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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 7

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GARDEN GUIDE By A. R. BUCKLEY Plant Research Institute When we think of summer. and fall-flowering corms, bulbs and tubers we usually have in mind gladiolus, lilies, begonias, dahlias and cannas; and yet there are many species of. bul- bous and rhizomatous plants which, if given the right cultiva- tion, will produce a wealth of spectacular blooms that will amaze you and your friends, Be- cause Canada usually has quite hot summers we can grow many tropical bulbs that can be stored for the winter in a warm base- ment. The tiger flower is a good ex- ample. Hardly anyone in East- ern Canada has ever seen one and yet it is easy to grow and produces striking tigerlike flow- ers. How about the Chinese orchid (Bletilla striata)? This is a plant that grows well in any soil from bulbs, which can be stored in the basement dur- ing winter, and produces beauti- ful purple or white orchid flow- ers. Here are a few notes on some of the other rare summer- search Institute during the past few years. There are four different types of anemones, including the beau- tiful Anemone coronaria in mix- ed colors. According to some botanists this is the plant most likely to have been the Biblical lily-of-the-field: These beautiful plants with single blooms in '~~ colors of red, white and blu surely must be more radiant than Solomon was in all his giory. The other anemones are blue and red De Caen types and the ever-popular semidouble St, Brigid's anemone, These bulbs may be stored in vermicu- lite during the winter but are cheap enough to be treated as annuals and bought new each year. Plant them two inches deep and twelve inches apart in a sheltered, well-drained sandy loam. the sub-tropical crinum lilies have large lilylike blooms on a two-foot stem, These are best grown in tubs or large pots, which can be taken inside dur- ing the winter,.If planted in the garden they need a well-drained bed of humous soil and the bulb CLIMBING LILY One of the most beautiful flow- ers in existence is the so-called climbing lily (Gloriosa - roths- childiana), which comes from Zanzibar, Its flowers, fully five inches in diameter and ex- quisitely colored red and gold, have twisted petals, something ike a Japanese lily, The vine- ike plant is supported by ten- drils developed at the leaf tip. When frost threatens, store the fingerlike offsets from these plants in the same way as dah- lias are handled, The fragrant sea daffodils (Ismene) of Peru are now ob- tainable in a few varieties. They all have large trumpet-shaped flowers, beautifully fringed and sweetly sce . Advance is a large, pure-white kind with a green stripe in the throat; Sul- phur Queen is primrose yellow with a light-yellow throat and green stripes, and Ismene festa- lis is a species with spiderlike white flowers having very nar- row perianth segments. These are fantastic flowers to grow since they will flower with- in a week or two after being THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 1, 1968 7. May and keep them inside as pot plants until after they flow- er, then plant them outside. Dur- ing the winter, store the bulbs at sixty degrees in vermicu- lite or peat moss, but do not clean the roots off as you would gladiolus, POTS ON PATIO Montbretias have gladioluslike flowers. The plants are best grown in pots and stood on the patio during summer. Very often the flowers are just at their best when the early killing frosts ar- rive, so, if planted in tubs or pots the plants can be brought inside where their beauty can be enjoyed for a few weeks longer. The beautiful tamasco and rain lilies (Zephyranthes) are ideal bulbs to set out in spring for fall flowers, Plant them in a sandy, well-drained location, two inches apart, with the tips of the bulbs just below soil level. Lift before frost and store in peat moss or vermiculite, Some of these lilies have flowers of pale pink and others are white, yellow or copper colored. The rain lily (Zephyranthes grandi- Spectacular Bloom From Unusual Bulbs The tiger lily (Tigridia pavonia) is a very charming and easy - to - grow iridaceous plant with straight gladioluslike stems, In midsummer it pro- duces very striking flowers, which, although they only last a day, are immediately replaced by another the following day. They need to be planted in groups of a dozen or so bulbs in well-drained soil. Cultivation is similar to that for gladiolus but we have found that the bulbs are better if stored in dry ver- miculite, The bulbous turban buttercups are very showy plants