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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 9

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By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Sports Editor If Vic Bagnato flipped a two- headed coin, he would be in-| clined to bet you it would land) tails. | That's the way things go for) this small, chubby man. with one slightly puffed ear and a smile that doesn't seem to wear Vic Bagnato Lost Only Two Decisions has been spent in the fight|ficial remembered me as an| game, jamateur fighter and said he) He was a crowd' - pleasing|wanted me as a physical edu-| amateur flyweight around Tor-|cation instructor and also to| onto in the late 1920s and early|put on amateur fight shows in| 1930s and lost only two deci-|the RCAF." sions in 100 fights in the 112-) Probably few people realize it} nound class. but Vic was promoter of tie} His first big disappointment outdoor Archie Moore-James J. was in 1936 when he felt some|Parker light-heavyweight fight] |will be extended by one month|Matches have been arra THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 1, 1963 9, lto next season and is aimed at Soccer Season lavoiding any congestion of schedules as a result of Eng- Is Extended jland's staging of the 1966 World LONDON (Reuters) -- the|c2? tournament July 12-30. Three extra international id of|for the English team in May, the English Foothall Associ-|5 part of its World Cup prep- ation agreed Friday, | arations. The extension will apply omly| Without the extension, lead- jing clubs, affected by partici- jpation of their players in inter- national matches, might have ; jfound it difficult to complete Vic, now a chubby 145 pounds |their league schedules and any and a grandfather, figures his) commitments in European com- 1936 loss was "fortunate."' 'petitions. 1965-66 English soccer season to end May 28, a meeting have weighed at least 124 jhanky-panky kept him off Can-\in Toronto in 1956. He was the} OLA EXHIBITION Lacrosse Sunday, May 2nd 2 P.M. \ OSHAWA GREEN GAELS vs. PETERBORO malar. sbecwat ote 'TORONTO TEAM WINS CROSS -CANADA RALLY off. He has taken many raps)oqar: "hoxin ii | : g squad for the)littte man on the fringe of the|---------- in his 49 years, most of Which) o1ympic Games in Germany. 'crowd--and what a mob that' eye Then he got into the game|was. . soled as a promoter of amateur and! toronto millionaire Dave Whitby District pro fights = has taken @'fi- Rush bankrolled the fight, and * nancial beating. in Toronto to stir things Bowling -$cores Bagnato has had many rea-\were the late Jack ™t(Doe) THE WHITBY LADIES' -- /50"8 be wake up scowling but)Kearns, Bill Daly of Paterson, CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE |" refuses to get mad at people.N.J., and promoter Jack Solo- The league started the first| or Ba 23 Bagnato children | mons of London. They dreamed day of play-offs this week and|°f whom 12 are living--he hadiyp ali sorts of gimmicks--red the girls had some good games|4" Carly baptism into the fight/carpet for ringside fans, report- but a lot of us seem to have our|%#me because his doting "other ers in black tie, models, mili- usual poor games; here's hoping ge the boys . sailor suits./tary guard of honor for Moore we all do our best next week. ; "@ were raised in a tough/and Parker from their dressing | Triples over 500 Iaabe! | neighborhood in the West End rooms to the ring. Mothersill 928; Grace Sandford |e om pose ee a They couldn't have operated! 