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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1965, p. 2

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RIVARD LAWYER PETITIONS JUDGE DORION 2, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 27, 1965 WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy And Cool, Colder Tomorrow 0 (CP) -- Forecasts|cloudy periods today, Clear and) Phas g aig Agere office atlcota tonight. Wednesday vari-| 5:39 a.m.; lable cloudiness and continuing : Northerly winds are cold, Winds north 15 to 25 to- aaa te bring cold air into|day becoming light tonight and the North Bay-Timmins area| Wednesday. ce and lower temperatures are ex: White River, Coc uf ne; pected in southern Ontario by|Cloudy with a few snowflurries| tonight, Very warm air is ad-jand quite cold today, Mainly) vancing across Western Can-|clear and cold tonight, sige ada where 70-degree tempera- day variable cloudiness an tures were reported in northern milder. Winds light today south-| Alberta. Extensive snow cover|west 15 Wednesday, in northern Manitoba and Forecast temperatures: Northern Ontario will cool this' Tow tonight, high Wednesday: air as it moves eastward. windsor .... 1 50 Lake Erie,- Niagara, Lakes; Thomas . Huron, London: Mainly cloudy'iondon .... today. Variable cloudiness and Kitchener .,. uite cool tonight and Wednes- yount Forest ay. Winds northerly 15. Wingham ..+++ Lake St. Clair, Windsor:|Hamilton Mainly cloudy today. Variable St. Catharines «+++ cloudiness and quite cool to-|Toronto night and Wednesday, Winds Peterborough «+... light northerly. Trenton ..++ Lake Ontario, Toronto, Ham-|Killaloe . ilton: Mainly cloudy today) Muskoka clearing late this afternoon./North Bay Clear with a few cloudy pe- Sudbury riods tonight. Variable cloudi-|Earlton P ness Wednesday. Cool today|Sault Ste, Marie .. turning cooler tonight. Winds Kapuskasing . north 15, White River Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Ti-|Moonsonee ...+++++ 'srones assai. |Reds Hard To Persuade : OPP 'BUNGLING' Qf War Loss: Harriman | Daoust Asks 'Facts-Alone' Judgment LONDON, -. tities , members of the o ng B a. " : ' y JOHN M. HIGHTOWER QUEBEC (CP) -- Raymond, "Inspector Drapeau said that rye Bon Pha De php gel a WASHINGTON (AP) -- "It 7 é Wii up ie | |S aoust of Montreal, who served|he must have destroyed these far way" and."bungled the may take a long time to scone ee ' | |a8 both a lawyer and a witness|notes and that he cannot pro- whole thing" during the Brit- |V'"¢e them they can't win," W. lin. the Dorion inquiry, has|duce them before the court," ish singing group's appears Averell Harriman said today of _, |asked that testimony he gave|Mr, Daoust said. He asked why ance hae" Mendes night the Communists fighting in | be judged on the basis of "the|this was done. The long-haired rock '1 roll |Southeast Asia, 'The firmer we bs p | facts," he long-haired r lare, the shorter the time will be, But the more voices that quintet performed for less are raised in protest here than 20 minutes when bedlam erupted. against our firmness, the longer Teen-agers scaled the pro- rr ine will be." ng tective fencing around the Harriman, who yecently re- stage, chairs were thrown in signed as undersecretary of all directions, police were ale | cte to become a@ roving am- tacked and one had his shirt |) o.cador, has been chosen by torn off. At Jeast one teen \precident Johnson to represent ager was-taken to hospital. ithe United States at a proposed Brian Jones, a member Of | conference on Cambodia. the group, labelled the police |"tr the conference is accepted "middle-aged idtots, oe \by China and North Viet Nam, They didn't give us any |. Hig part of Harriman's job warning, They just turned off lwill be to try to find out | the power.' whether, when and how it may The lights had been turned be possible to end the South Vi- | off on one occasion by the po | otnamese war, It is likely to be Mr. Daoust said the telephone calls to Mr. Lamoniagne had been made only as part of an effort by him "to convince Mrs. Rivard that unscrupulous indi- viduals had led her into error and were seeking to cheat her out of money. "It was for this purpose that I telephoned Mr, Lamontagne, and without the least secrecy, all in the same evening, in or- der to nip in the bud, to fore- stall the hatching of these crooked manoeuvres." Mr, Daoust acted for Mrs. Rivard during the inquiry. NEED,,, FUEL OIL ? "Your Lordship will appreci- Mr, Daoust made the paiest ste whether this sounds like the jin a written argument sub-|truth or