meee ERE pepe eB eR FRE AMR ARE Ble ght SF oy %, Below is your Springtime portfolio of sunshine colours, garden fresh hues and flower pastels . . . yours to blend, = match and mingle, in a timely, tempting pot pourri of tones and tints. This year, make decorating a purposeful pleasure with TECO Deluxe Paints. Our formula makes this EATON'S FINEST QUALITY LINE. . . rich and full- <x ey S bodied for smooth application, providing excellent coverage and a hard enduring surface: Order yours now in per- Snestanc®® son, by telephone or mail, and SAVE 30%! PLEASE ORDER COLOURS BY NUMBER! Weather-Resistant 'TECO' Deluxe Exterior House Paints EXTERIOR SUPER ONE-COAT WHITES Acrylic Latex House Paint Doubly enriched, these gleuming white paints cover most surfaces in a A low-lustre, weather-resistant finish for wood, masonry or asbestos siding. single coat; a single brush-on coat looks like 2 coats of ordinary paint. Dries in approx. 30-minutes to form a hard, durable surface. Super One-Coat white protects and beautifies for years. k @ 2000 INTENSE WHITE e@ 2060 GLEN GREEN @ 2120 SUNFLOWER 5 No. 1000 Self-Cleansing One-Coat 'Super' White Paint @ 2010 TURQUOISE @ 2070 INDIAN RED YELLOW ; / | | i @ 2020 CHARCOAL @ 2080 SKY BLUE @ 2130 APPLE GREEN For frame building only. Each rainfall should leave it sparkling white. 5 3050 CORAL $ 3090 SAND $= 2140 LIME YELLOW No. 1010 Chalk-Resistant One-Coat 'Super' White Paint @ 2040 BEIGE e 2100 PINK @ 2150 MAGNOLIA WHITE A brilliant, non-chalking white gloss paint for wood siding, trim, Should not stain masonry @ 2050 CERAMIC BLUE @ 2110 CASTLE GREY @ 2160 CHOCOLATE BROWN below. | fap. 10959012950 7 AR oy 9 0G LATEX HOUSE PAINT PRIMERS : a ee pee i gal. s qt. 7 @ 2170 Wood Primer (bare wood, peeled surfaces) @ 2180 Emulsion Primer White (dull surfaces) @ 2190 Masonry Conditioner (powdery surfaces) Reg. 9.95 gal. 2.85 qt. 1,000 Colour Variations TECO DELUXE BLENDED gal. qt. i BRISTLE BRUSHES SPECIAL oo i sscisssnsssisasscres i a 4 If you need a porticular colour 50% Nylon, 50% Nature! Bristle a' ion f Id f- : : pubgned or see nea oy As Ar arent aus, eet | Feshion-Mived ee ean eae Heavy Duty Floor, Porch and Concrete Enamel # ig colour-selector, 14" 1,78 Pe a a Py 3.32 : : | i 6] an p vat end our paint-mixing machine will 2" 2.95 2.06 4 6.95 4.86 Tough, durable coverage for > kegel and interior wood and cement floors OSs ouse a custom-mix it for you while you wait. --vVerandahs, cellar steps, cellars, patios, terraces, etc. | ty bial hid sist be deeaigad ube TECO DELUXE @ 5010 BRIGHT GREEN 5030 STONE GREY @ 5050 DECK GREY SUNG WaTE Tp 1230 BU fifteen cents per quart or fifty cents MOHAIR ROLLER SET 5020 OXIDE RED 5040 PORCH GREY © 5060 ACRON BROWN per gallon for individual colour 7%" SIZE. 30% OFF! P ' mixes. : Reg. 2.98! Reg. 9.50 gal. 2.75 qt. Se AE ils) icceicceass 2.08 SPECIAL . gal. F gt. : ALKYD OIL BASE HOUSE PAINT FAST-DRY HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL