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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 May 1965, p. 27

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yah plas 31----Compact Cars for Sale|37--Auctions DEATHS OBITUARIES : ; bd hac WA TO Setueter, Mey 22, 1% , a7 - en =| Auction Sael | COWAN, Ray &. The pal . angen j | 1 iy ; Z YZ ] j | GREENWOOD RESULTS Entered into rest in the Oshawa General y i; Y Fi, thraston. Allention Mr. Farnr| Of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE | Hospi I Friday, May 3, 1946, Re E-of 1193 Ritson rd. n., occurred My j Z 4% j g FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 Claiming Winner, ® ¢ % by Curry -- En Rapport, motor, die tue bens eed bons come the property of the late (CoM (eve, eather of Pamele Rae Suddenly Friday at the Oshawa! a7 7 j j iy g on ieee (ee ies i Fopled in by Nalches, Pool $57,420, piete with extra sir high stock rack Abraham Wallace will be held of Oshawa, brother of Miss M "}9r'#| General Hospital. He was in his Vy oe Soman Pride, Armetrong 020 4.00,2.8' BIRTH RACE -- Ruree 62,709 Allow Unit just recently arrived from Alberta, the town of PORT PERRY | Cowan, Mrs. Stan Gomme (Margaret) : y , 7-Warm Reception, Hal 6.40 3,70 ances. Three-vear-old Fill i tbat Wee Gnd' in very qbed conation; tne fown Oshawa. Resting at the Armstrong Fu-\4ist year, 4 Y 4G p y 10-Tinkin Ditech Pelee. | Mie De --* Srouet One = owner Telephone (Casimir St.) on SAT., MAY nerai Home, Oshawa, with ore By ty 4 y Z ys f SEF Ye , | Also Ran in Order: Lady Kesha, Snow Victoria Garden, Fitzs's 156240724 verte 29th Refrigerator, "Television ASE waset Lown Cometery Frienas, The deceased was born in Z ; yj y |Water, Crafty Music, Black Killen Peace|1-So War, Walsh 3.00 2.66 1983 FARGO halt-ton, motor, tires,| set, Chesterfield suite (good), {PPrEME Mae to call at the funeral ee ce ae ie 4 ¢ j Lilian, Rockedsr, Latin Levee, Valley otis ole. teeiene a 3.10 \ f $135. hone 722-5045. | | ; ' * ' i Ms by ep 4 y 4 @ Town and Shooting Sherry iso «Ran in Order: ittering Maid sone, Rody fair. 9 | Breakigst suite, 3 Toilet sets 'home before Sunday evening. Donations 3 |Winner, bt, 2% by Roman Might -- and Serene Cathy. Late Scratch ~ My wages aa (complete), Fon back chair, '2 the heart fund will be gratefully ap and Mrs, Robert J, Cowan. In ; ip 4 Me | Wisconsi by Jean Valieas. Kimie 33-----Automobiles Wanted oer ie Gal line of _(ereviated 7h h da, Foo " p iy ' | Pool $22,295. Daily Double Poo! $45,325. QUINELLA -- Victoria Garden- and So a latform' rocker, fu 1947 he married the former | War, PAID $13.60. Winner, bt 3, by CARS WANTED | furniture, set of tools etc vod | HARRISON, Joseph. A. Mary Fialka in Oshawa. je." ipo y 1p pBGON RACH -- Pures, $2,000 Clan: ered St etude tea ae Buyi a New Car? reserve as property is Sold, |g) the $1, Catherines Ontario General y Z ing on ae ee ane Foaied in Pool $23,328. Quinella Pooj $31,434. ying GFF. | Terms cash. Sole ot | p.m. |Hospital on Friday, May 21, 1965, Joseon' § Mr, Cowan had been a resi-| Mgggg ye J Ln y Tisars Round, cuinbertion 16,80°6.6) 4.10 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Claiming Sell your used carto "Ted" | Reg. Johnson, Auctioneer Serene ae' tather of mrs. Frank dent of Oshawa for 38 years. He Wy? 5 16Marathon Runner, Ditiach 5.00 490 three-year-olds. 7 Furlongs (8) Talk "Cosh' 'to the New son, { a. | Royal Stitich, Harrison 15.50|1-Top Musketter, Maxwell 1.80 1.70 2.30 1.50 2.40 Eddolls (Constance), Buffalo, New York; rf it a / , . ; , i | Also Ran in Order: Star Dance, Val-i4Liberated, Leblanc Car Dealer ond 'Save, 38--Caming Events Mrs, Raymond H. Davis (Joan) Oshawajhad been a general foreman for iy leutta, Chie Whitetoot, Wee Annie pan ones Hope, Gordo i in » TED CAMPIN' MOTORS --|in his Tang Yeer. AY Hulse an wr sr 29 years at General Motors of ¢ Uy ' Bordeau Bar, Master Himounl, Jamie! "Ale Ren ie Geddes. Fiddler's Belle ¢ ' es C et, : Z H hy t¢ 5 . 