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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 May 1965, p. 7

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duct a meeting. A few girls told|Mrs. Batty took the mission THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 14, 1965. what they had learned and the|study. A plant sale was held. meaning on their sleeves. They) y4.¢ Ajjan Booth was host- Groups Show ® lalso sang a selection composed | i for the ti f the Their Work by Nancy Mitchell, one of the Friendship 'Unit. Mrs, Doidge, imembers. Their leaders are: BROOKLIN (TC) -- Members|Mrs. R. Hodson and Miss Carol|Mrs. Eckel and Mrs. C. De- of the Explorers, Tyro oe Hawksley. oer Fie ont i eae CGIT Groups attended the) The 15 Tyro boys conducted) oc. eit "Dedication to. Missions" Ser-part of a typical meeting and pst aed ceca vice Monday night in the Unit-|\pave their yell. Walter Evans The ABC Unit met at the ed ama big le hag 3d is their leader. mage ed Mrs. V. Parkin. Mrs. conducted the devotional. Mrs.) «4. 44 corp members were - ang 7 wai 7 '- Five Infants [Welfare Workers Decorations Are Baptized ' x busive: UEW Rep Fire Danger children were welcomed into | SARNIA (CP)--A highly com: junior membership, by the sac-) TORONTO (CP) -- The Onta-} J. H. Craigs of the Ontari0|pystible hazard, which has al- rament of infant baptism, at thejrio Welfare Council has been|Vederation of Labor cited already been blamed for two United Church Sunday morning.|told that elderly sick persons)... of what he called the ex-\fires, may exist in thousands of The children were: Tracey|were often so abused by wel- loi He sald th are|homes and warehouses, the pro- Diane, daughter of Mr. and/fare officials that they hesitate|Ploited Deer, EL |vincial fire marshal warns. [hon Roberts conducted -- the| Mrs, Wybrand Dekker; Barbaraito ask for financial help from|700 people working for flower) 46 hazard lies in cheap, im- meeting. John Medland receiv-/Presented with badges for 4). o56 in charge. Mrs. Hall took 'Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|the municipality. inurseries in Brampton who 40) ported, plastic Christmas decor-leq the offerings on behajf of Project on Brazil. They S8nBline stud peek and Mrs. Mil-| Neal Grandy; Je-n Elizabeth, Peter How, a member of the! not come under the minimumlations with a nitro - cellulose|ieq Ormiston , the Trinidad version of "The ner mgt reading on Mother's! daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Allan| Peterborough United Electrical) or unemployment acts or|base that can ignite under con-| : ee |Lord's Prayer". Their leaders|ne., Holman; Dawn Michele, daugh-|Workers welfare committee,| se s |ditions in which most such dec- During the service the older|jre. urs, R. Thompson and y. : : ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfredisaid in a resolution that thereunder workman's compensation.) in. are stored. members of the Messenger\mrs tH. Dennis. The meeting of the Reliable Jackson and Anne Marie, daugh-|are cases in his city of old peo-- The resolutions from Mr. the Ta tout tabence came|GrouP graduated to Explorers) Group was held at the home of ter of Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph ple who will not go to the wel-| How were to the effect that dis le Ps Nite 'nspeniara pirver Mrs. R. Saunders. Mrs, H. Den-, Johnson. an Baa to ask for money for abled: perions be ciewed toot the burned - out basements) FESTIVAL WINNERS SA and: wellate Worker, ee and still col-lof two stores after a fire last The Brooklin Senior and Mea- .aiq at the conference Wednes-|1°° Or aainee, tad Teeteee " beat Poms co by song and dance, what they|at a meeting of the United dowcrest teva mnen oe xl day that the cases in Peterbor- ang the blind be 'made pie hue " "g jastic "decorations earned about Brazil and Trinl-/Church Women. ; | cellent showing at the Ontario| ouch are not isolated ones, that\yr ihe regulations .that ailow lice rite hg fall from Hong\@20: The leaders of the group) The Lend-a-Hand Unit met at County Music Festival in AjaX-/a1) across Ontario there is CON-\them { 'lock aie we im Slare Mrs. A, Reynolds, Mrs. R.|the home of Mrs. John Batty From Meadowcrest School:| mont servieds af the ME ee ee: [McCoy, Mrs. DeLong and Mrs.|and Miss Doris Batty. Miss Grade 3, conducted by Mrs. E.|hicipal rin welfare allowances. = Robert Kaufman, London-\R. Holman, |Simpson, Mrs. McBrien and Mrs. Bird, won first place; Grades) «4, often these people feel Ray Peters, a council dele-\pased fire inspector, said Tues-} The 25 Explorer Groupj|Gordon Cook conducted 4 and 5, conducted by Mrs. D.