18 'THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Friday, May 14, 1965 BRIDGE By 8. JAY SECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) Quiz Below are nine different bid- ding sequences. Where the ques- tion mark appears in each se- quence, state whether you think partner's last bid should be Pp treated as a forcing bid (com- -- you to bid again), or a SECS non-forcing bid (permitting you i " JURIG Te OE Wak ONG Moots Beness] Aucbereo' e ceCce en Me Suwanee Aswoee ACE |!0,D8SS). HENGE) DOURABEA, CONTR 118, me U.S. PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT INSTRUCTS THE By a forcing bid is meant one BENDING DIANS OVERSEAS - - . THREE AMERICAN JURISTS 7O BE ANYTHING BUT which cannot be passed regard- CANA | IMPARTIAL -.- less of what kind of hand you have. If partner's last bid urges you to bid again without com- pelling you to bid again, treat such a bid as non-forcing. JULIET JONES a NO COMPROMISE ON 2 THIS. WITHOUT FAIL, SEE THAT 4 THE TRIBUNAL DECIDES OUR FAVOR | ; FEEL THAT IS ANOTHER KETTLE OF FISH : YES, I WAS CHATTING WITH Real REGRET IF ANY YOU FEE f-- THE MANS UNWANTED AND 1 HOPE THEY HAVEN'T | THe , . VE PRESENCE IS TRYING TRAIN MUST BE GOING OVER THE REACHED THE MOUNTAINS ~A Ni UNAVOIDABLE HARM OR dyer UNTAIN UF THEYRE DUE YET/ THE SNOW STORM THE LITTLE GIRL~A NICE ; cent ARN C pe MO TRAIL UP THER@ COULD TRAP THE INFANT 4 'THE LONE RANGER | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY | ©. North: 1 spade; East: Dble.; South: 3 spades; West: Pass; North: ? tL Wish THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR AND MY FINE REBO\SE 70 SPECIAL MY PIANO SOLO! THANKS TO 1. Not forcing. A jump rebid jby the opening bidder is merely jinvitational; responder may | pass with minimum values for lhis previous bid } 2, Forcing. Whenever respond- ler names a new suit, the opener must bid again | 3. Forcing. A jump bid by responder is forcing. | 4. Forcing. A jump bid by re- |sponder is forcing, even though |the jump is not immediate. 5. Forcing. A jump-shift (the combination of a new suit and the opener is N | ee ;a jum y ; p) by VM STUCK { : AP? Rees | | | nee it shows 20 or more : ; if J ee . ' : oni / pret a pitieng pte ee ee oaeay Eo De Paine | 6. Not forcing. This is simply Channel 4--Buftaio 4--The Jetsons 9:00 A.M an invitational raise towards a --~T --Afri Patr Cathedral Chir . | f - Channel 7--Butfale se ala y--Heraid ot Truth ( | slam in notrump and has. noth- poe: eee 12:00 NOON plier p L 2) || ing to do with Blackwood. South Channel 1}--Hamiiton V--The Soning vere Ieritalian. Journal | m ; indicates 15 or 16° points by M 'on ore rey inghene. Tis " eh BES Piper baby cates eggs ss "y G ; : jumping to four notrump; he is 10: A L \ ewe Pr trying to find out whether or gs not the combined pdint count comes to 33 3--Movie > Hoopit : 7. Forcing. Hearts is the ASNT t ba BO. 0:30 A.M 1 00 NOT UNDERSTAND, -- : 11---OHA or A Hockey ] "eels : Be) bs si agreed suit; North is presum- SECRET AGENT X9 FRIDAY EVENING I WAVE A TAX! WAITING. WHERE'S YW I THINK HE q PLEASE, DRIVER, WILL YOU THE GENTLEMAN I WAS WITH? WENT 70 THE \60.N_AND HELP HIM? MOUNGE. = CERTAIN -- : SENORITA. '~My Friend filcke Red Wings vs - Bh be sgh. PEN ; ITWAS EMPTY! Tie Oshawa. Ganersia i : , ably investigating for game or SOMETHING'S Music 00 PM, yp : ae 'i ' a slam purposes 7 HAPPENED mor anes Hit Insight = ay = ane * 8. Not forcing. South indicates Atty FoNaat Andee : ( JN OO er Seay a hand with which he could vew American This 4 L ae } |S THAT EIGHT! | ante Son Mas (ee sot G HAD A have made a preemptive bid of eS | FAS, J ON ERISNS: lthree spades had he been the wee ! ma §--Rifleman Bd ghee eerved, tees FOUR! REVEREND: = dealer. 