|20---Real Estate for Scie _ |20--Real Estate for | Sole _ [20--Real Estate for Sole | _THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 28,1965 97 '20--Real Estate for Sale Puente Help Wanted /18--Mole Help Wanted -- 118--Male Help Wanted : SHORT ORDER Quarter Century 20--Real Estate for Seale '20--Real Estote for Sele WE NEED "3" MEN lots cee cos: Ra REN 2 IE ~ ie COO K i CAREER | 1, Golf ae wee 4 O rd O Nn J | D E | U | D E | of Service | Required f 4 p witt i Man for Grounds (Some | pein $a ttl Oopopr unity | 2 eeee ion. - S | S scHortoaKer, Metcalf | CARlOlsen t set ie e ie -- Also Weitress | veg Ms hoe @ S b orn e | REALTY LTD. | REALTY LTD. peat ey ee ee poli From 11 am. to 2 pm" | ff you are looking for a 3. Smack Bar Cook (Some ex- ' | AO King St -11 6 doys weekly, j g perience, will occept col- 16 Simcoe St. S. i ing oe | __ Apply Genosha Hotel sve gel aimee pearer | lege student). REAL ESTATE | 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-2265 728-4678 SPLIT LEVEL - Six room brick fei" _| Soe organization' ths | in 'wecenton' °°" | 218 Dundas St. €, Whitby! 723-1121) 723-1121 sd aldsis Ptr ge Fo rT f ] ; | EXPERIENCED thet wasra es sia Call Dunbarton DIAL 668-8826 | 134 STOREY HOME || Scam beck bungie au |: for eels' comer, 4 SALESLADY , Z 839-1313 is | * e Ciena. tol eae al tae oted close to General Motors, Only $16,500 with $2,750 + ; You will be working in an | "THE HOT LINE" ing. Muinnbek Gera and both . public ond separate down, NiLA, jnsvisadh. for | APPLY anone. a a i |e THIS HOME hos 0 big) xi1 @ THIS 134 STOREY 4] screens, toxes $121. Open | Srmoie a ern -- i is consten raising e * ivin r 'ai i | re oa nth , n 250. i ; i FOX' S$ Nation's geandard of living, | WATCH FOR THE is FIREPLACE." pot papriagasd ee ve pina smes of a 375.00. ptt Ryan pl ap sd Tries aes baat Boas: " Your work will be challeng- | EXPERIENCED MAN TO SIGNS THAT SELL dining room, 3 large bedrooms, large living room, o good sized Early possession, sion con be arranged on' this low complete in every detail: 7 SIMCOE SOUTH * | ing and exhilerating | WASH, CLEAN-UP AND HA ERR iio aac ' th an extra room on third) © kitch th loads of board: MAINTAIN USED CARS. vs itchen with loads of cupboards home. Only $15,950 with $2,200 INTERVIEWERS If you ore between the oges AIAK Sehool Teocher Saye) OO Ss ae | ae ween Oe oe Nie se down, ' and of 19 ond 22, willing to Mechanico! experience not i bathroom with colored fixtures,| Recreation room with ample, Brick two bedroom home ELECTRIC HEATED i SUPERVISORS work from the ground up | necessary. Full compony bene- and a BIG MODERN kitchen.| room left for laundry facilities.| with lorge Iviing room ond Blend how "Gunsciows: wiih 10 ACRE LOTS - Six miles : Part time, for market research | with excellent training, 'ploowe fits, Apply in person only to: Thic 3 bedrdén Suenlcdetached ied heating is Ba -- This home is close to downtown! --_ room, large modern corports; soie walkeout bake: = Oshawa on Port Perry H ; ite | ast possessio - 4 te cl to th if surveys, Write giving ecico- | write to j MR. B. KANE, bungalow on fineNesidential | fated eegire Cat ee ? si ond the osking price is or ly ag Page pie ments, paved streets, fully i egret Prong st $5,000 tion, interviewing or super. ROBSON MOTORS 'LTD. street in aggressive Ajax. | hatiaaee ee ee i paid services and very rea- lown payment. ' vising experience to Edsall BOX 140 Bowmanville Tostefully decorated tough- | sachs DOWN PAYMENT considered pina ple ae sonably priced with down LOTS -'1 lot north west of ; gg Lid oo Bashop | out, Large-kitchen and \ivid- e with 1 -mortgage for the bol- aati family hos left Poyments from $3,000. up, Whitby 75 x 200 $2 ' fie Montreal 25. ie OSHAWA TIMES | sureRINTENDENT for apartment bull. €4, Posement. $1,500 'dgwn git some ready for possession, 200 with terms, ling, 31. suites. Two bedroom apartment, will make you the owner\ of I} @ PRICED RIGHT AT $14,- $10,700 CASH 2 lots ot Taunt 1 WOMAN : lin exchange for services. 