26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, Mey 22, 1965 |20---Keal Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale LAST 20--Real Estate for Sale PRESTIGE HOME Only minutes from Oshawa this beautifully modern home with 3,400 sq, ft. of living spoce is ideally situated on 100 acres of scenic rolling land. Two stone fireplaces, recreation roqm, patio, elec- tric heating, two 4-piece baths, double ottached gor- age, Pond.. Priced at $75,000 with $2,000 down | EXECUTIVE'S RETREAT Attractive secluded four bed- room bungalow on profes- sionally landscaped 32 acres overlooking pond and trout stream. Large living room with stone fireplace, 4 piece beth. Double garage. WINTER WORK) "= BONUS HOMES FRANK se) V7 church Street, 623-3393 only a few homes URRY tor FINAL CLEAR OUT BY BUILDER OF PHASE Huge 3-bedroom bu select large lots. Has-e ' master bedroom. B designed kitchen cal ordinated Tappan range are included. Full divic recreation room finis! et "Just 15 Minutes to the South Plant' LET Us Help YOU Buy Your Next Property 728-9466 enience: to j led features in every part « bathroom, arborite kitchen « custom built vanity and mirr FULL PRICE ONLY ayo OSHAWA REALTY REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. Multiple Listing Service BROOKSIDE ACRES EXCLUSIVE BUNGALOW ATTACHED GARAGE $28,900 - $28,900 Spe built Hollywood MONTHLY RTGAGE RINCIPAL CARRIES FOR ON ONE NHA MO INCLUDING INTEREST, | AND / \/\ See this big fully de huge built-in carport, en e t t bu on in range and oven, storr chen cabinets, L-shape | vith most popular sellers. ( 4 lef +H j Boe A FULL PRI¢ Millar built for the owner, units modern kitchen, dinette with sliding patio gloss leading to partially clos Bathroom off master drapes. and tracks broodloc living Owner Il take trade first age on a good property ally f 1/ ES Liaw in area door ed patio bedroom to stoy min roorr Ww a clear home or This hi me can be 'purchased payment to party nspection 725-25 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. BLACK RIVER SUMMER HOMES Only 6 left of thi IP I¢ Cottages FULL PRI And Lots ® ho SPECIAL All homes have the ext { befor the tax increase t can arranged immediately others, Down paymer model homes als¢ room, fireplace, ful finish interior s low down Call at sible for 86 le All Huge panoramic wit tached 3-bedroom bi regulor feature: ri thon one im miles 1 mile office ve ra, ask ales at Representat ts.$600 and up $3500 ond uf lephone 852- 6831 bridge 9 to 5 p.m 6836 Uxbridge evening River Ltd. Black Securities pe INSPECT THIS WEEK-E , DOWN OPEN DAII ccm detoched bik 10 A.M. BAY SHO Go west on Hig! chonge 64). Turn turn right and follow 100 yards to the Bay PHONE Consolidated |! "Canada's Lar 4 eporate and public tking distance to fo well ta, on quiet treet, beautiful west « "Ml LER & A f JONE IMRIE TATE LTD Py 942-2561 BUIL DING LOTS $100 DOWN sit '4 PRICE McGILL ESTATE BROKER 728-4285 PARK NORTH three-bedroom FULL | \ REAL CENTRAL Just brick bunga: with mahogan four-piece tile Ntee rod ngreom, Many nh. NHA mort 728-5103 va mma and 19 ft Asking $14,900. w 0. Martin, Realtor, REPAIR SHOP . ends including ner. three-day ga and operated as | 364 11 $8,000 728-9486 terms. |20-----Real Estate tor Sele |PRIVATE SALE sted, | "LOVELY RANCH BUNGALOW THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL We are proud to offer, be- couse the owners. are leav- ing Oshawo, a 6 room charm- ing and immaculate home, In a fine neightbourhood that's hord to beat: LAW ST, It has three bedrooms with double closets, and mony other nice features, Completely finished Rec, Room, 14. 24, The living room, dining room, and hall: are expensively broad- loomed. 4 pc, tiled bathroom, T.V,. Tower, alum. storms ond screens. Situated on a large lot, nicely 'landscoped ond fenced, Paved drive, and carport, All this for the mod- est price of $17,900 with con- venient financing For particulars and to inspect, please call anytime to JEAN PEACOCK 725-4330 of Guide Realty Limited, 16 Simcoe St. $, Oshawa, 723-- 1121. TRADES ACCEPTED on five new homes by Hogen- hoom Construction starting at $17,845 on Wilson Rood North c >. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 $5,300 FULL PRICE. But open for offer, low down payment and very easy Make appointment for Sunday or Monday. Six-room: electrically equipped and heated cottage on beautiful sandy Bowmanville Beach. Call Arthur Wein berger Real Estate, 725-6851 APPEARING from the outside to be a long low colonial style bungalow with at tached garage, this amazing home from the Inside, becomes a spilt level with arge square footage. Seven rooms in al this home is selling below replacement t and invites enquiry. Contact rene Brown. 725-3867, Schofield-Aker Limited PRIVATE SALE A rare opportunity to buy this beautiful three-bedroom brick | home with attached garage, finished rec: | reation room and den, separate dining room, on a city fot 75' x 200', Enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Ontario or gaze on the twinkling tights of Oshawa lly andscaped. Immediate possession, Price $19,600 or close offer, Phone 725-2987 EXCELLENT VALUE with immediate possession. Five-room, three - bedroom modern bungalow, double garage, asphalt drive, custom finished rec.-room, profes onally landscaped grounds, Home is immaculate condition Schools and churches close by.-.A terrific buy with $2,500 down, One -mortgage for. balance. To inspect please call Steve Macko, 123-2265 at Schofield-Aker Limited CENTRAL Park room, two-storey brick with attached garage. Close to schools, Asking only $21,000. 614 percent NHA mortgage, Call John Rosnik 728-9466, Steve Zurba Realtor TRY $1000 DOWN. Seven-room, downtown, Carries for $85 per month Rent three rooms upstairs and let the tenants make, your payments, Call John Rosnik 728-9466. Steve Zurba Realtor SITUATED near Corpus Christi School immaculate five-room frame bungalow, just decorated inside and out, Many extras. Low down payment. Low taxes and quick possession. Call Doug Gower 728-6286, $. D, Hyman Real Estate Ltd COLUMBUS North, new three-bed close to - Two-storey, eight-room brick home, large lot, landscaped; ga rage, closets in bedrooms, modern kitch: en. Bill Ratcliffe, 655-4457, Keith Peters Realty Lid TWELVE-room house, oll heat, two apart- ment dwelling, now renting, $165 monthly, $13,500. (Across from Kingsway Motel) Telephone 725-3353 after 6 p.m NEW three-bedroom bungalow walk-out basement, double car garage and breeze- way, storms and screens, completely de corated $17,000. Telephone 728-0232 PRIVATE sale North-east Oshawa, large six-room bungalow with attached garage -two bathrooms, finished. rec. room. Only two years old. For informa thon. Call 725-8372 AJAX -- Beautiful, low, paved drive, many other extras three-bedroom bunga- recreation room and Will consider $1000 down to responsible buyer, immediate occupancy? Call Mr, Preece, 942-426) or 728-9335 evenings. Manderhill Real Estate Lid -- Four-bedroom, ga large lot, $10,350, one $2,000, Tele rage, central Ajax, mortgage. Down payment phone 942-4354 WHITBY Three-bedroom ranch house on large lot, four-piece tile room, in excellent condition. June 30, Phone 728-2604 GENERAL REPAIRS, this is a going con cern in heart of a farming community near Oshawa, large workshop, stockroom and equipment for only $8,000. Terms House and large acreage also available Call Blackstock 6.4869 PRIVATE nine-room well-kept house with garage, located at 23) Conant Street Total price $13,500 $1000 DOWN, Whitby, bedroom brick, semi-detached bungalow, with rec.room. Close to schools, To In spect call Jim Brady 728-5123 or 728-0483 Bolahood Bros, Lid AJAX Beaultful, low, paved drive, many other extras. down to responsible occupancy, Call Mr, Preece, 942-4261 or 728-9335, Manderhill Real Estate Lid, | PRIVATE Whitby South West thtee-bedroom brick bungalow, entrance, six years old privet hedge, very nicely landscaped, storms and screens, rec. room partially! made, $14,000, six percent NHA mort-| gage. Telephone 668-8032 LOVELY three-bedroom solid brick bun qalow on large landscaned lot with walk out basement, attached aarage, stone