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY Catharines, Service in the Chapel Sunday Canada Lid. y j P A : id oid wile craft, Late Scratch Maviown V.Si, Bully Keane and Nap ad a A j CENTRE afternoon at 2 o'clock. Cremation Hulse ' g ~ Roman Pride (9) Winner, B g, % by Bolero U -- Flaming CONT BYE ARTS Oe bie Wee | sra"engith Chapel 18° Ghureh Set! using the Second World War| All . , and. Jert Round (i), PAID. nghdh (Pay Bele, by Tia Rebel Pol S74 : A p i f Parade). Winner ch {, 4, by Rounders-- Fe B | N G @) | Seaahinn oie he served overseas as an air j |Dawn Hop, by Billings, Pool $42,059. SEVENTH RACE urse $3,000. Al- cars for wrecking. Highest prices pald Al Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on guniier with the Royal Canadien g | THIRD RACE ~ Purse 42.000 Cisimingiand ve? Furor ee Wertwort East, 253181." | MON MAY 24th 75 years, RR 1 Agincourt, formerly of Air Force. Mr. Cowan was a igaiden Two-year-old Fillies Foaled in 7-Langcrest, McComb 1.70 18 130 ANTED: Cars for wrecking, Telephone) nd Lamb's Lane, Bowmanville, Wife of the a tg f anada, 42 Furlongs' (12) \-Top Toggery, Leblanc 50 2.30 7-449, Robert Nichals jate Edmund Meredith; dear mother of member of King Street United " ip ; [ecwest Troile, lave = 40 8 ee SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars| Admission Ticket Gives YOu | Norah (Mrs. Michael Vetzal), RR 1, Agiv-| Church Yi j Z Wi Ming Dynasty, Dittfagh 5.90 3.80 Also Ran in Order: Son Bive, Ky. Quill, ® p Z y "h y |10-Alot Tolike, Hale 3.20'Windkin, Latin Artist and Aged Bust. bought, parts for mle, iron and metals). Free Chance On. Door Prize, | court, dear sister of E. A, Varcos, Osh | | Also Ran in Order: Luxury Dip, Breezy Late Scratch -- Gay Pageant 93 | awa. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chap i 'i to ! " ' bought, 99 Bloor Street East 7262i) | 2--$250 Jackpot Nos, |e! Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on! He was also a member of the ; i Breeze, Arrow Gal, Gold Gem, Dawn 8. Winner, ch G 4 by Nearctic -- Peerless : Monday at 2 p.m, Interment Bowman 'ordi ' i Good, Parish Fashions, Scooter's Blonde, Mary, by Chatlenger 2nd. Pool $44,981. 34---Automobile Repoir 5] 4 58 itt age BER Oshawa Curling Club, [Native Fleur and. Mono. Tye | ori r OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex | Winner, ch f, 2, by Mr, Trouble ~ Bees EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 Claim- Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nicculitia walativna inctiin tite Knees, by Athenian, 164, ing. Fo. r ; Vet pert carburetor and. auto electric service | Surviving re latives include his 4 ees, by Athonign. Poel $44,164 et, gy "Fea olds and up. 1 end ong léth 722 King Street West, 728-0817 oe ae Kindnes beyond Price, yet iwife, a daughter Pamela Rae, FOURTH RACE --. Purse $2,200 Maiden 7-Vedas, Harris £80 400 28 TRANSMISSION specialists, Transmis-| subsp. | Within reach of all, and two sisters, Marjorie, and |Three-year-olds. Foaled in Canada. 7 @-Money More, Walsh 3.10 2.40 r only bush . 0 % Ste »Yy J > p Furiongs (12 6Steve C., Dittiach 2.70 pre liye Sel papell Maa 1-- $150 Jackpot GERROW Mrs. Stanley Gomme (Mar- W0-Spicy. Favor, Harrison 5:70 2.90 2.50, Also Ran. in Order: Biack Coral, Joe voi lisa: HB aadiete'st -- $50 9 tine garet), all of Oshawa. He was ; EBlege Flinger, Robinson 3.10 2.80 the Captain, Artista, Barracho J.J., Rubal Sahacne tan toy toy Se - 1H OO\Khall and My 1 te Scrat 35----Last and Found $50 full cord FUNERAL CHAPEL peer ee efag s, Mes, el fd habi tae we aie ee LOST -- Budgie bird, bi +, black | a : TE Agnes Brown, in , an rs. Roman, Select Edition, Braes Lass, Jet Winner, ch g, 5 by Sun Ruler -- Lambkin, wee, namee' Ringo ven Be ertwel | 20 Games at $20 390 KING STR&ET WEST Phyllis Randell, in 1951. } i |Attack, Chic Visitor, Bevita, Rockator and by Lord Boswell, Peel $65,573, Total Pool Reward, Telephone 725-1420 TELEPHONE 728-6226 : ' Li j Bella Magnifice $460,135, Attendance 6,698 Lost -- Lady's wallet, black with gold) 5 Special Games at $30 The remains are at the Arm-; / markings, containing valuable papers Prince ane ond sired arm on 3 Regulor gomes pay double in LOCKE'S FLORISTS jstrong Funeral Home for the ' ' | Nos. ¢ learvica i . nhanal Wasede | w a " | day afternoon, Reward. Telephone 728-4076 17 Nos, or Less Eunerol arrangements nd eerie in the chapel Tuesday, Z i , MOHAWK RE ULTS 7 é . , erher , a) LOST: Lady's round, gold, Gruen wrist $100.00 Door Prize floral arrangements for all Wesley Herbert will offi-) watch, black cord band, vicinity Oshawa) 7:45 acaasions ciate and interment will be in General Hospital, and Jarvis, Massor Early Bird Gome ot FIRST RACE -- 5\% Furlongs (Pace)| Dr. $ &, McFarland 4.90 5.80 6.00 Street Telephone 725-1536, R 4 ' Mount Lawn Cemetery. 