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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1965, p. 6

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--d por 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 26, 1965 during the sixth inning of the game between Houston Astros and Pittsburgh Pir- ates, yesterday afternoon at Houston. Pirate right fielder An unidentified baseball fan covers her face as she is carried to the first aid station on a stretcher, after she was hit by a line-drive, 10-PIN ACTION Jewell's Capture GM League Title Jewell's Men's Wear are the|Duffy's gained the consolation 1965 champions of the GM Ten-|laurels for 1965. Pin League. Our congratulations to two It was a thrilling win for the/fine clubs, perhaps a little late, "Jewels," who made a greatidue to the tardy arrival of the comeback, after trailing by as|/Easter mail, but we're sure, much as 138 pins, with onlyjaccepted after a revival of two games left in the title roll-jpleasant memories, at Friday's off. It was a team effort all/fancy banquet. the way, with all of the lads) "Ozzie" Weeks had a big contributing to the big win and'night to remember with a 596 with Jim Vinson comingjtriple, plus a 232 single through brilliantly in the final) Rich Forster and Harold Bab- two games when it reallyjcock were close on his heels, counted, iwith a 593 and 592 respectively Congratulations to Bob Jones,|while John Webster had 584, Glen Copp, Tony Lupel, and|Murray Thompson 580 (201, Jim for a clutch performance,|212); Stan Reid 555, Hugh with yours truly, Tom Kraw-|Boyd 552 (223); Keith Me- chuk, happy to be one of the|/Gregor 526 (228); Werner Hub- big team. Our condolences to|ner 525, Jack Gorin 524, Ron the Flintstones and Corvairs,|Leonard 522, Dan Thomson who. gave it the 'big try' and|520, Glen Copp 517, Jim Lamont made our victory that much|508, John Bowers 507, Don sweeter, Richmond 506 (202); Bob Jones Minute Men, with Alex Ross/506, Jack Sanders 504 (201); firing a 632 triple, took the|Jim Zambonelli 500 and Horst consolation laurels and will be/Sommer 500, heard from come next season. For the ladies, Glenda Thom- Our thanks to all for theirjson was tops with 542 followed co-operation throughout the/by Marion Leonard 484, Barb year, making our job so much|Kirkham 471, June Pettit 470, easier, We hope you continue|Joann McKay 455, Alice Lan- along the same lines next sea-jning 450, Twila Wilson 446, Ona son with your new executive:|Zambonelli 443, Marg Brown Alex Ross, president; George|441, Marianne Yakimishen 434, Turner, vice-president; George/Ede Ryan 428, Jean Hutcheon Waite, treasurer and George|426, Leona Jones 425, Bev Wind, secretary. {Doran 425, Lillian Taylor 421, Be seeing you! |Noreen Richmond 413, Sheilla MIXED TEN-PIN LEAGUE |Weeks 413, Lorraine Dalby 404 A very successful season forjand Betty Thomson 404, the Oshawa Mixed Ten-Pin| Thanks for the most gracious League came to an end withlinvitation and we hope you Gillard's Cleaners copping the|have another banner season, championship honors, while FORT ERIE RESULTS FIRST RACE Purse $2,200 Maiden. 6Woodcote Park, Parsons $.60 4.00 Two-year-olds, Foaled in Canada 4'2 7-Skip Over, Leblanc 1% Furlongs (4) Also Ran in Order; A-Sky Spark, Sar Mr. Mascot, Fitzsimmons 5.40 3.40 2.50 osu, Mediand St., Poppy Talk, Argo $Count Fox, Walsh 6,00 3.30|/ Bound and A-Navarro 2-Big Jive, Dittfach 3.00 A'S. M. Pauison and J. B. Azanzta entry Also Ran in Order: Nearcostar, Valley Winner, ch gq, 5, % Primate -- Can't Tell, Royal and Busher Jacson by Ky. Colonel, Pool $00,589, Winner, dk b or br ¢, 2, by Mr. Music -- Cool Girl, by EB! Drag. SEVENTH Purse $7 Pool $35,728. Dally Double Pool 872,466 RACE Buren, 62,000 added Bold Venture Stakes ~~ Hdep' Four: year-olds and Op. 6 Furlongs (7) SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,900 Claim: |sLebon ML, Fites' ing ug and four-vearolds. 