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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 May 1965, p. 23

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Use Eggs in a Scramble Weinessy Men's. 1965, 91 | COT WHILE YOU WAIT ¢ ¢ RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF ¢ « What's a Crushed Toe fmm 0" Light Entree Creations iirc. <| | SAVE THIS WEEK at. Fora change from plain-|bled egg mixture. Cook as ; directed. tables with the mixture for Tl I A ' T 3 lyzed in the feet. Maybe it's be- oy A elioig '|good-sized platter. Ring with) : a : rare Aby, Pan Gries. Her $8 sauteed tomato and eggplant cause I have always been theltion w the c : r n | i one to lead and I just can't fol- aan tthe pots nad eer slices. Garnish: sprigs of cress. . : low. of 12 darling kids. Measurements level; recipes0 | I am so scared I might step) We travel a lot and my wife for six ; ps | on a boy's foot that I break out ic often mistaken for my daugh- SCRAMBLED EGGS . in a cold sweat, Then my handsjjer (which is embarrassing, be-|6 large eggs : | fe i get clammy and I'm just Alcause I am three years younger| % tsp. salt : , oe mess. Can you give me somejthan she is). As I put my| % tsp. pepper | $ ' (Limited hints on how to overcome this] orytches down to write this I'd] 1-3 c. milk is: 5 Dey ' problem? It could wreck my €N-!jike to make it plain that hard|2 tbsp. butter or margarine | = Pas es tire life --Out of It work never hurt anybody.--An| Break eggs into bowl. Add) i ha , é Supply) : stop dancing with girls. Youl monial endorsing hard work. !|/'¢" Or margarine in 10" fry-| must become accustomed 0) cored that hard work never|Pan. Pour in egg mixture. Let € stand over low heat % min. or| i ; scrambled eggs, try one of the F M4 ¥) z following combinations for a) CROUTON EGG SCRAM- scrambled eggs. Add % c. tween rien S! .™ light entree. BLE: In 3 tbsp. butter or mar-|gtated Cheddar cheese. Cook! Ae Efea\ With Oysters: On a roundigarine, slow-fry until golden|@s directed. \ platter, heap scrambled eggs|brown 1% c. bread. cut in %"| HAM-EGG SCRAMBLE: Add Dear Ann Landers: | am a; ' c.oked with croutons (colummed|dice (or use pkgd. croutons).jto the scrambled egg mixture ee gueine Sen os rer aes FeO Surround with creanied| Add % c. fried onion (canned|%4 c. small-diced cooked ham, rl who will soon be 15 and - looking forward to a lot PP ahead the flower beds. oysters on toast. Garnish:|if desired), and the mixture for|or substitute luncheon meat, or fun. 1 am a pretty good dascetlin? Wel: nest sear aha will be\ eee parsie? ora -- rao ge a ge te . ? . ne: she 7 | rected. irected. when I dance with my girl! 70 Her figure is better than Posi acnagge gge bee see friends, but I just can't seem|Was when I married her 40 Ceddar cheese to the mixture! . Her hair has to dance with a boy. I get all hobostilie Movie for scrambled eggs. Cook as changed from red. to sandy| directed (follows). Heap on a -- ~somssoracs ° ONLY TOP QUALITY MEAT ¢ Dear It: You seem to have} Adoring Husband salt, pepper and milk. With egg, a couple of problems--clammy) Dear Adoring Husband: beater, beat until frothy. | hands and two left feet. First,/nanks for the cheerful testi-| Melt, but do not brown, but:| e G2LIESdSNI LNSWNUSZAOD LYWAM TTIW following. hurt anybody (I thrive on it my- Second, hang loose. Before| self) but if you're going to work ou take step one with a boy se you'd better have| Without 'browning at all, Then ia ai tell ' 4 peggy te sas |with spoon, scrape it up in pan f ' y MAPLE LEAF tell ig es ge are going t0'a constitution to match. 