that have Jarge double global flowers in . white, scariet, crimson and pink colors, They should be planted early and will bloom in June. In August when the foliage turns brown, the plants should be dug up and stored for the winter in a cool room at about 50 to 55 degrees . All the bulbs mentioned need a good well-drained soil and if you don't have it, make a hole, place stones at the bottom and fill the hole with good sandy loam. The spectacular flowers No. CH-210 966 Sq. Fte and fall-flowering bulbs and tubers tested at the Plant Re- HOME DESIGN No. 210 -- re 'Buttaing reattor, peggy With a planting box to Qaawa Times Insulation Found Great Help brighten the entrance, you Denies, Pah, C0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book In Both Heating, Cooling Home will amply repay you for your efforts. flora) blooms after rains in sum- mer and fall, should be set so that three quar- ters of it is above ground, planted in early June, If you wish, you can pot them up in \through Australia to the Orient. is insulation which can be pour-| OF a . d | carom a bapinio any cree. SOULH, Pacific Air Schedules | ,.n.rwvinet site ita cata tea ak ale } been obliged to grant reciprocal Revamped For New Jet Port iprofessional help, as it entails p : the use of a Sabena hose, rights to more airlines on the |Tasman Sea service. walk into a living and dining of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" This type of insulation is also : To mark the new era and its "1", that is spacious enough for any furniture arrange- Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance ment, Featured in the room payable to The Oshawa Times). A recent government report{barrier on one side of the ma-\"S¢4 in homes where studs for By J. C. GRAHAM \driven aircraft in their fleets sider horizons, the name of the is a fireplace and built-in published by the U.S, Depart-|terial and are vapor-permeable stapling are not readily avail- Canadian Press Correspondent|due {o the limitations of New\New Zealand airline has been china cabinet. Two large io on the other able. AUCKLAND, N..Z (CP) -- A|Zealand airports, Once the new) hance, ? bed vith wardrob Name ment of the Interior has recom- : i Pe oe tage se ig my steanrh ik i. Canadian Pa changed from Tasman Empire rooms wi 4 war ot PUTER E EET O EERE HEE HP OHOO ROR ED ODER EORROR OR REOED mended insulation as tha: gala: For a long time it was thought HINTS TO HELP major re-organization of air ie a Phegeeres anadian Pa- Airways (usually shortened to space, plus a study that wil tion to the high operating costs|'MAt the effectiveness of insula-| Here are some hints which/ services and schedules in thejcifie will be able to retire its/rmar) to Air New Zealand. serve as an extra bedroom AGAreSS vecsecccrscccccceccsecccccevevccnncovevcsecoecene of home heating and. cooling, |" should be judged by the should be helpful in the instalia-|South Pacific will take place|Britannia from the service and) Present plans are for Air for nar 4's ag | bath While insulation' cannot elimin.|thickness of the material, This tion of insulating materials: later this year. Busy prelimt- ig _ yen if it so wishes.| vow Zealand to make Los An- agregar : --7 th Des No, 210 cost nadians"' rice $1.00 tax |ate the costs of home heating as, however, been found to be| --The vapor barrier of the nary moves are already under) ee operating! soles the terminal of its service with plenty of linen room is iis sign No. ». Pi . untrue, The factors which de.|batts or blankets of insulation' way. propeller-driven machines have oy North America, 'Thee hak and cooling, it will certainly help to make the most use of fuel by keeping heat in the home and not letting it seep through to the outdoors. And| CONSULT DEALER cooling costs can be reduced by} Any local home free. This edition includes information on Cost of Build- ing and Financing in Can- ada, Heating, Insulation, ane fgg age: Ey agede The change is dictated by the|#!"e8dy announced their inten: jon no word so far of ambi- saving kitchen has ample table space and its conven- fent to the side door and $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (Ontario |termine the effect of insulation, should face the heated side of " ' ea |besides thickness, are density any toom. opening, about November, of a 'ion to switch promptly to Jets./ tions to operate to the Canadian and conductivity, --The insulation, whatever'modern international jet air- Simultaneously, the busy Tas. act ogast |material, must be butted tight-\port at Auckland, air gateway|™an Sea route between Ate) a ly -- gaps will let the heat esto New Zealand from abroad,|*tralia and New