fire place, Many extras, $21,000, $7,000 or! more required down. Telephone 668-8058 or 144 Elizabeth Crescent, RR 3, Oshawa See this beauty to appreciate PRIVATE five-room brick bungalow with paved drive, Lot 40 Close to St. Hedwig's Schoo! price $12,900. Telephone 728-0983 $6,900 A BARGAIN! Yes, this four-room bungalow located in a good residential area on Elgin Street East, Can be pur "chased at this iow price if you have the ash, Or some terms can be arranged tor you. First time offered for sale. Call Jack Appleby 728-5123 or 723-3398 Bolahood Brothers Limited WHY RENT! $}200 down buys three-bed ro ck pungalow, Newly -- painted. t price $1!,000 Balance cheaper than rent. Don Stradeski Realtor, 728-1275. URGENT. Older two-storey home in good n, preferably south of Rossland schoo! teacher. Large down payment Elaine Lee 72R-S1S7 or A6R-3NAR ve Realty Lid ATTRACTIVE heated cottage for rent Lake Ontario, nine miles east of Osh awa, two bedrooms, city conveniences May-October Write Box 304, Oshawa Times. BARGAIN, tral Whitby Auley Realtor style bath Possession six-year-old, three three-bedroom bunge recreation room and| Will consider $1000; buyer, immediate area, spilt level) Large. corner tot, | Asking al Act a store and apartment, Hurry and call W. Mac 723-2812 or 668-5765 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent Drift Inn Camp ith Bay of Lake Nipis- sing, fully equipped HOUSE- KEEPING COTTAGES, hot and i woter inside onven bath and afe sandy beach, ex hing ather ences including shower ellent fi recreation hall wt nee boots. and motors PHONE 725-4465 brochures main odge with steam bath for LAKE boa! house miles from from Oshawa |COLUMBUS United Church Manse, eight room, two-storey brick, modern kitchen, two stair Bill Ratcliffe 455.4457 Keith RICE wlth three-bedroom cottage for sale. North side Bewdley, 49 minutes Telephone 723-7943 four Raalt HOUSEKEEPING cotta Inside tacill ' mming. Mailac RR a Burks Falls or 725-2907, ties, boat hin Cottages, cen |20e----Summer Properties _ For Sole or Rent -- TWO SUMMER COTTAGES on single lot, Crowe Loke neor Marmora, fully furnish- ed, pressure system, good well, hydro, sandy beach, Complete $8,500. Coll Mr. Bradshaw 395-2478 Stiriling or Office. EXCEPTIONAL SUMMER HOME on 5 acre lot, Weller's Boy, Lake Ontario, South of Trenton, Insulated home, pon- elled walls, Two-wdy pressure system, screened breezeway and attached garage and workshop, Could be resort development, List $12,500, COLLETTE & 'LAGROIX REALTORS TRENTON, ONTARIO _ FUN For All The Family At HOSPITALITY INN Heated Pool, Beach Doncing, Tournoments, Skiing ond Fishing At HOSPITALITY INN Kiddies. Playground With Troin, Merry-go-Round, Cars Plus A Fabulous Bonus Before July 17 Or After Aug, 14. Rates $48 to $79 with Meals Phone 535 or Write Dept, "A" HOSPITALITY INN, MINDEN, ONT BEL-AIR RESORT LAKE BAPTISTE NEW insulated house- keeping cottages, city conven- iences, screened porches, good swimming, boating and. fish- ing. Boats, motors $65 week- ly Telephone 728-7454 Oshawa or write M, MUELLER Baptiste, Ontario PINE TREE LODGE and HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES PIGEON LAKE Good fishing and swimming. Reasonable rates, Family re- sort, 90 min. from Oshawa. G.M, openings still available Buckhorn OL7-8541 or Hampton 263-2365 Ask for GORDON BROWN FRED WATSON COTTAGE ON B. B. BEACH, RICE LAKE Furnished four rooms. Private dock, Good fishing, 45 miles from Oshawa. Telephone Ajax 942-3994 SURFSIDE VILLAGE, housekeeping tages on new Wasaga Beach, Georgian Bay. Quiet family location right on the beach. Moderate rates, recreation, play ground, steam-bath, shade trees, safe sandy beach, Write 76 Wineva Avenue, Toronto 13 or LAKEFRONT cottage, Haliburton district, new, modern, with all conveniences, boat included, sandy beach, $60 per week Telephone Whitby 668-5447 PIGEON LAKE: TWo-and three-bedroom housekeeping cottages tion facilities, Write The Lone Maple, Box 28, Bobcaygeon LARGE ACREAGE idea! for summer cot- tages, etc. Canal Lake area, For infor- mation write Box 247 Oshawa Times BUCKHORN LAKE --- Two-bedroom lake-| front cottage for sale, Sleeps five. Inside conveniences. Telephone 668-4518. LAKESHORE lots on beautiful Kennebec bot Street. Close to school and bus. After |frigerator, stove, televis $1200, Roads etc c.o, Arden Court 335-5617, 60 miles north east of Belle- ville on Highway 7. PRESQU'ILE POINT, owner's large, well equipped three-bedroom cottage for rent inside conveniences, safe beach, good boating, fishing, 6§ miles, Pickering 942-5733. 