ET ET ST an V ANN LANDERS Should Be Informed Of Sex Fundamentals Dear Ann Landers: Why are ee cee oe fe,| many teen-agers have met with sire to know all there is to\disaster because they had know about sex? jeither too little information--or My husband and 1 are not|the wrong kind. prudes nor do we believe that) Dear Ann Landers: A friend much information, but a great ------ give you an opinion I'd have to know some details, such as: When does your friend say she must get off the phone--after two minutes, after ten minutes, or after 55 minutes? Some people are trapped by long-winded phone pests and in an effort to shake loose, they will say almost anything. Since you have more free time than your friend, why not let her call you when she finds it convenient? Dear Ann Landers: Before I met my wife she was engaged to someone else. The engage- ment was off long before 1 came along so J had nothing to per cent loyal and true. Sometimes few sentences, act like casual she loves me. She has been 100 Every few months we run into her former boy friend -- usually at a wedding, or a fu- ineral. My wife always greets this man in a friendly manner. they exchange altraveled with 20 trunks and an It burns me up to see them acquaintances One Suitcase Enough For Trip well-dressed lady of fashion entourage of servants to aid her on her leisurely way. Now, there One sure way to ease even Gone are the days when the! is even something slightly cornyjof tour that is so popular now when a great many people know|about two suitcases and a flight what went on between them. I|bag. The "in" way to travel think she should not speak to|these days is with one light case him at all. I get so mad when|that even the irailest can carry they put on this innocent actiherself, if there is a scarcity that sometimes I won't talk tojor porters or gallants. her for two days. Do you think this small load is to rely on a selection of cool, easy-to-care for fashions of arnel, planned jaround one wardrobe theme. It jis possible to make a single idress or set of separates do the work of three outfits, by care- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 28, 1965 dresses and jackets within one color range and restricting the choice ot those garments that go well together, these eight outfits, if everything chosen is/ easily washable and requires! very little ironing. INCOME TAX ful planning. For the most suc- cessful hop, skip and jump kind a nasic wardrobe of only eight) \different changes is needed. | These include something to) jtravel in, which isn't limited |just to the jet-liner, two dresses or sets of separates for sight- seeing or touring, two slim little} @ FREE PICK-UP @ BONDED © FREE ESTIMATES COLD _. Blade 2 ce Repairs & Remodelling By Expert Furriers DRIVER RETURNS Completed T. 1. Short Form '2 H i i 1 am wrong?--Against Phony silence and secrecy should sur- round the topic. But we do feel that entirely too much empha- sis has been placed on sex talk. Is it healthy to give teen-agers so much information so soon? Aithough we are Canadian parents we fee] this problem * exists in the U.S. as well. Thank you.--Mr. and Mrs, J. Dear Mr. and Mrs. J.: Sex is equated with love in the movies, of mine lives on the other side of town. We speak on the tele- phone almost every day. I have |more free time than she does so I usually call her : Several times in the last few months she has said to me, "I have to get off the phone now because I am expecting an im- |portant call." This is irritating. \In fact 1 think it's an insult. do with it. I think they knew] Acts each other pretty well, if you get what I mean. My wife and 1 have been married several years and I| It What do you think?