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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 3

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'Charlotte' Threatens New Mayor OTTAWA (CP) -- Former Mayor Charlotte Whitton has threatened to go to court if Ottawa city council does not block enactment of its recently approved $3,500 pay raises for Mayor Don Reid and four con- trollers. In a letter to the city clerk, released Friday, Miss Whitton says the increases, passed by council March 29 but still to be enacted in bylaw form, are illegal. If payment is 'not blocked, Miss Whitton said she may ap- peal to the Ontario Municipal Board, ask the department of So Ottawa Guard By DAVE McINTOSH defence department has had to) in Oyprus the unit which per- traction here. ice. that the 2nd Battalion, Security Council. In recent years, the Infantry Tough To Muster, will have to be strengthened by OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-|men from other units, mainly dian Army is so hard - pressed|the Ist Guards at Camp Picton, for infantry battalions that the/Ont., before it can go overseas, | There are 13 infantry battal- select for United Nations duty jions in the regular army and jthey must fill roles in the Ca- forms the changing of the|nadian Brigade in Europe, the guard ceremony on Parliament|4,000-man Special Force, NATO Hill, a big summer tourist at-|airborne force, and UN serv- Officials disclosed Friday, All six infantry regiments -- Cana-|each has two battalions except|from Victoria. dian Guards, will join the UNjfor the Royal 22nd, which has force in Cyprus in September--|three -- have provided units for after its Parliament Hill duties|UN actual or standby duty ex- --If the UN mandate, as ex-|cept the Black Watch. This reg- pected, is renewed then by the|iment now has a battalion in |West Germany and the other, 2id|at Camp Gagetown, is Canada's NATO. air- Unit Sent the selection of the 2nd Guards, which has not had such serv- ice, is that Canadian units have gained so much experience in Cyprus in the last 13 months that it is no longer necessary to restrict Cyprus service to the standby battalion. The major Canadian unit now serving in Cyprus -- it went there in March--is the Ist Bat- talion, Queen's Own Rifles, It had been the standby unit for UN duty and with its de- parture a problem was encount- ered finding a replacement. WERE NEXT IN LINE The 2nd Guards, stationed at} Camp Petawawa, Ont., couldn't be chosen because of their Par- | Man Sentenced THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Mey 1, 1%5 3 PROVINCE, MUNICIPALITY WILL SHARE COST BURDEN =--~CS* New Welfare Act Will End Campaigns TORONTO (CP) ---Welfare| The legislation also will make Minister Louis Cecile intro-jthe provincial government the duced a new child welfare act|legal guardian of neglected chil- in the Ontario legislature Fri-|dren who now are wards of chil- day that will remove the need'dren's aid societies. for children's aid societies to| Mr. Cecile said that when the raise funds from United Appeal|act comes into effect Jan. 1, campaigns. |1966, the province will take Under the proposed legisla-/over the entire cost of care of tion the total cost of care pro.| children of unmarried parents. vided: to children by the soci-. The remainder of the ex- eties will be borne by the pro-jPenses incurred by children's vincial and muncipal govern-|aid societies will be paid for 60 ments. jper cent by the municipalities land 40 per cent by the prov- police the use of secret "'cures";Pierce, executive director of by some doctors, ithe Ontario .Welfare Council, An opposition member, rc Friday night his group ray Gaunt (L -- Huron-Bruce)| welcomes the new welfare act. urged the government to com-| Mr. Pierce said the legisla- pel companies to honor their tion is "a positive step in the salesmen's pitches, |direction of better services to If a salesman's word to ajthe children of the province." customer was binding on his| The council has been pressing company, Mr, Gaunt said, it for many of the services in the would deter him from making) new act, including more money wild and false statements about for protective services and gov- his wares. ernment financing of care for 'unmarried mothers and their TORONTO (CP)--Trevorichildren, he said. ince. \-- The legislation