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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1965, p. 5

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The old 50-bed Ajax and Pickering General Hospital is history as the building is razed by wrecking crews. _ WHITBY P Friends of Bill Bow are happy to learn that he is recovering nicely from his operation, al- though he is still in the Oshawa General Hospital. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women, Group No. 1, is holding a homebake sale and tea at the home of Mrs. John Gilmour, 304 Cochrane st., May 7. Mrs. Mervin Brock st. n., is celebrating her birthday today. To celebrate the occasion a guest will be Mrs, Al Callell, of Toronto, who will be spending the week- McConnell, | anadian Oil Completes A WHITBY (Staff) -- Canadianj oil production has completed the cycle from creation to extinc- tion, Whitby Kiwanis Club members were told, this week. Addressing the Kiwanians at their regular luncheon meeting, Lionel Harris, representing Shell Oil Co., traced the his- tory of Canadian oil production from the early days of 1863 up to the present time and recent take-over by Shell. Canadian Oil production as such, has ceased to exist, Har- ris stated. The industry is now in American hands as it had been on previous occasions. Al- though sudden, the change was termed "satisfactory" both to) employee and public. The tran-| sition conducted as smoothly as| possible. The first all-Canadian oil com-! vance steadily. Production Life Cycle pany was formed Dec. 4, 1908, the speaker explained. Since that date the industry has steadily advanced. Production of Canadian oil was 1600 barrels per year round 1930, increasing to 3500 barrels per day within a short time. The early figures were compared with 1958 when ap- proximately 514,000,000 gallons' of production of all products were being turned out by the firm. At this point the company had cahanged from Canadian to American interests. ; Looking to the future, . the speaker suggested increased production of oil and by-prod- ucts appeared bright. He sug- gested that through the vast re- sources of the Shell Oil Co., the industry was expected to ad- Sinclair Home And School Holds Meeting Sinciair Home and School As- sociation held its annual meet- ing at the school auditorium. President Mrs. Masson Morri- son onened the meeting by ex.| tending a welcome to all pres-| end. The Lord's Prayer was re- peated in unison. | Aonual reports were given by Mrs. Frank, Parrinder,. secre-| | | LD HOSPITAL DIES By the end of July the site of the old hospital which served this community for 23 years is expected to be ERSONALS Church Women's Pentecostal May 17 at the home of Mrs. Ewen MacDonald, 601 Euclid ist., for its meeting. tended to Miss Nancy Laaja, 303 Annes st., on the occasion of her birthday celebrated Sun- day. Janice, ddaughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tobin, celebrated her 10th birthday May 13. For the occasion a party has been arranged with her companions of St. John's school Missionary Council is meeting landscaped. The new 117- bed hospital is expected to be operating at full capacity this fall. . --Oshawa Times Photo Danna, daughter of Mr. and |Mrs.. Alex MacDonald, is cele- \brating her 10th birthday today. Invited guests at her party are: Bonnie Dasberg, Theresa Broni- shewski, Martha Craigie, Lor- raine Wallace, Barbara Wallace, |Leslie Phillips and Erin Sturch. |With Danna's mother the guests Happy birthday wishes are ex-|will be attending a matinee at|clementar: jthe Shrine. Circus held at Osh- awa Civic Auditorium John Lowe, 138 Lupin dr., is celebrating his birthday May 17. Best wishes are offered to Mr |Lowe from his relatives and friends. Mrs. Frances Spellen, Miss Emily Foy, Mrs. Arthur Vallee tary; Mrs. Ronald Greer, treas-| urer; Mrs. Reginald Green, cor-| responding secretary; Mrs. Wil-| liam Grylls, finance. A prosper- ous year was reported. During the business session arrangements were made for the "Ficld Day' to be held the last week in June. In School offered to make a new honor roll to be placed in the schoo! Principal Walter Bordeaux showed a film obtained from the TB Association entitled 'The Quiet Betrayal". All parents were urged to attend the clinic now in progress. Mrs. William Woodward, Past President of the Association, presided over the installation of officers, as. follows: President, Mrs, Archie Campbell; record- tary; Mrs. William Grylls; recording secretary, Mrs. Reg- inald Green; treasurer, Mrs. Henry Ostertag; membership