4 th enrol Purse $600 (8) iver Laird, Hot reel area elephone 5 ewar: Admission $1.00 OSHAWA SHOPPING 5 ? j for three-year-olds and up, Purse $4600 (6 Silver Lair jolmes 3 L : Sonny Mac, Motrissey 15.40 460 4.00 Also Started: Spaghetti Boy, Lady's | ' | sn 5s oa ss y 4 4 ' | Frisco Lou, Geisel Jr 3.20 2.50' Pride H, Fastry, Agate, and Jean Third. : 6----Lega Extra Buses | CENTRE FUNERAL OF i i | Nancy Jo, 'Bissonetie 12.2 as . . CRIERIN j 4 4 Also Started: Jincle Bun, Jerry Hat,| SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot) for three RED BARN | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE _LORNE ERLE GRIFFIN yy { fa | Sam Hy U, Cig Baker, and Amos-| year-olds and up. Purse $3,000 (5) 728-6555 The funeral service was held) ¢ 2 |son's Lucille Ardee, Weliw 2.70 2.40 2.30 "@) y , i, * $i rbert, Her CHANGE NORTH OSHAWA recently at the MeDermott- A ; % , ME | SECOND RACH -- 1 Mile (Trot) for! Johnna B. Balmer idl 3 Panabaker Funeral Home, Port i 4 . ; @ \three- and four-year-olds, Purse $1,500 (6) Also Started: Leland Hanover, and Ca- Children under 16 not admitted Perey, for Lorne Erle Gritfin,| yy J " 4 - P | Prince Cupe, Gordon 21.10 6.30 2.60\nadian Intrusion OF NAME ed IN MEMORIAM D ' , i ' Z | Pixie Lee 2nd, Hicks 310 230, QUINELLA, 4 AND 1, PAID $9.60 who died at his Blackstock j g ii 74 | Potomac Lass, Geise! 2.40 | MONDAY ] home in his 66th year. The ser- WEE j Uke Also Started: House of Commons, Becky) SSVENTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace) for A ibbi: 4 th he 5 / IN THE MATTER OF THE CLAUS -- in loving memory of a dearivice was conducted by Rey. C loniy, DOUBLE, 3 AND'), PAID $181,460; Ween", ctiee" ete iry '16 CHANGE OF NAME ACT, | ' 8:00 P.M hos ha, Iha M. Claus, who passed @WaYinuoan of 'Tyrone, and inter- NEW CAREER PLANNED [CONSOLATION DOUBLE, 3 AND 3, Leny Boy, Desiardins 3.0 260 R.5.0. 1960, Fite Stina! ' lid We cannol Lord, Thy purpose see ment was in Cadmus Union; ee hiss Wackeds enn' Binet Lee Gration, NDMER ERE- But all is well that's done by Thee 'a are " 4 . ' " P $i y vt or AMENDMEN Lovingly remembered by May, Henry, | Cemetery Three years after a fall radiologist. His bicepts are General hospital. Here he is FP ah ig ob ae elas, (Oca). ar Gingeriaone RR Se Wich Liner, and Mis ' B | N G 0 Ann eng Sire The pallbearers were: Mur-| Ove" & cliff made him a the only major muscles be- with three of his five chil- | Rough Sketch, Webster 2.70 2.30 220 -- AND IN THE MATTER OF BOOP -- In loving memory of our deariray Byers. Earl Bradburn Wal- quadraplegic and ended his low his neck functioning at dren --eldest daughter | prey Sas ® "anmen 42 be ene ie us pie eo) wt THE APPLICATION OF mother and grandmother ng tie *llace Griffin ' Clem Rahm. Wil- career as a doctor, Nigel will, but in a. wheelchair he Elisa, 644, and sons Jess, Also Started: Teddy Hal, King Grattan, High Patch, Walker 32.3011.10 6.30 PETER STRYCHAL- | St Gertrude's OSes ere a ia ey a liam Tripp and Frederick Grif- Clark of Vancouver is well is able to get around the 4, (front). and Spencer, 5. $, Johnny Ringo, Chiet Hawkeye and) The McNab; Llewaitva 470 439 SK1, FRANCES DOROTHY ' | Her memory will never grow old; fin ' on the way to being a classrooms of Vancouver (CP Photo) | rll Olllen Alan Siarteds' Away 'elds Highland Girl, STRYCHALSK!I, PETER DA- A di ' | He fashioned her smile out of sunshine i ss - " " ae ' -- | FOURTH RACE -- 5'4 Furlongs (Trot)\ Rendezvous Boy, Pierre Herbert, and VID. STRYCHALSK!I PAUL U itorium | ie molded her hear of pure gold The dece .d a i lfor three-year-olds and up, Purse $600 (8) President Lee. THOMAS STRYCHALSKI | WO Reseed @ Name SIRF In FRYE: ve deceased was born neat Island Song, Ingles 6.20 4.40 3.20 | i \ ? . | AND JOHN DOUGLAS STRY 690 King St, East at Farewell | fo Mor Inlet world of