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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1965, p. 3

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TNR EE BME Chartering WASHINGTON (CP) -- The Canadian Labor Congress is chartering some new all-Cana- dian unions which have juris- dictions competing with exist- ing international labor unions, President George Meany of the! AFL-CIO said Thursday. j He said the matter will) be discussed next month at Geneva with Canadian labor spokesmen. | Meany told. a press confer-| ence his labor federation is) having trouble with the 1,050,-| 000 - member CLC, which con-| taims many unions which in the United States are AFL - CIO affiliates, | Meany complained that newly chartered CLC unions are com-| peting with AFL-CIO affiliates! in communications, electrical! workers, retail clerks, meat! cutiers and actors. In Ottawa, CLC President Clade Jodoin declined immedi- ate comment on Mr. Meany's remarks. He said he wanted to study the statements first. Senate Balks : Retiring Bill OWTAWA (CP)--The Senate Thursday rejected a bid to give second reading to the bill to THIS IS John Visser, division offi- retire future senators at 75 and cer of the St. John Ambu- learned that incumbent senators lance Corps, right, demon- who retire will retain the prefix strates mouth - to - mouth for life. Connolly, in the Senate, "howorable"' Semator J. J. ernment leader respiration at the Whitby gov-| * secoiid reading and sent to com mittee But Senator J. M. Macdonald (PC---Nova Scotia), moved ad- journment of debate. The Sen ate twill continue debate on the topic Tuesday night Uranium Sold On Peace Use PORT. ARTHUR (CP)--Cana dian law should be amended to |}mAake statements between ac- cused and his counsel, minister or doctor privileged in court, the Ontario roal commission on civil rights was told Thurs- da p Duthie, president of the OTTAWA (CP)--Prime: Min-\Thunder Bay Bar Association ister' Pearson said in the Com-!teld Commissioner: J. C. Me mons Thursday "the question of Ryer that unless the right of safeguards is very much in our|privilege is waived, statements mimis,"' as negotiations con-|made to lawers, counsellors, tinue with France for the sale/nhsicians and ministers should of Canadian uranium oxide not be divulged in court He told Opposition Leader) Amendments would be needed Diefenbaker the government in the Canada Evidence Act and will abide by international com-|the Ontario Evidence Act to} mitymments to ensure that th*!provide the measure, he said uranium is used for peaceful Mr, Duthie said his associa- Durgposes only. Mr, Pearson declined to com- mest on a press report that the government is considering a policy switch in relation to fu tue uranium sales to the United States and Britain, thu removing a French objection to Liberal Predi insjpection. Tre said he would not com ment while negotiations were stif™ in progress with France TORONTO (CP)--A_ Libera Mr. Diefenbaker referred to member of the legislature said reports that the same guaran- Wednesday he suspects the gov- tees for peaceful uses of uran-ernment plans to increase the ium will be asked of the U.S. tax on cigarettes sometime dur- and Britain as of France ng the next few years TShe prime minister said Wed Robert Nixon (1.--Brant), who nesday that past uranium sales represents a_ tobacco - growing to ihe U.S. and Britain were area, que tioned Provincial mavie without special guaran- Treasure James Allan during tees because they were negoti- second reading of a bill to re- World Place t he three-per-cent sales ated during the Second War before an internation comvention was drafted on 'ax tax on cigarettes with a tobacco energy Mr. Allan denied the govern ment was seeking a new source "] of rey enue in the. new tobacco . Fo F W tax. He said the sales tax was X ur Ins being replaced with the tobacco i tax for: administrative reasons $ p esign By collecting the tax at the TORONTO Pp full wholesale level, he said, many : (CP) \ full- small businesses would be ex Jeng;th white, arctic fox evening pmpted from having to obtain coat was judged the be e- ¢ tax licences and file re sign Thursday night at a Niurns each month for sales tax show sponsored by the Ontario'5, ttes alone department of economics and \y told the legislature development Ontarit public debt ll vost Joseph : Kerbel of National the province $146,700,000 in prin Fur of Canada Ltd., Toronto,'¢jna) and interest charges this designed the winning entry. It ,, was among 25 designs that won" awards for excellence GIVES CHARGES The show attracted about 959 He