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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1965, p. 27

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17--Female Help Wanted 18---Male Help Wanted PRIVATE SECRETARY . with minimum of three years experience. Must be good typist, shorthahd preferred but not necessary. Usuol -bene- fits. Good salory. Apply by let- ter to McCALLUM TRANSPORT P.O. Box 130 Oshawa GRILL & SALAD BAR GIRL --REQUIRED-- 4 p.m. to 1] p.m. Also DISHWASHER FULL TIME 7 a.m, to 4. p.m. Apply MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL LADIES - _ Earn $20 to $30 Weekly Salary Doing © pleasant _ telephone work from our office, morn- ing or evenings. Call 725-7611 for appointment | | WOMAN for general cleaning one day a! week, references required. Phone be- tween 5.30 and 7. 725-4305. PART-TIME telephone solicitors for sales) promotion firm, $1.25 per hour or com- mission, Telephone 728-1422 - | EXPERIENCED short order cook, oppor-| tunity for advancement. Telephone TOR. 19, Ontario Trading Post, RR 2 Orono. | EXPERIENCED tailoress. Must speak) English. Familiar with both ladies' and gentiemen's alterations. Good working conditions and pay. Apply in person after | Lj p.m. to Len Pullan, 10 Prince Street. | EXPERIENCED nairdresser wanted im-| mediately. Lake Vista Beauty Salon.| Good wages. "Apply in person at 1198) Wecker Drive Ask for Joe. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER ~ with clientele. Apply in person. The Vogue/ Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street Mort. SALESGIRL to manage Ladies' Ready-to-| Wear Store. High salary. State experi: ence. All repiles strictly confidential. Write Box 2. _Oshawa Times. HOUSEKEEPER, | for elderly gentleman. ood hame. No heavy work. Phone! 725-4202 KITCHEN EN HELP, evening "shift, 5 o.m. to} 1.30 a.m. Apply Southend Restaurant, 5 PART-TIME FOR PRODUCT RESEARCH MARKETING DIVISION OF WORLD'S LARGEST APPLIANCE MFG. 3 hours nightly, 5 days week- ly. $45 weekly. Age 23-25. Car essential. Experience un- necesary. Permanent women. required also, APPLY IN PERSON HOTEL GENOSHA Corvair Room 7:30 p.m. Sharp FR Collection Clerk We require a mon with pre- vious credit experience to do inside collection work in our Oshowa office. Duties will include Telephone Calls, Correspondence and preparation ofr legal action where necessary. Applicants must live or be preparation for legal action owa area. Excellent. starting salary. All employee benefits Please write giving all vais to Consumers' Gas Company 29 Celina St, Oshawa WOULD YOU LIKE MORE MONEY? OAA Supervisor Leo Van- derley needs full or part- time men to help him meet the demandifor Ontario Auto- mobile Association. Member- ships. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No exper- ience neccessary but a car is. For full information contact Leo Vonderley, 1216 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ont. Phone 668-8427 ~~ PAINTERS WANTED EXPERIENCED ONLY NO OTHERS NEED APPLY Year Round Employment in Oshawa -- For Right Men. $2.20 per hour Call Harry Linde 18--Mele Help Wanted '/20---Real Estate for Scale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 12, 196F 27 Expanding Retail Chain Has Openings For STORE MANAGER Good salary and incentive ar- rangements. Must have ex- perience as Manager or Assis- tont Manoger in a retail chain or supermarket operation. Must be will to. re-locate, All. replies confidential and will be acknowledged, WRITE TO: BOX 833 OSHAWA TIMES 19--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED K-MART ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR CAFETERIA FULL OR PART TIME WAITRESSES al EXPERIENCED' PERSON FULL OR PART TIME for GARDEN CENTRE have shrubs etc knowledge of and garden Must plonts, supplies Telephone PERSONNEL 728-7331-2 MEN OR WOMEN for picking worms.