--Slapped at "You'll appreciate these bendy glass jars, 80 e#sy to reciose for stonng umesed portions on TV and in novels. Everyone|g Distance wants to be loved, and kids! pear Slapped: Before I can love. I do not believe teen-agers to day are more interested in sex lom onto the idea that sex is OSHAWA than we were 30 years ago but LITTLE THEATRE they are certainly less self- conscious about it --presents-- Nor do I regard the teens' in sistence on knowing all about sex as unhealthy. They should know about it. They should know that sex belongs in mar- riage. They should know that when it is employed as enter- tainment it can be dangerous and destructive. I have never heard of a teen-- ager getting "Fashion" TONITE 8:30 P.M McLaughlin Library Theatre TICKETS at the DOOR into trouble because he had too! oa ~ STRAINED "IN CONVENIENT GLASS JARS. holesome oodness from the Mrs. Washburn of Nobleton ou can buy nearly all your household Vines at your Club. Frozen foods, dry foods, canned goods, meats. Plus toiletries, drug supplies and a selection of baby | specialists 1f. your baby has beaun to eat solid foods, you'll eventually add to his or her diet a variety of good wholesome foods: cereals, fruits, meats, vegetables, dinners and meat dinners, desserts. Each plays a part in baby's diet, nutritionally speak- ing. From a practical view, when you introduce your baby to a variety of tastes, you start him off on a lifetime of good eating habits. Makes life easier for you, more healthful for your baby, Who knows what's best for baby? Devoted specialists in infant nutrition ... like the Gerber people who bring your baby over 50 nutritious strained foods. Nice to know that each of these foods is "custom-cooked" to help preserve its food values...and, too, its colour and flavour appeal to heighten baby's interest in eating. When you see the Gerber baby on the label, you may be sure that the quality of the food and all phases of processing are carefully controlled by specialists who work solely in the interest of better infant nutrition. @ wow reinigerstor Babies are our business ,.our only business! Gerber Baby Foods niacara FALLS, CANADA \ soft goods, hardware and appliances. You can order by mail and have your food delivered free of charge. Or you can shop in person at the Food Plant nearest you. Either way, you avoid lugging heavy shopping bags, shoving crowds and check- out delays. You buy only what you want. There are no limiting qualifications to member- ship. You can buy as little as you like. And you buy only those items you want. We do not sell in packs. $100 savings guaranteed We guarantee you'll save at least $100 within 12 months--if you spend $15 a week with us, If you don't save this amount, we'll refund the difference be- tween what you do save and $100. Also--we guarantee. not to raise prices after you receive our monthly price list. But we will /ower prices if supermarket chains lower their prices on a comparable item. That's why our members a/ways buy for less, How we keep prices low We buy quality foods in bulk. We have small overhead and handling costs. Little advertising and promotion expenses. You won't find expensive frills in our Food Plants. Except for our Sidewalk Cafe where free coffee, biscuits and ice cream Dear Against: You're not only wrong, but you're childish and maybe a little bit nutty, too. | was sfill cooking. In fact, it would appear to those certs and night clubs, two sets' who knew them that something/of countny You should he pleased thatjand one or two swimsuits for) would be unnatural for|they behave in a civilized man-jsunning or surfing. By mixing] have no reason to doubt that!these two not to speak at all.iner..Now why don't you? \dresses for dining, dancing, con-| No Notice Required when coot sportswear again! for touring and-or sightseeing) desired --- immediate service. MORRISON FUR CO. 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-6312 U.A.W. HALL Bond East Public Welcome Monday fs Hours: 9 Hig Higer'g pm. OSHAWA 'and matching blouses, skirts,| says she sav ed $120 in 2 years, plus fnll pa freezer! You may not save this amount, bat we guarantee you'll save $100 a year. Mrs. Holgate of Scarborough says ... "In 36 months I saved the price of our freezer pins an avtomatic washer and new drapes for one bedroom." yment of her anywhere"* 4 ¥ Mrs. Marsh of Weston says Good Foods; All our foods are either well-known brands or packed exclusively for us . "I believe you to be the finest food club to be found hy, by leading manufacturers. We sell onty Red and Bine Brand beef. Chambers Food Club °The main advantages are savings, convenience and good food. But there are many other valuable advantages. You will be amazed at what Canada's oldest and largest food club offers to its members. Read the full story below: is served to members who shop in person. (Very-popular with husbands and children!) 15 VALUABLE PRIVILEGES 1, Guaranteed Savings, 2. Food Rescue Service, 3, Free food storage. 