will also re-| quire that all cases of "bat-| ere | Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS babies" d be reported to authorities. municipal affairs for an _ in- quiry, or seek an injunction in the province's supreme court. Writing as 'an elector of this city" Miss Whitton says the Municipal Act states that sal- aries of controllers should not manoeuvres at town, N.B. Guards has been far'under nor-|contribution to the mal battalion strength of 900)borne force. men. Last summer it was down| to a strength of 570 and wasjserve unable to take part in birgade Camp Gage-jit is sent overseas on peace- Informants said the battalion! The official explanation exceed $6,000. They would get $9,500 under the proposed scale. Mayor Don Reid, who also got a raise, said Friday the pay-raise bylaw will not be sent to council until its legality has been checked. MacEachen Wil Speak On 'War Goff down the line, Prime Min-|as OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis- northern Vermont community ¥ ' : | Friday. ter MacEachen will launch a series of speaking engagements next week in which he plans to outline some details of the gov-| governor at a send-off dinne ernment's "war on poverty" drive. The minister is vice + chair-| man of the special cabinet com-) mittee set up to develop the major policies involved. He will speak to the Canadian) Club of Niagara Falls, Ont., May 5: the Sudbury Liberal As-|ficials appeared to grow i warmer by the hour. His final the Canadian Federation ofjinformal speech drew several in bursts of applause in contrast to a more quiet reception to his the sociation meeting May 8 and to| Mayors and Municipalities Windsor, Ont., May 19. Druggist Sued; Pill Was Wron LOS ANGELES (AP) | pec sleeping pills on a prescription) for. an oral contraceptive is suing a drug store chain for $100,000. The suit was Sav-On Drugs, Inc., for Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Pearson of nearby Whittier. Their superior court complaint said that as a result of a) harmacist's mistake, Mrs.) earson, 40, is expecting a child. The Pearsons said they were "economically and rfhese Hoon, ally unable and unready to rear this child." Court Awards filed against Thursday HAMILTON year-old Hannon boy, nently disabled with a brain in- jury after being struck by a car two years ago, was awarded $70,000 damages in the Ontario| Supreme Court here Friday. | Mr, Justice W. D. Parker said) he felt Robert Cox, son of Mr.| and Mrs. John Cox, of Hannon, would improve with training. The boy suffered the injury| when struck by a car in June, 1963. The defendants, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harrison, of Glanford, | admitted liability. firs. Har- rison was driving At the time 'of the accident. A further $6,000 was awarded to Mr. Cox, a 32-year-old car-! penter, for out - of - pocket ex-| penses of the boy's extensive) medical treatment, hospitaliza-) tion and physiotherapy. Dad Helpless As Son Burns NEUSTADT, Ont. (CP)--A fa- ther watched Friday while his six-year-old son died in the flaming wreckage of a tractor) which had overturned and! pinned him beneath it Lorne Knell was working in a field and had his son, Robert.| riding on the tractor when tre vehicle tipped over, pinning the) child's legs under a rear wheel, and then burst into flames. Mr. Knell, after a vain at- tempt to move the tractor, ran to a roadside and flagged down) a motorist, The motorist sum- moned the Neustadt fire depart- ment. The child was pronounced dead at the scene, near this community 30 miles south of Owen Sound, The father was) taken to hospital in nearby Walkerton, suffering from) burns and shock. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS cized housewife who says she took| .i.. commission on civil rights civil that drunks should be released| available to approve bail. from jail when no bail order is} \immediately available and the|Mackey told Mr. taking of oaths is merely a "'lipjruer Friday that service." ' . In a recommendation for a|should have to wait more than|Street Friday, |study of the bail system in On- Bo $70 000 |tario, a brief from the Ontario y f) prawns party said a means |should be found to prevent per- (CP)--A_ five-| sons being kept in jail because perma-ing bail order can be obtained By STUART LAKE BURLINGTON, Vt. (CP) From