chairman, Mrs. Wess Bryant; social convener, Mrs. Jack Hoar; finance, Mrs. Murray CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, May 17 Co-Op Credit Union banking night Ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Ex- plorers All Saints' Anglican Church Evening Guild St. Mark's United Church Women, Unit No, 9 St. Mark's United Church Women, Unit No. 8 Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE St. John's Anglican Church Men's Club North Whitby United Church Women TUESDAY, May 18 Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club ed Shrinking Violets TOPS Ju Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd | Whitby |Almonds United Church Women |Ajax Kinettes Women's Christian Temperance Union | WEDNESDAY, May 19 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- dren of the Church Whitby St. John Ambulance Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. | 133 |Ajax Lionettes Knights of Columbus |Ontario Ladies College Jr. | Alumnae St. John's Anglican Church WA |THURSDAY, May 20 | Whitby Baptist Church Cubs |Salvation Army Women's | Home League |All Saints' Anglican Church St. le Margaret Guild | Missionary Society |St. Mark's United Church | Women, Unit No. 3 Arrangements were made for/p own: Bulletin editor, Mrs. L.\St. Mark's United Church graduation banquet to be held June 28 in the school auditor-! ium with Mrs. William Bryant) as general convener, assisted by |Grade 7 mothers. It was mentioned that film|success for the coming year./Pentecostal Church Young Peo-| the|Mrs. Campbell presented Mrs.| strips were purchased hy Love; Mrs. Ronald Greer. Mrs. Woodward presented the gavel to Mrs. Campbell and wished the new executive every publicity, Women, Unit No, 6 |FRIDAY, May 21 |Red Cross Senior Citizens' cial Club So- ple's Christ Ambassadors ssociation to illustrate the new/Morrison with the Past Presi-|Co-Op Credit Union |mathematic methods and the | y science Mrs. Morrison gave 2 summa- tion ef the year's work. She} mentioned games night, |Christmas concert held in De-} |cember and in February a law-| lyer spoke on legal responsibil-| lities to children. j Mr. Klinger, a parent, hag' Annual Spring dent pin Mrs. Morrison, Past Presi- dent, thanked the members 0 her executive for two interest- the|ing and informative years she) had spent with Home ane School. She also thanked the principal for his co-operation. At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served. Luncheon SATURDAY, May 22 Salvation Army Guides Salvation Army Timbral | ade |Salvation Army Young People's nd 60 Measles 'aith Baptist Church Women's Welfare, Police PORT PERRY -- Over 100 persons representing munieipal- ities in Ontario County. were present at a meeting here last week to discuss the county as- sessment system. The meeting was arranged by Gordon Hepditch and the County Committee on Assessment and Taxation. Principal speaker was Patrick G. Gillis, BA, director of the Assessment Branch of the De- partment of Municipal Affairs of the Province of Ontario, "T have on several occasions discussed county assessment |with your Warden, Mr. Gibson, land your assessment commit- |tee, chaired by Mr. Hall," Mr. | Gillis said. Bed Capacity | AJAX (Staff) Ninety-four beds are now in service at the |new Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. It was announced Wednesday night, during a dinner meeting} lat the hospital to mark Nation- al Hospital Week, that when the fourth floor of the new build- jing is completed in a few |weeks, the capacity will be in- creased to 127 beds. The buffet dinner was attend- ed by local councils' represen-| tatives, hospital board mem-| bers, medical advisory commit- tee members and senior staff. Speakers were R. D. Thomp- son, chairman of the board; |G. A. Robinson, chairman of the |property and special building) lcommittee; Dr. H. D. Davidson, | jmedical staff president; Ken- neth MacInnis, hospital admini-| |strator and Mrs. J. W. Bosch, ipresident of the local women's) auxiliary. | The speakers told of the vastly; | Sees County Taking Over THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 15, 1965 § Services Mr. Gillis continued, that the Department of Municipal Affairs encourages counties and terri- torial districts to adopt the cen- tralized assessment system. The system is: an attempt to increase the efficiency with which assessment within a coun- ty is carried out. The County commissioner system makes it also possible for council to hire' better qualified assessors, more efficient equipment to work with and better