Aida a ics AO i, lll Soe . TOTS AM renters emer ir a Mines mo . EE aa ap THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 8,1965 2] BRIDGE . By 8. JAY BECKER | |(Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuel Chempionship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH AKQ4 1087643 852 WEST EAST ty 4063 | ee ee 28 | 4 fe PUL LEE Wee f pens 92 or Bence ingree oe Catan vas j AQJ4 Si0te a Rgorg cog | | §1098 $AKQSTS2 CANADIAN MEDICAL TION, gu aR 2 @AKQIS Sion o64 The bidding: South West North East 19 Pas 16 2h 29 8% 69 Opening lead--ten of clubs. The bidding is often an im- portant factor in determining how to play a hand. It is cer- tainly not uncommon for declar- er to be faced with a choice of two or more different methods of play, and this choice is fre- quently affected by the oppo- nents' bidding. South gauged the true situa- tion exceptionally well in to- day's hand to bring home the contract of six hearts. If he had followed the nor- mal line of play, he would in- evitably have gone down one. Suppose he had ruffed the club, drawn trumps, cashed the A-K- Q of spades, discarding a dia- mond, and then led a diamond towards the K-9. West would have taken two diamond tricks and that would have been the And onthe street ons of KS oe nes ut th concluded from t dMIGIIUA S3ITWIW HAV evidence that West was far more likely to have the ace of diamonds than East. West had led his presumably highest club, the ten, thus marking East with the A-K-Q. It followed from this that West practically had to have the ace of diamonds for his three club bid, and that no- mal play would therefore lose the slam. Accordingly, South ruffed the opening club lead, played a heart to the jack, ruffed anoth- er club, played a heart to the WERE, THTER! C'MON BOY: | ARNATION/ TIME FoR YOUR BATH/ NEVER aw f 906 HERE, TATER / MAT MAT reereved 1965, Wash sights reeerwed, SECRET AGENT X9 © King Features Symdiontm, inc, 1965. World vighte queen, and then ruffed his last club. When he next cashed the TELEVISION LO ia NE a position: Channel 2--Buttalo 4--Face The. Nath yey It To B channel Barrie SoFiim - t-Ann Southern en North inne! alo 2--Family_Playhou' channel Toronto } ik 2 ae ae il inn --| _ channel tRochester Bsa hong Miniature 63 Canadian Schools Wet wae an jae 'on | ond Channel i--Hamitton | Gd--Grest, Show Music | 4-News 31085 Immaterial -- (| 4Ted Mack Amateur siete Om AQ saturpay ave, | Yr Bouth perry ls 1:30 P.M, a tei Ae a @72 1--champlonship Bowling| I~ fpotliaht 4 |'atwhal's This, Song 95 $--Mr. Magoo | F=Sclence All Sters 7--Tralimaster @Kos ge Show of | 5. Country Calendar 63--Across Canade be: 4--Bowling 41 Love Lucy South now led 'the five of 6--Countrytime 4-Wrentling 200 PLM. | 11:00 ALM. hearts and West, me could not SOMETIMES 1 CAN ALMOST FORGET... THEN SOMETHING aA SO RAID ce aew | on"erem UNCLE) Scfrtie On '" |'s Deer' chertehe spare @ spade, discarded the ee i D HAPPENS TO BRING BACK A FLOOD OF MEMORIES, YOU THE TOWN TONIGHT, BUT Biba ig | Jttet eter mowing | SA cCenOOITATOR, queen of diamonds. Declarer Ta -- TIVE WAD AWARD DAY, WOULD 11--Star Route g-French For Love 62-Friendl Giant thereupon discarded a spade Lh On ae, ! 