661; Marion Brooks 625; Flor- ni vied Kids said ana did when 1 Without Vic because he had the ence Moore 621; Jean King 5915) og down the street in my Promoter's licence. What hap- Betty Pascoe 584; Alice Brad- slley leaking olothas be n MY nened? "I didn't make a dime ley 577; Bernice Moase 573;|°"" 8 age out of it," says Vic, "but I eer- Doreen oe ne -- Mar. WON A NICKEL tainly learned a lot. shall 563; Sandra Labanovich) We had his first street fight) "I used to go home at night |555; Dimple Gough 533; Soph|at eight "when one of the and shake my head in Abs rid ' 4 Toronto crew who took day night the winners of the and his wife Marion, and official of the sponsoring |Dilling 529; Alice Anderson 598 neighborhood characters of-\at the crazy things that vere | SENIORS 'the lead in the Rockies 4,000 - mile Cross - Canada driver Paul MacLennan and Shell Canada Limited. jand Joyce Pickard 503, fered a nickel to the winner and going on. I guess I got some pulled into Vancouver Fri- rally. Co-driver John Wilson his wife June are with an --(CP Wirephoto) Singles over 200 | -- Isabel the guy I met was a real tough|kicks out of it," Attendance : RS AB -- - . Mothersill 348, 308, 270; Dorec Rone." Bagnato won and later, He's just a little resentful of |Kehoe 280; Grace Sandford 265; \fought at church smokers three|the deal he said he got in the Prizes Rochester |Betty Pascoe 252; Bernice|or four times a week where the|1936 Olympic boxing trials, |Moase 243; Goldie Marshall 237; |prizes were clothing or maybe|"I"ve never been knocke | [Dimple Gough 231; Alice Brad-lone or two dollars. d off Canadiens Favored To Defeat Chicago By AL MecNEIL . , ear my feet in my life but I me Wins b to 2 |ley 228; Marion Brooks 228, 226;| He and two of his six broth-|a guy in the semi-finals at the nana al a Sheila Villeneuve 228; Jean|ers--Joey and Billy -- started|trials in Montreal and I was ROCHESTER, N.Y. (CP) --|King 222, 221; Sandra Labano-|promoting fights around Tor-|sure he had a hammer in each A group of veterans, six ofjyich 213; Florence Moore 211,/onto in 1949. That was after/hand. He hurt me badly and he whom played for last year's|208, 202; Joyce Pickard 210;/Vic's stint with the RCAF as a\won and was selected jStanley Cup. champions, have Soph Dilling 205 and Alice An-| physical education instructor at) "But he didn't fight f : : : : brought the Calder Cup to|derson 202. No. 6 bombing and gunneny|ada, He couldn't mak or Can- | Toe Blake will be in search|for a total of 289 minutes in the Rochester for the first time in| The girls are reminded that|schoo| at Mountain View, Ont, | pound weight at Fong bls and Y 14 PA S an MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont-jof a record sixth title in 10/box. the city's nine - year member-|their annual banquet will be! «7 w, , : real Canadiens, in search oflyears at the Habs' helm. He| In the scoring department the ship in the American Hockey/held at the asus Villa May ae ae ---- Relays poe ra home. I was sure their 11th modern-era Stanley|currently shares top billing of|Habs -have outgunned the League 13, at 6.30 p.m. sharp. pis da AL dl ok end Ac te es en ought him that he must Cup title, remain 7%4-to-5 favor-|five cups with former Toronto|Hawks 14-12 in the six games to' The Americans, runaway win- ' : ey -------- === = TaSSS = wan ites to defeat Chicago Black|Maple Leafs coach Hap Day. date. ners of the AHL's Western Div- WHITBY LADIES ee Fresh U Hawks in the seventh and de-| While no individual player Team Captain Jean Beliveau jsion, sewed up the title Friday) CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE | p WILSON S DARD S ciding game at the Montrealjhas set the series on fire with -- Cc hy adiens ger | night with a resounding 6-2 