'atne Wis. alex Condven f i ' relax, Pretend you are a rag) Dear Ann Landers: A girl in)™@ gf tin CHICKEN LOAF K I h : he scrape flakes until they are i doll. If the boy has no rhythm, our office received a bouquet of Mioksd through, 'ye! lente? aig ; ONT : RIO MAC & CHEESE am unc eon just clomp along and follow him/fiowers from her boy friend ica dsc , | anyway. Even the best. dancers| yesterday. She spent the entire|!oose in texture a PICKLE & get their shins barked now and morning trying to find a vase} INTERESTING fm then. But what's a crushed toe' 'big enough." | COMBINATIONS ~ & POTATOES PIMENTO LOAF between friends? The way she carried on you'd) EGG - POTATO SCRAMBLE: : | DUTCH LOAF Dear Ann Landers: I am mar-jhave thought no one in the Combine 1% ec. diced, cooked 10 tb. C , Bag * ib. € ried to an "Ex Horse," too, and|whole world had ever received| white potato with 4 c. medium- FRESHLY SLICED just long enough to thicken) have been for 40 years. My/jflowers from a boy friend. It chopped onion, and fry until wife has done every bit of work) was a performance that would golden brown in 3 tbsp. butter women complain about in your have put Bette Davis to shame.|or margarine. Add to scram- column--and then some Wasn't it in poor taste for| ae ' -- ----- i st like him to have sent flowers to the (CALL HOWARD'S "tl j j 2 q hla atl ie Png ar j Shouldn't the flowers CALL HOWAR S$ "Ex - Horse." My wife looked|0ffice? vs after our four daughters, plus|have been sent to her home? | Ky 1% fy for Mother's Da a hired man and me. She man- We'd like your opinion.--Nause-| EXPERT ¥ 42 g aged to cook, sew, clean, take ated Six Wyte 'oe., Dear Six: My opinion (and 1) cape tne Canney ANG be Piet idon't think you'll like it) is that ident of the P.T.A., the Legion) A Auxiliary, the Women's Clu b|you girls are nauseated from i | eae. Such beautiful baubles! Beads, pearls, ear- thi . envy : ' ; ea reres else that came)" fellow probably sent the © ~ fae rings, bracelets, pins, chosen with Mother flowers to the office because he in mind, make the perfect gifts STAR BRAND SWEET PICKLED When times got better I made wanted to give his girl an extra- her_stop doing the chores 220) special ae er DRAPES Eosicd: Made PRICED FROM ] .00 gS a Cc 0 N Cry-o-Vac WOMEN NEEDED IN HOUSE meat we it heck to your @ SLIP COVERS MONTREAL (CP) -- "There|typewriter. : @ BROADLOOM should be more women in poli-} ------_ @ VENETIAN BLINDS ties," says Kathleen Wareham, r] "Free Estimates" ' wife of a former newspaper ed-| KNITTERS !! | 20 § Catt 725-3144 § tanete Ib. Ib itor in London and here for a} election of quality || lecture tour. Mrs.: Wareham/ ting " paren ond FREE |) North said she hopes to run for a seat | *4view visit - - - the 5 926 $ ' Open Fri, ; WOOL QUEEN || HOWARD'S :--.. JEWELLERS ris he SLICED in the British House of Com- ype mont where there are ony 2] aos sme #1 __rsin| || DRAPERIES ontw i ities = Babv Beef LUCAS | | | COOKED [LIVER |WIENERS Oceans of Hot Water e GARINWUYWNAD %OOI eo © 100% GUARANTEED °¢ 2-lb. bag 89: | +39: | 79: FRESH MAPLE LEAF BLADE Chicken aap dagger SHORT RIB Legs or Breasts BOLOGNA ROAST BY THE PIECE ™ 49: Ib. 29: » 49: Red and Blue Brand B ACK Pork SAUSAGE | TULIP MARGARINE Minced BEEF BACON VEAL PATTies | Z¢téerflake LARD WIENERS SHORTENING © 69 3.1.00) 249° By . the . Piece e LWAIW ALIIWND dOL 2'INO eo ® : 7) g a xz bel > |Z G | bal > °) u) 4 bel = | ped ie | |< * @ FREEZER SPECIALS e FRONTS | SIDES | HINDS of BEEF | of BEEF | of BEEF »~ 37: |»44:| 51: Cut & Wrapped Free! Cut & Wrapped Freel Cut & Wrapped Free! Featuring Red and Blue Brand Gov't. Inspected Beef, BRIDGELAND MEAT PACKERS & PROVISIONERS 909 SIMCOE ST. N. Whelesale Retail Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. -- (Sonsumers' ("as ee ce eee 29 CELINA STREET * OSHAWA | ® COME IN AND PICK YOUR OWN SIDE HIND OR FRONT e Today, there's no reason to de- for whatever purpose and in Buy a new gas water heater and prive yourself of allthe hot water whatever amount you need. have "Oceans of Hot Water," or you want, when you want it! With There's nothing moreenjoyable __ rent for as little as $1.75 a month gas water heating you don't have | --or more useful than "instant" on your gas bill. to stint or "schedule" baths, hot water. There's nothing more Save money. Take advantage laundry, or dishwashing.Gasgives annoyingthantorun "short" and of the low gas rates now in you."Oceans of Hot Water." have to postpone or delay baths, _ effect.' Enjoy all the pleasure of You'll always have plenty ontap, dishwashing or laundry. modern living with gas. For information and personal service, call Consumers' Gas, 728-7363 HYaquHO HOWd NO SJ9IAUGS IWNOSHdd ° ONLY TOP QUALITY MEAT °

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