21--Farms for Sale 100 ACRE FARM, 50 workable clay, loam 50 acres pasture with spring creek; good eight-room house, fairly good Nestleton district. $11,000, Call Nesbitt, Nestleton 986-4894, T Broker 22--Lots for Sale ~FROUT STREAM 35 ACRES of SCENIC PROPERTIES With Free list, Ross Motel, Arden) | Lake, Baker, barn, Marvin Murphy beoutiful assorted Maples, Pines, etc, 8th con- cession North of Oshawa Easy access to property, Will consider trade of income property or. mortgage free home Prices and terms to be discus sed by your calling BILL MILLAR 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. LARGE lot socated north of city limits asking price of $3300 includes the well S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited 728-6286, LOT, sof 16) f% depth on Malaga Road, close to south GM Sewer and water. Full price $4,700. Call Steve Macko at Schofield-Aker Limited TWO LOTS for sale, Ritson Road North al Kedron, 104° * 150°. One corner lot Telephone 725-642? 23--Real Estate Wanted WOULD YOU Like the volue of your home on today's market? Are you interested in cash? We have buyers for homes up to $20,000 cash, No obli- gation to know CALL STRADESK]I EALTOR 28-1275 DON R 7 | OLDER NEED TYPE HOME NOW ! For Cosh Buyer Call BILL JOHNSTON schotield-Aker Ltd 728-1066 PRIVATE -- North Oshawa area, brick bungalow wanted, with dining room and! two or three bedrooms. Cash deal. Write Rox 101 Oshawa Times THREE-BEDROOM ick frontage or larger on Main Road. within iimile radius of Oshawa. Large down payment, Telephone 725-8885, cot-| Excellent recrea-| |23--Real 'Estate Wanted DO IT NOW! List your home with us and get TOP DOLLAR. "We have SPOT CASH and Term Buyers, oe FREE APPRAISAL *& NO OBLIGATION Call 723-2265 SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE STOP! Before you Buy or Sell, don't sell houses-----we people buy their homes us today 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) LTD 25 Bond West 'WANTED! | LISTINGS SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 WE WILL PAY CASH YOUR HOME, CALL JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 We Ip Coll FOR - GENUINE CASH BUYER urgently needs) five fo ten acres of land with good three Call Bola or four-bedroom house near Oshaws Jim Brady at 728-5123 or 728-0483. hood Brothers Limited OLDER HOMES urgently needed, any condition or location, waiting buyers. Cash or terms Bolahood Bros Mr Yeo 728-5123 WANTED ~~ Three- or four-hedrosir rick home, Whitby, Oshawa area, Ail payment. Write full particulars to 149, Oshawa Times PRIVATE -- Wanted to buy, three-bed room brick bungalow on west side of Simcoe St. or Whitby, Call 728-8112, No agents, Box 24---Sto r OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT | T. L. WILSON At the Times STORE FOR RENT, 600 sq, ft., suitable any type business, Located 182 Simcoe South, Dial 728-1901 STORE FOR RENT, Suitable type of business. Station Plaza 728-4113, ; Offices, Storage | for any Phone 25--Houses for Rent NEW, three-bedroom brick bungalow in Oshawa, Interior decorated to sult ten nant. Near Donevan Collegiate; to lease $144, monthly, Phone 728-9338 $125 MONTHLY, three-bedroom bungalow with finished rec.-room, located on Shar- 4.30 call 6: 12439, '26.