vic-| Points for the day -- Allsorts With j Forum tonight= a rash of scoring records, the|goals, while Henri Richard,|/tory over Hershey Bears that|0, Gumdrops 3; Humbugs 1, } Local oddsmakers gave Cana-|penalty department should fea-|Dick Duff and John Ferguson! gave them the best-of-seven fi-| Jelly Beans 2; Life Savers 3,| ELECTRIC MOTORS CLEANERS ee : diens the edge on the strength ture some broken playoffjhave scored twice, Bobby Rous-|nal, four games to 'one. They | Lollipops 4; Maple Buds 2 and Yo Lik It Motor Repair HOCKEY EQUIPMENT af of the final game in the best-of-| marks. jseau, J. C. Tremblay, Yvan had previously won their semi-| Peppermints 1. uw hike eee Overhauling--Rewinding te PRESSERS FULL LINE OF Q seven series being played on) Canadiens have already|Cournoyer and Ralph Rack-/|final by the same margin over) Triples over 500 -- Soph Dill- It Lik Y all types of Electric Motors SHIRT LAUNDERERS end RALEIG! their home ice. snapped one mark in accumu-|strom have singles to their/Quebec Aces, the Eastern Div-|ing 659; Betty Pascoe-638; Jean|-- ¢ mes You Now oad (asd ates gees In the six previous contests|lating 65 penalties--one more credit ision champions. King 627; Marg Farquhar 599; Distributor STORAGE it has emerged as a "homers"|than series mark set by Tor-| The Chicago entry, on the; Only one of this year's cham-|Jean Ward 577; Isabel Mother- 156 GIBB STREET 395 Oshawa Blvd, S. 299 BLOOR ST. W. Made series with neither team having/onto in the semi-final last year. other hand, has managed to re-|pions, left - winger Les Duff,| sill 573; Bernice Moase 566; Ann mca 497 Simcoe $t. S. the ability to win one on the' The Habs have drawn 59 mi-/main in the running with little has had his name inscribed on|Labanovich 553; Goldie Mar- PHONE 723-3042 PHONE ® road, nors, three majors and three|help from its one-two scoring/the Calder Cup before; making|shall 547; Alice Anderson 544; 723-4362 728-5141 PHONE 725-3979 ' At home the Canadiens/misconducts for a total of 163)punchof Bobby Hull and Stan jt with Hershey in 1958 and/Ede Walker 543; Marion Brooks 3 ' downed the Hawks 3-2, 2-0, and/minutes, only five minutes /Mikita 1959 541; Evelyn Jeppesen 533;. Mur- For Big Buys 6-0, but lost 3-1, 5-1 and 2-1 on|short of the record set by Leafs) Hull has scored two goals and. put defenceman Al Arbour)jel McKim 519; Katie Loyst 516; Read H oO T E L visits to Chicago Stadium. |for most penalty minutes in one both came in the fourth game and Larry Hillman, centre Billy|Grace Sandford 515; Marie Lint- However, Chicago coach Billy|series. . in Chicago during a 5-1 tri- Harris and wingers Ed Litzen-|ner 509 and Rose Peleshok 59? CLASSIFIED ADS Gonosha Oshawa's Finest Hotel Reay does not think home ice} The final has seen severaljumph. Mikita is still looking for berger, Gerry Ehman and Jim| Singles over 200 -- Marg Far- FOR -- PARTIES - SALES MEETINGS BANQUETS -- CONVENTIONS will be a deciding factor "when|rough contests and if the teamsjhis first series goal and in ad-/pappin all were sent down tojquhar 258; Jean King 256; Soph there's $1,000 - per - man aticontinue in that vein tonight,/dition has racked up 51 min-|the Americans after sipping|Dilling 254, 205, 200; Jean Ward champagne from the Stanley | 254. Bernice Moase 248; Marion stake." two other marks--for most pen-|utes in penalties The $1,000-per-man differencejalties and most minutes--may' In three games played on|Cyp with Toronto Maple Leafs|Brooks 246; Evelyn Jeppesen is established by eighteen|also be broken. Montreal ice, the Hawks scored |jast spring. 