sorrow meant tne oe Of She late Me A t In In R | Re i ter | Mendon Brownie, 2 77.0 AS a tanineeala tad' un Pate SA q r Melo tS | ; " nie . | eadow Brownie, Zirnis ree-year-olds yy r ' CHALSKI FOR A CHANGE He chose that dear mother of mine and Mrs, William Griffen, In} u 0 surance uSSla | gis | Also Staried: Lucky La Salle, Thomas, Brother Bob, Feagan 40 4% $9 eae, viii Sadiy missed by daughter, Norma son-iig9t he married the former 1M, Titan Song C, Patsy Peters 4rd, and) Starlite, McRann OF NAME REE | Darn Tooting Armbro. Explorer, McKinley 3.20 Gail and Grant Mary Ethel Stinson = ~ Also Started: Minor Joe, Dr. Me- TAKE NOTICE thot His Hon ADMISSION Mes lila farmed Cart Val d e river ants t . FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (ace) tor Gregor, Ambrose Abbe, Scottish Clan, our Harry E, Richardson has is --FREE- a BODD -- in ioving memory of our dear h ' n farmed in art | nore e Wares vear-oice and up. Purse $800 (8). jand Single Goose : solher and grandmother oht & waaee Hion, Crov 20 9.60 6.30'Total Pool $212,081, 1139, oppointed Thursday, the 24th men aay 6. RARee who passed wright Township until 12 years Jef Dillon, Crowe 24.20 9.60 6.30 Total Pool $212.08 Attendance 4)139. d 3 AD. 1965, at . ' You asked for so iitfle in life, Mom, ago when he moved to Black- F ngn a abe a ait ; | 10.00 B phil in the hogan ay fab: Seo Tore? 8A08 And uttered. more than your share, stock. At the time of his death! By JOHN BEST such @ small part of our busi- ' at his Chambers in the Court | SNOWBALL---$170 in 56 Nos, with We me ite' herds ang he was an employee of the MOSCOW (CP) Py Gar inaur-/ WOM. j . ' ) es GREENWOOD ENTRIES House in the Town of Whit- Plus $10 each horizontal line | _.pravers Tripp Construction Company, (ance? What's that? He explains that Gosstrakh's by, in the County of Ontario, The years we had together, The average Russian car main concern is insuring col- Fe ie : ' ° Will be memories our life through ae. & lar ; potiy, OWS NEW YOR CP)--T ana MONDAY, MAY 24 Furlongs (4) for hearing the application by eadey aug 9 $100 With heartlelt pride we'll remember, | [@ Was a member of Black- gwner. isn't concerned about it,jlective farms--cows, pigs, build- N K ( )- The Cana-| acy MiaeOay: MAY Moon cs2000) \quesm't Birthday, Haprle X106 Peter Strychalski of 334 Pine in 61 Nos, $20 Con | _Being blessed with @ mother like you stock United Church and the state insurance monop-|ings, equipment -- and private|dian Register of Kingston wat cera Three-year-olds. 7 Furlongs (7)|Hempeter, No Boy 122 Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario, to o=Sedly musted D¥ daughters and sane ly..G rakh. doesn't see properties, More than 30,000,000/honored Thursday as the best|Se94 Sea, Leblanc \22 Lomariel No Sey ' , ' in-law, Lola and Owen, Josephine and) § alative Jude Oly, Gosstrakh, doesn't seem to ed honorec ursday as the best\crying Jerry, Harris X12 Sassy Sarah, Robinson 11 change his mame to Peter | SHARE THE WEALTH Clarence, grandsons Nelson and Gordie Surviving relatives include S dal i sa ' care either, | Soviet citizens have their homes! gmat) Roman Catholic yspa-|Petene, Fitzsimmons 117 Forever Pliot, Walsh 116 dele Shee ony fo chines Mie Good Parking DODD -- In | of our dearifred Garrar ~ As a seller of private auto) sured with Gosstrakh an Catholic newspaper vce: No Boy 118 Market Bld, No Boy 111 wife's name from Frances manne ng ' tacig romges wf gue tenrltved Garrard (Jenn), of Hay-| AS ® seller of private ai wit eas th per in Canada or the United! Bodwenni, Parker X107 (oulheLLA ws ' Dorothy Strychalski to Frances Extra Bus Service who passed away May 23, 1989. don, and three grandchildren.|insurance, Gosstrakh is like a all appearances, the O'Ken, Maxwell 115 AGERING) Dorothy Storr and his sons Looking back with memories Four sisters-also survive: Mrs.| reluctant door - to - door sal in-law Howerd, grandeniidren Lee Anne, his wife, a daughter, Mrs es.|idea of insurance means notb- States, me fee Corre ae ion Te vaaiole OE. OC bunees No Children, Please | Upon the path you trod, : r 1 . Two i 4 , 1" ing to the average automobile) The Canadian Register, a) seconp RACE -- Purse $2,600 Allow ence. Twovenrald Gilles. 