| Apply | 1 p.m, to 8 p.m. Oshawa) 659 Nelson Street, Full employment for six months. in person from Live Bait Company. lcorner of Wolfe Street. No calls. SUMMER HELP wanted, July, scot children's dude ranch. Registered nurse, UIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 1 @ CLEAN AS A WHISTLE, 3 bedroom home on CHESTERTON with good size bedrooms, mod- ern up to dote kitchen with dining and living room. All rooms painted in soft pastel colors. Colored bathroom fix- tures ond ceramic tiled walls. Good size yard. PRICED TO SELL AT $16,300, lle IDEAL INVESTMENT Property--7 SUITE apartment building built of good solid brick construction, close to downtown in good rental area. PRICED AT $40,000 and showing an ex- cellent return on your invest- ment, Cash or terms available Call for particulars. LOTS -- LOTS -- Land available for immediote de-| velopment of 23° BUILDING) LOTS. Sewer and water and streets in, Contact us now. 1V. @ ECONOMICAL living in| this older type brick home -- PRICED at only $9,900.00 good size rooms and FINISHED) BASEMENT and extra kitchen.| Tool shed and fenced in yard. Hurry and call now. Ve BRICK DUPLEX ON EL-| GIN STREET EAST. Priced to sell, 3 rooms down and 3 rooms| upstairs. Full WALKOUT BASE-| | MENT to back yard and garage. | Join the people making MONEY| ON INVESTMENTS ond inves- tigate about this one by calling] us now ile . | Vi e BRAND NEW--- Double brick house on Bloor Street East.| GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XII] @ SWITZER DRIVE -- 7 yeor old ranch type 6 room brick and stone bungalow. within two city blocks of Simcoe St. N. and 15 minutes Bus service. This home is in beautiful cpn- dition having broadloom 'in fiv- ing room and dining room. Forc- ed air oil heat. Aluminum storms and screens, T.V. tower, private paved drive, XIV @ CLARKE ST.---A very clean 4 BEDROOM HOME elec- trically heated, 4 pc. bath, large finished Rec, reom, private drive, extra room in basement, portially FINISHED FOR THE PRICE OF $12,900.00. XV e ATTRACTIVE 3. bed- room bungalow on quiet NORTH END STREET. Nice outside ap- pearance with clay brick con- struction and features large liv-} ing room. PLAY ROOM in BASE- | -- MENT which also has 2 PIECE BATH WITH gorage SINK. Large well built and unusually large lot XVI @ LARGE LOT and DOUBLE GAR-| AGE--Separate 3 room apart-| ments. All conveniences, separ- and EXTRA KITCHEN) 9 ROOM HOME with! ate entrances and oil furnaces For full particulars, call today. | e Call 723-1121 ticulars, for full por- Open daily from 9 a.m. p.m. After-hours call. Steve Englert Ross Bell Jean Peacock Doug Trivett Walter Mittler 723-7623 725-4330 728-7083] to 9) | | 728-5581| 723-7390} STEVE ZURBA REAL ESTATE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Excellent condition with walk- out basement very large beck yord with full grown trees. "Asking only $13,900 with $3,000 down. Call' 728- 9466. FRESH AIR: 5 Room bungalow with double attached garage, Between Oshawa and Whitby. Excep- tional value, mony extras in- cluding finished rec. room. Asking only $3,000 down. Call 728-9466. SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS Downtown Oshawa, all equip- ment included, Lots of space for expansion with good pres- pects of handling Shoe Sales with repairs. Call 728-9466. 10 ACRE LOTS Only 6 miles from Oshawa on" o poved road, Enjoy country living by obtaining one of these. 10 acre lots immed- iately and avoid disappoint- ment. For full information call 728-9466. 30% ON INVESTMENT Brick building, three opart- ments plus store, Centrally located, Act quickly if inter- ested WRITE BOX 125 Oshawa Times metcalt sate: ESTATE 40 King St. E. 728-4678 WYCHWOOD AVENUE Very delightful 5% room modern finished brick bunge- low on lot wide enough for attached gorage, 3 bedrooms, hollywood kitchen, dining area and rec, room partially finished. Only $14,900.00 with your $1,9000.00 down payment you can move imme- diately. Call us right now this one won't last: NORTH WEST AREA Just listed! This very delight- ful 6 room bungalow is o joy to behold. 