THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 28,1965 23 ' BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Pley) South dealer, Both sides vulnerable. aes A TENCE JULIET JONES . ue : 'WEST DEER DHE Bryon Sorome 1 pal y Wy OTF, THO MY i 2 > tg DEER AND i 2 : i pens ILED . iTS TIME WE SETTLED 9 QUEBEC CABINET MINISTERS ANTELOPE. TOO CHEAP YOU CHICAGO" (SUE AN ULTIMATUM «+ CATHOLICS AND Te eee Ges Ae Se Aad G CABINET TOGETHER »+-'3 soven LI'L ABNER i Opening lead ~-- king of WAcr MeoavreRy |SPades. Defence against suit contracts I APOLOGIZE FOR OUR TARDINESS SIR!|| IT. 1S A ROUGH, STRENUOUS HEY- STOP-LEMME FF ve: takes many forms, but one of I AM CAPTAIN BONE= FORMALLY || TRIP UP TO THE FORT-- OUT! THIS IS EVEN i FONTO, 7 the most frequent' methods of [AD LIEUTENANT, SUMMON THE WOR6E THAN THE @ ELWAH'S SHOT JUST MISSES attack is to try to run declarer Be en ee. ISLAND QUEEN / Ce ae out of trumps. If the defend- 4 4 ers can accomplish this, they : may then be able to cash all their remaining high cards or run a long suit. When the ratio of trumps held is eight 'on the declarer's side to five on the defender's side, the tug of war with trumps is often spirited. Usually, the de- clarer just about lasts, but sometimes his trumps don't hold out. If declarer has more than eight trumps, the issue is usual- ly decided elsewhere, the bat- tle being mostly between high ISCLEAN / cards. Ru STAND ON IT! oe 'sep MEN A Dope ONTHE GOOD ||| TRICKED-UIP sgh THe TO Be VAN wares! 4 ny OF ALL THE B SMUGGLING PLOT? / REPUTATIONS Ly ett pmee WITHOUT A ' ant wee Bok ~~ oe j INSPECT f 7g " has a ek will generally have his hands full trying to overcome the trump deficiency. South failed in today's hand because his trumps, impressive though they were from the standpoint of quality, proved te be inadequate in length. The four heart contract was sound, and would have been made with a normal 3-2 trump division, but, with West having four trumps, South could not quite manage the affair. The defense started with three rounds of spades and South had TELEVISION LO DONALD DUCK rt te rd one. When be a7 then led the king of hearts, West Channel 2~Buftalo | 10:30 P.M. { 12:45 P.M. 1/M GOING RIGHT DOWN ) | efused to take the ace. Whea Channel 3--Barrie %--Country Music Hall | 4--Gulding Light WHY; THIS DRESS DOESN Pr oni Ove Fpsgld South Continnad ith tes use, Channel 4--Buftalo 7--Wendy and Me | Channel Toronto | 11100 PM, | 1100 P.M. EVEN COME CLOSE TO My MIND! West wisely ducked again. THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY t-[efe) - SPEND MY GOOD bbo007 Money TO BUY SECRET AGENT X9 Channel 7--Butfal = |}1--Four Just Men FITTING! Channel BoRochester |" *aaeeeoNens |%-December Bride Declarer was unable to pre- Weather Sports Matinee d O00! ; : Channel 9--Toronto 11:18 PLM, ae x i tA So vail against this defense. West gcc" sed dillon 1 ies Final +3--Movie Ka iy @ : by now had the A-7 of trumps +--Viewpoint 4--Meet the Mill mM i 4 ally f WRONESDAY EVE. 11:20 P.M, Ske Bente See . 4]! left, South the J-10, and dummy se, OM. Tinton Merve 1:30 PM SY C eZ the nine. 1--Family Theatre. -- 9 sh +i 'ina eee Has A) , yA) ; South could not afford another pre clock Movie |i weestling §--Milllonaire a y ; Thy . trump lead because West woul! SSupermen Put easly 4-As The World Turns IA eS . My win the trick with the ace, play $--Lioyd Thaxton ge lta 2 ks ue Pius CHAE = oy od a spade to force out declarer's : | 9--Abracadabra ys . we 5:30 Pm. | saieiay | Plone in The Wine ha j é); A? last trump, and thus defeat the S-teave It To Beaver | Pages Gupasemena ; 3 # contract two tricks. Ou, Buz! 3--National, Velvet N--Schnitzel House | erent, of _ Te See : So declarer abandoned further ie yond +News meth Captain ve ae ed PM. y L 2 ---- trump plays and started to run I WAS NEVER 50 News Contra 6:30 A.M. i sonnet <8 Hig r the clubs. West ruffed the third TID DEMAND A RAISE, +--Live and Learn News: Miss Helen | &2--The Doctors 1 'RE GOING TO MAKE . ; AND IWIL, TOO!" ae Ate News, Sports. With sie