728-9126 thik, fing home... tnterdt 900----W. ' e , : GRANDVIEW GARDENS junton ~ 100, Oshawa, Ontario CLASS EIGHTEEN : , # invite "yeu to Miepec? Yes, cash talks on this ; boil priced at $2,500 for canteen work ' ed : principal ond taxes only this exceptional bungalow with] XII1 @ . $2,000.00 down gives| lovely older home th eee oe eee ach. | BACKHOE Speratorsy one yard. Oshawa $100.00 monthly GARAGE and finished RECREA ll inenpdiata He sais Beh 5] lovely f sf sins aa in just 7 years old, with carport, : ; ' district, Call 725-2741, : ' immedi session is originally bui r e in Ajax, | MACHINE TOOL ate . ND : c c TION room, An extra washroom 3 bedroom bungalow with walk} Hs le that ore now seilin | reg, room, finished with built 4 Rovine N.H.A lots, i WANTED immediately, three fullime re-i{ORA VIEW ST, OSHAWA g | uple d 9 in 'bor, built- in stove and 58 115 : j Apply 800 Farewell Avenue SALESMAN presentatives tor Oshiewa end eres. Write in the basement is on oppre-| out basement located in Oshawa tor health reasons. This | oven in- modern kitchen, Pre G - each, on i j Oshawa or to Box 298 Downsview, Ontario; for fur- And it is a grand view too, | ciated convenience in this im-| south end. We recommend this home hos three bedrooms porad 'for autre 2 en. og ea age St. south, fi / 728-7305 | gine for dostem Ontailo: thar. information, All applications will Be Qverlooking Oshawa with its maculate 3 bedroom home, ecoriomical purchase. Mother up plus o bath and a large Lapin 1h besardont, go hii 750 sock ott es a - , -- ik ir A livi : wi Jilder' | ZOCL TIME territory, Yonge Street to |gcHanic tor construction machinery, 3° like. lights A hiacatiy in | Ps will ns the ad kitchen and) -- singe | and gid for. yeu ebpaintinuak (6 tk iiay s ; JUL Kingston. Drawing account, (wanted immediately, Telephone 728-0503. 9" evening 1¢ rich gar- the whole family will enjoy the ON) COW. ee Ae Te spect this lovely executive CASHIER company car and medical cov- BOYS are required for evening work. Call den: soil is ee as peers Wt @ $13,700.00 is the ful! proximity oF the laxe: | eis der er lee veil home SUMMER COTTAGE - Thur- - erage supplied, Liberal com- 8-304; 6:00-7:10 owner to sew the seeds in the : ce OF thls ' | cphanlbel lt ge eigen de stonia Park, 5:room fumish H Bg pape gh mission orrangement assures ROUTE SALESMAN wanted, commission une gerne plot that has ie Roane hao ugg S peiongen Dae, it hos '4 HEATED ELECTRICALLY cottage on Sturgeon hed i n : with gu tee, group ir , pension 5 9 ly car iarage and toxes or | | & des ie good income for real order |Win guarantee, Group insurance, pension Been 30 < are a oo quiet reiidentiol creo' Makeen| X1V.e THE SPACIOUS kit e575 00. RU ad inly Homes with gorages and cor Full price only $4,500, Apply MR. CAMPBELL producer with contacts in this GpapeR™ operator wanted immediately.! This 12 yeor old white frame appointment tonight to see this) chen ond the finished Recrea | Ports and fully decoroted, TRIPLEX ~ Whitb ; ' territory Telephone 728-0503 PMs re alert ' home with 3 good sized bed-|. tion room-are some of the at NEAR paved street, fully paid | EX - Whitby - Here is GENOSHA HOTEL Write stating quolifications adept heh tld ja Urata BBR ah bie AS | e aved street, fully | Your opportunity to live rent j r I eine ' 5 JANITOR for night cleaning, dependable tow sans away. trom Maco rooms, finished Recreation troctive features in this modern! SHOPPIN F - Pp reet, fully paid ser Hs 5 WANTED DIATELY =. housekeep.