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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Apr 1965, p. 23

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een net ---- -- BLONDIE IT'L ABNER A TOM-TOM/! | PAY YOU CHICAGO." LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TRIP UP TO THE FORT-- LIEUTENANT, SUMMON THE SEDAN CHAIR IT 16 A ROUGH, STRENUOUS HEY-- STOP-LEMME OUT! THIS IS BYEN WORSE THAN THE JoLAND QUEEN / 5860000 ODLE-)| SPEND MY GOOD he N BuGLE AN! You STAND ON IT! OF ALL DUMB THINGS/! JULIET JONES /86UE AN ULTIMATUM oo THE GIANTS AA 4A BE Di Pia D IN OTTAWA, TWO OF BO wi QUEBEC CABINET MINISTERS By V BTRATESY FAILED. 'TRYING TO SATISFY CATHOLICS AND TOGETHER «06 l ------_--_-------4 © ELWAHS SHOT JUST MISSES 'THE LONE RANGER:** THE LONE RANGER THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 28,1965 23 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' |Individuel Chempionship Pley) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable, Defence against suit contracts takes many forms, but one of the most frequent methods of attack is to try to run declarer out of trumps, If the defend- ers can accomplish this, they may then be able to cash all their remaining high cards or run a long suit. When the ratio of trumps held is eight on the declarer's side N ito five on the defender's side, the tug of war with trumps is often spirited, Usually, the de- clarer just about lasts, but sometimes his trumps don't hold out, If declarer has more than eight trumps, the issue is usual- & POD RENNIE MAY HAVE | HE CAPITALIZED USED ME IN A DOPE- | ON THE GOOD SECRET AGENT X9 HAD TO DOALL THE FIGHTING FOR YOU, I WAS NEVER SO GLAD 1 SEE ANYONE IN LETS 60, RUSTY / START MAKIN' THEM PAR APART TRACKS/ @Wo HOURS LATER... THERE'S A LIKELY LOOKIN' STRETCH OF SAN' WHERE A FELLOW COULD WIPE OUT HIS UT TOO MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER WHERE'S LITTLE GOSH, HE IGN'T OH, THERE HE I6.%..1 THOUGHT I LEROY ?... DIDN'T HE IN HERE.' HEARD SOMETHING FALL OFF ./ RIDE IN THE WAGON EWuRR 7S f HERES A Pod THROUGH CUSTOMS WITHOUT A TON ! TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Bufialo 10:20 P.M. | 12:45 P. Channet 3--Barrie %--Country Music Hall 4--Guiding Light Channel 4--Buftalo 7--Wendy and Me | ° Channel <-Terente 11:00 P.M. ln Seik Set ood = t wy eas spennel Toeecnecter | ARISAOPNews -- s|8 December Bride Channel 9--Toronto 11:18 POM, 3a toll fae Channel 11--Hamilton $~Metro Final Ps vilig +--Viewpornt 4--Meet the Millers WEDNESDAY EVE. 11:20 P.M, | 2--Mike Douglas Show 5:09 P.M. Poet nt Mere 1:30 PM, Ni--Family Theatre ' 11:30 PM ll--Mid Day Matinee 9--Five O'Clock Movie i1--Wrestll red 9--Milllonaire Paar al *--Plorre Be 4+-As The World Turns 43--Doctor Who lerre Berton loyd Thaxton 6--Night Cap | 2:00 P.M. Lloyd 5:30 Pm. +-Movle | $~Abracadabra @--Leave It To Beaver | THURSDAY 7--Fiame in The Wind #--Music Hop | 00 AM. as in 3--National, Veivet 1}--Schnitzel House te a 6:00 P.M. 4--Captain Kangaroe 2:30 PLM. 7--News Central "(0:30 AM, %--Four of a Kind é--Live and Learn 9~News: Miss Helen &-2--The Doctors 4--News, Sports With 9:00 A.M. 7--Day in Court Chuck Healy ' Romper Room | é--Loretta Young acral a «hg 7--Dlaling For Dollars | +House Party B--Today, 1965 Girt. Falk 3--Super Bingo i--Ramiy Theatre pagar ohh ge a 9-43--News; Weather sd He %--Peopie in Conflict 'and Sports 9:30 A.M. $-2--Another World @2--Huntley-Brinkley i--Ed Allen 7--General Hospital News é--Musical interlude, 63--The Moment of Truth J--Cheyenne 4--Leave ae Beaver 4--To Tell The Truth 6--Across Canada Ann fog si had 2:0 PAM. 7:00 PAM Nebuner tin 2 '--PFunny Company 11--Gliligans Island ie we 9--It's Your Move 9--Farmer's Daughter Consequences #-2--You Don't Say ®--Richard Diamond | 63--Canadian Schools 7--The Young Marrieds 7-6--News, Weather, +News 6-3--Take Thirty Sports | ahh ain 4-Edge of Night Honeymooners 3-12 O'Clock High 2--Death Valley Days 7:30 PLM. V--Valentine's Day %--Sports Hot. Seat 4:00 PLM. |1--Dennis The Menace 9--Mickey Mouse Club &--The Match Game 7--Rocketship 7 &3--As The World Turns 11--Father Knows Best 8-2--What's This Song 7--Trailmaster 63--Across Canada | 4-1 Love Lucy | 11:00 