3 vesy spacious bedrooms and full sized din- ing room, plus large living room and kitchen is a dream. Basement completely tiled and a large finished rec. room. Very deep and. roomy lot. all landscaped, Price $16,000. with $2,000.00 down, will buy it. Call now for your in- spection, A delightful ranch bungalow | | | | BROOKSIDE ACRES | EXCLUSIVE BUNGALOW ATTACHED GARAGE $28,900 - $28,900 just 7 years old, with carport, rec. room, finished with built- in bar. built-in stove and oven in modern kitchen, prepared for extra 2 piece washroom in basement. Call now. CADILLAC AVENUE Most immaculate 5 room, 3 bedroom, brick yeneer bun- golow, plus rec. room and all the best of extros included. Paved drive, garace and nice- ly landscaped lot, Priced at $14,500.00 with $1,900.00 down to new mortgage. See- ing is believing--call now for your inspection. EAST END SPECIAL 5% room ranch, large kit- chen with loads of cupboards, extra large dinette, large well planned living room, 3 good sized bedrooms, a partial rec. room, paved street and within distance of all 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale GRANDVIEW GARDENS Terrace GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. presents 6 different N.H.A. model. homes in this most desirable location. PRICED FROM $16,950. Bungalows, spl it- levels, 2 - storeys. Some with car ports and garages. storms and screens, built- in ranges and ovens. Oil heating. Fully sodded lot and including many other costly extras. DIRECTIONS: -- Ritson North to Rossland Rd. then East one block to Central Park Blvd, Then follow model home signs. [oo SS CASEY | Open 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Everyday Until Sold Will co-operate with any other Real Estate Com- pany. Telephone 723-2031 After Hours Hillsdale LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS --Real Estate-- --Insurancee-- --Mortgages-- OPEN TO OFFERS 5 year old brick bungalow, ranch style, 3 bedrooms, clean home, 4 pc: ceramic both, large lot, aluminum storms and screens, storm doors, lo- cated neor G.M. South Plant. Asking $13,500. Make your offer now. Call Mr. Jack Ap- pleby ot 728-5123 or 723 3398. JUST LISTED $1000, DOWN Muriel Avenue, 2 bedroom bungalow with good size kit- chen, new oil furnoce. Large lot with garage. Full price only $9,900. See this one now, Coll Mr, Jim Brady ot 728-5123 or 728-0483. NEAR CAMP SAMAC Very attractive 6 room, 1% storey home with attached goroge. Features large living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. bath. Large lot 68' x 175', Taxes only $165. Asking $14,500. To inspect and make on offer coll Mr. Rey Yeo ot 728- 5123 or 725-2217. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of O.D.R.E.B. "SIMCOE & ROSSLAND RD, $13,900. is the full price for this 2' storey brick. Ideal family home, in excellent con- dition. Beautiful living room with notural fireplace, Sep- crate dining 'room. Large modern kitchen. Three bed- rooms ond 2nd floor, with modern tiled bathroom, ond colored fixtures. 728-0768) wolking Large room 725-3454 Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff swim instructor, craft counsellor, live in, For application form, dial 725-' 2737. : Bloor Street East. 723-5807 after 6 EACH SIDE having 3 bedrooms,| et an ud' 723-4134 pec SSG a ah schools, Ideal east-end loca- Specially built for the owner, HAIRDRESSER, ruil or part-time. Grand-|RULL TIME drivers wanted. Must be 20--Real Estate f for | Sale view w Beauty Salon. _ Telephone 728-0761. | neat, courteous, 25 yeors or older. Apply AUTOBODY repair man, at United Taxi, 143 King Street East war steady employment Apply s10" Ring street | SERVICE STATION attendant, experi- East, Toronto 368-3722. j jence necessary, working condi-| HOUSEKEEPER and baby-s in, | tions. Apply Centre B.P., 408 King Street two childre e nd board. For appoinmtent|BUTCHER, meat manager, experienc telephone phe or 723-6183 after 7.30) for*local food and freezer club. Submit in p.m. sume of experience and references we | Box 930, Oshawa Times. 18--Male F Help | Wanted STUDENTS--part-fime, $55 weekly, Fuller Brush route. Basic guarantee to qualified applicants. Also full time. Write Box 28, The Oshawa Times. YOUNG MAN with experience for cree manvilie retail store, Must be prepared to handle stock control, display, and sell- ing of sporting goods and other lines.