Zealand, insulation | cape. This new airport will set off. a perhaps the most jucrative! basement Stair. Blueprints residents must remit 3 per Constructional Details, etc., |' j h are for brick veneer with cent Sales Tax.) Now avail- plus many outstanding new insulation that helps to keep ot dealer should be able to help in| --Eaves, vents, attic louvers chain reaction route in the South Pacific, will) JAMES frame accent but complete able at this Newspaper Of- alr out. finding the proper type and should not be covered as they ; e opened to much keener com-|§ | fice (or from address below) is our new Design Book en- titled "Suburban and Coun- try Homes designed for Ca- details are included on the bineprints for all frame con- struction. Standard Blueprints for When you buy @ home, be sure to save elf the documents connected with the transaction. Make sure you know exactly what items ore poid for in yeur mortgage and down poy» .. Ment, In some parts of the country, such tere vices as sewer.and water mains ore paid for by the aubdivider, and your share of this cost Is included in the price of your home, In other @reas these amenities are poid for by your eommunity, mn " - ' ' b designs -- Ranch, one and | New research on the part of| thickness of insulation needed in\are important to air circulation.|. rer' only limited jetlnetition, Hitherto, New Zea eee SN, 88 Oe ee be installed in|' ftability or t jent } i homes, Also included in this jtion that can be instalied in| The tools needed for the in-|six inches apart. | Suitability or inconvenient 10C@-\the route except for through book are full details on how [most homes fairly easily 8ndistaliation of insulation are sim-| --Insulation, for complete ef-|"91 0 Simrurts ___ \passengers and certain special) Construction Ltd, bo omer blueprint spk ul eg ply a sharp knife for cutting\fectiveness, should be packed) Many airlines, including Ca-jarrangements with associated r blueprints, | have bad 7 2 3 1 1 2 2 J 'circulation. This is a small, rod-\clude; mineral wool, rock,/ment, The latter can usually be This can be achieved by cuttin ition ima. . " . , : ' , ' } ' ; g But the New Zealand airline, gr ola egaitagior an a may i ag |shaped electric heater which is oe Se: ee cn Tal Praia 8 Shy hardware store, a piece of vapor barrier to/from winter freezing by insu- owned by the government, is tog @ Homes @ Additions i ESTION: At our fr | ns N: We bou an| : : ee : ' ; ' init A : Pgeeeryser . | trance, in the living room, thereloiq house about two years a merely plugged into any Con-| vermiculite, n hard-to-get-to corners, or cover the areas and form un-ilating between them and the/re-equip with DC-8 jets in Au-| to give the illusion of a divider The very large kitchen isn't on only the equivalent of a 25-watt|terials. Two forms of insulating between that area and the rest|the central heating system, but/bulb; available at many house-|materials commonly used are of the room. I dust this regular- there's a combination gas and wares and electric appliance|batts and blankets. They come ly, but it is beginning to look|©0al stove. The top over the | dealers, with what is known as a vapor ANSWER: Use a cream,| lhe Polish burns off fast, What) clean-up wax, made by a nation-|2° YoU suggest? | GETTING THE MOST i ely known manufacturer and ce pa ree ge hac # : widely availabie wherever most of the stove polish doesn't) i household waxes are sold. Or|stay on is that you get the coal) FROM YOUR MONEY ' wash with a general household fire too hot. Every time the lids liquid detergent and wipe dry,|and rest of the top become fire- | Then apply a thin coat of paste red, everything on the surface| AS A HOME owner, or @ potential heme buyer drafts, so as to eliminate ex- it's enly neturel thet yeu will toke increcsed STRIPPING IVY OFF BRICK {cessive heat at the top of the most frem yeur dellers, And you will probably : QUESTION: We would like to\stove. You might also try the be considering. the idee ef adhering to « strip our brick home of our following: This treatment is apt family budget, pletely covers it. Is there athe top with coarse sandpaper } home remedy for cleaning the|to get a smooth surface and to brick of all the small twigs and/Temove any rust. While the spots which remain after tear- metal is cold, rub in some raw Fi wish to destroy the roots to pre- about a half hour, Be sure to i vent regrowth (many are rather Wipe off any excessive oil, to thick and strong), how could prevent formation of a gummy this be accomplished? deposit which is very difficult to half storey, split level, two |home insulation manufacturers, i ; M "-\services to New Zealand have , | | y, ; ' |a