243; Marie Lintner 220; Alice shares of the $36,000 going to| The record now stands at 126\/only two goals, both coming in| arris, Dick! Anderson 217; Betty Pascoe 216, Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning and Recoring New and Used Radictors Air Conditioned COFFEE SHOP @ 'OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY e Pappin and the winners, while the final los-|penalties and 327 minutes in-ja 3-2 opening defeat, before be- Gamble, who got his name on|215, 207; Goldie Marshall 210; 42B d St W. ers will divide only $18,000. jeurred during last year's Tor-|ing shutout 2-0 and 6-0. the Stanley Cup 12 years ago|Rose Peleshok 208; Ann Labano on ° . HOUSTON'S } While Canadiens could set a onto-Montreal semi-final. | Hawks with single goals injwith Montreal Canadiens,|vich 206, 205; and Jean Ains- 725-1633 record with their 1th victory,, Moving into tonight's final|the series are Chico Maki, Philljooked after all the scoring for worth 204 GARAGE their coach could also reach ajgame, the Hawks and Canadi-|Esposito, Ken Wharram, Bill/the Americans Friday night. Congratulations to the Life) OSHAWA -- WHITBY MAKE A DATE TO BOWL AT MOTOR CITY : personal achievement. lens have amassed 121 penalties ' BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS Hay, Matt Ravlich, Fred Stan-| pappin scored three goals,|Savers with Captain Marg Dun-| \field, Camille Henry, Doug Jar-|rynning his total to 11 in 10jcan and team mates Bernice rett, Elmer Vasko and Doug!pjayoff games. Harris had two|Moase, Doreen Kehoe, Jean Mohns, goals and three assists and|Ward, Dorothy Brandt and Nor-| TEXACO PRODUCTS A COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE---8.T. "GUARANTEED" ! Both clubs will be at full|\Gamble scored one and set upjeen Darling on winning the! SPORTS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Friday's Results strength for the windup and|four more. Fourth Section. ---- 1 ed | American League New York 1 Cincinnati 6 general managers on both sides|--___-- ee BOWLING 0 gp ieve§ | it ht H W L Pct. GBL|Philadelphia 1 Milwaukee 7 jot the rink have expressed con-| %@ vac ae Ww H Sicsnassta 8 3.771 -- |Pittsburgh 2 Si. Louis 3 {fidence in the final outcome, FOR THE 78 RICHMOND ST. W. CALENDAR yp Aa LM aoe Chi 8 4 667 %%\Chicago ouston | "We played pretty well de- ; ? i ol Detroit 8 4 .667 %4|San Francisco 3 Los Angeles 6\spite Thursday's loss. I think LARGEST SELECTION peeprecvened is Cleveland 6 4 600 11%; Probable Pitchers Toda jwe can wrap up the series on | Baltimore 76 338-2 New York (Kroll, 24)" at|ttome ice," says Sam Pollock| TROPHIES BOOK YOUR SUMMER ror ree i¢ Boston 5 5 500 2%/Cincinnati (Ellis 3-0) for the Canadiens. } LEAGUES NOW! Heating Needs j Los Angeles 6 7 .462 3 (Philadelphia (Herbert 1-0) at ee ry pg 6 Red FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS We Corry Pi tee, York : A = : Milwaukee (Blasingame 0-2) pide is Slanten) we san AND GIFTS G Used C READ THE BURNERS «AIR FILTERS Washington . Pittsburgh (Cardwell 0-0) at|@5o 0s) monire lalsdets taca IN EASTERN ONTARIO uaranteed Used Cars Kansas City 2 9 182 6 -\st, Louis (Stallard 0-1 or Pur-|Well' was Tommy Ivan's com- We Instell Hydro Electric j # lkey 1:2) ment, referring to his club's ROY W. Water Heaters POD dag yh Bole Chicago (Ellsworth 2-1 and Bur- seventh-game victory on De- The G. B. COMPANY NI 24 HR. SERVICE | Minnesota 7 Chicago 0 [dette 0-0) at Houston (Johnson|troit ice in the semi-final se- B56 Dosn Ave: Oerave CHOLS OSHAWA TIMES W. Bor wdale } Los Angeles 4 Kansas City 0 9-0 and Giusti 3-0) (2) dees " Phone George Fuller Courtice and Bowmanville : ro Swashinehen s Cacdand 6 lsan Francisco (Perry 1-1) at Aap gen for the final. con- Bus. 