitby Telephone 668-5823 PEARL AND MILL ST. | JAMES AND QUEEN STS. Brooklin, 2 lots 824 ft, x 2 jots 90 ft. x1 I 265 fit in depth with trout phat, wire ames Stream passing through reor LIST PRICE $3,500. of lots. Ideal location for walkout basement home, Fully 4 lots 70 ff, x 190 ft. Fully serviced, Paved road. "IST PRICE $4,000 be em LIST PRICE $3,100 CHURCHILL AVE Whitby Township 75 ft. x Fully serviced lot. 200 ft, level lot in good area, LIST PRICE $2,750 LIST PRICE $2,300 APARTMENT SITE DUNDAS St. W. -WHITBY 28 SUITE FULLY SERVICED OPEN TO OFFERS WHITBY ANDERSON STREET WALTON BLVD. Beautiful 3 bedroom home Five room brick bungalow, 3 with redwood siding, fire- bedrooms, 4 piece tile beth. place, 5 piece both, also 2 Completed recreation rooms piece both in bosement. Clos- 34 ft. x 10 ft. Lorge tote 50 ed in potio, attached gorage. ft. x 150 ft, Plenty ef shrub, Brooklin 75 ft. x 110 ft. Double windows, Ph pesos and bus service. m a] it or ear oh repay bys OPEN TO OFFERS ated on acre of lond. BUNGALOW OPEN TO Asta Three come Pass 'ilies $1,500 : tile . Large rooms Four bedrooms. 2 storey insul Hollywood sayin a F P brick home In excellent re- tion room, Asphalt drive. pair, Large landscaped fot. og ae wd Wal tot Paved drive and garage. 50 ft, x ft. Well. LIST PRICE $12,500 LIST PRICE $15,500 COCHRANE STREET ATHOL ST. Three bedroom bungalow. 4 piece tiled bath, Living room Three spacious bedrooms, 4- with fireplace, dining room. piece tile bath. Family room Large kitchen. Recreation 20 ft. x 20 ft. Double gor- lot room 36 ft. x 12 ft, Laundry e. Large londveaped dry room, attached garage. 985 ft. x 136 ft, Close te shopping and schools, at fot 81 ft. x 6 ft. OPEN TO OFFERS OPEN TO OFFERS FIVE-PLEX $8,000 DOWN Four 2-bedroom apartments, one I-bedroom epartment. Storage cold and laundry room In basement. Laundry room equipped with automatic washer and dryer, Close to shopping and schools. Profit $3,454 per year LIST PRICE $40,500 BAY RIDGES . $2,100 DOWN. NEW SIX ROOM BUNGALOW with Kingstons Stone front. Built-range ond oven. Three bedrooms. Full length mirror in master bedroom. Four piece ceramie tile bathroom with built-in vanity, Partiel recreation room. Many other extras, LIST PRICE $15,400 BROOKLIN CENTRE STREET HEBER DOWN In quiet residential oree, 4 CRESCENT room bungalow pg garage. on spacious lot it, x ft. Large garden orea. Fully bi con, Se ee landscaped, Full grown shade Large living 14 ft. OPEN TO OFFERS 24 ft. with stipled celing ond Seven room, 2-storey home, < dining area, 3 bedrooms with double closets, 4 piece both. NEW Built-in vanity, kit Three bedroom bungalow chen cupboards of solid medallion electrical heating, Individual room thermostatic control. 4 and 3 piece bath. Built-in vanity. Mahogony kitchen cupboards. Vented hood in kitchen. Patio, Ex- terior lighting, T.V. aerial, Double aluminum windows and screens, Completed re- creation room 25 ft, x 12 ft, Total of 1,525 ft. of floor space, Plus many extras too many x OPEN TO "OPEN TO OFFERS _ OFFERS FARMS PORT PERRY One hundred acres, ninety-seven workable acres, Benked barn 36 ft. x 80 ft., hog pen, hen house, eight room brick home with hydro Forced air oil heating. Pressure water system in house, Attached gorage, This is an excellent land for farming. LIST PRICE $30,000 MANCHESTER | MYRTLE 100 acres, 97 workable | NO. 12 HIGHWAY Bonked barn 36 ft. x 80 ft. 57 acre farm on Highwoy, | birch, hooded exhaust fon, Two recreation rooms (12 ft. x 24 ft, and 12 ft. x 25 ft. Double windows and screens. This home has more thon Pitt ft. of = noe ttached garage. Large scoped lot 308 . x 130 ft. Home of all homes ot a very reasonable price. Hog pen, hen house, imple- Hip roof barn with water and ment shed. Eight room brick electricity. Hen house, Large house with attached garage. block garage. Pond. Twe Forced air oi! heating. Pres- wells, Eight room brick house. sure water system. Ideal horse Three piece bathroom New farm. oil furnace, LIST PRICE $30,000 LIST PRICE $39,000 WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER LOTS, HOMES, os aga HOUSES AND FARMS TO See Us In Person Or Telephone Tonight TED COATES TIM VIPOND 655-4737 668-8562 MRS. LEE BILL LUNDMARK 668-4949 | 668-5497, . ' gas llr