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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 13

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Consider Color, Quality First Cleaning Windows! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 1, 1965 13 Inst lli Scr and can be if you arm yourselfjthe sal soda solution, The sal When Purchasing Your Carpet Te een ee ak ahi eee ek nge with a medium m of grease which is g Takes Team Work ae allows you to reach all/anchors the dust in place. By JEAN SHARP icarpet for the living room. When , Windows get a face lifting in areas, inside and out. Use.a hot} Don't bother washing storm ay they move into a house they can f ' solution of sal soda concentrat-|windows. They'll only colle :t TORONTO (CP) -- Color and) ' spring. It's traditional, but stem) oq a cup of the sal to ajsoi! during summer storage, so f use it in the bedroom or recrea- " as ee oe Oe ee tion room and get their money's ' , og B5 of 5 # gp oe bucket of hot water. Rinse with|wait and give them a pet, says expert Margaret Mad- worth from it." nm pecnes Sor acroons. 'The smirelt ony, Wain: Wie Sey. Wun sigwng over ie TSE Sereew Toy den. Mrs. Madden says a canpet : . operation can be done faster a ae testes get reinstalled. ; ; are Should be bought with the kind y What's more, the kind of care) (ro i¢ will get in mind. You'll Vi cas ago ye -- are four' Don't forget that screens have Decide To Dance? you give the rug may be Te- 1064 a heavier quality in hall- f to be cleaned, too, before LEARN ALL THE lated to its color, scuvd Sad vine eeeis Gk th . Now here are a few pointers they're installed, Any particles y g worth noting. Whenever possible| or aust that stick to the mesh NEW STEPS "If you choose a color be-the bedroom, for example $ javourit : ' ; make it an inside job. Screens Brush up on the old fovouritée sere Sons re Nag ele ein toner ra. i Oi [or stra sanes tha hang 20, he fre craton of] "ARTHUR MURRAY Wh he ¢ t And jOome SEL YiRe, oF, Soe. Feu 77, \from brackets can be 'handled|), 4} Scrub screens franchised studio you'll hate the carpet. And once) what a carpet looks like in your far more safely from the inside ay re a 1NY4 Simove: &. 728-1858 you do that you will stop taking/home before you buy it. | thad trams' the eutsille. Wait tor with a stiff-bristled brush and care of it. As for care, this is the key J a calm day when breezes won'tio~~--~ "People ask me if such andjto how long it will last, Mrs. y j grab them out of your hands such a color won't soil quickly.;Madden recommends a light) 7 4 " STE I say if you like it you'll take|going - over with a canpet YZ ] J Sickie Waddie "semaee oon RUG & UPHOL care of {t and won't let it soil." sweeper or vacuum cleaner ev- ey j i Yaa \tains or d * whlch you'll Mrs. Madden, expert onjery day in a hestvy-traffic area) y Z , Vy 7, \want to replace anyway with CLEANING dealer and consumer services|plus a thorough vacuuming once) } summer models, and blinds or with Barrymore Carpets, saysia week. | y j shades which will need a good you should begin by choosing 8/04 bn somLED. SPOTS , 4 cleaning. Now the storm sashi@ !n Your Home. . . or Our Plant} reputable dealer to buy from. A y j 77 \can be unhooked, carefully slid 99 rades a And a thorough vacuuming y , carefully sli 725-9961 There are enough grades = means seven strokes forward| g in through the upper half of the, PHONE it 7 pelpopediogres wjuiand back over your canpet to be| Le a. and the screen slid out.| AW, eRIVisION OF OSHAWA should feel you can rely on the Sure of picking up dirt that may) 4 Z hij, h - by to offer assistance as TORS Asaler's advice. ' have worked its way down i j eo to prop- : , A general rule to help you through the tufts. y Window 'washing, too, should | se ecrciesiein actus Li 7 : | elp you" Small soiled spots s L judge the quality of a carpet.is mall soiled spots should be f aways bo Gone fren tho tacide, t s ? ; i _ \that the deeper and denser the|Cleaned as soon as they appear Last Saturday afternoon daughter of Mr. and Mrs, pile the better the carpet, re- and the carpet should be : Yyy conver - ee ee oe Vit Be Oa aud tax Widows gardiess of the type of fibreCleaned regularly by a cleaner f : recommended by the dealer,| 7 g ; came the bride: of Wayne the son of Mrs. William used in it ahe says d i; 5 & | Edward Gillie, in a service Marsh, Montreal and the |yupGE BY PRICE The fluffing that appears in a) 7 iy . un ay ay § er ig ay! Cecil W ¥ te {| in St. Matthew's Anglican late Mr Gillie, The price is also a guide new carpet worries some peo- Church. The bride is the --TIreland Studio "Anything under. $8.95 aple; they fear the whole carpet : square yard should only be used/will eventually