conditions to work under, he said. Church Observes Mother's. Day WHITBY -- The Christian Family and Mother's Day Serv- ice at St. Mark's United Church emphasized the importance of the Christian virtues of faith, hope and love in home life. The junior choir sang 'This Is My Father's World". The hymn "Happy the Home When God Is There" was sung by the senior choir. Harmen Siersma sang the solo "Bless This House". The local corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade will parade to St. Mark's to join the con- gregation in worship next Sun- day morning. In conclusion, Mr. Gillis stated, 'In the future, the coun- ty will take a more active role and provide some services now provided by municipalities. Some services that might be switched to the County are health, welfare and policing." Currently 10 counties and one! district are under the assess- ment commissioner system and four other counties have made application to the government' for acceptation. | followed Mr. Gillis' speech. Present and welcoming the many representatives from A question and answer period| LISTINGS Urgently Needed W. Schatzmann Realtor 114 Brock St. N. WHITBY Ph. 668-3338 other municipalities in the coun- ty was Port Perry reeve and County Warden, J. J. Gibson. BAHA'I WORLD FAITH PUBLIC MEETING will be held et the 1.0.0.F. Hall Brock St. $. Whitby. Every Sundoy evening ot 8:15 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME Refreshments served. FOX NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTRE Brock St. N- Whitby PH. 668-4162 Everything For The Gardener Shrubs-----Box Plonts Trees (Shade - Ornamental) Roses--Vines Full line of Nursery Stock Fertilizers----Peat Moss Insecticides--Fungicides Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. First Quality Cenadion Grown Nursery Stock |proved facilities and progress| {made since occupying the new building, It was reported that \three new departments, physio- |therapy, pharmacy and laundry, Brig-\have blended well with' other| departments. Plaques to commemorate the laying of the hospital corner- lstone were presented to Ajax Mayor Harry Smith, Pickering |Reeve Ross Murison and Pick- ering Township Reeve Clifford Laycox. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N. REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY 9:45 A.M.--"FAITH TID 1350 on your diol. 9:45 A.M.--OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11;00 A.M--MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE SERVICES INGS" BROADCAST CKLB end at the McConnell's resi- " pepper Ae dence. The Local Association Whitby;494 Mrs. A. C. Smith were § g | Ass SHRIMP RATE BIG |Girl Guides of Canada is holding|Present at the annual Mass and so i Mrs. Victor Maffey spent the', pot luck dinner, May 19 at{cOMmunion in St. Basil's| Mother's Day weekend in To-|s 4m. at St, Mark's United/Chapel, and breakfast at Bren-| her son and/Assembly Hall. District Commis-|"@" Hall. Reports were given of) was held at St. ronto daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.|cioner Mrs. F. W. Weaver will|t? work by the Women's Auxil-|Church Hall recently. 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL HOUR THE PASTOR WILL PREACH AT 11:00 A.M, and 7:00 P.M, Cases Found ro nar mc Of 92 cases of communicable! i ee \tant part of the United States diseases reported to the North-yeishine 'industry, bringing in umberland and Durham Health|more money than all other types Unit during April, 60 of these| of fishing in some states. Held At St. Mark's Church luncheon|Women. Mrs. W. R. Scott was) spring ' Mark's Unitedjin charrge of the dining room, All ar-/Mrs. R. H. MacCarl and Mrs. The annual WEDNESDAY, EVE., 8:30 P.M, PRAYER, PRAISE AND PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS There's Always A Welcome At Faith ] semen sian EMMANUEL ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH _ REFORMED 403 Rossland Rood West Rev. J. M, Smith, B.A., B.D. Miss Ila Newton, Deaconess 10:30 A.M, Mrs. J, L, Beaton, A.R.C.T. 11:00 A.Mim=""A TIMELESS ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL STORY AND TIMELY 2 P.M. PERFORMANCE" 9:30 am--sunior, Intermediate DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M, and Seniors 11:00 a.m. Nursery, Kindergarten ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED [non mien artes sean CORRES Primary etconoregtion ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Comer Byron at St. John | WHITBY Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. BAPTIST Minister (Colborne Street West at Centre) Mrs. P. N, Spratt, Organist Family Monuments Ud 'Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 iy | William Maffey. |be the honored iary to Catholic Church Exten-| y de by mem-|R. A. Smith the kitchen, M | uest. Mrs. Wea-|!4"! ce Church Exten-/rangements were made by m é » Mrs. ite : iver and family will in the near|Si0". The guest speaker on Ca-|pers of the United Church) A. S. Maclean was responsible|"@5°S were red measles, the Belated happy birthday|tuture join Mr. Weaver and es-("@dian Missions was Rev, Leo| -- ----___-------- for the spring decorations. unit's report states. : wishes for David, son of Mr.