not, especially in view mitted to the head of the in-|of the fact that in all other in- quiry, Chief Justice Frederic|stances where the RCMP took|-- Dorion of Quebec Superior|notes they were not destroyed, Court, jexcept in my case, but were 4 . Ca || The right to make the written| produced before this commis- jstatement had been granted to|sion by Mr. Drapeau," | LISTEN HERE: PERRY , |Mr. Daoust at the federally-es-| Mr, Daoust said this led him = | Dey or Night 723-3443 tablished inguiry's final public'to ask a number of questions: ------ hearing April 10, There has; «jow did it happen that Mr. HEAT WITH OIL been no indication when @ re Drapeau did not produce his DIXON'S port on the inquiry will be/original notes if he ever took made, them at our interview, and Mr, Daoust acted for, among why? And does my case consti- 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE other inquiry figures, Lucien tute the sole exception to Mr. 723-4663 Rivard, the Montreal resort-, ie owner whose extradition case,|>'@peau's general procedure SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS hod he . i it ; Aarves |for taking notes during the var- nce. ; _ la tough, abrasive assignment, resulting from charges in a "This wasn't as mpl oe big lit it comes off, and few men AVERELL HARRIMAN United States dope-smuggling|ious interviews involved in the ro 8 we had in Toronto ' 2 | te 4 fl gs eas oc dee ogg pn cotthe "i woul, ig to take it on at the| Southeast Asia now just as aprnk set the stage for the in inquiry? gled the whole thing," Jones | eBut Harriman seldom fits| 24 Ld the struggle to block ica a P " injurie i , 5\Communist expansion in Eu-| Allegations were made that a said. "Any injuries or any | conventional patterns, Around! rane more than 15 yed bribe had been offered by a other inconveniences should | wachinoton today, he already is rope more 'han 19 years ago. ribe 0 ficial t te Ri be blamed on them." sonierhind Ala levand. We orakel The Communists in South- federal official to promote Ri-| 8 gene. p " Asia have got, to get it)vard's freedom on bail » said the gr would try juni he se ita coat eene ¢ while! Pegged meth ye biel an poadied ably has held more high 2V"lthrough their minds that South|the extradition was being con ment here in the fall pina prt oo than wad ae Viet Nam is not a ripe plumisidered by Canadian courts e ' _, jcurrently active -- secretary 0 yg seta); ia ic allews ta : "Some of these kids paid |' y Y Ol that will fall to them," he said.|The allegations led to the in nagging cp to $8 for tickle. some commerce, foreign aid direc- "They cannot succeed there. | quiry. He used to be bothered by backaches Gordon Sinclair NE "KEEP --------o oe OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE ----presents----- tor, governor of New York, am-\w, Fy came from as far away 85 lbassador to Russia, ambassa-|"frarriman said. "the Commu.| WAS DENIED BAIL | say Be lg be ---- dor to Britain, undersecretary | nists firmly believe that what| Rivard, denied bail, escaped | It had been virtually impos- of state, and now, mee more,| they call wars of liberation will|from Bordeaux jail in Montreal! ; rata |ambassador-at-large, as he was| victorious for them. March 2 and remains at large. magami, Algoma, Sudbury: Continued from Page One The dearth of leadership material among present Conservative members of parliament has long been a subject of conversation here, When potential new leaders are mentioned the names most prominent are those of three provincial premiers, Robarts from On- tario, Roblin from Mani- toba and Stanfield from Nova Scotia, together with two former cabinet minis- sters, Davie Fulton and George Hees. But almost none of the present Tory front bench, men such as George Now- lan, Waldo Monteith, Angus MacLean, Walter Dinsdale, Gordon Churchill or Doug- las Harkness are seriously considered as contenders. The one former minister, beside Mr. Starr, who can be regarded as a_ heavy- weight is Alvin Hamilton and, because of their close association in Saskatchewan and prairie politics, it -hat always been believed that Mr. Diefenbaker leaned to- ward his former successful en minister as @ ght-hand man, And if the Conservative party is to hope to win a future election it is agreed North Bay,|Timmins .... Sunny with a few\Kingston ..