6 Fur-' 7.President "ih, Genee vas tf 4 tongs (7) 2Royal Piper, Potts 5.10 7-Damen, Maxweil #60400 3.10 Also Ran in Order: King Gorm, Ouzo, SRoval Poppet, Turcotte 3.60 2.90 Uncle Blue and Albion Star DMerit Rippey, Leblanc 3.40 Winner, bg, 6, by Cote D'Or tnd -. Also Ran in Order: French Twist, Die > sel Fleet, Comby and Water Duck yy Le Pacha, Pool $97,783, DAILY DOUBLE Mr Mascot (1) and Leaupartie, BIGHTH RACE Purse $1,900 Claim- men (7) P. Ca () PAID 336.0 ing Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furlongs (7) Winner, dk ©» or br g. 4, by Menetrier-- | 1 Ansman, Armstroni 7.70 4.60 3.70 Abbey MIN Dam, by Bull Brier, Pool $48,990. £Our Interview, ae bed Sa tae es THIRD RACH -- Purse $1,900. Caliming| Atte Roc In Order Power Factor, Ran Mile (Pace) for four-year-olds and | up NEW three and four-vear-olds, 62 Furlonas (7) Rah, Hidden Hope and Ninth Wave, Purse $4410 (4), 7-Prilynn, Ditttach 10.30 4.70 2.70 Winner, dk b or Dr g, 4, by Bygone Star-- Serge Volo, Findley 11,10 2.70 2.10 $-Chiet Whitefoot, Sorenson 5.20 3.00 Loisan, by Gilded Knight, Poo! $74a1s, Sonny Creed, Galbraith a0 3) ADMIRAL &Scotty K., Harrison 2,80 Tota! Poo! $647,180. Attendance 11,780. Beverly Dillard, Fil 4.10 Also Ran in Order; Well Oiled. Seiec- Total Mutel Pool, 16 days, $6,417,710. Alse Started: The Neb, TELEVISION tim, Devil Lecom and Caliaround, Late Total Attendance, 16 days, 109,497 QUINGLLA, 9 AND % PAID $19.9 Serate abrue Bee ec or icenas & me byes, SEVENTH RACE -- ? Furlongs (Pace) --et-- ay wer Ate for three-year-olds and up, Purse $600 (R) by War Oi Vernon's Star, Hawke 3.50 2.80 2.70 Sets Canadian FOURTH RACE Purse $1,900 Claim ing three and four-yearolds, #9 Fur . ae 10-Pin Record Can So, Nedeau 1890 8.10 S70 een 419 510 in necor DAdvance Glass. Muir $40 " Also Ran in Order: Merry Saraque, WATERLOO = (¢ P)--A Cana viet ster Vertex Ruler, Serges Nob dian tenpin record was set here! - ry jarmony Grits Winner, bf. 5, wy Nasco -- Post Mistress, Sunday when Lou Matassa of by On Trust. Pool $77,779. Windsor, Ont., posted an 806 triple in the semi-final. round of FIFTH RACE Purse $2,600 All . sla tcod. f hwuae a the Canadian all-star tenpin SSingle G., Dittfach 5% 3.50280 bowling tournament SSolar Glass, Muir 330270 &Scadadie, - Fitzsimmons 30 Also Ran in Order: Gay Bride, Reet wait and First Fashion Officials said the 806 figure is a record but they could not' re- QUINELLA Single G. and Solar Glass ; PAID $16.00 : mer record Pool $42.888. Quinella Pool "iyo Matassa won first prize of 300 eT 918 5 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,200 Claim $3 He averaged 218 for 13 ing Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furiongs (9) 84Mes, In second spot at 217) 4-Nakina, Fitzsimmons 22.00 9.50 5.40 WEEKEND STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pitching Mel Stottlemyre, Yankees, pitched a. three-hitter for his second victory against one defeat as New York edged Les Angeles Angels 1-0 and wrapped up a doubleheader vic- tory Sunday was Jim Brace of Scarborough, Ont. Brace won $125 Scarborough, who won $80 There were 45 entries in the two-day tournament COLOMBIAN WINS BOUT BARRANQUILLA, Colombia (AP). -- Colombian bantam- weight champion Bernardo Car aballo, fourth in world boxing Ratting--Ron Swoboda, Mets, ranking, gained a split decision doubled in one run, then drove'over Ronpie Jones of Chicago in two more with a homer, lead-|in a 10-round bout Saturday! ing New York to a 4-3 triumphinight. It was Caraballo's first and a split of their double-'fight since he was knocked out header with San Francisco Gi. by Eder Joffre of Brazit in| ants, (Bogota last November, BASEBALL VICTIM NOT ON LOSING TEAM call the exact figure of the for-! Third was Bob Moore, also of! = Balmy Beach Srs. Blank Vikings The Oshawa Vikings openediby Williams and singles by their spring series of Exhibition/Baker and MeConvey, rugger games Saturday after-- McConvey