| » and post experience to man with good references, Steady employ Tes OWSy. i iin ake a &o pers belnic 4a A SH G CENTRE vices, N.H.A. mortgages ree in this nice building, 4 a fae Hoehariess horse, iadio-ased bre ment. Apply Manager Hotel Lancaster highway with 2 large thon Co] i» interest carry ric ungolow. Paved drivewoy ¢ head ot Rig bes gages, Built as o triplex not con ferred, to live in, S 7 days. Telephone H_ Hyland vice-pre King Street West overage bedrooms, spacious ing ier just $96.50 per month) and fully hedged yord as well os $1,200: DOWN priced a ; 00 up | Garted Le ween Ptr 7M-1737 ; ' - ~ | MORE MONEY fo i by giving Re kitchen and. divided has including the taxes. Don't wait, excellent location: near schools Mod x brick | ~ c oor EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with sident Barker Indus- _ eish Service 'right here in Oshawn and ment Vou an medi thot the call now | stores, and riniaueteion hist semi ditead naan bee MELROSE STREET hy $18 500 pei Bape preg ane epee yome ial Equipment Ltd ore (futal Bias Established hese living room is a favorite spot | this an exceptionally good buy with. ditied seemealion ee iat lorge kit pri , wi easy I ASSISTANT cook, female, for cafeteria Po pwelte | Rawleign. Dept." B-316-816,:, 4005 and everything spick-and-span ® $2500.00 down will handle room, garage, storms ond extra lar "i ae cupboards, | it a.m. to 7.30 p.m. Must have own 116 TYCOS DR, iin be eg Bt a too: Full price $13,800, 1V e LOT -- NORTH WEST screens, Priced for quick =| weil Pa co ae NEAR SOUTH GM. - Five phone Bs] extension TIS. voRoNTO 1 19--Male or Female WHITBY CHURCH BLDG, AREA~60 ft x 116 ft. deep ns sole, (Delay will maon dit- | good sized' bedrooms, parti - | "eiow with "SenaGlt Nate - i - . ointment, Ow), iw Ww Y HOUSEKEEPER wanted for elderly cou- Help Wanted with fruit trees and in a good, Call 723-1121 for full porti vp ws Pe | fec. room, paved street, and hia an nee ' ple Live in, seven days @ weeks ace All replies will be treated in EXPERIENCED HAIRORESSER for Near centre of town, Suit north west location. $4400.' culors, | NEAR | within walking distance to all Worth -- yor ir Teg twa Times sieting Ag Os strictest. confidence modern salon Top wages. Telephone ble for meeting house, new Coll now for details, | | . schools, Ideal east end loca looki Pid Ha ity coedhra ed phone number . rs Whitby 668-3621 church or what have you in | Open daily from 9 a.m: to 9 p.m | SHOPPING CENTRE tion. Only $15,900.00 with NG TOF @ goed home, ; FULL TIME cashier, Good working gon-| Saaae We Po Bigne divent 7 I asada Ay id, Kitchen foc ; and bd | Aber Hauce call | Loan clean brick, three reasonable down payment After hours call-- n ittons, all benefits. Apply Manager Bas-| s a ious meeting ha erms to ' RA edroom semi detached siacmen Henry Stinson 725-024 f / sin's IGA, Ajax Shopping Plaza 20--Real Estate for Sale reliable party, Full price V @. THE OWNER of this 6] tye Trivett 194.940 bungolow which is @ plea- | OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Jock Kerr 723 0243 i i WAITRESS wanted, 8-4.30 Monday to Fri DUMONT $32,000 room attractive bungolow is 9 723-7390 ia Fh ohn Cemmblarale <i Dial 728-4678 2926 ; f day. Apply in person to Silver Grill, / LEAVING the city, end is offer-| Yvalter Mittler 728-7083 tinh ah clei 299 1428 Brock Street South, Whitby. ALUMINUM GIBBONS ST. OSHAWA ing His home for quick wole.