-++++++- DEARTH OF TOP MATERIAL it must expand its base of support which is now large- ly oriented on the pararies. For this reason, a contend- er from a southern Ontario industrial centre might be more generally acceptable than another prairie "radi- cal" like Mr, Hamilton MASTER STROKE One thing that is known here is that the timing of Mr. Starr's elevation was a typical master political stroke by Mr. Diefenbaker, He knew that Mr, Pearson was holding a press con- ference at 4 p.m. on Thurs- day. Before leaving to fly to a Halifax speaking en- gagement, he left his staff a memo on the Starr appoint- ment, timing the announce- ment for shortly before 5 o'clock, With little real news emanating from the prime minister's confer- ence, the Starr announce- ment had the effect of grab- bing some of the supper hour news attention and headlines from the govern- ment, Mr. Diefenbaker may be failing in many respects but even his most bitter opponents recognize that in the field of political in- fighting he still has few peers. HERE and THERE James Eric Thonsett, of West Hill, has been charged with criminal negligence following a high speed chase along Highway 401 Saturday night. Metro police as well as cruisers from_ the Whitby and Bowmanville detachments took part in the chase, which resulted in an auto being stopped near Newcastle During the week of April 24 339 patients were ad- mitted to the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Other hos- pital statistics for the week were; births, male 19, fe- male 22; discharges 310; newborn discharges, male 20, female 25; major sur- gery, 94; minor surgery, 1138; eye, ear, nose and throat, 75; examinations and treatments, 231; casts, 37; physiotherapy treatments, 1020, visits 730; occupation- al therapy, 185; speech be a panel member May 1 at a Niagara Regional Workshop, sponsored by the Ontario Municipal Associa- tion at Welland. The theme of the panel is: 'The con- duct and operation of a municipal council.' Mr. Chesebrough, who is presi- dent of the Ontario Wel- fare Officers' Association, will represent that organiza- tion on the five-member panel Members of the Bowman- ville detachment of the On- tario Provincial Police in- vestigated three accidents on Monday which resulted in property damage, The accidents occurred on High- way 401 at Courtice rd., Highway .35, north of High- way 115 and Highway 35 at the Clarke District High School Annual dinner of the Ca- nadian Diabetic Association and tired feeling, When he learned that irritation of the bladder and urinary tract can result in backache and tired feeling, he took Dodd's Kidney Pills. Bmart man. Dodd's Pills stimulate the kidneys to help relieve the condition causing the backache and tired foling. Soon he felt better ~--reated better. If you are bothered by backache, Dodd's Kidney Pills may help you, too, You ean depend on Dodd's, | INCOME TAX RETURNS Completed T. 1. Short Form '2 U.A.W. HALL Bond East Public Welcome Mondey te Fridey Hours: 9 om, te 8 sible to hear the entertainers | at any time above the din of | the crowd, The 45 police officers at the Treasure Island Gardens tried to keep things in line and sur- | rounded the stage with snow | fencing. The teen-agers piled | their chairs 10 high, the fence finally collapsed on to the | stage and as patrons poured onto the stage the singers es- testified between of the INFORMED..." Some people disagree with "inc", not many miss his | twice daily assault on injustice, hypocrisy and anything else that comes into the sites of his news bliunderbuss. Like the best baseball umpire, Sinclair | calis 'em as he sees 'em and if toes are trod on... well, that's life. The comment you hear most about Sinclair js "i can't afford to miss him be- cause | never know what he's going to do next." He's heard at 11:50 a.m. and 5:50 p.m, (as if you didn't know) -- and with his "Let's Be Personal" at 11:45 a.m. and "Show Busi- ness" at 5:45 p.m, CFRB 21010 ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION Also 8 BARBER ARTISTS by appointment please PHONE 728-6007 EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING FOR MEN 164 WILSON ODS OSHAWA - ONTARIO "Fashion" TONITE 8:30 P.M, MeLeughlin Librery Theatre TICKETS et the DOOR LAWN-BOY oe FINGER-TIP START Makes Lawn-Boy's engine the world's easiest to start VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT Exclusive, clog-proof | Whether It be sic Equitable policies lerowd® around Embassy. One injured |in the first year of the Kennedy!pney giso believe those wars) Mr, Daoust testified before administration, _iare something we can't deal|the one-man commission about The central problem which in) with, |telephone conversations with] |Harriman's view ties together!" «1 'iogk upon what is happen-|Pierre Lamontagne, who rep-| the events and philosophy of ing in South Viet