ad: | 7--Day in Court COMPLAINT, GO TO OPERATOR, ORT ME club with the seven, cashed the Chuck Healy pchoneer Loretta Young id map ap on THE WHITE HOUSE, ace of trumps, and South thus see kon yore Toe WASHINGTON, 0.6! held the loss to down one. 3--Fiim Feature "gal BToday, 1965 Tpietieg er CMO | ssuper Bingo TO THE TOP! 4:30 P.M. 4--Mikes Carnival | Wemily Theatre 2--Mickey Mouse Club | » _peopin'tn Contlies ; . eee: weer 1:30 AM. #-2--Another World ' 7 | Fine Concert a Hunter aii N--Ed Allen 7--Genera| Hospital | News |6--Musical Interlude |@3--The Moment of Truth a ) ; | 4-Leave It To Beaver. | 4--To Tell The Truth A & } iB if Pr sented Pay cag Be d-Ann Seumern show | sie bak 4 i S$ Fre 10:00 A.M, 9 - 4 Z ® ain Ni--Funny Company a --s 1 ite PM. Shiner Binet h--Fuany | Company SOLINA (TC) -- For pure tus 11--Gilligans Isiand 8-2--Truth or qi " and enjoyment, it was the Bar 9--Farmer's Daughter C os $&2--You Don't Say y @--Richard Diamond G2--Conadian Echoole | ZeThe Young Marrieds . 8 és ; bershappers last Friday night at 7-4---News, Weather, sNews | 63-Take Thirty 4 : : the hall. Sports 4---Edge of Night eas ° LETS 60, RUSTY] START MAKIN' J] "wo HOURS LATER... 4-The Honeymooness !1)_ pap lti eam Lica -- | ; | 'The Hall was filled to capacity TH APAR' Sf 212 O'Clock High -2--What's Thi N--Dennis The Men ws f m |for the concert, which also in- EM PAR T TRACK Death Valley Daye |, 2-What's This Song ri op ltd : THERE'S A LIKELY LOOKIN' sips "east ante | Eth at Ba" ii cluded two of this year's public FELLOW COULD WIPE OUT HIS) | | "=Yaimiinvs "Bay | 41 Love Lucy Peg Se Slacleas and Mob, Veaser. 'es %---Sports Hot S | tl $ ie Wor! urn ' k TRACKS WITHOUT TOO Bacvirginion --_itealbert eg. 'steee | SSeerat Storm CROSSWORD recltation, "Tee Floes" wae MUCH TROUBLE. 7--Ozzie and Harriet |9--Dear. Charlotte SemRocky and His iven superbly by Rev. C. > Sharon's, Business 8-2--Concentration } Friends A 38 46. Silent 16. Yel [SIPTATT IRL [ofoluy Eite sous and on medy num- 63--Friendly Glant | 4:30 PM. CRO! . Silen . Yel TTIOIMIAMMOIRIGIAINI : . me 2 | 4-Andy 'of Meyoerry --[11---Woody | Wondpecker 1. Without: 47.Biblical 19.4 aac Sas oddly Boyd by the five ir. Pix ee re aM: | eran: Hun poetic garden dlemish | Lic f ented '"MacLeans". ane, | eer Or ee cals 6.Stylish 48. Hastened 20. Noose = REMMCIOIRIISIBOTE) | Solina OGIT and Explorer V--Spacial Movie /3--Chez Helene | 4_The 4Thirty Show 9. Bundle DOWN 22, In the AINIY 5] girls made and sold the dell- $--My Favorite Martian | 1:30 AM. 2--Huckleberry Hound of sticks 1, Treeless same 2 cious homemade candy. 7--Patt Duk Sh shed River Snake sx Teronte, Tesay | THURSDAY SVB. 10, Shout or plain near place BMY ICIAISTUmCIE! | Mission Sunday was held at 4--My Living Doll Pree Ie Right 5:00 P.M. call tropics 24, Pres- ii Ele) |Eldad Church. Gifts of money 8:30 P.M, 63--Butternut Square A--Family Theatre 12, African 2. Eager ently IPIEIEMBSIUINITly) |for the missionary and mainten- | 9--Movie 4-The McCoys iowa export 8.Connective 26.8-sided [MSIEERMNEIUAISI |ance funds were presented by iene 12:00 NOON 13. Permit 4, Fashion fi nd 6-3--Per Masor a * . gure : : dj +-Beveriy Alibilies Pir" py bur | Bear 14, Scold 5. United 28, Grass- Yesterday's Answer Kathie bee "4 Teg West ' +Elwood Glover pee re constantly Nations hop- lake, on behalf of the Explorers; 9:00 P.M, ria : ; Dean Knox and Grant Millson $-2--Movie | 4--Noon News 390 FM 15, Musical --_ per-like 34, Poplar i eartce Musical ae" and Pals S-Leave It Te Beaver 6. Cavity Truack 36. Pauses 'for the Te reesy Millson ; 12:18 P.M. -- d Karen Yellowlees represent- 9:90 PAM. Ma 7, Sick 29. M 39, Lar an P! aiayaes ae | Saenaer te anee | Paves 8. An oun cupola ing the CGIT; and Doreen Ha- Neat 12:90 PAM. | 6:00 P.M, to-Festive i) Love. Lee |7---News Sehiat : aromatic ning 40. Chief in mer and Larry Broome of the | 8-21! Bet | 6--Donna Reed ing spice bud $1. Cut of Italy Hi-C's. hep Pac es ee tee | Cee ee 9. Most meat 42, Craze Next Sunday is Family Sun- | 1--Steve Allen Show | 4-Search for