4, Free quick-freezing, 5. 'Free food delivery. 6. Satisfaction guaranteed. 7. Accident and Sickness Benefits, 8. Help to members laid off work or on strike. 9. Payment of Food Club debts in case of fatal accident or sickness. 10. Free food credits. 11, In-plant shopping. 12, Budget Terms and Instant Charge, 13, Deposit Accounts (5° interest). 14, Free consulting service. 15, Chambers School of Cookery. No other food club offers all these privi- leges. And they're valuable. For example, our Accident and Sick- ness Benefits. If you become unable to work through accident or sickness, we deliver $50 of food every month, up to 12 months absolutely free. Our booklet explains these and other benefits in detail. Top quality foods only Ovr own Chambers Brands are packed especially forus by well-known food mann- facturers. We are particularly proud of the quality. For example, the peas we sell frozen are grown and packed for us exclusively. And, like our other foods, pass govern- ment inspection. Members say they are the sweetest tasting peas they have ever eaten. Our powdered skim milk is another favourite. And our ice cream has a higher butterfat content than most other brands. Of course, we also handle many of the national brands you are now buying. We sell only Red and Blue Brand beef. All our meats and poultry are Federal Gov- ernment inspected. Our steaks are selected Srom yearling cattle exclusively. Unlike most 'supermarkets, we "age" our meats just as the private butcher used to do. You can buy meats already cut by our butchers or, for greater savings, in pieces for cutting at home. It's a lot easier than you think! 'Freezer and Membership from $2.71 weekly You can choose the freezer that suits your needs and combine Lifetime Membership for as little as $2.71 a week--payable over 24 months, We sell 11 different freezer modéls-- including refrigerator /freezer combina- tions that take up no more space than a regular refrigerator. We also have a freezer that doubles as a kitchen table! If you already own a freezer, you can purchase Lifetime Membership for $2.11 a week--payable over 12 months, The prices are slightly lower if you pay in one lump sum, (Remember, we guaran- tee to save you at least $100 in your first year.) And membership is for your life- time without any additional fees or dues. 5 large Food Plants We have been in the business for over 25 years. We now have 5 large food plants: Scarborough (Head Office), Weston (our newest plant), Cooksvifle, Peterborough and Oshawa. They serve over 20,000 members. At present about 250 new members are join- ing every month--mostly through recom- mendation from their friends. Our Plant will deliver to Kawartha residents and to members with cottages in that area. PHONE PLANT NEAREST YOU! 421-9393 217-3643 141-7900 723-1163 145-2461 Scarborough Cooksvilie Weston Oshawa : Peterborough FREE Please send me your free 16-page illustrated booklet describing the valuable services, benefits and privileges of the Chambers Food Club. Also send me the free 48-page -- booklet, The Freezer in Your ome. Clip Coupen end Mail To:-- CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB, 933 Ritson Rd. South, Oshewe, Ontario. Fe el eet ts | NAME ccccvcesisccccsvcus eeecescenens ADDRESS....ssesccsecccveceeceusecesececcereceneccesseccssonenesessenoese We guarantee you'll save $100 a year- and that's only one of the advantages of joining INVITATION --There's a difference ia food clubs. That's why "investigate before you invest" is a wise motto, We invite you to visit our Food Plant nearest you on shopping nights, evenings between 7 pm and 9 pm. Or Saturdays. from 9 am to 5 pnd. See for youfself the quality food and savings our members are enjoying. Bring this advertisement and we'll give you a free T-bone steak so you can sample our delicious meats at home. (We can't make this offer to our present members or we'd be out of business!) But right now, send or phone, for our free booklet. It details all the services, benefits and privileges of the Chambers Food Club. We'll also send you a free 48-page illustrated booklet which explains all the advantages of a home freezer--and how to use one. We'd like to hear from you. " t | t t Chambeu.) | FOOD CLUB : | 1 I | ieee veeeeeaeeneseeveneneeneeeseane og 1 1 i | Or phone 723-1163 : | 21.4.7 gf