| Write Box 1500, Bowmanville, stating age) and references. PAINTERS with e 'experience, b brush aval roller work, required immediately for summer work. Telephone Whitby 6 668-5862 TRUCKS wanted for hire, for hauling sand and gravel, with drivers. Pickering 942-0420 PHONE REAL ESTATE salesman! We urgent- ly require an active aggressive man to sell real estate. We will have over 100 devek Mea to sell this summer. Replies 623-3373 rictly confidential. Josey osco, Real- FLYING DUTCHMAN) Zarne "men Bos * Two YOUNG MEN fo train as sales staff | MOTOR HOTEL NIGHT CLEANING MAN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Full benefits. For appointment | Must be neat and willing to learn. Apply jin person to Canadian Tire Associate 'Store, 115 Simcoe South, »_ Oshawa. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | | living room, dining room, mod-| ern kitchen and full divided basement with laundry tubs and) heavy duty wiring. Good terms available. Particulars by calling us now ACTIVE oii abe REALTY LIMITED | See! Any Of These| Exclusive Listings | Tonite Call 728-5157 APARTMENTS TO LET ONE -- TWO -- THREE BEDROOMS New modern seven . storey fireproof and soundproof building. Underground park- ing, drapes, appliances, all utilities with electric heat, balconies. Call 728-5157. COMMERCIAL 401 CLOVERLEAF AND NEW No. 12 at Thornton's Road. Large or small parcels suitable for motels, service stotions, etc. Easy terms. Call 728-5157, LOTS THORNTON'S RD. -N. 100' x 214'. Only $2100.00. Easy" terms, N.H.A. loans available. Call 728-5157 now LOTS PRINCE ALBERT water 728- town . Calt Call Bob Johnston 725-6788 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 braemor gardens SETTING THE PACE FOR After 9 p.m. Wednesday VI] @ TWO SIX ROOM BRICK| HOMES SIDE BY SIDE, each having a large kitchen, living and dining room, and three! large bedrooms full bathroom and extra stool downstairs, at on AMAZING LOW PRICE of} $9900, each and only ONE} OPEN MORTGAGE. A good in- | vestment for the most valida | buyer. Vill e $1000.00 DOWN -- | Mortgage at 7% and poyments of $50.00 per month, Full price $5,500.00. Lot size 40 x 120 Toxes $77.00. Sewer and water into small building now on the property. LARGE MODERN near schools and service. Lovely lot, well landscaped bedrooms with double Ae bus} hedged and 3. generous IX @ galow closets. ing orea, partially finished Re- creation room. 542% N.H.A mortgage carries for $81.00 a} month principal, interest and taxes * | Xe GOOD HOME ON A! GOOD STREET in a GOOD north west district with 3 GOOD sized bedrooms. GOOD living) room and a GOOD kitchen with] dining area. GOOD dry base-| ment, @ corport end a GOOD lot. Priced at $16,950.00. | e | XI @ MOTHER'S DELIGHT.| Yes we know that any Mother| will be delighted with this step] saving kitchen. The finished RECREATION room and the} EXTRA WASHROOM down. A well designed living room, 3} bedrooms and a garage--All this for $14,900 and only steps] from schools and transportation ct | XIl @ THIS 3 BEDROOM bun- golow is in excellent conditiori, large kitchea and better| thon average sized bedrooms, a} nice fenced in yard and on a} quiet street makes this o fine! family home; close to schools The good sized yard makes this o sate ploce for the children to with Large modern kitchen with din-| Whitby | Toronto Claremont Leon Manitius 728-2754 Ethel Love Ernest Mueller George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacack Dick Young 723-7183 Arranging for Mortgage is part of our comprehensive Estate Service ot Guide Realty Limited, We list M.L.S. Members of O.D-R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY Limited, Realtors. D. W. Exclusive and Photo REALTOR 519 Brock St. South WHITBY, ONTARIO. 668-5868 925-2965 649-2109 McCULLOUGH DR, (WHITBY) Well kept brick home, nicely decorated and landscaped. A lot of extras with this one for $14,900. Make an appoint- ment: We will try your down payment. Ask for Ivan Kelle- sfine. "BROOKLIN" Modern two bedroom home in a nice area, garage and patio: $12,500. full price with low down payment. If two bedroom home is _ large enough for your family, you will do well to check this out, Ask: for Ivan Kellestine, HILLCREST DRIVE (WHITBY) Six room split entrance with attached garage, partly fin- ished rec. room and patio. All storms and screens. Only $14,800 with a 'low down