|:antish residence in St. Cathar.|L@!teniere OMI who was intro-| | After a delicious luncheon| The remainder of the com-| and Mrs, Tom Hanna, 910 Don-|ines, |duced by Right Rev. J. A. Mc Mrs. Abbott Price, president,|MUnicable diseases were chick-| evan cr., who celebrated his |Donagh and thanked by Mrs. anoe u lintroduced the soloist, Mrs |POx, scarlet fever, German| fifth birthday May 13. | Diane, daughter of Mr. and|A: ©. Smith, later the ladies |Marilyn Porter who rendered|measies and infectious hepa-| , |Mrs. Don Newell, is celebrat-\Were guests of Monseigneur| y jtwo selections, "Be the Best of| 1% | BR i, bo Magee oe ing her eighth birthday today.;McDonagh at his home and rant OK d | Whatever. you are" and "I Be-| Four rabid animals were re-| ter, Verda /- a | t Sania F (the work room of Women's Aux-| llieve'. She was accompanied|ported during the month -- two) in Buffalo ore ee " fed Pre igen son of Mr. and Mrs. jiliary. I mhe West Roose C Club at the piano by Mrs. Doris|Skunks in Darlington Township, | r j|Allan Box, is Baiada essai s uge Canoe u skunk i A Aus i oes, ae sec wih lees a reat ta the | Beaton. a a3 mal in -- -- Mrs. Vie Joly, Montreal, is\den party" a agg © eer Sch ] L s Pickering Township Parks and|. "8. McGuire introduced the a dog in Murray Township.| spending a few days visiting|Gar: PM y, with iis __ friends, 00 CAVING Recreation Committee increased|£¥eS'_ speaker, Miss Lorraine) Seventy-four persons received) her sister and brother-in-law. roti eCoy, Wendy Illott and to $450 it was decided at the last| Valleau, Director of Guidancejchest X-rays at the four month- Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gagnon, S"7® Morgan. 7 lks A M necting of the committer. **'\in the Whitby High Schools. Miss|ly clinics held in the United) and family, Euclid st. Mrs, James Ca St. Cak.| a t eet It was also decided that the| Valleau, being an ordained Bap-|Counties and one person was, : urs, games Cameron, St. Cah-| earl for Wast Fe S tist Minister spoke on her pas-|discharged from a sanitarium. | Mrs. Earl Ormiston, 129/@tines, is visiting her daughter] grant for West Rouge Sports and/ +131 experiences. Her firs | i jori Brock st. ¢., entertained a ine and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs The executive of Colborne| Recreation be decreased Oy ites was 7 Nowiharn New| re ee oe pea of home at a "Bon Voyage" party|2: ©: McClelland of Elgin Manor.|5treet Home and School Asso-| 9189. Sth 'jaudiometer testing was done i in honor of Mrs, Violet Parkin. M aM Gh |ciation met Tuesday evening atl 'ae ne ae = oe ab laa laggy gag) pet tyme tg bor ' | Tr, an mn. C «| ' ¥ ar 5 y unbarton|* mA | y : ee ce a1 for sone, North buy Poa ae os home of Mrs. S. J. Arm-|United Church soccer league to| Mrs. Ila Newton thanked thejin the Health Unit area. sister and dantily rs Engl a4 ing few days at the home of|*\!°"® arrangements|provide the league with two|Speaker, soloist; pianist and ied 3 END y in England.|y7° and Mrs. H. §. McCann,|{0r the school leaving program|leather soccer balls and two who had helped to make the! |310 Frances st. |for Grade 8 pupils which will be bas ome i ne luncheon a success he Pickering ue 'oles; -- = | to make THE STORY HAS REALLY GOTTEN AROUND,'WE RE THE BEST PLUMBER Twenty-eight friends were in attendance and presented Mrs. Parkinson with a piece of Jug- gage, after which games and a delectable lunch was served) to end a delightful evening. held June 28 trumpet band was also given a| Sugar maple trees in Ontario The spring meeting of the Col-'donation of $25 by the commti-|are vanishing, owing to the suit- orne Home and School Assv-| tee ability of the sugar maple for ciation will be held May 18 at) Committee policy on damages|making furniture and golf clubs. Minister; Rev, John McLeod Organist Mrs, W. E, Summers, A,T.C.M. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Reazin have returned from their honey- b moon trip to Florida. S| CALL 668-2345 All Saints Anglican Church La- dies Auxiliary, 3rd Whitby Scouts|Ottawa, are returning to their! 