4A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, Mey 6, 1965 REESE The spacious main-floor Banking department of the new Auto Workers (Oshawa) Credit Union Oshawa build- ing has been arranged to an em- ployee of the Auto Work- ers (Oshawa) Credit Union Limited, displays the Scrip- lo-writer machine that re- Joyce Twining, Jays instantly messages awa afford every reasonable comfort for public and staff. The atmosphere and _ fur- nishings reflect the progres- sive policy of the organiza- from the Cash Department, on the main floor, to the Loans Department, upstairs, in the new Auto Workers Credit Union building. BANKING DEPARTMENT OF CREDIT UNION --Oshawa Times Photo tion. There are 4,710 Credit Unions in operation in Can- ada today with a member- ship of 3,300,000. --Oshawa Times Phoio Here's More Facts, Figures Auto Workers Credit Un- ion is member owned--mem- ber controlled. Members elect Board of Directors and Committees themselves. Vote on their dividends and interest refunds at the annual meeting. Have paid 4% per cent the past five years on regu- lar savings, which are gen- erally life insured dollar fer dollar to a maximum of $2,000 if deposited previous to age 55. The interest refund has been 20 per cent the past three years. Loans are, in most cases, insured against death and total disability at no additional cost. OTHER SERVICES: Free chequing account privileges. Term. deposit accounis pay a guaranteed six per cent. Wives and dependent chil- dren of a member can also join Credit Union and have accounts of their own, Financial counseling, and debt pro-rating--no charge. Loans granted up to $5,000 with five - year repayment plan. Awaiting government ap- proval of application to grant Student loans. { | 1 } Congratulations Members Of The AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION To commemorate the opening of your fine new building. : BOLAHOOD'S |} _SPORTSHAVEN 4 ! KING ST. EAST, -- OSHAWA Are offering all members of the Auto Workers Credit Union Ltd. 10% DISCOUNT On All Merchandise During the Month of May ' BRING THIS AD TO THE STORE WITH YOW -- Seiosieoelitie Would Teach In Schools At the annual meeting of the Ontario Credit Union League in March, the Auto Workers' Credit Union presented a reso- lution to the delegates which called for the League Board of Directors to contact the proper Provincia] authorities im an effort to have the subjects of Credit and Money management taught in schools. The resola- tion was overwhelmingly ap- proved, In 1964, the Auto Workers Credit Union spent $10,000.00 in promotional and educational c <- penses, The Credit Union uses every conceivable means of eommunication in an effort to make itself known to members and potential members. Compliments ---- CF -- MACOTTA COMPANY Of Canada Limited 4, » Suppliers of Stainless Steel and Boked Enamel WINDOWS wv 1190 KIPLING AVE. NORTH REXDALE, ONT. 241-5221 Ll, LBs SP. IP Compliments of .. . -- Featuring -- "Cambridge Clothes' "Doorway To A Man's World' 23% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 728-7974 Open Friday Tall 9 P.M, }