payment'. Ask.for Ivan Kelle- stine to inspect, NEWMAN CRES. 728-4241| 723-2537, 725-4330| 668-2402/ 728-0208) Real! McQuay built-in units in modern Hollywood kitchen, dinette area with sliding patio glass door leading to partially clos- ed patio. Bathroom off master bedroom, drapes and tracks to stay, broadioom in living room, Owner wil] take trade on a clear home or first mortgage on a good property. This home can be purchased with a low down payment to a responsible party. Call Bill Millar for inspection at 725-1186 or 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON | REAL ESTATE LTD. BBY S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 BOWMANVILLE Large Brick Home divided into Apartments bringing a revenue $410. monthly, large landscaped lot, located in a good area, full price $33,000, of COUNTRY LIVING Large 4 bedroom, 2 storey home, located on a 1% Acre treed landscaped lot, East Oshawa on paved road, close to Taunton Rd. Full asking price only $14,500 Sibby's at 728-7576 KENTA PETERS 103 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE -- $15,750 for this 3 bedroom spotless bungalow with a completely finished recreation room, nice- ly landscaped both back and front. With a substantial down payment. take advan- tage of a 52% mortgage. Buying or Selling, Call tion. Only $15,900.00 with @ reasonable down payment- INCOME HOME 7 rooms, extra kitchen, home in good shape, overlooking pork, asking $11,500.00 with $2,000.00 down, Balance on one open mortgage, OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jock Osborne Dick Barriage Maga MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. Ken Hann Bob Johnston Joe Did You'Know? YOU CAN OWN A KASSINGER HOME IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU VALLEY FOR AS LITTLE AS "$3,000 DOWN | | REALTY LTD,--7 28-7328 | Your present home accepted os trade-in. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 360 us Street West OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member of Oshowe and District Real Estate Board 123 acre Fruit Farm, Bow- manville, 57 acres of popu- lar varieties of apples, main 12 room brick home, fire- place, surrounded by lawns, shade trees, plus 3 bedroom frame home. Barns 30'x! 10', 30'x50', valuable paved road frontage close to town. All equipment included ot $80,- 000 -- terms, 350 acre Stock Farm, New- toriville area. Good brick house, large barn, second house for help. Estate Sale. Terrific value -- only $48,- 000 -- terms. Tooley Road North -- three bedroom brick ranch bunga- low beautifully decorated. Attached 4 car garage, pav- ed drive, 1 acre 'loi, fire- place 2 bathrooms, built-in stove, rec. room with bar. Office space in basement, $32,000 -- $10,000 down. Bowmanville -- Liberty St. Ranch bungalow with attech- ed double garage, 2 _ rooms, rec. room and bor, Lot 76' x 200'. $15,500 -- terms, Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. 623-3818 623-5055 623-3077 655-3853 723-5787 §23- 3393 Jack Whiteman Ken Hockin Pot Yeo Howard Forder Joe Barnoski Herb Cooper SOUTHWOOD PARK AJAX SAVE Last of the Winter Works ing. Early possession, with convenient finoncing. For particulars and to inspect, please call -- JEAN PEACOCK 725-4330 of Guide Realty Limited, 16 Simeoe St. 8. -- 723-1121 "FOR FAST. "ACTION" LIST WITH "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. 728-5157 TRADES ACCEPTED on four new homes by Hogen- boom Construction starting at $17,265 on Wilson Road North, S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 OPEN HOUSE Daily 2 - 5 p.m., or by ap- pointment. Homes with $500. winter works bonus. Follow Park Rd, $. to Phillip Murroy Ave. JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor Phone 728-7377 BUILDER OFFERS Centre hall brand new bunga- low with en suite bath conven- iences, 3 bedrooms, sunfilled kitchen with built-in range ond oven. Very deep lot near schools, shopping. Beoutiful West location 15 minutes from South plant. PHONE BUILDER 839-3461 or 364-3115 ~~ DETACHED $860 | DOWN 3 bedroom bungalow, with huge carport, hollywood kitch- en, with built-in color-co-or- dinated range. and oven. Brand new. Full price $15,- 495 