--Apartments, "for , Rent Sophisticated Adult Living CASA MANANA COURT Spacious 1-2- and 3-bedroom suites, featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service and intercom system. Model suite furnish- ed by Wilson's Furniture IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Call Rental Office at 723-636) Follow Park Road North Anderson St., West on derson to Nipigon St Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 NOW RENTING ' NONQUON TOWERS LID. Northend Location @ Featuring |}, 2 &3 hed rooms Reinforced Concrete Sound Proof Electrica! Heating Broadloom Inter - Com. System Hi - Fi Radio Balconies Underground Parking to An- Reserve Now Phone 728-9464 728-4014 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST) LTD. 25 BOND ST. WEST Multiple NEW twobedroom apartment, stove, re frigerator, drapes, laundry facilities, elec- trically heated. $125 monthly. Available June |}. Apply 184 Stevenson Road South, Apt. 1 MODERN Listing Service APARTMENTS, reirigerator, te neluded: ole Aduits Mar vator service, controlled doors Preferred. Apply Superintendent, 'land Avenue, 723-4368, a2 cash} 26--Aportments for Rent 27--Rooms for Rent es Bw FURNISHED rooms, ror jor gentiemen, will THE CAVALIER (clei "sootn' oon 18" Tolepnone| close to south GM. "Sher 725-8645 The Most Modern Medium Rental Apartments in Oshawa FEATURING Exclusive decorating. Electric heating with fin- gertip control, in each room at no extra cost, Convenient to shopping and bus, Plenty of free parking Professional full time man- agement, that cares for vour comfort @ Numerous other features. MODEL SUITE FURNISHED by Reliable Furniture |30--Automobil s for Sole KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY --- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens poid off Trade up or down Always top p quality | 1962 CORVAIR Monza four-door F bincks automatic transmission, white walls. im- Owner going . NG ROOM -- Suil two will- single beds. Close fo north! Parking. Telephone (7-29 |nice aoe furnished bedroom in 'apart |ment, vicinity Simcoe and Quebec streets, Suitable for responsibie \ady. Telephone 173-1008. VERY LARGE furnished room for twe gentiemen willing to share, single flag Shift, workers welcome. Free aig jose to 1 Sowre Motors. maculate condition, 5 | Telephone Whitby 668-5305, lier METEOR, four-door station wagon, [V8 with power steering. ood running » condition. Telephone | Wa aauCURY. Sandee sedan, auto- matic, on the floor, custom radio, runs ery weil, A bargain at $150. Telephone Ajax 942-6086 1964 FORD Galaxie 500", two-door hard jop, 390 engine, standard transmission. Excellent condition inside and out, Tele. phone after 5 p.m., 9 74, 1955 OLDSMOBILE ifully powered, new pi cash offer, 7 19599 CHEVROLET two-door diop, six cylinder, automatic, radio. Very good com dition, Telephone 7 725-3805, 1963 CORVAIR convertible, four-speed transmission, big engine, radio, shite walls, white with red interior. Harry Don- 68-3304. |Closi south | monthly each, 725-2915, 314 ATHOL STREET EAST -- Cleon, fur- nished bedroom in quiet home, private: bath, Abstainers and non-smokers, |S1NOL ROOM "wultable for clean ie i is at door, Call 728-474 if ar Saara a light hou: sekeep-| ing room, close to North General Motors. | Day worker proverred. Apply 105 Mary |Sireet, Telephone 728-0764, |FULLY EQUIPPED kitchen, nicely fur- | nisi hed bed-sitting room, ground floor, Parking. Close to bus stop. Suit business laundry two-door hardtop, jes, runs good. Best 728-776) ing lady to beds, Call SINGLE furnished bedroom, aduil family on Gladstone Avenue, Telephone NSN, 2,3 June location $115 Northend bedrooms possession 728-9466 STEVE ZURBA, Realtor 25 Bond West AVAILABLE JUNE Ist Two bedroom apt. close to a Shopping Centre, frig, stove, poved parking, patio, newly decorated AFTER 6 P.M Call 723-6944 LUSANNE VILLA SPANISH PROVINCIAL DECOR Electric Heating, Controlled Entrances, Laundry on each floor, Broadloom Corridors, Elevator Service, Dinette, Dining 'Room, Ceromic Tile Bath, Vanity, Well maintoin- ed 330 GIBB ST. | 595 Chaucer Ave., Oshawa TWO BEDROOM Apartments Rents starting at $115. per month --= included in rent stove, fridge, washer, dryer, woter, hydro, electrict heat. 728-6475 after 7:00 P.M. only Monday to Fridoy dises, | motor and body 773-5045. 