4V4 Furlong names from Peter David Stry- We bless the hours we had with you | Walter Rahm (Loverne), of Ty-|man, It simply goes through the : chalski, Paul Thomas Stry- -- - ~| And leave the rest to God rone; Mrs. George Bradley motions owner, He's free to take it orjweekly, received the 1965 Gen-|2nces. Three-vear-olds, 7 Furiongs (6) | Rickey's Rita, Fitzsimmons 114 chalski and John Douglas Sadly missed by son Orval, daughter) (Riva) of Callander; Mrs. Jack ; Che s, No Boy A106 |Holy Hannah, Robinson 114 leave it. Most prefer to leave it.leral Excellence Award 'of the|Man-talk, No Boy 122 Royat Regatia, No Boy 114 In-law Jackle and grandchildren, Ho wmany car owners are)... ; { : : slate John's Whirl, Walsh 111 Hinemoa, Harris 109 Strychalski: to Peter David B | N G @} Herod (Doris), of Weston; and insured by Gosstrakh? Suppose you take out insur-\Catholic Press Association of|countess Tana, No Boy Al06 Here's Lady Sua, Harrison 119 Storr, Paul Thomas Starr and DODD -- in loving memory of our dear/Mrs, Gordon Whittaker (Mare) «ays Kedah tig.| enee and nothing happens to/Canada and the United States|Re, Purse, No Boy 11) Sandy's Toughie, OlNitech 119 John Douglos Sterr, mother and grandmother, Mrs. A. Hlion) of Hamilton We're not interested in fig-)your car?" a Russian might! Marie's Bid, No Boy 106 Dodd, who passed away May 23, 1959 a UB nos ; 2 ep | eas | : ony : 'ifor newspapers with a circula-|Top Victory. Harris X106 | SEVENTH RACE -~ Purse $10,000 added ORANGE TEMPLE The depth of sorrow we cannot tell, a: ures," says Nikolai Gladkovy, |say. Then the money is). a ' Ula) or Wyn, McComb. V1) Swyntord Stakes" Four-year-olds and MACKEY & BAILEY, 'Of the loss of ane we loved so well Three brothers also survive:;the deputy director at Goss-| wasted." tion of 15,000 or less. A-H. A. Grant and L, Maloney entry |UP. Onne Mile (13) ; | Dr, Giddi Gord I Grant, daught " oy > . rathor . 5 sn ie oth r ings, Gordon A123 Barristers & Solicitors, SATURDAY, MAY 22nd uae iaina areanentidren nisanee ver Russell, of Enniskillen; Mel-|trakh's rather dingy headquar- Representing the paper at the) tuimp Race -- Purse $2,100 ($4000) Ouz0, Dittfach 119 V4 | d Laurie ville, of Blackstock; and John,'ters just down the street from CAN GO TO COURT awards ai & Claiming Four-year-olds and up, 7 Fur-|President Jim, Gomeg 8116 36% King Street East, 7:30 P.M Duce of Lindsay the Kremlin. "Car Insurance is| Gladkov was asked what hap- awards dinner, held at thejiongs ( Cole Date, No Boy 119 ; | OSHAWA, Ontario. D> -- In| 1 . j san; World Congress of the Catholic! Briefsin, Maxwell All4 |Uncle Blue, Robinson 'C116 20 Games -- $8 wia wale "who passed" awey Mey 3, |pens when an uninsured person |Woodcote Park, No Boy 113 Sub Commander, Harrisnn 119 }causes an accident resulting in/Press, was the editor-in-chief,| Roman Dipper, Parker X11] Belfort, Tingley 119 1959 | Share the Wealth | 'have lost my soul's companion, -- | PRINTED PATTERNS damage to another car as well/Rt, Rev, J. G. Hanley. Prilynn. Ne Boy 11) Wall To, Do, Ne Roy 119 | A life linked with my own, | las his own | [erate Maenees ote | pene a And day by day | miss her more | s ' ' | Lawrence Cardinal Sheha Mad Charge, Inovve 116 v, a TEN DER SALE 4 $40 Jackpots to go As | walk through life alone "So--he pays." 1, | Glenspeed, Armairong. ttt Runadir, No Boy Allé } } | ohbi }Damen, Maxwell A! {Royal Piper, Potts 116 1 -- $150 Jackpot to. go |--Ssdly missed by husband, Arthur, ; And if he can't pay? jArchbishop of Baltimore, told)>amyr, ee eee regor and B. Kr-iLebon ML, Fitzsimmons 119 « . san the awards dinner that there/er entry |A-Willow Downs Farm entry } ! The aggrieved party so : |b-Gardiner Farma and Golden West Fan until 12:00 o'clock noon June : mattwr, Jeasle ©. Oodd, who paryed away apply to the court, to have the/nas been a. great improvement! gourtH race - Purse $2,400 Atiow-/CTY nang, : 7th, 1965 for one only 5 Ton | Pee ua lace wa naver ieee damages collected in instal-jin recent years in the profes: |ances Three-year-olds, (Divn, of and) 7)" > Beasley entry 1951 Chevrolet truck with | B | N G @) For always they will be ments, ' si ity . tamonas (7) EIGHTH