disappear into ere where you have light traffic. the vacuum cleaner. But Mrs MISS MIMI WIATTRZYK WEDDING ALBI TM Medium quality costs about|Madden says this shedding is --Marv's Studio $8.95 to $12.95 a square yard./natural for cutpile carpets. z x at Wedd Alb : ded by Th Over that the quality is getting) The pile is sheared to a uni- , . . record for your Wedding Album is provided by The | pooq. form height at the factony and 0 h M P, ] Ch Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The "If you pay $5 a square yard most of the shearings are ) awa ) 18S 0 onla osen Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding jyour carpet may only last two ---- away. But some stick in| : ; ; record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and [years and cost you $2.50 a year.|the tufts and work their way to F ] t in N t ] Co t t a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as |!f you pay $10 it could grated the a ® --, of FINALS ationa Nntes ' a , years and cost you only a dollar several weeks or months after | possible after the ceremony, You are asked to submit the a year you get the carpet home Miss Mimi Wiatrzyk, who was|Leon Wiatrzyk, Sun Valley names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the "Customers say they don't) Buckling is another common crowned as Oshawa's Miss|Court, Oshawa's Miss Polonia| social editor either before or the day after the wedding. want it to last that long; they'd|worry. In humid weather thelpoionia recently, has receivediis a sparkling, dark - eyed miss| y other. But how/carpet may stretch slightly and) 4 rather buy an : : s em | word that she has been selected |with a passion for music. She| . . . many people really do change a/buckle in spots, It should flatten} : 4 Gillie - De W itt lcanpet every few years. out as the humidity drops. If,as one of the eight finalists injhas been studying violin under} "T suggest to newlyweds who not, call the dealer. Restretch-|the national contest to be held Edward Oscapella since 1961,| qiwill be living in an apartment|ing will usually solve the prob-'in Toronto, May & and is preparing for the ARCT| és a Aa they buy a medium-good!lem The eight girls have been examination next year. She is Ric sda tl ; \taking the five - year arts and St Matthew's Anglican|necklines, cap sleeves and fitted) Church was the setting last sat-| bodices, Soft folds at the front|that : : 4,/and back of the skirts fell into) selected in their own communi-|-- 7 © h urday for the marriage of Sheila) semi-bell ihkdek ana oreanial ANN LANDERS aiiliccs. Thane 'ware ve frames comes at Deere Se Evelyne DeWitt to Wayne Ed-|nanels flowed from just below Toronto and other centres in-|, er aa ¥ ity 1" Music ward Gillie. The bride.is the|the shoulders, held by three cluded St. Catharines, Windsor, oO enter e Faculty 0 usic : | bal "st win fh : 4h 'land become a concert violinist. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Burton! perky bows, The maid of honor's Fi. Guelph, Brantford, Grimsby, | Mimi is an: honor student and DeWitt, Woodstock, New Bruns-| gown was similarly styled in ] s x Hamilton, Sarnia, Kitchener,) 4 wick and the bridegroom is thejturquoise blue peau de soie with out emories New Toronto, Port Arthur, ple ay Ate a i 7 ° ill- " . 1 oe P ey . ' r al J. ee > ' son of Mrs. William Marsh, Mon-ja self pill box hat. Matching wr yr. from Sudbury, two from Mon-| performance in Oshawa treal, and the late Mr. Cecil W.'headdresses accented at the tops} j 5 J treal and one from Vancouver, | iaiy Festival last year. Home- Gillie, Halifax. |with small clusters of the same} P] P : f ] a making a total of 24 candidates.| ; : " : aul : 'work and practice leave little| The officiating clergyman was| Colored roses held over-the-face| easant Or alniu ? 4 : A grand ball is to beheld atliime for hobbies and when not the Reverend R. A. Sharp wp pr ad an for -- pe : Shem Club Kingsway for the corona-|»ractising, she is listening to! the organist, Mr. G. A, Turton) attendants ey all carrie isles sd tion of Miss Polonia of Canada, recordings of master works. "I| played "O Praise My Soul King| bouquets of chrysanthemums Dear Ann Landers: What's cessful career woman with good] 1965, beginning with a banquet] og to my own room and turn the! of Heaven" and "0 Perfect tinted to seks their' gowns with sarees, anyway don't| clothes, a car, money in the|{or the candidates and judges volume to loud," she said, "I) Love". me rig eg was Mr oe jer when they wefe/nank and dying to get married,|! 0° judges i oar Beauty like to feel enveloped in the ather, the bride wore a carna-| ' 4 : ci ey want to spare smili "e WwW » arance, necro tion white formal gown of peau bride, and Mr. Floyd Harris. their children every hardship?