state Governor jister Pearson charmed his way|between peace and war," through a five-hour visit to this) said. "A red state of Vermont," letter day earlier received an y-|degree from the University of Vermont. Friendly Mr. Pearson and greeting party which state, relations formal speech earlier in | day. In the earlier speech American "foreign "If we seem to be unduly con-| world peace. Bail System Study Sought, =" Upper House of Par- Some Jailed Full Weekend ici. wrote", Sena TORONTO (CP)--The royaljH. Bird of the provincial police|#' was|who had said some persons are| ; told Friday that many of our|left in jail during a weekend|Pected to take an active jeopardy,| when no justice of the peace is!" rights are in immediately. Mr. Justice J. C. charged with minor without the formality of bail. His statement was in PM's Visit Red-Letter Day |ustished ia March, tee." | ae | For The St ate Of Vermont la sense les in bro Dies In L.A. --) policies, Philip}joutcome may for the know that the purposes of beamed the American policy in r/are neither selfish, nor aggres- for the Canadian leader whojSive nor imperialistic," he said honorary|to applause. between the _ official town and university of-/P he|mendous responsibilities of the|™ ] called for mutual understand-|ty 5 js shouldering in world af-|sisted for himse ing between Canada and the' fair. U.S. and said it wasn't at all inconsistent with a good neigh-| ajcen, an old friend, presented|'0 office in pores 18 bor policy if his country criti-/ Mr, Pearson his honorary doc-|leading the Cons poli-'tor of laws degree, |many people give McRuer had earlier said that persons offences and drunks should be released an- would remain retarded but swer to Chief Superintendent A HORSE GUARDS BACK ON FEET LONDON (AP) The Queen's horses are hoarse and her royal horsemen must change the guard at Whitehall on foot. Perhaps even more hu- miliating to the guards is the truck ride to the scene. They usually ride through the streets for the . guard change-over that is a popu- lar tourist attraction. Horse influenza struck Friday and spread through the stables, leaving most of the guards' 250 steeds in bad shape. Instead of the usual 24, only two could be mustered to stand at White- hall's entrance, with four other healthy horses in re- serve |liament Hill ceremonial drill even though they are the next unit scheduled for Cyprus serv- ice. Until July 1, the Ist Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, at Camp'. ° for| Valcartier, Que., has replaced ee the lst Queen's Own as the UN} standby unit. It was the first |Canadian formation to serve in} yprus when the UN force was Usually, a battalion has to in a UN standby and |training role in Canada before keeping service. eeping service. SPIKE JONES Spike Jones unit. Many of its members now ernational!2z° on leave after six months of service in Cyprus. Informants said Defence Min- LOS ANGELES (AP)--Band- leader Spike Jones, zany musician who entertained mil- for us--as welll... = : +. lions with his offbeat arrange- the difference ister Hellyer pyc like A shes ments, died in his sleep early he| © nging of the guard cere-ltoday at his Bel - Air home. mony because it ties up an en- He was 53 aa ome A ogee rye ws th Jones had been released from ee ee eS hospital three weeks ago fol- pads _ |lowing treatment for an, asthma attack and subsequent respira- Lady Churchill tory complications. Life Peeress He got the idea for his noisy style of music when he attended lin'what might have been a ref-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Lady erence to his recent Philadel-/Clementine Churchill, 80-year- a classical concert and heard the conductor's shoes squeak. hia speech when he su ested|0ld widow of British wartime adil 7 es leader Sir Winston oom {cerned with your int the remember that their you--mean Despite any differences that might crop up "we in Canada the world Canadian views on_ specific! matters won't always coincide) with those of the U.S., he said PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS ja pause in U.S. air raids on oa |North Viet Nam. was named a life peeress Fri- "We feel bound to speak with day with the right to sit in the our own voice on continental| House of Lords. and international! prob- The announcement from lems which are of concern to|Downing Street, official us," he said. At the same timedence of Prime Minister Canada is aware of the tre-|Son, means she is accepting an honor her husband always re- 10 resi-| _ ' [ Wil. FRIDAY April 30, 1965. The Commons wound up the third day of the budget remain a commoner. of six days Churchill, who was returned) 'Trade 1951, after) the Canadian economy is on vative party; growing and government poli- citing Mr.