RACE -- Purse § F '4 ' , |Sional quality of the t »\Jolly Oille, Walsh 111 'yrag $2,100 ($3,000) line construction. body and | Loved: remembered, treasured; Suppose & person's car is)) ot. By > ! th , Catholic) a A re ea Claiming Four-year-olds and up. One winch, May be seen at 310 | KINSMEN CENTRE Sadly missed by son Gordon, daughter damaged by a state-owned bus pI S$ in the United States and Crise Guares. Maeria iti) Big Boots, Fitzsimmons 114 Mary Street East, Whitby | EmAY 7.45 in-law, Betty | or truck, neither of which is|Canada, Inova Bet' Whi ae {Bronze Turkey, Parsons X10? Highest or any tender not | ' insurable under the Soviet sys-| Distix, Fitzsimmons 122 {Rovel Sennen Sere at m tn lovin aT bs ie ILC is" a ' Persian Tune, dDith ' necessarily accepted | Early Bird Game Aas Geethere Jenn Hele, {Pa Bt : tem since it would mean e | Weta so welt ga ri jue) ming: Legends 'Ne Boy U1? Bonnie Flare, Watnett be ~ R ¢ away May 23, 196 . m veico he gradua Pay Parade, No Boy 117 THE PUBLIC FREE ADMISSION Ge torte: we bonnes teil vo State paying money to gg nan oe cua FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 Allow:|Village Squire, No Boy 114, UTILITY COMMISSION $1,250 in Prizes Of the loss of one We loved to well b . state papers that)ances. Three-year-olds (Givn of 2nd) 7|X-5 lbs AAC. Post Time & p.m, ) Jackpots 56 and 57 And while she sleeps in peaceful sleep, +h ' m. €4 "According to civil law any|feel they have done their duty woe -------- - Mer shall 1 k y q ' , av ai FR YA, OF THE Children under 16 not allowed eae nee a niebene bik ; ' citizen can apply to the trans-|When they have alerted parish ; i } | eed . age ° . . Saaalet 7:30 bus trom aaiebns Lorne Cra: Bat , : ' | port enterprise itself, or to the)9ners to all upcoming bingo P ] { P St ] St TOWN OF WHITBY Fee een : ' eS court, for satisfaction," said/sames and commented admir-| ro l 1C igeons, ar Ings Ir R. Cowker, Piha silo cal seeaatatners * karsiint ' ' Gladkov jingly on the learning and sane-| 4 > eS , " 8 ® Chairman." RUMMAGE SALE __ |kucherik who passed away May 22, 1947,| A, wr \ Obviously the only ones living|tty of the clergy Fla In Civic Health Fields H. C. Simpson, 40 BM when evening shades are falling, j 4 " i" $ here who worry much about in-| In their written comments on ' Sect"y & Gen. Manager WED A And We Sit Jn Gilet Sion | foreigners. They|the Canad R I MAY 26th To. our hearts there comes a longing,| : surance are foreigners. e} e nadian egister, the 16 By RON HOW ' : Beate ean AM cali ney . ; i tan 4 i i WARD birds, the latest a spongy plas- 37--Auctions St. Georae's Analic if he only Could come home, insure their foreign-made vehi-|judges said ; ' ! pongy plas of, can Friends may think h forgotten Be #4 d ' pa snlitin eee i : ch rch aie Shae a) tise 'hor sie va uate | eee. ' ' cles with Ingosstrakh, the for-| 'This newspaper was consid LONDON (CP) Prolific pigs ages a ae u But they litfle know the heartache os MR eign insurance department, and/ered outstanding in its writing eons and starlings, now esti-/strips along known roosting 8 PARISH HAL | Qur smiles hide all the while : : Ba ; : | ate se 9 ar i ESTATE cans hy p Dri a ) Ever verrembered and sacly missed. by : j p pay the premium in dollars. coverage and distinctive layout mated to number about 25,000,- areas and designed to upset the S son Bill, daughter-in-law Ellen; and "ie 5 De This is so they will be ablejand desi settee "000 in Britain, are'causing bitd's equilibrium, AUCTION SALE Vth bff Gaile Parent -- grandchildren : hi to collect in dollars, in the event! pages &n throughout its! more than an idle flap among, The resilient strip gives the ommittee | Ss. SATURDAY wecir Re AY gd | Rh) of a claim, since spare parts) cop. poco yg, elvic and health officials, bird an insecure landing, caus- 2 ' EVERLAST NG : : } ; i have te be brought in from out Bh ns Wspaper invited read-| Not only do the noisy flacks|ing it to panic and take off im- May 29th, 1965. 