|that she would, Te gg ie ose poms One ee MOVED de faille featuring a scoop neck-| The reception was held at the|We all have to face life some-|niaces with the wives who com-|_%°. candidate must be accom-| RE Tine accented with rhinestones.| Rendezvous Restaurant, where|time, so why don't they let US! plain about their husbands'|Panied by an escort and the PERMANENTLY lily-point sleeves and a fitted) Mrs, William Scarff, Ajax, sub-|find out for ourselves? Teen-/hum jokes and the cigarette judges will observe the couple S oun Wait bodice. The full hoop-skirt was'stituting for the bride's mother,|agers want to learr from @X-\ashes on the floor. dancing and their general be supernyou enhanced with appliques of Alen-|received wearing a semi-formal|perience and not be protected) ['d like to reach this womanjhavior and give the girl marks By Electrolysis con lace and the full-length de-|black sheath with matching ac-|against everything. at once and tell her she can|%t of ten for each. They wilt pee He one: ee tachable train of lace over faille|cessories and a white pill-box} 1; am 16 and my folks treat;have my husband -- C. 0. D aiso converse with each candi OTs SAD Rua REE IM: fell from just below the shoul-/hat. The -bridegroom's mother| me like an infant, If I get into|He'd be delighted to meet her,|4ale individually hud PERIAL De ders, Her coronet of seed pearls|assisted wearing a navy blue|, jam or louse myself up it|too, because he's. been running) At the end of the ball, the RZ. eg SD and rhinestones held her shoul-| wool suit, pink hat and acces-|<noyld be my problem. We only|around with an aging rum-pot.| Judges will compare their scores = 4 ing your true |) der-length bouffant veil and she|sories and a corsage of pink)live once and I want to get|The career girl sounds like a/for each candidate and the one}. ; "4 prac ap | reper Shy beeen of red roses|baby chrysanthemums. everything out of life I can. I}great improvement | within the highest number of ten harrebaniait and white carnations. As the couple left on their| want to look back at all the fun| If the career girl is smart,|points will be crowned. Miss Over 15 vears' The maid of honor was Miss;honeymoon to Niagara Falls,|{ had and not remember myjhowever, she will stick to het| Polonia of Canada will receive . experience, Joyce Hooper and the other at-\the bride was wearing a yellow youth as a time when I -couldn't/career and stop asking for trou-jgifts of money, donated by) MAARIE MURDUFF tendants were Mrs, Floyd Har-| knitted suit, black and white hat\do anything ble. 1 traded an interesting life|Polish organizations, also furs,| will be in Oshewe et the ris and Miss Myrna Jones, all of|and accessories and a corsage of| Is it wrong to go where the for a broken down washing|jewellery and flowers; photo-/ Genosha Hotel, May 3, 4, 8 Oshawa. The attendants wore|bronze chrysanthemums. Mr.\other kids my age go, and do|machine, unpaid bills and an|graphic studio portrait and her PHONE 723-4641 semi-formal gowns of Bemburg and Mrs, Gillie are making their| what they do?--U>-#. s-Student irresponsible louse.--Dumb Me| weight in candies det acisiatuaunk on thee organza over taffeta in spring-|first home at 210 Chadburn| Pear Student: Where do the, Dear You: I was surprised by| Daughter of Mr. and Mrs time yellow, featuring scoop'street, Oshawa. other kids go? And what dothe number of women who) 'i they do? If they go to dives| wrote to say 'Miserable' could where they can get liquor with have their husbands, too, A pit Brown-McMannis faked ID cards you should not ful commentary on Family Li : | go there, If they are sniffing The marriage took place re-jmatching. hat and accessories glue, or using goofballs, or get-- Dear Ann Landers: [ am cently in St. Paul's United|with a Corsage of pink 'anditing drunk, you should not be and have been going steadily | 5 | Church, Ajax, of Marjorie Ethel) white feathered carnations. The doing what they are doing for. the past six months with a MecMannis, daughter of Mr. and| bridesmaid was the bride's) Certain things are best fellow who is 31. Mrs. Herbert White, Pickering,|daughter, Miss: Maureen Mc-|learned first. hand, but only av I had lunch with a college to Ross Milton Brown Oshawa, |Mannis, Ajax, wearing a yellow|fool would jump off a cliff be- classmate of mine yesterday ' etty Haydl son of the late Mr. and Mrs./nylon semi - formal dress, a/cause he wanted to learn, first: and she told me my friend had > a INTERIOR DECORATOR Howard Brown; with the|band of matching roses in her hand, what's at the bottom been married to and divorced : Reverend Rex Norman officia- hair and a corsage of feathered You say if you get loused up