|in opposition during the imme-) cies have "helped substan- to diate post - war years, was) tially." awarded the Order of the Gar- Andrew Brewin (NDP--Tor- =| ter onto Greenwood) said there | However, should be guarantees for auto cept a peerage entitling him to) workers in the new Canada- United States auto pact. Donald MacInnis (PC--Cape Breton South) said the govern- ment lays off employees in j i the Maritimes but spends mad Ged at his: Londen home heavily on the Montreal world fair. H. A. Olson (SC--Medicine Hat) 'called for action to help farmers out of a squeeze. Alexis Caron (I--Hull) said Vermont senator George Pearson's contributions he refused to ac- the He Churchill resigned from Lady Churchill was not ex- part| parliamentary affairs and| was thought likely to sit on the Toronto Police Chief James shegalirsr indicating _ polit- Justice Mc-\ical neutrality. no one ar-| 'Ten other life peerages were the government rested in the metropolitan areajamnounced by 10 Downing) lions in Ottawa but nine associated| across the river in Hull, Que. rs i i » jus-|With the governing Labor party Fane a pecase J Malwhose forces in the Upper|MONDAY, May 3 hours a day. |House have recently been de- The Commons meets at 2:30 | Asked why bail was neces-|pleted by deaths. p.m. to continue the budget sary at all, Chief Mackey said) The only other woman named) debate. The Senate stands ad- the wrong|Was Lady: Beatrice Plummer,) journed until May 4. name and address and cannot| Widow of Sir Leslie Plummer, be summonsed later, The chair-|a well - known Labor member of : man said a police officer should|Parliament and herself chair- NEW LAB AID BUILT | have the authority to release ajman of a constituency Labor) Swedish inventors have pro-| man on his own recognizance, |Party duced a laboratory tank which Dennis O'Neill, 26, of Tor-| One of the best known namesiwill keep six litres of fluid to| onto, describing himself as alin the list is that of Dr. Donald) within a thousandth of a degree; "follower of humanistic philo-|Soper, the Methodist leader who of a set temperature for two sophy," said that for people like has often expressed outspoken qays him the taking of civil service Cah cis views on_ political oaths is just "lip service." questions. | Mr. O'Neill said the law gov-, Another was Sir Harold Cac- COSENS & MARTIN ering cul servants in Ontario|ca, year-old former amber | _ Insurance unjustly restricts their right to'sa J ' ' . take part in politics and public|his retirement as head of the 67 King St. E., Oshawa All line of suet 726-7515 Res, 725-2802 of 725-7413 affairs. diplomatic service Friday to "Anyone who cannot take the|become chief official of the ex- oath of allegiance to the sover-|Clusive Eton school for boys. eign should not be in the civil' PSEA EAST RE service,' Mr. Justice McRuer replied. BOOKMOBILE. SCHEDULE 10:00--12:00 1:30-- 4:00 2:30-- 5:00 2:30-- 5:00 2:30-- 5:30 6:30-- 8:30 3:00-- 5:00 2:00-- 5:00 2:30--- §:00 6:00--~ 8:30 2:30-- 5:00 6:00-- 8:30 'Death-Beating 'Bad Conduct' JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) A white detective was sen-| tenced to four years' imprison-| ment here Friday for beating an African suspect to death) last September, In passing sen- tence on Detective - Constable! Izak Schalk Willem ven der} Merwe, the judge said this a be Plaze Rosslyn Plaze Sat. May 1-15-29 Tues, May 4 May 5 May 6 May 6 May 7 Mayl! Mayl3 Harmony Church Wilson Plaza Wed. Lake Vista Ploza Thurs, | Dr, C. F. Cannon School Thurs, Airport Plazo Fri. Power Stores (King St. E.) Tues. A&P (North Oshawa) Thurs. Fri Fri, Mayl4 5 | of conduct is dangerous to ra-| Sestview Mesa Mey 14 'cial relations in South Africa. | ANNOUNCEMENT LLOYD METCALF Real Estale Lid. Are Pleased To Announce The Appointment Of ELDON KERR To Their Sales Staff Mr. Kerr's 35 years experience in the Assessment De- partment of the City of Oshawa, certainly qualifies him to give