Tomorrow | Chuck Heal ' | 4-Danny Kaye Show | 3-Noonday Report | Today, 1968" 20, Conducted superior 33, Textile 44, Head day, with church service and 21, Cut '11, Was in debt fiber covering Sunday School combined at 12 23. Mexican noon. The following Sunday, Mo- | YOUR HEALTH dollar 1 fz [3 [4 ae hg Yj ther's Day, will also be a com- 25. eo bined service at the same hour. saakeuaie . Swindles Y : Pharyngitis Can eng) tere SALLY'S SALLIES Have Many Causes inact Y By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MDj|would make sense, If a virus Dear Dr. Molner: ] havehappened to be the cause, then been plagued for several years|an antiviral agent would be in with chronic pharyngitis. It}order--if we had any. But un- seems to be the consensus of|fortunately we don't as yet doctors that nothing can behave drugs which will fight) 9, a nt's done unless the inflammation|viruses in the sense that anti- ghar reaches the point of infection,|biotics combat bacteria. 40. Color, as and then penicillin is indicated.| 'There are still other causes Easter eggs I understand fairly intensivejof pharyngitis--other sources of| 41. Becloud YU, research has been done of latelirritation. One of the first] 48, Runs before Z on antiviral vaccine. Do youlplaces to look is the nose.| the wind: GY, have any recent information on Chronic catarrh, sinus trouble,! naut. 4 this?--Miss R.S. infected or swollen adenoids, or| 45, Texas Yj; YZ | MICKEY MOUSE LEROY ?P... DION'T HE IN HERE.' HEARD SOMETHING FALL OFF / WHERE'S LITTLE GOSH, HE IGN'T ( OH, THERE HE 16.%..1 THOUGHT I RIDE IN THE WAGON GRANDMA "You'd better go now. My Dad's about to drop anchor-- ~ vou!" I suspect that your thinking/some other obstruction (includ- mission has gone astray, and if weling polyps) may be interfering Sees straighten it out, you'll see that/with normal drainage of the|smoking--and the pharyngitisjsome sort of medication isn't a good deal can be done to/nasal passages, and resulting injcléars up. So--do you smoke? (a cure for pharyngitis. What is} COLBORNE remedy chronic pharyngitis. an irritating post-nasal drip,, Some obstruction whichneeded is very thorough diag-| But that doesn't necessarily which keeps the pharnyx in-lcauses mouth breathing is an-|nosis, to ascertain the true) GROCETERIA mean a pill or an antibiotic. flamed. Deviated septum (thejother likely possibility. T his|cause. | Colborne St. at Church St. Pharyngitis isn't a Specific|partition between the nostrils)/dries the passages unduly, and) your letter indicates that you disease, caused hy .a, definitejis a not uncommon factor, _|the mucous | membrane of the)none some sort of anti-virus vac- 728-634] germ, like chickenpox ora! Or focal infections (tonsils,)pharynx isn't supposed to be\cine might be the answer. For- -- form of influenza, of|teeth, mouth or gums) can re-|too dry, so it becomes irritated.| set it. Yes, there is much ref OPEN ---- such. sult in a toxic situation which|A rarer possibility is Sjogren's|-earch on viral vaccin i ae my es lio, Rather, it is irritation and in-jinflames the pharynx. disease, a general dryness Of| measles, flu, varieties re DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. flammation of the pharynx, the! Another common irritant isjmucous surfaces. With this,!.qmmon cold, and others) but Seven Days e Week cavity which connects the nasal smoking. Some people are more|however, there would be a these are ai ty i 7 H & ' are aimed at g | . |passages with the upper throat./sensitive to smoke than others.|paucity of tears as well as dry-|, a : ape oy sate ue © Groceries © Fresh Fruits | If bacterial infection hap-Sometimes you can investigate|ness of mouth and nose, too. (20¢Y 'lo Create ils own protec-H-@ Vegetables © Meats {pened to be the cause, yes, pen-/every possibility, without re-| From the foregoing, you canjtion against specific organisms. FREE DELIVERY licillin or some other antibiotic|sults, until the patient stops|readily see that just giving!fashion, against: viruses a | 2 MUGGS AND SKEETER \