1957 PONTIAC, standard, two-door, 30,000 miles, Telephone 725-2044 1964 CHEVROLET impais, 327 motor, power steering, radio, back speaker, white walls, wheel disks, padded $2,775, Telephone 725-5084. '54 BUICK, $75; '54 Ford station wagon, $300; '55 Plymouth, $60; '56 Oldsmobile if four-door hardtop, $200; '61 Chevrolet, Russell Texaco Service Centre, 46) Park tay Use of garden, 123-7683, Open from 2 p.m, | FURNISHED ROOM for you ' i | share with same, single till 9 p.m. daily 123-5720, ¥ at 400 Grenfell Street at end of Marland Ave. |r ecee rooms and board. Apply 25 divi- |". timited, Whitby Telephone | (off Pork Red. §) \ston Street Use CAR PARTS, + spinon to gmake 725-9934 - 728-4283 rar is i Tahini |e vical a- o- near art Plaza, Te! - ~--- ~ moe ( for rent ae Near North had psd silat nye Mig Hing] a pa S SC " A . SUNSET GARDEN COURT mar vag hospital, Telephone 723-2050, Harry Donald. Ltd, Whitoy. eNO. Bachelor Apt. ROOM for rent. Telephone 778-6596 567 PONTIAC S convertible VA aul aulomatie power steering, pad fires and top. lo Avoiloble immediately. ee and Board rust, Telephone 725-7887 e willing '984 SHavROLeT "green and white. Used FREE SERVICES, Lunches po 'ed, home pHeni d only as second car, $120. Licensed. Tele ALL CONVENIENCES, king space Telephone 725-2786, [Phone 778-6153, 7 COLBORNE STREET BAST -- Room i FAS ERNE Dare M0, four speed a board for gentlemen, willing to share, |!ransmission, ip 327 engine, dar' _ TELEPHONE 725- 6812 single beds, hy to North 'omens! aren tie eer i, new, =" | Motors, central to downtown. Apply above | Marry Donald Lid., Whitby, APARTMENTS. nadress. 1963 CHEVROLET Biscay 1 ROOM AND BOARD for genilemar, close | Wagon, 6 cylinder, standard tr , to downtown and north GM, 229 Elgin, white with red interior, Harry Donald up Street East or telephone 726-3643 Lid,, Whitby, 668-3904, |ROOM and board avaliable for three 1944 CHEVROLET Super Sports convert- gentiemen, Lunches packed, All conven-|!ble, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, lences, _Telephone 666-323) after 5 Penal Pht aA palit ge gal arry Dona ' ve 3304, ROOM and board wanted nA ,f e " old boy, $10. wi 4 1944 CHEVROLET impsia, Iwo = door, £2,000 miles, very 9 condi- a elephone 75-0602" or 723-9046 29---Wanted to 'to Rent Pe ste 1959 CHEVROLET, six cylinder, standard WANTED IMMEDIATELY four-door, two-tone, radio, windshield washers, good condition, wheel Furnished three room aport- | Telephone 723-5819, h j |1957 CHEVROLET sedan, green, V8, auto ment or house in Oshawa, for matic, radio and other extras, Good con- single responsible man, ap- dition, One owner, Telephone 726-8632 proximotely $70. monthly jay, PLYMOUTH, six jeviinder Telephone 623-2871. THREE-BEDROOM house in Oshawa: or within 20 miles of Oshawa before July 1. | Telephone 728-8461 or write Box 145 Osh- awa Times THREE - BEDROOM house In Oshawa, near public school, by June 30. Telephone Mr. Wagg at 723-2248, RAILWAY employee would like three or four reo ground floor apartment wn garage, in Whitby, Ajax or Oshaw: |phone 725-3561 after. 5. *| Road South 1196) PONTIAC, | QUIET businessman, abstainer, wants fur- nished or unfurnished bachelor apartment jor room in clean, quiet home. Furnished |or Patt ial vt Please contact J, Kin- {nic BOWMANVILLE, Newcastle | clean two, three-bedroom house, woman. No children, Reliable Days i dibaghidlhed 623-3331, ext, Laurentian sedan, six cylinder AT, 29,000 miles, one owner, per- ect fully T 728-1939. 1961 PONTIAC Strato Chief, automatic, radio, excetient condition, $1,200, For ap pointment telephone Whitby 668-5200, 1958 MERCURY four-door hardtop, | fully equipped, dark maroon with matching interior, Harry Donald Ltd, Whitby, 668-3304, b 7 ini ai ame 196) CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, bive with blue interior. Harry Donald Ltd., Whitby, 668-3304, ina 'CORVAIR Monza Spider, maroon with black Interior, Four-speed transmis- sion, Me ise 726-7806, MOTORS, | all car parts, Courtice Auto Wreckers Telephone 723-554) or nights 725-4404, |195* PONTIAC two-door, ver | custom radio, excellent body, runs ry well, asking $195, Will accept trade. Tele phone Ajax 942-6086, 1959 FORD Galaxy, V8 automatic, excel lent condition, four-door imitation hard top. Apply Lansdowne Piaza, Apt, & |Simeoe North, above Plaza restaurant. 