| cotth, Gitterd 728-0768 Hass ed = elton Dick Barricge, Joe Mag KING ST. WEST A CLERK-TYPIST parttime for two : os ' Roy Flintoff storms ond 'screens plus wig ; k iP lag lg AR ey A Pe $10,700 Lovely large bright living room) | Y Me nt 725-3454 indirect lighting in valance Ken Hann, Jock Osborne, 723-1133 a { Foods Lid. 359 Station Street, Ajax R RES ' and dining room, These rooms gon: Monitius 728-2754 'a | h f Bob Johnston i i Telephone 942-3881 EQUIRES Older style income home for broadloomed, Spacious panelled iii Love 668-2402 Sichen "ane gor ng. 4 Member of O. D. R. £. B ' Seana j t RELIABLE woman jo live in and care a retired couple or youn REC. ROOM, carpor rnest Mueller 728-0208 sk es ts | 4 } 2 u ung rport and paved) = ¢ : ent $3,600 down and $92.00 | hts, ier eminem wae =A AMBITIOUS es ies cola artiegiaet ane etek. | Gri. Slee lewdectped" we. Steve analart 728-5581] per month including tx i 4 ; : -\ n Peacoc " q GIRL for lunch 0 ange shifts. E/N ing some income to help with Immaculate home.. T.V. tower ' 5-43: i Apply nag Bagg ones By MARRIED MEN wie payments. Could be ideal aluminum storms and screens oe De 728-424) NORTH EAST-- \ aah ---- oo r family home too. No ore a few of oye borson 723-2537) i UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY as Beauty = y ie 199 t . w .of the many extras | MOVE IN AND 7 Counsellor. Flexible haurs. Personality To bet ed cto! : | fancy, but a solid home with included Lucas Peacock 725-4330 more Important iinan Previous | business stelenuatives oe SEE : Any Of 2 bathrooms, sun Sach eel | Dick Young 723-7183 START LIVING : experience xcellent profits. one , . page : of | p d ' urpris | i a Selary and bonus These Exclusive | full rrce $10,700" Inspec : Arranging of Merigges is art with botment poroge. I BA \ d mother Moris. Live in or oul, th week Medical Plan, Pension Scheme and make on offer with your Vi.@ . DUPLEX IN A COM ef our comprehensive Real Estate} maculately clean nicely ly, Telephone 725-9736. Opportunities for advancement ee : down payment MERCIAL AREA Investigate) oervice ot Guide Realty Limited, decorated 3 bedroom home, i HOUSEKEEPER Jo take 'charge of home to Managerial positions. Listings Tonite TOWNSHIP this two family brick home in on list Exclusive ond Photo) You will love the Holly. REALTOR--7 28-7328 REALTOR : je mother hospitalized wo to three | 5 excellent commercial locat 5 wood kitct B ™ £ my 0 2 id hild. Al f . ion chen asement is : q Pe GS gma tive 3 res | wo Bi 3 sn ois | NEAR K MART Plaza is going in across the Mandiae cto) divided into recreation 103 King Street East ' w, 33: : | Ca 728-5157 street- $15,500.00 is a very embers of O.D.R.E.B room complete with bar; i BUNGALOW 18--Mele _Help anted -- or. Phone for interview, 3 bedroom stucco bungalow reasonable osking price, Call us GUIDE REA laundry room and extra REATREAT 3614 ACRES, twe Six room red brick, with base- ainesonte x oe | ne with 75 x 39' lot near Gar- now for all the details, bedroom or den. creeks, a tervitie view, excel- ment apartment, renting ot oH 1 728 ] 651 | NORTH WEST rord Rd. between Whitby and LIMITED, REALTORS | RA lent building site, frontage on $120 per month. Asking $3,- zk SALESMAN | CITY Oshawa Not mony like this | * p . | RANCHER 2 roads, some good cedar 300 down. Balance ot 7%. | | with low taxes, spacious kit- | Ke ie ian ; | Lovely solid brick ranch bush, about 20 minutes from Easy terms. Live rent free! } Vil @ THIS DUPLE WANTED WHA. Raisle Buneelow with chen, economical olf heating 1S LEX is in ex | style bungalow with -- at- Oshawa. Asking $7,300 Coll 728-9466, | } t cellent condit | 9 $7, with | é MAN 3 good size bright bedrooms, unit, Cool in summer ond ¢ condition and close to } toched garage. Kitchen hos Misbitl Fy To sell gos epplionces oll well gleaming ook floors through- warm in. winter here. Full south G.M, plant. This is a 2| W | built-in stove, oven and s i : -" pp , FOR JANITOR WORK cut,'full modern 4 piece bath- price $11,600 storey brick duplex having three! . exhaust fan. Only $16- | NORTHWEST : ; nown mokes of ronges, dry- ' ' par | room. You could finish off 4 546 MONTEITH A gorages and finished Recrention| 900.00, REDUCED $13,900 -- Ranch Attached garage and paved ers ond woshers, etc. Salary throughout hote | beautiful Rec Reom here ) ) 4 VE., room. Both apartments rented bungalow with 3 bedrooms, drive with this six room brick : and commission. Apply MR. CAMPBELL | 6% financing, Call 728-5157 OSHAWA on a month to month basis. Call For full particulars call tiled hath, cecreation room, bungalow. Only 2 years old. ' for full particulars now for more information, The | aluminum storms and screens, Well landscaped. Partly fin- "792. E H af Drive by this solid brick. 3 ic , ti le st ig | f Phone 728-9441 | G NOSE A HO EL Drive price is right Jit 2265 patio, ample shrubbery, apple, Ished recreation room, mony | i CONSUMER'S Sg oo ira g Me i} Geshe at Soelmren te ink ' REAL ESTATE LIMITED | birch end maple tree in the | other extras. Coll 728-9466, part-time salary and benefits, Ap- n nt to ' nicely landscape ack yard, f Simei T nant oce a hn ; ' i GAS CO ply 909 Simcoe North 9 a.m. 10 6 p.m WANTED i is - ent § ue od od Oi aa : ; 177. Church Street O en Dail oe i : u ne 8 r or uck j in the midst o , | { of ' erie ba tet pid Al gg thane Old House aes thon ' buyer: will only pay 542 % on © galaxy of brilliant homes, this Bowmanville p y $11,000 West end, 8 | We have one,. and i 31. CELINA ST person only, Bassin's IGA, Ajax wer wee o 728 the mortqage This could bea | brand new 3 bedroom bungalow 623-3393 Hbsbte Peary | ab te i} three bedroom apart- acc r ree market value saving of over S$! 000 on | hos o large living room, beauti a.m. to 9 p.m. me r the lorge family, || ments now renting for | OSHAWA TIMES p N your home. Monthly: payment ful designed kitchen, built in) Member Oshawa ond District | Open 9. a.m. to 9pm. || July possession. Rents | | only $102, Prineipal, interest | vanity in 4 pe. tiled bathroom Real Estate Board Bill Johnston. 728-1066 | || start at $115 up. Call e The basement is divided for pro-| | Margaret Lee 723-2894 | || 798.9466 Pp. . ' osed R ti P F | ; | x ; PRINTED PATTERN | DUPLEX TAUNTON RD. E. $14,300 from exes dno weer here] 200 acre DAIRY FARM ex- Metbiv Boudreau -720-2235 | ee | vroom, V sa 5 | i | KING EAST +1 veer old § moor, bonaetog | Rave other brand new homes off cellent highway location, | trwin Crukshanks aaashe | H, MILLEN 1 7 Sas sae PNG cals Biol arable ee gg styles in this area: Call abl api lend sets paint- fa Brom 725.9345 