Xs THE OSHAWA TIMES, - Monday, April 26,1968 49 ' BRIDGE ; ff By B. JAY BECKER WELL, IS THAT DAYLIGHT SAVING ~ OR STANDARD?, "THEN YOU'LL HAVE 'TO SUBTI sore] (Top individ: sate, Ton, TOG, Wal vhs FAMOUS 'HANDS ; East dealer. ' North-South vulnerable. JULIET JONES 1 King Feareree Syn ti- 'STANTS ARE PLEASED BOWELL BECAUSE OF Hi6 STRONG ii ANTI- CATHOLIC VIEW.» 1 REMIND 'YOU Pn A Os ieee parts ONLY SECOND £ 510968 De h } AQOT6S ? E8542 OF THE ORANGE ORDER « THE GIANTS Opening lead--seven of hearts. j The biggest swing of the 144- | board match between Great 6 ¢ Britain and the United States oF "ES RELOAD AND FiRt j in 1962 occurred in this 'hand, ge ' ) No, 44, The bidding went as shown when Charles Coon and Eric Murray held the North-South cards for the American team. The grand slam contract they es reached was moderately accept- able, since the outcome de- pended largely on whether East or West had the king of spades, With West having the king, Murray had to go down one for a score of minus 100 points. Had the East-West cards been reversed, Murray would have made the grand slam and scored a plus of 2,210 points. Under the scoring methods in- use--international match points --the contract was an inferior ' e one, though it was not hopeless. a It was likely to be defeated ' more often than not, and on ig this basis a small slam would * if have been a more acceptable if contract. if The British North-South pair, ia Gardener and Rose, bid the hand as follows: OH, BROTHER- IND KNOW WY OF-CH/ DONT RUSH IT! &I I CAN STILL YOURE SORE WS THIS WHOLE ISLAND Is PEEL THAT OLO | CALBE NOBODY |p DOING HANPSTANDS!! ROCKING / YESSIR- TUB HAS COME | ote AND ROLLING 3 y PLEASE DO. AND DON'T COME BACK WHEN I LEAVE TH ISLANP ILL 60 BY [ Sond FOREVER. youD0 "\ DOWNTD ffl tag LOOK KINDA ) MEET US~ JAXX o THE LONE RANGER oe REVEILLE, AS OUR OFFICIAL WAKER-LPPER, Z THINK YOU PEBERVE A ty received his trophy, and for the smuggled is THis Io tr! PULL RIGHT UP / AT LUXURY ISLE, MR. VAN WINTER / LIKE 10 SEE THEM © © King Features Sp ficnte. tne. 1065. Wesld sights reservol. SECRET AGENT X93 Well, it's the same with pneu-jof the several varieties of pneu- monitis, which means inflammation of lung, or lungs. specifically}monia, The safe course, then, thelis rest plus some further tests. would be of no consequence to someone else Some people have nervous King at Simcoe Sts, PARKING OFF ATHOL Does pneumonitis recur? Not|stomachs. Some have sensitive|which may invite cter oe special attention to the lungs and \to any factor (including fatigue, frequent colds, faulty nutrition) e " gouth West orth . Pass 16 Pass 2 : | Pass 49 Pass TELEVISION LOG we $$ om oe aes eet swan Bae eae ter tomerree | |? The one baffling bid io is ' ae wits vata if sequence was South's lea! ' a 10 Musical Shy 3--Noonday Report Y ee Ehenet Savini | Sis Baca i es gg Channel 7--Buffalo | 19-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; 4--Guiding Light Uy what was apparently a Black- a Shenesl Stee | wee. 1:00 P.M. wood bid. Whatever its mean-; dl Channel T--Hamitton |. N18 rm 11--Four Just Men Ir i ing, and however North inter- s--Metro. Final ¥-December. Bride preted it, the British pair man- ; MONDAY EVENING 11:20 P.M. 7--Afternoon Show aged to stop at six, which was 4 5:00 P.M, 7-4--Late Show S-Movie Matinee as high as they belonged, look. i ; --F Th *| Sorive O'clock Matinee pay eR taehp --Mike Douglas Show ing at only the North-Sou : php |11--Travellers Preview 1:30 PM. cards. , 6--World of Nature be baries "e tatines They scored 1,430 points on a 2~Movie |}--Mid Day ey : 2--Lioyd Thaxton ypu isi ong Show | S-Milllonaire : the deal to bring the British a 510 PM. | @-As The Wertd Turne { net gain of 1,580 points on the | Sohenve |p Te Beaver) TUMSDAY 2:00 P.M. deal (19 IMPs). With the East sic 6:00 A.M. 6:00 PA, 11--Schnitzel_ House open rhe Wind and West hands interchanged, | 4 7--News Central oe ee | are the British team would have' 7 6--Generation | 6:30 A.M. a--Moment of Truth f] FORGOT TO GIVE lost. 750 points on the deal (13. . ee beh with | 9--News: Miss Helen 2:30 P.M. i HIM A CHRISTMAS IMPs). Fi a--Today, 1965 | 9:00 A.M. 9--Four of A Kind The location of one card made R R €-2--The Doctors ' i hg eto Jobisting For Douglas | 7-Day. In Cour? f an enormous difference on the" = 1--Family Theatre Giri Tal é--Loretta Young hand, but it had no bearing on Movie 4--Mike's Carnival 4--House Party ry out of the match, * 9-43 News, Weather | 2--Mickey Mouse Club | $--Super Bingo ae f the outcome . Sports i i which the United States eventu- ' | 6-2--Huntley-Brinkley iona, A Sane 3:00 P.M. 0) ally won. " ° 1~cheyenne 'musteal_ interiude eee hon ag we Z i 6--Across Canada or or' iT ' rae rm | Sates sow | gStaea, emty | | SALLY'S SALLIES =: 1--Rawhide 10:00 A.M. 4--To Teli The fruth WI : 9--The Addams Family : i $-2--Movie 11--Super Bingo 3:30 P.M. 5 HARELSON é--News, Weather, Sports| 9--Playtime With Bobby 1) _eunny Program INSURANCE, NOW TLL JUSTGET | | AN' THROW ITION THE HOOF Garepo IS STILL MILES BEHIND... | S--Phil, Silvers Show #o=Truin or 9--It's Your Move MB SOME WATER...| h_ "TRACKS IN THE SAND, "Taan | ¢s-Conadian Schools | $#,You Dons Say SIGN READS THAT HE HAS TAKEN 1:30 P.M | 4---News Toe eee Marriede 'TO THE WATER, WHICH WAY? ocitie ule shew 10:90 A.M. 4--Edge of Night : UPSTREAM....OR, DOWNSTREAM 2 = te wottom --|11--Father Knows : = PES gee ba cwhat he kee aioetiasee oe 5 is ni 6-3--Don aener's Jubilee | J aTrallmaster ne 1i--Dennis The Menace CROSSWORD x, 4-To Tell the Truth 63--Across Canada 9%--Mickey Mouse Ciub j Movie \"e=i Love Lucy SThe Match Gome ; 5:00 PM, 11:00 A.M, 4acAs The World Turns ACROSS 64.Terrapm 22. Mile: IARTSTOMICTRIOISTS| T1<-Unioucheblen \\i--Albert J. Steed 4S ae Storm 'oi 1. Back of leg DOWN naut, noane RIUIRIATL } Ba ee ng Wook "| Speen eneriotte |2---Rocky and His Friends 6. Radiate 1. Traverse 25, Teu- A A 4-I've Got A Secret leacrriendty Giant Yoo! "Nar we 9.-----Gables, 3. Fortify tonic s 230 P.M. 4--Andy of Mayberry | 9--Sea Hunt Fie. 8. Folds over char- Be aa BIAISILIN 9---I1's_Your Move ina a Boro -- Popeye 10.Mapbook 4, Advertising acter «= FT PROOMMEIPIAI 7--No Time for '. mdi 7--The Early Show 12, Having an handbill 27.To "a BIBI) NS ss Sergeants %--Does Mother Know |63--Razzie Dazzle BF boat iow aoall SSO S| 4-Andy Griffith show Best <The 4.30 uneven 'erry WEE MMU LMM OMWElS 3--Have Gun Will Travel |&3--Chez Helene 2-Woody Suffix shorn ERAS et *1:00 P.M. 11:30 AM. TUESDAY EVE. 18. Variety with do, go, 29. Arch cis Bate l--Twelve O'clock High | 9--Toronto Today 5:00 P.M. chalcedony pepe! 81. Poly- IKIE VIE IDIEBIATSIE ID} Resarch ial 2m | Loc peygry UA Family, Theatre 14.Gold: Her, 7.Helm nesian: «= Saturdsy's AV 7---The Lena Horse Show | 63 Butternut § 9--Five O'Clock Matinee | 15, Clique position N.Z. 62-Danger | Man (tan wee Acne pon bit aie 17,.Oneofthe 8.Prodigy _-- $2, Instill 42. Clenched COLBORNE ; The Lucy Show 1:00 NOON f--Lloyd Thaxton Gabors 9. A specialty 33. Damp hand CETERIA 4 stoke' chance | S2-Cell. My. Blutt