id interest charges on manufacturers, buyers, specta- the $1,423.000,000 net debt would » $105.200,000, and the sinking tors and member of women's advisory committ the economics department of nt for retirement $41,500,000 » of fund pa me » debt would be It was part of a three-day treasurer said debt costs Ontario fashions - for export ¥ d be offset by receipts of program. Economics Minister $33,700,000 from loans, ad Stanley Randall said it wasiv s and investments, leay through such programs that ing an estimated net cost of "we aim to help develop On- $71,500,000 tario products that are highly Farquhar Oliver (1 Grey lan to seek race tracks through a South) urged Mr. Al revenue from srovince betting tax Oliver said increasing competitive in design, styling workmanship and price.' The rules of the stated that creations were to be hiz inspired by one of a series of Mr pre-selected Canadian paintings Ontario more contest in the e1 betting in was and @ ae a ap eet % Blas Ss ae oaks es Fighting For OXFORD, England (Reuters) Cheers broke out when Oxford University's debating soci- day night they would fight for Queen and country'--revers- jing a famous resolution passed in 1933. | Policemen surrounded the hal! of the Oxford Union during the @ four-hour debate which excited and brought threats of assassin- ety decided at midnight Thurs-|selin, 37, Yvan Lamarche, 28, England And Glasses In Car Vital Clue Queen Worth To Recapture Of Quartet PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. | \(CP) -- A pair of eyeglasses|a back road in the Buckland) found by a chiid in a derelict| District came upon the escapees) car led police to the capture| Thursday of four escapees from} Prince Albert penitentiary. Claude Pitre, 31, Maurice'Gos- and Roger Albert Savard, 37, were apprehended cold, hungry and tired 10 miles west of here near the hamlet of Crutwell,| Sask | Eeglasses identified as Gos-| selin's were found Wednesday evening in a car rusting in a field four miles from the peni- their implementation might im tion is also opposed to manda-|lic and police. On Cigarettes For Ontario THE WAY TO SAVE LIVES Legion Hall, Branch 112, members of the 425th divi- | Monday. Brigade Superin- sion, took part in the life tendent Lloyd Hanna assists in the demonstration, Al! of- ficers, including six cadets, saving instruction --Oshawa Times Photo ron tir comet ee Lawyer Asks Privileging Of Non-Court Statements tory breath analysis tests for The brief said that only drivers suspected of drinking./sons with Jegal training should He termed such tests a form of|be appointed magistrates, and "compulsory self incrimina- that magistrates and judges tion."' should not be allowed to serve The brief submitted by Mr.'as police commissioners Duthie for his association rec-| The association also criticized ommended investigation of al-\the use of "so-called adminis- leged abuses of police power: trative boards which really per screening of police applicants!form judicial functions '--such by means of psychological test-|as the Workmen's Compensation ing; and instruction of police of- Board when their decisions ficers on their authority andicannot be appealed to the citizens' rights courts. Such boards should Pape ee ee follow rules which ensure fulll MIGHT HELP RELATIONS disclosure and_ impartiality,"| The brief said the recommen- the brief said. dations were not meant to be 4 further submission by the critical of police officers but/association said bail require ments when a summons would} prove relations between the pub- serve the purpose often result in unjustified detention CITE CASES hal Two cases in which local cit- cts ax~- 1 Qi izens were jailed overnight on minor charges were cited as ex amples of unjustified mobteghemte Mr. McRuer. questioned local solicitors about the availability of justices of the peace and was told it is often difficult to ob- Education Minister William tain the services of a justice of Davis introduced a bill to trans- the peace after 5 p.m form Lakehead College into @ Mrs. Constance Pepler, a Port full-fledged university Arthur housewife, told the com-| missioner her rights were vio WILL GIVE DEGREES The bill, under which head College of Arts, Science for an exnre a and Technology in Port Arthur: wWrs Pepler said that. if she would become known simply 8S and her husband have to relo lated in the expropriation of Lake- jand by the city of Port Arthur Lakehead University, would aie they will have to go into provide for the institution .tO considerable debt to do so. offer full-degree courses in artS She said the settlement price and