got his second try noon, at Lakeview Park, andjin the second half and Quance absorbed a 23-0 defeat, at the|completed the scoring, hands of Toronto Balmy Beach.) Vikings will travel to Bramp- The Beach team, which plays ton for a match, this Saturday in the Ontario Rugger Seniorjafternoon, League, showed their class in| The Vikings' executive were all departments in outclassing|pleased with the turnout Satur- the less-experienced Vikingx,|day, S80 many players wished to who play in the Ontario Inter-|play that the "no substitution' mediate group, rule had to be relaxed, to allow The Beach team will be tour-jthe overflow to get a game, ing Britain, later in the year) VIKING NOTES: Despite the and have been in serious train-|one-sided score, the Viking ing for several weeks, serum held its own with Captain Tom Olinyk of thejAru, Joe Kolodzie, Bruce Mc-; Oshawa Vikings, although dis-|Arthur, Eric Neilsen and hay appointed at the result, felt that|Sheperd the standous . the game was a good lesson for|Ron McKnight had a couple of the Vikings and said that com-|good runs The Vikings petition with Senior Clubs, such|missed their. line-out leader, as the Beaches, would help thejtall Garney Gunn, who is pres- Vikings in their bid for an In-lently at GMI at Flint, Michi- termediate Championship, when/gan, but he will be back for the regular league season som-|the Fall season . . , Newcomer mences in the Fall. Jim Lunt was also a standout Vikings had newcomers Bryanjfor the Vikings and his exper- Hall and Ed Aru, late of Osh-'ience should help mould the awa Hawkeyes, in the line-up Wackfield into a good unit, . and they performed creditably.|Bill Lockwood, the club pfesi- With some more experience,\dent, has called a workout for they will be definite assets tothe team, for Wednesday at the the team. lake The Balmy Beach Beaches took advantage of the team was loud in ith praise for hill and the wind, to run up/the facilities at The Boys' Club; a 17-point lead in the opening|where the teams showered after half on a pair of touchdowns'the game, SOFTBALL PLANS City-District To Have Doubleheader Schedule The City and District Associa- tion will commence their sched- ule on May 25 and conclude on July 31, with: playoffs to com- mence immediately, in August. Oshawa Tony's will again be entered in the Toronto Beaches Fastball League, with the team Roberto Clemente slashed a foul, line-shot, that just cleared the Pirates' dugout, along the third baseline, and the ball felled the feminine --AP Wirephoto | fan, Oshawa Tykes Lose In Final At a meeting of the Oshawa Oshawa's NHL Tyke All-Stars|City and District Softball Asso- didn't quite pull off one of thejciation, held on Sunday, the season's major hockey upsets,|executive and team represen- but they did cover themselves|tatives put the finishing touches with glory when they advanced|on their organizationa! plans for |to the final round, in the annual|the coming season, with every Toronto Tyke Tournament,|indication that this will be one lwhich concluded on Saturday, |of the busiest in the associa-jalso entered in OASA_ Senior | The Oshawa youngsters from|tion's long history. |*A"' playdowns, Tony's will play the Neighborhood Association! A four-team Juvenile League their home schedule games, as League, lost out in the finaljseems assured and Presidentjusual, on Wednesday nights at game, 3-1, to Port Credit, on|Bruce McArthur announced that)Alexandra Park, me eonho fey ae oy reeuet Loree af rs Rossi They will also play four games: n the semi-final round, Satur-|day night sessions exes : oe day morning, Monty Harman|dra Park's floodlight diamond against teams from the Oshawa scored the only goal of the game|will be doubleheader attrac-|( ity and District Major League, to give Oshawa a 1-0 decision|tions, with the Juvenile Teague|dates which should create a tot over Georgetown, in a hard-\teams appearing in. the firstig¢ interest