9. Not forcing. South's jump to three spades over the double patina: pod. nares ine sooN mere || : is preemptive. ae $--Itallan Alburs TV ' f BS ie Cal | "HR ay News er Family 7-6-3--Major League 8--Felix Basebal 4 7--Discovery '65 raed : Ph. -- " . «Bowing. diassic z--Dlocprery. 66 SE Pe SALLY'S SALLIES $-2--Dobdie Gillis 2s PM +News Weather i 4 os labios sate -6--News, Wealner, %HI-Time Sports é Sports 2:00 PM 3---Bishop Sheen HE MIGHT COULD GET COVERED. | 4--Peopie Are Funny 4--Tennis Classic 21s PM OVER BY ALANDSLIDE. wr | 3-Hawa eae by 3:30 PLM 4--Congress THATS A STEEP SLOPE... LOTS OF i ' SUNSET, T RECKON I/LL FIND sinhsras 9--Wrestling 2m PM LOOSE ROCK DP THERE....AN' IF 4 SOME WATER AN'CAMP...... | «8Andy Griffith 4:00 PM N--Father Meehan A FELLOW WERE FOLLOWIN' REST THE HORSE, - m | as--intarnstionat: Show |11--Dutosers Uniiniited s--Mr, Witare iacaaooenaskineseisiceamiainecns neous 7 4 i . Movie ate é < WORMS OPE OS) | ae alia tes ee Ny. aig | elneerinmone | SBemtng trac 'he "in CROSSWORD © King Fraterse Syndicate bee. 4 Matinee 2--Roller Derby ' e " 4:0 PM Bidet (MUTE STANTS] l-Thls dance Abe }--Continen latur AOROSS ae (STEINIOIS MATL [OlaIa) 9--World of Sports gf sb » Talk » Glaze MON INIA ses ah cuore' 5. Throw printed Sem MGA Wrestiing 63--Great Show Musle Place cotton yt ge r u M 'al , °] Y 7--Joey Reynolds show~ | *~Ted Mack Amateur for bees Nuclei of in 3 6-3--Forest Rangers Wo German starch s Aa one 2--Checkmate ee fas P.M. river grain : " mf M ° ae On The HIN 1. Troubled 3. Affirm 43---The® Preakness 7--Issues and Answers 12, Necessary . Boy's PATURDAY @VE $3--Country Calend ¢ y t is ba La 0lUC to sustain nickname a DIOISISMOIOIETS] 7--Valentines Day 0 I life . Cringe Our 'Private Werld Championship Bowling 2:00 P.M & Tatrfowted by King Peatores Syntica's | | .s Ba cit mening | 9--Mr. Magoo \acClub: 11° Bonee. Mark Growl . Style of containe: Yesterday's Answer ai ve Ornlaata Apo, 5 eee wana | 998 Pm 7--The Sig Show ot M0/'s Theatre me MY Muffin Eng . Herd of i \ FOR UNCA / World Rights Reserved ve Time Sor Rergennts |. oe 7--Top Star Bowling Syllable furniture whales 35. Reach i hl, MORTY -- L Countrytime ° i WUAT HAVE You | 7 MICKEY! y e REAN 4--Wrastling ; bit nd For Love of scale . Place . Bare across GOT THERE? Brg, 3----Shannon 3--Dr. Kildare . Football . Sign of an . Prizes 36. Mother ie ; a--Man Fr UNCLE t ; 1 Seune Pye «0 PM, 1:30 PM position: earthquake 28,Fencer's 37. Baking GROCETERIA ~ Route 8---My Little Margie } abbr . Location ery chamber i : cates: py ae @ to Bottom eo /--World of Sports Swiss river of Taj 29. Skillful 39, Constella- Colborne St. at Chu Steve Allen Show 6--The Valiant ¥ j 2 alia ears 1 a t ¥ $2. Pp &The Roy Pelty Show | 2--Doctors. eb Work 9, Against Maha! . Falsehoods tion 728-6341 | : ¥ O'Clock High }-Ripcora 2:00 PM. Indians of 3. Skating . Topic of 40. Female | en Case : % | 4-3 atterys "People os P.M. §-3~--Herltage an ih area discourse pig , semrunccemnonemaae OPEN | %77 Sunset Strip Foe ews; Weather; 2--Doctors At Work ' ug " = 7, 7 e Sports 24. Astern GZ eee be Y ° DAILY TIL 10 P.M. 11:00 PM 2:30 PLM. aor nscairing | 7:00 PLM. \ | 11-9-8-7-64-3-2--News: i--=Ciub 11 Dance Party | ¢3~20-20 5. Fish 0) GAY Seven Da Week | Tew fneg en Days @ FES eh caildschraohis 6-3--Baverly Hillbillies 4:00 PM, | - Entice Y, | 1s PM. 4--UB Round fable l)---Hawkeye . "The ' b Secdhaten Final 2--Have Gun