particular home, and it does') --The staples holding the in- 7" land's international airline Bas) MALLEY has gone far to produce insula-|vary, {sulation brome be no mete than|Peen possible owing to the Un-/maintained a near-monopoly rhe : | There are many types of in-|anq fitting, and a jnadi Pacifi ; : : i good, heavy-|tightly around windows, door/"adian Pac c, rlines, FIRST AID TO AILING HOME jsulation materials. They in-\duty staple gun for solid sttach-|framing and other such spaces, D1iged to. retain propeller-ing ACQUIRE JETS cotton and other! ei; es A é ; 4 Offices @ Remodeling d 0. i : poe : : ceilings, particularly in attics broken protection, wall, For this separate pieces of/ gust and expand across the Pa- ® is a black wrought-iron railing, | venient outlet and consumes|mineral and vegetable mMA&-|where joists are exposed, there! --Pipes should be protected/vapor barrier. can also be used, cific to North America inal really soiled, How can 1 clean|Coal-burning section is badly ~~ asees = -- --_ -- } and brighten it without remoy-|discolored (whitish - gray) in ie ing the finish or causing rust? /SPite of using stove polish on it. | | ! wax, buffing well. burns off. Try to control your) interest In managing your finences to get the clinging ivy vine which com-\t0 be smoky for a while. Rub) ing the growth down? If we/linseed oil and allow to soak for ANSWER: Trim down the ivy remove, Then start and main- and their cost is spread out over as much as possible, Then, for tain a low fire for about an @ period of time through your municipal taxes. f complete removal of thé plants, -- Put out the fire, then i dig down at least a foot below/®PPly Stove polish. : Se ' | ie surfave and cut Sway GOLD, DAMP CLOSETS Oshawa BUILDERS much of the plant as possible.| a6 : Then treat the remaining roots; QUESTION: What can we do f with a strong solution of weed|to insulate or make our over killer, available at garden sup-|hanging Bort bb = lies dealers, and cover well/drier in the winter? e closets Pith earth, are icy cold and damp each wit. 369 Oshawa Blvd, inter the shoes stuck | Use a stiff wire brush to re-|ter Last winter move all. the small twigs, etc., to the floor with frost. 723-7390 ANSWER: If the closets are and clean the brick surface of the remaining debris. If this large enough, build false walls -- isn't successful, the only solu-|on one-inch furring strips, Us- tion is to have the brick sand- ing insulating panels; otherwise, 2=>--- : blasted by a building cleaning|line the walls with batt-type in ASSOCIATION contractor. Some garden~ stores sulation. Cover the floor with | av, eee ' have "Ivy bombs" with which batt-type insulation, placing a embedded rootlets can be spray-|layer of masonite to serve as You Wouldn't Have ed to cause them to wither and flooring over this. Installing an a House in time, fall out. (All of thisjelectric damp-chaser will keep assumes you're fond of ladders.)ithe air slightly warmed and in Without a Kitchen PROXIMITY 10 SCHOOLS... Nowhere can you find @ community with better educational institutions thon Braemor Gordens. These schools (Adeloide MeLough- lin Publie, R. $. MeLaughlin High, St, Christopher's, Ridgeway Jr. High, Woodcrest Today, there's no reason to de- prive yourself of all the hot water you want, when you want it! With gas water heating you don't have to stint or "schedule" baths, laundry, or dishwashing.Gas gives you "Oceans of Hot Water." Buy a new gas water heater and have "Oceans of Hot Water," or - rent for as little as $1.75 a month on your gas bill. Save money. Take advantage of the low gas rates now in effect. Enjoy all the pleasure of for whatever purpose and in whatever amount you need. There's nothing more enjoyable --or more useful than "instant" hot water. There's nothing more annoying than to run "short" and have to postpone or delay baths, Public, a new Seporate High School under i j construction end Board of Education os modern os the community itself and they The temperature of most kitchens is as hard to regulate as outdoors, You can be constantly com- fortable with... ore al| within walking distonce, Whot bet- ter ploce then Braemor for your young ones to grow up in? TOTAL OR E ] ' You'll always have plenty ontap, dishwashing or laundry, modern living with gas. SUPPLEMENTARY ectroheat For information and personal service, call Consumers' Gas, GO @.CLEAN @ SAFE MODERN @ ECONOMICAL 728-7363 CALL... @ DEPENDABLE --CALL-- 728-4611 SO PRINCE ST, -- OSHAWA braemor gardens (Consumers ('as | 29 CELINA STREET ® OSHAWA (Stevenson Rd N) ond Annapolis) easmnanasasctsatnaninaneneangguane

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