and Gov't Bonus Guor- anteed. Close to schools, ideal location in beautiful West suburb, 15 minutes from South Plant. PHONE BUILDER 839.3461 or 364-3115 COLONIAL 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW $679 DOWN Con carry for $98 monthly on 1 N.H.A. mortgage, interest, principal ond taxes, kitchen has built-in range and 6ven, and old fashioned pantry. A real value ot $13,495. and DOLL WARDROBE By ALICE BROOKS Enchant a child with the new- est, prettiest knit fashions for her teen model doll. ploy. PRICED AT ONLY $14,- 900, Call tonight. | STOP! _ CONSIDER | \--before you list your | property for sale | | RANCH BUNGALOW -- $13,900. full price in Osh- awa, handy to bus and schools, about 8 years old with 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, recreation room, nicely land- scaped with apple, birch and maple trees in the back yard, ample shrubbery at the front. your bonus, guaranteed. Bea- utiful West location 15 min- utes from South plant, PHONE BUILDER or 3461 Quolity Built or 364-31 PRIVATE einaepearon oa bungaigw, ARMSTRONG [ie aircocnam tie HOMES: . ie avert : PRIVATE sale, four-bedroom house, cen- Priced from $14,995 : down payment $2000, for quick sale, rh ies move. Telephone 942-4354 ater Models Open Daily 9 A.M, to 9:30 P.M, Phone 942-3310 or 723-6461 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. Heated with clean dependable OSHAWA STEVENSON RD. N, AND ANNAFOLS BUILDING LOTS 100 ft. x 150 ft. $100. DOWN Balance up to 36 Months, FULL PRICE $1,100. McGILL AREAL ESTATE BROKER 728-4285 please) for each | siz, FULL PRICE, good vaive in this PATTERN NUMBER, |pattern. Ontario residents add six-room, two-storey brick home. Situated NAME, ADDRESS j2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, \7, [ever popular Bid ares, close. tp 1985 NEEDLECRAFT CAT-/NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Features include garage, new wiring, new ALOG -- 200 designs, three free| NUMBER ae ee eee patterns! Newest knit, crochet) Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | privatexcent -- fashions, embroidery. 25c. leare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- -|ravse ee a eet te ae | Now! Send for elegant, new|tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, |'*epnone 728-2295 "Decorate with Needlecraft!"|Toronto 1, Ontario CADILLAC SORT = Neat five-room SOLD ' 4 =] * oa a Oo 5 ~~ ' " ingalow ' rage, o ea U ase Five beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- ment, nicely hedged lot. Many extras in-:--signs help you decide to complete patterns for decora-|PORT in our new Spring-Sum- cluding broadioom in living room and tive accessories in one book!/mer Pattern Catalog: plus eou-\23 (oom, venetian blinds, | awnings ' and nq $13,300 wi Pillows, wall hangings cur-|pon for ONE FREE Y daininitie et acho LIST tains, appliques, more! 60c |Everything you need for the life) Fredin. 728-3100. WO. Martin Realtor - with | Limited. WHITBY) 5 year old brick home with attached garage, pleasant well kept home with nice lawns. Try @ low down pay- ment. Ask for Ivan Kellestine. CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD | PRIVATE "SALE -- "Spacious three three-bed- | room. home, Storey and one-half, Dining |room, arge kitchen and living room | Two washrooms. Finished rec room and lone bedroom. Tastefully decorated. On large corner lot. Hedged and landscaped. Storms and screens. Fireplace. Large igarage, Paved drive, Central location, May be seen by appointment. Whitby 668-2970. | BUILDER willing fo accept your present |home, lot or car as a down payment on a new home. For more information phone fe 'ei $. D. Hyman Real Estate Lim- PERFECT PRINCESS A real special! 