proper advice on the value of property. Mr. Kerr will be engaged in the sale of homes and property, appraisals and mortgages For competent, experienced service call ELDON KERR LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Lid. 40 King St. East Oshawa Dial 728-4678 de- | If, preferring to| bate, limited to a maximum | Minister Sharp said | cost-price | spends mil- | little To Life, Death ™ MONTREAL (CP) -- Claude #ITS AT DRUGS Levasseur, 27, sentenced to be|, 1" Other business, Health hanged earlier this. week in Minister Matthew Dymond in- Drummondville, Que., was sen-|'roduced a bill to prohibit the fenced here. Friday to two|use of drugs for which stan-| terms of life imprisonment on|ards have not been prescribed) additional charges. in the federal food and drug! Yvon Savard, 30, also await- act. ing trial on a. capital murder) The penalty for using a charge in the Drummondville banned drug will be from $200) case, was sentenced Friday to|t© $500 for the first offence and) three life terms for his part in| $590 to $2,500 for subsequent the crimes. | offences. i The sentences were handed| The legislation, designed to' out for armed robbery com-| Prevent the use of "secret rem-| mitted by the pair following edies" by unqualified doctors) their escape last August from) °° healers, will not apply to Leclere Institute, the medium|!egitimate doctors, hospitals or security wing of nearby St. university researchers, : Vincent de Paul penitentiary, But Dr. Dymond later told where they were serving 10-\reporters the medical profes: year sentences for armed rob-| Sion itself has undertaken to} bery. Levasseur was sentenced| Why Feel Weak, Run-down | ' J 9 Tired, Nervous or Old? Wednesday to be hanged Aug. 20 for capital murder in the slaying of Emile Marier, 72,) Many older folks, when deficient im iron, | manager of a branch of la| vuhwer tabling aha bore we "i Banque Canadienne Nationale] weak. tired, ne Ontren Tonic, i | : : ' |, Nervous, low at St. Germain de Grantham, gy Bolg Ostrex today. Helps regain: your younger, Que., in a robbery during his| energetic feeling. 8-day "get-acquainted" | period of freedom. size costs little. At all drug stores Monteith, Riehl, Waters & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RESIDENT PARTNERS Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., R.A, Burt R. Woters, C.A, TELEPHONE BROCK BUILDING WHITBY 668-4131 a) 52 ADMIRAL ROAD AJAX 942-0890 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-7527 Everybody in Q§HAWA will soon be CALL US... for Prompt PRESCRIPTION CORPORATION h on Sevings Accounts. Paid _ compounded quart- erly. on Chequing Accounts from the day the account is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly balance, No charge for cheques written, when invested in our Guaranteed investment Certificates for 6 to 10 years. Authorized Trustee investments, Redeemable on death, *Yearly Rate SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 6 Friday Soturdoy Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 9 to S FOUNTAINHEAD Tel. 723-5221 OF SERVICE RELAX YOUR WAY TO EUROPE | BY WHITE EMPRESS This Is WHITE EMPRESS. Gentle touch of spray. Sky washed with sun. This year, sail WHITE EMPRESS-- largest liners on the St. Lawrence route--and capture the romantic mood of ocean adventure. Dance, swim, enjoy movies, masquerades, exceptional cuisine, Fre- quent sailings from Montreal and Quebec. Start a WHITE EMPRESS holiday fund now! See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. A/so enquire about Union Castle sailings from Southampton for a holiday in South and East Africa. MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Tourist Summer fare from '255 Information and reservations: RA, 3-2224 TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 723-2245 "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" For Reservations and Information -- Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshawa--Whitby--Brooklin 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668.3304 Guy & Lovell "PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS" OSHAWA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE "WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE" Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441

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