A.M. &2--Virginian limAlbert J. Steed 4--Secret Storm 7--Orie and Harriet 9%~Dear Charlotte 2--Rocky and His 6--Nation's Business 8-2----Concentration | Friends 4--Mister Ed 63--Friendly Glant | 4:0 PAM. 7145 PM, | 4-Andy of Mayberry | 11--Woody Woodpecker Mr, Fix-it W118 AM, | @Sea Hunt 7--Early Show &3--Razzie Dazzle | 4--The «Thirty Show 2--Huckleberry Hound | THURSDAY SVB. | %--Does Mother Know Best 63--Chez Helene 11:30 A.M, hy 9--Toronto Today 63--Red River Jamboree 8-2--Jeopardy Sey shelve. Pol 7-Price Is Right 8:00 P.M. Vi--Seacial Movie $--My Favorite Martian | 7--Patty Duke Show 5:00 P.M. "--Family Theatre 0:90 P.M. | 63--Butternut Square ; 9---Movie | <The McCoys five O'clock Matinee pone 12:00 NOON é--Magilla 'The Gorlile 63--Perry Mason 8-2--Call My Bluff soveg" Bear 4--Beverly Hillbillies 7--Donna Reed 2--Lloyd Thaxton 9:00 P.M. | ¢Elwood Glover | #-2--Movie 4--Noon News 3:30 FM 4--Barbra Musical | Popeye and Pals $Leave It To Beaver | t lc Hop 12:18 PLM. $--Mus rayne se | sonata ot te neue | Maverick ¢-3--Festival a 12:30 P.M, ee aie PM f 9--1 Love Lucy --News Central ---- ee #2-l'| Bet | 6=Donna Reed 10:00 P.M. ather Knows Best 4-News, Sports with 11--Steve Allen Show 4--Search for 'Tomorrow Chuck Healy 4--Danny Kaye Show 3--Noonday Report | 2-Today, 1965 | YOUR HEALTH Pharyngitis Can Have Many Causes By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD|would make sense. If a virus Dear Dr. Molner: 1] havejhappened to be the cause, then been plagued for several years|an antiviral agent would be in with chronic pharyngitis. Itjorder--if we had any. But un- seems to be the consensus of|fortunately we don't as yet doctors that nothing can bejhave drugs which will fight done unless the inflammation|viruses in the sense that anti- reaches the point of infection,|/biotics combat bacteria. and then penicillin is indicated.) There are still other causes I understand fairly intensivejof pharyngitis--other sources of research has been done of latejirritation. One of the _ first on antiviral vaccine. Do youlplaces to look is the nose. have any recent information on Chronic catarrh, sinus trouble, | this?--Miss R.S. infected or swollen adenoids, or I suspect that your thinking/some other obstruction (includ- has gone astray, and if wejing polyps) may be interfering straighten it out, you'll see that\with normal drainage of the a good deal can be done to/nasal passages, and resulting in/ remedy chronic pharyngitis. an irritating post-nasal drip, But that doesn't necessarily which keeps the pharnyx in- mean a pill or an antibiotic. (flamed. Deviated septum (the Pharyngitis isn't a specific|partition between the nostrils) disease, caused hy .a, efinite|is a not uncommon factor. germ, like chickenpox 'ora! Or focal infections (tonsils, particular form of influenza, or|teeth, mouth or gums) can re- such. sult in a toxic situation which Rather, it is irritation and in-|inflames the pharynx. flammation of the pharynx, the! Another common irritant is cavity which connects the. nasal smoking. Some people are more /passages with the upper throat.|sensitive to smoke than others. If bacteria] infection hap- Sometimes you can investigate | pened to be the cause, yes, pen-jevery possibility, without re- DONALD DUCK V7'M GOING RIGHT DOWN THERE AND GIVE THAT SALESGIRL A PIECE | ee WHY, THIS DRESS DOES! EVEN COME CLOSE TO FITTING! fi YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE A COMPLAINT, GO TO OPERATOR, GET ME THE WHITE HOUSE, |THE TOP, RIGHT J7THAT'S WASHINGTON, D.C! TO THE TOP! 4, 6008 , IDEA CROSSWORD ACROSS 46, Silent 16. Yelp A ly decided elsewhere, the bat- tle being mostly between high cards. When declarer has less than eight trumps to work with, he will generally have his hands full trying to overcome the trump deficiency. South failed in today's hand because his trumps, impressive though they were from the standpoint of quality, proved to be inadequate in length. The four heart contract was sound, and would have been made with a norma! 