2 om TRAIL RIDING MEMORIALIZATION yi ; , side the Soviet Union and paid pede Its V ariety of content and lof birds leave tons of droppings|mediately--with luck never to at 76 Elgin St. E., Oshawa DAY - s almost possible with the ' : : y ' for in hard currency. judicious presentation of fea-jon public buildings each year,'return. & EVENING ; at pos : ' n hard ¢ ) tures and illustr | i Adult end Childien's MATTHEW BRONZE MARKER yi a | it costs a foreigner much! tg a us + page and im-/but they also are said by some} However, the best that can be 1 Jacques and Haye d RIDING INSTRUCTIONS that we supply and instal . ' mH AS ;more to insure than it does a en r its tee e pages. Its/health officers to pose a threatisaid for the plastic, which re- Chair ' Biedse call ' : , | Russian, Pp se on and color in its addedjto human safe'y if left to breed/mains effective for about two 1 Victorion Slipper Cho LITTLE BUCKAROO MOUNT. LAWN : wa, x | To insure a new car for col ea --o i hong especially| unchecked years, is that it only manages 4 Victorian Side Chav For R : MEMORIAL PARK ae ' \ lision, liability and fire costs a} y Me judges | Although the health ministry|to move the flocks from one te Recah Gout or Reservation, 725-2737 723-2633 af |Russian 72 rubles, the equiva-| says tests show little chance of building to the next, ; we ee ; , re * : lent of $8640 Canadian, s a major epidemic of ornithosis ,,. RUMMAGE SALE #1 ORC. Ginb Sires ; ae ee ents fire a major epidemic of ornithosis! peopLE SLEEPLESS TOO i Bining Suite vesday, May 25, 1.30 p.m. Caledonia For collision, liability, fir era aps a disease similar to bronchi M ieichen dines : Pipe Band Ladies' Auxiliary i CARD OF THANKS! aod theft insurance--theft 'cov tis, carried by pigeons--several) In Glasgow where the sub- t | Badrormn fy ering pilferage of small parts; biologists have argued that un-|Stance has been used exten- vitur a hd i pate m pe 3 Wall Decorations 39 -- Notices aro RE Re t of the car--it costs a forcigner| Divorce Laws less precautions ate taken the sively to clear rooftops, the wily cere thanks .to relatives, neighbors and the equivalent of $205 Canadian,' birds will continue to multiply Starlings have taken to roosting friends for their acts of kindness, floral based on an insured value of Aes A Rah ae rapidly on wires and cables. The city HONEY HOLL W trievles ane Gaprensions cf aympatty SIZES 8-18 sa see TORONTO (CP) -- A Liberal : oS is exparineding '@ik track during our recent bereavement in the lass resolution asking for major Many devices have been de-)" © i , : lveloped to kill or scare the|Patrolling the streets at night Sealed tenders addressed to the Chairmon will be received Children Under 16 Not Admitted | 9080 - In loving memory of our dear dor Rogers 1847 four beloved hushand and father. Spe The off-hand attitude toward!) desert spoons ial thanks also to the Oshawa Ambulance insurance is probably related to changes in Canada's divorce with compressed - air guns to WwW R s 9 Sour nv for their efficient rvi the Rev L, A laws w : | 2 s r Salli me oe RESTAURANT Frank Swackhammer and. the Armstrong the low place occupied by pri- "etl ieee ee He jkeep the birds agitated. But Miscellaneous Flatwore and i ' Pe ES Al a & » " le vate car ownership in the So-lparts said Brida Mier: AP . citizens "have complained of Community. Plote : NEWCAST E y ate Gerald Barrow be Schrader viet scheme af thiacs. | ba! said Friday, 1g 00 sleepless nights. 1 'Biemond Rit L GORR he far ate Mr Most vehicles produced are The premier said in an inter- The roof of the national gal- tet as voces sr ep fo ak ee lh PRINTED PATTERN trucks or buses, Cars are ex-|view the debate will sive al ery in 'Trafalgar Square, where plus other pearl anc : who baked and. ail who phoned or. in |pensive, even the tiny Zapro-;Members a "chance to speak L k each day Londoners and tour- jewellery Opening May 26 quired during the funeral and accident. | zhets costing $3,000. The family|their mind on this important oan ay lists come to feed thousands of Many other terns oF aaa a FOR HOT OR COOL DAYS cars, Maskvich and Volga, sell subject.' But the government! pigeons, had 50 tons of drop- ee a UNDER NEW GORR The tart ate My for $3,840 and $5,880 respec- had not decided yet whether! 