\ii-6 beggars at our door," said gate from Peterborough, sald|day the cause of the blazes|\members showed how they con! hip service and Bibl Nicholson, won first place; Jun- a Red Cross worker, ¥ only .30 persons received th€|were the decorations stored in|--- bene bacicinctit for Choir, Grades 2 and 3, con-|___ ; supplementary allowance in No-|one of the business premises.| ~~"~"Y""™ ducted by Mrs. M. White, won vember, although he thought'The $14,000 fire destroyed two BOTH nis assisted with the gee ge A plant sale was held, Mrs. Saunders took the study) The Sunshine Unit met at? period and Mrs. Reid servedi, ome of Mrs. Fred Young. lunch. The Faithful Workers Unit|Mrs. W, Routley, Mrs. W. Car- meeting was held at the home of|son and Mrs. D. Mcintyre were Mrs. A. Fielder. Mrs. G. Hun-lin charge. Mrs. Betty Amador, ter took the devotional andiof Balsam, who taught Cana- study period. A contest on thejdian and U.S. children in Nicare history of the Israelites wasjagua, was the speaker. The 'Carry on Gang' are back in a comedy of SPY ond ACROSS- | THE-COUNTER-SPY. _) and the older Tyro boys gradu-|UN°T MEETINGS ated to Sigma-C, a new group.| Discussion of the strawberry) Forty-five members of the|supper, to be held June 22 and| Messenger Group demonstrated,|reports on its work were heard) TODAY AND TOMORROW Civic Auditorium PERFORMANCE® 2:30 and 8:15 PA. | | BERNARD CHARLES ie MOST DARING ADVENTURE THAT EVER SWEPT ACROSS THE SEVEN SEAS! "THE SON OF | ERIC first place; Intermediate Choir,| F I t ts eos: thousand were eligible. stores and two apartments. | our n an ------errrermer re) Geary. Pelleuer, Cchiel Chem --IN-- and Grade 6, conducted by Mrs. | E. Larish, won second place. Spraying of DDT on New said Wednesday there is no Brunswick forest lands has in-|@@8¥Y way to distinguish be- Mrs. R. Kight, won second|ment of baptism was adminis- place; the Senior Choir, con-|tered to four infants during the PRESLEY As The Grades 4, 5 and 6, conducted by} fui B F d INJURES WILDLIFE ical_engincer of the Toronto) %eO LOR! From Brooklin Senior School: P jured wildlife, the director oftween those products made n i ; » stati ' vcday jana those made from such high- ducted by Mrs. J. Kelly, Christian Family Day Service| Wildlife station said Thursday' quality products as polystyrene. Restless of the Canadian Public Health Association that birds tolerate Mrs. E. Bird, won first place FREDERICTON, N.B. (CP) head office of the fire marshal, the triple trio, conducted by KEDRON (TC) -- The sacra- ELVIS | the northeast New Brunswick|ffom a nitro - cellulose base won first place and the Senior Sunday at Kedron United a TIMES A PETER ROGERS meee Boys' Choir, conducted by Mrs.jChurch by Rev. Winnifred Kight, won first place. Bridges. large amounts of DDT, but Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gim-| The children were Lynette blett have moved to the village|Daylene Jackson, daughter of from their farm at Columbus. |Mr. and Mrs. Murray Jackson; TONIGHT R.C.A, Victor Recording Artists their reproductive functions are severely affected by small Reco CAPTAIN Roving 1:55 3:50 5:45 7:43 _ CARRY ON BLOOD" in COLOR with SEAN FLYNN ANN TODD quantities of the chemical IZZA telephone 728-0192 EPI'S TOMMY GRAHAM and the Big Town Boys Dancing 9 p-m, 'til 1. i Admission 1.75 Z Cos finuwr LAST COMPLETE sHOow Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cooper|Dianne Leslie Norman, daugh- and Gary have moved to their ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G new farm at Wick. Norman; Wendy Darlene Mrs. E. Nesbitt is a patient in Lewis, daughter Mr. and the Bowmanville Memorial Hos-/Mrs. Richard J. Lewis and . pital, She broke her arm in a\Darren Eugene Van Der Walk- fall, ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sympathy is extended to Mr. E. Van Der Walker. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and The newly-formed junior Merle in the death of Ralphichoir, directed by Mrs, Grant Wood, of Bobcaygeon. Mrs.|Hunter, sang "There is Beauty Wood was the former Olive'All Around," in two-part har- Thompson, a sister of Mr.'mony. The story for the chil- Thompson, dren was read by Mrs. William PARLIAMENT On. Sunday Mr. and Mrs AT-A-GLANCE |Clarence Werry attended the By THE CANADIAN PRESS ROUSTABOUT in COLOR with Barbara Stanwyck Joan Freeman BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S gs ooveuh rurunu 101 - Performers - 101 24 - Acts - 24 Greatest array of Circus acts |) ever bled. Wild and De- mestic Animals, Aerialists -- Gymnosts -- Clowns -- Ele- phants! j of OPYING 4 SAT. AND$| SUNDAY | 1:30 P.M.§| DOORS OPEN The Circus is the Greatest Fam- |) ily Entertainment. 6:30 P.M. DONEVAN COLLEGIATE ANNUAL Art Exhibition FRIDAY; May 14 7:00 P.M. in the Cafeteria OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE & -. 