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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1965, p. 18

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4 ee A lee ee TUESDAY EVENING, the Oshawa Women's Auxiliary of the St. John Ambulance was presented with its charter. Shown here from the left are: Mrs, L. First Charter In Province Is Presented To St. John Auxiliary 'The Oshawa Women's Aux- iliary of the St. John Ambu- lance was the first in the Prov- ince of Ontario to receive its charter," Mr. Charles S. Sim- mons, Area Commissioner of To- ronto, told an audience, made up of members and honorary members of the Auxiliary, the Nursing and Ambulance Divi- sions, at St. Gregory's Auditor- jum, Tuesday evening. "For that reason," he con- tinued, "it was a very rare document and there was a good possibility that it was the only) one in the whole of Canada." He expressed his appreciation of the work being done by the| auxiliary and stressed that it could play an important part in the work of the st. John Ambu- lance, as he presented the char- to Mrs. Wendell Ford, presi- dent of the Auxiliary. Mr. Simmons was introduced by Dr. R., J. Kimmerly, Divi- al Surgeon, who also intro- diced Mrs. P. L. Robinson, Superintendent-In-Chief of Nurs- for Canada. ts. Robinson presented the Robi Superintendent» Oshawa Branch and honor- in-Chief of Nursing; Mr. ary president of the Charles S. Simmons, Area Women's Auxiliary; Mrs. T. D. Thomas, honorary vice-president of the Auxil- iary, and Mrs. - Wendell Ford, president of the Aux- Commissioner, Toronto; Mrs, G. D, Conant, honor- ary vice - president of the , bs : |nothing gives you the opportun- ity to recharge your mental en- ergy. Fourth when you're by your- self, you get a chance to look gave a short talk on the work of|i,, the mirror and see the im-| St. John Ambulance, stressing! age of what you are--and what! that it was a completely volun- you'd like to be tary organization and wished ° the auxiliary every success Dr. Kimmerly introduced Mrs Fifth, simply doing nothing-- while. you use these minutes to i | goals d ac: Harold de Foubert, Superinten:| ae apo te tosees a a dent of the Nursing Division in| +p.examine what you're doing: Southern Ireland, who was visit-\.ith what you have. You see| ing, Ganad on her oldays andl youraelt for what You are--a bitanes Divisions. ' Mrs , del? help or hindrance to your pro- Foubert told a little about the "oe : work being done in Ireland by, One very busy woman I know the St. John Ambulance. "puts in a 10-hour working day! Refreshments were served by nearly every day in the week.| Mrs, Robert Hurlburt and her She uses her weekends for 50-) ;committee. cial life, But she sets aside each Other special guests present Sunday night to get in tune with| to witness the presentation of ; : the charter were: Mrs Virginia Ber jnrns hy Fed Git BAG Rint Allison, Area Superintendent of", *\'* 8" Nursing; Mr. Ronald Hopkins,' It's the one way IT keep in Corps Superintendent, Ontario-/fouch with myself and figure |Durham County Corps, Whitby; out where I'm going," she ex Mrs. G. D. Conant, Oshawa,|plained, honorary vice-president of th Branch and honorary presif€e: dent of the Auxiliary; Mrs. T.| bearin D. Thomas, an honorary vice- 'nS ill iliary. The charter is the first to be presented to a St. John Ambulance Aux- iliary in the Province of Ontario and quite possibly the first in Canada --Oshawa Times Photo WEDDING The wedding of Miss Lor- etta Zurba and Mr. Steve Hewak, both of Oshawa, will take place in the chapel of King Street United Church on Friday, May 7, at 7 p.m, The bride-elect is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, John Zurba of Oshawa and the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs Peter Hewak, formerly of Montreal ENGAGEMENT and Mrs, James Ander- son Barron announce the en- agement of their daughter, Valerie Gail, to Mr. Roland Er- nest Moore, son of.Mr. and Mrs Ernest Clifton Moore, all of Osh- Mr. herself. She puts down the pa-lawa, The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 12; 1965, tist Church FOOD PRICES UP The consumer price index for|braith, Mrs C For most of us, this same pro-| food, based on 100 for 1948, has|Mrs. Barnard Lewis, Mrs. Vin- e can help us get our)risen from 113.4 in 1956 to 133.3;cent McGahey and Mrs. Ronald] in. March this year. lat 3.00 o'clock in Calvary Bap-/troqyced by Mrs. M. A. Adam, president of the Auxiliary and} Colonel Stephen Wotton, presi- dent of the Branch committee. miembers with their pins and 'The Pause That Refreshes 'Simply Doin ; By ROBERTA ROESCH Sometimes there's opportun- ity in simply doing nothing--if you use that opportunity to keep in touch with yourself. 