REAL ES TATE LTD. $11,900.00 q | vee v haa os ee es d barns and silo. Milk con. , , | ' ; | Si acdeek A elace hate trees xia Jbuildifies. for loy for full particulars, { tfact with atch hae Alien Akitas 728-2870 | | Close to downtown, 7 room, ; ' clean oil heating, private chickens, etc Not many pro- e gee Sete pisray Bick' BERRA. bar, Steve Macko 728-5868 | -- Jo BAGOT ST | 1% storey. Suitable for rent. q ' drive. Try your down payment perties like this one with low ia awa ot ied Fal Irene Brown 725 3867 | , ' | ing rooms Try $1,500 down, ' call 728-5157 now ---- S andscaping IX_@ YOUR CHILDREN woulal price $60,000 with terms Nel ie 725-1018 | 728-1679 Coll 728-9466. i | clean decor spot bn st ' : rms org, Ha 723.135 } 5 | | : ion f love this one, A 114 store s ru 723 | | 58 ACRES to retire or for a gmail hana ee 8 1 SO Ten' ecias, bronkin Rea Aker 725-0201 | - ae 25 BOND ST. WEST | . ; mit features 6 large rooms, mar partly wooded, rolling LS leat Nae INDSOR AVE SIMCOE ST. N NEAR ROSSLAND RD extras such as paved driveway| fon i flowing stream 360 King St. eWst ig a 2 by alia | 728-9466 | INVESTORS - BUILDERS | AND NORTHMINSTER | fituly nocg oot, Soreens -beau a with terms Free, easy safe porking bh Aa : ea | 4 L N NS 2 tifully: cad large kitchen with ample eat- ; : CHECK THIS OUT! 58 acre juily treed yard. Excellent fir aaidantal Wee acca ing area, $2,000, down pay- | 2 gts ; subdivision land only $600.00 United Church in Oshawa "i fe mokes this on attrac-| building the Village 4 Het | Did You K > a ide tena at t ive buy ' : By per acre. 20% down. Terms s is on older style brick | Brooklin on scenic street close LIST AND MOVE | : | Vid You Knows 1 | to aulk, hore with this low, low e | dai abhoel abd maw tathelie | ov oe | WHITMAN CRES | YOU CAN OWN A i ' axes, on fine residential | school. 11 lots. re | HECKERBOARD =| Well-maintained th bed- | 1 alert ne "a a | fegistered | | ned three bed- | : A MRGLRY CONST. | Tita ned renee cree 1 pb ONCRAL 1 Hor, Bon cuore torte ar ele | rem brick bungalow with | : TRADE YOUR oe Hai pel aba -- bungal ef bey ng 3 large bed 650.00 per lot B 0 LA H 0 0 D | slot "os vio KASSINGER | | 7 ure t . FOOMs, shaped ivi i lace, , finishe ; ' OWN HOME bh 1) te ae ; Bieaiegulbed | with bright windows a Reig Village home, four bedrooms, | | rec, room, second washroom, | j ' : a ng _and Oe eon | full teament divided + bathroom, oil heated, close to _ | | ond fourth bedroom. Priced ' On one of these very .choice veniences. Garage here too, plenty of with) school and across road from B R | right at $15,500.00, Vsiieiaa!? H Vill All-for $12,500 with terms y room: for future re olf . | p "in Harmony Village creation room, which is wired| So: war's cone Darn 40° x | GLENECHO ST. : 4 -- to -- from. For 7 ACRES, 4 ROOM for a dryer and also the plumb-| ae with 5 ar level land, REAL ESTATE | f = sie) b af, 4 IN BEAUTIFUL , information and_ inspection ' ul price 14.500 itt me RE 2 -- | our edroom ric on d H 1 79 } ing is in for an automatic wash : wi | { cal 8-5157 House on N 12 hi T 'a terms... --INSURANCE--= | stone home. This home is for ous. Jo righway er. The driveway is paved, there ' ' | i : rear Whitby rie | 7 . at - A the party look fo * near Whitby with low taxes is also.o CARPORT, Call now farl Spacidus family home in' the MORTGAGES -- Lies ee ce 7 4 BEDROOMS 2 i naivety fons good eh venta just sold one ini Village of Manchester, Four INCOME HOME | 1450 sq. ft, of living space ; well. Inspect and make