9-piece outfit By ANNE ADAMS for 11%-in. teen doll includes, PASSPORT to a_ successful "milk"-like coat, hat, Pattern Summer -- this pure, perfect 7154: knitting directions for|Princess with vertical lines wardrobe. dramatized by an arched seam) THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) |Under the bosom. Sew it now! for each pattern (no stamps,| Printed Pattern 4872: Half please) to Alice Brooks, care of | Sizes 12%, 14%, 1614, 184, 2014, The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft|22"%. Size 16% requires 214 Dept., 60 Front Street West, To- jyards 39-inch fabric ronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi-| FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins dents add ic sales tax. Print|(no0 stamps, plainly "PORT PERRY" Five year old split level, three bedroom home with attached gorage, potio and fireplace. We will try your down pay- ment, Call lvon Kellestine. $7,950--8 room home easily converted for 2 families, small barn, V4 acre lot. 2 CREEKS, lots of .good cedar, a view for miles, 36% acres near Tyrone, Open 9 A.M. to9 P.M. Real Estate Board Member hen YEAR. OLD. three-bedroom brick bungalow in spotless condition. Large stone fireplace. Bow window in_ living-| aeeaik ) SHOP ine including tr three-bay ga- room. Many other extras. Nicely land-|rage and showroom, and operated as in- aped lot, close to schools and shopping.|dependent service garage with two self king $17,900 with $4,000 down, For fur- jcontained apartments, semi-detached. Lo- her information cali Margaret Hall,/cated in northeast end of the city. $8,000 723-1358, Schofield-Aker Ltd. idown, Balance on easy terms. 728-9466, LARGE ranch 'bungalow, six rooms, load-| Steve Zorba Realtor. sieiihahetigcoe ed with extras, attached garage, paved) COSY, modern, three-bedroom room brick bun- drive, well landscaped lof, north west! galow, hpedarey Apes totes ec cee larea, $3,000 down. Call L. S. Snelgrove'to shopping and Conant Schoo! ull price Be incaalh' BEG Benton (Co. it ene $13,900 with $2,000 down and @asy terms. pdivisions, All nicely decorated and HOME AND INCOME -- Broker 7848s Real Estate dscaped and offers you almost 1200 room solid brick bungalow, plus two ex. ft. of iiving area. Lovely kitchen. cellent three-room basement apariments, BROOKLIN -- Ranch "bungalow, "three GUIDE Realty Phe further details and appointment. to three kitchgge" two bathrooms, fridges|bedrooms, broadioom in living and dining jane call Maible Boudreau of Schofield. and stoves' Good Whitby location. $4,700|/room, rec, room Sovbis Sipps garaae, 7242265 oF. 78-2733|down, balance trom the rent. W. Me-|paved drive. _ $16,000 ms. Don Aviey Realtor, 723-2518 or Whitby 668-5765. |Stradesk! Real Eante. ™ a BEAUTY SALON, six-<dryer parlor, fully equipped, including stock. Going concern, central location, reasonable rent. Askitig $2,700. Cell L. Snelgrove Co. Lid., 723- 7810. Residential Acreages _ LOOK and see all our advertising DRIVE |JUNE 30 POSSESSION -- DN -- Clean three. | 5° tae bedroom prick bungalow, close to schools. -around and let all Our | Owner in Toronto and anxious to cera | Asking $14,600 with terms, Make an offer |by calling Ted las; 728-5103. W. 0. | Martin Realtor \THREE: YEAR-OLD six room ranch bun- + bed- room brick bungalow, 595 Fernhill Boule: vard, recreation room, patio and beavti- fully landscaped. Close to all schools | Sain Catholic High. No agents pi Trout Streams Farms | Lots Commercial Business $17,990 -- 13 - 1300 8 square are feet of of liv living, e extra large three-bedroom bungalow, aluminum storms and screens; Hollywood kitchen; as attached garage, completely landscaped. DRE OSE... NORE Many other extras, four models to choose BEAUTIFUL = three-bedroom bungalow, from, $500 winter works bonus avalh paved drive, recreation room and many |ablé, 942-426! or 728-9335. Manoerhill neal other extras. Will consider $1000 down to) Estate Limited oop eet buyer, Immediate becupancy.| ai My. Preece azael-on Pans ever NEM, gic ahana eae thee: Manderihil Real Estate Lid 31000 DOWN. gt -room farm house and 10 acres of good land. Oshawa district W. MeAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723-2512 or Whitby 668-5765, Modern five: 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page. 28) PATTERN! |down. For appointment to see call Ayimer Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --|you need -- 350 design ideas! |RAGLAN fix-room ranch bungalow wit odern lene 1 16 complete patterns. 60c. " [Send 50c now. sgt age oct dt FP lel ih [Aker Limited lenytime, at

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