oe Pe 18. Function of 26 85. Rented 4. Edge of a GRO | J=Don Reed ~Leave It To Beaver , we eee | é-Elwood Glover ea le " a 11. Srer fresh ban a ar ory . Colborne St. at Church St. i=] | 4-News and Weather | 3-Aquanauts "2 . "4 28 6341 i = coun tan chee | 3-Popeye and Pale | ia ok 23, Overhead ae $0, Reitiey += 7 - $B 12:15. P.M. 7--News Centrai train 3 Ds Sa cAitred. Mitcheock 4--dpeaker of the House | scoinigen's Island 24, Rip 19. Merit frill for 60. Abounding OPEN == 7--Ben Casey 12:30 P. | 4--News, Sports with 26, Yankee 21, Feline the neck in ore ¢3=The | Sixties | got vo, Luey | 4 Ciyck Weay ballplayer DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. 4--CBS Reports 7 e' Today, ae - 28. Polish VZA' |* |* ar ea Seven Days o Week = 30. Besid VA $1, Small > 710 " ries @ Fresh Fruits YOUR HEALTH sma Sect Unt . Za " FREE DELIVERY $4, Unit of LZ R s Lung Ailments 7/77 oT. GRANDMA'S ON HER | | SHE'S GIVING IN WHAT... 87. Indefinite re] ar Te 3 ID TO THE SENIOR SOME OF THE CROCHETING P.. article CITIZENS' CLUB LADIES THERE KNITTING P Have Many Forms 88, Jar 4 6 27 Oshawa's Finest INSTRUCTIONS ' 40, Evening eee a . rs By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, uD It you have pneumonia, or| Sun.god! Wi Nightly Entertainment Dear Dr. Molner: My husband): nerculosis, or several other] 41, awa y cy 7 3 pale Sal = was hospitalized for 20 days| th ill be in-| 43.Vat with what the doctor diagnosed|!ung ailments, there will be 45. Sloth a7 YU 5 ie as pneumonitis, an infection in flammation, Or sometimes it is 46. Ancient Y, both lungs. |just a transient virus which. in- attractions 4\ Az Ay 4s Is this related to tuberculosis? |flames the respiratory surfaces,| 48. Hybridiza- ra < 5 oon o Some of the tests pointed thatland all that is required is some way. X-rays were taken about/rest until normal physical de- 51, An edition bo LOUNGE ac7 ene twice a week to note the pro-|fenses drive off the virus - pind ae Y & kuun- | |gress of the jung cells. lthe case is cured | T : Our doctor prescribed bed) Pneumonitis frequently one fo ape align , Y @ Fully Licensed @ rest, quietness and no exertion. /UP quickly and easily with a few! m m é Will you please describe this\days in bed and some antibi- ee <a disease in detail? Does it cue -- ad ---- necessary. Some particularjskins which are annoyed by T i+ ally recur?--Mrs, J. G, . |infections which may try to in- serps Pt . 3 Pneumonitis is a frequent ail- vade after a virus has inflamed!germ may come along once in/many irritants. Some have-- ++ ¥ ment, but it isn't just one dis-|the tissues a lifetime, inflame the lungs, be|well, why try to make a list of ease, any more than a sore to€/\CQURSE IS REST conquered, and that's that. Or,|the various portions of our anat- = is always a single ailment. What) [py other cases, one cannotito go to the other extreme, the/omy which may be vulnerable? ails the toe? Gout, a corn, sOMEe-|he immediately certain as to|lungs of a particular patient) But I think this explanation of = body stepped on it, a fungus in-|whether the inflammation is almay be especially vulnerable to|pneumonitis can be very help- fection (athlete's foot), arthritis,/sign of some deeper trouble--jany sort of trouble, and pneu-|ful. Don't push the panic button a bunion, plantar wart, sprain,/sych as, for example, tubercu-lmonitis may occur repeatedly,|because of the diagnosis. But if en Ya. 0 e or .what? Hlosis, silicosis, a tumor, or one|touched aff. by attacks whichjthe case is prolonged, then pay