'This is a fact I face often whenever I take the time to make myself do nothing while I'sift and weigh my thoughts Nothing jon the go-go-go. But often this| |keeps us out of touch more than it keeps us in tune That is why, in whatever work we do, we need to stop) now and then and take this op-| portunity for at least five very |good reasons. First of all, when you stop eIn a writer's job, this is ajand do nothing but weigh and "must." jsift what you've done in the -But it should be in all jobs, | past and what you hope to do because when you keep in touch/in the future, you have a much with yourself you somehow|needed 'Time Off" period to) Manage to stay in line with/explore and evaluate your life. sQme of the personal road maps! Second, doing nothing -- in a many of us lose so often. You|paradoxically productive way--| ajso manage, while keeping in| gives you time for vision and) tauch, to track down where you|for using your imagination. You! @re going. do some mental gymnastics veit's human--at least for most) finding out how you're working @ us--to get out of. touch with|presently and the way you'd ourselves, because we work in/like to work shch high gear that we keep| Third, this respite of doing . SPECIAL RANGE! Just set the dials. It cleans itself. No smoke, HONEST CAL'S LTD. No scrubbing! No cleanser of any kind needed. fumes. Costs only a few pennies, see it now at west E : Showers Honor = a = Loretta Zurba = iad a Miss Loretta Zurba, daughter Ee of Mr. and Mrs. John Zurba, ms : Alma street, whose marriage to " al Mr, Steve Hewak also of Osh- 4 awa is to take place tomorrow i« evening in King Street United : 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, May 6, 1965 Church has been entertained at. 4 ~ three recent showers, : Friends gathered at the home Conant Home and School Assoc of rs tan Beaton, Heber Down, | e crescent, Brooklin, for a miscel-' A laneous shower, e R El t Mr E K Hilts The bride-elect was again sur- t e- ec +) Ss. . . prised when she went to the . home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. hd | Mrs. EB, K> Hilts was installed Jack Zurba, where she found ; as president for the second many of her co-workers, rela- ' term of the Conant Home and ws tives and former school friends } School Association at is annual 4 ¢ : £ gathered to shower her with ; meeting recently. : i gifs, mee ee ' | Other members of the execu- st Saturday over rela- ; |tive installed by Mrs. W. L. PLAN JUNE WEDDING tives and friends gathered at } |Baldwin, a past-president of the P h ue Evangel Pentecostal Church | association, were: Ist vice-presi- The engagement. is an- ron and the prospective jon Ritson road for a miscellan- dent, Mrs. Fred Pesarchuck; nounced today and the wed- bridegroom is the son of |eous shower for the future bride | and vice-president, Mrs. Jack ding is to take place, June Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Clif- |and bridgeroom. The bride's sis- Shearer; recording secretary, 12 of Miss Valerie Gail Bar- ton Moore, all of Oshawa. |ter, Mrs, Tony Siblock, was atte' Mrs. Delmont C. Olmstead; ron and Mr. Roland Ernest The ceremony is to take jing hostess. ' treasurer, Mrs, Royce Whittak- Moore. The bride-to-be is place in Calvary Baptist | Following their wedding, the ere corresponding secretary, the daughter of Mr, and Church at 3.00 p.m. j couple will make their home in Mrs. William Hurst: member- Mrs. James Anderson Bar __Ireland Studio Oshawa where Mr, Hewak, is ship chairman, Mrs.. Harr y ae za ™\employed at General Motors. |Kellar; program, Mrs. Eli THE STARS SAY |September and during the first) |Lamb; ways and means, Mrs. half of November. ees while--at least until. Sep- (Clifford McQuarrie; publica- By ESTRELLITA beet pig -- a i s ber -" Gains made during itions, Mrs. William Foreman; pssed, sing an all-that month (incidentally an ex- jhistorian, Mrs. Alan Shortt; |FOR TOMORROW round good year, with high)celient period for all Taureans) lsocial convener, Mrs. John R. | Excellent Venus influences|points of inspiration andjand in late October will give Findlay; council representative, now bring great happiness be-\achievement indicated within you a foretaste of what to ex- \Mrs. Fred Britton, |tween marital partners as well/the next three weeks, in late|pect in 1966 when, beginning in | |as fostering new romanceS|June, late September and all of| January, fiscal gains will begi | All annual reports were read ingle. Also f | é y, gains w gin land approved MRS, E. K. HILTS saeng Oe Sie. Bee eee ner ener: jo escalate remarkably. shal | ' 'under beneficent stars are artis-' jf (jnancial interests seem to| Along personal lines; Best | Mr. William Kellington sug-| ' \tic and cultural pursuits, the|), moving somewhat slowly at|periods for romance: the next lgested that the Grade 8 classiconant