Nam as an ul-|resented the U.S, government) = ae eon de es timate expression of what the/in the extradition case. | Be . id is Wal! Communists intend to do in this) Mr, Lamontagne -- told -- the jhe calls "'the outward thrust Of/resioct, And just as we did in\eommission he had been of- scegmeaneeuiateye Europe, we've got to check the|fered a $20,000 bribe not to op: STILL APPLIES outward thrust of communism) pose bail for Rivard. He said) That applies to the struggle injin Southeast Asia." the offer was made in 1964 by caped through a rear exit Ee Ki ' Raymond Denis, formes execu "The police just created tive assistant to then-immigra- an antagonistic atmosphere," ow tion minister Tremblay, but had | said Bill Wyman; another been rejected. | member 1e op : st cal Sa a ak solange Continued from Page One a eee | selves," taken into account, taxpayers budget have been before the/himself and officers | Pat Quinn, who booked the jin some provinces would get a@|House before, in one form or RCMP. | show, was thankful the crowd |pigger reduction than those injanother, One of these involves) Commission counsel Andre was smaller than anticipated. lothers. foreign publications. Desjardins has recommended | "I think the next act T"ll | pore is nothing to stop a| Mr, Gordon said that after|that Chief Justice Dorion ex- book will be Gracie Fields province from stepping into the/next Dec. 31 he will disallow,jamine the credibility of Mr jfax vacuum and imposingjas a business expense, the cost! Daoust's testimony. D ¢ ll ¢ higher taxes on Its own, poothd fel cng | in ---- Said Mr, Daoust in his state a e ets Mr, Gordon said that since the|publications aimed at the Ca-| ment: e ul leuts are being implemented forjnadian market, except those al-| ,, F eserve it . . leconomic reasons, "I would notiready established in Canada. er rae ge 4 sooner but Election Going lexpect provincial governments|The ped include Time, Read-| there's the least belief left in to move in to raise their in-jer's Digest and two foreign! : tol qi ' pale Bo ; my absolute good faith, I would PARIS (Reuters) --*President;come taxes to take advantage = 7 newspapers he did not appreciate in the name of my de Gaulle will Jaunch France's of our action wae' badenk 'is a reputation that the facts be re- 1965 presidential election cam-\pay 94 LESS Re 70.4 4') established and that all confu- heady yt ; wth JESS farmers will be allowed to de-|. vay." . paign tonight in a te oe hae On the basis of a $3,000 in-\duct amounts spent on clearing sion be swept away. | jspeech on national indepen-| ome, a single taxpayer whol levi : : tore wee ae | dence which also is expected t0| 04 have a total income tax bt or laying drainage tile for DOUBTS TESTIMONY | ' . sa | ) 4 'arm operations. , set bag day as te . the $286 would pay about $24 less m op 8 | Mr. Daoust sald he Pig oe 'Cue Gee Gad ang under the 10-per-cent reduction, HITS POLLUTION Precorsg lgg YF gerd 7 aan anrevealing about|4,,married taxpayer with two) Businesses spending money 101d: Hranand: who sald he had tS ~ in van (cliildren would have his $33 tax\prevent their waste products!|,.' : : whether he will personally run}) iy clipped by $3 ts Iuti |taken notes on the Sept. 8, 1964, for reelection or will attempt ' rom polluting lakes and) onversation. ito persuade the country to elect The four-per-cent old age se-|streams will be allowed to de- fh tees curity tax is not included in}duct from taxable income 50} ve Pring ee France's these examples, per cent of this expenditure be-|Willing to lift the 11-per-cent sresident will be chosen this| Other changes in the income tween now and the end of 1966, federal sales tax on drugs Be vear by direct popular vote, |!@X regulations will allow tax-| The cost of building grain|SPeia! Commons commit- year by Cirect pop' Eo lai dent| ore tee recommends the step. The De Gaulle is expected to tell/Payers to claim dependentistorage facilities, in areas Bede 4 the| Adige pase committee has been studying F it should set-an exam-|Mieces and nephews on @iwhere such facilities don't ex- TACO it SRO | b heir own chil-list i drug standards and production ple to other nations by further|S@me basis as thelr own chil-jist, can be written off for tax { but it increasing its independence--aldren provided their father is/purposes in four years instead for the last.two sessions, but statement which also would dis-|1¢ad or mentally or physicallyjof the existing 40 years for pasos yet Gent with costs. lcourage 'supranational' trends|imfirm, or the mother is di-/masonry buildings and 20 years lin