1964 CHEVROLET Bel Air § cylinder, automatic radio, power steering, white walls, Tintéd giass. seal b lights. Price $2,475, Ph 1963 PONTIAC Custom Sport convertibie, V-8, 283 automatic, radio, power steering, white walls, blue, light blue In terior and top, Phone 725-2210, MOTORS, trans, all car parts. Courtice "}Auto Wreckers. Telephone 723-554! or nights 725-4404. 1960 PONTIAC six cylinder, transmission, four door sed: cellent condition. Phone 72 1986 BUICK four-door. . Price ih For in ™lformation please 728-6611. 1948 PONTIAC cou good brakes, $90. |31--Compact Cars for Sole ZOLTAN - NICK & DAN'S Your authorized DATSUN DEALER Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe South Oshawa 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Soles and Service New and Used Cors 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Even ings * VOLVO & PEUGEOT -- * MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service > 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921. 1962 TRIUMPH, 1200 convertible, recent valve job, new starter, $950, trade-in con- | sidered, Call Brooklin 655-3181 11959 FORD Zephyr, good condition, $195. | Telephone 728-4173, 1963 CORVAIR convertible, high perform: ance engine, four-speed transmission, white with red interior, Harry Donald Lt Whitby, 468-3304 SPORTY 1944 Corvair Monza, low mile age, original owner, 13 months warranty | Spotless inside and out. Telephone 723-2431 fafter 5, 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, $120, Telephone 47 |3758 after 6 p.m |ivea CHEVELLE Malibu station wagon, 16 eylinder engine, standard transmission, white with red interior. Harry Donald Ltd, Whitby, 668.3304 {19s7 VOLKSWAGEN, ail in \ good condi jtion, reasonable, hon --_-- iss) TRI PH + Reasonable. in gen shape, Pine By Asis jbetween 6 198? CORVAN | Tar van, 4 cylinder with automatic transmission, Harry Don: jald. Ltd, Whitby, 668-3304 CONVERTIBLE, economical Ford Consul, 'excellent condition, low original mileage. | Telephone Whitby 668-3889, |1963 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, 6 wylin- der, automatic transmission, white with red interior, very low mileage. Harry | Donald Ltd, Whitby, 668-3304. 1963 INTERNATIONAL 1700 Dump. Per- For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid. --|tect condition, low mileage, Open FPCV, Bowmanville 623-3096 NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED formers 146. BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 SPEED N' SPORTS HEADQUARTERS NOW OPEN CUSTOM CAR EQUIPMENT LARGE STOCKS NO MONEY DOWN | 1911 Avenue Road, Toronte 958 BUICK Sone Bang me-|1936 VOLKSWAGEN, TV, parking, chanically good, $350 transportation, $100 "cash Apply 325 rec. Norte W writer | 942-1243, tenant, 43. After |YOUNG EXECUTIVE requires room and board, north end preferred. Telephon 723-5291 THREE-BEDROOM house wanted In Osh- = (ee ot vicinity. References, Telephone | GOVERNOR MANSIONS |7222%6 | INCOME house, central, \ 2 Bedroom Suite 'liable tenants, Adulis 3 Bedroom Suite a or four-bedroom h in Osh- ADULTS ONLY i alae TELEPHONE awa, Possession July 1 Telephone 723-1712 728-2911 | 723-6333, For Appointment Wanied for re References, 723- TWO. OR THREE - BEDROOM house wanted In Whitby by June 15 to 19 by two adults and teenage girl, Option te buy, Telephone ¢ collect, Toronto 202-643), TWO or three-bedroom house wanted immediately by adults or apartment accepting pets, Telephone 728-2645 TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apartment wanted by three adults, Oshawa. raewinery. June SPACIOUS five-room apartment with: bal- cony, new building, Whitby, 20-ff, living. room, separate dining room (or third bed- room), Hollywood kitchen, paved park- ig Many extras, $130, Available June 15, Mr. Thomas, 668-3595 or 725-1138 APARTMENT, two completely furnished jrooms, bed sittingroom and kitchen, re- supplied. Util Street, Whit- Py) | Ng paid, Apply 231 Pa "Telephone 