Will Travel | 8-2-Sports Messiah" V/A | © Groceries © Fresh Fruits | 6--Viewpoint 7:20 PLM. &3--Japanese Jaunt A ile Vegetables @ Mests co ec BWV Hear wk Stuck composer 6 EI AOS: Se a ee lacie ; ' Ident POLS re 4-2--Flipper "20 PM és Beard FREE DELIVERY Soa - | G=Night Metre JoThe King Family Tiny Talent Time of rye ------ | fe Sain : YEAH, BUT TO LOOK (-For BOAP CARVING / ) i 4--Jackle Gleason Show Near IN THE AT HIM, ITSURE SEEMS ----- HOBBY SHOW Y THAT H : s cn Mingaeen enney Puize en "see em 83, Greek Y Oshawa's Finest ! Peet RENNIN MRR AE . LAST WEEK / ~~ FiRsT tess Joell : igs (ties MICKEY MOUSE F %--Acaae! Pertor C e | &-Premiere Theatre cacemy | Pertermanes | 11eemily Theatre SATURDAY . aa? a Bee aes raga UY Yr Nightly Entertainment | $:00 Am. #2---Mr. Magoo 7---Polka Time 36. Act 1)--Sehnitzel House 7--Lawrence Welk Show 63--Show on Shows . I 4--Bowery Boys 63--Great Movies 4--Zoorama sullen | 4--Giiligan's island Arrange ' | 8:00 AM. Comedy $:30 PM sik | &2---Three Stooges 9 rioon Playhouse cloth in 7 T--Beany and Cecil 700 PLM. #:2-G.E. College Bow folds "14 z Cars 6~Time Of Your Lite Keeps . 4--Planet Earth vat 912--Movie Ly shi Unit of 4--Secret Agent 3--Gillican's isiand 00 PM ogc hoa measure : ia 7--Hollywood Palace 9--Flipper : . Hebrew S-i¢ Shas 10:00 PM 7--Big Show of The Week measure 7 ' . : -- ' c ' 0 y | 6~Stingr ; * i : et ° bore grea iy Twentieth Century | 43. Rational e Fully Licensed . = za Desire BD Rive Fontwrns Spmdicnte, Inc 1065. World sighs coser GRANDMA 4 lisedianelabesccdennibcenaiabiinscin pe cautnmmicioniuiaininds iptenatiaianiines siiacdegeiiebi 4--Gunsmoke 3-The Saint | | I WANTED 10 POSTPONE ) | | TA NOTIN LOOK AT IT THIS ] [cure IT'LL BE OVER WITH IN a 'a . 10:30 P.M 2 -Meet The Press WHY DO YOU LOOK 60 ete )\ | A WEEK, BUT y ("9 THE MOO? _X WAY,,,-TLL BE OVER] | AN HOUR... BUT THEN I'LL HAVE | Blockbuster 4:8 PM si IN- THE"MOUTH, GKEETERE 2" | GRANDWA WOULONT ) EF in))\ FOR IT \/ WITH IN AN HOUR..| | TO START THINKING ABOUT y-- a 09 7--Jimmy Dean Show Movie Se Vili ae oN | LET Mls si SO WHY WORRY | | THE NEXT SIT Hh poet ' $3--Juliette 9--Walt Disney Presents SHERO REHIRED PLAYER FINED / : Me reat. { 2 ES | Gr aN Ra ee Wits 7 syehh . eee £m BECAISEI | py wala W-- 10:48 PAA Meo eh Thon at, | ST. PAUL (AP)--Fred Shero) CHICAGO (AP) -- Catcher \4 HAVE TO GO TO . | / | ) 43--Sports Unlimited 4 World Wer ij : THE DENTST a os. | 1 y Outdoo : Aces Ae was rehired Wednesday as/Dick Bertell of Chicago Cubs Hf | i | 11:00 PM nee P.M. te eae. ' Me < ORD b4-3-2--Neway coach of New York Rangers'|was fined $500 for being over- 4 Weather) Sports &3Patty Duke Show | in 4--Lassie farm team in the Centrallweight, it was revealed Mon- We 5 Playhouse 1--Block Buster Com 1:30 PM. Hockey League. The team was/day. John Holland, Cub vice- tinued %--Mr, Novak $ 00 AM rf £2--Disney's works ot |called St. Paul Rangers last/president, said head coach Bob ' %--Matro Final | C eet sine: we &--Night Metro Color season when it won the Adams|withheld from Bertell's May 15 en Ya 0 e } ee ee wf Bs Clanback Cup championship but will belwithheld from ertell's May 15 190 BMA 4--My Favorive Martian known as Minnesota Rangers|pay cheque until he gets his King at Simcoe Sts. bit ate Show "00 PM next season since the Minneap-;weight down to 195 pounds -- PARKING OFF ATHOL 4--Sp0 + ook sitesi Page ag Sow olis team was moved to Okla-|then Bertell will get the money lnnanowerton Garton |i1--toectel Movie 'homa City. Iback. \eieienenasnaiiaiaaiiiiiias © Ming Ferene Syntionen, fon. 1906. MUGGS AND SKEETER |