Leaves a glossy, protective finish on all exterior wood surfaces. For kitchens, bathrooms, cupboards, shelves, interior and exterior furniture, @ 1230 WHITE © 1090 TERRACE GREEN © 1180 SUDAN IVORY bicycles, garden tools, etc. @ 1030 LEMON YELLOW e 1100 TERRACOTTA RED e@ 1190 JAVA BROWN e 6150 ENAMEL UNDERCOATe 6040: TURQUOISE e 6070 TAHOE BLUE © 1040 GRANITE GREY e 1110 CORAL RED @ 1200 DARK GREEN @ 6000 CORAL FLAME @ 6110 EVERGLADE GREEN e 6080 NUT BROWN 4 @ 1050 SHUTTER BLUE @ 1120 BRIGHT YELLOW @ 1210 SASH BLACK @ 6010 PEIDMONT GREY @ 6130 WHITE e 6090 VERMILION q @ 1060 CARIBBEAN BLUE @ 1140 VENETIAN RED @ 1220 EXTERIOR e@ 6020 BRAZIL GREEN e 6050 PRIMROSE YELLOW e 6100 CHIFFON BLUE © 1070 OAK BROWN © 1160 COLONIAL CREAM --_UNDERCOAT @ 6030 GRECIAN PINK @ 6060. IVORY @ 6120 BLACK @ 1080 CLOUD GREY e 1170 SUNFAST GREEN ates BBB a 1.924. | see ...6.65m 1.92« SPECIAL, 0565.55. INTERIOR No. 6140 'MOONLITE' PRIMER SEALERS SUPER-WHITE ENAMEL EXTERIOR TRIM COLOURS ; A lustrous, non-yellowing, quick-drying ; : sf amie Primer ond Secler, Oil white for kitchens, bathrooms, furniture, Bai e 1130 SCARLET @ 1150 BRIGHT AQUA @ 3500 Fost Dry Wall Paint: and Seoler etc: For use on wood, or metal. og soe enet Oy dell rae <a Reg. 1.35 %4 pt. 3:50 qt. 12.75 gel. Reg. 10.95 gal. 2.95 qt. are SPECIAL, foc. £66 ct. 2.06 a. | see gs M4. 245 6. 1 eagle Paes ieee aa t eeeee a s : 6.65 is. 1,92 8. | Rae ieee oer gol EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 274 PHONE 725-7373 'TECO' Deluxe Fashion-mixed Colour-matched Interior Finishes : 1,000 COLOUR VARIATIONS PLEASE ORDER READY-MIXED COLOURS BY NUMBER ' LATEX SEMI-GLOSS PAINT IN MATCHING 'SUPER SATIN' PAINT COLOURS SATIN' GLOSS SATIN" GLOSS we Leaves a velvet non-glare finish on walls For walls, woodwork, kitchens, bath- ' ee and ceilings. Applicators come clean with rooms, shelves, etc. Also, Semi-Gloss od ile HO) 4000 9 va <0. Sere , 9 just soap and water. Paint Sealers, @ Antique White 3010 4010 @ Sunlight Yellow 3100 4100 Fashion-Mixed a Reg. 8.50 gal. 2.50.qt. Reg. 9.50 gal. 2.75 qt. @ Silver Grey 3020 4020 © Cool Green 3110 4190 INTERIOR LATEX rage SPECIAL SPECIAL: ©. Vine Geaen, SOU Ae Dictkin 3120 4120 S e @ Chiffon Green 3040 4040 eT 3130 4130 Uper Satin . gal. ue qt. . gal. 1 92 qt. @ Turquoise 3050 4050 ~ : @ Sky Blue 3140 4140 WiTE Tp 3000 BLN @ Azure Blue 3060 4060 ---- af ee dein to this ibd ble promise doped on our usuol schedule, but @ Shell Pink 3070 4070 @ Alberta Yellow 3150 4150 4 ivery wi made romptly as possible. t<of-town customer: s rder thro ur lo : EATON bc Peto as promptly as po 'of-town customers, please order through your local i ie 3080 4080 e Pale Lavender 3160 4160 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE 725-7373 pees a oes t LR 5 il Wx ate Pee ESS Rel ee RR Ree ee a CN ase ia ees Sane or ae PEK = a Bas sassy setae SR connec i ni A aca NOG ARE FC So ie SSS STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9: , * ' 4