4 ¢160,500 loan to help finance pings removed by workmen two Q thy gu FD oa co - wo It's just-rightness for sum- Send ONE DOLLAR for tively, though -a foreigner can|the resolution would be allowed » city public school has been|years ago. Plastic stripping ap- ioneer MANAGEMENT words of comfort, concern and kindnesses mer, for town or country puts/Printed Pattern A990 to The get one for a third of the cost to come to a vote, approved by the Municipal De- plied then has proved success- snown during the tunerai and accident./this costume by Abe Schrader|Qshawa 'Times, Pattern De-|With outside currency. The} The resolution was intro-\velopment and Loan Board injful and other tenants around Estate of a a rl, ard ar Serrlat the top of the list for youlpartment, c-o 60 Front street|!arger of the two, the Volga, is duced three months ago by| Ottawa the square, including Canada Ora Lizzie Caldwell i aa aay who sew. If you want to sew-|w., Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario/about the size of a North Amer-| Harry Worton (1, -- Wellington) 'The school, on the: east side of House, have followed suit i I C ld B R lightly, go-lightly this summer.jresidents add 3c. sales tax,/!¢an compact South), The premier, as house|Grandview south above Olive) Lethal devices employing m t ou e UN your cup of tea. The dress has| Please print plainly YOUR Private ownership of some-jleader, decides what Oppositionjayenue, is under constructionidrugged food and poison gas only two main pattern parts,;NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE thing as bourgeois as a car has resalutions will be called for de-|and is expected to be open injare also available. But even You On Egg Foo Yong yet it glides beautifully down;|NUMBER and SIZE been regarded with suspicion bate and whether a vote will be! September jwhen sanctioned by the Royal the body thanks to long darts! Send for the Premiere Edi-jif not opprobrium by Commu jtaken, Many die wtihout being) Total cost of the 10-classroom Society for the Prevention of PEKING (Reuters) Record in front and princess shaping injttion of our Couture Pattern) nist purists. idiscussed school is an estimated $270,000.) " alty to Animals: the ; quantities of fresh eggs are onjback. Choose airy cottons, linen,|collectian -- 57 of the world's; Nikita Khrushchev, when he|. Some Progressive Conserva-/The 20-year loan is at 54 per Crue ty to Animals, the public BIRTHS ale in China's cities following shantung or naked wool for!most beautiful designer origin-|was premier, insisted on hold-jtive backbenchers have already/cent interest outcry makes 'the extermina- a mild winter and a big in-lthe costume in solid color orals plus 50c. FREE COUPON|ing down auto production be-jindicated privately they support) Under the federal - municipal/ter's job appear criminal, ' Pe .jerease in poultry farming, say vibrant paisley print to apply to any One Dollaricause he maintained it was/the resolution, loan scheme projects finished) «y's se," says a spokes- Wa nt-Ads Don t obese ng oi arorde es food marketing officials here Printed Pattern A990 is avail: etter Send 50c. right now! more fitting that people ride on} Bev Lewis (PC - Toronto) before March 31, 1986 will bene AVA DO USG, -SRYS epekes th he first 24 months of this able in Misses' Sizes.8, 10, 12 fer Couture Collection 10 buses in a Soviet society. U'sjtumber) said in an interview/fit from a "25 per cent forgive- UARANTY TRUST co. Times Classified Section, Die OF CANADA now and @ friendly ad-writer will help and Thomas M. Ru Administrators a wish to announce man for a London pest control on, Gary Todd eign > c + ie TI * Pe m year, egg sales were twice as 14, 1, 18 Size 16 dress re Next 'Week Watch for a estimated that ia all Moscow,/that he generally supports the ness' clause ompany, "the birds are pre- OS ey ay "nites May 2}, 1965 of Oshawa Genjhigh as in the same period last quires 25s yards 39-inch; jack-/Prominent Designer Pattern by with 7,000,000 people, there are|resolution and may even pro- This means 29 per cent af the sumed innocent until proven ef _ e 7 " @rai Hospitel, A brother tor Lori, 'year. jet requires 24 yards. iGothe, jonly 100,000 private cars, jpose an amendment. 'Joan does not have to be repaid. iguilty,

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