offer, the same desirable ar igh : x Be er) eg E AND base fap ck @ area. bedrooms, private den, mod Ps | including 2 bathrooms, val- ¢ \ or cash. $11,700 | ' ' ern. kitchen and bathroor ' ance lighting, fireplace in PANORAMIC VIEW e ; 'oil heated and water Shin JUST LISTED, Very clean, 8 rec, room one, fully land- ; OF THE CITY Xl @ CUSTOM BU er. Private 1% dére landsc room, 11 storey brick in- | scaped with attached garage. ; 2 1S ILT-3 bea 2 landscap- ' | L ' garage. a lak with kant chad Gee come ho t " Lorge 8 rooms split with 2 S| B BY'S [feos hems fephuring oiteched| foe "Ata tml ald 9 bles. | tr Te ee | niki ae FOR AS LITTLE AS car garage and o huge family | garage, lossed in breezeway dex i with se "| Three « four - five hedroor ih 2 1 tulos: Haluar oh terms dining room, 3 bedrooms, oil | = Sen Be. Gace ai | y living room with dining homes in. BRAEMOR GAR- | rea heat. Priced fo st so ' E 3 | room, expensive wall te y | ore modern step saving kit Commercial frohtne cane oa 81) oa uy { Aug DENS now available These | $3,000 DOWN | carpet included. To see coll oe chen, ceramic tile 4 piece bath 4\% 'dcres Of end on marr Roy, Yeu Be 728-5123 or 725 homes quolitied under Winter | NE WEST KNIT 728-5157 Real Estate Limited roan, Masia bediosm Gaal HiGhWAY Glows ie Gul | beige Works with « $500.00 bonus | flag A arti home occepted | | , ; s | | to rch | 9s trade-in | 2995 < | Spel wethvenm Located in| Bunglow wih heated won | : | Sieg By ALICE BROOKS Call 728-5157 imeoe St. S. | sr cree where many other bea.) shop and equioment: Ideal | HORTOP SPECIAL | ; up. | SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY Prettiest knitted suit in town! re Sees ecation for machine shop, | IRRY, Y * acapaeunes | ; ' aie' 3uil r Ro * Pg es) 10,5, Beene < est b a) She'll whirl out happily in pleat- | After 9 p.m, Wednesday call 728-7576 ne | gorege or farm implement | town, Look oni $12 00 fr | OVER SCHOFIELD AKER od skirt, jacket. SWIFT SEAMING | 'tv 'ehen 728-9326 INDUSTRIAL LAND -- | : en ee 100 HOMES ' Suit a little girl for any sea . " be | | sirable 11 storey brick home. | : | LTD. 7 -_ " Courtic ms 1 5 -. = son, Jacket knitted from neck |. » ANNE -- ACTIVE REALTY LTD. ae oe btgg p Ser uth STOP! Restaurant. ond equipment, | Features good size kitchen, | | down -- panel, diamonds, pop- irst move in the morning, BNG: 20st SF SOUTCS J 's ed vert, | living room, separate dinin: | cara: hale cables Pattern slip into this breezy beauty--the 48 Simcoe Street South Rd mugs! Property with ad- | | eg eon Pie bh bs Se roar 3 bedrooms plus bther AVAILABLE iiged pads . : ' BE, ' oinir cellent for. | is r our room home with = | 3 ; 7070: sizes 4-8: 8-10 incl coolest thing next to nothing at ! whee rgiiway, exceilen | | dlPesneanian extras, To inspect and make THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) - Swift seaming in cotton, factory : CONSIDER in Full cae tees on offer call Mr, Jim Brody | IMMEDIATELY ~NEW 6- PLEX a acron, terrycloth. eT ~--before : : : : t 728-5123 or 728-0483, | . . | tor each nea me. acy panied Pe . co fa eC an Cy l NORTH EAST rien Paola your terms, | C) 3 or 728-048 | nice ELECTRIC HEATING ; Dilease) to ice Brooks, care 0 + ba 2 storey brick & room home | . 1 R | The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft age aoa % a, 0, 9 with fireploce, early posses Call 623-3393 | ppt gi AVE. UGH INCOME $800 MONTHLY Dept. Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario | ide a8 gy SEES #78 sion, priced at only $12,500, LOOK aa Be | Only $12,900 for this 6 room Pracast construction, brogd- residergts add'ic sales tax. Print 79008 45-inch fabric After 9 p.m | brick home with garage. Oil loom throughout, drapes in plainly PATTERN "NUMBER FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins re [ e tN) Open 9 to 9 and see all our adver- lack W ' | .furnoce,. newly decorated all suites. "Bully leased, situ NAME. ADDR ; * (no stamps, please) for each tising a hitemon 623-3818 Located close to Rossland ated ea Teahat St. Whe ; ? , pattern. Ontario residents add Buying or Selling ' Howard Forder 655-3853 | Road, good are. Reasonabl Le ae Mile ae 1968 NEEDLECRAFT. CAT-\5¢ gales tax. Print ni yh a : Kan Hockin 635.5688 | Gad) eae ar nab' | MULTIPLE LISTING Service | Pleese call Bil Miller: tor ; c ' : 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE Call Tony Zokorow 725-436 C ; : ees |. Priced, Easy terms tor pet more information, 4366 ALOG, -- 200 designs, three free NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE ' oe E Pat Yeo 623-3077 | ance. Call Mr. Jack Appleby @ patterns! Newest knit, crochet y KE ea, wed = 4 Joe Barnosk 723-5787 | 728.5] 2 | fechdane Biorb 5c NUMBER ise PACE FOR $6,900 FULL PRICE for this four-room around and let all our Herb Cane: He i Bee dat aay eee | 725-1 186 Mdciat Renn fae saan Send order to ANNE ADAMS OSHAWA _ bunaelow. Centrally located on lovely tot sa sive CONSULT A MEMBER | W. T, LAMSON ow! Send for elegant, new care of The Oshawa Times, Pat ea ch Cathar ten. a ee : : : sede ' " } Pa . e 'ouple or starter home. $600 4 Ter AHOOD BROTHERS LTD. " Figs beratifel room settings, 25\° COMPLETE FASHION RE. _ AND ANNAPOLIS, foetaniances Why "pay "ens lmmedn SOLD HOUSES Bol ROTHERS OF THE REAL ESTATE LTD f 25 MPL J 1 > y N LIS ossession ter "y . | ' i , ; Lneotibaenca be. aie may a pb aot bs LETE FASHION RE : | artin Realtor 728-5103, signs help you decide COTTAGES --~ GARAGES | 101 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA and DISTRICT | RAGLAN = Eleni a P rn ative port in our new Spring-Sum- FOUR-ROOM pbungaiow. Ciose ot Osh: FIVE-ROOM brick house for rent or sale, to You Build -- We Build ' REAL ESTATE BOARD storey, large lot 66' x 222'. For informa aq wories in one book! Pillows, mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- fA, Spring Centre. newly decorated. /385 moniniy. immediate possession. Gar NO DOWN PAYMENT Open Every Evening SEAL tion soply 28° Festhuber! Avenue or ° P 1 os. Shey thes ts eee J elephone 725-105) days O°8 age. Telephone 725-4797 ns elephone 1830 Ww hangings, curtains, appli- pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! evening . nanced Monthly Paym es n AJAX. -- Six-room, semi-detached Buivhibile | siprmnetsienrcanseernennnest siiceioneteanecninpats more: 60 : Everything you need for the life 31X-ROOM home on mre ere ae eas ceane L | ST ' McGIL bh wee ee bcomael' (Ncae" Reale ob eved ' tue! De ane oe oe _ a 350 design ideas! tly Poggio oan te all schools Deu ge Reasonably priced with with Guide Realty hasichie PRIVATE' -- Threnbedroom Trame bun. driveway, near schoo! Oe cactionatly 20--Real Estate for Sale nplete terns. . end $0¢ now. v. No agents: ieee, Priced et 9 nitac rray -- Royle,| | \ ot roker low, oi! heat Full $11,800, clean, Price reasonable, $84 tht Pp. pa | Be n 1812900, Telephone 723-7245, 723-4270, Joseph Bosce Realtor, 7aa-737,1 Limited \ 728-4285 Aer ct tdamee TERK [Terma arranged, men Aine panies"! ~=©(Continued on Page 28)