science as well as first- chould be sufficient to relocate year programs in applied in similar surroundings without science, commerce, dentistry. qoepi medicine and pharmacy and The ommissioner said he courses in several branches of pad no jurisdiction in individual technology ases but the complaint in volved a specific principle which has apparently been af- Pat Neal Home fecting many other Ontario res idents Commissioner . McRuer, for After Strokes mer chief justice of Ontario was appointed by Premier Ro LONDON (AP) -- Patricia Neal came home Thursday from the United States to recuperate from three baris as a one-man commission to investigate civil rights in On tario. He was holding a one-day public hearing here Film star near - fatal strokes and con ceded: "I may never act NEED again." carmel The 39-year-old actress was FUEL OIL 7 accompanied by. her husband Call j British writer Roald Dahl, her three children and two gover PERRY pete Day or Night 723-3443 OSHAWA JAYCEE BICYCLE RODEO Saturday, June 5th 9:30 P.M. KING STREET SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL King St. E. Oshowe BOYS and GIRLS Grade 5, 6, 7 and 8 WIN VALUABLE PRIZES AND TRIP TO SAULT STE. MARIE ENTRY FORMS -- l-allow my child Bicycle Rodeo and ompete in the Provincial Finals ot June 26th r the expenses ond supervision of the Oshawa Jaycees:; to enter the Jay he wins | will allow him o Morie on Sault Ste soturday, Parent or Guardian Signature with designers getting their' would continue to increase even 'ideas from color, line, scene if the existing six-per-cent tax and form was raised i THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! A LIMITED & . CEILING NUMBER OF ELECTRIC 1-2-3 CABLE BEDROOM RADIANT SUITES HEATING AVAILABLE * * MODEL SUITE UNDERGROUND -- PARKING ----K= By Appointment nly * ee 723-1712 ADULT or BUILDING 728-2911 G@ORGIAN MMPanNnsiOns | } 124 PARK ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA NAME seu Knans AGE GRADE ADDRESS per-| | "rubber stamp."' | ON A HONDA {controversy throughout Britain | lati tentiary. waabs speaneen, The find drew attention to the But the debate itself was 50-/ north bank of the North Saskat- ber, sometimes light - hearted) .powan River. Prince Albert and free of incident and the penitentiary are on the! Undergraduates rejected by/south bank and the search had 27 votes the motion: "That this|been concentrated there for House would not fight for Queen|three days after the Sunday and country." midnight escape of the four There were 466 for the mo-, RCMP with three tracking tion and 493 against. A similar\dogs and an aircraft pressed a debate 32 years ago ended with determined search in the Buck- voting in favor of the motion|land District Thursday on the| 275 to 153,.a decision said to|north bank west of here after) lhave influenced Hitler and Mus-|citizens reportéd seeing four) | lsolini that Britons would not go|strangers in the area. 3 Le es ae er core ARE TE a P98 RE a aaa es 3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 21, 1965 |Gosselin, serving 22 years for) MANY RUSSIANS STUDY armed robbery and rep sanrg| More than 2,000,000 people are murder, and Pitre and Savard,|,.,; z serving 25 years apiece for @king night school speed with armed robbery, all were sen-\the People's Universities of the Two RCMP officers patrolling) enced I Montreal. ; one baleners in a stand of trees on a grass-| covered bluff, Pitre and Gos-| selin were apprended lying low) in the grass and Lamarche ond Savard were picked up after they tried to sprint away) through the trees. The men, all transferred here over the last four years from St.) Vincent de Paul penitentiary in| hometown of Montreal, | were unarmed and still in grey) bark-cloth prison clothing when) caught. Haggard and unshaven, they had road maps and a little) chocolate and other food with | them. 3 RCMP said they had no idea) how the escapees crossed the) North Saskatchewan, as road-| blocks were thrown up on) bridges leading across {t as soon) as the escape alarm was! sounded. The penitentiary is on| the eastern outskirts of this city, Lamarche, sentenced to life imprisonment for armed rob- bery and attempted murder, Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 42 on Sovings Accounts. Paid and compounded quart- erly. on Chequing Accounts from the day the account is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly balonce. No charge for cheques written, when invested In our Gueranteed Investment Certificates for 6 to 10 to war. THREATS MADE Police bodyguards were pro- vided after threats to 21-year- old Pakistani Tariq