locally, since most of fought tussle. |game each night bonnie ca st In the final game, pawl Genosha Aces, Port Perry and the Tony's team are themselves graduates' from the Oshawa terson of Guelph, president of 76th annual meeting here Sat- Green Gaels Readying For | Title Defense Oshawa Green Gaels, defend- ing Canadian Junior Lacrosse| Champions, had three stiff work- outs over the weekend and the team is fast rounding into ishape, for what they feel will be a fine season, The team is catching the in- terest of local fans with the transfer of the games from the Children's Arena, to the Civic Auditorium. The executive has announced that close to 200 sea- son's tickets have been sold al- TF ase : -- _ hoe ne mr set for May 17 at the Auditor- MATT LEYDEN jum, against St. Catharines, Oshawa Man Pye Mi ag Pg Heads OHA team at the Civic Auditorium TORONTO (CP)--C. G, Dat- next Sunday afternoon, in an texhibition contest and the fol- lowing weekend, will travel to' Cornwall for two contests, Manager coach Jim Bishop is having his troubles, the kind any coach would like' to have, in the Junior circuit, Though he has a couple of forward lines set for the opener, he has to urday, jdecide on four players from a Mr, Patterson, concluding aj8up of nine, to round out te two-year term as association squad president and 11 years on the the Ontario Hockey Association, predicted an 'excellent' future for junior hockey in Ontario, in his address to the association's Whitby Steelers Win First Start Whitby Lasco 'Steelers'") Lotten made their first start of ----_ Sadowski ruled firmly in Junior "B' lacrosse season -a winning one, when they de- feated Toronto Mohawks 8-5, yesterday afternoon at Whitby Arena, in an impressive debut, before an interested crowd of over 300 fans, Rookie coach Jim Hinkson,| former Green Gaels star, had 28 hopefuls in uniform and he gave them all a chance to show their wares, in his quest for a final team roster. Mike Lewis was the big gun of the exhibition game, scoring three goals while Ron Sutton was next in line with a pair. Ken Howard, Gary Davie and Tommy Vann each added a singleton, Toronto Kast York Mohawks, who haven't enjoyed as much practice time as their Whitby rivals, put on a good show also, under coach Ken Lotten and indicated that they'll be tough opposition, by the time the schedule opens, two weeks from now. R.- Green scored twice for Mohawks with Mor- Referees Glen and ° the early stages, as the check- ing started out in rugged fash- ion, Whithy grabbed a 4-1 lead in the first period but after that, the visitors held their own, with two goals apiece, in each of the next two frames, Coach Jim Hinkson and man- ager Frank Wilbur have call- ed for the 'Steelers' to hold practice sessions this Wednes- day evening, at 6.30 o'clock and again on Saturday morning, at nine o'clock, at Whitby Arena, TORONTO MOHAWKS goal, Beamish; K, Green, Cook, Morris, Clark, Murphy, James, R. Green, Liscomb, Manders, Marks, Cummings, Cole, Hill- driff, Baker, Wilinson, Tuck and Summerville, WHITBY STEELERS -- goal, Bremner; Howard, Gutsole, Werry, Davidson, Pardington, Vipond, Lewis, Mantle, Sand- ford, Johnston, Gresham, Kay, DeGazzio, R. Sutton, Abbott, Haight, Vann, Powlenzuk, D. Sutton, Keenan, Young, Felix, ris, Murphy and Hilldriff each|Krashaj, Norton, Gray, Davie getting one goal, land Tullock, intone _~-- ; The nine players are Joe Ki- ° . * : s executive, expressed the execu-\wior, Larry Lloyd, Joe Kras- Bias Victim, Juvenile - Junior tive's concern over the falling-\nay, Charlie Marlowe, Brian off in the numbers of entries in|Brady, Dave Houston, Fred) intermediate A, B and C cate-| Greenwood, Ken Howard and) gories, iLarry Haight, Kiwior, Houston) He announced that a specialland Brady have all seen action, meeting will be held this fall with the Gaels, while the bal- "to endeavor to increase the,ance are all products of the number of entries