the executive of the Euro-\vorced or separated without ali-|for wooden structures, This will ano : : mony. apply between May 1, 1965, and a ee er The taxpayer can claim $300/Dec, 31, 1966. tors are confident that he will)! tae or nephews aK ir Tax allowances will also be| seek re-election this year pro aia A a oe and $55 made on the cost of investigat- ivided his health shows no sign '"ey Pid HO%, 'ill also be alei0&, industrial sites, landscaping of failing axpayer wil miso De 8/business property, cancelling a lowed to claim $550 if he sup-ljease or obtaining a licence | jports an aunt or uncle who is franchise or trade k ' | se: 4 mentally or physically infirm. | oy Vt Tenmenere | Tunisians Riot "Under the new regulations, , TP fast write-off for machin . dues paid to trade unions, pub-|))" 200 & ment purchases Arab Embassies lie servants' associations. and ashen te wakes fag) TUNIS (AP)--Thousands of|professional organizations will/77 oo e on June, 13, shouting, slogan-chanting Tuni-\also be allowed as deductions tf ha ga extended to the sians besieged four Arab em-|from taxable income, | ve : bassies today in retaliation _ me | The program under which against anti - Tunisian demon $100 STANDS firms were able to claim a 150- é ~ strations in the Middle Kast. Sy Folge! 8 ng 4 'Stand: per-cent tax deduction for scien- ; : , . a-/are eduction, which pre-itific research will be replaced lucent chara oniia' beat eck the| viously was assumed to havelby grants of 25 per cent 'ofthe | the Egyntian included these dues, along With increased expenditures. This policeman was|UMspecified medical expenseS/program, effective in 1967, will wr? bygg eer ag ogee ra provide grants automatically up 'al ; ; AO, taxpayers Row W "ito $150,000 annually, and for Cordons of police, their sub permitted to put 20 per cent of|iar ah amounte by orion eanee: machine-guns at the ready, held|theiy j i fincas SeuOuy Oe prio oe fp their income, to a maximum Of/ment with the federal industry COMPANY OF C WATERLOO. ONTARIO INSURANCE HEAD OFFICE kness, death or old age --the need is for income. will meet your problem and guarantee your family continuing income. -- = 2. So ie : . i THE EQUITABLE LIFE ANADA grasscatener. QUIETEST MOWER OF ALL Lawn-Boy has the largest mufflerof any power mowe! $107-50 the crowd at bay around the/g9 500, into a registered pension| department. jwithout grasscatcher 93.50 Syrian Embassy plan on a tax-free basis. The} yy, Then the crowds headed for upper limit has been 10 per > the- Iraqi ahd Jordanian embas- cent | sies Employees who receive aj} President Habib Bourguiba's|lump sum when they leave| moderate Israeli policy and his/their jobs won't have to pay tax} call for negotiations with Israeljon this provided they transfer are at the root of the unrest,/it into a pension plan a retire- which has plunged Tunisia's re-;ment savings plan or a deferred \lations with the Middle Eastern) profit-sharing plan, | |Arab nations to a new low. Some of the measures in the) H. JAMES ROSE, Branch Manager, Suite 308, Times Bidg., 'A (Oshawa Branch) will be 86 King St. E., OSHAW, held tomorrow night at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Wilson road north, Dr, A, M. Fisher from Connaught Laboratories in Toronto will be the guest speaker, The Oshawa Branch is celebrat- ing its 10th anniversary this year. Mrs, Ralph Mills of Toronto, who organized the branch, will be on hand. therapy; 5 H. G, Chesebrough, city welfare administrator, will EMERGENCY NUMBERS Hospital 728 - 2211 Police 725 - 1133 Fire 725-6574 Gordon also said he Is No need to leave the kitchen! BALANCE YOUR BUDGET AND PAY ALL YOUR BILLS WITH A SUPERIOR LOAN «e+ and reduce your monthly payments by as much as half EMERGENT MEETING LEBANON LODGE A.F. & A.M. No, 139 All Masons ore requested te attend e Masonie Service for Our Lete WOR. BRO. W. H. PERRYMAN Wednesday, April 28th at 7:30 p.m. MciIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home Masonic Clothing Worshipful Master GORD PEARSON You can have two phones for just a fraction more than one... and enjoy twice as much telephone convenience! Phone us for your kitchen phone today! (8.200.85 PARTS DISTRIBUTORS id SERVICE SPECIALISTS OSHAWA 'YACHTHAVEN Ltd. Harbor Rd. 723-1901 . rt OW Simeee, St. cS? ' t $50 to $5000 SUPERIOR FINANCE the fastest arowing all-Canedian loan compeny 17 Simcoe St. N. 725.6541 Daily to 6:30 p.m; Fridey to 8.00 p.m; Other evenings by appointment. 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you COLL PULL: I

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