Ali, presi- dent of the union and 58-year- old former Labor member of Parliament, Sir Richard Ac- land, who backed the motion. Opposing were former chan- jcellor of the exchequer Regin- ald Maudling and a Conserva- tive member of Parliament, Norman St. John-Stevans. OTTAWA (CP)--Canada con- siders there is nothing to war-| rant diplomatic recognition at} present of either the military) junta or the rebel group in the} Dominican Republic, External! The debate was filmed byY| affairs Minister Martin told the ~~ BBC television. \Commons Thursday. Outside the hall were rival! yy Martin said in reply to demonstrations --- by Naztis,\questions from New Democrat against the motion, and by an-|Leader T. C, Douglas that both larchists, for the motion groups have requested diplo- matic recognition from Canada and from other countries The most recent request was PARLIAMENT from the rebel leader Col. Fran- | |cisco Caamano Deno. A similar AT-A-GLANCE jrequest from Gen, Antonio Im- | jbert Barrera's military junta . . was turned down earlier, By TRE CON TRO oy Mats ak th THURSDAY, May 20, 1965 Gauvin, sent to the Dominican The Commons debated the |Republic as a special officer of government's proposals for |the external affairs department, speeding up: House proce- |held lengthy talks with Domini- dures can leaders, with British, Opposition Leader wleten: French and Israeli diplomatic baker said the "guillotine", |"ePresentatives, with represent- rule for debate time limits |atives Of the United States and with the papal nuncio who had played an active role in devel- opments there. would make the Commons a Lack of a permanent Speaker is the basic weakness of the Commons, he added The proposed rule changes provide for time limits for de- bate on bills and an end to | challenges of rulings by the LOOK! If you are seeking employment in the SALES AND SERVING field this is for YOU! The OSHAWA "eianiey Knowles cxpp, BUSINESS COLLEGE pa ~Winnipeg North Centre) is offering the first ofa series of short,) moved an amendment that ss hid employable adults and young people interested in food handling; meeting supplementary spending esti- and serving the public. mates be lifted from a time limit Hotel and Restaurant Proprietors! a here is an opportunity to provide your) H, A. Olson (SC--Medicine | ctat¢ with formal training In the art of| Hat) moved a_ sub-amend- jserving your customers, building up 'our customer relations and volume of} ment that extra spending es- |{°" © | usiness | timates also be taken out. FRIDAY, May 21 The Commons meets at 11 a.m. to continue debate on the rule change procedures. The Senate stands adjourned until | May 25 This course will consist of @ variety of timely and significent topics, demon- strotions and student participation con- toined in | EIGHT EVENING SESSIONS TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. commencing Tuesday, June Ist ending Thursday, June 24th, 1965 end Special expert instructer engaged to -- present this course. GET COMPLETE COSENS & MARTIN alee L 72 Insurance IAL 725-3375 67 King HL, Chews TPO eas She at ie ot 728-7515 || 10 simcoe st. NORTH, OSHAWA | Res. 725-2802 or 725-7413 M, ©. Barnett, Principal YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE Fantastic Economy: They never guip gas... just sip Ht! 250 miles. per gallon. Soft spoken even at 45 mph. | Dependability: Over 2,500,000 Honda owners know it starts every time. Superior Performance: The 4-stroke, 50cc engine is @ model of self-reliance. Absolute Safety: Big never-fail brakes, perfect control at all speeds, instant power when you want it. Low Low Cost: Full price?'A reasonable $299.00 ELON DA. WORLD'S BIGGEST SELLER! HONDA SHOP (Oshawa) 199 KING ST. WEST | OSHAWA, PHONE 728-4242 @ - Canada Ignores Requests From Both Rebels, Junta yeors, Authorized Trustee investments. Redeemable on death, *Yeorly Rate ; SAVING H' H t Mr. Gauvin had interviewed Mon.-Thurs. ~~ 6 wins the Organization of American Friday 9109 Oshawa States commission which had Saturdoy 9 to 5 FOUNTAINHEAD ~--- Tel. 723-5221 been attempting to work out a OF SERVICE solution to the civil war. | How to put 29 great whiskies in your private stock Easy -- buy a bottle of Adams PRIVATE STOCK! For this superlative whisky is custom-blended from 29 great whiskies to give you that smooth, smooth flavour. : Each of these 29 whiskies was individually selected by Adams experts from a stock of over 180 fine Canadian whiskies. The 29 were then married together by Adams to create this unique whisky that is PRIVATE STOCK. 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