and organize|Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Associa-| new clubs," ition, Fourteen amendments to the) Gaylord Powless will centre a association's regulations andiiine with Ross Jones and Neil constitution were carried, two|Armstrong on the wings; John defeated and one withdrawn. |payis, the player who holds the Among the amendments dealt) Junior scoring record, will prob- with was the interpretation ofjably have the Thompsons (Ken!Albe the association's emergency|and Brian) on the wings, in fund and the establishment of another threesome. the regulations governing it. | Ij Mae age > sh y.|. Jim Higgs, Phil Clayton and Vide cet oned' embers, win WEN, Davies arrived at the 5 rkouts, after successful sea- cash assistance for loss due to) VOrsours hed : injury incurred during games| °ons playing. hockey at Hunts- and travel | ville dre gic oy Mt ae ai ae tive will meet with BE olod- a nrengurer Frank Buckland! ie and the Oshawa Minor La: $11 500 : crosse Association, to complete +o in as ' plans for opening night, which Officers for the 1965-66 season will be a "booster night" with elected by acclamation were: 4 Matt ! eyden, Oshawa, presi-|Part of the proceeds from the dent; C, C. Patterson, Guelph,|8ate going to help the young-| immediate past president; Jack|sters . . . As the result of an Devine, Belleville, first vice-|OLA ruling, all players this president; Clarence Schmaltz, year will wear helmets and the Walkerton, second vice - pres-|', ident; W. A, Hewitt, Toronto, "els have afresh supply of secretary and Frank Buckland, the headgear available for the very much in the running, with|teams, will make up the Ju- only three minutes left to play,'venile League when Port Credit got their! In the Major League, all four jelinching goal. Monty Harmanjof. last year's teams will be trailed only 2-1 and were stillitwo, as yet unnamed Oshawa ; City and District ranks, Peterborough, treasurer team, Indian Says HOBBEMA, Alta, (CP)--Wil- liam Samson of Hobbema says he believes he has been refused automobile insurance by three companies because he is Indian, "Maybe if my skin was white I would have been insured," he told a reporter at this central ria Indian reserve commu- nity this week, 4-Year-Old 'Buried Alive SPANISH, Ont. (CP)--A four year-old boy died Friday when he was buried alive in a sand- pile playhouse beside the fam- ily trailer home here, 70 niles lwest of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, | Alein Morneau, son of Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Morneau was idead on arrival at hospital at Blind River, about 30 miles west of Spanish Police said there will be no n{Pesistering on Saturday, Registration Day Any boy, between the ages of \16-to-21, who wishes to play lacrosse -this summer, in the Oshawa Juvenile - Junior La- crosse League, can do so by May 1, at the Oshawa Civie Audi- torium, at 10,00 a.m, | Players will be placed on one of the four teams which will be operated, with 'he teams to ibe listed-in The Times, as soon jas sorting has been completed, The practices are scheduled |to start on Tuesday and Wed- \nesday, May 11 and 12, at the |Oshawa Children's Arena, The league is completely covered by jinsurance and each team will jhave top-notch' coaching, to teach the game. For further information, boys interested can contact the League Convener, John 'Sadow- ski, at 8-5162. ll artenrion FRONW'S TV RON BRIGHTLING. is mow ser vicing Oshawe and district full time Aerials - Towers - Rotors = R i Ph: 723-7521 'inquest, \was again the Oshawa marks-|hack in action, Scugog Cleaners man. Juniors; Brooklin Concretes, the | The players of the Oshawa All-|Ontario Intermediate '"C" 1964 /Star team and the team officials,|champions; Gale Lumber Senior were congratulated by the tour-|"B" entry (formerly A and W nament officials, for their fine|Drive-In); Bad Boys Inter. "A" play and good sportsmanship,| and