4 at 7.30 p.m. Principal Car- man Sarles will address the par- was made known and stated as| follows: No responsibility for) damages of any and all kinds to WHITBY f PROTECT Your Furs & 11 AM.--Morning Worship 9:45 A.M.--Bible School 9:45 A.M.----Sunday School and Cubs, recently held a rum- home this weekend after spend- mage and homebaking sale at/I"& one month with their son the old parish hall. Co-conven-/2"4 daughter-in-law, Mr. and ers were Mrs. Vincent Graham Mts. Raymond Marshall, 502 and Mrs. Howard Snowdon. Peel st. Mrs. Robert G. Langford at-| Best wishes are extended to tended the Cavandish Club 50th|Robert Maguire, 1016 Centre st. anniversary dinner held at To-\n., on the occasion of his birth- ronto Ladies' Club Thursday. day celebrated today. Mrs. Langford has been a member for many years and is a past president. 11;00 A.M.--"BEHOLD THE MAN" SPEAKER Mr, D, Savage (Oshawa) Nursery Care and Junior Congre- gation During Divine Worship DRIVING SCHOOL New dual controlled cors. Personal courteous service. Fully licensed ond insured. Dial 668-4176 A, OSTERHOUT, Owner ents regarding the final exanis,|school properties shall be ac- the school leaving ceremonies|cepted that may be accepted| and other subjects of interest.|that may be attributed to any : Two brief films will be shown|and all forms of recreational ac-| The Monster" and "The Quiet|tivities, that may be allowed by Betrayal". the various school boards. Cloth Garments Insured, Refrigerated Storage valuts on premises. WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. 130 Colborne *, €., Whitby Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Marshall,|® P:™ Classrooms will be opea- 7:00, P.M.--Gospel Service FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING WED 7:30 P.M--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Notice of Application by The Corporation of the Town of Whithy to dispense with a Vote of the Electors Come to Brooklin the friendly little village and visit... "HAPPY HOME" FURNITURE & APPLIANCE STORE Joey, son of Mr. Frank Madigin, will years old on Sunday. and Mrs be four G6Oo3B-BI7IGi Cindy, daughter of Mr. and 137 BROCK ST. 5. WHITBY Mrs. Edward Keyes, is cele- brating her seventh birthday Monday. To celebrate the occa- sion-Cindy will entertain friends and school companions at her birthday party. Mrs. Eileen Clarke, 309 Burns st. w., is opening her home May 17 to members of St Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 9 Desmond Denyer, 928 Cen- tre st. n., is celebrating his birthday on Sunday. Friends of Mr. Denyer offer him their best wishes. BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 Believe It Or Not FREE Loan of spreader with any purchase of Grass Seed or Fertilizer Sportsman's Corner 103 Byron St. S$. Whitby TAKE NOTICE THAT; The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of Trunk Storm. Sewers at an estimated cost of $158,000.00; whereof the amount of $106,000.00 shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the genera! rate over a period not exceeding 15 years. Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal. Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the. undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, send by post prepaid to the clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. WE ARE SMALL, BUT WE ONLY SELL THE BEST Famous mame products like; Krub, Sklar, Knechtel, and Moffat, Marconi and many more. Make that little extra drive Youll find it's well worth it. And we're as close as your telephone, Call anytime. SALES The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that RENTALS the assent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it-may appoint a time and place for public hearing when any objections will be considered. Enroll now in our next 100 customer con> test. Everyone purchasing an item of $50. is eligible to win a prize worth $300 value. "The Happy Home" Furniture & Appliances Brooklin 655-3663 Located directly opposite the Canadien Imp, Bank of Commerce Only . . 399.50 | WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PH. 668-3226 \ _THE THREE STOOGES | DATED at the Town of Whitby this tenth day of May, 1965. John R. Frost, Clerk Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, WHITBY, Ontario COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE y 4 | PLUS -- Walt Disney Featurette THE TATTOOED POLICE HORSE

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