school; tuberculin tests|aspirations and endeavors of the moment, do not be dis-|two weeks, the mid + June-mid- ae a fund-raising ---- a will be given to pupils in Grades|those in the entertainment field. mayed, You are presently in alJuly period, late August and ip: meet: expenses Ot. MSis ands; | iperfectly normal period which|late November. Most auspicious planned Des tip to Terento. | Mrs. '\George - Peters, 1 greta AE |may be described as '"between|weeks to plan as wedding dates: | The principal, Mr. Donald/senting Southern Ontario a our horoscope indicates that|gains." Tf you have wisely con-|Late June, late September, Peel, made the following an-jculosis Association gave a briel\i i' atl your life should|solidated all profits made since| A child born on this day will nouncements: Grade 8 examiiia-jtalk on surveys and clinics to he car ae hanne and sindae the first of the year, the time|be highly original in his thinke tions would begin on May 28 and|be held in the near future. nt PD 4\has come to forget expansion|ing and unusually idealistic, other grades, early in June; the| Mrs, Eli Lamb introduced|tive as stars foretold for 1964.) U0" CTT soho. annual field day would be 'held|the film entitled 'The Teens" |It would be wise, yore a May 18; choir competitions|followed by four lively discus-/capitalize on ovr possible op- FOR THE FINEST would be held at Simcoe Street/sion groups jportunity to adv ao * tool \United Church May 19 and two| Refreshments were served by pigs Nagel Mevnll Poncggid Custom and choirs would be competing fromithe Grade 4 moihers --|of three weeks ago, you entered Ready Made | ' \the second year of the extraor- TF On y th I Theme \dinarily auspicious Jupiter-Sun DRAPES ocus ou $ laspect which will govern your life for another 11 ages 4 in the latest Shades and | : nances, business and job ad- Fobrics.. . see... 'Of Home and School Meeting arctan? ™reauve® imerests | jand romance all flourish Mé&C | The theme 'Focus on Youth"|Sake"' was _ ig hag sauel -- _ splendid (oe ; ortrayed in ajA. Adam and Mrs, R. F. Kelly./planetary conjunction. healer per pins Following the performance) As for 1965, specifically DRY GOODS mo : : the audience divided into groups|where business and-or career & DRAPERIES ing age Pherae mainland questions pertaining to the sarees are concerned: Pane perigee recent meeting "Iscenes previously enacted, were|the entire year looks good, you \lips Home and School Associa-|Srenes, Pt Sh yasiph Westcott|can look for outstanding periods bine EXPERTLY INSTALLED \tion. ae ..\thanked the cast and helpers|of accomplishment and recogni- elina Street 723-7827 | Two skits entitled 'For Pete's\',. the entertainment provided. tion in mid-August, throughout i aE |Sake"' and 'Anyone for Bridge"), 4 a olin the = site and suit |were performed, giving the au The meeting opened w "eh ldience a great deal of pleasure annual report submitted y land providing an ideal basis for MOR Richardson, presi- |discussion. jdent, and Mrs, William Bowes, Members of the cast were in-|recording secretary. i and were as follows: Mrs. Geof-) NAME WOMAN SCHOLAR ' frey Andrews, Mrs. Douglas} NELSON, B.C, (CP) -- Miss i Forrester, Mrs. J. D. R. Gal-|M. L. Chechi has. been ap ; Stanley Lawrence, pointed political science in- |structor at Notre Dame Univer- sity here, the first in the col- \Wragg. The skit 'For Pete's'lege's short history FASHION SHOW a AND ' Another First From Ganadian General Electric For the MODERN CANADIAN WIFE! SELF-CLEANING OVEN no be conducted by Refreshments ond CHARM COURSE Thursday, May 13, 7.30 p.m, to 9 p.m. --AT-- NESBITT'S LADIES WEAR 33 King East Oshews The latest Fashions will be modelled and ao Charm Course will 725-0532 or 725-4326, Limited number of tickets, SHARON HOSKIN -- TICKETS 75c each. Door Prizes, Tickets available at Nesbitt's V4 GE TELEVISION VALUES TRADE-IN SALE! eeeeeeene Pay Only 2.00 DOWN -- 4.00 PER MONTH OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. THURSDAY EVENINGS THE WATCH WORLD Q Division Of The Sunshine Shop 24 PRINCE ST. 723-6922 Teens 7oee eet eee 39.95 | Se ee 198-88 Model 31TS) With Trade PORTABLE Model 11T41 ONLY 139-39 (NOT EXACTLY AS SHOWN A DRAMATIC NEW OVEN THAT CLEANS ITSELF ELECTRICALLY See It Today At _ HONEST CAL'S LTD. Furniture & Appliances 424 KING ST. WEST Phone 728-9191 B mer, @: | . Ne se" a @ r } | % | a &- OF THE YEAR! & SAVE ON FIRST QUALITY § rMmXYYXYYYYYYY © "SER RRSREREERRERREORRRRRRREeeeeeee' IT'S SWAN'S PAINT 'o SALE Buy one quart at regular price and get a second quart for 254 For Paints and Garden Supplies See SWAN'S HARDWARE : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MSESRBERRERBRERRRRRRRRSRREREREBeS a, } . - ~ . _ ~~ t 4 4 -@ = * eo " &

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