the new entry, sponsored by land extended an invitation to|"Mike" Siblock, which is plann- them to be an entry again, next/ed as an OASA Industrial "A, lor Inter, 'AA' entry, GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) Carly's Allen, Parr 490 3.40 2.70 Also Started: Armbro Bingo, Highland Miss Fly Ball, Ingles 5.4 3.30 Girl, Fleetwood € Grattan, and Lee Star Nib, Archdekin ' 3.10 Johnston | Also Started: Lucky La Salle, Deter- imine, Hi Vic, Flash Wingay, and Whisby NINTH RACE --- 1 mile (Pace) for Pat, three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (A). | Ambrose Abbe, B'netta 9.40 4.90 4.50) Miss Star Magic, Galbraith §.30 4.00 Mister Saint, Gordon 5.70 Alsa Started: Roya! Alex, Greentree Judy, Horatius, Postal Chief, and Brother SECOND RACE -- 1 mile (Pace) for three-year-olds and up. Purse $800 (8) Quick Boy, Smith 18.20 480 3.40 Andy, Bissonette 3.40 Jim Also Started: Ri Lu Attorney, Gordon tat P. 4 Lee, Gordon Lee, 'Brown Bear, and Pat Attendance 8,407, Tota' 'ool $389,411, ricila G DAILY DOUBLE, § AND 7, PAID $79.90 | Winnipeg Bantams THIRD RACE -- 7 Furiongs (Trot) for. Inves-veer-oids and up. Puree, sant (8). Sweep Tournament A ft 70 "t op, ; ' eeer Gen cei 440 27) GEORGETOWN, Ont, (CP)-- Also Started: Margaret Brook} Kins Winnipeg won the grand cham- tutica, Titan Song C, Our Patricia and pion trophy at the International Gay Frisco y Bantam Hockey Tour nament) FOURTH RACE -- 7 Furlongs (Pace) Saturday night by defeating | for three-year-olds and up, Purse $400 Galt, Ont 5-0 | (7) ' elt Goldie Elgin W, H'ton 17.10 7.20 480, Winnipeg earlier had defeated Tawny Ven, Bay 4% 4 Guelph, Ont., 6-1 in the A se- Wilma R C, Carroll 8.60 Also Started: The Rockets, Molly O Riggs, Stormy Way, and Hieland Direct Late Can,, Famous Pick ries final, In the semi-final B versus D ldivision, Winnipeg downed FIFTH RACE -- 1 mile (pace) for Leamington 4-3, three-year-olds and up. Purse $800 (8) - = Eclipse C,, Boyce 30,80 11,10 6.30 Franco Kid, McNutt 8.00 4.90 Hickory Amanda, Beitlich 5.90 Also Started: Leehary Song, Kid Crack. er, Black Streak, Nancy Jo, and Our Hie Danny Lee Grattan 3.70 3.20 PARKWAY Albert Hal, McLean 5.00 Also Started: Hi Widower, Vesta Direct, Cobey Joe, Lee Riddell, and Grattan $1.00 per dey @ $5.00 per week ortage $15.00 Per Month (with option te buy) Special Rates For Longer Periods ~« Minimum 3200 | ADMIRAL 16-19-21"| EIGHTH RACE -- | Mile (Pace) tor four-year-oids and up. Purse $1800 (7). | Shooting Par, Findley 16.20 7.00 3.90) Remember When? . . By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipeg Falcons, cap. PORTABLES Dehumidifiers For Rent | tained by Frank Frederick- "Your Color TV Store" son, heat Sweden 12-0 at Antwerp 45 years ago to- PARKWAY -- in 1920 -- to win the TELEVISION 918 Simcoe St. N. 723.3043 "We Service What We Sell Ourselves" first Olympic hockey cham- pionship for Canada, In ear- | | lier games Falcons had de- feated the United States 2-0 and Czechoslovakia 15-0 | day FOR THE LARGEST SELECTION TROPHIES FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS AND GIFTS IN EASTERN ONTARIO '| The G. B, COMPANY 356 Dean Ave., Oshawe PAN.1AS hone Geo Pm ree Fuller Bus, 723-3961 Res. 725.2062 : _ GENERAL MOTORS LOW-COST MUFFLERS ARE DIFFERENT eect FOR GENERAL MOTORS CARS AND TRUCKS, INSIST ON GENUINE GENERAL MOTORS PARTS -- THEY'RE THE REAL McCOY FROM OTHER LOW-COST MUFFLERS... 4 They're the only low-cost mufflers on the market made exclusively for GM cars and trucks to General Motors own engineering standards. That means you can replace your worn-out muffler with a GM low-cost muffler with full confidence in its quality and service life. Get top value and save money too. Ask your local garage or GM dealer to install a GM low-cost muffler. He can also supply GM's higher cost, original equipment muffler. GM cies secorsesrgpnee sis : 1

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