723-4972 NOW jservice in Beaverton United |Church where Joan Marie Jeb- Ison, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Maurice Jebson, was baptized On Saturday Mr. and Mrs PL Ey corgiidll aba adel |Lisle Noble were guests at the ing the National Housing Act agro «oe Sod to increase loans in various Cojporne. : categories. ; 1 . Miss' Bonnie Dale was the aan Parte, (NDE. Comet |npecal speaker at the meetin it difticult toe peaorih: ge jof the Evening Unit of the UCW, veloping 1 eh 6 jat the home of Mrs. Lisle Noble cn ll apply areas .'0 Monday evening. Bonnie told Gilbert Readeas (Creditiste jabout her weekend at Queen's --Shefford) complained that [attending t he _ Conference on only one CMHC director is a ese oe I bn French-Canadian. | Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee Heward Grafftey (PC~ | Sunday attended a family party Brome - Missisquoi) ex. |25 suests of Mr. and Mrs. pressed concern about the [eres Hawley and Kathy of Quebec government's proposal pberiiiagtose See "en eo Mrs. to set up a housing authority. Arthur Stainton, who will soon 4 ; ** \he moving to their Muskoka Finance Minister Gordon } aM d Mrs. To started debate on second read- Sob" oie : a a ccaate. he ig ones sagreng to the whole family attended the serv- The bill spells out povern: |ice at Murray Street Baptist ment responsibility for over- agi -- Mr. Hawley is all monetary policy. © organist. FRIDAY, May 14 The Commons meets at 1! a.m. EDT to continue study of the Bank of Canada Act. The Senate stands adjourned until May 18 THURSDAY, May 13, 1965 @ A Movie @ Sculpture Paintings @ Demonstrations © Community Collage SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME \and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI and his NEW TORNADOS Toronto's RED BARN Most Versatile Group CORNEL WILDE the Devils WALLACE « Pi Aceon OED Ieee MEL FERRER @ ELSA MARTINELLI "BLOOD AND ROSES": couor ween HERSCHEL BERNARD! wing TOM BOSLEY . I[Stanp - OF Love {ET PSE THY AL ¥0G8 MOL TECANIOOEOR - PRAY Presented by WARNER BANS Box office opens 8:00 P.M. Show sterts et 8:30 P.M. CONTINUOUS DAILY scars'vow CLAY-LISTON FIGHT SEATS NOW TUESDAY MAY 25th GOLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE ental Hotel KING ST. W., OSHAWA © ADDED ATTRACTION ¢ "WE JOINED THE NAVY" -- WITH LLOYD NOLAN -- NEED... FUEL OIL ? PERRY Dey or Night 723-3443 IN COLOR Fabulous MILDRED MOREY "One of Canada's Top Performers" © ONE WEEK ONLY ®* -... to May 15 "GET" THIS WEEK - AS USUAL 50c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members DRESS'--Shirt and Tie May 15th... THE SPARTANS ... Canada's answer to the BEATLES .. . SATURDAY and SUNDAY MATINEES ONLY! "TIMBER JACK" sin ge WALT DISNEY WITH DAVID BRIAN LEGEND OF LOBO" IN COLOR PLUS "Outstanding Entertainment" BLUE HORSE LOUNGE Hotel Lancaster King St. W., Oshawa The Flying Dutchman Will Be Open Until... 12 o'clock Midnight All Summer Long! Now you can top. off that evening's entertainment in the relaxed atmosphere of the Flying Dutchman. It's the perfect place to go to start or finish a perfect evening. After the thea- tre, remember the Flying Dutchman--there's no other place like it! Treat yourself to something new .. . ... The "DUTCH BOY" Special We've come up with this one for those special Summer Evenings. The "DUTCH BOY" SPECIAL is a long crispy French stick crammed with everything that's good; ham lettuce, cheese, tomato, assorted relishes etc. Don't miss this taste tempter and follow it up witha... ... TULIP" Sundae While you're here, don't miss our other a la carte selections. The Flying Dutchman takes pride in it's extra features; for example, we have an indoor garden display . . . just to make it more pleasant for you. LOUISE THOMSON "Direct from the ROYAL YORK and the CONSTELLATION" ONE WEEK ONLY Oshowa's Own LOUISE THOMSON, with her : oe tte sparkling and joyous approech to the current large volume at lower cost. The saving is passed fovourites and ever popular oldies, is here on to you. Come in today for a free muffler and \ for your enjoyment: Her happy songs ore sure & to delight you in the quiet atmosphere of exhaust system check-up, Oshawo's popular Gold Rush Lounge. @ Enieriainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ | ALLAN MACMILLAN -- MANAGER esccusniaddaamouneial Speedy's specialized muffler service gives you more for your muffler dollar At Speedy Muffler King only qualified experts, using tools especially designed for muffler jobs, work on your car. They install mufflers faster-- and better. You save time and money. Speedy's mufflers are designed and engineered to the same Make it a point to come out one evening this week high standards as car manufacturers authorized replacement parts. Speedy buys these mufflers in East On Highway 401 at Bowmanville Interchange 75 Oshawa's Hewest and Finest Mofflor Centre 206 KING STREET 728-6268 Open Monday through Saturday & a.m, to 6 p.m, Friday nights tll 9 pam

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