4)B vou mno one rr'zomornow|' | *Yer"en'® Sater of OT a from dummy and led the three " 3 fp NIGHT INSTEAD? |G The Roy Petty show Vilar oF haere 9--Does Mother Know of br gg ge epee 1G ell B ipeare 6--The Valiant Years Best | jto e th the ace an 6:45 PM. +2--Chez Helene * i Peas Nem Weatary | S<Docors a Work Aas aa South's king thus became his : nec Denes Party leg-nartage 28 Fa icone 63--Beverly Hillbillies Briere 29 Were ds atone: Coe LAUD TEACHER 4--UB Round Table Pane! 3:0 P.M, | 4-The McCoys BURNABY, B.C. (CP)--Jean j i Steve Gun 90m Travel Bowing i Aa Bailey, intermediate supervisor ! ae | opievhns | $2Call My Bluff of Burnaby schools, was named q +2--Flipper 4:00 P.M. | 6--Elwood Glover British Columbia's top teacher | 2aThe King Family --|11---Dannis The Menece | sNews and W for 1965 by the B.C. Teachers' e ain' -2---Sports ! 4--Jackie Gleason Show 63--Four British Castles er ee oe Federation. Billy Ann Palsson of a--Take @ Chance | es OM 218 Oe Lane Cowie was named out- #:00 P.M. mr | even st ti : L WON'T BE ABLE To THROW scdcoehiny eormance Tay, Talend Time = | SNe anding student teacher owns ON HIM UNTIL HE Be WANTS alex oH SE Sate" leh oh or seece inal |6-3--Wiid Kingdom -2--I'il Bet "seen AN Ce ee 1100 PM. 7--Eather Knows Bast SALLY'S SALLIES J--vewrence Welk Show |!!--Pamily Theatre 3--Noonday Report 63--Great Movies | Safer Pour 12:48 P.M. 4-gilligan's Island Voces een 4--Quiding Light 'omedy -" i &3--Show on Shows 100 P. 9:00 P.M. '<Zoreme. 1ickour fue ten CROSSWORD WZ Cars | $:30 PM. 9--December Brice o2--Movie a--Matinee G-Europe 20 Years [pa Coney ae, | JemAfternoon Show Later G_Time Of Your Lite |" Movie : AOROSS 53, Absent 16. Con- TASTE MEAIFIT] 9:20 PLM 4--Education 4--Meet The Millers 1. Vaulted nective AINIOINME YP IRIE IS] 7--Hollywood Palace +Gillican's Island wf igs ad alt root DOWN 20.Horse Se 10:00 P.M. | 130 PAM. . 11--Polka Party pipet -- A 7 or A -- 2 Conte 21, Warmth bar. piland gah 7-Big Show of The Week| 4--As The World Turne 9. Wicked eee ® 38. Roman jnarey 2:00 P.M. pound ' {Twentieth Century | »abracadabra 10-Dexterous 3. Russian 94. Hind tH 2--Meet The Press Fpene in the Wind | to community 28.Wing- {FIEMESIOIOIT MBL Jal) sari seeword Hees 12, Chills 4. Woman's like TIRIEIATT MRE IRIAITIO} Fle Fd OVER J--Jimmy Dean Show |11--Movie- 4 | 2:0 PAM, 14. ogg ' name part een eo oa i ERE IS MY 5 9--Walt Disney Presents) §--Four of A Kin F. . Moccasin $0, Toward enh 10:45 P.M. 'esents 'our of A Kind . Tor going home to mother-- FAVORITE. #-2--Proflles | 15, Hawke: ua 62--Sports Unlimited Pa A dae Tig Regi rae Sate i aot ates ye ¢ like shoe 31,Closeto Yesterdsy's Answer | 'you went-home the last time. 4 907 i 4--World War | Sctorata' Yous aber. ---- 82, Overs 9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) ; 4--House Party M turns 44, Nuclel Weath 7:00 P.M. 17. g st lam [ome | em Ee oee |" S. «=| TOOTHACHE 1:15 PM. | 'eLassie 2:00 P.M. } one greeting 36, Real starch |--Block Buster Com 'eople in Conflict . > es 7:30 P.M. Sa_atoter Works 22 ootnt Fier bn fesse | Meage Haribo givedngees Mp eepolgg? asia $--Metro Final 9--Mr.. Novak 7--Genera) rtospital os. ak asinterior 87, Border 46, Candlenut Hef that lasts with ORAJEL, Speed | é-Night Metro 2--Disney's World ef --|¢-3--Moment of Truth . Female of abag 89. Sun: comb, tree release formula puts medications to aturdey Night af ° ruth . Ly rs) ers igh Color 4--To Teli The T deer 11. Keyed up form 47. Yes: al. work instantly to stop throbbing pal B The Movies | gcttaen, Train 10 PM. 26.Exclam® 33 Adam's 40, Varletyof 49, Command + Maca ipag pds 5 ~ BI ast tm Patt arnan (tum camper | yy Hom, gon eet Oe | Derr 1 Dv teu) EY | eSports 8:00 P.M. F2--You Don't Say 29. Dead it for teething. 