3-2 trump division, but, with West having four trumps, South could not quite manage the affair. The defense started with three rounds of spades and South had to ruff the third one. When he then led the king of hearts, West refused to take the ace. When South continued with the queen, West wisely ducked again. Declarer was unable to pre- vail against this defense. West by now had the A-7 of trumps left, South the J-10, and dummy the nine. South could not afford another trump lead because West woul win the trick with the ace, play a spade to force out declarer's last trump, and thus defeat the contract two tricks. So declarer abandoned further trump plays and started to run the clubs. West ruffed the third club with the seven, cashed the ace of trumps, and South thus held the loss to down one. Fine Concert Is Presented SOLINA (TC) -- For pure fus and enjoyment, it was the Bar bershappers last Friday night at the hall. The Hall was filled to capacity for the concert, which also in- cluded two of this year's public speaking winners -- Debbie MacLean and Bob Fraser. The recitation, "Ice Floes" was given superbly by Rev. C, Catto. Songs and comedy num- bers were given by the five talented '"'MacLeans". Solina CGIT and Explorer girls made and sold the deli- cious homemade candy. Mission Sunday was held at Eldad Church. Gifts of money for the missionary and mainten- ance funds were presented by Kathie Vice and Shirley West- lake, on behalf of the Explorers; Dean Knox and Grant Millson '\for the Tyros; Peggy Millson and Karen Yellowlees represent- ing the CGIT; and Doreen Ha- ar and Larry Broome of the i-C's. Next Sunday is Family Sun- day, with church service and Sunday School combined at 12 noon. The following Sunday, Mo- ther's Day, will also be a com- bined service at the same hour. SALLY'S SALLIES 1, Without: 47, Biblical 19. EE ge rete s.Biyish 48. aatened --20.NNoose (EMEC 9, Bundle DOWN 22, In the TAINIVEP O10] of sticks 1, Treeless same i Be lei: A ait ad oochogad pe RAWAM TB WaAfricn 25 ty eee } . Eager ently export 8.Connective 26. 8-sided STEIEIRMMETIAISE 18, Permit 4. Fashion figure 14. Scold 5. United 28. Grass- Yesterday's Answer constant], Nations hop- 15, Musical --_-- per-like 34. Poplar instrument 6. Cavity insect 36, Pauses 17, Odin's 7, Sick 29. Most 39, Large brother 8, An cun- cupola 18, Plural aromatic ning 40: Chief in ending spice bud $1. Cut of Italy 19, Chair 9. Most meat 42, Craze 20, Conducted superior 33. Textile 44, Head 21, Cut '11, Was in debt fiber covering 23, Mexican oe 5 dollar ae [3 25, Sacred VA Y 4 prohibition 9 10 ! 27. Swindles Y, 80. Irritating 2 (//4'> sensation of the skin 4 6 a 82, Irid t : A gem rT g Y 83. Unhappy 44 Lat LL 85, Mountain al G 2 YG pool 87, Brazilian 88, From: La 32 prefix (s 89. Knight's Yue Ae wife A: L 40. Color, ag BS GY ¢ Easter eggs LA 41, Becloud a Ae G > [44 43.Runsbefore | -- L, the wind: ae Ve naut, y Ye rey YW 45. Texas A? mission WY ], hi "You'd better go now. My Dad's about to drop anchor--- om vou!" 2 So See et Sat se et smoking--and the pharyngitisjsome sort of medication isn't clears up. So--do you.smoke? (a cure for pharyngitis. What is Some obstruction whichineeded is very thorough diag- causes mouth breathing is an-jnosis, to ascertain the true other likely possibility. This/cause. dries the passages unduly, and) your letter indicates that you the mucous membrane. of the hope some sort of anti-virus vac- pharynx isn't supposed to beloine might be the answer. For- too dry, so it becomes irritated. ee: it, Yes, there is much re- A rarer possibility is Sjogren's|soarch on viral vaccines (polio, disease, a general dryness Of/measles, flu, ties of the mucous surfaces. With _ this, common cold. an however, there would be these are aimed at inducing the paucity of tears as well as dry- Bbay i : ness of mouth and nose, too. ody to create its own protec From the foregoing, you canjtion against specific organisms. others) but! COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. et Church St. 728-6341 aoe OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days ec Week ener sors @ Groceries © Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Mects FREE DELIVERY licillin or some other antibiotic|sults, until the patient stops readily see that just giving|fashion, against viruses & a el sey wan ster

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