725-338 HOUSE WANTED in Oshawa, posseasion June | 1, Telephone 728-7240 FUOSUORSON suite, available immed- lately in. modern aj ment building on bi somneerpeeeteemsiaate Simcoe Street North, One er two bed- room suite also available July 1, 728-2870 30--Automobile for Sale Saree ap BIG Trouble? Street, Apartment 9 (upstairs) FOUR-ROOM apariment, Whitby, | duty wiring, heated. After 4 p.m. phone Whitby 668-8042 PROFESSIONAL | young \ woman to share FINANCE YOUR NEW OR USED CAR ON THE | BANK OF MONTREAL | _| FAMILY FINANCE PLAN | LOW-COST |furnished two-bedroom apartment, cen- tral location near hospital and O'Neil! LIFE-INSURED LOANS | Collegiate Telephone 723-9072 after | $pm FIVE-ROOM apartment for rent. Apply CALL YOUR NEAREST B of M BRANCH TODAY 42 Simcoe Nor WANT YOUNG WOMAN under in Oshawa, Whitby Bowmanville 25 to per-| phone share an apartment in Whitby, Nic sonality share = expenses. Tel | 668-8370 THREE-ROOM apartment with garage {Children welcome Apply 30 Harmony | Road North after 4pm. ltwo - bedroom apartment in new ment building, stove and refrigi | |Available June 1. Apply between nd | § p.m, 822 Glen Street, Apt. 303. | WHITBY --"Gne and two-vedroom apart jments, new building, all modern conven: |lences, Telephone Whitby 668-8560, |MODERN apartments liable, | }two and three-bedroom suites, Retviont | tors and stoves. swimming pool, 728-3445, NEW two bedroom apartment, elecically heated, stove, frig and drapes. Located at 577 Lansdowne Drive, Telephone 725-9886 | ' |ONE-BEDROOM apt,, first floor, jand fridge, available June 15 |monthly, Telephone 668-5480. | FURNISHED apartment for rent |phone 723- 1671, A 'modern apartment, reasonable, | jin apartment building, Alax 942-0130. 27--Rooms for Rent "ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home | Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD N. 728-867 | BEAUTIFUL | ACCOMMODATION | For retired elderly Ladies and Gentlemen: Also convalescents Tray service if desired COBOURG 372-9533 PICKERING VILLAGE -- Double rooms, single beds, for rent, kitchen facilities, ample parking. Gentlemen only. Apply 2) |Elizabeth Street or telephone Pickering | 942-1987 NICELY furnished room, General Motors, bus at door, lunches packed if desired. 723-6711 after S. Call 728-1318. jtwo FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, uitable for one or two, also one fur Inished bedroom, Parking. Apply 72 Cadll lac South FURNISHED room, suilable tor gentle. men; semi-private entrance; parking no problem; bathroom on same floor, Tele. phone 725-7273 | RURNISHED housekeeping room for |tleman, very clean and central phone 723-4470. gen j= Tele- FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen Nice.| clean, single or dovble, housekeeping! privileges if desired New home, Must be steadily employed. 6 Sandra Street,| 723-2066. VERY LARGE gentiomen willing to share, shift workers or THE HOME OF -- GOOD USED CARS "Before You Buy give Bill a try" --| BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 1250 DUNDAS EAST, 668-5871 -- 72 MORE CASH Paid for. Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens poid DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723 9421 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ALL CASH stove. $90 Tel Close to" south | breakfast, Telephone } convertible, excellent cond tion, reasonable. Apply 238 Kaiser Cres- cent, Oshawa 1958 MERCEDES BENZ 180 Diesel, four- door sedan, black, 40 miles per gation, Excellent condition. $795, Will take trade, Telephone 723-2573 |1960 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, leondition, $450 or best offer | 728-4329. 1962 MG MIDGET, red with red interior, |good condition. No reaseneete offer refus- ed Telephone 728-0232, 1958 TO 1958 Golemmra car or van, . good condition. Reasonable price. 725-7759, §.30 > 9.29 3 nir¥ oO + | excellent Telephone ala beds. welcome. | Free parking Motors, $25 month 2915. furnished room fo | iy each. Telephon 235 SINGLE 'kitchen facilities, reliable Pickering ' runs weil, room, gentlemen cash, Telephone 723-1471,