69¢ ORA-JEL ' . % 7 3 : ste © 0h. $-43--Ed Sullivan Show | 7--The Young Marrléds . Night ! U 3 $33 q Y as i 4 s-Answering Service #130 9M. seatahe Thitty = po, : eS SRW SE LESS SOS OTE SS D Vad th B \ NA eature Showcase \--Special Movi je of Night mamm: Z | 4 atte Rea | eee, Se | mee 7 COLBORNE : spemmetmanerysee canta Ming | eaeieg | Sh ERD om | gg RE GROCETERIA TH / ALL Her r 9:00 P.M. a ame a SHAKE WITH LUNCH INGREDIENTS ARE IN ¥ Sopa bot #:24:3-Bonanza TeReceetanie 7 vestment: Colborne St. ot Church St. --Movie | 3 for' urns a The JA s sieitanan denne oe Ue Feces eee al, ene | Ripped | " 728-6341 ' r 7--Tennessee Tuxedo 12 PM. | oe eee ee 38, Jos h's "f 7 4--Uncie Jerry's Club %--Peyton Place 4:20 P.M. a4 OPEN eee Is ; 2--The Answer 10:00 P.M. ae Bury aume é Z : 10:00 @.M. 9--Musical. Showcase oo Show . Wynn = aes ( gi W--Carasello each ging ye iy od 42, Peer Gynt's DAILY 'Tl 10 P.M. j S-The Bile Anwar | Si a 2--Yogl Bear mother Seven Days o Week 4--Lamp Unto My Feet | 4~Candid Camera MONDAY @VENIN® 43, Perform ' 34 e 2Church Invitation n-pe ee 5:00 P.M. 44, Ugly old /, ©@ Groceries © Fresh Fruits 10:30 A.M. --Desilu Playhouse \l--Famity Thea 'wo! z egeta iL} T= QHA Junior A Hockey | Stars ovina dive O'Clock Matinee 45.Kind of © Yeomans. © Masts i (ae Pontes: wee Sere hetvre race i TH FREE DELIVERY 9--Meta 11-9-8:-Pafe4-3-2---New 3--Movie 48, South gape Jerry's Club | Weather, Spore" 3--Lioyd Thaxton American a hited | 5:30 P.M. b 4, t * | 11:20 PLM, al sep 6--This Is The Life 7:43--Late Show tate ie Ot | G0, Duration Ga Go Y 7--Holy Mass | poeere Riad | ae a. 51, Stop Ze YW) ' 6--Church Service | etro na af 53 7, ~ HES HOME, 4--Camera 3 | tN 1 52, Cleansing Y e OF COURSE ! SFrontiors of Faith -- |» _pougins *Floher | bap lode agent Li ZA 1:30 AM. é--Alfred Hitchoe! | +News, Sports 5-1 k Hour C ar Sherman 1--Travellers' Preview ecveun il --Bulwinkle Show if n 4--The Fisher Family MONDAY 6:3 PM . i i yp Sargutihe, eercre lichen' setae anton-Pekin China said they understood thei] 7m INSULATION 2 nes as we i we restrictions would be in force CROWN DIAMO &--Felix The Cat | 4 x ews, Weather i y ) ND P z s--Felix the ce AM. li tere A until May 20, The authorities D PAINT é--Sunday School | §--News: Miss Helen ihe aialaad rains Halted advised! people to travel by air +News Weather 'amen am. 2-cheyenne in the meantime, they said. 8 ee | ?--Diating fer Dollars | 1:00 PAM. HONG KONG (Reuters)--Chi-|,, Wester observers Reg FREE DELIVERY | > 4--Congress S-Mikors Carivel 7 Rawhide, me nese authorities were today. re-|jateg to the Viet Nom situation "lt it's LUMBER, oe eke si = 4 5 & ad romaine gtk pee oe 8-2--Movie ported to have placed restric-jand suggested the Chinese could cot! our NUMBER &--Mr. Wizard Nelda coil une Gan tions on rail traffic between|be moving men and equipment PHONE 725-1121 j Fochaiienge, | 9--Meta 3--No Time For Canton and Peking. to strengthen defences in the . ae -- er oe Serneante Travellers who returned from|south or to North Viet Nam. - eee ey