723-3961 Res. 725-2062 HEATING SALES Boston 1 Detroit 4 |Los Angeles (Podres 1-0) (N) 'St Is 8 p.m. ED1 nein Chevrolet, Corvale, OSHAWA' PHONE 28-9537 Pittsburgh '77 * Sunday's Games MP agg sad FOR THE New York at Cincinnati (2) HONE : Les Angas oS hea at} Philadelphia at Milwaukee From eae The Oshawa YACHTHAVEN ous 728-6206 OSHAWA nsas City (Pena 0- (2) Minnesota (Stigman 0-0) at, pittsburgh at St, Louis (2) 43 Years Serving You ; |= Shicago (Horlen 0-2) } Caanne at Houston The EVINRUDE LATE ST IN . San Francisco at Los An- 4 \@ Washington (Daniels 1-0) at geles bb 9 GEORGE'S Ll « ' Cleveland (Donovan 1-1) | Sintie's Gane l : SUPPLY LTD. ' mere 4 , T.V. Towers, Aerials, poston (onborg 04) at) Sa Francisco at St. Louis FINA SERVICE LOCAL SPORTS POM ie Soy 2 Detroit (Wickersham 1-0) (N) Tune-ups. Licensed Mechonie Aerial Repairs | i Sunday's Games International League | Free Check-Up 361 GIBBONS ST. B Los Angeles at Kansas City 'ais : - ioe GBL nga torn id Neor Phone: 728-8180 D ' 2 -- . EVENTS Minnesota at Chicago (2) a, Ptah PICK-UP & DELIVERY Meet Your Friends Boston at Detroit (2) : ioe Washington at Cleveland (2)|Jacksonville = 5 6 455 3 668-4232 Before and After Baltimore at New York (2)|Rochester 6 8 40 3% 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY mm the Game In Monday's Games Syracuse 5 7 Al? 34 "The Regency Room Boston at Los Angeles (N) Ean : : 7 % ae 0) a Vy | | National League Friday's Results Stafford ROYAL HOTEL ness G0 Oe ee | Atane FOOTES 171 Brock St, N. if Ricinvatt 8 5 tas pjpuleelo 0 Jacksonville 8 B f Dining Room | fouston 10 6 625 Syracuse 2 Colunbus 0 rothers Lid. ANSWERING Open 13 Nese AN. "|i chicane 7 $ $8 2 |" ae ties M SERVICE e Milwaukee a M% ay's G | San Francisco 7 9 .438 3%) Toronto at Atlanta -- onuments BOB HOY { Philadelphia 6 8 429 3% ta at mor ga . +. of Distinction For information phone Weis clolize In RESIDENTIAL j St. Louis 5 8 385 4 ochester at Toledo a . . + Special etten- New York 6 10 .375 4%! Syracuse at Columbus 668-3552 Whitby 728-9446 tion egy at | oe | leer alalelelealateaet atelier} hy S NOW OPEN .. OSHAWA"S FINEST © ARNOLD PAVING Buy, Sell or Rent Fast | : -- a mas ous | ASPHALT PAVING and GRADING with | oe a New You end. The Whole, Femily San Pisy.. + e Built around the "gull-wing" hull design--includes basic deep INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL 4 MINIATURE GOLF H "V'" bottom: The smoothest riding fibreglass hull afloat! Arnold Paving (Ont.) Pickering 942-6943 TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS ' - as Wack Gllece : NOW! ... In-the-water Demonstration " \ ' TEXACO---FUEL end STOVE } 7 E GOLF & 4 Test-drive this smart 16 footer with 90 H.P, Evinrude--NOW! BOYD'S OIL . . . Whitby's only LOCAL REESOR MOSIER | =| MINIATUR * Esso Service OC | Fuel and Lumber f Sheet Metal Work re . wi DRIVING RA GE = THE Watch your Imperial Esso HOCKEY fm °Y 'our Local Service Contractors, a gas e INDUSTRIAL | + - NIGHT IN CANADA broadcast-- . Everything in Builders' Sup- ; H © 40 Tees @ 30 resend i | Stanley Playoffs SAWDON s plies. Fuels. Specializing in @ COMMERCIAL » Ni U bs U | 4 | : 5 , pth mig hore pope nee x Oshawa's Only Marina Chicago vs, Montreal (Whitby) Ltd, summer cottage needs. © RESIDENTIAL a 7 Hwy. 2 ot Thickson Rd. Fuel end Builders Supplics Phone 985-7951 € SIMCOE ST. N. -- 725-3092 a Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, All This Week 725-7622 68-3524 e 292 KING ST. W. a Turn left ot ROLAND'S STEAKHOUSE u Maskour Rd, O86 Slneee St. 5S: 723-1901 | Os ten ats Mak a 3 Whe PORT PERRY PH: 668-5281 PT i ' ae

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