from her cousin five years ago al & Rav FURNITURE ting. pink and white carnations that's your problem. [ have' It makes me sick that he tried me DRAPERIES news for you, It's your parents'|{o keep this from me. Shall | Ati /BROADLOOM The bride was wearlng «| The bridegroom was attended too, because they are face him with it or remain 15 King Street Eost turquoise blue brocade satin by his brother, Mr. Nelson problem, semi - formal dress with match-| Brown, Oshawa aoe : responsible for you, If your)silent and see if he tells me on \ aS - ing jacket. A matching floral hat) Foliowing 2 _, 'parents let you do all the things/his own? Or should I just give CUSTOM MADE DRAPES | t | e e Mes and accessories and a corsage ollowing an informal receP-| vou wanted to do when you/him the axe?--Disappointed INN = | OP viet wanekuts o Weerlys tion at the St. Paul's Church) were three years old the odds) Dear Disappointed: Tell him cs Phone 725-2686 | eee | s | usiness or Co eryhall, Mr. and Mrs. Brown left are you wouldn't be alive to what you heard and give him ensemble. . nip ; for their honeymoon in the| write to me. today. a chance to confirm or deny it The matron of honor was the United States and are now living Maybe he has a cousin by the | e e * a e | bride's sister, Mrs. Freacis Wil-jin Ajax, until the end of June' Dear Aus Landers: Will you|same name t is istrict Ss retal ers iiss on Litas ' when they will take up residence | njease rush the name and ad- If what you heard is true, be-} e eee - pink silk shantung sheath.'at R R 1, Oshawa \dress of the woman whose sig-|ware. A fellow who dates a girl! 2 inature was 'Miserable'? She|six months and forgets to men-| } To Sponsor Guest grams Canadian WI members|described herself as in her mid-jtion a previous marriage is} Figures show that an average of are participating in through in-{dle thirties, attractive, a suc-| plenty flakey : : ternational organizations \ $20.00 is spent on gifts to honor every From Ceylon 'Provincial conveners report | ' , Mother on her big day . . . Mother's a growing interest in the United ON i OTTAWA (CP) -- A Ceylo- Nations. All phases of U.N. ac a oy This cree 6 Sromeneny ees nese woman will 'tour Canada tivities have been studied. Pro ss a (s potential for district retailers, and to- sh oe veut Wk ne Ge ' ' tals over $450,000 in our Circulation ship of the Federated Women's loan collections was circulated oe ' _ " < : Institutes of Canada, the FWIC and many requests for U.N. in- onc" Site s id area alone. and then add to this the national executive announced formation were filled ai: : W AaB gifts that will be purchased for Grand- Wednesday Another international project ' ; . mothers, and Mothers-In-Law, and the Miss Lilamini Perera of Co- supported by the institutes is : ¥ ss "f \ | : ; lombo, Ceylon, is to study the the Unitarian Service Commit- i : i 5 = Tr figure rises considerably. work of Senedian Women's In- tee SF eee p :* ' To help district retailers make the stitutes for 2% months, from) About 200 Canadian women we < \ Srey * ' ; ; 5 ? a es most of t July 1 to mid-September. are expected to attend the tri- : ' aVy 7F Ww "iee : his sales opportunity, The Miss Perera's visit is part ofjennial conference of the Asso- 4 1 ee \ > el . Times will publish a special Mother's the federation's increasing role ciated Country Women of the Day Feature in the Thursday May 6th 2 Neg gpaiaay exchanges and cel Dublin, Ireland, in 4 ~~ ; ' \ 4 : inate. Wien edie to he inated ath Reporting for the committee The official delegates to the ». ) ng \\\ seer * advertising that promotes your best on United Nations and interna conference include Mrs. James : yA SN as rallers for Mother's Day Giving. tional affairs at Wednesday's|Haggerty, Napanee, Ont. and : i e executive meeting, Mrs. Ray Mrs. R. J. Penney, Kingston Tozer of Red Deer, Alta. de- The FWIC annual executive scribed eight different ro-| meeting ends here today 'a ; ve " ' -- : A\\\\\" 2 (D¥U- WATCH THE MAIL FOR YOUR COPY A Note To All Mothers... . \ - } Best Selection In Town eS OF OUR CIRCULAR FULL OF EXCITING We advise you to watch for the Gift Section in Thursday May 6th issue of @ CARRIAGES : The Times, check the ads, then do your hinting . . . it's the practical way @ STROLLERS } "BUYS" AT EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS! to get the very gift you want, 1} @ CRIBS) @ HI-CHAIRS : @ PLAYPENS 'é AND REMEMBER! YOU CAN ALWAYS "CHARGE-IT" AT ZELLER'S! Ohe Oshawa Cinws WILSON'S 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS AND UP TO TWO YEARS TO PAY! FURNITURE Sale Starts Thursday, May 6th "ONTARIO COUNTY'S NO. 1 SELLING MEDIUM" 20 CHURCH ST 723-3211

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